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By V.W.Bro. Stuart W. Howard

As Master, and later Chaplain, and more recently Secretary of a lodge ,I felt the need to
plan simple ceremonies for various occasions. I recall on one occasion, when a Fifty Year Badge
was to be presented, the presenter was to be the Deputy Grand Master of the day. When he came
to the lodge he asked if we had prepared a ceremony for the event. Although we had prepared
ceremonies for other occasions, we had felt it presumptuous to expect a senior Grand Lodge
officer to follow our rubrics. He seemed disappointed but proceeded to create a ceremony as he
went along and did the presentation well. That evening I resolved that, regardless of who the
principle participants might be, we would never again hold an important presentation or
dedication with out a pre-planned order of service.
Some of the scripts included here worked out very well and others did not and were
revised accordingly. Some were altered in rehearsal on the advice of my brethren. . In all of these
“scripts” ,as I call them, I sought for brevity in length and the use of clear, modern language. The
use of Masonic odes, hymns and other music (+) would certainly enhance all of this material.
My strong advice is that rehearsal is essential. I deeply appreciate the willingness of my brethren
and particularly of the Worshipful Masters and District Deputy Grand Masters under whom I
have served for their willingness and conscientious efforts to use this material. This collection
also includes two orders of service for the St. Lawence District annual divine service used on the
occasions when I served as District Chaplain.


Basic Level;: You are a W Master with a job and a family and only limited time to prepare for
each lodge meeting. The Secretary informs you, for example, that a certain brother is due for his
Fifty Year button. You can call him up during the meeting and give to him or you can have a
little ceremony for doing so - see pages 14,15.

Level 2: You or your committee is planning a presentation or dedication of some kind and you
need a model to follow. This book has plenty of them, You won’t follow them slavishly but you
will adapt them to your needs.

Level 3 : You don’t need a model, you have the time and talent to design your own ceremony.
Still, you might find a few lines or passages in this book which are suitable.

Essential:(1) Have a written a script . Then, either have the participants memorize it, or give
them copies to use. (2) If the DDGM or some other Grand Lodge Officer outside your lodge is to
be involved send him your script in advance and make sure he is comfortable with it; (3) If you
have a lodge organist make sure he is involved so that there may be suitable MUSIC or odes at
the appropriate points in the ceremony (4) REHEARSE: Good ceremony, like The Work itself
deserves, and requires practice.. (5) include the a script in the minutes so that brethren in future
years will be aware of what has been done and can adapt it for their use

HOWARD’S Book of Ceremonies for Masonic Lodges

CONTENTS (first performance in brackets) Page
Introduction ; How To Use This Book 1

Table of Contents 2

Ode To The Volume Of The Sacred Law (words & music) 3

Bell for 3rd Degree and Memorial Services, ( True Briton’s No. 14 :2006.11.06) 4

Bound Minutes & Summonses, Dedication, (True Briton’s No 14: 2009.12 .07) 5,6

Carpet for Lodge Room: dedication of new ( True Briton’s No. 14: 2008 .12 .01) 7.8

District Divine Service: order of service, used for public worship in a Lodge 9,10.11
(St. Lawrence District Divine Service at Harmony Lodge, No. 370: 2006 .10. 26)

Equipment: Cabinet for Working Tools Dedication, (True Briton’s No. 14,2006 .04. 03) 12
Lectern Dedication (Salem Lodge No 368) 13

Fifty Year Badge, Presentation of, (True Briton’s No. 14 : 2010 .12 .06) 14.15

Flags for Lodge Room: dedication of new . ( True Briton’s No. 14 : 2009.05. 04) 16,17,18
Investiture of a Grand Steward (True Briton’s :2012 .09. 10) 21.22

Master’s Collar: Dedication of new (Sussex Lodge No. 5 :2007 .03. 19) .23,24,25

V.O.T..S.L Ceremony for Dedication of new (True Briton’s No. 14 :2003. 03. 03) 26.27,28,29
Working Tools: Dedication of new, ( Sussex Lodge, No. 5 : 2012 .10.15) 32,33

District Divine Service order of service used in a United Church 34-38

(St. Lawrence District Divine Service at Spencerville United Church 2014.10.26)

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participants: W.M.. Worshipful Master
PRES.. Brother presenting the new bell
G.L.O, Grand Lodge Officer performing the dedication
CHAP: Lodge or District Chaplain
W.M.: My brethren: In the Master Mason’s Degree just after the candidate ,as the humble representative of Hiram
Abif , is laid in the grave ,and before the passage from Ecclesiastes is recited, it has been the practice many
lodges to sound a bell twelve times signifying”Low Twelve”. This evening, one of our brethren is
presenting to this lodge a proper bell for this purpose which, with my permission, he has purchased and
installed. Bro. Director of Ceremonies, please conduct (name of PRES) to the East
. ( D. Of C. conducts Presenter to the East)

W.M. (rises) Bro.(name of PRES) , on behalf of the lodge I wish to express my gratitude for your generosity and my
appreciation for the dignity which I know that this bell will add to our ritual. We would be interested in why
you decided to make this gift.

PRES : remarks; (unveils the bell; reads the inscriptions, rings bell three times,
P.S. and returns to his place)


_(name & rank)____
(name & no. of lodge)

W.M.: (to the G.L.O.) (M,R,V)Worshipful Sir, would you kindly assist us in the dedication of this bell?

G.L.O.: I will do so with pleasure, W. Master (rises)

W.M. *** The brethren will assume the Sign of Fidelity

G.L.O. By the authority invested in me by the Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Canada In The
Province of Ontario, I hereby dedicate this bell to The Glory of The Most High and to the memory
of _____________________________________ and to the service of Freemasonry. May the ringing of
this bell ever move us to the contemplation of things eternal and enhance the grace and dignity of our

ALL So Mote It Be

CHAP: Let us pray: Almighty and Eternal Being, Lord of the Beginning and of the Ending of all things, may we,
the frail creatures of your providence ,always be moved by the tolling of this bell to recall the great
achievements of those brethren who now rejoice with you in the Grand Lodge Above. In the darkness of the
unknown, in the fog of confusion, let us always hear your bell and move on over the rough seas of passion,
always certain of our destination. May this bell be the sound not of dread or desolation but of hope and
harmony. , for ever and ever., AMEN
ALL: So Mote It Be
W.M. * (all sit)

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participants: W.M. Worshipful Master
SEC Lodge Secretary (he would have been responsible for the composition of these
G.L.O. Normally this would be the DDGM
. CHAP: District or Lodge Chaplain
P.M. Immeduate Past Master, or any P.M. sitting near the lodge bell

The books: At the beginning of the lodge meeting the books should be on display, either on a stand near the
altar or on the Tracing Board


W.M. My brethren: The keeping of the minutes and the composition of the summonses has been
faithfully performed in this lodge by its secretaries ever since the lodge was initiated. These provide the
LODGE SECRETARIES OVER THE YEARS_. The expansion of his work and the writing of our history
is a challenge which can be met sometime in the future only if we continue the careful preservation of this
raw material.
That these volumes should be dedicated to the Most High is appropriate because it is only by His
guiding hand and continued mercy that this lodge will continue to exist and that the task of recording its
history will have any significance whatsoever. By his grace, the task of recording our history from these
materials will be passed from hand to hand in the years to come.
That these volumes should be dedicated in memory some of our departed brethren is altogether
appropriate because of the active parts they played in the events which they record. It is also fitting because
we should commemorate the years of dedicated service that they gave to this lodge.
As we dedicate these volumes we would do well to recall the words of the 17th Century English
Priest and Poet John Donne who likens a human life to a book. He said:
“All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn
out of the book, but translated (literally carried across) into a better language. and every
chapter (that is, every life) must be so translated. God employs several translators; some pieces
are translated by age, some by sickness , some by war, some by justice; but God’s hand is in
every translation and his hand shall bind up all our scattered leav es again for that library where
every book shall lie open to one another.”
Remembering ,then that these volumes record our unity as brothers and are themselves the product
of dedicated service, let us now stand and dedicate them :
(NAME Of G.L.O.)________________ has agreed to dedicate these books to The Most High and he will
be assisted by our Chaplain and our Secretary.

W.M. * * *

G.L.O. ( approaches the altar from the East an stands on the east side of altar.)

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SEC (approaches the altar from the West and stands on the west side of altar )
(reads:) (Psalm 133) (copies could be made available so that all the brethren could
read or sing/chant this in unison)

Oh how good it is when brethren live together in unity !

It is like fine oil upon the head that runs down upon the beard,
Upon the beard of Aaron, and runs down upon the collar of his robe,
It is like the dew of Hermon, that falls upon the hills of Zion.
For there, the Lord has ordained the blessing: life for evermore . AMEN


We ever trust that by square conduct, level steps and upright intentions that we
will ascend to your eternal mansions whence all goodness emanates. Grant also that we
may leave behind a happy and wholesome memory of our work here below. Bless ,we
pray, these volumes which bear the record of our work and inspire those who come after
us to study them and continue our tradition. We thank you, eternal Father, for the blessing
among us of the life and work of our late brothers, (here the brother or brethren are
named) ___________________________________________________
and pray that , through these books, their contribution to our work may also be
For you alone are worshipful, you alone are very worshipful, you alone are right
worshipful, you alone are most worshipful. We are only brothers in your service. Grant our
requests as may be best for our lodge and for ourselves and let us meet ,at the last, to study
your great mysteries in the heavenly library above. AMEN


SEC.: This evening we dedicate [ title of book ] to the memory of [name & rank of
___________________________ ____________________________
(places first book upon the altar)
P.M. (one stroke of the bell) #

SEC: We also dedicate [title of book ] to the memory of [name & rank of brother(s)]
_____________________ _______ ______________________
(places second book upon the altar [and so on until all the books are mentioned] )

P.M.: (two strokes of the bell) # #

G.L.O. By authority of our Grand Master I dedicate these books of minutes, summonses and
newsletters to the Glory of The Most High and to the service of this lodge.
(G.L.O.& Secretary return to their seats, Secretary removes the newly dedicated books from
the altar and places them where trhey were before the eemony commenced as he passes it).

W.M. *

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This may seem a bit over-the-top but, if the brethren patiently raised the money
and did all the installing work ,they will find satisfaction in a good dedication.

Participants: All lodge officers and a representative of Grand Lodge (G.L.O.)-usually the
D.D.G.M., and theChairman of Committee or Board responsible for the work (PRES)

(The lodge having been opened in the THIRD DEGREE ,and the G.L.O. being seated in the
East, the ceremony proceeds as follows:)

WM: Rt. Worshipful Sir, this evening with your approval and assistance, we wish to
dedicate the new carpet which we purchased and installed recently..
G.L.O.. W. Master., I am pleased to assist you in this matter
WM : Bro. Director of Ceremonies please conduct Bro (name of PRES) to the East..
PRES stands on the level and outlines the story of the purchase and installation of the new
carpet, concluding with the words: “... and now on behalf of all those
involved in this project, I am pleased to present this carpet for the use of the lodge”
WM On behalf of all my brethren, I thank (name of presenter______________________
)___________________ and his committee and all who have assisted in this project..
PRES : resumes his place
WM. Bro Wardens and Bro Chaplain. You will assist us in the dedication of this carpet.
Wardens, Chaplain ( Stand in their places)
WM: Bro J.Warden, where do you stand?
J.W. In the South ,W.Master.
WM Upon what do you stand?
J.W. Upon a fine blue (or other colour) carpet, W. Master
W.M. What does that signify?
JW. The beauty of our craft and the comfort of its foundations, W.Master.
W.M What are those foundations?
JW Brotherly love, relief and truth, W.Master.(sits)
WM Bro. S. Warden, where do you stand?
SW In the West, W.Master.
WM Upon what do you stand?
SW: Upon a well woven carpet, W.Master
WM What does that signify ?
SW The strength and stability of Freemasonry and the unity of the brethren, W.
WM What are the threads of our unity?
SW Square conduct, level steps and upright intentions, W.Master.
WM Bro. Chaplain ,where do you stand?
CHAP In the North, W.Master
WM Upon what do you stand?
CHAP Upon a level carpet, soft beneath my feet, W.Master
WM What does that signify?
CHAP that Death will reduce us all to the same level, that the soft earth will receive
our dust and that the merciful God will receive our spirits, W.Master

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WM And what if we should stumble in this life?

CHAP: Then the compassion of our brethren will soften our fall, W.Master.

(The perambulation)
WM Brother Deacons, you will attend us in the East
DEACONS ( bearing their wands under their left arms the Ds. approach the East , salute the
W.M. and then stand side by side in the S.E. angle facing S.
WM Let us walk uprightly and with humility before God, supported by His carpet of
WM *** The brethren will assume the sign of fidelity.

[WM and G.L.O. fall in behind the Deacons and the party perambulates the lodge, As the magesterial
party passes them , the JW and SW fall in at the rear and the Chaplain falls in when the party reaches
him. The perambulation continues until it again reaches the West. They halt, turn, and face East.. The,
WM and DDGM stand directly before the altar flanked on the left by the Chaplain and the SW and on
the right by the JW. The Deacons stand together in the NW angle, ,f acing East]
(At the altar)
CHAP Let us pray; Almighty and eternal Being, the Glorious Architect and Ruler of the
Universe at whose creative fiat all things first were made. We, the frail creatures
of Thy providence humbly implore thee to pour down upon this convocation
assembled in thy holy name, the continual dew of thy blessing. More especially we
beseech thee to bless this carpet and all that has been done to adorn this lodge.
Endue us with such sensitivity to the beauty of holiness that we may rise above
the commonplace and find thy wisdom. Amen
ALL So mote it be,

G.L.O.:By the authority vested in me by The Grand Master of the Grand

Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, I hereby dedicate this carpet to the
glory of The Great Architect of the Universe and to the service of this lodge . May
all those who tread upon this carpet exemplify the strength and beauty of our Craft
. Amen

ALL S.M.I.B...(All drop S. of Fidelity)

W.M. With gratitude to our Master we bend
ALL All glory to the Most High;
All Glory to the Most High;
All Glory to the most High

DEACONS: (lead the magesterial party to the East where the W.M. the G.L.O. and the
S.D. resume their seats.)
J.D. leads Wardens and Chaplain back to their places.)

WM * (the W.M. invites the G.L.O. to comment if he so wishes)

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Location: In 2006. at the suggestion of the District Chaplain, the District Deputy Grand Master
of the St. Lawrence District decided to hold the annual Divine Service for the District in
Harmony Lodge, No. 370, which was his mother lodge. The beautiful lodge room was a former
church and bigger than any of the churches nearby. The brethren had maintained the building in
much of its original decor and design. The nave was level ,with the lodge altar in the centre and
seating laid out in the usual Masonic fashion with plenty of room for the 50 masons who
attended.. There was a full gallery which accommodated the many non-masons,.family and
friends who came. This order of service could easily be adapted for use in a church.

Music + to support the musical portions, one of the brethren who was a skilled organist and
choir master assembled a choir, SATB, mostly non- masons, rehearsed them, and brought them
to the lodge with a portable organ-sounding key board, This ensemble was in place before the
service began

Altar A Masonic Altar is located in the centre of the building (or. as near as possible to the
centre, flanked by candles(not lit) in the same pattern as in a lodge. The V.O.T.S.L. is on the
altar, closed.

Order of Worship
The congregation is asked to rise as the Masonic brethren enter the lodge (this can be done with
the bagpipes or organ music or silently) and then to participate in the service using the portions
in bold print.
Signs No Masonic signs are to be given in this service

The Approach
DDGM: welcomes those present and introduces the District Chaplain (CHAP)
CHAP The Lord be with
People And also with you
CHAP O come let us sing to the Lord
Let us make a joyful noise t the rock of our salvation
People Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving
And make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise
CHAP For the Lord is a great God and a great King above all Gods;
In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also.
People The sea is his for he made it, and the dry land which his hands have formed
CHAP O come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
People For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand

HYMN + All People That On Earth Do Dwell (tune: Old One Hundred)

CHAP Exhortation to Confession (1 John1:9)

Order of Worship (continued)

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People Have mercy on us, O God, according to your loving kindness; and in your great
compassion, blot out our offences. Against you only have we sinned, and have done
what is evil in your sight. Purge us from our sin and we shall be pure. wash us and
we shall be clean indeed. Create in us a new heart, O God. And renew a right spirit
within us. In Jesus name , we pray, AMEN

CHAP Grant to your faithful people. pardon and peace. we beseech you, merciful Lord, that
they may be cleansed from all their sins and serve you with a quiet mind, through
Jesus Christ , our Lord, AMEN
The Preparation of the Altar
HYMN + Ode to the Volume of the Sacred Law (O Gladsome Light) [see page 1 of this
As the ode is sung, offices of the lodge will light the candles (East,West,South),
open the V.O.T.S.L. at Ruth IV:7 ,and lay the Square and Compasses upon it.

The Ministry of the Word

Readings: The scripture readings should be delivered from lecterns or pedestals located as
The V.O.T.S.L on the altar should not be used or disturbed in any way

Reading from the South (Old Testament)

Canticle or Anthem : The Choir +
Reading from the West (Epistle or Wisdom Literature)
HYMN + (A suitable gradual hymn should be selected)
Reading from the East (Gospel)
SERMON Delivered by the District Chaplain or a well skilled PM

Affirmation of Faith
People:(standing) Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one,.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart.
With all your soul, with all your mind. and with all your strength.
This is the first and great commandment. The second is like it.
Love your neighbour as yourself.
There is no commandment greater than these.

HYMN + During this hymn, the offerings of the people will be gathered and placed on
the altar.
DOXOLOGY (sung) + Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
CHAP. Offertory prayer delivered at the altar.

Order of Worship (concluded)


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CHAP. (Offers appropriate prayers)
COLLECTS (according to the time of day. to be printed here in bold print and said by the
GRACE The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, And the Love of God.
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, evermore, AMEN

Closing of the Volume of the Sacred Law

CANTICLE + : Nunc Dimitis, sung by the choir (As this canticle is sung, the lodge officers
extinguish the lesser lights, and close the V.O.T.S.L)
D.D.G.M. The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace

People AMEN
The people will remain in their places while the Masonic brethren retire from the


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participants: W.M. Worshipful Master SW, J.W., CHAPLAIN
G.L.O. Grand Lodge Offer (usually the District Deputy Grand Master)
location The item(s) of equipment to be dedicated should located on the level in the East

( Lodge is open in the E.A. Degree)

W.M: Rt. Worshipful Sir, this evening with your approval and assistance, we wish to dedicate
cabinet to hold the Working Tools of the Three Degrees.

GLO W. Sir, I am pleased to assist you in this matter

WM: ***
CHAP Almighty Father and Supreme Governor of the Universe. We thank you for the generosity of
those who have provided this new cabinet for our Working Tools. Because they
symbolize the virtues to which we aspire, we treasure these tools and pray that their luster
may never diminish in this lodge and in our hearts , to the honour and glory of Your holy
name. AMEN
WM *
( DDGM & WM rise and stand on the level in front pof the WM’s pedestral)
W.M : Bro. Director of Ceremonies you will now escort the Wardens to the East to assist us.
(D. of C. places S.W. & JW on either side of the W.T. cabinet , facing North)

SW.: Rt. Worshipful Sir: Situated here in the South East angle of the lodge is a new cabinet for
the storage and display of the Working Tools in each degree. You will note that it is
composed (describe it and how the WT are stored in it) I now demonstrate the use of this
cabinet. by opening the portion containing the Working Tools for the E.A. degree.
JW I now present to you the W.T.s of an E.A.Mason which are the 24 I.G., the C.G. and the C.
(He removes each tool as he speaks and displays it on the top of the cabinet)
From the whole we deduce this moral, that knowledge, grounded on accuracy,
aided by labour, and promoted by perseverance, will finally overcome all difficulties,
raise ignorance from despair, and establish happiness in the paths of science.
SW Rt. Worshipful Sir: In like manner, the other two sections are stored the W.T. of the second
and third degrees, but as we are not in these degrees we will neither touch nor name
those tools at this time,

JW Rt. W.Sir: This cabinet has been (built for/ donated to)the lodge by [name of brother(s)
__________________ ______________________ and I know that all the
brethren join me in thanking him/them for his/their generosity .
WM. *** The brethren will assume The Sign of Fidelity
GLO: By the authority vested in me by The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada
n the Province of Ontario, I hereby dedicate this cabinet to the glory of The Great
Architect of the Universe and to the service of this lodge . As this cabinet contains
the tools of our craft, so may each one of us here contain the virtues which they
represent in our hearts, ready for exercise whenever our labours shall require them
W.M. & Brethren: S.M.I.B.
W.M. * (the brethren sit)


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The lodge is open in the First Degree
The lectern to be dedicated should be placed on the level in the East, perhaps in the N.E.
participants: Lodge Officers
Grand Lodge Officer (G.L.O.) - usually rthe D.D.G.M.

W.M: Rt. Worshipful Sir, this evening with your approval and assistance, we wish to
dedicate a lectern for use in Masonic Education..

G.L.O. W. Sir, I am pleased to assist you in this matter

( G.L.O. rises and stands to the right of the lectern, facing west)
W.M.: Bro. Senior Warden will you please assist us
(S.Warden rises and stands to the left of the ,lectern, facing west)

S.W. Rt.Worshipful Sir: Situated this evening here in the North- East Angle of the
Lodge is a lectern, designed and built by (name & rank of brother)
________________________ and donated to this lodge last year. This will prove a
useful piece of equipment both here and in the banquet hall. I know that the
brethren are all deeply appreciative of this gift from one of our most distinguished
Masonic Education has always been a strong feature in this lodge. We have
been blessed with presentations at this lectern not only by our own brethren but by
visiting Masons as well.. Thus ,The Great Light of Masonry has been made clearer
and brighter for all of us. We know that the convenience and comfort of a good
lectern has encouraged and strengthened the work of our teachers and speakers. In
this sense this lectern is indeed one of our working tools.

W.M. *** The brethren will assume The Sign of Fidelity.

CHAP: Almighty Father and Supreme Governor of the Universe. We thank you for the generosity
of those who have provided this new lectern for the lodge. We praise you for the power
of the written spoken word as a vehicle for the truth Freemasonry. Endue all those who
stand before this lectern with wisdom and clear voice that the light may shine among us to
the glory of your holy name, AMEN
G.L.O: By the authority vested in me by The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Canada in the Province of Ontario, I hereby dedicate this lectern to the glory
of The Great Architect of the Universe and to the service of this lodge . May
the notes and papers laid on this lectern assist our brethren to inspire us and
lead us in the paths of knowledge and of science .

W.M. & Brethren: S .M .I .B.

W.M. * (The brethren sit)
G.L.O: ( remarks)


Participants: Officers of the Lodge

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REC = Recipient of Fifty Year Badge
G.L.O. Grand Lodge Officer (usually the D.D.G.M.)

Items : along with the Grand Lodge gold badge, some lodges present their own Certificate
of Recognition.

The Lodge is in the First Degree

WM My brethren, it is our privilege this evening to pay tribute to one of our brethren
who has reached his Fiftieth Year in The Craft. He is_______________________
whose Masonic Anniversary was (date)___________________________..
Freemasonry has always taught proper reverence and veneration toward those
who have been faithful and steadfast in The Craft, and our Grand Lodge has
ordained that from time to time this should be recognized.. Happy indeed is the
occasion when years of age stand united with years of service and when a word
may be said and a token given to a worthy brother. We are honoured this evening
that (name and rank of G.L.O)_______________________________________is
joining with us in this presentation.

WM Bro. Director of Ceremonies, you will escort REC______________________ to the

D.of C.: (Escorts REC to the Altar [step & sign] )
I.P.M. My Brother: You began your Masonic life at the altar by seeking the help of God.
Thus it is fitting that, when the jubilee of fifty years occurs, you should return to
that altar to give thanks to God for that life, and that we, your brethren , should
rejoice with you .
W.M Bro. Secretary, you will read the Masonic Record of V.W. Bro. Dowdall

Secretary (reads)
Name and rank
INITIATED: Date ________________Lodge & No.
PASSED: Date ________________Lodge & No.
RAISED: Date ________________Lodge & No.
WORSHIPFUL MASTER :Date ________________Lodge & No.
(Other Masonic honors,)__________________________________

G.L.O.. My Brother: To become a Freemason, you progressed through three degrees

- the first being your birth into the light of Freemasonry, the second, your
instruction on how to face life as a Mason and the third, your instruction on how
to face death as a Mason. Thus equipped . you advanced in understanding,
knowledge and, we hope, in wisdom. So it is with life itself - we advance from
youth to manhood and finally to the maturity of age . Brother ____________
your advancement is a credit to yourself, and to our noble craft which has
nurtured you. continued º


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WM *** The brethren will assume the Sign of Fidelity while Bro. Chaplain leads us in prayer.

CHAPLAIN Almighty Father and Supreme Ruler of the Universe we give you thanks for
granting fifty years in our craft to this, your faithful servant and our venerable and well-
loved brother. Rekindle in him and in us that light we have all received. Grant him the
blessings of physical health, spiritual fortitude and mental perseverance that, aided by the
mysteries and privileges of our ancient Craft, he may continue his quest for truth and
goodness until, at the last, you summon him to those immortal mansions whence all
goodness emanates. These things we ask, trusting in your own truth and goodness.

ALL SO MOTE IT BE (drop S.of F)

WM : Brethren: Grand Honours ___ times, taking your lead from W. Bro_______________
PM: (leads in Grand Honours____ times).

WM. * (seats the brethren)

WM : Bro. D. of C. you will conduct REC_____________ to the East

D.of C. (conducts brother to the East)

G.L.O. My brother, at your initiation you were deprived of all metals. We now give you
GOLD as a token of the wealth of service and loyalty you have given to Freemasonry
and that Freemasonry has received from you. Whenever you wear this badge , may you
recall when you first stood here in the north east angle, poor and penniless. neither
naked nor clothed, barefoot nor shod, but cheerfully embracing Masonic virtue forever

G.L.O. presents the 50-year pin to the brother and reads the accompanying citation
from Grand Lodge ; congratulates the brother .
WM : presents lodge certificate and congratulates the brother, then invites him to sit in The
East. Should he decline, the W. Master will instruct the D. of C. to escort him back to
his seat.
WM. & G.L.O.: ( return to their seats)

WM invites REC__________________ to address the lodge:




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The Flag(s): This ceremony could be used for one or any number of flags. The explanations given
would, of course have to be revised according to the identity and number of them. If the flags are to
be deposited, brackets or stands would have to be situated ahead of time in the appropriate places.
PRES = Presenter(s): The flags could have been donated by one or more brethren and the lines
assigned to PRES would have to be assigned accordingly. If the flags were purchased by the lodge, the
script should be altered to indicate this and the Presenters would be members of committee
Colour Party: If there is a presenter for each flag then these brethren would take the parts of BRO #1,
BRO # 2 etc.
In all performances, the PRES and BRO brethren should be referred to by name and

Lodge having opened in The Third Degree, the ceremony proceeds as follows:

WM.: (name of PRES) ________________ having offered to present four new flags to the lodge,
and his offer having been accepted, we will now receive, dedicate and deposit these flags. For
this purpose, I now order that the following brethren assemble at the altar: (names them)

(They assemble as ordered)

WM : My brethren, under the direction of Bro. Director of Ceremonies, you will retire from the
lodge, form a colour party, and return bearing the new flags.

WM: Bro. Junior Warden, permit the brethren at the altar to retire from the lodge
(All salute and retire)

WM : Bro. Junior Warden if the colour party is seeking admission, you will admit them
(Colour party is admitted: sequence: D of C., PRES, Bro. #1,Bro. #2, Bro. #3

WM. * * * (brethren stand)

(Colour party assembles at altar, in unison the flag poles are grounded vertically, the flags
kept tight furled, )
D. of C.: Colour Party: one step forward, Salute
W.Master, I present to the lodge four flags to be displayed in the four angles of the
Colour Party: present the flags
(Colour Party unfurl flags, dip them toward The East at 45 degree angle and hold in this



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WM.: My brother. on behalf of the lodge, I am pleased to accept the gift of these flags. I now call
upon Bro. Chaplain to approach the altar on the east side and dedicate these flags to The
Glory of the Most High and the service of this lodge Brethren you will assume the Sign
of Fidelity.

WM. ***

CHAP: (stands, , walks to the East, salutes the W.M., turns west, to the altar)
In the name of God who has all authority over all nations, we dedicate these flags
that they may be displayed in the lodge as symbols of our country and its history and
remind all who may assemble here of our duty to be responsible citizens of this great
land. As an act of dedication, we lay these flags upon the altar.

D.of C. Colour party: offer the flags.

Colour Party: (The standard bearers lay the flags on the altar being careful not to
obscure the VOTSL or ,the S, & Q, in the following sequence:
1. Union Jack, upon the left side of the altar pointed due East
2. Queen Anne Jack, upon the right side of the altar pointed due East
3. Ontario Ensign, upon the right side of the altar. superimposed on the
Queen Anne Jack and pointed toward the north west angle of the lodge
4. Canadian Flag , upon the left side of the altar, superimposed upon the
Union Jack and pointed toward the north-east angle of the lodge)

CHAP (continuing)
Almighty God and Supreme Governor of The Universe, we ask you to bless these flags
that they may remind the brethren to pay attention to public affairs,
that the brethren may make informed decisions when they vote in democratic elections,
that they may also remind the brethren to accord due respect to those elected by due
process to give leadership in municipal, provincial or national offices and that they
may alert the brethren to the service they may be able to render in civic affairs,
Bless, O Lord, each of us in the attitudes or actions these symbols may inspire, and
to your name be all the praise. Amen


W.M. : (leads in the Grand and Royal Sign)

With gratitude to our Master we bend,
ALL All glory to The Most High
All glory to The Most High
All glory to The Most High



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WM: * Now that we have dedicated our flags and resumed our seats, The
colour party will deposit the flags.

Bro. #1: (raises Canadian Flag from the altar)

The first and foremost of these is the Maple Leaf Flag which has been the official flag of
Canada since February 15 1965 and which is intended to replace the Maple Leaf Flag which has
hung in the north east angle of the lodge since that date. Little need be said about the popularity and
general acceptance of this flag. It indeed commands “true patriot love” in all the sons of Canada
whose fathers and mothers have, over time came here “from far and wide”, all of us trusting that
“God will keep this land glorious and free” and, inspired by this flag, to defend it. It bears a symbol
as truly Canadian as anything that can be found, with the colours red for our great forests and white
for our northern expanses. It also reminds the members of this lodge of our Brother John Ross
Matheson ,who, more than any other Canadian was responsible for the its adoption .
While many national flags are born out of bloodshed and conflict, this one, in typical
Canadian fashion ,was the result of orderly debate and Act of Parliament. But in the years that have
followed its adoption, in Peace Keeping and Peace Making expeditions, this flag has been bloodied
and hoisted in trials and triumphs and used to wrap the bodies of many gallant Canadian men and
women. For those who wear this flag in their lapels, on their vehicles and ships or backpacks, it has
been a key to acceptance and hospitality . For people all across the world who seek a new life in a
new land this flag has become a symbol of hope
Worshipful Master, with your permission, Bro (#1)_________________ will deposit this flag
in the north-east angle of the lodge,

WM : Brethren, as the National Flag is deposited in its traditional place in the north-east angle, I
ask you to rise, and when the flag is in place , to sing O CANADA. BRO (#1), you will now
deposit the national flag in the N.-E. angle.
*** (brethren stand)
Bro. #1 (deposits flag in N-E angle, steps back, stands at attention)
W,M. or designated Brother: (leads brethren in singing O CANADA)
Bro. # 1 ( resumes his seat)
WM: * (brethren sit)

Bro. #2: (raises Ontario Ensign from the altar)

The second flag, like the first, is an official flag for us, that of The Province of Ontario.
Originally, a Red Flag with the Union Jack in the upper left corner was the flag of the British
Merchant Marine and was known as “ The Red Ensign”. After Confederation, in 1867,a shield was
imposed on the fly of the flag, that is, in the lower right corner ,bearing the arms of the various
provinces, and , thus enhanced ,this flag was used as the unofficial flag of Canada. In 1924 the shield
in the fly was replaced by the Coat of Arms of Canada. From 1945 to 1965 this “Canadian Red
Ensign”, as it was called, was Canada’s official flag.



PRES. continues

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At about the same time both Ontario and Manitoba adopted a version of the Red Ensign as their
respective provincial flags. In each case ,they imposed their provincial coats of arms in the fly. You
will note that the Arms of Ontario include the triple Maple Leaves that originally appeared on the cap
badges of our troops in both World Wars I and II and are still included in the Coat of Arms of
Thus, in Ontario, we retain this version of the old Canadian Red Ensign as our provincial flag.
I suggest it is important to display this flag in our lodge because it incorporates our old flag and is the
flag of the territory over which our Grand Lodge actually has Masonic jurisdiction, we being The
Grand Lodge of Canada in The Province of Ontario.
Bro. # 2_____________ you will deposit the Ontario Ensign in the South Sest angle of the lodge

BRO #2 ( deposits The Ontario Ensign in South-West angle and then resumes his seat)

BRO # 3________________________(raises Queen Anne Jack from the altar)

The third flag is known officially as The Royal Union Flag, and was first proclaimed as a
royal flag in 1606 when, following the death of Good Queen Bess, England and Scotland became
united under the role of James I. The flag combines the national flags of England (The red cross of
St. George on a white field) with that of Scotland, (a white saltire or slanted cross on a blue field).
In 1708 ,in the reign of Queen Anne, the Scottish and English parliaments were combined and this
flag came into general use and become known as “The Queen Anne Jack”. This flag was flown
throughout the British Empire and it was against this flag that the Americans took up arms in 1776.
The United Empire Loyalists who fought for the crown in the American War of Revolution and
subsequently fled for refuge into Canada retained this as their flag. Many folk of Loyalist descent fly
this flag on occasion and it is used as a badge by The United Empire Loyalist Association..
This flag is of great significance to this lodge for two reasons. Firstly the men who founded
this lodge ,though English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh in origin, all shared the common experience of
serving in the British forces in the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812, under this flag. Indeed,
when petitioning the Grand Lodge of Quebec for their warrant they requested their lodge be called
True Briton’s because they had all loyally served Britain.. Secondly ,in 1818, when this lodge was
constituted, this was the flag of this country.
Bro. #3___________: You will deposit The Queen Anne Jack in the South- East angle
BRO. # 3___________________: (deposits The Queen Anne Jack in the S.EAngle of the lodge
and then resumes his seat)



BRO # 4_________________ (raises Union Jack from the Altar)


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The fourth flag is “The Union Jack” or.more accurately, The Union Flag. When Ireland
came under British Rule the saltire or slanted cross of St. Patrick was added to the Queen Anne
Jack and the flag called, unofficially, “The Union Jack”and officially, “The Union Flag”.
Politically it has no official standing here now but is, like The Queen Anne Jack an historic
artifact, reminding us of the great Empire of which we were a part and of those islands in which
so many of us have our origins. We remain proud of this flag because ,beneath it, our troops
went over seas to fight in the Boer War, in World War I and in World War II..Bro
#4___________ you will deposit The Union Jack in the North- West Angle of the Lodge

BRO, #4____________________ (deposits The Union Jack in the N.W. Angle of the Lodge
and then resumes his seat

PRES.: W.Master, our new flags are now dedicated and deposited and I hope the explanation I
have provided has proven helpful. I am very grateful to you and my brethren for your
patient indulgence and to Bro. Chaplain and the colour party for their support this
evening. A small plaque to mark this occasion has been created ,and with your
permission I will unveil it before resuming my seat.

WM Bro.________________,you may proceed.

( PRES moves to east, unveils plaque, reads it aloud, and resumes his seat)


[ at the first enactment of this ceremony , the plaque was a rectangle of metal with
a coloured representation of the appropriate flag in the N,W,S, & E corners ]

Note: If the reader will examine the Charge to the E.A. at the
conclusion of the First Degree, he will see that being a loyal citizen
is synonymous with being a good Mason. This is a distinct
characteristic of British. Commonwealth. and American
Freemasonry. Accordingly, the flags io a lodge have a great symbolic value. Too often they
are shoved into a corner. and ignored, Which flags are displayed and where deserves careful
thought. The above ceremony will have to be adapted to these decisions, But I make no
apology either for the length or the elaboration of this ceremony. SWH



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Rationale: The appointments of such officers as Grand Steward and Grand Standard Bearer are
announced at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge, and very few of the appointed are
ever there to be invested. Often, the regalia is a gift from the new officer’s lodge. Accordingly
the “investiture” i.e. the clothing in regalia, must be done in the officer’s home district, usually
in his own lodge and after enough time has elapsed to permit the ordering of the regalia and the
organization of a meeting..Those wishing to use this ceremony should take note of Grand
Lodge Constitution Section 88 and obtain authorization from the Grand Master in advance..
Participants: The Officers of the Lodge
DDGM=The District Deputy Grand Master
GS = the newly appointed Grand Steward

The lodge having been called to order in the First Degree and all other business
having been completed including the conferring of degrees, the ceremony proceeds as follows:

WM My brethren, at its One Hundred and ______________th Annual communication in

July of this year, The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario has been
pleased to confer upon our brother, _____________________, the office of GRAND

(Here should be reviewed the Masonic history and achievements of the

newly appointed Grand Lodge officer)

Bro. Director of Ceremonies, you will now escort Very Worshipful Brother __________
to the altar. Bro S.Warden you will join the brethren at the altar.

D. of C: escorts GS to the altar ,stands to left of GS. .,

SW carries regalia from his place and stands to right of G.S.
D. of C., SW, & GS: step and sign; D. of C. then returns to his seat

WM. (Orders Grand Honors FIVE times for V.W.Bro._____________)

WM. Rt. Wor. Bro. _________________,as District Deputy Grand Master and therefore
the representative of our Grand Master will you now deign to conduct the
investiture of V.W.Bro _________ with his Grand Lodge regalia?

DDGM: W.Master, it is my pleasure to do so

WM. Transfers gavel to DDGM in traditional form .

WM then goes to the altar and stands to left of G.S.

WM R.W.Sir I present to you Very Worshipful Brother _______________ for some

further mark of your favour.


in a Craft Lodge to a NEWLY- APPOINTED GRAND STEWARD (concluded)

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DDGM V.W. Brother____________, when you were installed as the Master of (this/a)
lodge you assented to certain charges pertaining to your duties to the Grand Lodge
and its rulers. Do you now confirm your assent thereto?
GS (S. of F., bending head forward) I do
DDGM: *** Then you will kneel at the altar and the brethren will stand at the sign of Fidelity

CHAPLAIN Vouchsafe Thine aid, Almighty Father and Supreme Ruler of the Universe in this
our solemn rite of investiture and grant that this our worthy and distinguished brother
now enrolled as Grand Steward may be enabled to continue to serve our Craft with
zeal and intelligence, to the honour and glory of thy holy name. Amen


V.W.Brother ________ it will be your duty as Grand Steward to perform such duties as
may be directed by the Grand Master or the Constitution, and in particular, whenever
practicable, to attend all meetings of Grand Lodge and to assist in the regulation of grand
festivals and in arrangements for meetings of Grand Lodge
(CGL articles 116,118)
Worshipful Master, I delegate to you the authority to invest our brother with the
distinguishing badge of a Grand Steward
GS Faces north
WM places regalia on GS, assisted by SW.
That duty is performed, R.W.Sir.

V.W. Bro. ______, You have been invested with the distinguishing badge of a Grand
Steward. Wherever you wear this badge you represent the Grand Lodge and I charge you
always to bear this in mind and to act worthily of that honour. Your jewel of office is the
cornucopia or horn of plenty, reminding you that your concern should always be for the
material needs of your brethren in Grand Lodge and hospitality to all brethren visiting
Bro. Director of Ceremonies you will now escort the Grand Steward to the East, so
that I may meet him on the level to present to him his Certificate of Appointment and to
offer my congratulations
D of C: (escorts GS to the East, W.M. following them; SW returns to his place)

DDGM V.W. Bro._______ I present to you this Certificate of your Appointment issued by the
Grand Master and signed by the Grand Secretary (words and actions of congratulation)
I now invite our Brother to join us in the East
DDGM, ,GS. W.M. (Go to East where DDGM returns gavel to W.M)/.
WM: I invite Very Worshipful Brother ________ to favour us with some brief remarks
GS Brief remarks ( here ends the investiture)


(Pages 23.24 & 25)
participants: WM: this role could be taken by the WM or any PM
CHAPLAIN this role could be taken by the lodge or District Chaplain
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G.L.O. (Grand Lodge Officer) usually the D.D.G.M.
COLLAR CHARGE: This piece should be read or memorized for presentation
by a skilled brother
( Lodge is open in the first degree)
(WM. should be wearing the old regular collar of the lodge so that the new
one can be displayed and handled during the dedication)

WM My brethren. Every object used for the service of The Great Architect ought to be
formally dedicated to that service by prayer and praise. So it is with the new Master’s Collar
which has been acquired by this lodge. (if the collar has been a gift explain who donated it and
express the gratitude of the lodge ) Present with us this evening is (name & rank of
G.L.O._______________________) who has agreed to assist in the dedication of our new collar.
I now call upon Bro.___________________________ to deliver the Collar Charge.

Brethren take a good look at this collar (holds it up to view_). It is made exactly according
the specifications laid down in The Constitution of Grand Lodge (Article 391, p 126). While the
collars of the other officers are more or less triangular with the jewel affixed to the bottom- most
point, this collar is circular, in form, to remind us that Freemasonry encircles the globe . The sky
blue of the fabric is associated with the colour we ascribe to the heavens, and more recently
according to the astronauts, to Earth itself,. In some lodges. the metallics of this collar are cast in
gold metal rather than the more common silver to remind us the lodge has passed the century
mark in its history. The metallics form a chain to remind us that the brethren of any lodge derive
their strength from being linked to each other and that each brother must therefore take care not
to be the weak link of that chain.
The chain is made up of eight five-pointed stars or pentagrams ,each within a circular
wreath and eight serpent emblems. Each star suggests the five points of fellowship upon which
we were all raised and which govern our conduct toward each other. The star also reminds us of
the star which first appeared in the East, “that bright morning star whose rising gives peace and
salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race”.
The stars and serpents are so arranged that one of the stars is located in the centre of the
chest of the wearer, and from it is suspended the square which is the Master’s particular jewel - a
symbol always facing us when we sit in lodge, reminding us to harmonize our lives and actions
with the principles of morality and virtue
We can all appreciate the use of stars in this collar, but what about the serpents or snakes?
For my money, the serpent or snake has been the victim of a lot of bad press because of his part
in the temptation of Adam and Eve recounted in Genesis, Ch. 3. This story borrows from legends
existing all over the ancient world that the serpent was wise, intelligent, and, as Genesis says,“
crafty”. The serpent in Genesis went wrong, and has thus been identified in Christian culture
with Satan or evil. But you will find in Egyptian and Greek culture the use of the snake as
symbol of wisdom. The Greek Goddess Athena, for example is often shown with a snake.
... continued
Collar Charge, continued
The wand of Mercury, messenger of the gods, called the caduceus, bore a snake entwined upon
it. The practitioners of the medical arts and sciences have adopted this symbol, not because the
snake may have been evil but because he was wise. . And don’t forget that when Moses and
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Aaron went to confront Pharaoh, the Lord caused Aaron’s staff to become a serpent when he
threw it on the ground (Ex. 7:9).

In more recent times, in the mediaeval, Tudor and Stuart periods of English history, the
Lord Chancellor of England had powers very like our modern Prime Minister, His badge of
office was “The Collar of SS”- a collar composed of golden snakes laid side by side, All of
which adds up to this: that while the stars represent brotherly love, relief and truth, the snakes
represent the wisdom and astuteness required for the ruling of a lodge. A Mathematician might
observe that the coiling of each snake on the collar resembles the symbol for infinity (resembles
the figure “8" turned on its side). Mystics claim that a serpent with its tail in its mouth, as these
snakes have, represents eternity. These particulars of the snakes on this collar remind us that
the wisdom of the creator is infinite and that ,in our lives and actions, we should keep eternity
in view.
Finally, I should like to say a word about collars in general. Why do our officers wear
collars rather than coronets, or special sashes or cloaks or badges? We do not find collars in the
vestments of the Priests of Solomon’s temple. In ancient times, however, a collar was placed on
a slave so that he could be controlled by chain. Perhaps domesticated animals like dogs and
horses wore collars even before human beings did. Thus, the collar was originally a sign of
subordination. In elaborate social structures, the higher the responsibility of the slave, or vassal,
the more elaborate his collar. The most elaborate collars of all were worn by the nobility to
symbolize their subordination to the Monarch. Hence the collar of SS worn by The Lord
Chancellor of England .
The authority of the Worshipful Master, as symbolized by the collar ,is one of those,
quoting from The Work, “distinctions necessary to preserve subordination among Masons and
to reward merit and ability” But, while the Master sits in the chair of Solomon and rules the
lodge with his gavel, his collar says that he is the chief servant of the lodge. By oath he is held
in this servitude for one year. The collar is not his, but belongs to the lodge. And when his
successor is elected, the collar, the yoke of service ,is lifted from his shoulders and placed upon
the new Master. This is why some restrictions are placed on when and where the collar may be
worn. For when and where the collar is worn, the lodge is at Work and takes its Centre from the
circle of the collar.

WM Now my brethren ,assist us in dedicating this collar to the service of the Great Architect of
the Universe. (Lays the new collar on a suitable cushion and hands this to the G.L.O.)
Bro. Deacons you will attend _______________________(the G.L.O.) * * *

DEACONS: attend the G.L.O. with wands in the East

G.L.O. (flanked by the Deacons, the G.L.O. perambulates clockwise while Ps 133 is read or chanted*
then continues to move clockwise and appoaches the altar from the West)

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CHAP + Oh how good it is when brethren live together in unity !

Upon the beard of Aaron, and runs down upon the collar of his robe.
It is like the dew of Hermon, that falls upon the hills of Zion.
For there the Lord has ordained the blessing: life for ever more. AMEN

(*The Psalm can be chanted by a choir, or read in unison by the brethren or by the Chaplain)

G.L.O. (still flanked by the Deacons. lays the collar upon the altar)

W.M. The brethren will assume the S. of F.

CHAP Great Architect and Supreme Governor of the Universe: Bless now to our use this
collar of a Master of a Lodge. Behold, O Lord, its plain simplicity. unadorned by
velvet or previous stones, containing but one jewel and that a simple builder’s square
May this square ever remind the brother who wears it. and those who behold it, that square
conduct and righteous judgement are their chief duties. Of the eight stars upon this collar,
let the one to which the square is appended recall The Bright Morning Star. When this
collar is worn, may the lodge be as perfect as the seven remaining stars upon it. and may
the five points of each star remind us of our five points of fellowship. May the eight
serpents upon the collar invoke the wisdom and skill required to rule a lodge. Finally, O
Lord, make this collar a yoke of service for the Master, that he may always walk humbly
but uprightly before you, the first among us, your servants. All this we ask of your great
bounty, by which we live and in which we work and have our being. AMEN


G.L.O. By the authority of M.W.Bro.__________________,Grand Master of the Grand Lodge

of Canada in the Province of Ontario, I hereby dedicate this Master’s Collar to the service
of this lodge and to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe. May all whop wear it
exemplify the truth and goodness which their office requires


G.L.O. (lifts cushion bearing Collar from the altar and takes it to the East. Deacons retire to
their places)
WM & IPM (Meet G.L,O. on the level facing West; I.P.M. removes old collar from Master’s
shoulders and G.L.O vests WM with the new one)

WM ,IPM,G.L.O. (sit)

WM *

Note: This ceremony is a little lengthened by the inclusion of the “Charge”. That passage was
originally given a brief paper in Masonic Education,. But it seemed a propos to this ceremony.
On the one hand, It could be abbreviated or omitted but on the other, it is probably the most
interesting part of the piece.. SWH

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Participants: The Officers of the Lodge
G.L .O.= a present Grand Lodge Officer(usually the D.D.G.M.)
The newest E.A., F.C. and M.M, in the lodge
A choir (if possible)
The new V.O.T.S.L
If the lodge can select its own new V.O.T.S.L. it should be an Authorized Version (i.e. King James
Version) to conform with the scripture passages already in The Work. Because of the amount of
Masonic truth it contains, the version should include the Aprocrypha. If the new VOTSL is not equipped
with markers for the passages to be opened in each degree, new ones should be purchased and inserted
prior to the ceremony., or, the markers from the old VOTSL should be inserted. In the latter case some
temporary bookmark should be left in the old VOTSL at Ruth IV:7 for the Opening of Lodge.

(The lodge is open the First Degree and the G.O.L. has received the gavel))

G.L.O. Worshipful Master how may I be of service to this lodge this evening ?

WM (addressing G.L.O.) this evening we wish to dedicate a new VOLUME OF THE SACRED
LAW for use in our Work. (here is given a brief history of the VOTSL currently in use
including when it was presented and by whom, if possible reading the text of whatever
inscription it may contain and expressing gratitude to those who may have donated it)

Rt(or V.W.) Sir, will you assist us?

G.L.O. I will do so with pleasure. My brethren, if you examine the V.O.T.S.L. You willl
observe that it has become quite worn with use. This bespeaks the regular activity of this
lodge, and I am sure that this Volume will always be for you a treasured artifact. (Through
the kindness of______________ __________________ a new Volume has been donated to
the lodge.) Thus, this evening, we will retire the present Volume and replace it with a new
one, dedicating it to The Great Architect of the Universe.( and to the memory of the brother
to who donated it) I will entrust part of this Work to the newest brethren of the lodge.

Bro. D. of C.: you will perambulate the lodge collecting a working party composed of the
newest Master Mason, Fellow Craft and Entered Apprentice, and assemble them at the altar.

D. of C. (S. & S ; He then perambulates the lodge and the members of the working party fall in
behind him. He assembles them at the Altar to his right E.A.,F.C., MM.
Rt. W.Sir, I present to you to my right, Bro___________________________ (S & S)
Bro.___________________________(S. &. S.)
and Bro.____________________________(S. & S)
for some further mark of your pleasure,

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G.L.O. Brethren, as the newest Masons in this lodge it will be your duty to convey to us our new
Great Light. For this purpose you will retire from the lodge , take possession of the new
V.O.T.S.L and bear it hence with all due reverence


G.L.O. (continuing)
Bro. J,W., permit the brethren at the altar to retire. (D. of C and the 3 brethren retire in due
W.Bro, the Immediate Past Master, the Senior D. and the Lodge Historian will approach
the altar (I.P.M., S.D., Hist approach altar; S.D. deposits his wand in a holder; St.&S

W.Bro. I.P.M. you will now remove the Square and Compasses from T.V.O..S.L
(He does so, handing the S. &. C.s to the S.D.
Bro. I.P.M. You will close the T.V.O.S.L.
(He does so, then removes the V.O.T.S.L. from the altar and hands it to Bro. Historian)

G.L.O: Bro Historian, following the reception of our new V.O.T.S.L. you will deposit the old
Volume in the Archives of the lodge

IPM ,S.D., Hist: (They move back three paces )

D. of C (seeks admission to the lodge)

I.G. Bro. J.W., there is an alarm

J.W. There is an alarm R.W. Sir

G.L.O. Bro. J.W. you will ascertain the cause of that alarm and if it is the Working Party
returning, you will admit them.

J.W. Bro. I.G., you will ascertain the cause of that alarm and if it is the Working Party returning
you will admit them.

I.G. Who comes here?

D. of C. A working party, bearing a sacred gift for the lodge.

I.G. What is this gift ?

D. of C. A new V.O.T.S.L., the Great Light of Freemasonry

I.G. Halt ,while I make due report.

I.G. R..W.Sir, it is the D. of C. and the Working Party bearing a new V.O.T.S.L., the Great
Light of Freemasonry.

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G.L.O. Let them, be admitted that The Light may again shine among us.
*** Brethren, you will stand at the S. of F.


I.G. In the name of the G.A.O.T,.U. and by command of________________you will bring in
the Light.
(the working party enters at a slow pace, led by the D.of.C. He is followed by the MM
bearing the VOTSL in his hands held upright at chest level. .He is followed by the F C and
the E.A. each bearing lighted tapers.. Once past the door he is flanked on his right by the
F.C. and on his left by the E.A. They move toward the East ,pausing in the N. to face the

CHAP: Vouchsafe your aid, Almighty Father and Supreme Being to this our present convention
and grant that all who enter this lodge may be enlightened by your Sacred Law, that they
may daily devote their lives to your service. Endue us with such a competency of your divine
wisdom that, assisted by the secrets of this, our Masonic Art. we may be the better enabled
to display the beauties of true Godliness , to the honour and glory of your Holy Name.

ALL , led by choir, sing this Ode to The V..O.T.S.L.(for the music, see page 3 of this booklet)
O gladsome light, O grace, We bow our heads in awe To you of right belong
Of our creator’s face, and, on this Sacred Law, All praise and holy song,
Th’eternal splendour wearing, The Square and Compasses laying Great Architect, life-giver.
Celestial, holy, blest, The Great Lights of our art You therefore, O Most High,
Shining from East to West, Until the time to part, The world will glorify,
Joyful in your appearing . Your truth and light displaying. And shall exalt forever.
(Music Phos Hilaron)

During the singing of the ode: (1). D. of C. leads Working Party around the lodge, halting in the
West and turning to face East.
(2) M.M. places the new V.O.T.S.L. upon the altar
(3) I.P.M. Opens the VOTSL at Ruth IV:7.
(4) S.D. hands Square & Compasses to I.P.M. who deposits them on
The V.O.T.S.L.
(5) Lesser Lights are re-lit
(6) F.C. & E.A. extinguish their tapers
G.L.O. (approaches altar from the East and stands immediately in front of it)
By the authority of Most Worshipful Brother_____________________________________
Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Canada in The Province of Ontario, I dedicate this
Volume of the Sacred Law to the glory of the Most High (and to the memory of our
departed brother,_______ __________________)

ALL (Say or sing the Universal Prayer) (the following version can be sung:)
HOWARD’S Book of Ceremonies for Masonic Lodges Page 28 of 38
Our Father in Heav’n, hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come, your will be done,
In earth, as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us;
Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, and the power, and the glory are yours
Now and forever, AMEN
(words: Bk of Common Praise. 744; music Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov, 1844-2908)


G.L.O. My brethren, let me direct your attention once again to what we esteem to be the three great
lights of .....ry: They are the V.of the.S.L., the S and Cs. The V. of the S.L. is to rule and
govern our F.; the S. to regulate our actions, and the Cs. to keep us in due bounds with all
mankind, but more particularly with our brethren in .....ry.
(G.L.O. returns to the East)

Brethren at the Altar: (I.P.M. returns to the East);

(D.of C., S.D. M.M., F.C., E.A.. return to their places);
(Hist, returns to his place, taking old V.O.T.S.L. with him.)

WM or a Skilled Bro.
A Scripture Charge (delivered from the west, facing the altar)
My brethren, before each of us was initiated into Freemasonry, we were asked if we
believed in the existence of a Supreme Being, and if that Supreme Being had revealed His
will to man. We all affirmed these beliefs. Each of the world’s great and noble systems of
belief acknowledge this Supreme Being and hold sacred certain writings or scriptures in
which He has revealed his holy will to them. Christians revere The Bible, which contains the
sacred writings of the Jewish Law and prophets and the teachings of Jesus and his apostles;
the Jews especially revere the Torah or First Five Books of Moses; the Moslems revere the
Holy Qu’ran which contains the teachings of Mohammed; the Sikhs revere the Adi Granth,
the Hindus, Buddhists and Confucians also revere their many sacred books. Freemasonry has
members of all religions in all parts of the world, and agrees that the truth can be found in all
these books.
So it is that Masons, in each of their lodges, accord the place of honour, upon their
altars and in their hearts to T.V.O.T.S.L. which contains the scriptures of the particular
religion of their community. No lodge is open until this book is open, and when this book is
closed, the lodge is closed. Upon this book we swear our obligations. To this book we apply
our eyes, our hands, our minds and our lips in holy submission.
The V.O.T.S.L. is one of the Three Great Lights of Masonry. It contains the history
and wisdom of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joshua, Jephtha. David, Solomon, Boaz and Ruth, of
Hiram Abif and of other ancient practitioners of our mystic art. We are taught that this book
rules and governs of our faith. We believe that these sacred writings are derived from God to
man in general because the Almighty has been pleased to reveal more of His divine will in
this holy book than He has by any other means.
In the Charge to the Newly Initiated Candidate , this volume is recommended for our

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most serious contemplation, and, because it is the unerring standard or truth and justice,
our actions should be regulated by the divine precepts which it contains, and ,in it we will
find the important duty we owe to God, to our neighbour and to ourselves.
Having reverently placed T.V.O.T.S.L. once again in the centre of our lodge, and
having recalled the central place that it occupies in the annals of Freemasonry, nothing
remains but to maintain the teachings it contains in our hearts, at the very centre of our
being, their central principles being Brotherly Love, Relief ,and Truth.

G.L.O. Brethren, this concludes our ceremony of dedication ( remarks)


Originally written for use in SUSSEX LODGE NO. 5 on October 15,2012 when it was
performed by The District Deputy Grand Master, R.t. W. Bro. Andrew Graham, assisted by a
Grand Steward, V.W. Bro. Stuart Howard acting as Chaplain and the Worshipful Master and
officers of Sussex Lodge

The ceremony is a simple one. At the opening in the First Degree, the tools for that
degree in current use are laid out in the traditional manner and place by the J. Steward. Later, all
the new tools are taken to the Chaplain for blessing. The blessing is not repeated in the other
degrees.. The new tools for the E.A., degree are shown to the lodge using an abbreviation of the
traditional words of presentation. As this is done, the old tools are removed by the Historian and
the new tools laid in the traditional place. This presentation procedure is repeated in each
degree. In the M.M. degree, this procedure is followed by a formal dedication of all the tools by
the DDGM. If at all possible, ,for this occasion, the stand or cabinet where the WT are placed
should be placed on the level in the East just below the W.M.’s pedestal. Thus, all present can
see what is going on. For the same reason, when each tool is presented it should be held up long
amd high enough that all present can see it clearly.

Participants: The District Deputy Grand Master or other representative of Grand Lodge
. Donor: The brother donating the tools or heading the committee which selected them
Presenter(s) Brother or brethren speaking the presentation parts.
Chaplain: either the Chaplain of the Lodge or the District Chaplain.
Other Lodge Officers as noted.

(Lodge in the E.A. Degree: the Lodge Historian should be seated as close as possible to the East)

W.M.: At this time, I call upon (Donor) to address the lodge,

Donor: (An explanation of who raised the money, how it was raised. concluding with;
“... In consultation with you, Worshipful Master and your officers we determined that
these funds should be used to purchase a new set of Working Tools for this lodge.
This has been done. I have placed the new tools in the hands of our Junior Steward and
we await some further mark of your pleasure.

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W.M. On behalf of my brethren I thank Bro________ for his efforts and contributions in this
R.W.Bro.(DDGM). at this time we propose to receive, bless and dedicate our
new Working Tools. Will you assist us in this labour ?

DDGM: I will do so with pleasure. Please carry on.

W.M. It is altogether right and fitting at this time that these new tools should be blessed to our
use and to the service of the G.A.T.U. Accordingly, Bro. S.Warden, you will receive
these tools on my behalf and convey them to Bro. Chaplain for his blessing and then to
the East where they will be received by Bro. S. Steward.

J.S. (hands the container holding the new W.T. to the S.W.)


S.W. (receives the container from J.S. and moves clockwise holding the container in both
hands to the Chaplain’s pedestal where he halts, turns and faces the Chaplain)
W.M. *** The brethren will assume sign of fidelity.
CHAP: Vouchsafe thine aid, Almighty Father and Supreme Governor of the Universe to
this our present convention and grant that ,in the future, with the help of these working
tools this lodge may be the better enabled to demonstrate the skills and knowledge of
our craft, to the honour and glory of Thy holy name. in which we bless these tools to
our use and to thy service.

W.M. * (brethren sit)
S.W. ( moves to the N. East Angle ,hands container to the S.Steward., salutes W.M. and retires
to his post.)

W.M. I invite Bro. Lodge Historian to attend us in the East to receive the old W.T.

HIST (steps to the East)

W.M. Bro. Historian,as the new working tools are presented , you will take possession of
the old tools and ensure that they are safely lodged in the archives of this lodge.
The presenting brother will attend us in the East (Presenter steps to the East)


(as the Presenting Brother presents the new W.T.s of an E,A., he removes them from the
container, one at a time. As he names each tool he holds it up for the assembly to see and then
hands it to the S. Steward. As this is being done, the Hist. removes the old tool from its place.
The S.Steward then replaces the old tool with the new one)

Presenter: .I now present to this assembly the working tools of an E.A.M. which are the
twenty- four inch guage ,the common gavel and the chisel. From these we deduce

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this moral, that knowledge grounded upon accuracy aided by labor and promoted by
perseverance will finally overcome all difficulties ,raise ignorance from despair and
establish happiness in the paths of science.
(Salutes W.M. with the
(Bro. S.S., Hist. and Presenter all resume their seats. S.S. retains the container.)

W.M. ***
W.M. All brethren beneath the D. of a F.C. will please retire
(usual retirement procedure)



W.M. Brethren, assist me to open the [] in the second D.

(Lodge is opened in the second D. S.Steward places new E.A. Working Tools in the
usual storage place and lays out the old W.T. of a F.C.)
W.M. * (brethren sit)
W.M. Again I invite the Bro. Historian to attend us in the East:
HIST (Steps to the East)
W M. : The Presenting Brother will attend us in the East
S.S.: ( he removes the W.T. of the F.C.. Degree one by one from the box and hands therm to the
Presenter who, holds each up for the assembly to see presents it, and then and hands it to the
S.S. As he does so the Historian removes the appropriate old tool from its place. The S.S
replaces that tool with the new one.)
Presenter: I now present to this assembly the working tools of a Fellow Craft which are the
Square, the Level and the Plumb Rule. The Square teaches morality, the Level
equality and the Plumb Rule justice and uprightness of life and action, Thus, by
square conduct, level steps and upright intentions, we hope to ascend to those
immortal mansions whence all goodness emanates
(Salutes W.M. with H.S.of F,.C.)

( S.S.,. Hist. & Presenter all resume their seats. S.S retains the containerbox.)

W.M.. ***
W.M. All brethren beneath the D. of a M.M. will please retire (usual retirement procedure)


W.M. Brethren, assist me to open the [] in the Third D.
(Lodge is opened in the M.M. Degree. S.S. places new F.C. Working Tools in the usual
storage place and lays out the old M.M. W.T.;
W.M. * (brethren sit)

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W.M. Again I invite Bro Historian to will attend us in the East to receive the old Working
HIST (Steps to the East)
W.M. .Bro .Presenter you will present the W.T. of this degree..
. S.S.: ( he removes the W.T. of the M.M... Degree one by one from the box and hands them one by
one to the Presenter who, holds each up for the assembly to see; preesents it, and then and
hands it to the S.S. As he does so the Historian removes the appropriate old tool from its
place. The S.S replaces that tool with the new one.)
I now present to this assembly the working tools of as Master Mason which are the
skirret, pencil and compasses. These working tools of a M.M. teach us to bear in mind
and to act according to the laws of the Divine Creator, so that when we are summoned
from this sublunary abode we may ascend to the Grand Lodge above, where the
world’s Great Architect lives and reigns for ever and ever
(salutes WM with H.S. of M.M.)
( Bro. S. Steward and Bro. Historian and Presenter all resume their seats)

W.M.: (addressing DDGM) R.W.Sir, I invite you to join me on the level.

W.M. *** All brethren will assume the sign of Fidelity.

D.D.G.M. ( descends to the level and lays hands on the W.T. Cabinet)

DDGM: By the authority vested in me by The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Canada in the Province of Ontario, I hereby dedicate all these Working Tools
to the glory of The Most High and to the service of this lodge . May all those use
these tools correctly demonstrate the skills of our craft and exemplify its moral
character . Amen

ALL So Mote It Be..(All drop S. of Fidelity)

W.M. With gratitude to our Master we bend
ALL All glory to the Most High; (usual gestures to be used)
All Glory to the Most High;
All Glory to the most High

D.D.G. M.:& W.M. return to the East.

W.M. Bro. Chaplain, you will pronounce the benediction.

CHAP: Almighty and Eternal Being. ,the Glorious Architect and Ruler of the Universe,
may all that we have said and done here be acceptable in your sight. Give us the
skill and perseverance to apply these tools to our morals. that brotherly love,
relief and truth may be the hallmarks of our Work, to the glory of your Name
W.M. *
GOOD RITUAL : a note.
Masonic ritual has two objectives : to honour the Great Architect of the Universe and to

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inculcate the principles of Freemasonry into our Brethren. Because we are honouring the
G.A.T.U we are required to present the best we have in words, actions and dress ,for He is
present to observe and record them . To present the best requires study and practice. Study
and practice should lead to a deeper understanding of what we are saying as well as a
performance that will carry the ring of conviction to the brethren.
The brethren whom we seek to influence are not just the candidates or
recipients but every brother in the lodge room. At no point should the ritual become a
private conversation between two Masons. Gestures should be made,.objects
displayed and words spoken sufficiently clearly distinctly and loudly as to be received
by every brother present. We should always walk uprightly and with humility and
never at any time evince embarrassment or reluctance, because these negative
vibrations are sure to be detected by the brethren.
Some organizations depend on microphones and sound systems but the
presence of the required hardware surely will detract from the ritual just as it would
detract from drama on the stage. Most of us are endowed by our creator with a good
sound system involving the lungs, the larnyx the mouth, breathing etc. I wonder that more
lodges do not hold training sessions in voice projection and enunciation so as to ensure proper
use of this system. . SWH
DISTRICT DIVINE District Deputy Grand Master
SERVICE Right Worshipful Bro. Jack Smith
District Chaplain
Very Worshipful Bro. Stuart Wm
UNITED CHURCH St. Laurence O’Toole Roman Catholic
Church Choir
Directed by Mrs. Pauline
The Rev. James E. Leland Smith
Organist : Rt. Wor. Bro. Andrew Graham,
hosts Readers : Rt.W.Bro. John Hunter ;
V.W.Bro. Jason Munro


Order of Worship Page 1
The congregation is asked to rise as the
Masonic Brethren are piped into the
church and to participate in the service
October 26, 2014 using the portions in bold print.

HOWARD’S Book of Ceremonies for Masonic Lodges

Welcome: Minister of the Church
Response: The District Deputy Grand
Master, St. Lawrence
District, R.W.Bro. Jack Smith
Chaplain: The Lord be with you.
People And with your spirit
Chaplain: Let us ask God purify our
thoughts and turn them to a
remembrance of his blessed saints:
People Almighty God, to whom all hearts
are open ,all desires known and from
whom no secrets are hidden: Cleanse the
thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration
of your Holy Spirit ,that we may perfectly
love you and worthily magnify your holy
May you, whose people are knit
together in one holy Church, the mystical
Body of your Son, grant us grace to follow
your blessed Saints in lives of faith and
commitment and to know the
inexpressible joys you have prepared for
those who love you; through Jesus Christ
our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
forever. AMEN


Page 2 Order of Worship and renew a right spirit within us.

Chaplain: exhortation to confession People In Jesus name we pray, AMEN

Have mercy on us , O God, according to Chaplain (prayer for Pardon)

your loving kindness; and in your great
compassion blot out our offenses. THE WORD OF GOD
Against you only have we sinned, and Opening of the Volume of the Sacred Law: While
have donewhat is evil in your sight. the Masonic brethren open the Bible and deposit the
Square and Compasses, upon it, please remain seated
Purge us from our sin and we shall be
while the following hymn is sung: .
pure, wash us and we shall be clean (The brethren were instructed before the service
indeed; Create in us a new heart, O God, not to give any Masonic signs during the service)

HOWARD’S Book of Ceremonies for Masonic Lodges

choir : Order of Worship Page 3
O gladsome light, O grace, of our creator’s
fac Choir and people:
th’eternal splendour wearing, To you of right belongs, all praise of holy
celestial, holy, blest, songs,
shining from east to west Great Architect, life giver.
joyful in your appearing. You, therefore, O Most High,
the world shall glorify
Masonic brethren led by the chaplain: And shall exalt forever..
(Based on the Greek Phos Hilaron)
We bow our heads in awe. and, on this
Sacred Law, Old Testament Reading: Ruth 1: 1-18
the Square and Compasses laying, reader: The Word of the Lord
the great lights of our art, People: Thanks be to God
until the time to part,
your truth and light displaying. Psalm 24 LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, YOU GATES
(concluded on page 3) V.U. page 751 responsive reading led by the

New Testament Reading Revelations 21: 1-7; 22-27

reader: The Word of the Lord
People: Thanks be to God

The Choir: When The Saints Come Marching In

Gospel Reading: Luke 6: 20-31

reader: The Gospel of Christ
People: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

SERMON: “The people of God ?”


HYMN 710 V.U.
(During this hymn the offering will be collected.
When the offering is brought to the front of the church
the doxology will be sung
DOXOLOGY (sung) +
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below;
Praise him above, you heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

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Page 4 Order of Worship Order of Worship Page 5
GIVING AND ASKING found in the former([RED] Hymn Book ,no. 156; tune: Battle
Minister * Prayer over the offering Hymn)

* intercessions My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of

* The Lord’s Prayer the Lord,
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy He is trampling out the vintage where the
name, grapes of wrath are stored;
thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it He has loosed the fateful lightning of his
is in heaven terrible, swift sword; His truth is marching on
Give us, this day, our daily bread. (Chorus)
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespass against us. And lead us not into Glory.glory halleluiah,Glory.glory halleluiah,
temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is Glory.glory halleluiah,. His truth is marching
the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever on.
and ever AMEN È
Church Annoucements He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall
GOING FORWARD never call retreat,
HYMN: MY EYES HAVE SEEN THE He is sifting out the hearts of all before his
GLORY (words opposite on page 5)
(During this hymn the Masonic brethren will close
judgement seat.
the Volume of the Sacred Law) O be swift, my soul ,to answer him, be
jubilant my feet; Our God is marching on!
Chaplain: Glory, glory halleluia, etc
A Commissioning È
In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born
District Deputy Grand Master : The Benediction
across the sea.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face to shine upon you with a glory in his bosom that transfigures
and be gracious to you; you and me;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you As he died to make us holy, let us live to
and give you peace, make all free
People AMEN While God is marching on ! Glory,glory
Recessional: As soon as the above AMEN is said, halleluia, etc
the pipes will begin to play and the Masonic È
Brethren will withdraw from the church, via both
aisles beginning with the row farthest from the He is coming like the glory of the morning on
front.. The congregation is asked to remain seated the wave;
until the brethren have withdrawn. he is wisdom to the mighty, he is power to
the brave;
Everyone present is invited to partake of light so the world shall be his footstool and the
refreshment directly after the service at NATION soul of time his slave; Our God is marching
on ! Glory.glory halleluiah,Glory.glory
halleluiah, Glory.glory halleluiah,.
His truth is marching on.

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Freemasonry is not a religion. Nevertheless, THE BIBLE (continued)
Freemasonry entails the acceptance of many religious They declare that this belief strengthens their faith
principles. These may be found in Masonic Ritual. which in turn creates hope of sharing in the promises
While Masons are bound not to reveal the actual contained in The Bible.
words and actions of their ritual, the following From the Bible, Freemasons derive the three
concepts have been extracted from it for general “theological virtues” of Faith, Hope and Charity
consumption (Love) the greatest of which they take to be Charity.
(1) GOD: A Freemason believes in the existence of a RELIGION IN GENERAL: A Freemason must not
Supreme Being who punishes vice, rewards virtue, be an “enthusiast” ( i.e. one to tries to convert his
and has revealed His will to humankind. There are brethren to his particular religion), nor a persecutor
many religions which hold this view of the Divine, nor a slanderer nor a reviler of religion. Masons
e.g. Christianity, Judaism, Islam. Zoroastrianism and accept that each monotheistic religion has its Volume
others. Members of such faiths are eligible to (or Volumes) of the Sacred Law or holy book or
become Freemasons, They also affirm that in all books deserving reverence. For Jews it is The Torah,
cases of difficulty and danger they must put their for Moslems, The Koran etc.
trust in God. SALVATION Within each person there is a vital
Freemasons refer to the Supreme Being as and
“The Great Architect of the Universe”, or “The immortal principal which inspires confidence that the
Grand Geometrician of the Universe”, or simply as Lord of Life will enable him/her to trample the King
“The Most High”. They say that the Supreme Being of Terrors (death) and lift their eyes to the bright
is infinitely wise, omnipotent, and can be seen in the morning star (the star in the East) which promises
beauty and symmetry of creation. Freemasons assert salvation to all faithful and obedient people
that they must, in the course of time, give to God a ETERNAL LIFE Freemasons hope that by virtuous
true account of their lives and actions conduct, steady improvement and good motives they
(2) THE BIBLE: Freemasons affirm that this comes may ascend to the place where all goodness has
from God for the guidance of mankind ; that God has originated. They believe that by keeping the law of
revealed more of His will in this book than by any God they may, at death, ascend to the company of
other means; that it is the unerring standard of truth God.
and justice and that they must regulate their lives and By prior request of the deceased or of his
actions in accordance with it. They affirm that it family, a Masonic Lodge will conduct a brief
teaches the duties they owe to God, to their memorial service in the Funeral home or in the Lodge
neighbours and to themselves: to God by using his for a deceased brother at the time of his demise. The
name with reverence ,by imploring his aid in all following scripture passage is of deep Masonic
lawful activity and looking to him for comfort and significance :
support in every emergency; to their neighbours by “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was,
treating them as Freemasons would wish to be and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it
treated and to themselves by following Masonic ”(Ecclesiastes ,12:7)
discipline so as to develop their potential in order to
use their talents to the glory of God and the welfare
of mankind. Freemasons call The Bible “The
Volume of the Sacred Law” and say that it rules and
governs their faith, and that by the doctrines it
contains they are taught to believe in the wise The above essay on Masonic Beliefs was attached to
dispensations of Divine Providence. the order of worship

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