Akuan Integriti Majikan English

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Chow Chee Kiat 740413-01-6611

I,………………………........................................................... (NRIC No. :………………………………)
Talentedge Academy Sdn Bhd
representing…………………………………………………................. 1183460-M
(Company No :……………………)
(“Employer”), solemnly swears and pledge as employer that I:-
1. Will always comply with all terms, conditions and rules under any provision of law, including
but not limited to PSMB Act, 2001, the MACC Act 2009 or the Penal Code, either by myself,
representative or any agent;
2. Will always participate and/or conduct training in a professional, diligent and responsible
manner in upholding the efforts and aspirations of PSMB for the nation’s human capital
3. Will neither by myself, representative or any agent, conduct nor abet or involved in fraudulent,
misappropriation, making false declaration, give and / or receive bribes to obtain benefits from
4. Will always secure confidential information at all times to protect the interests of my company
and PSMB, and will not abuse it for own interests or any stakeholder;
5. Will report immediately to PSMB if there is any attempt or conduct by any party(ies) which
could be interpreted as contrary to the provisions of the PSMB Act, 2001, the MACC Act 2009
or any other applicable laws; and
6. Will always comply with the employer’s circulars, PSMB guidelines and other instructions
issued and enforced by PSMB from time to time.

For and behalf of Employer:

Signed by, )
Name: ) Chow Chee Kiat
Designation: Director
) ___________________________________________
Date: ) (Authorised signature and Company Stamp) 26/3/2021

Witnessed by, )
Name: ) Mastura Binti Safar
NRIC No.: ) 740811-01-5374
Designation: Administration Officer
) __________________________________________
Date: ) (Witness signature) 26/3/2021

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