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Corporate Safety, Health and Environment

Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)

thyssenkrupp Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

Hazard ldentification & Risk Assessment

Standard Control

Name Designation Signature

Prepared by Mr. Kunal Palshikar Senior Manager- 0SHE

Reviewed By Mr. Sudhir Dalvi HOD OSHE- Mfg.

Director, Human Resources, OSHE &

Approved by Ms. Shillpa S Chabria Admin

Issued By Mr. Vivek Ghatge Corporate Head - 0SHE

Document Number Revision Number Revision Date

tkl/OSHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01 01/03/2023

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together

Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification & Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/OSHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

Prepare &Compiled by Following Team Members:

Sr.No. Name Designation Department
1 Mandar Karve HOD- Mfg. Machine Shop
2 Parvez Shaikh Sr. Manager Paint Shop
Nandkishor Thitame Sr.Executive Machine Shop
4 Nikhil Virkud Sr.Executive Machine Shop
5 Dinesh Wani Manager PPP
6 Priyanka Bhandare OSHE Engineer OSHE

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together

Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification & Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01


S. No.
Description Page
1 Introduction 4
Purpose 4
3 Scope 4
References 5
5 Responsibilities
6 Definitions 6
7 Procedure
7.1Steps To Conduct Risk Assessment: 8
7.2. Hazards And Risks 10
7.3. Guidelines For HIRA 10
7.4 Hazard Identification 11
7.5 Control Selection / Recommendation 11
7.6 Hierarchy Of Controls 11
7.7 Review And Improve 11
Training 11
Management Systems 12
9.1 Management Of Records: 12
9.2 Audit Requirements: 12
9.3 Standard Renewal Process 12
9.4 Standard Deviation Process 12
9.5 Training And Communications Requirements 12
A.1 List Of OHS Hazards 13
A-2 Risk Matrix 14
A-3 Risk Level Score 16
A-4 Prioity &Actions 16

Annexure Format F-01- List Of Activities 17

Format F-02- HIRA Format 17

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/OSHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

1. Introduction:

Risks involved in the jobs and tasks are not generally wellestablished and therefore a set of standardsas well
as procedures are required to analytically assess the risks involved in any type of jobs and tasks.This helps in
executing jobs at the acceptable level of risk. Hazard ldentification and Risk Assessment(HIRA) 0s a collective
tool that incorporates al activities involved in identifying hazards and evaluating risk at al tkllmanufacturing
as well as Construction &0&M sites. This is to make certain that risks to employees, to the public, or to
the environment are consistently controlled within the organization's risk tolerance capacity. This assessment
typically addresses four main risk questions to a level of detail proportionate. The main four risk questions are:
Hazard What can go wrong?
Consequences Howbad could it be?
Likelihood How often might it happen?
Controls Effectiveness of existing controls?

2. Purpose:

The purp0se of this process is to establish the minimum requirements to identify, evaluate and access 0SH
Hazards-risks, methodology for controlling &reducing risks and evaluating opportunities
This standard provides the procedure:
For identification of on-going occupational health and safety (OHS) hazards / risks of organizations
process, activities, products and services.
For Risk assessment to determine the risk management measures.
To establish OHS management systems including OHS objectives and / or operational controls basedon
results of HIRA,
To keep this information up to date.

3. Scope:

This procedure applies to all the activities within the scope of the OHSE Management System at tkll
Manufacturing, Construction & 0&M sites.

for tkllInternal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/OSHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

4. References:

4.1tkll IMS Policy

4.2 tkll Global Procedure Ol-BU-CEM-01299-V01-EN
4.3 Other References:
ISO45001-2018, Clause 6.1.2
Al Relevant Indian Acts
AllRelevant Indian Standards

5. Responsibilities:

Accountability Head of Departnent (HOD) has the responsibility to implement this standard.
HOD will ensure that the personnel involved in activities for risk assessment are familiar with
and comply with the mandatory requirements of this standard
Responsibility Line managers, Supervisors &Operators must take the decision based on HIRA to stop the
work / ask for advice, in case of significant risk or missing competences in the HIRA
Support Manufacturing head/ Regional Construction Manager/ Project Manager will provide necessary
Support in terms of providing adequate resources, decisions, budget
Informed Training need identified out of administrative control shall be communicated to training dept.
for organizing training.
Employees performing the activity/associated with the activity shall be informed about the
hazards involved &control measures in place.
Consulted For implementation of hierarchy of controls, OSHE team shall be consulted for getting the
subject matter expert opinion &applicability of statues.

for tkll Internal Use Only
engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

6. Definitions:

Hazard - Acondition, Source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or illhealth or a
combination of these.

Hazard identification -Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics
Risk- Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury
or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure.

Incident - An unintended / unplanned or an unusual event or a series of events and circumstances that resulted
in or had the potential that could result in, an adverse or undesirable safety, health, fire and environmental
consequence. Undesirable consequences related to SHE incidents include, but are not limited to the Following:
Injuries and Occupational illnesses
Process Safety
Environmental Release
Property damage

l health - ldentifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a workactivity
and/or work-related situation

Risk assessment - Process of evaluating the risk arising from a hazard, taking into acCount the
adequacy of any
existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk is acceptable.
Workplace - Any physical location in which work related activities are performed under the control of the
Note When giving consideration to what constitutes a workplace, the organization should take into
OH&S effects on personnel who are, for example, travelling or transit (e.g. driving, flying, on
account the
working at the premises of a client or customer, or working at home. boats or trains),

Occupational health and safety (OH&S) -Conditions and factors that affect, or could affect, the healthand safety of
employees or other workers (including temporary workers and contractor personnel), visitors,or any other person
in the workplace.

RR- While assessing the risk, the RR (Risk Rating) will be the multiplication of Probability (L) and
Risk Rating = Probability XSeverity Severity (S)

Over-ridingCriteria - All OHS Risk, irrespective of the application of the quantitative criteria is also
evaluated for
for tkll Internal Use Only
engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard Identification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

application of relevant qualitative criteria which include:

Legislative Concern (LC) -Any OHS hazards or risks covered by existing and applicable EHS legislation and other
notifications issued from time to time.

Emergency (E) - Anemergency situation is defined as "an unplanned event that may adversely impactor threaten
life, health or property on a large scale at one or more locations within the Factory or Officepremises and control of
the incident would require specialists and external supports".

Routine (R) -Activities those are the part of day to day process are termed as Routine 'R
Note -Day to day or frequent activities which are perform by our regular workforce and being executedas per plan
or schedule. Also such activities must have SOP or SMP or WIS.

Non-Routine (NR) - Activities those are once in a while or as on when requirement arises are to be termed as Non
Routine 'NR'
Note - Where a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) or Standard Maintenance Procedure (SMP) or WIS is not
available or the conditions of the SOP or SMP or WIS have changed is considered as Non Routine.

Severity- The level of consequence / harm of an event that could occur due to exposure to the hazardpresent.
Likelihood- Probability of an occurrence of ahazardous event

Significant Risk - Risk that cannot be accepted by the organization whatever the level of benefit gained from the activity
due to presence of hazard involve.

Non-Significant Risk - Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the organization having regard to its
legal obligations and its own.

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/OSHE/HIRA/BSC2.01

7. Procedure

Shop In-charge / HOD/ RCM shall ensure that hazard identification &risk assessment of all processes, activities &
sub activities are carried out. Shop In-charge/ RCM shall form ateam to carryout HIRAstudy.

7.1 Steps to conduct Risk Assessment:

a). The team shall select process for HIRA. The team shall list down all the activities in format (F-01) List of
Activities. The team shall list down all the activities/sub activities one below other in rows in (F02) HIRA format.
Each activityshallbe selected and analyzed column wise.
b). First list out type of OHS hazard as per table give in A-1 List of OHS Hazard. Team shall describe the hazard
associated with this activity by using table A-1.

c). On the basis of Type of OHS Hazard, team/shop in-charge/Area in-charge shall give detail description about
OHS hazard. Shop In-charge/ Area in-charge shallidentify the- impact of risk, and mention it in Injury / |lIl health
category depending upon its type.
d). ldentify the Hazard condition occurrence whether normal (N), abnormal (AB) e.g. N- noise while grinding, AB -
breaking of grinding wheel.
e). Consider if overriding criteria i.e. legal concern is applicable with regulation number
f). Complete risk assessment considering existing controls e.g. Engineering controls like guards, limit switches /
Administrative controls like safety signage's, available SOP, &use of PPE's.
Please note,whenever administrative control is given as SOP, line manager should be able to provide available SOP.
g). ldentify the Severity of incidence (S) &probability of occurrence (P) - Refer Risk Matrix table (A-2)
h). After receiving Risk Rating score, please refer Risk Level Score (A-3) to decide whether the risk is significant or
i). If the risk is significant,then consideration should be given to provide additional OSH controls until the risk rating
would be non-significant. Based on Risk Priority Number the team in consultation with factory head shall take
required Risk Control Measures.
). Priority and actions are determined and taken with respect to risk level as per the guidelines given below. Consider
table (A-4).

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together

Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard Identification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

7.2. Hazards and Risks:

The basic principle of Safety mandates that hazards at workplace are kept to the minimum &the risk tothe
employees exposed is negligible or at acceptable level. In order to ensure that employees are given
a Risk free environment, safe system of procedures / work-practice is to be adopted & tools and equipment
need to satisfy these safe conditions for working. It is, therefore, absolutely essential to have procedures for,
ldentification of Occupational health and safety hazards / risks of allactivities during manufacturing and
other services including management of change.
Undertaking risk assessment to determine the level of risk
Establishing control measures to ensure that the risks are under the acceptable level before undertaking
the activity.

Hazard ldentification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) is a structured system under IS045001-2018 &BSC Element
2.01 that has been well estabished and practiced over the years. HIRA includes all risks to all aspects of any work
and would consider the exposure, severity andprobability in terms of quantifiable numbers.
formal HIRA, as per tkll procedure is required for,

All activities (R &NR) shallbe carried out prior to finalizing any Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and
Standard Maintenance Procedure (SMP)
When an existing job has been changed significantly
When there is a change in specific Regulatory or SHE Standards
When there are changes in Technology, modification, alteration and installation
After an incident or injury has occurred. - After the incident it willbe reviewed
7.3. Guidelines for HIRA:

The organization shallestablish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for the ongoing hazard identification, risk
assessment, and determination of necessary controls.
The procedure(s) for hazard identification and risk assessment shall take into account:
a) Routine and non-routine activities;
b) Activities of all persons having access to the workplace (including contractors and visitors);
c) Human behaviour, capabilities and other human factors:
d) ldentified hazards origjinating outside the workplace capable of adversely affecting the health andsafety of
persons under the control of the organization within the wokplace:
e) Hazards created in the vicinity of the workplace by work-related activities under the control of the
f) Infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplace, whether provided by the organizationor others;
9) Changes or proposed changes (Temporary or Emergency) in the organization, its activities, ormaterials;
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Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

h) Modifications to the OH&S management system, including temporary changes,and their impactson
operations, processes, andactivities;
i) Any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and implementation of necessarycontrols.
The design of work areas, processes,installations, machinery/equipment, operating proceduresand work
organization,including their adaptation to human capabilities.
7.4 Hazard ldentification:

Examine hazard, incident and injury reports received.

Review records of worksite inspection.
Review minutes of safety committee meeting
Spot hazards by: SOT (Safety Observation Tour, GEMBA Walk)
Consultation with employees
Visiting the similar industry practices
Checking manufactures instructions
Inputs from CFSA (Call Far Safe Action)
7.5 Control Selection / Recommendation:

Team members need to make sure that the risks are reduced so far as is reasonably practicable', and ask what
more can be done to control the risk. When identifying controls, managers need to remember:
The more effective the control measures, the more lasting the effect of control.
At times, it may be necessary to implement more than one type of control to effectively manage the risk.
Sometimes a control cannot be actioned straight away due to costs / resources. There may be a need to
implement immediate /short term and medium term controls until effective long term solution is
Controls should be selected in response to the level of risk posed by the hazards and the practicability of
the control.
The hierarchy of controls is a useful tool. This toolshould be used when identifying controls. The controloptions at
the top of the hierarchy are most effective; they do not require further management once theyare implemented. The
further down the hierarchy of controls, the more ongoing management and effort is required in maintaining control
over the hazard.

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow.together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification & Risk Assessment (HIRA)
thyssenkrupp Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

Hierarchy of controls
Level of Controls FewExamples
1st Priority Elimination Elimination of Activity, process /dangerousoperation,
Control Reorientation of work place, Machines etc. so as to
eliminate the hazards permanently.
2nd Priority Substitution Alteration / Modification / Replacement of Machine,
Control Tools,Substances etc. so as to minimize / reduce the
3rd Priority Engineering Automation, Robotic Operations, Safety Guards, Limit
Control Control Switches, sensor, interlocking etc.
4th Prioity Administrative Signage, Warnings, SOPs, WIs, Motivational
Control Control Programs, Trainings, Audits, Do's or Don'ts,
Procedures etc.
5th Priority Personal Protective Helmet, Goggles, Mask, Aprons, Ear muffs,plugs,
Control Equipment (PPE) welding shield, safety belts etc.

7.6 Review and Improve

This stage of the OHS risk management process involves, reviewing and improving existing OHs risk contro
systems. Asystematic evaluation and review schedule should be prepared to identify new potential hazards and
also to check how effective existing controls are. This process should prioritize and deal with hazards that are high
risk and have serious consequences.
The HIRA shallbe reviewed at least once in a year or basedon the following that may impact OH& S: -
1. Incident or accident or ill health
2. Amendments to existing statutory regulations or new regulations, if any.
3. Interested parties concerns
4. Audit observations
5. Changes to existing procedures e.g. SOP,SMP or WIS.
6. During MOC (Management of Change )
7. Completion of OHS objectives &programme

for tkll Internal Use Only
engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
thyssenkrupp Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

8. Training:

Various personnel connected with the preparation and use of procedure for risk assessment shall be trained as per
procedure. OSHE dept. shallfacilitate the training and validation and ensure that all relevant employees, including
employees of contractors are covered. Refresher training willbe conduct once in a year.

9. Management Systems
9.1Management of Records:

Sr. Name of Record Format No Owner Retention

No period
1 List of Activity HOD /Area In-charge
F-01/BSC/2.01/HIRA Ongoing
2 HOD/Area In-charge
HIRA Format F-02/BSC/2.01/HIRA Ongoing
9.2 Audit Requirements:

Periodic auditing on Effectiveness of implementation of HIRA standard should be done in once in ayear by OSHE dept.
Line managers/ RCM to maintain list of control measures plan for significant risk and to be reviewed Quarterly.
(Half yearly for EPC)
9.3 Standard Renewal Process

The standard shall be reviewed and revised as necessary and at a minimum, not later than 3 years from the date
of the last revision.

9.4 Standard Deviation Process

Deviations from this standard must be authorized by the Manufacturing Head / Business Unit Head for the relevant
location after consultation with the Corporate OSHE Head.

9.5 Training and Communications Requirements

Various personnelconnected with the preparation and use of procedure for risk assessment shall be trained as
per procedure. OSHE dept. shallfacilitate the training and validation and ensure that all relevant employees,
including employees of contractors are covered. Management at all levels must undergo standard training module
on HIRA.

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
thyssenkrupp Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

A.1 List of OHS Hazards

Sr. No Type of OHS Hazard Description of Hazard

1 Gravity Fall, slip, trip, overturning of machine, trollies
Machinery /Tool Moving parts, sharp edge, breakage or shock loading, flying objects,
inadequate quards on machine, vibration
3 Ergonomic Lifting, carrying, lowering,pulling, pushing, supporting,repetitive body
movement, posture (way of working).
Fire /Explosion Flammable /combustible material, gases, vapours, chemical reaction,
smoke, conductive dust, static electricity, short circuit
5 Electrical Electrical shock, defective plug / sockets/ wires / cables / switches,
exposed conductors, use of inappropriately rated instrument or
improperly protected instruments,
6 Chemical Skin contact, Inhalation, Ingestion, Oxygen deficiency, Toxic gases,
7 Confined Space Asphyxiation,explosion, restricted access
Biological Pathological organisms (legionella, salmonela etc.) Biological fluids,
animal bite / sting, biomedical waste
Pressure Pressure vessels/ plant, compressed air /gas / liquid, vacuum plant
10 Radiation Microwave or radio frequency, ultra violet, or Infra-red, Laser, X-ray,
other ionizing radiation, welding
11 Vehicular Traffic, Mobiles (Cranes, Forklifts, Conveyor, jumbo) overturning or
12 Heat &Temperature Hot surface, Hot liquid, Hot gas, Flame, Deep Liquid vessels, sumps,
welding spatters, cryogenic liquid
13 Environmental Heat or Cold, extreme weather (cold, hot, wind, fog, rain etc.), noise,
vibration, illumination (Low or High),exposure to dust &fumes
14 Natural Calamity Building or structure collapse, earthquake, Fire following earthquake,
flooding or spillage following earthquake, flood / cloud burst cyclone /
Tsunami, Lightening, Storm(dust, Tornado, avalanches)
15 Demographic Stampede, rioting, arson, dacoit, theft, civil unrest, terrorism sabotage
16 Human Factors / Personal Factor, Behavioural, Vision, hearing, Blood pressure,
Behavioural issues Lumbago, epilepsy., joint pain, psychological, imbalances, horseplay

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

A-2 Risk Matrix:

Very Unlikely,
virtually Unlikely (5) Likely (7) Almost Certain (10)
impossible (3)
Occurrence of the
of Personnel are Personnel are Personnel are Event occurrence is
rarely exposed to rarely exposed to frequently exposed quite
potential damage the hazard the hazard but the to the hazard probablev(Events
(P) event occurrence have already
Event Occurrence is quite probable Event ocCurrence is OCcurred more
highly unlikely quite likely frequently)
(not heard of the Personnel are (Events have
date) frequently exposed occurred Vitally impossible is
Severity of the to the hazard but occasionally) avoid/ limit damage
potential damage Damage can be the event Human error is to be
(S) avoided/ limited OCcurrence is Damage can be expected
through reliable hardly likely avoided or limited
technical (Has been heard of under specific
measures but no 0ccurrence circumstances
to date)
Damage can be
avoided to limited
Negligible (1)
No Significant
injury / Minor
injuries, No or 3 5 7 10
Low (2)
Minor injuries
(employee cab
resume their
normal work at the
latest on the
6 10 14
following day); 20
Damage low,
Damage or loss of

for tkll Internal Use Only
engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
thyssenkrupp Document Number: tkl/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

Moderate (4)
Moderate Injuries
(employee cannot
resume their
normal work after
one day) 12 20 28 40
Medium Damage
or Loss of
Major (8)
Multiple Injuries
Life threatening
Loss of limbs or
eyesight 24 40 56 80
Damage High,
Damage or Loss
of Prodution>
Authorities to be
involved/ informed
Death (10)
Damage Very
High, Affects
reputation, 30 50 70 100
Damage or Loss
of Production>
500,000 Impact

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Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HlRA)
thyssenkrupp Document Number: tkil/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01

A-3 Risk Level Score:

Risk Rating Score is attributed with respect to the risk level as indicated in the table below.

Risk Risk Level Description Risk Type

3-6 Minimal Negligible Risk Non-significant
7-20 Low Risk reduction should be checked Non-significant
before starting activity
21-40 Medium Risk Reduction Necessary
41-100 High Risk Reduction urgently needed

A-4 Priority &Actions:

Priority and actions are determined and taken with respect to risk level as per the guide lines given below.
Risk Priority & Action
Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced. Considerable
High resources may have to be allocated to reduce the risk where the risk
involves work in progress, urgent action should be taken.
Medium Efforts should be made to reduce the risk to acceptable risk level by using
hierarchy of controls.
No additional controls are required. Consideration may be given to an
Low effective solution. Monitoring is required to ensure that the controls are
Minimal Noaction is required and no documentary record needs to be kept.

for tkll Internal Use Only engineering. tomorrow. together
Corporate Safety, Health and Environment
Hazard ldentification &Risk Assessment (HIRA)
thyssenkrupp Document Number: tkll/0SHE/HIRA/BSC 2.01


F-01 List of F-02 HIRA Formatxlsx

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