Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the development, deployment, and maintenance of

computational systems that can replicate certain types of human intelligence.
Currently, this aspect of computer science is focused on creating algorithms and
programming machine learning (ML) models that can analyze vast amounts of data to
gain insights and make data-driven decisions autonomously. Artificial Intelligence
relates to human-like intelligence constructed by a computer. It refers to the
capability of a computer/machine to imitate the characteristics of the human
brain by replicating its intelligence.

Essentially, artificial intelligence initiatives combine elements of mathematics

and computational neuroscience to simulate and/or enhance human thought processes.
An important goal of this research field is to investigate how technology can be used
to carry out cognitive tasks that humans find tedious or challenging.

AI is considered to be a disruptive technology because it is changing the way people

access and process information, do their jobs, and understand the nature of creativity
and originality.

How Artificial Intelligence Works

Today, AI applications typically use advanced machine learning algorithms and vast
amounts of computational power to process, analyze, and learn from data in ways that
mimic specific aspects of human cognition, like pattern recognition and inductive

The first step when developing an AI model that uses ML involves data acquisition.
The specific data type will be determined by the AI’s intended function. For example,
an image recognition model will require a massive dataset of digital images.

Once the data has been collected, data scientists can select or develop algorithms to
analyze the data. The algorithms – which are essentially sets of instructions – are sets
of instructions that tell the computer how to process data and arrive at an output.

Many machine learning algorithms, including deep learning algorithms, are designed
to be used iteratively. They get exposed to data, make predictions/decisions, and then
receive feedback to adjust their internal processes. The process of allowing algorithms
to improve their outputs over time is referred to as machine learning (ML).

The learning process can be supervised or unsupervised, depending on how the data is
presented and what the AI programming is meant to achieve.

With supervised learning, the AI model learns from a dataset that includes both the
input and the desired output. With unsupervised learning, the algorithm identifies
patterns, relationships, or structures in the data it receives and then uses the analysis to
predict outputs.

Once an AI model can reliably predict outputs for unseen training data with an
acceptable range of accuracy, it can be tested with real-world data. At this point, the
model will either be retrained or deployed and monitored continuously for model drift.

Examples of AI Technology
Today’s AI often uses machine learning in conjunction with other computational
techniques and technologies. A hybrid approach allows for more nuanced and robust
AI systems.

For example, deep learning is an iterative approach to artificial intelligence that stacks
machine learning algorithms in a hierarchy of increasing complexity and abstraction.
It is currently the most sophisticated AI architecture in use.

Other well-known AI techniques and technologies include:

Types of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence can be categorized as being either weak AI or strong AI. All
artificial intelligence in use today is considered to be weak AI.

Weak AI
Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is capable of performing a limited number of
predetermined functions.

Even powerful multimodal AI chatbots like Google Gemini and ChatGPT are still a
type of weak AI. These two families of large language models (LLMs) had to be
programmed how to respond to user prompts, and they will require more
programming if they are going to be used for new tasks.

Strong AI
Strong AI doesn’t exist yet, but researchers and AI advocates have expressed interest
in two distinct types of strong AI: artificial general intelligence (AGI) and artificial
Artificial general intelligence is a hypothetical type of AI that possesses human-level
intelligence. In theory, AGI will be able to learn, reason, and solve problems in an
interdisciplinary manner across all domains. The technology will be able to respond
autonomously to new types of outside stimuli without explicit programming.

Superintelligence is the type of hypothetical AI that is often depicted in science fiction

books. This type of AI will far surpass AGI capabilities and be more intelligent than
human beings.

It’s important to note that no AGI or superintelligent systems have been developed
yet, and there is still considerable debate among experts about when – or even if –
they will be achieved. The negative and positive implications of superintelligence are
the subject of much debate within the AI community and society at large.

AI Use Cases in Business

Artificial intelligence technology is streamlining business operations and increasing
efficiency across various business sectors, but it is also requiring employees
to upskill and adapt to new roles and responsibilities within the workplace.
As routine tasks become automated, the workforce is expected to shift towards more
analytical, creative, and supervisory roles that AI technology cannot fulfill. The hope
is that the transition will not only enhance employee productivity, it will also allow
employees to focus on strategic and creative tasks that add greater value to the

The ability of AI to analyze vast amounts of data in real time is enabling businesses to
tailor their offerings to specific customer segments and identify opportunities for
growth and improvement more effectively than ever before. The integration of AI in
business operations is also transforming marketing engagement
strategies. Personalized recommendations and chatbots that provide interactive
customer service 24/7 are allowing companies to offer unprecedented levels
of customer support.

Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence

As AI becomes a standard technology for business applications, there is growing
concern about its ethical use, benefits, and risks.

The ethical use of AI calls for careful consideration and management of these risks to
ensure that the technology is used in a way that is beneficial to society and does not
exacerbate inequalities or harm individuals or groups.

Artificial intelligence has also introduced complex legal considerations that businesses
must navigate carefully. These concerns include issues related to data privacy, AI
bias and the impact of AI on employment, as well as its impact on society.

Determining who is responsible when AI systems make harmful decisions can be

challenging, especially for complex AI systems whose outputs have hundreds or even
thousands of dependencies. For example, when an AI-powered self-driving car causes
an accident, determining who is liable – the developer, the company, or the user – is a
significant challenge. It’s even more complicated if the vehicle’s operation has
been compromised by a malware attack.

It’s becoming increasingly clear that companies need to establish clear guidelines and
best practices to ensure that employee use of AI-enhanced technology remains in
compliance with corporate policies.

The table below provides a high-level view of AI’s dual-edged nature.


 Efficiency & productivity gains

 Enhanced problem-solving
 Personalized experiences
 Innovation & breakthroughs

 Job displacement
 Algorithmic bias
 Privacy infringement
 Lack of transparency & accountability

Regulatory Compliance and Artificial Intelligence

As AI applications become more integrated into critical sectors of e-commerce,
agriculture, healthcare and finance, the need for sharing best practices and adopting
standardized AI frameworks like NIST’s AI Risk Management
Framework and Google SAIF has never been greater.

To reduce the economic and societal risks of developing and/or using AI, many
countries around the world are creating new policies, laws, and regulations.

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