Forensic Medicine Universities

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2 Mark

1. Name the types of witness in a court of law. Mention the qualities of a good medical
witness. Pg13-14
2. List 4 causes of suspended animation. Comment on its medicolegal significance. Pg151
3. Enumerate the causes of death from cutthroat injuries. What is the significance of
hesitation cuts? Pg260-261
4. An adult female dead body brought for autopsy showed multiple antemortem nail makrs Pg 331
and contusions on the front and sides of the neck with signs of asphyxia. Describe the
probable internal neck findings in this case. State the cause of death and manner of death.
5. Explain the locard’s Principle of Exchange. Give 4 examples Pg453
6. Differentiate between burns and scalds. State th Rule of Nine and its significance Pg279-273
7. Describe the foetal autopsy findings suggestive of live birth Pg 398
8. State the Indian law relating to the criminal responsibility of mentally ill persons. What is
the historical basis for this law Pg 120
9. Mention 4 complications of chronic alcoholism. Add a note on ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ Pg 630
10. A person bitten by a poisonious snake shows ophthalmoplegia and ptosis. Name 2 snakes
whose bites could cause these signs. Outline the treatment of this case. Pg597&599-601
11. Describe the criteria to determine brain death. What are the circumstances in which you
will not issue a death certificate Pg 147 & 49
12. Enumerate the postmorem changes from which you can ascertain the time of death. What
are the inferences you can draw from the examination of gastric contents Pg 151
13. Describe the type of injuries that can be sustained by a pedestrian hit and run over by a
speeding car Pg 300
14. Enumerate the principles and applications o DNA typing. Pg 474
15. Define dustodial rape. What are the specimens collected from the body of the victim for
analysis Pg 409&420
16. Mention the salient differences between hanging and ligature strangulation Pg 333
17. Enumerate the clinical feautres of acute alcoholic intoxication. Describe the method of
collection of a sample of blood for estimation of alcohol Pg 629
18. Descrie the salient clinical features in a case of poisoning with an organo phosphorous
insecticide. Mention the line of treatment Pg 649
19. Describe the foetal autopsy findings which will confirm that foetus was viable. What is the
medicolegal importance of viability? Pg 398
20. Give 4 examples of misconduct in medical profession. Describe the procedure of disciplinary
action taken against a doctor accused of such misconduct Pg 27 & 36
21. What is Gustafson’s method? What are the changes occurring in a tooth as age advances? Pg 87
22. A dead body is recovered from a burning house. Mention the relevant post-mortem findings
which show that the person was alive at the time of fire Pg 276
23. Enumerate the definite signs of live birth Pg 398
24. What is ‘precipitate labour.’ Comment on its medico legal importance Pg 399
25. Describe how the approximate time of death can be determined from the post-mortem
findings in the stomach Pg 168
26. Mention the mechanism of action of carbon monoxide. Briefly describe the manifestations
in a case of carbon monoxide poisoning.Pg 692
27. Mention the mechanism of action of a carbamate pesticide. Briefly describe the treatment
of carbamate poisoning Pg 652
28. Briefly describe the important clinical features of carbolic acid poisoning Pg 540
29. Define professional misconduct. Mention 5 examples Pg 36
30. Differentiate between the features of bite by Cobra and Viper Pg 597
31. What is sex chromatin? Name the cells where they are best demonstrated and describe
their appearance Pg 71
32. Briefly mentin 4 most salient points which will help to differentiate hanging form ligature
strangulation from the findings on the neck? Pg 333
33. What is caput succedaneum? Briefly list the medico-legal importance of this finding Pg 399
34. Briefly mention the salient post-mortem changes that can be seen in a dead body 36 hours
after death Pg 169
35. Mention the common materials which are usually preserved from dead bodies for chemical
analysis (in case of ingested poisons) and the preservative used for each Pg 526
36. The office bearers of Indian Medical Association Kerala Chapter were alleged to have
promoted the sale of certain medicines marketed by some manufacturing firms. If the
allegations are found true, who will take action on these office bearers? Briefly describe the
procedure of disciplinary action and the possible punishments that can be awarded Pg 27
37. A 30 year old male diagnosed to be suffering from crush syndrome of right leg has been
advised amputation. What are the legal formalities pertaining to consent in this case Pg 38
38. Briefly outline the mechanism of action and treatment in a case of cyanide poisoning Pg697 & 698
39. Mention 3 substance s which produce dilation of pupils on poisoning. Outline the treatment
of the most common one among those you have mentioned Pg 632
40. Differentiate the clinical findings of a bite caused by a cobra from those by a viper Pg 597
41. What is meant by superimposition? Comment on the evidentiary value of superimposition 108
42. Mention the post-mortem finding sand lab findings by which we can certify the cause of
death as drowning in a case of decomposed body Pg 340
43. What is the role of hydrostatic test in deciding live birth Pg 398
44. What is meant by post-mortem staingn? What are the conclusions that can be drawn by
examining post-mortem staining? Pg 153
45. What is meant by maceration? What inference can we make out, if such a finding is seen in
a foetus of suspected infanticide Pg 398
46. Mention the mechanism of action of potassium cyanide n hman body. Mention the classical
appearance of the stomach content and post-mortem staining in cyanide poisoning Pg 697
47. Mention 3 substances, which produce constriction of the pupils on poisoning. Outline the
relevant post-mortem findings in a case of carbolic acid poisoning Pg 541
48. Mention the essential ingredients to prove a case of medical negligence. Enumerate 3
defence points in such a case and comment on any one of them Pg 42
49. State the functions of state medical council Pg 27
50. Enumerate 4 features which help in personal identification. Which one is most conclusive
and why Pg 68
51. A person sustained a stab injury in the chest involving the lung. He was immediately
hospitalized, given proper treatment and discharged after 14 days. Thereafter he was Pg 294
following his ordinary pursuits. Is it hurt or grievous hurt? Give your opinion stating reasons
52. A woman is charged with infanticide. List the clinical findings and the lab test, which would
establish the fact that she had delivered a baby 2 to 3 days ago Pg 379
53. There is an incised-looking wound on the head. How old you establish that it was caused by
a blunt weapon, not by a heavy cutting weapon Pg 213
54. Enumerate the external post-mortem findings in the head and neck in a case of hanging. Pg 330
Name 2 specific findings, which would indicate that the body was suspended while alive
55. Name the organs collected and the preservatives used for chemical examination in deaths
due to poisoning Pg 526
56. Enumerate the clinical features which are diagnostic of organophosphorous poisoning.Pg 650
57. List the salient neurological features in chronic cannabis poisoning. What is the medicolegal
importance Pg 667
58. Explain the doctrine of vicarious liability. Indicate how it is applied to cases of civil and
criminal negligence Pg 44
59. A patient was diagnosed as having acute appendicitis likely to perforate any time.
Immediate operation was advised but patient insisted that he would undergo only
conservative treatment with medicines. Explain how you, as the doctor in charge will handle
the situation.
60. A fresh dead body showed fully established rigor mortis and fixed post-mortem lividity.
What is the approximate time since death? Give reasons for your answer. Pg 169
61. State the medicolegal importance of sudden natural death. List two most common causes
for it Pg 311
62. State the characteristic features of ligature mark in hanging. What is the significance of
salivary dribble mark in hanging cases Pg 330&326
63. Name 2 rifled firearms. Distinguish between an entry wound and an exit wound of rifled
firearm discharged from a distant range Pg 228 & 233
64. Microscopic examination of vaginal smear from a 14 yr old victim of alleged rape showed
spermatozoa. What inference can you draw from this Pg 409
65. List the main functions of State Medical Council . What is meant by professional death
sentence? Pg 27
66. Enumerate the 4 essential ingredients for proof of medical negligence. What is the
punishment for criminal negligence? Pg 40
67. Name 2 poisonous snakes with neurotoxic venom. Mention 2 features each for identifying
them Pg 591
68. Name the source of opium. Enumerate 4 opium derivatives. Which narcotic is known as
brown sugar Pg 613 & 619
69. Enumerate the medicolegal duties of a doctor dealing with a case of poisoning. Pg 521
70. List 4 criteria of brain death. List 4 situations where you will not issue a death certificate Pg 147
71. List 4 conditions which will stimulate rigor mortis. Add a note on cadaveric spasm giving 2
examples Pg 157
72. List the color changes seen in a contusion which will be helpful in assessing the age.
Enumerate four differences between post-mortem staining and contusion Pg 211
73. Enumerate four fire effects seen around an entrance wound of a revolver shot on the bare
chest of the victim. Add a note on a comparison microscope Pg 237
74. List four salient clinical features diagnostic of poisoning with an organophosphorous
insecticide. Mention four important steps in treating such a case Pg 648
75. Enumerate the grounds on which pregnancy can be terminated under the medical
termination of Pregnancy Act. What are the qualifications required for the doctor
concerned Pg 383
76. Draw longitudinal sectional diagram of a shotgun cartridge and label the parts Pg 224
77. What is meant by viability of a foetus? Mention four post-mortem findings by which the age
of a dead foetus can be estimated Pg 397
78. List the 4 classical types of injuries that can be sustained by a pedestrian when a speeding
car hits him. How can the culprit vehicle be connected to the crime?
79. Enumerate the clinical features of acute alcoholic intoxication. Add a note on delirium
tremens’ Pg 631
80. Enumerate the mechanism of death in hanging Pg 320
81. Briefly outline the procedure and fallacies of ‘Hydrostatic Test’pg 398
82. Illustrate the longitudinal section of a live rifle cartridge with a diagram pg 225
83. State the procedure and steps of taking dying declaration of a conscious patient brought to
casualty in a serious condition due to a stab wound over chest Pg 12
84. What is ‘Contributory Negligence’? Give one example
85. Mention the legal importance of age 18 yrs Pg 95 & 96
86. List 2 histochemical (micro chemical) tests to confirm a stain as blood stain. What are the
end results fo these tests to brand them as positive Pg 457
87. Autopsy revealed that a dead body had rigor mortis only at eyelids and jaws. What is the
approximate time since death according to you?
88. You are a member of the medical team, constituted by a court order to examine the mental
status of a person. What is the permissible duration, you can utilize, to examine that
person? 10 days - 30 days maximum Alpha fibrinogenase, beta fibrinogenase,
89. List 4 toxic ingredients in ‘Viper Venom’ collagenase, elastase
90. Enumerate the post-mortem findings which will indicate that death was due to
strangulation. Add a note on garrotting pg 331
91. What is ‘professional misconduct’? Give 2 illustrative examples
92. In relation to a foetus, what is meant by ‘viability’? Add a note on Haase’s rule.
93. Describe the principles of forensic DNA Typing. What are its major applications?
94. Enumerate the common types of skull fracture. Write in detail on ‘ring’ or ‘foraminal’
fracture Pg 247
95. Define ‘sexual paraphilia’. Write briefly on the various forms of child sexual abuse and its
medicolegal aspects
96. What is post-mortem cooling’? How does it help in estimating the time of death? Add a note
on ‘postmortem caloricity’ pg 153
97. Differentiate between the clinical picture of a viper bite from that of a cobra bite. Add a note
on hump-nosed pit viper
98. Write briefly on
a. Designer amphetamines
b. Amotivational syndrome
99. Write briefly on the mode of action, absorption and metabolism of ethanol (ethyl alcohol).
Add a note on ‘drunk driving’ as it applies in India

1 Mark

1. What is post-mortem caloricity? Mention 2 cause for the same Pg 153

2. Enumeate the post-mortem findings which help ascertain the cause of death as drowning Pg 340
3. List 4 criteria for diagnosing brain stem death.
4. Mention 2 situations where lucid interval is found Pg 254
5. State the medicolegal importance of elastic hymen
6. Name 4 types of intracranial haemorrhages Pg 256
7. List 2 features to distinguish between entry wounds caused by rifle and shot gun
8. What is vitirolage? What does it legally amount to? Pg 298
9. Sate the difference between superfecudation and superfoetation Pg 378
10. What is Res ipsa loguitur? Give 2 exampsle Pg 42
11. List 4 causes of sudden natural deathMI, pontine hemorrhage, anaphylactic shock, septic shock
12. State the ration of time required for decomposition of dead body in air, in water and in
earth. Pg 163
13. List 2 characteristic features of battered baby syndrome Pg 401
14. What is exhumation? Who orders for it? Pg 198
15. Describe the features of an electric burn mark Pg 287
16. Explain the rationale of treatment of methyl alcohol poisoning with ethyl alcohol Pg 639
17. List 4 slient clinical features of opium poisoning Pg 616
18. Mention 2 tests for identifying a stain as human semen Pg 463
19. Describe the mechanism of causation of contre coup head injuryPg 252
20. Name the preservatives with their concentration for Pg 526
a. Blood for chemical analysis
b. Tissues for histopathological examination
21. What is impotence? List 2 cause of impotence in a malePg 358
22. List 2 complications of chronic mercury poisoning Pg 566
23. Mention the active principles of yellow oleander. Mention 2 salient clinical features in a
case of poisoning with the fruit of the plant Pg 683
24. What is cot death? Give 2 probable causes for it Pg 401
25. List 2 postmortem findings confirming the cause of death as drowning
26. What is the source opium? Mention 2 derivatives of opium Pg 640
27. Mention 4 features of self inflicted incised wounds
28. Mention 4 features of antemortem burns Pg 276
29. Mention 2 circumstances under whicha mentally ill person could be admitted without a
court order
30. Give 4 examples of grievous hurt
31. List the types of Consumer courts in our country and their monetary jurisdiction Pg 51
32. Mention 4 salient features of chronic lead poisoning. Name a specific antidote.Pg 562
33. List 4 salient features of botulism Pg 714
34. Mention 2 circumstances under which a doctor can disclose professional secrets
35. Mention the steps of recording evidence in a court o flaw
36. List 4 features of an entrance wound on the bare chest of a person caused by a revolver shot
from a range of 50 cms Pg 233
37. List 4 signs of recent delivery in primi para
38. Mention 4 conditions for terminating pregnancy under the MIP Act 1971
39. Give 4 examples of patterned injuries Pg 207
40. Mention the colour of post-mortem lividity in death due to cyanide poisoning. What is it
due to? Pg 697
41. Describe how the conditions simulating rigor mortis. Comment on the medicolegal
importance of any one of them
42. Enumerate the different types of abrasions. Mention the medicolegal importance of any
one of them. 206
43. What is the usual punishment for rape? Enumerate the situations in which aggravated
punishment is given
44. Name any 2 tests to detect (a) Seminal stain and (b) blood stain Pg 456 & 464
45. Who is an Executive Magistrate? Mention the situations in which a magistrate will hold
inquest Pg 4
46. What are hesitation cuts? Mention the causes of death from cut throat wound Pg 260
47. How will you determine the approximate age of a contusion? What is the meaning of
ectopic bruise Pg 209
48. Enumerate the various types of intracranial haemorrhages. What is ‘ludic interval’? Pg 255
49. Briefly describe the microscopic appearance of the longitudinal section of a human hair.
Mention any two medicolegal situations where hair examination is important
50. What is medicolegal importance of age of
a. 16 years
b. 18 years
51. Enumerate the privelages of a registered medical practionaer. What is ‘Professional’ death
sentence? Pg 27
52. Mention three organic corrosive acids. Briefly describe the mechanism of action of any one
of them. Pg 539
53. What is the nature of venom of a sea snake. Mention the cause of death in case of bite by a
sea snake Pg 593
54. What are antidotes? Mention the antidote for
a. Paracetamol acetylcysteine
b. Diazepam chloroquine or strychnine
55. Mention the metabolites of ethyl alcohol in blood and clinical features of intoxication
56. What are the features of phenobarbitone overdose? Mention salient points in treatment Pg 643
57. Mention the year in which the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS act)
was passed. Mention 4 drugs of addiction Pg 524
58. What is ‘Contributory negligence’? Give one example Pg 42
59. Describe how Sodium nitrite and Sodium thiosulphate acts as antidotes in a case of cyanide
poisoning? Pg 698
60. What is ‘Privileged communication’? Give one example. Pg 45
61. Define quickening. What is its medico legal importance? pg 377
62. Differentiate incised looking lacerated wounds form incised wounds Pg 213
63. An accused involved in a case of rape is brought for examination. Name 2 simple tests which
will help you to corroborate his involvement in the crime. What are the precautions that
you have to adopt before proceeding with the examination pg 420
64. During surgery of a trauma victim, a bullet was seen embedded in the muscle of the thigh.
Briefly mention the procedure you would adopt for preservation of this evidence.
65. An incised punctured wound 1 cm long, .5 cm broad and 3 cm deep was seen on the outer
aspect of left thigh, one end of which was rounded. Briefly mention the features of the
weapon that could have produced this injury Ice pick or chisel
66. State 4 examples of grievous hurt Pg 294
67. A boy accused in a case of homicide, is brought for examination as per the requisition of the
Magistrate for dtermination of age. Mention the findings which will help you to decide
whether he is a juvenile offender or not Pg 84
68. A dead body with blisters all over was found in a deserted house. Mention 2 most common
situations where blisters can appear on a dead body and the salient features by which they
can be differentiated 160
69. Define hurt as is given in law. State 2 specific examples of any hurt which can endanger life.
70. A woman alleged to have committed homicide of her new born, is bought for medicolegal
examination. Mention the salient findings that the attending doctor should look for during
examination to connect the woman with the crime 👍
71. During a riot, corrosive substances were thrown into the eyes of some of the people. What
type of hurt could this cause? Briefly outline the treatment
72. Name the court where murder cases are tried. In which court are cases of traffic accidents
tried usually?
73. A doctor receives summons to appear before the Sessions Court, Thiruvananthapuram and
Judicial 1 Class magistrate Ernakulam on the same day. Which court should he attend that
day and why? What other official action is required from the doctor in this regard
74. A 24 yr old female, alleged to have been assaulted, presents with parallel linear bruise like
lesions with surrounding small blisters on the outer and front aspect of left arm and
forearm. Mention how this lesion could have been produced. How will you confirm
75. What is activated charcoal? What is the mechanism of action Pg 515
76. Mention 2 conditions caused by chronic cannabis abuse. What is the medico-legal
importance? Pg 670 & 551
77. Name the poison which can cause alopecia, Mees lines, hyperpigmentation
Pg 557 and
hyperkeratosis of skin. Mention the antidote used for treatment of such a case
78. Mention 2 conditions where stomach wash is contraindicated giving reasons for the same Pg 517
79. Mention four situations (2 civil and 2 criminal) where impotence is pleaded as a defence Pg 359
80. Mention the names of drugs/poisons that can cause
a. Punctate basophilia Lead pg 561
b. Flash-back phenomenon LSD Pg 679
c. Magnan’s symptom Cocaine pg 671
d. Red colouration of urine TB drugs
81. During a riot, corrosoive substance were thrown into the eyes of some of the people. What
type of hurt could this cause? Briefly outline treatment. Pg 533
82. Name the court where murder cases were tried. In which court are cases of traffic accidents
tried usually?
83. A doctor receives summons to appear before the Sessions Court, Thiruvananthapuram and
Judicial I Class Magistrate Ernakulam on the same day. Which court should he attend that
day and why? What other official action is required from the doctor in this regard? Pg 5
84. A 24 yr old female, alleged to have been assaulted, presents with parallel linear bruice like
lesions with surrounding small blisters on the outer and front aspect of left arm and
forearm. Mention how this lesion could have been produced. How will you confirm your
diagnosis Pg 210
85. What is activated charcoal? What is the mechanism of action Pg 515
1. Mention two conditions caused by chronic cannabis abuse. What is the medico-legal
importance Pg 670
2. Name the poison which can cause alopecia, Mees lines, hyperpigmentation and
hyperkeratosis of skin. Mention the antidote used for treatment of such a case.
3. Mention 2 conditions where stomach wash is contraindicated giving reasons for the same
Op and acid ingestion
4. Mention four situations (2 civil and 2 criminal) where impotence is pleaded as a defence
5. Mention the names of drugs/poisons that can cause
a. Punctate basophilia
b. Flash back phenonmenon
c. Magnan’s symptom
d. Red colouration of urineRifampacin
6. Enumerate 3 indications for conducting medical termination of prengnancy. What is the
maximum period of gestation up to which pregnancy can be terminated under MTP Act? Pg 386
7. What is meant by cleavage lines of langer? What is its medicolegal significance Pg 214
8. A victim in a case of rape is brought for examination how can you prove that she had recent
secual act? How will you establish the identity of the accused?
9. How will you confirm that a suspected stain from a scene of crime is that of human blood?
Mention the relevant microscopic appearance of RBC of camel? Pg 457
10. What is meant by the term “Dowry Death”? Which section of Indian Penal Code deals with
it Pg 18
11. Mention three relevant finding so fa suicidal cut throat wound. What finding on the
weapon will give an identification of suicidal infliction Pg 260&261
12. What is meant by negative vital reaction in enzyme histochemical technique? When pus
cells are seen in a wound, what is the minimum age of the wound 307
13. Mention 3 common reasons for sudden natural death? What is meant by concussion? Pg 253
14. What is meant by locard’s principle of exchange? Give 2 examples of tis made use of in the
investigation of criminal cases 453
15. Mention three medicolegal importance of the age of 18yrs. What is meant by Legal
guardianship Pg 95-96
16. A suspected snakebite wound on examination showed 2 puncture marks with surrounding
swelling and oozing of serum from the bite. What type of snakebite will you suspect?
Mention the antidote for the treatment elapid bite
17. Mention 3 corrosive acid poisons. How will you distinguish each poison form the colour
change it produces on the stomach mucosa? Pg 532-538
18. Mention the relevant clinical findings by which methyl alcohol poisoning can be diagnosed.
Mention the specific antidote and its mechanism of action Pg 639
19. What is the poisoning, which can be diagnosed by basophilic stippling of RBCs. Mention the
antidote and its mechanism of action lead
20. Mention 2 examples for documentary evidence 11
21. What is meant by professional death sentence? What should be the age of the person to
give valid consent for a major surgery? 18
22. What is the medico legal significance of “Run amok”. What is meant by ‘anoxic blebs’ Cannabis
23. Give 2 examples of toxalbumin. What is its mechanism of action Pg 575
24. Mention 2 toxic compounds that act by inhibiting the enzyme cholinesterase OP & CARBAMATE
25. Mention 2 chemical antidotes. Why sodium bicarbonate cannot be used as antidote for
sulphuric acid poisoning Pg 533
26. A person committed a crime under the influence of alcohol. Mention a situation wherein 637;IPC
such a person will be criminally responsible and another wherein he will not be responsible
27. A garment soaked with blood has to be sent for lab examination. How will you preserve it
and why pg 450
28. List 2 physical findings which establish that brain stem death has occurred. Pg 147
29. Name 2 postmortem artifacts and indicate their importance Pg 201
30. You are inspecting a dead body at the scene of crime. Name 2 findings which would indicate
that death occurred at some other site and the body was brought to the scene
31. Name 2 materials which would be subjected to DNA profiling to establish personal identity?
What is the full form of DNA?
32. What is the most important objective of exhumation? State clearly the designation of an
officer who can authorize exhumation pg 199
33. What is the duration of pregnancy beyond which its termination is not allowed by the MTP
Act? What is the condition which justifies termination of pregnancy irrespective of its
duration 383
34. List 2 postmortem findings in asphyxia deaths, which are considered non-specific and not
pathognomonic of any specific form of death pg 315
35. What is a patterned injury? Indicate its medicolegal importance citing a specific example
36. Name one poison other than a corrosive, after the consumption of which, stomach wash is
contraindicated. What is the reason 514
37. How does strychnine cause convulsions? Name its antidote 656
38. Name 2 poisons which could be recongnized by smelling stomach contents at autopsy cyanide, arsenic
39. What is the class of poisons for which BAL is the specific antidote? How is BAL
administered? pg 557
40. State 2 circumstances under which consent obtained will be invalid
41. State 2 situations in which the doctor can perform physical examination of a person without
his consent
42. State circumstances under which the doctor can disclose professional secrets 45
43. What are the penalties for disclosing a professional secret 44
44. State 2 important factors/conditions which should be proved to establish that the doctor
was negligent 40
45. Name 2 functions of the MCI, which cannot be exercised by the State Medical Councils 25
46. What is inquest? Name 2 situations where Magistrate’s inquest is mandatory 2
47. Why oral evidence has more value than documentary evidence? What is a leading question 13&8
48. What is intersex? Name the sex chromosome pattern in Klinefelter’s syndrome 72
49. State the locard’s principle of exchange. Give an example 453
50. What is impotence? List 2 causes of impotence in the male 358
51. Name the methods available for resolving a disputed paternity case. Which of these can
positively establish paternity 474
52. What is the main cause of extradural haeomorrhage? Name the commonest blood vessel
involved Pg 255
53. List 2 postmortem findings suggestive of death due to drowning . Pg 340
54. What is feigned insanity? Which section of the Indian Penal Code deals with criminal
responsibility of an insane person? Pg 128
55. What is cot death? Give 2 probable causes for it
56. State 2 privileges of a registered medical practionerPg 27
57. Explain the term ‘Res Ipsa Loquetur’ citing an example Pg 42
58. Name 2 acts of a doctor which will be considered as infamous conduct Pg 36
59. Name the most important clinical feature and urinary finding in oxalic acid poisoning Pg 542
60. State the mechanism of action of Carbamate insecticide. Name its antidote Atropine
61. What is the botanical name for marking nut? Name a plant poison having action similar to
that of viper venom Semicarpus anacardium;toxalbumin(abrus)
62. List 2 complications of chronic alcoholismPg 630
63. Name the site of action and active principles of yellow oleander 683
64. List 2 autopsy findings which will prove that death was due to drowning Pg 340
65. What is cot death? Give 2 probable causes for it 400
66. What is professional secrecy? Mention 2 situations when a doctor can disclose professional Pg 44
67. List 4 features of antemortem burns Pg 276
68. List 4 external features of a person who died of hanging Pg 330
69. What is impotence? List 4 causes of impotence in the male Pg 358
70. List 4 features of chronic lead poisoning Pg 562
71. List 4 types of delusions giving an example for each type Pg 111
72. Mention 4 examples of misconduct (infamous conduct) in medical profession Pg 36
73. List 2 different methods of DNA analysis. Give 2 practical applications of the technique Pg 473
74. List 4 examples of patterned injuires Pg 207
75. Mention 4 constituents of snake venom and the action of each
76. Mention 4 constituents of snake venom and the action of each Pg 593
77. Mention 4 features of self inflicted wounds
78. Mention 4 poisons that cause metabolic acidosis Pg 512
79. Mention the antidotes for
a. Lead
b. Potassium Cyanide Sodium nitrate, sodium thiosulfate
c. Paracetamol
d. Organic Phosphates Atropine, oxime
80. List the medicolegal importance of age 12, 14, 16, 18 yrs Pg 95
81. List 4 types grievous hurt Pg 294
82. List 2 functions of Indian Medical council that can not be exercised by the State Medical
Council Pg 26
83. You need to obtain informed consent from the patient for a surgical procedure. List four
facts which should be informed to the patient relating to the procedure Pg 38
84. List the antidotes for methyl alcohol poisoning? What is the mechanism of their action? Pg 639
85. What is meant by ‘Penal Erasure’
86. You are summoned to appear before the Honorable court of a Judicial Magistrate and that
of a Munsiff, on the same day. Which court will you prefer to appear? Why?
87. What is the maximum compensation, which can be awarded by State Consumer Dispute
Redressal Commission? 51
88. Draw diagram illustrating ‘Davidson body’ Pg 72
89. Mention 2 differences, between human hair and animal hair which can be detected
microscopically Pg 97
90. Define ‘Somatic Death’ Pg 149
91. Which poison can cause ‘Cherry Red’ colour to post-mortem hypostasis? CO
92. Name 2 hollow viscera, routinely collected for chemical examination for poisons. Pg 526
93. Mention the cardinal difference between ‘Penetrating Wound’ and ‘Perforating Wound’ Pg 216
94. What is ‘Lucid Interval’ in relation to head injury? Pg 255
95. A patient complained that his lower left canine tooth was dislocated due to a blow from
another. Can you record it as a grievous hurt in the wound certificate issued? Why? Briefly
describe ‘Café Coronary’ Pg 318
96. State the mostly accepted reason for ‘Cot Death’ 400
97. Give an example of ‘Visual Hallucination’ Pg 111
98. What is the minimum punishment for ‘Gang Rape’ in India? 20yrs
99. Enumerate 2 common reasons for male impotency Pg 358
100. What is the antecedent cause of death of a man, dying of myocardial infarction
following coronary atherosclerosis
1. Outline the treatment of a patient, who has consumed large quantity of Methyl Alcohol 639
2. Detail the mechanism of action of ‘British Anti Lewisite (BAL)’ 518
3. What is a ‘Street Poison’ strychnin combined with LSD/heroin/cocaine
4. List 4 differences between adipocere and mummification pg 162
5. Define ‘Mcnaughten Rule’. Add a note on ‘Mens Rea’ 120
6. Write briefly on ‘Capital Punishment’ 299
7. Differentiate between a laceration and an incised wound. Add a note on ‘ectopic bruise’ 215
8. Define and classify euthanasia. Which countries have legalized voluntary, active euthanasia? 55
9. Differentiate the term ‘tattooing’ in the context of identify fixation and ballistics 107
10. Write briefly on whiplash injury 267
11. What is ‘forensic entomology’? 163
12. Write briefly on ‘suspended animation’. Add a note on “paradoxical undressing’ pg 284&151
13. What is a ‘Joule burn’? Add a note on ‘Rule of nine’
14. Mention any four poisons/drugs that cause 509
a. Miosis
b. Mydriasis
15. What is ‘luminol test’? What is its application, and what are its fallacies? pg 454
16. How does atropine act in the treatment of poisoning with organophosphorous pesticide
17. Classify neurotoxic poisons. Write briefly on ‘stupefaction’ pg 506
18. What is ‘Gustafson’s method’? 87
19. Name the antidote for
a. Iron desferrioxamine
b. Thallium prussian blue
c. Oxalic acid/oxalates calsium salts
d. Warfarin
20. Name the poison that causes
a. Tetany oxalic acid
b. Acrodynia mercury
c. Intermediate syndrome op
d. Ochronosis carbolic acid
21. Write briefly on the utility of activated charcoal in poisoning cases pg 515
22. What are the clinical manifestations of carbon monoxide exposure? pg 692
23. Write briefly on
a. Burton’s line 562
b. Mees Lines 555


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