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Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the Degree of




Reg. No. MB198221

Under the guidance of

Assistant Professor

Bengaluru City University



I hereby declare that “A Study on How digitalization changed our lives in the last 6 months” is
the result of the project work carried out by me under the guidance of Mr.
KUMARSAIDEEPAK in partial fulfillment for the award of Master’s Degree in Business
Administration by Bengaluru City University.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and
that it has not been submitted to any other University or Institute
for the award of any other degree or Diploma or Certificate.


Date: 26-12-2020 Register Number: MB198221



This is to certify that the Project Report titled “A Study on how digitalization changed our lives in the
last 6 months ” submitted by Mr. DEEPAK (Reg. No.: MB198221) to Bengaluru City University,
Bengaluru for the award of Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is a record of
work carried out by he under my guidance.

Place: Bengaluru

Date: 26-12-2020 Signature

Serial No. Particulars Page No.


- Importance of the Topic

- Statement of the problem 1-7

- Need and relevance

Research Methodology

- Objective

2. - Methodology of Research
- Data Collection

SWOC Analysis

- Strength

3. - Weakness
- Opportunity

- Challenges

4. Outcome of the Study 17

- Experience

- Learning

5. - Conclusion 18-22

- Bibliography

Week Dates Work Carried out Initials of Co- Signature of Faculty

Guide Guide
I 7-09-2020 Asst. Prof.
to *Information Gathering Kumarsaideepak
12-09-2020 about Digitalization. B

II 20-09-2020 *Research Methodology Asst. Prof.

to about digital Marketing. Kumarsaideepak
25-09-2020 How to be get linked with B
market research
III 14-10-2020 Data Analysis and Ratio Asst. Prof.
IV 30-10-2020 Idea about SWOC Asst. Prof.
Analysis. Kumarsaideepak



Digital India is a campaign launched by the Government of India in order to transform India into a Digitally
impowered society and increase the knowledge of the society.

Digital India was launched in 1 July 2015 by Prime minister Narendra Modi. The scope of the campaign is
to bring DIGITALIZATION in India and make more people to shift to digital form of market which is more
accurate and efficient in compare to traditional form of marketing.

In 2020 when country was hit by the pandemic of COVID-19. The first case was reported on 30 January
2020.The first complete lockdown was placed on 22 March 2020. After that all the state have placed a full
lockdown in their state and India was in a complete lockdown for remaining upcoming month of 2020. All
the small shops, business and industry were completely shutdown and no one was allowed to work physically
in the market because of the spread of Corona virus. It was the time where government of India encourage the
people of India to work from home and stay at home during the complete lockdown to overcome the spread
of the corona virus. The complete lockdown encouraged the all working classes to shift to digital market
because no was allowed to work in offices and factories.

Digitization is the process of converting the information into digital format, in which the information is
organized into sets. The result is the representation of an object, picture, sound, document or signal by
generating a series of numbers that describe a discrete set of points or samples.


An E-governance plan was initiated in 2006 the UPA govt, trying to connect government services to the public
telecom services by the govt of India.

This did not go according to the plan of the govt. and was soon let go off by the government.

The major objective of Digital India is to equip rural areas with new infrastructure and connect rural market
to urban market to increase the sales in India and make the Digital India a successful scheme . And also, the

main purpose is to connect services relevant to Healthcare, Education and Judicial services are subset of this
assignment. Additional support was acquired by the campaign after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi visit
to the Silicon Valley. Prime Minster said at the conference that “We must ensure that technology is accessible,
affordable, and add value” to the lower class of the society. Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella, Google’s CEO
Sundar Pichai and Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg shows their interest on the scheme’s importance and
took initiative to help to make it successful. Google also placed WI-FI in all major railway station of India
after the scheme was announced in the conference . After plans like “Make in India” and “Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan” the “Digital India” initiative is another important project administered by the Modi government.


Digitalization helps to improve the efficiency of a business’s process, consistency, accuracy, efficiency and
quality. Integrating conventional records into a digitized system removing redundancies and shortening the
communication chain. It helps in improving the accessibility and facilitate better information exchange for
staff and users. It creates a transparency between the customer and the business.


The problem statement of the Digital Marketing Solution not only includes the Digital Marketing Services our
clients want us to deliver to us, but it also includes the increase in our clients expect for their business. Before
looking for a Digital Marketing Solution I pinpoint the exact problem and areas that need to be addressed in
this research work.

Sometimes the apparently a successful Digital Marketing campaign is not doing any significant favor to the
business but to all our efforts going in vain if they are not serving the actual purpose of the campaign.

Defining the problem statement of the Digital Marketing Campaign not only helps in determining the right
direction of the efforts we are putting in it, but it also helps to synchronize all the Digital Marketing Efforts
with the overall business model and its operations. Sometimes very little efforts can remove the hurdles which
can have adverse effects on the overall efficiency of Digital Marketing if they are not addressed beforehand
and can make problem in the execution.

Scope of Digital India


In India only 17% people was using internet till the end of 2013 and usage of internet is increasing by
18% and its reach to 35% in 2014 and increase rapidly day by day. More than 40% business of in
India depends on Digital marketing. With increasing of internet and Smartphone users soon in coming
years in India around 90% business will be depending on the online marketing in India. After USA
and UK India deal with the largest online shopping deals in E-Commerce Businesses in the world.


 The digital era brings all kinds of the information to our very fingertips thanks to the digitalization and
accessibility of the data. For example, the people are now rely heavily on the computers and the mobile
phones with internet, which give you an immediate answer to any questions you might have and it is
easy to access that data.

 Digitalisation has also the transformed our ability to communicate, with numerous apps which allow us
to send the messages to each other immediately and in many different formats. For example, searching
someone’s name on the social media post or doing a video call on WhatsApp.

 We are also better able to communicate new ideas to thanks the digitalisation in our life, which helps
them to spread more quickly on social media. We no longer only have the access to the thoughts of the
wealthiest, most powerful members of the society in India, anybody has the ability to get the message
out there now.

 Digitalisation has opened up a new world of opportunity when it comes to the jobs sector, due to the
remote working that the internet has allowed for the employee to work from home. There are now
completely new job roles like internet technology specialists, blogging and anyone can open their own
online business which is an amazing new advantage for new entrepreneur.

 Digitalization has increased the commercial competition so much that consumers now have so many
more options to choose from in the market with less price and better features, which is a positive as it
means that the prices are no longer control by the biggest companies. The digital era is also bringing
digital currency which makes financial exchanges faster, safer and easier, which is especially
advantageous for international trade in the market.


 The benefits of digitalisation have two sides like a coin. The centralisation of control over the wealth and
personal information means that we are putting all of our eggs in one basket. While technology reflects
human error, it is not immune to failure so by relying on something that is not 100% reliable and accurate,
we are running the risk of losing control of our assets. Handing control over also opens us up to digital
crime like hackers, who have unknown destructive potential and it is still a major issue in digital

 The ease of communication can have a negative impact on our real-life social skills and weakens the
strength of the community. In many cases falls information are shared in the community which can create

 Easy access to the information increases the chance of its misuse, for example, incorrect self-diagnosis
for health conditions, and allows the spread of false information which can be used for manipulative
purposes and for own benefits

 Finally, the fast-paced, simplistic nature of digital exchanges could create a more passive society that is
unable to consider ideas on a deeper level or with any passion of the human thoughts.


Need and Relevance: -

 Digitalisation has played a vital role in improving the Indian economy in last couple of year.
 In addition to the above, “make in India” drive has given a boost to the youngsters to start new start-

 The government on its end is pushing and encouraging the Indian public to go cashless and reduce
reliance on cash transactions and shift to digital mode of transaction. The purpose is to make us adopt
digital payments and become digitalized.

 Digital transactions make us follow a legal path which is helpful to flourish the economy of our country.

 Use of digital money gives freedom as well as security to citizens of the country because it works on
technical grounds.

Let’s have a look at couples of the statistics related to an impact of digitisation on the Indian economy
in terms of employment, contribution to GDP in comparisons with other countries:

 Digital infrastructure’s backbone is the availability of high-speed internet which reduced the buffering
time. With the introduction of better and faster mobile internet connections in India.

 In addition to the above, the government is taking initiatives like “Aadhar Card” or Digital identification
for every citizen of India. The move is expected to give unique and authentic identification to every citizen
of our country. This step will mean faster subsidy distribution, reduction of corruption in between and
some other impacts on our economy to bring safe flow of money.

 Digital India has made mobile banking easy with a faster internet speed.

 At the end of the day, Digitization is helping businesses streamline their processes by slowly taking away
dependency away from paperwork and shift to smart digital platform.

 Banks are the biggest beneficiary of digitalisation. Since they now have processes where less staff can do
more work and details are stored in digital form which easily searchable by a single click.

 Digital India has empowered its citizen by giving them digital power like during the journey you don’t
have to carry any physical documents and everything can be stored in your form via digitally.

 You can show a soft copy of the ticket and identity card which fulfils the purpose of the ticket. No more
worries if you fails to carry one in paper form.

 Government is pushing Digitalisation in the country by promoting e-services to every citizen through
digital India ads which educating the citizen of our country.

 Digital India is all promoting development and creating an opportunity for new India in terms of job,
technology, and transparency through Digitalisation. It helping to create more employment in our country.



This Study is completely based on the Secondary sources of data. The data for this study is collected from
journals, magazines, newspapers, published articles and from government websites

Objective of the Study: -

 To study the concept of Digital India.

 To study the Visions of Government of India for the implementation of Project Digital India.

 To suggest some recommendation for the future.

 Creating Digital infrastructure in India.

There are three Vision Areas and Nine Pillars for the implementation of digital program in India. Digital India
is a complex program that reduces the manual working of multiple departments and shift them in digital form.
Digital India program is a use of computer technology and mobile applications for taking up of Government
services quickly which help to promote digitalization in India. Digital India today becomes a major innovative
program for the economic development of our country.




Digital India

Digitalization system in India will not only makes changes in government processes, policies, increases
but also brings about huge change in how the work in done in India in offline form. This vision of digital
system is the development of a country through electronic technology and for creating more job

Indian Talent Information India


Vision of Digital India

Vision Benefits
Digital infrastructure facility as utility to every  High speed internet access.
citizen  Cradle to grave digital identity that is
unique, lifelong, online and
authenticable to every citizen.
 Mobile phone and Bank account.

 Easy access to common services centers

within their locality.
Governance and service on demand  Single window system for all citizens.

 Availability of all government services

under one roof.
 Availability of online government

 Availability of services for 24*7.

 Electronic technology system

Digital empowerment of citizens  Digital literacy

 Availability of all government services in




7. Electronics
6. Information for All
Manufacturing Target
1. Broadband Highways NET ZERO imports

5. eKranti- Electronic
2. Universal Access to delivery of services 8. IT for jobs

4. E-Governance- 9. Early Harvest

3. Public internet Access programs
program Reforming government
through technology



‣ SWOC Analysis apply on Digital Marketing in India: -

SWOC analysis of digital marketing is to say in brief, SWOC analysis is an in-depth analysis of any topic by
bringing out the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges of it. This helps the user to understand all
the aspects of the topic, both negative and positive which help us to get the clear picture of the topic by giving
in positive and negative side.

1) Strength of Digital Marketing

 Easy to target and reach more audience at a cheaper price in the market.

 Campaigns can be easily customized and made more targeted as per our business requirements for the

 As the world is more dependent on the internet, it helps the business to reach out and connect with the
mass number of peoples.

 Saves a lot of money as compared to the traditional way of marketing as it is cheaper and efficient and
we can easily reach our customer base.

 Being recognized as a brand has become much easier with the help of digital marketing.

 The options are not confined to one or two, there are many options and people can choose to switch
from one to the other if plan as does not work and that does not cost a great loss of money. And it helps
to get the better alternate then old one.

 Promotion of small business is easy as it is cost effective and help them to reach a large number of
audience in one go.

 Entrepreneurs find it very useful as they do not need a huge budget for this and it gives them huge
platform to make a mark on the digital world and help us to stay close to our competitors.

 You do not require a large team to do digital marketing campaigns as it can be done by a small set of
right people, unlike the traditional manner which in turn saves money, time and labour and also
increases the ROI.

2) Weakness of Digital Marketing in India

 A challenge to reach the population which is still not using the internet.

 High chances of failure of digital marketing campaigns because of confusion due to the
availability of many different marketing options.

 Keeping pace with new marketing technology.

 Need of deep understanding of changing human behaviour and requirements.

 If your brand or product is not justifying the users need, then the chance of getting bad reviews
in public is very high, which in turn might damage the reputation.

 Damage control of bad reviews or complaints on social media or digital platform is a huge task
and can even lead to the closing of businesses.

 Data Analysis is still a very big concern and very few people are professional in it as not many
are able to understand what data actually says.

3) Opportunity of Digital Marketing in India

 More and More employment for the youth as this field is just growing and number of professionals are

 Increase the reach of your brand, therefore, leading to direct profit.

 There are lots of ways through which owners earn money apart from their primary business, e.g.- giving
space for ads on website, affiliate marketing in e commerce etc.
 If the digital marketing comes everywhere in a full-fledged manner it will help the country itself to
become digital that means major chunk of our population will start leading a life which will be smarter
and faster.

 It will help our Indian Government Organizations to become digital.

 All the operation from railways, municipal organization etc. will become faster and smoother.

 Storing of valuable and confidential data of the government organizations will be easy and secured.

 The Dream of making “Digital India” can become true.


4) Challenges of Digital Marketing in India

If it doesn’t work perfectly then chances of back fire is higher.

 Due to ever changing trends of different marketing areas and ever-changing rules of search engine for
optimizing the content, continuous awareness is required, which is very difficult.

 Storage of data with full security is still a big question mark.

 Analysing the data in a wrong way can lead to damaging results which is found in a lot of companies.

 With the growth of this digital platform, customers have become more vocal about their feelings and
opinions, and with the availability of this platform they have the power to damage as well as advocate
for any brand, which is a high risk for the marketers.

 Day by day it is engulfing all the traditional ways of marketing, which ultimately might even lead to
Television being left as the only source of traditional marketing.


 The digital marketing is way to promote your products and services through the online reach the
consumers and the public.

 The digital marketing is awareness of Indian people is very low, but increase the digital marketing
awareness program provides every business to promote the product and services on the consumer and
the public.

 The digital marketing is together day by day human life.

 Easy to target and achieve more audience at a lower price in the market.

 Save a lot of money compared to the traditional way of marketing strategy.

 Promotion of small business is easy as it is cost effective and help them to reach the potential buyers.

 The digital marketing is the significant role of every business or services in the market today.

 The digital marketing is 24*7 hours open market in World Wide services providing activity.



The Research assessed several economic issues in the Market. As the Digital Transformation, the positive side
about COVID-19 is the real impact on behaviour change.

Here, brand across the globe are slowly coming to terms with the volatile business environment. Hence the
Internet is the only place which is not quarantined for quarantined customers.

As we have seen the past 6 months here,

 More than 4500 digital marketing professionals from the USA and Europe participated in the
anonymous survey. We asked them about the impact of COVID-19 on their Business and the working

 Some response talk about increasing the volume of work and improving business indicators: 18% of
respondents noted an increase in traffic, and 12% received new Customers.

 The Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the government to give a chance to IndianStart-
up to take charge for the innovation for which we are usually dependent on global suppliers.

 Offline classes were shifted to online during the pandemic as it was fully based on digitalization.

 Work from home was adopted by the all private and government organization because of the

 Online shopping was boomed during the pandemic as people were scared to go out. Hence, there
hands were all on online apps.

 Online banking was also promoted during the pandemic.

 SEO was boosted up by 86% in pandemic.





During the course of this project I gained very good knowledge and was very good and experience. I have
gained very much interactive and co-operative experience which was very helpful for me. Everyone supported
me well and share and explain me things about my work in depth.



 During the course of this project I gained a lot of experience and knowledge as I have observed that how
digitalization is changing India in developing way by teaching the young and old entrepreneur to
digitalized their product and reach to large number of buyers in the market.
 Digitalization is also helping in creating a transparency between the customer and business.
 Learned about how the digitalization has changed our lives and how millennials and above generation
has adopted it.
 Learned to communicate digitally in an instant way and got to know the power of digital India.
 Knowledge about around the world at a single click.
 Knowing which source are most important to company success.
 Knowing which customer channels are going to pay off in the market.
 Learned how to connect with the real world with the digitalworld.
 knowledge about the company, employees and others at one click.
 Learned to live with COVID & Digital India via Video call, Zoom, google forms, pay etc.
 Knowledge about Investment and Earning Digitally.
 I have gained very much interactive and co-operative experience which was very helpful for me.
Everyone supported me well and share and explain me things about my work in depth.



Digital India is a program that transforms India into digital India and make it independent India. This
program was launched by PM Narender Modi in 1st July, 2015. Digital India is power to empower which
transforms manual system of Government into electronic system and convert all work to digital. Now, it
becomes easier for the citizens to take the benefit of electronic delivery of government services at their
fingertips. Digital India is an initiative made by Government of India to interact easily and efficiently with
the public of India. It is the electronic system which a government of India uses for providing efficient
government services to public electronically by electronic modes for improving and making the good
interaction with the citizens 24*7. The Digital India initiative is a dream project of Government to
transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The government of India has
embarked upon an ambitious journey which has a vision to transform India into digital country where
government will interact with citizens and businesses digitally. Few of these initiatives includes:
MobileOne, e-Education, e-Health, e-Farming and many more. It can be concluded from the paper that
Digital India program makes India a country with a knowledge economy.
Let us all look forward for the successful implementation for this project for the brighter and prosperous
India and hope India will again called a Golden Sparrow, as it was once called in past.


Reference: -

Website: -



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