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Sec 1 / Year 1 History

Source-Based Question

Refer to the accompanying source and answer the question.

Study Source A

What does Source A tell you about the trading activities of the British in
the Far East? Explain your answer.

Source A: An excerpt from the website of a Southeast Asian study about

the British trading activities in the Far East in the 19th century.

Singapore was developed from a quiet fishing village into a thriving

trading center with the help of Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. The British had
established their stronghold in Southeast Asia in the 18th century when
the East India Company (EIC) wanted to secure and protect their
India-China trade. They were worried that the Dutch would encroach into
their trade territories one day and Raffles firmly believed that the British
were in need of a better port to enhance their presence in the region. This
led to the British establishment in Singapore after Raffles signed a formal
agreement with Sultan Hussein, the ruler of Johor, and the Temenggong
on 6 February 1819. Within a short time, Singapore had surpassed Penang
in trade revenue for the EIC.
Type your answers in the space below: Source A reveals the significant
involvement of the British in trading activities within the Far East during
the 19th century, notably in Southeast Asia. It underscores the pivotal role
of Sir Stamford Raffles in transforming Singapore from a quiet fishing
village into a thriving trading hub in 1819. The British had established a
stronghold in Southeast Asia since the 18th century, motivated by the
need to safeguard trade routes, particularly against potential
encroachment by the Dutch. The establishment of British presence in
Singapore, formalized through agreements with local ruler Sultan
Hussien, facilitated the surpassing of Penang in trade revenue for the
East India Company (EIC). This indicates the strategic importance of
Southeast Asia for British trade interests during this period.

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