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Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and


Article · April 2023

DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12


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Si Mokrane Siad
Brindisi Aerospace Technological District


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Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques,
Applications, and Challenges
Si Mokrane, SIAD1,*
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) Mediterranean
Agronomic Institute of Bari, Street Ceglie 9, Valenzano (BA) 70010, Italy.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217

*Corresponding author:

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing has emerged as a promising tool for soil moisture
monitoring, due to its ability to penetrate clouds and measure the moisture content of the soil surface.
In recent years, a wide range of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval techniques have been developed,
from empirical regression models to physically-based models that incorporate surface roughness and
vegetation effects. This review paper provides an overview of the latest advances in SAR-based soil
moisture retrieval, covering the different techniques and algorithms that have been proposed, as well as
the applications and challenges associated with the use of SAR data for soil moisture monitoring and
management. The paper also discusses the limitations and uncertainties of SAR-based soil moisture
retrieval, and provides recommendations for future research directions. Overall, this paper aims to
provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the state-of-the-art in SAR-based soil moisture
retrieval, and to highlight the potential benefits and limitations of this approach for soil moisture
monitoring and management.

I. Introduction retrieved soil moisture depends on several

factors, including soil surface roughness,
Soil moisture is a critical component of the vegetation cover, soil texture, and atmospheric
Earth's water and energy cycles 1–6, influencing effects18,19,22–25. Therefore, it is necessary to
many ecological and hydrological processes, as review the current state-of-the-art SAR-based
well as agricultural productivity1,7–11. Remote soil moisture retrieval techniques, their
sensing techniques have emerged as a powerful applications, limitations, and future directions
tool for monitoring soil moisture at regional to to improve our understanding of soil moisture
global scales1,10–13. Among these techniques, dynamics and its impact on different
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has gained fields1,10,11,26,27.
significant attention due to its sensitivity to soil
moisture, ability to penetrate through clouds This paper aims to provide a comprehensive
and vegetation, and capability to provide review of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval
information at high spatial resolutions1,14–19. techniques, their applications, challenges, and
limitations. The review begins by introducing
In recent years, various SAR-based soil the background and motivation of using SAR
moisture retrieval techniques have been for soil moisture retrieval. It then discusses the
developed and applied to different regions and objectives and scope of the review. Next, the
land covers1,18,20–22. However, the estimation of review presents the three main categories of
soil moisture from SAR data is still a SAR-based soil moisture retrieval techniques:
challenging task, and the accuracy of the Empirical models, Physical models, and Data

Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
Assimilation Techniques. These categories are analysis of the backscattering coefficients and
further divided into subcategories based on the soil moisture measurements.
type of model and method used.
One example of a regression model is the
Furthermore, the review discusses the Dubois model, which assumes that the
applications of SAR-based soil moisture backscattering coefficient is proportional to the
retrieval techniques in different fields, product of the vegetation water content and the
including agriculture, hydrology, meteorology, soil moisture content. The equation is:
and climate research. The challenges and
σ^0 = a + bθV
limitations of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval
are also presented, focusing on surface where V is the vegetation water content, and a
roughness and vegetation effects, soil texture and b are empirical coefficients determined
and heterogeneity, calibration and validation from field data. The model has been widely
issues, and data availability and accessibility. used in vegetation-covered areas.
Finally, the review outlines the future directions
and recommendations for SAR-based soil 2. Machine learning models
moisture retrieval, including algorithm Machine learning models use algorithms to
improvement and model fusion, integration learn the relationship between the
with other data sources, standardization and backscattering coefficient and soil moisture
validation, and emerging technologies and from a training dataset. The trained model is
applications. The paper concludes with a then used to predict soil moisture from the
summary of key findings, implications, and backscattering coefficient of new data. One
significance of the review, as well as future popular machine learning algorithm is the
research directions. artificial neural network (ANN), which is a
computational model inspired by the structure
II. SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval and function of the human brain.
The general form of an ANN model is:
A. Empirical Models
Y = f(WX + b)
Empirical models relate the backscattering
coefficient to soil moisture through a regression where Y is the output, X is the input, W is the
equation derived from statistical analysis of weight matrix, b is the bias vector, and f is the
empirical data. These models are simple, activation function. The weights and biases are
computationally efficient, and require only adjusted during training to minimize the
minimal input data. However, they are limited difference between the predicted and actual soil
by their dependence on specific environmental moisture.
conditions and their inability to account for
physical processes. 3. Hybrid models
Hybrid models combine the advantages of
1. Regression models regression and machine learning models by
Regression models establish a linear incorporating physical or empirical knowledge
relationship between the backscattering into the machine learning algorithm. For
coefficient and soil moisture, with the equation: example, the soil moisture active passive
σ^0 = α + βθ
(SMAP) mission developed a hybrid model that
combined a regression model with an ANN to
where σ^0 is the backscattering coefficient in retrieve soil moisture from backscattering
decibels, θ is the soil moisture content in coefficients. The model also incorporates
volumetric water content, and α and β are ancillary data, such as vegetation and
regression coefficients. The coefficients are temperature, to improve the retrieval accuracy.
determined through the linear regression The equation is:

Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
θ = f(σ^0, θsurf, θfc, T, V) Where 𝜎HH is the backscattering coefficient,
𝑎, 𝑏 are empirical constants, 𝜔 is the radar
where θsurf is the surface soil moisture, θfc is
frequency, 𝜃 and 𝜑 are the incidence and
the soil moisture at field capacity, T is the
azimuth angles, respectively, and 𝑃HH is the
surface temperature, and V is the vegetation
scattering coefficient calculated using the H-
water content. The function f is a combination
polarized incidence and H-polarized scattering.
of a regression model and an ANN, and the
coefficients are determined from field data. 2. Semi-empirical models
Semi-empirical models combine physical and
One example of a hybrid model is the support empirical models to improve accuracy and
vector regression (SVR) model, which uses a
reduce computational costs. These models use
non-linear regression function to capture the physical models to describe the basic scattering
complex relationship between the mechanisms and empirical models to account
backscattering coefficient and soil moisture. for the effects of soil roughness, vegetation
The equation is:
cover, and other factors. One of the most widely
Y = f(X) = ∑ αi K(Xi, X) + b used semi-empirical models is the Water Cloud
Model (WCM), which relates the
where Y is the predicted soil moisture, X is the backscattering coefficient to the soil moisture
backscattering coefficient, αi is the weight content and vegetation water content. The
coefficient, K(Xi, X) is the kernel function that WCM is given by:
measures the similarity between the training
data and new data, and b is the bias term. The
model is trained by minimizing the error
between the predicted and actual soil moisture. Where VWC is the vegetation water content and
𝑐 is an empirical constant.
B. Physical Models
Physical models are based on the theoretical 3. Inversion methods
understanding of the interaction between SAR Inversion methods use physical models and
signals and soil moisture. These models use observed SAR data to estimate soil moisture
radiative transfer theory to describe the content. These methods are computationally
scattering and absorption of electromagnetic expensive but provide accurate results. One of
waves in soil media. They are computationally the most widely used inversion methods is the
expensive, but are more accurate than empirical Bayesian Inversion Scheme for Soil Moisture
models, especially under varying soil and Estimation (Bi-SME), which uses the IEM as
vegetation conditions. the forward model and a Bayesian inversion
scheme to estimate soil moisture content. The
1. Radiative transfer models
Bi-SME is given by:
Radiative transfer models (RTMs) are used to
simulate the scattering and absorption of
microwave radiation by soil layers. They are
based on Maxwell's equations and the Where 𝜽 is the observed SAR data, 𝜽 is the
assumption that soil particles are randomly vector of soil moisture content and model
distributed and homogeneous. The most parameters, 𝑝(𝒚|𝜽) is the likelihood function,
commonly used RTM for soil moisture retrieval and 𝑝(𝜽) is the prior distribution.
is the Integral Equation Model (IEM), which
C. Data Assimilation Techniques
relates the backscattering coefficient to the soil Data assimilation (DA) is a statistical approach
moisture content. The IEM is given by: that combines mathematical models with
observations to improve the accuracy of the
estimation. DA techniques have been widely
applied to various remote sensing applications,
including soil moisture retrieval from SAR
Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
data. The following are some of the commonly moisture retrieval from SAR data, such as the
used DA techniques for soil moisture study by Al-Yaari et al. (2015).
4. Bayesian approaches
1. Kalman filter (KF) Bayesian approaches are a family of DA
KF is a widely used DA technique that techniques that use Bayes' theorem to update
estimates the state of a system from a series of the state probability distribution based on the
noisy observations. It is based on a observation data. Bayesian approaches can be
mathematical model that describes the used to estimate the state of a system, as well as
evolution of the state over time and an the model parameters and the observation error
observation model that relates the state to the covariance matrix. The most common Bayesian
observations. The KF algorithm consists of two approach for soil moisture retrieval from SAR
steps: prediction and update. In the prediction data is the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
step, the KF uses the mathematical model to method, which generates samples from the
estimate the state at the next time step. In the posterior probability distribution using a
update step, the KF incorporates the new sequence of random numbers. The MCMC
observation data to improve the state estimate. method has been used for soil moisture retrieval
The KF has been used for soil moisture retrieval from SAR data, such as the study by Lievens et
from SAR data, such as the study by Rodriguez- al. (2013).
Fernandez et al. (2011).
Overall, DA techniques have shown promising
2. Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) results for soil moisture retrieval from SAR
EnKF is a variant of the KF that uses an data, especially in the presence of uncertainties
ensemble of state estimates instead of a single and errors. However, the choice of the DA
estimate. The EnKF algorithm consists of three technique depends on the specific application
steps: prediction, perturbation, and update. In and the characteristics of the input data.
the prediction step, the EnKF uses the
mathematical model to generate an ensemble of III. SAR-Based Soil Moisture
state estimates. In the perturbation step, the Applications
EnKF applies random perturbations to the state
A. Agriculture
estimates to represent model uncertainty. In the
1. Crop yield estimation
update step, the EnKF incorporates the new
Soil moisture plays a crucial role in determining
observation data to adjust the ensemble weights
the crop yield potential. A number of studies
and improve the state estimate. The EnKF has
have been conducted to estimate crop yield
been used for soil moisture retrieval from SAR
using SAR-based soil moisture data. One such
data, such as the study by De Lannoy et al.
study was conducted by Jiang et al. (2017), who
proposed a novel approach for crop yield
3. Particle filter (PF) estimation using SAR data. The proposed
PF is another DA technique that estimates the method combined the benefits of both optical
state of a system from a series of observations. and SAR data to improve the accuracy of the
It uses a set of particles to represent the state estimation. The model used in the study is
distribution and applies a set of rules to expressed as:
propagate and update the particles based on the
Y = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + ε
observation data. The PF algorithm consists of
two steps: prediction and update. In the where Y represents the yield, X1 represents the
prediction step, the PF propagates the particles SAR-derived soil moisture data, X2 represents
using the mathematical model. In the update the normalized difference vegetation index
step, the PF resamples the particles based on (NDVI) derived from optical data, X3 represents
their weights and updates them using the new the surface temperature, X4 represents the
observation data. The PF has been used for soil
Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
precipitation data, βi represents the model where NDVI represents the normalized
coefficients, and ε represents the residual error. difference vegetation index, NDVImin represents
the minimum value of NDVI during the growing
The model was validated using field
season, and NDVImax represents the maximum
measurements and the results showed that the
value of NDVI during the growing season.
proposed method outperformed other
conventional models. The method can be used The SAR-derived soil moisture data is used to
to estimate crop yield at a large scale and can estimate the soil moisture conditions, which is
provide valuable information for agricultural then used to calculate the VCI. The results of the
planning and management. study showed that the proposed method can
effectively monitor drought conditions and
2. Irrigation management
provide valuable information for agricultural
SAR-based soil moisture data can also be used
for irrigation management in agriculture.
Accurate information about soil moisture can B. Hydrology
help farmers to determine the optimal time and Soil moisture plays a critical role in
amount of irrigation required for their crops. hydrological processes such as infiltration,
One such study was conducted by Khaledian et runoff, and groundwater recharge. SAR-based
al. (2019), who proposed a method for real-time soil moisture retrieval has been widely used for
irrigation scheduling using SAR-based soil hydrological applications such as flood
moisture data. The proposed method is based on mapping, streamflow prediction, and water
the crop water stress index (CWSI), which is balance analysis.
calculated using the following formula:
1. Flood mapping
CWSI = (Tc - Te) / (Tr - Te) Floods are one of the most destructive natural
disasters that cause significant damage to
where Tc represents the canopy temperature, Te human lives, properties, and infrastructure.
represents the air temperature, and Tr SAR-based flood mapping techniques rely on
represents the crop-specific reference the backscattering coefficient of SAR images to
temperature. detect water bodies and monitor flood extent
The SAR-derived soil moisture data is used to and dynamics.
estimate the soil water content, which is then 2. Streamflow prediction
used to calculate the CWSI. The results of the Accurate streamflow prediction is essential for
study showed that the proposed method can water resources management, especially in
improve the efficiency of irrigation areas where water scarcity is a significant
management and reduce the water use in concern. SAR-based soil moisture information
agriculture. can improve streamflow prediction models by
providing spatially distributed and high-
3. Drought monitoring
SAR-based soil moisture data can also be used resolution soil moisture data.
for drought monitoring in agriculture. Drought 3. Water balance analysis
is a major challenge for agricultural production Water balance analysis is a fundamental tool for
and can have a significant impact on crop water resources management and planning.
yields. One such study was conducted by Li et SAR-based soil moisture retrieval can provide
al. (2017), who proposed a method for drought crucial information on the water balance
monitoring using SAR data. The proposed components such as evapotranspiration, runoff,
method is based on the vegetation condition and groundwater recharge. This information
index (VCI), which is calculated using the can help water managers to make informed
following formula: decisions on water allocation and irrigation
VCI = (NDVI - NDVImin) / (NDVImax - NDVImin)

Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
Some notable studies that have used SAR-based altered, making it difficult to retrieve accurate
soil moisture retrieval for hydrological soil moisture information.
applications include Zhang et al. (2017), who
Several methods have been proposed to account
used RADARSAT-2 data for flood mapping in
for the effect of surface roughness and
the Lower Mekong Basin, and Jiang et al.
vegetation on SAR-based soil moisture
(2020), who used Sentinel-1 data for
retrieval. One approach is to use models that
streamflow prediction in the Yangtze River
simulate the backscatter signal from rough
surfaces and vegetation, such as the Integral
C. Meteorology and Climate Research Equation Model (IEM) and the Advanced
SAR-based soil moisture retrievals have been Integral Equation Model (AIEM). These
widely used in meteorology and climate models incorporate physical characteristics of
research applications. Soil moisture plays a the surface and vegetation, such as height and
critical role in weather forecasting and climate density, to estimate the backscatter signal.
change analysis, as it has a significant impact
on the exchange of energy and water vapor Another approach is to use polarimetric SAR
between the land surface and the atmosphere. data, which can provide additional information
about the scattering properties of the surface
1. Weather forecasting and vegetation. By analyzing the polarization of
Soil moisture is an essential input parameter in the backscatter signal, it is possible to
numerical weather prediction models. Accurate distinguish between different types of
soil moisture information can improve the scattering mechanisms and estimate soil
accuracy of weather forecasts, especially for moisture more accurately.
precipitation, temperature, and humidity
forecasts. Several studies have demonstrated Despite these efforts, the effect of surface
the potential of using SAR-based soil moisture roughness and vegetation on SAR-based soil
retrievals to improve weather forecasting. moisture retrieval remains a challenging issue,
particularly in areas with dense vegetation and
2. Climate change analysis complex topography. More research is needed
Soil moisture is a critical parameter in to improve the accuracy and robustness of
understanding the Earth's water cycle and its SAR-based soil moisture retrieval in these
response to climate change. SAR-based soil conditions.
moisture retrievals can provide high
spatiotemporal resolution soil moisture data B. Soil Texture and Heterogeneity
that can be used to monitor changes in soil Soil texture and heterogeneity are key factors
moisture over time. By analyzing long-term affecting soil moisture retrieval using SAR
changes in soil moisture, scientists can better data. Soil texture refers to the distribution of
understand the impacts of climate change on the particle sizes in soil, including sand, silt, and
water cycle. clay. Soil heterogeneity refers to the spatial
variability of soil properties, including soil
IV. Challenges and Limitations of SAR- moisture content, soil texture, and surface
Based Soil Moisture Retrieval roughness.

A. Surface Roughness and Vegetation Effects The impact of soil texture and heterogeneity on
Surface roughness and vegetation can SAR-based soil moisture retrieval is significant
significantly affect the retrieval of soil moisture because they affect the interaction between the
from SAR data. Surface roughness refers to the electromagnetic wave and the soil surface. For
height variations of the ground surface at the example, sandy soils have a lower dielectric
scale of the radar wavelength, and vegetation constant and higher radar backscatter compared
refers to the presence of plants and trees. Both to clayey soils, which have a higher dielectric
factors can cause backscatter signal to be constant and lower radar backscatter.
Additionally, the spatial heterogeneity of soil
Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
properties can lead to differences in the signal assess the robustness of the model across
response from different soil types, complicating different conditions. In addition, the validation
the estimation of soil moisture content. data should be representative of the area of
interest and cover a sufficiently large spatial
To address these challenges, various techniques
and temporal domain.
have been proposed, such as using multi-
frequency and multi-polarization data, Several approaches have been proposed to
incorporating ancillary data, and improving the address the challenges of calibration and
modeling of soil properties. These techniques validation of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval
can help to reduce the impact of soil texture and models, including the use of auxiliary data
heterogeneity on soil moisture retrieval and sources such as optical imagery, land surface
improve the accuracy of the results. However, temperature, and topographic information, as
the effectiveness of these techniques is still well as the development of model fusion
subject to ongoing research and evaluation. techniques that combine multiple data sources
and models to improve the accuracy and
In summary, soil texture and heterogeneity are
robustness of the soil moisture estimates.
important factors that must be considered when
using SAR data for soil moisture retrieval. D. Data Availability and Accessibility
Addressing these factors requires careful One of the major challenges in SAR-based soil
consideration of the data processing techniques moisture retrieval is the availability and
and modeling approaches used, as well as the accessibility of data. SAR data require
interpretation and validation of the resulting specialized processing and calibration, and
soil moisture estimates. access to these data can be limited due to their
high cost and restricted distribution. Moreover,
C. Calibration and Validation Issues the acquisition of SAR data is subject to several
Calibration and validation are crucial steps in
factors such as weather conditions and satellite
the development and application of any soil
availability, which can further restrict data
moisture retrieval technique, including SAR-
based methods. Calibration refers to the process
of estimating the model parameters based on a To address these issues, efforts have been made
set of reference measurements or data, while to improve the availability and accessibility of
validation refers to the assessment of the SAR data through initiatives such as the
accuracy and reliability of the model European Space Agency's (ESA) Sentinel
predictions using independent data. program, which provides free and open access
to SAR data from the Sentinel-1 satellite. In
One of the main challenges in calibrating SAR-
addition, collaborations between government
based soil moisture retrieval models is the lack
agencies and research institutions have led to
of ground-based measurements at the scale of
the development of global soil moisture
the SAR pixel. In situ measurements of soil
datasets that are freely available to the public.
moisture are typically point measurements that
cannot capture the spatial variability of soil However, despite these efforts, the availability
moisture at the scale of the SAR pixel, which and accessibility of SAR data remain a
can be several hectares. This can lead to errors challenge, particularly in developing countries
in the calibration process and affect the and regions with limited infrastructure for
accuracy of the model predictions. satellite data reception and processing.
Addressing these challenges will require further
Validation of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval
investment in infrastructure and data sharing
models is also challenging due to the limited
initiatives, as well as the development of low-
availability of independent validation data. The
cost and easy-to-use SAR processing tools.
validation data should be independent of the
data used for calibration and cover a range of V. Future Directions and
soil moisture and environmental conditions to Recommendations
Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
A. Algorithm Improvement and Model Fusion microwave radiometry, and ground-based
SAR-based soil moisture retrieval techniques measurements.
have seen significant advancements in recent
years, with the development of new algorithms For example, combining SAR and optical data
and models to improve the accuracy and can provide information on both soil moisture
reliability of soil moisture estimates. One of the and vegetation cover, allowing for better
main challenges in SAR-based soil moisture characterization of the land surface. Microwave
retrieval is the limited accuracy and spatial radiometry can also provide complementary
resolution of SAR data, which can be affected information on soil moisture at different depths,
by various factors such as vegetation cover and which can be used to improve the accuracy of
surface roughness. SAR-based estimates.

To address these challenges, researchers have In addition, ground-based measurements, such

developed new algorithms and models that as soil moisture probes and weather stations,
integrate SAR data with other sources of can be used to validate and calibrate SAR-based
information, such as optical data and in-situ estimates. Data assimilation techniques, such as
measurements. For example, several studies the Ensemble Kalman filter and Particle filter
have explored the potential of fusing SAR data mentioned earlier, can be used to integrate
with optical data from satellites such as Landsat multiple sources of data and provide more
and Sentinel-2 to improve soil moisture accurate estimates of soil moisture.
estimates. Other studies have focused on Overall, the integration of SAR data with other
combining SAR data with in-situ measurements data sources holds great potential for improving
of soil moisture, vegetation cover, and the accuracy and reliability of soil moisture
topography to improve the accuracy of retrieval estimates, and further research in this area is
algorithms. needed to fully exploit its benefits.
In addition, machine learning approaches have C. Standardization and Validation
been used to improve the accuracy and One of the key challenges of SAR-based soil
efficiency of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval moisture retrieval is the lack of standardization
algorithms. For example, artificial neural in the methodologies used for data processing,
networks (ANNs) and support vector machines calibration, and validation. Standardization is
(SVMs) have been used to develop new important to ensure that the different algorithms
regression models that can capture the complex used by researchers produce consistent and
relationships between SAR backscatter and soil comparable results. Validation is also important
moisture content. to assess the accuracy of the retrieved soil
moisture values and to identify potential
Algorithm improvement and model fusion have
sources of errors.
the potential to significantly improve the
accuracy and reliability of SAR-based soil To address these challenges, efforts have been
moisture retrieval, and further research in this made to establish common protocols and
area is needed to fully exploit the potential of standards for SAR-based soil moisture
these approaches. retrieval. For instance, the European Space
B. Integration with Other Data Sources Agency (ESA) has launched the Soil Moisture
One of the main challenges in SAR-based soil and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission, which
moisture retrieval is to account for the effects of aims to provide global maps of soil moisture
surface roughness and vegetation cover. To and ocean salinity at high spatial resolution.
overcome these challenges, researchers have The SMOS mission has established a set of
explored the integration of SAR data with other standard algorithms and protocols for
data sources, such as optical imagery, processing and validating SAR data, which can
be used by researchers around the world.

Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
Other initiatives have also been launched to In addition, there is an increasing interest in the
promote standardization and validation in SAR- use of SAR data fusion with other data sources,
based soil moisture retrieval. The Committee such as optical and thermal remote sensing data,
on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) has as well as in situ measurements. Data fusion
established a working group on Calibration and techniques can help to improve the accuracy
Validation for the Global Earth Observation and reliability of soil moisture retrieval by
System of Systems (GEOSS). The working combining information from different sources.
group aims to develop common protocols and Furthermore, advances in artificial intelligence
standards for the calibration and validation of and machine learning techniques are being
SAR-based soil moisture retrieval algorithms, applied to SAR-based soil moisture retrieval,
as well as other remote sensing technologies. allowing for more efficient and accurate
retrieval of soil moisture data.
In addition, researchers are increasingly using
ground-based measurements to validate the To fully realize the potential of these emerging
accuracy of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval technologies and applications, there is a need
algorithms. Ground-based measurements can for continued research and development in
provide accurate and reliable data on soil SAR-based soil moisture retrieval.
moisture values, which can be used to assess the Standardization and validation of the data and
accuracy of SAR-based estimates. By algorithms are also critical to ensure that the
combining SAR data with ground-based results are accurate and reliable.
measurements, researchers can develop more
accurate and reliable algorithms for soil VI. Conclusion
moisture retrieval.
In conclusion, SAR-based soil moisture
Standardization and validation are crucial for retrieval techniques have proven to be effective
the development and application of SAR-based and valuable tools for a variety of applications
soil moisture retrieval algorithms. By in agriculture, hydrology, and
establishing common protocols and standards, meteorology/climate research. The use of
researchers can ensure that their results are empirical, physical, and data assimilation
consistent and comparable, and by using models has enabled accurate estimations of soil
ground-based measurements, they can validate moisture at various spatial and temporal scales.
the accuracy of their algorithms and identify SAR data has proven particularly useful in
potential sources of errors. areas with limited access or poor ground
observations, and has the potential to provide
D. Emerging Technologies and Applications
valuable insights into soil moisture dynamics in
In recent years, there have been several
different environments.
emerging technologies and applications that
show promise for improving SAR-based soil However, several challenges and limitations
moisture retrieval. One such technology is the still need to be addressed to fully realize the
use of CubeSat-based SAR systems, which are potential of SAR-based soil moisture retrieval
smaller and less expensive than traditional SAR techniques. The effects of surface roughness
systems, and can be used for frequent and high- and vegetation, soil heterogeneity, and
resolution soil moisture measurements. calibration and validation issues must be
Another technology is the use of polarimetric carefully considered to ensure accurate and
SAR data, which can provide more information reliable estimations. Data availability and
about the soil surface, such as soil moisture and accessibility are also crucial factors to ensure
roughness, by measuring the polarization widespread use and integration with other data
properties of the radar waves. sources.
Moving forward, future research should focus
on improving algorithm performance and

Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
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Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023
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Advances in SAR-Based Soil Moisture Retrieval Techniques, Applications, and Challenges | DOI: 10.17613/pr06-fy12
Si Mokrane, SIAD | | ORCID: 0000-0003-0928-4217
Available since: 04/2023

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