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MAT 126 Module Three Project Proposal Template

Part One: Context

1. Describe how math is used in your chosen scenario.

I have chosen the article of energy drink sales in the United States from 2017-2021. Math is
used in this scenario to track data and analyze the sales of energy drinks in the United Stated
from 2017 to 2021. The number represents the sales in billions of U.S dollars for each year.
Math is used to calculate the total sales for each year, determine the changes in sales from year
to year, and analyze trends in the data. Math can also be used to calculate the annual sales, find
the highest and lowest sales figures, and make predictions projections for future sales based on
the data.

2. Describe the specific mathematical elements that are presented in the scenario.

In the scenario, there are several mathematical elements presented that contribute to the
analysis of energy drink sales. Sales figures, the scenario provides numerical data in the form of
sales figures for different energy drink brands. These figures represent the quantities of drinks
sold during a specific period. Percentage calculation, it mentions that energy drink sales
accounted for 84 percent of the total packaged beverages market. This involves calculating the
percentage of energy drink sales out of the total sales of packaged beverages. Growth rates, the
scenario indicated that the energy drink market experienced a 60 percent growth rate. This
involves calculating the percentage increase in sales from one period to another. Growth rates
help understand the pace of expansion and market dynamics. These mathematical elements
provide the foundation for quantitative reasoning and analysis in the scenario.

3. Describe the characteristics of quantitative data in your chosen scenario.

There are several characteristics of quantitative data in this scenario. Numerical Values, Time
period, Growth rates, Comparative analysis, and Aggregated data. The data consists of
numerical values, such as sales figures in billions of U.S dollars, providing a standard unit for
measuring the sales of energy drinks. The data spans a specific time period from 2017 to 2021,
allowing for the analysis of trends and changes in the energy drink sales over time. The data also
includes information on the growth rates of energy drink sales, such as the percentage increase
in sales volume between 2018 and 2019. The data allows for comparing different energy drink
brands based on their sales figures, identifying the leading brand and its market dominance. The
data is aggregated to provide an overall picture of energy drink sales in the U.S, including the
total sales for each year and the market share of energy drinks in the packaged beverages
industry. Overall, the quantitative data provides measurable and numerical information about
energy drink sales in the U.S, enabling analysis, comparisons, and tracking of trends over time.

4. Explain the relevance of quantitative reasoning in your chosen scenario.

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Quantitative reasoning is highly relevant in this scenario for several reasons. It allows us to
analyze and track trends in the sales over time. By examining the numerical values and changes
in sales figures, we can identify patterns, growth rates, and fluctuations in the market.
Quantitative reasoning also helps us understand the market share of energy drinks in the
packaged beverage industry. By calculating the percentage of energy drink sales in comparison
to other packaged beverages, we can evaluate the market size and competitive landscape.
Overall quantitative reasoning is relevant in this scenario as it provides a systematic and
analytical approach to understanding energy drink sales. It helps in analyzing market share,
forecasting, and making data-driven decisions for business success.


Published by M. Ridder, & 27, J. (2022b, July 27). Energy drink sales in
the U.S. 2021. Statista.

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