Ericsson Support Portal - User Guide

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Ericsson Support Portal

User Guide

Gaurov Narayanaswamy Ericsson 04/27/2023

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Login And Registration Instructions

● Portal Link :

● Step1: For 1st time users please click register.

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Login And Registration Instructions

Step2: Fill all the details on the registration page.

Note: its Mandatory to use company email, do not use personal email. Contact information will be used to reach you
during support.

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Login And Registration Instructions
● Step3: If you’re the Company approving manager , please send an email to to add you as
admin to the tool.
If you’re a user then select your company, customer network you're supporting to and your approving manager.

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Login And Registration Instructions

● Step4: Provide your password for login.

● Email will be sent to the approving manager of your company ; 2nd approver will be an Ericsson representative.

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Login And Registration Instructions
Step5: After you get both approvals, please follow instructions for two factor authentication
1.- Download and Install Google Authenticator App on your mobile.
NOTE: Do not use any other Authenticator app such as Microsoft Authenticator or
Authenticator App. Only Google Authenticator is compatible with the ESP tool.

2.- Open Google Authenticator and select the + icon to add the ESP account.

3.- Before scanning the QR code, click at least 5 times the ‘Obtain a new QR’ button
Displayed on the portal page.

4.- Scan the QR Code.

5.- Enter the OTP generated from the App to the web portal page.
6.- Click ‘VERIFY OTP’

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Login page and OTP authentication

Every time you login use Google Authenticator OTP to complete access

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Work Order ticket creation

● On you home Page, Select the icon “CREATE NEW TICKET”

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Work Order ticket creation
● Fill all the Work Order details and add all necessary comments such as the scope of work. Once done
Click on Submit

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Work Order ticket creation
● After the Work Order is created, task will appear under the User Dashboard

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Work Order ticket creation
● Click on the Dashboard button and select the task in matter.
● The open Task will show the Status of the Reports Precheck/ Status check / Post check. For Precheck
the report will be automatically executed on the back end when the Work Order is open.
For Status check and Post check , user is allowed to Generate the report when needed by clicking on
EXCECUTE. When the report generation is complete, tool will reflect the status of it.

NOTE: Status check report and Post check will provide the current status of the site, and a report will be
sent on email. This feature was created for the GC to have an update of the node without the need to
request it from the remote support Engineer, However Final Post check Verification needs to be generated
and verified by Ericsson, and only Ericsson can release the crew from site.
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Work Order ticket creation
● Once the Activity is Complete, Click on “Close Ticket”. After that Work Order tasks will be remove
from your dashboard

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