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Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal





Weight Monitoring and Alert System with HX711

Load Cell Sensor

Name: Eason Chee

Student ID: J22037027

Supervisor Name: Mohd Hafis Zakaria

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

Table of Content

1.0 Abstract………………………………………………………………………………….... 3

2.0 Project Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 3

3.0 Objective…………………………………………………………………………………. 3

4.0 Brief Literature Review…………………………………………………………………. 4

4.1 Automation in Industrial Processes……………………………………………… 4

4.2 Load Cell Sensor………………………………………………………………… 4

4.3 Control System Based on Arduino………………………………………………. 4

4.4 Visual and audible alerts………………………………………………………... 5

4.5 Production Efficiency and Cost Reduction………………………………………. 5

5.0 Proposed Component……………………………………………………………………… 5

6.0 Project Implementation……………………………………………………………………. 6

7.0 Project Benefits……………………………………………………………………………. 6

8.0 Project Budget……………………………………………………………………………… 6

9.0 Work to be Carried Out/ Methodology…………………………………………………....... 7

10.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………… 8

11.0 Schedule of the Project (Gantt Chart) ……………………………………………………. 9

11.1 Project Timeline (Projected)………………………………………………………………. 9

11.2 Project Timeline (Actual)…………………………………………………………………. 10

12.0 Reference…………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

1.0 Abstract

The Weight Monitoring and Alert System is an engineering project that provides real-time weight
monitoring in engineering applications by utilizing Arduino programming with the HX711 Load
Cell Sensor. This system is intended to ensure the safety and efficiency of processes where weight
is crucial, such as manufacturing. The system's basic capability is to measure weight with great
precision using the HX711 Load Cell Sensor, which is linked to an Arduino microcontroller. The
Arduino analyses the weight data and displays it on an LCD screen, providing operators with rapid
feedback. The system is designed to continuously monitor weight, making it suited for dynamic
and real-time weight measurement settings. In addition, the system includes a feedback mechanism
to improve its utility in engineering situations. When the weight falls below a predefined threshold,
the system triggers both a visible indicator (LED) and an audio alert (buzzer) to call urgent
attention to the situation. This functionality is critical for avoiding operational delays while also
assuring product quality and safety. The Weight Monitoring and Alert System demonstrates how
sensor technology, microcontroller programming, and feedback mechanisms can be used to handle
technical difficulties related to weight measurement and monitoring. Its applications are many,
providing a vital tool for improving precision, productivity, and safety in engineering processes
where weight is an important metric.

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

2.0 Project Introduction

The continual supply of plastic bags is critical to the proper operation of diverse manufacturing
and packaging environments. Running out of bags or neglecting to replace an empty roll in a timely
manner can cause delays, downtime, and inefficiency. To remedy this issue, we recommend
creating a "Plastic Bag Roll Replacement Alert System."

Figure 1: Plastic roll rack and feeding machinery

(Source from NHS Engineering Services Sdn Bhd)

3.0 Objectives

1. Create a system that continuously monitors the balance of plastic bag rolls and notifies
employees when a roll is ready to run out.
2. Increase production efficiency by assuring a constant supply of plastic bags with no

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

3. Increase worker productivity by eliminating the need for manual checks and assuring
timely roll replacements.
4. To achieve cost savings by timely roll replacement, thereby minimizing production
downtime and reducing material waste.

4.0 Brief Literature Review

The Plastic Bag Roll Balance and Replacement Alert System addresses an important part of
manufacturing and packaging processes by assuring a steady supply of plastic bags. While research
on this specific system is limited, relevant literature provides useful insights into similar
sensorbased alert systems and their applicability in industrial settings.

4.1 Automation in Industrial Processes

Automation and sensor-based systems have gained popularity in industrial settings due to their
ability to improve efficiency and lower operational costs. The necessity of minimising downtime
and material waste has been highlighted in research on automation and real-time monitoring

4.2 Load Cell Sensor

Load cell sensors, such as the HX711 employed in this study, have been extensively explored in a
variety of applications. According to the literature, they have great accuracy in measuring weight
and are suitable for real-time monitoring systems. Researchers emphasize the potential of load
cells to increase quality control and process efficiency.

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

4.3 Control Systems Based on Arduino

Arduino microcontrollers have grown in popularity for constructing customised control systems
for industrial purposes. Studies show that they can analyse sensor data and trigger appropriate
responses, making them an excellent choice for real-time monitoring and alarm systems.

4.4 Visual and audible alerts

The use of visual and aural indications in industrial environments is well-documented. According
to research, they are successful at drawing workers' attention to key events, improving response
times, and reducing errors.

4.5 Production Efficiency and Cost Reduction

Numerous case studies and research publications emphasize the importance of production
efficiency and cost reduction in industrial processes. Maintaining a steady supply of materials,
such as plastic bags, is critical for avoiding production disruptions, lowering downtime costs, and
improving overall operational efficiency.

While no direct literature exists on the Plastic Bag Roll Balance and Replacement Alert
System, current research in automation, sensor technologies, control systems, and industrial
process optimization provides a solid framework for the project's development and predicted
benefits. The studied literature emphasizes the suggested system's potential to improve production
efficiency, lower costs, and increase worker productivity and safety in industrial settings.

5.0 Proposed Component

The following components will be integrated into the project:

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

1. HX711 Load Cell Sensor: measures the weight of plastic bag rolls with excellent precision.
2. Arduino Microcontroller: Used to process sensor data and control the alarm system.
3. LED lights: Visual indicators that a roll is running low.
4. Buzzer: An audible alert that warns workers of the need for roll replacement.

6.0 Project Implementation

• Install HX711 Load Cell Sensors in locations where plastic bag rolls are stored or utilized.
• Arduino Programming: Write code that processes sensor data, sets weight thresholds, and
sends alarms when these thresholds are exceeded.

• Implement a visual alarm system that uses LED lights to illuminate when a roll is running
low. Activate an audible buzzer at the same time to grab the attention of workers.

• Safety Protocols: Integrate fail-safe procedures and emergency stop controls to ensure the
system's safety.

7.0 Project Benefits

• The method ensures a constant supply of plastic bags, preventing manufacturing


• Reduces material waste and manufacturing downtime, resulting in cost savings.

• Worker Productivity: By eliminating the requirement for manual roll inspections, workers
are free to focus on other duties.
• Operational efficiency is maintained by preventing disturbances caused by empty rolls.
8.0 Project Budget

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

Component Cost

HX711 Load Cell Sensors $34.90

Arduino Microcontroller $44.98

LCD, LED Lights, and Buzzer $21.10

Miscellaneous $69.02

Total $170

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

9.0 Work to be Carried Out/Methodology

Figure 2: Flow chart of Methodology

Chee Eason J22037027 Project Proposal

10.0 Conclusion

The Plastic Bag Roll Balance and Replacement Alert System is an important initiative that aims to
improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of plastic bag handling in manufacturing and
packaging processes. We seek to assure uninterrupted production, prevent material waste, and
boost worker productivity by continuously checking roll balances and alerting workers. This
proposal defines the project's objectives, components, benefits, timeframe, and budget, laying the
groundwork for its effective execution.

11.0 Schedule of the Project (Gantt Chart)

Project Timeline (Projected)

No. Task Week

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Project Initiation, Planning and Proposal Finalization

2 Analysis

3 Literature Review

4 Preliminary Design

5 Detailed Design

6 Progress Report Preparation and Submission

7 Prototype Preparation & Assembly

8 Prototype Testing

9 Finalize Design

10 Oral Presentation Preparation

11 Final Report Preparation

11 | P a g e
Project Timeline (Actual)

No. Task Week

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Project Initiation, Planning and Proposal Finalization

2 Analysis

3 Literature Review

4 Preliminary Design

5 Detailed Design

6 Progress Report Preparation and Submission

7 Prototype Preparation & Assembly

8 Prototype Testing

9 Finalize Design

10 Oral Presentation Preparation

11 Final Report Preparation

12 | P a g e
13 | P a g e
Chee Eason

J22037027 Project Proposal

12.0 Reference

1. Arduino Education. (n.d.). Arduino Education. 2.

Arduino with Load Cell and HX711 Amplifier (Digital Scale) | Random Nerd Tutorials.
(2022, April 27). Random Nerd Tutorials.
Chee Eason


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