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firing, a pool of molten iron is formed by the thermit, which is very
penetrating and affords a good combustible surface for the oil, which
burns for an additional ten minutes.
It has an advantage over the Mark I dart in that it penetrates, and
over the Mark II bomb in that it is smaller and lighter in weight.

Incendiary Shell

Incendiary shell have been successfully used against aircraft and

to some extent in bombardments of inflammable ground targets.
Anti-aircraft shell are of small caliber and are usually tracer-
incendiary. Such shell are filled with pyrotechnic mixtures which
ignite at the moment of firing, or by time fuse, and are effective
against highly inflammable material. Shell filled with thermit which
explode and scatter the molten iron have been used against aircraft
and ground targets, but with rather poor results. Large shell, which
burst upon impact and scatter units of burning materials, have been
used with some success against ground targets.
Tracer shell contain such mixtures as barium nitrate, magnesium
and shellac, or red lead and magnesium.

Incendiary Bullets

Incendiary bullets are only effective against highly inflammable

material, and are therefore used principally in aerial warfare against
aircraft, either for the purpose of igniting the hydrogen of the gas
bag, or the gasoline. The present tendency is towards the use of the
large size (11 mm.) bullet, because of its greater incendiary action.
The incendiary material is either white phosphorus or a special
incendiary mixture consisting of an oxidizing agent and some
combustible or mixture of combustibles. The white tracer bullet
contains a mixture of barium peroxide and magnesium. A red bullet
contained in addition, strontium nitrate and chloride, or peroxide.

Incendiary Hand Grenade

While the use of incendiary grenades and other small incendiary
devices is limited, such armament is considered very valuable in
trench warfare. They can be used to set fire to inflammable material,
either in offensive or defensive operations.
Phosphorus grenades, while used principally for producing
smoke (see page 302), have considerable value as an incendiary
Thermit grenades are very useful in rendering unserviceable
guns and other metallic equipment which must be abandoned. They
permit aviators to destroy planes which motor troubles oblige to land
in enemy territory. They are also used to ignite inflammable liquids,
thrown into a dugout, or sprayed over an objective by a flame
The Mark I hand grenade was developed for burning enemy
ammunition dumps, for clearing away brush or other material in front
of trenches and for use in dugouts. The standard H.E. grenade body
was half-filled with thermit and half with a celluloid container filled
with a solidified fuel oil. The grenade is fired by the spit of the fuse of
the bouchon firing mechanism. This, through the booster, lights the
thermit igniter, which in turn fires the main charge of thermit. The
resulting molten iron readily penetrates the grenade case, at the
same time igniting the celluloid case and its contents. The oil burns
for about 3.5 minutes. This grenade was never used since it was
considered that an all thermit grenade would be of more value.

Trench Mortar Equipment

Special projectiles were designed for use with the Stokes mortar
and the Livens’ projector. Thermit was used only in Stokes’
projectiles. The Livens’ projectile was filled with inflammable units
(chlorated jute) immersed in a light oil mixture. Thrown from a
projector into the enemy’s trench, it explodes, giving a large flash
and scattering the burning units over an area of forty yards. The
Mark II projectile, designed for general incendiary effect against
readily inflammable material, consists of an altered 8-inch Livens’
gas projectile filled with chlorated jute units impregnated with solid oil
and immersed in a spontaneously inflammable oil. After a short
delay, these units burst into flame and burn vigorously for several
minutes. It is almost impossible to extinguish them without large
quantities of water. Such bombs have only a very limited use, so that
it is questionable if they are really worth while.
Fig. 111.—German 8"
Incendiary Bullet.
Fig. 112.—German Incendiary
Blue Pencil.

German Blue Pencil

A very interesting and curious device was developed by the

Germans in the form of an incendiary pencil. Similar in appearance
to a common blue pencil, sharpened at one end, they are
distinguished only by a small, almost imperceptible, point placed on
the outside 11 mm. from the unsharpened end. They are 175 mm.
long, 11.1 mm. in diameter and weigh 12 to 13 grams. The interior of
the pencil contains a glass bulb, with two compartments filled with
sulfuric acid and a celluloid tube filled with potassium chlorate. The
glass bulb ends in a slender point; when this is broken the acid
comes into contact with the chlorate and causes an explosion. The
two materials are separated by a layer of clay, which causes a
delayed action of about 30 minutes. The operator breaks the point of
bulb, buries the pencil vertically in the inflammable material and then
has half an hour in which to get away, before any possibility of a fire.
He cuts the pencil with a knife 2 cm. from the point, so that if caught
he has the appearance of simply sharpening a pencil.

Flaming Gun

Among the unsuccessful weapons of the late war, the liquid fire
gun or Flammenwerfer, as the German called it, is probably the most
interesting. Its origin, according to a German story, was due to a
mere accident. A certain officer, during peace maneuvers, was
ordered to hold a fort at all cost. During the sham fight, having
employed all the means at his disposal, he finally called out the fire
brigade and directed streams of water upon the attacking force.
Afterwards, during the criticism of the operations in the presence of
the Kaiser, he claimed that he had subjected the attackers to
streams of burning oil. The Kaiser immediately inquired whether
such a thing would be possible, and was assured that it was entirely

Copyright by Kadel and Herbert, N. Y.

Fig. 113.—Liquid Fire Attack.

Long series of experiments were necessary before a satisfactory

combination of oils was produced, which could be projected as a
flame on the enemy, but they were finally successful. Unlike the use
of poison gas, however, the flaming liquid gun did not prove to be a
successful weapon of warfare. True, at first they were rather
successful, but this was before the men learned their real nature. In
the first attack, the Allies were completely surprised and the troops
were routed by the flames. Auld tells of one of the early attacks (July
29, 1915) when, without warning, the front line troops were
enveloped in flames. Where the flames came from could not be
seen. All that the men knew was that they seemed surrounded by
fierce, curling flames, which were accompanied by a loud roaring
noise, and dense clouds of black smoke. Here and there a big blob
of burning oil would fall into a trench or saphead. Shouts and yells
rent the air as individual men, rising up in the trenches or attempting
to move in the open, felt the force of the flames. The only way to
safety appeared to be to the rear. This direction the men that were
left took. For a short space the flames pursued them and the local
retirement became a local rout. After the bombardment which
followed, only one man is known to have returned.
After a study of the pictures of the liquid fire gun in operation, it is
evident that the men could not be blamed for this retirement. One
has only to imagine being faced by a spread of flame similar to that
used for the oil burners under the largest boiler, but with a jet nearly
60 feet in length and capable of being sprayed round as one might
spray water with a fire hose.
Later, when the device was better known it was different, though
even then it was a pretty good test of a man’s nerve. It was found
that the flames could not follow one to the bottom of a trench as the
gas did, and that, if a man crouched to the bottom of his trench, his
head might be very warm for a minute or so but that the danger was
soon past and he then could pick off the man who had so recently
made things uncomfortable for him.
While it is said that Major R., who invented the Flammenwerfer,
enjoyed a great popularity among his men, and is familiarly known
as the Prince of Hades, there is no doubt that this was not shared by
the Allies. Their rule was: “Shoot the man carrying the apparatus
before he gets in his shot, if possible. If this cannot be done, take
cover from the flames and shoot him afterwards.”
The German had several types, which may be grouped into the
small or portable and the large Flammenwerfers.
The portable Flammenwerfer consisted of a sheet steel cylinder
of two compartments, one to hold compressed nitrogen, the other to
hold the oil. The nitrogen furnished the pressure which forces the oil
out through the flexible tube. Air cannot be used, because the
oxygen would form an explosive mixture with the vapors of the oil,
and any heating on compression, or back flash from the flame or
fuse might make things very unpleasant for the operator. A pressure
of about 23 atmospheres is reached when the cylinder is charged.
The nitrogen appeared to be carried on the field in large containers
and the flame projectors actually charged in the trenches.
The oil used in the flame projectors varied from time to time, but
always contained a mixture of light or easily volatile and heavy and
less volatile fractions of petroleum or mineral oil, very carefully
mixed. In some cases even ordinary commercial ether has been
found in the cylinders.

Fig. 114.—Small Flammenwerfer.

The most interesting part about the flame projector is the lighting
device. This is so made that the oil ignites spontaneously the minute
the jet is turned on, and is kept alight by a fiercely burning mixture
which lasts throughout the discharge. This mixture is composed of
barium nitrate, potassium nitrate, metallic magnesium and charcoal,
with some resinous material. The priming consists of black powder
and metallic magnesium.
When the oil rushes out of the jet, it forces up the plunger of a
friction lighter and ignites this core of fiercely burning mixture.
The range of these small projectors is from 14 to 17 meters (17 to
20 yards) but the duration of the flame is rather less than a minute.
In a later pattern, it was designed that one nozzle should be
issued to three reservoirs. After the discharge of one, the jet is
attached to the others in succession. This is called the “Wx”
Flammenwerfer (interchangeable). In this way a squad of three men
could carry 58 pints of inflammable oil. It is a question, though,
whether the third man would live to use his reservoir.
Fig. 115.—Boyd Flame Projector.

The fact that the trenches were often very close together during
the early part of the war, made possible the use of large or stationary
Flammenwerfer. These consisted of a steel reservoir 3⅓ feet in
height and 1⅔ feet in diameter, weighing about 250 pounds, which
could be connected to two steel cylinders, containing nitrogen under
pressure. These carried 180 liters (40 gallons) of liquid and operated
under a pressure of 15 atmospheres. The discharge nozzle was at
the end of a metal tube three feet long, and its orifice was about ⁵/₁₆
of an inch in diameter. The range of this apparatus was from 33 to 40
yards and the duration of the flame from one to two minutes.
Because of the comparatively short range of these guns and the
ease with which they could be destroyed, if located by the enemy,
their use was very limited.
Even with the portable flammenwerfer, the most difficult thing to
do is to get near enough the target to make the shoot effective.
Another serious disadvantage is its very short duration. It is
impossible to charge up again on the spot, and the result is that once
the flame stops, the whole game is finished and the operators are at
the mercy of the enemy.
With these facts in mind it is easy to see how service in the
flaming gun regiments is apparently a form of punishment. Men
convicted of offenses in other regiments were transferred either for a
time or permanently and were forced under threat of death in the
most hazardous enterprises and to carry out the most dangerous
work. Taken all in all the flame thrower was one of the greatest
failures among the many promising devices tried out on a large scale
in the war.

The pharmacology of war gases plays such an important part in chemical warfare that
a brief discussion may well be given of the methods used in the testing of gases for
toxicity and other pharmacological properties.
War gases may be divided into two groups: persistent and non-persistent, each of
which may include several classes:
I. Lethal
II. Lachrymatory
III. Sternutatory
IV. Special
Each class necessitates special tests in order to determine whether or not it is suitable
for further development.

One of the first points which must be carefully determined in investigating a substance
is its toxicity. It is important that this be determined for numerous reasons:
1. To determine what concentrations are dangerous in the field.
2. To ascertain how effective protective devices have to be to furnish sufficient
protection against the gas.
3. To furnish a basis for accurate experimental work on the treatment of gassed cases.
4. To decide whether or not the material is worthy of further development in the
laboratory or in the plant.
These considerations necessitate the determination of the toxicity in the form of a
vapor and not by the ordinary method of administration by mouth, through the skin
(subcutaneously) or through the blood (intravenously). The simplest method of
determining the toxicity of a substance as a vapor would be to place animals in a gas-tight
box and introduce a known amount of the substance in the form of vapor. But by this
method the concentration is not accurately known unless chemical analyses of the air are
made, and then it is found to be much less than that calculated from the amount of
substance introduced, because of condensation on the walls of the chamber, or
absorption of the substance by the skin and hair of the animal and in some cases, of
decomposition of the substance by moisture in the air. Moreover, it is found that the
concentration decreases markedly with time. Because of these factors, the figures used
for the concentration are more or less guess work. To overcome these difficulties, a
chamber is used through which a continuous current of air, containing a known and
constant amount of the poisonous vapor, is passed. Such an apparatus is shown in Fig.

Fig. 116.—Continuous Flow Gassing Chamber for Animals.

The flask E is a 300 cc. Erlenmeyer flask, with a ground glass stopper. The liquid to be
tested is placed in this flask together with a sufficient quantity of glass wool to prevent
splashing and the carrying over mechanically of droplets of the liquid. Air is passed
through A and C (calcium chloride drying tubes) and the rate measured by the flow meter
D. The air and gas are mixed in F before passing into the chamber G. This chamber is
made of plate glass, is of about 100 liters capacity, and is air-tight. The entire flow of air
and gas through the box, kept constant at 250 liters per minute, is measured at H. The
gas is removed through K, which is filled with charcoal and soda-lime, in order that little
gas may pass into the pump.
By weighing the flask E, and its contents before and after passing air through it, and
knowing the total volume of the mixture passing through the chamber during the same
period, the concentration of the substance can readily be calculated. This concentration,
as determined by the “loss in weight” method, can be checked by chemical analysis
(samples taken at M—M). The method has been found to give accurate values.
The concentration in the chamber reaches its constant level within 30 to 40 seconds
after the apparatus is started.
With the flow of 250 liters per minute, the difficulties mentioned above are reduced to a
point where they are practically negligible.
All toxicity tests on mice were made with an exposure of ten minutes, while dogs were
exposed for thirty minutes. In case death did not occur during exposure, the animals were
kept under observation for several days. Toxicity and all other figures are expressed in
milligrams per liter of air, though parts per million (p.p.m.) was frequently used during the
early work.
Another point of difficulty is the great individual variation in the susceptibility of
animals. This is probably greater than when the poison is administered subcutaneously or
intravenously. It necessitates the use of a large number of animals in making a
determination of the toxicity of a gas. Again, the toxicity for different species may vary,
and as the ultimate aim is a knowledge of the toxicity for man, a great many different
species must be used. If the toxicity is widely different for different animal species, it is
hard to arrive at a definite conclusion as to the toxicity for man.
With longer exposures than thirty minutes the lethal concentration is usually less, there
being a cumulative effect. This is not true for hydrocyanic acid. If the concentration is not
enough to kill at once, an animal can stand it almost indefinitely. Whether the action is
cumulative or not depends on the rate at which the system destroys or eliminates the
poison. If the poison is being eliminated as fast as received the concentration in the
tissues cannot increase. It is stated, for example, that the amount of nicotine in a cigar
would kill a man if taken in one dose. If it is spread over twenty minutes, the destruction or
elimination of the nicotine is so rapid that no obviously bad effects are noted.
Another interesting thing about the work on poison gases is that in most cases a
preliminary exposure to less than the lethal concentration does not seem to make the
animal either more or less sensitive on a later exposure. This is quite unexpected,
because we know that with irritating gases, especially lachrymators, men adapt
themselves to much higher concentrations than they could stand at first. In view of the
experiences of arsenic eaters, it is quite possible that the experiments, which showed no
accustoming to toxic gases, were not continued long enough to give positive results.
Not only does the susceptibility of different animals of the same species vary greatly
for a particular gas, but the susceptibility of different species varies greatly with different
gases. Thus while the effects of certain gases on mice are quite comparable to the effects
on man, it is very far from being true with other gases.

While one cannot determine the lethal concentrations of poison gases for men, it is
possible to determine the concentration that will produce lachrymation. The threshold
value is that at which two-thirds of the observers experience irritation. The lachrymatory
value is considerably higher than the threshold value.
Fig. 117.—Aeration Apparatus for Testing Lachrymators.

A very satisfactory method for determining lachrymatory values is shown in Fig. 117.
Air is measured at A and bubbled through the lachrymatory substance in B. The air and
gas are mixed in D and pass into E, a gas-tight, glass-walled chamber of about 150 liters
capacity. The gas is removed through Ef, by suction and the volume of the air-gas mixture
measured by the flow meter, F.
After the apparatus has run a few minutes, and the concentration of the gas has
become constant, the subject is instructed to adjust the mask, attached at H, and to tell
whatever he notices just as soon as he notices it. The operator stands in such a position
that he can manipulate the stopcock H without being observed by the subject. After
breathing air for a time (H is a two-way cock, connected with the air through J, and to the
chamber through Eg) both to become accustomed to the mask and to eliminate, as far as
possible, any “psychological symptoms,” the subject is allowed to breathe the gas mixture
for a maximum of three minutes. If the expected symptoms are produced in less than this
time, the test is discontinued as soon as they develop.
Fig. 118.—Type of Spray Nozzles.

For accurate work, it is necessary to work with a pure sample which is at least fairly
volatile. Mixtures cannot be run by this method. In this case it is necessary to volatilize
each separately, passing the vapors simultaneously into the mixing chamber E.
A spray method may also be used with satisfactory results. Types of sprays are shown
in Fig. 118.

Because of the great value in detecting low concentrations of gases in the field, it is
important to know the smallest amount of a gas that can be detected by odor. In some
cases, this test is more delicate than any chemical test yet devised.
Odors may be divided into two classes, true odors, and mild irritation. By true odor is
meant a definite stimulation of the olfactory nerve, giving rise to a sensation which is more
or less characteristic for each substance producing the stimulation. Mild irritation defines
the sensation which is confused with the sense of smell by untrained observers, but which
is really a gentle stimulation of the sensory nerve endings of the nose. This so-called odor
of substances producing this effect is not characteristic. Higher concentrations of these
compounds almost invariably cause a definite irritation of the nose.
Examples of true odors are the mercaptans, mustard gas, bromoacetone, acrolein,
chlorine and ammonia. Substances which cause mild irritation are chloroacetone, methyl
dichloroarsine, ethyl iodoacetate and chloropicrin.
In making the test for odor, the same apparatus is used as for lachrymators. The time
of exposure is shortened to 30 seconds, as the subject always detects the odor at the first
or second inhalation.
In this connection the recent work of Allison and Katz (J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 11, 336,
[1919]) is of interest. They have designed an instrument, “the odorometer,” for measuring
the intensity of odors in varying concentrations in air. It is based on the principle given
above. A measured volume of air is passed through the liquid and then diluted to a given
concentration. The mixture is then passed through a rubber tube with a glass funnel at the
open end. Only one inhalation of the mixture is used to determine the intensity of the odor.
The position of any strength of odor on the scale depends upon the sensitiveness and
judgment of the operator, but with one person conducting the entire test, the results have
been found quite satisfactory. (See tables on pages 360 and 361.)

Skin Irritants
Substances which seem useful for producing skin burns are studied both on animals
and on man. Dichloroethyl sulfide (mustard gas) is used as a basis of comparison.
Several methods are available.
Direct Application. This method consists of the direct application of the compound
itself to the skin, using a definite quantity (0.005 cc. or 0.005 mg.) over a definite area (5
square centimeters) of the skin. With such a quantity of mustard gas a rather severe burn
on animals is produced. No precautions are taken to prevent evaporation from the skin
since it is believed that in this way the test will approximate fairly closely the field
Vapor Tests. Preliminary tests with vapors of volatile compounds are best made by
placing a small amount of the material on a plug of cotton in the bottom of a test tube
enclosed in a larger test tube which acts as an air jacket. After about an hour at room
temperature the mouth of the test tube is applied to the skin. The concentration is not
known, but one is dealing practically with saturated vapor. If an exposure of from 30 to 60
minutes produces no effect, one is safe to assume that the compound is not sufficiently
active to be of value as a skin irritant.
If quantitative results are desired, the apparatus shown in Fig. 119 is used. Dry air is
blown through the bubbler, which is connected with a series of glass skin applicators. The
concentration is determined in the usual way. The skin applicator consists of a small
cylinder about 1.5 to 2 cm. in diameter and about 4 cm. long with a small glass handle
attached on top. The opening is 1 cm. in diameter. When the concentration of the gas is
constant, the exposure to the skin is made directly for any desired length of time. The skin
irritant efficiency is judged by comparing the per cent of positive responses to
approximately equal concentrations of the vapors, using mustard gas as a standard.

TABLE I—Physical and Physiological Properties

of Chemicals Used as Stenches
Boiling Freezing Physiological
Chemical Point, Point, Properties Remarks
of Odor
°C. °C. of Vapor
Amyl acetate 148 -75 Banana oil Harmless Pleasant to most
(thick) people;
disagreeable to
Ethyl acetate 77.4 -83.8 Fruity, pleasant Harmless
Amyl alcohol 137.8 Alcoholic Harmless
Butyric acid 162.3 -7.9 Very disagreeable Harmless
Valeric acid 186.4 -58.5 Very disagreeable Harmless
Ethyl ether 35 -112.6 Pungent Soporific
Phenyl Very disagreeable Unknown
Allyl Mustard oil, Lachrymatory and
isothiocyanate disagreeable toxic
Methyl Mustard oil, Lachrymatory and
119 34
isothiocyanate disagreeable toxic
Amyl isovalerate 190 Very disagreeable Harmless
Butyl mercaptan 97 Very disagreeable Harmless
Isobutyl Very disagreeable Unknown Probably harmless
Ethyl mercaptan 37 -144.4 Very disagreeable Harmless
Propyl mercaptan 67 Very disagreeable Unknown Probably harmless
Oil of wintergreen, Harmless
Methyl salicylate 222.2 -8.3
Amyl thioether 95-98 Very disagreeable Unknown Probably harmless
Ethyl thioether 92 -99.5 Very disagreeable Unknown Probably harmless
Carbon Sweet, unpleasant Harmless
76.74 -19.5
Chloroform 62 -63.2 Sweet, agreeable Soporific
Iodoform Decomposes 119 Unpleasant Harmless
Artificial musk Pleasant Harmless Unpleasant in
Nitrobenzene 209.4 5.71 Almonds, pleasant Toxic
Oil of peppermint Pleasant Harmless
Pyridine 115.2 -42 Very disagreeable Toxic

TABLE II—Results of Measurement of the Intensity

of Various Stenches
Volumes of the Chemical, as a Perfect
Gas, per Million Volumes of Air,
Intensity of Odor
Quite Very
Detectable Faint Strong
Noticeable Strong
Amyl acetate 7 10 13 90 246
Volumes of the Chemical, as a Perfect
Gas, per Million Volumes of Air,
Intensity of Odor
Quite Very
Detectable Faint Strong
Noticeable Strong
Ethyl acetate 190 339 615 1236 1753
Amyl alcohol 63 83 123 439 601
Butyric acid 2.4 6 18 91 161
Valeric acid 7 29 125 332 962
1923 4927 5825 19982
Ethyl ether
Butyl mercaptan 6 12 18 38 56
Isobutyl mercaptan 3.5 5 7 11 16
Ethyl mercaptan 18 35 73 141 198
Propyl mercaptan 2 7 9 14 17
Amyl thioether 0.2 1 1.6 1.7 2.2
Ethyl thioether 3 12 29 61 74
Allyl isothiocyanate ?2 3 6 8 50
Methyl 5 13 23 36 48
Amyl isovalerate 1.7 3 6 10 12
Carbon 718 1461 1588 4964 6091
674 1389 2600 5887
Iodoform 1.1[35]
Artificial musk
Nitrobenzene 29 36 44 114 296
Phenyl isocyanide 0.5 1 3 10 25
Pyridine 10 45 93 700 1764
Methyl salicylate 16.1 23 29 244
Oil of peppermint
Milligrams of Chemical
Cu. Ft. of Air,
Intensity of Odor
Quite Very
Detectable Faint Strong
Noticeable Strong
Amyl acetate 1.1 1.5 2 14 38
Ethyl acetate 19.4 34.6 63 126 191
Amyl alcohol 6.4 8.5 13 45 61
Butyric acid 0.3 0.6 2 9 16
Valeric acid 0.8 3.4 15 39 114
Ethyl ether 165.1 287.7 423 500 1715
Butyl mercaptan 0.5 1.0 2 3 5
Isobutyl mercaptan 0.2 0.5 0.7 1 2
Ethyl mercaptan 1.3 2.5 5 10 14
Propyl mercaptan 0.2 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.6
Amyl thioether 0.04 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Ethyl thioether 0.3 1.2 3 6 8
Allyl isothiocyanate 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.9 6
Methyl 0.4 1.1 2 3 4
Amyl isovalerate 0.4 0.5 1 2 2.3
Carbon tetrachloride 128 260 283 886 1087
Chloroform 93 192 360 816 1321
Iodoform 0.5
Artificial musk 0.001[38]
Nitrobenzene 4 5 6 16 42
Phenyl isocyanide 0.06 0.1 0.4 1 3
Pyridine 0.9 4 9 64 162
Methyl salicylate 2.8 4 5 43
Oil of peppermint 0.68 0.9 3 9.5 9.9

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