Written Assignment Unit 5, BUSS 1101

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Written Assignment Unit 5, BUSS 1101

Recall that in a SWOT analysis, the Strengths and Weaknesses are internal. This means
that the organization has more control over these factors. The opportunities and threats are
external, meaning that they have little to no influence over them. Read the case
study, Athlete's warehouse (A), and provide three strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats (each) for Athlete’s Warehouse. Provide an analysis of each of these, including
the justification for why you chose them. Also, provide an overall evaluation of the
organization based on the SWOT analysis.

Prepare a 500 to 600 word (double-spaced) essay. Cite references, using APA format, for
any material that you use in preparing the essay.

Papers will be assessed on the following criteria:

 The strengths are correctly analyzed from the case study and are internal.
 The weaknesses are correctly analyzed from the case study and are internal.
 The opportunities are correctly analyzed from the case study and are external.
 The threats are correctly analyzed from the case study and are external.
 Provide an overall evaluation of the organization based on the SWOT analysis.
 Writing is clear. Used appropriate grammar and writing to express ideas. References
were cited properly.
 Paper is 2 pages (double -spaced) in length, not including the title and reference
 All references cited in APA format, with a source list.

Make sure your assignment is using Microsoft Word (or a similar word processing
application), Times New Roman, 12-point font, and 1” margins. Please do not submit a PDF
document. All papers must be able to be opened with Microsoft Word.


Howse, B. (1992). Athlete's warehouse (A). Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute.


University of the People

BUS 1101 - Principal of Business Management

Unit 5- Written Assignment

Instructor: Remone Robinson

December 15, 2023

A SWOT analysis is a useful instrument for doing a thorough assessment of Athlete's

Warehouse (A), a well-known retailer that specializes in sportswear and equipment (Howse,
1992). This strategic analysis looks at the company's external elements that present
opportunities and dangers to the operations and growth prospects of the organization, as
well as its internal aspects, identifying strengths and weaknesses. Through a thorough
evaluation of these components, my essay report seeks to offer insightful information about
Athlete's Warehouse and a nuanced view of its current market position and future strategic


Athlete's Warehouse has several internal strengths that support its position in the market.
First of all, the company provides a wide variety of sporting goods, making it a one-stop
shop for clients looking for a range of sporting items. In addition, the company uses a
competitive price strategy to draw in value-conscious customers on a tight budget. An
added advantage is the staff's experience and knowledge, which allows them to give
customers professional advise and improve their whole shopping experience.


The lack of an e-commerce platform and Athlete's Warehouse's restricted internet presence
are clear indicators of the internal issues the company is facing. Due to this flaw, the
company is unable to capitalize on the growing trend of internet purchasing, which is
becoming a more and more popular avenue for contemporary consumers. Additionally, a
lack of marketing initiatives makes it difficult to bring in new clients, and the restricted
number of retail locations makes it difficult to reach new markets and grow existing ones
(Howse, 1992).

Athlete's Warehouse has multiple opportunities due to external causes. First, the company
might investigate the possibility of growing into other areas to expand its clientele and
market share. Another profitable option is to set up an online store so that the company may
take advantage of the expanding online retail industry. Furthermore, the growing emphasis
on fitness and health offers the company a chance to expand the range of products it offers
and better meet the changing demands of consumers who are health-conscious (Carpenter
et al., 2010).


Athlete's Warehouse faces threats from the outside. One obvious risk to the market is its
competitiveness since many stores provide comparable goods. Consumer spending during
economic downturns can harm a business's ability to generate revenue. A further risk is
shifting consumer preferences toward alternative sports or gear, which means the company
has to quickly adjust to new developments (Carpenter et al., 2010).

Overall Evaluation:

Upon careful consideration of the SWOT analysis, Athlete's Warehouse exhibits notable
strengths in its product variety, competitive pricing, and knowledgeable staff. However,
addressing internal weaknesses, particularly in online presence and marketing, is crucial to
capitalize on identified opportunities and counteract external threats. Implementing strategic
initiatives such as developing a robust online presence, intensifying marketing efforts, and
expanding physical store locations can position the organization for sustained success.

To further solidify its position, Athlete's Warehouse should consider diversifying its product
offerings to align with health and fitness trends. Proactive monitoring of consumer
preferences and market trends remains paramount for timely adjustments, ensuring the
organization's competitiveness in a dynamic market.


To sum up, Athlete's Warehouse has natural advantages that can be expanded upon, but in
order to take full advantage of these advantages and to fortify against both external and
internal threats, strategic actions are necessary. Through concentrating on diversification,
increased marketing efforts, and internet expansion, the company can set itself up for long-
term success in a cutthroat industry.

Word Count: 530


Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1. Retrieved
from https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/management-principles-v1.1/index.html.
Howse, B. (1992). Athlete's warehouse (A). Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute. Retrieved
from https://my.uopeople.edu/pluginfile.php/1651419/mod_workshop/instructauthors/

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