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Primary Monthly Report Card

Student ID SN24066001 Campus Crimson

Student Name Aung Shin Thant Tun Teacher Tr. Su Lae Wai

Year / Academic Year Year 6/ 2024-2025 Date of Report 31.5.2024

Subject Attendance Punctuality Classroom Performance Progress Test

Myanmar 4/8 B+ C -

English 17/21 B+ I -

Mathematics 9/15 A- B -

Science 15/17 B+ B -

Global Perspectives 7/12 B+ I -

ICT 9/10 A- I -

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Incomplete

A A- B+ B C I

100 - 91 90 - 81 80 - 71 70 - 61 60 - 50 49 and below


Aung Shin Thant Tun is a good boy, but he needs to turn on his camera and put forth his
best effort in class activities. He should participate actively and contribute to discussions
during lessons.

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