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Probability and Statistical Inference,

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Brown, A. L., quoted, 102.

Brown, William, 66f, 72.

Buck, Dudley, 345f.

Bull, Ole, in America, 130f.

Bullard, Frederick Field, 353.

Bunyan, John, quoted, 12.

Burleigh, Cecil, 401.

Burleigh, Harry, 443.

Burrian, Carl, 155.

Burton, Frederick R., 347.

Busch, Carl, 394f.

Byrd, William, 4.

Cable, George W., 307f.

Cadman, Charles Wakefield, 425ff.

Calvé, Emma, 144, 146, 151.

Campanari, Giuseppe, 147.

Campanini, Cleofonte (opera conductor), 152f, 171f.

Campanini, Italo, 133, 135f, 141.

Campbell-Tipton, 422ff.

Canada, conservatories of, 259ff.

Canadian folk-song, 313.

Capron, Henri, 66, 72.

Caradori-Allan (Mme.), 124.

Carey, Henry, 324.

'Carmen,' in New York, 135, 155.

Carnegie, Andrew, 211.

Carnegie Hall (New York), 211.

Carpenter, John Alden, 427f.

Carr, Benjamin, 112.

Carroll, Marcus H., 354.

Caruso, Enrico, 149, 155.

Casino Theatre (New York), 177f.

Catholic Church. See Church music; also Palestrina.

Cavalieri, Lina, 151, 153.

'Cavalleria Rusticana' (Mascagni), in New York, 143.

Century Opera Company (New York), 155ff.

Chadwick, George W., 248f, 311, 337f, 357, 462.

Chamber music ensembles, in the United States, 201ff.

Chappell, on music in the 17th century, 6.

Charleston (S. C.), early concerts in, 9, 40ff, 76ff, 83;

early musical societies of, 86f;
early opera, 106, 108, 111.

Cheney, Moses E., 244.

Chicago, opera in, 169ff;

orchestral organizations of, 191ff;
chamber music organizations in, 205;
choral societies of, 216f;
musical conventions in, 222, 244;
music festivals in, 223.

Chicago Conservatory, 254f.

Chicago Musical College, 253f.

Chicago-Philadelphia Opera Company, 169, 171f.

Chittenden, Kate S., 255.

Chopin, influence of, in America, 361, 419f.

Choral music, in early Boston, 60, 73, 88;

in Bethlehem (Pa.), 214, 233f.

Choral societies, community choruses, xix;

early American, 84ff;
American, 206ff.
See also German choral societies.

Christy, Edwin T. (negro minstrel), 316ff.

Church music, in America, x;

in early New England, 13ff;
early American, 45, 231ff, 332f;
(influence of) 345;
early Philadelphia institution for, 87f;
American composers of, 355ff.
See also Sacred Music.

Church music, Institution for the Encouragement of, 73.

Cincinnati, choral societies, 214ff;

music festival, 222f;
opera in, 173f;
orchestral organizations of, 193f.

Cincinnati College of Music, 254.

Cincinnati Conservatory, 247, 250f.

Clapp, Philip Greeley, 390.

Classic composers, American, 331ff, 360ff, 407ff.

Claxton, Philander D., 242f.

Cleveland Conservatory, 253.

Clifton, Chalmers, 442.

Clough-Leighter, Henry, 436f.

Coerne, Louis Adolphe, 343.

Cohan, George M., 463.

Coini, Jacques, 157.

Cole, Rossetter G., 384.

College of Music of Cincinnati, 193.

Colleges (American), musical courses in, 261ff.

Colleges, musical. See Conservatories.

'Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean,' 326.

Columbia Anacreontic Society, 90f.

Columbia University, music department of, 267f.

Comer, Thomas, 188.

Comic opera, in America, 174ff;

American, 456ff.

Commercialism in music in America, xvi.

Community drama. See Pageants.

Composition, courses in. See Colleges (American), musical courses

in; also Conservatories.

Concerts, (early American) 31, 33ff;

compared to European, in 18th cent., 83, 55ff, 84ff;
(municipal) xviii-f;
(symphony, at popular prices), xix;
(free public) 273ff.
See also Musical organizations.
Concordia Society (of New York), 97.

Congregational singing in early New England, 15ff.

Conried, Heinrich, 149ff.

Conservatories, American, vii-f, 246ff.

See also Canada; also specific names.

Convention, musical, 244.

See also Music festivals.

Converse, C. C., 357.

Converse, Frederick S., 154, 227, 377ff.

Cook, Will Marion, 443f.

Coombs, C. W., 355.

'Coon song,' 454f.

Corre, Joseph, 67.

Cotton, John, cited, 17, 20f.

Counterpoint (Billings quoted on), 51.

Cowboy songs, 311f.

Creoles, music and dances of, 304ff.

Cromwell, Oliver, cited, 13.

Damrosch, Frank, 187, 211, 212, 213, 256ff;
quoted on American conservatories, 246.

Damrosch, Leopold, 138f, 183, 185, 210.

Damrosch, Walter, 140, 142ff, 184ff, 211;

quoted, 382;
as composer, 395.

Dance songs, in 'popular' music, 455f.

Dances, of negroes, 304f.

Daniels, Mabel, 403.

Dartmouth College, early musical society in, 101f, 238f.

Davis, John, 115, 161.

Davis, T. Kemper, cited, 242.

Deblois, Stephen, 57f.

de Koven, Reginald, 353, 458ff.

Debussy, influence of, in America, xiii;

works of, introduced in America, 186.

Delacroix, Joseph, 66f.

Demarest, Clifford, 358f.

Democracy and American music, xvii.

Denver (Colo.), orchestra in, 199.

Destinn, Emmy, 153.

Dillon, Fannie, 405.

Dippel, Andreas, 147, 152ff, 154, 171f, 179.

Dipper, Thomas, 57f.

'Dixie,' 318, 327f.

Dixon, George Washington (negro minstrel), 318.

Dowland, John, 4.

Drama. See Comic Opera; Musical Comedy; Opera; Theatre.

Drum, as used by negroes, 297.

Dunlap, William, 112;

on early American opera, 111f;
librettist of first American opera, 112.

Dunn, James Philip, 440.

Dvořák, Antonin, 184, 256;

on American music, xii, 332;
on negro folk-song, 310.

Dwight, J. S., quoted, 100, 238.

Dwight's Journal of Music, 238.

Eames, Emma, 143, 147.

Eccles, Solomon, cit., 13f.

Education, musical. See Musical Education.

Edwards, Julian, 461.

Eichberg, Julius, 250, 457.

Eichheim, Henry, 447.

Eisfeld, Theodore, 203.

Eliot, John, cit., 16, 19ff.

Elizabeth (Queen), cit., 5.

Elkus, Arthur, 400.

Elson, Louis C., on early American music, 2, 32;

cited, 97;
quoted, 99;
on American patriotic songs, 320, 324.

Emery, Stephen, 334.

Emmett, Daniel D. (negro minstrel), 316, 318;

composer of 'Dixie,' 327f.

Engel, Carl, 446f.

England (music and customs), in 17th cent., 3ff;

opera in, during 17th-18th cent., 106f;
pageants in, 226, 228;
church music in, 356;
comic opera in, 457.

Englander, Ludwig, 461f.

English influence, (on early German music) 4f;
(on early American musical societies) 90f;
(on music in early Boston) 236f;
(on early American music) 284.

English language, opera in. See Opera in English. See also Comic

English musical comedy. See Musical comedy, English.

English opera, in early America, 36f, 107ff, 112;

in 17th-18th cent., 106ff;
decline of, in New York, in early 19th cent., 117;
revival of, 119ff, 123ff.

Enstone, Edward, 24f.

Erskine, Thomas Alexander, 70.

Essex Musical Association, 101.

Esterley, George, 75.

Europe, concert life of, during 18th century, 83.

European influence, on American composition, 284, 331ff.

European universities, musical courses in, 264.

Euterpean Society, of early New York, 89ff.

Faelten, Carl, 248.

Fairchild, Blair, 432f.

Farrar, Geraldine, 151, 155.

Farwell, Arthur, 226f, 310, 410ff;

on municipal music, 273ff.

Fay, C. N., 191.

Felsted, Samuel, 61.

Festivals, musical. See Music festivals.

Fickenscher, Arthur, 450.

Finck, Henry T., cited, 353, 368.

Finden, Amy Woodforde, 406.

Fischer, Emil, 140, 145, 147.

Fisk University, Jubilee Singers of, 308ff.

Flagg, Joseph, 29, 45.

Flagg, Josiah, 59.

Flagler, H. H., 186.

Flonzaley Quartet, 204f.

Floridia, Pietro, 188.

Florio, Caryl, 358f.

Foerster, Adolph M., 196;

quoted, 197.
Folk-song (in America), x-f, xi-ff, 277ff, 451f.
See also Cowboy songs; Negro folk-song; Indians; Canadian folk-
songs; Spanish-American folk-songs; 'Popular' music.

Foote, Arthur, 338ff, 357.

Forrage, Stephen, 70.

Foster, Stephen Collins, 286, 318ff, 452;

(influence of) 416.

Francis, Samuel, 65.

Franklin, Benjamin, 29, 70.

Fredericksburg, early musical life of, 82, 87.

Free concerts. See Concerts.

Freer, Eleanor Everest, 404.

Fremstad, Olive, 149.

French influence, on music in America, xiii-f, 74, 79, 81;

on negro music, 304ff;
on modern American music, 407, 409, 414, 416, 427, 437f, 441,
444, 446ff.

French opera, in early America, 104, 110f, 114ff, 126;

in (modern) New York, 152, 154, 178f;
in New Orleans, 161ff;
in Philadelphia, 168.

French-Canadian folk-song, 313.

Friedenthal, Albert, cited, 305.

Frieze, Henry S., 268.

Fry, D. H., quoted, 130.

Fry, E. R., 128.

Fry, William H. (opera composer), 132, 167f, 333f.

Funeral songs, of negroes, 302f.

Futurism, 440, 442.

Gadski, Johanna, 145, 147.

Gale, Clement R., 357.

García, Manuel (in New York), 118f.

Garden, Mary, 152.

Gatti-Casazza, Giulio, 152ff.

Gaynor, Jessie, 355.

Georgia, early concerts in, 82.

Gericke, William, 190f.

German choral societies, (in New York) 209f;

in the west, 215f;
(general) 218.
See also German musical societies.

German influence on American music, x-ff, 22, 215f, 233f, 243ff,

360ff, 369;
(modern) 420, 422, 435f, 440f, 449;
in early Boston, 236.

German musical societies, in early New York, 97.

German opera, in New York, 131ff;

in the United States, 159ff.

Germania orchestra (Boston), 188f.

Gerster, Etelka, 137, 160.

Gerville-Réache, Jeanne, 152.

Getty, Alice, 406.

Gibbons, Orlando, 4.

Gilbert, Henry F., 311, 408ff;

quot. on racial influence, 278.

Gilchrist, W. W., 357.

Gilibert, Charles, 148, 152.

Gilman, Lawrence, cited, 366, 368.

Gleason, Frederic Grant, 346.

Gluck, works of, in early American concerts, 62, 79, 80.

Goldmark, Rubin, 381.

Goodrich, Wallace, 208.

Goritz, Otto, 149.

Gottschalk, Louis Moreau, 307, 334f.

Gould, Nathaniel D., 242.

Gounod, influence of, on American church music, 356.

Grant, James Augustus, 298.

Grattan (Mrs.), 73.

Grau, Maurice, 142ff, 149, 175, 177.

Graupner, Gottlieb, 100, 207, 236.

Green, Joseph, quoted, 19.

Grétry, works of, in early American concerts, 62, 79, 81.

Griffes, Charles T., 442.

Grunn, J. Homer, 401.

Gualdo, Giovanni, 70.

Hackett, Karleton, cited, 169.

Hadley, Henry, 375ff, 462.

Hague, Eleanor, quoted, 312f.

'Hail Columbia' (national song), 324f.

Hale, Philip, on Toronto Choir, 219f;

cited, 390.

Hamerick, Asger, in America, 247.

Hamilton, Edward, 222.

Hammerstein, Oscar, 144, 151ff, 169, 179.

Hammond, William G., 355.

Hanby, B. R., 318.

Handel, works of, in early American concerts, 32ff, 37ff, 58ff, 62,
64ff, 70, 72f, 77, 80, 93ff.

Handel and Haydn Society (of Boston), 102f, 206ff.

Handel and Haydn Society (of early New York), 96.

Harris, Augustus, quoted, 146.

Harris, Charles K., 454.

Harris, Victor, 355.

Hartford, early concerts in, 62f.

Harvard University (music department of), 237f, 263.

Harvard Musical Association, 189, 203, 237f.

Haskell, M. A., quoted, 299.

Hattstaedt, John J., 254f.

Hawley, Charles B., 355.

Haydn, works of, in early American concerts, 38f, 41, 62f, 66f, 72f,
75, 80f, 96f.

Hearn, Lafcadio, cited, 299, 306.

Hebrew, operas in, 160.

Heckscher, Celeste, 404.

Hempel, Frieda, 155.

Henderson, W. J., cited, 144;

quoted, 186.

Hendricks, Francis, 442.

Henius, Joseph, 393.

Hensel, Heinrich, 155.

Henschel, George, in America, 190.

Herbert, Victor, 154ff, 197, 447f, 460.

Herbert-Förster, 141.

Hertz, Alfred, 149, 153.

Hess, Willy, 204.

Heyman, Katherine Ruth, 406.

Higginson, Henry L., 190.

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, quoted, IV. 303.

Hill, Edward Burlingame, 388ff.

Hill, Uriah C., 181, 183, 202.

Hodgkinson, Francis, 111.

Hodgkinson, John, 90.

Holden, Oliver, works of, IV. 52-53.

Holyoke, Samuel, 52f.

Homer, Louise, 148.

Homer, Sidney, 435f.

Hone, Philip, 122.

Hopekirk, Helen, 405.

Hopkinson, Francis, 46ff, 69, 71, 85.

Hopkinson, Joseph, on origin of 'Hail Columbia,' 324f.

Howland, William Legrand, 396.

Hughes, Rupert, cited, 337, 342, 353, 405, 433f, 459.

Huhn, Bruno, 355.

Hull, Alexander, 440f.

Humiston, W. H., 311, 430f.

Huss, Henry Holden, 348f.

Hutchinson (Colonel), cited, 13.

Hymnology, American, x, 332f.
See also Church music; Psalmody.

Ide, Chester, works of, 400.

Incas. See Peruvians.

Indians (American), primitive music of, 281;

(in American music) xi-ff, 2f;
(used by American composers) 365, 394f, 410ff, 417, 424ff, 434,
443, 448.
See also Primitive Music in General Index (Vol. XII).

'Indian' song, in 'popular' music, 455.

Indian Suite (MacDowell), 366f.

[d']Indy, cited, 429.

Institute of Musical Art (New York), 256ff.

Instrumental music, forbidden by Puritans, 18f;

beginnings of, in New England, 24ff, 32ff.
See also Concerts, Orchestral organizations, Chamber music

Instruments (primitive), of negroes, 296.

Irish influence on music in America, 22.

'Irish' song, in 'popular' music, 455.

Isaacs, Lewis M., 442.

Italian influence on music in America, xi.

Italian opera in early America, 104, 110;

in New York City, 117ff;
in the U. S., 158ff.

Italian Symphony Orchestra (New York), 188.

Jacchia, Agide, 157.

Jackson, L. J., 263f.

Jadlowker, Hermann, 155.

James, Philip, 358f.

Johns, Clayton, 353.

Johnson, [Dr.] Samuel (quoted), 202.

Jones, Darius E., 242.

Jones, John, 65.

Jordan, Eben D., 172, 249.

Jörn, Carl, 153.

Journet, Marcel, 148f.

Kahn, Otto H., 155f.

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