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English Madhyam
(Weekly vocabulary compilation)
From 10 June 2024 To 15 June 2024

For all competitive Exams

Bank (Po & clerk), IB ACIO, NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, MTS, CHSL), MBA, Hotel Management, MCA, UPSC,
B. Ed and other competitive exams.


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English Madhyam 1

Table of Contents
Part - A
The Hindu Editorial: Change and continuity (10 June 2024)................................................................................4
The Times of India Editorial: Servant leadership (11 June 2024) .......................................................................6
The Indian Express Editorial: Drying up (12 June 2024) ........................................................................................7
The Indian Express Editorial: Tourists are the new pests of summer (13 June 2024) ...............................9
The Indian Express Editorial: What’s in a name: Elephants are people too (14 June 2024) ................. 11
The Tribune Editorial: Gender gap (15 June 2024) ................................................................................................ 13
Part - B
(The Indian Express Editorial: On interest rates, why RBI decided to err on the side of caution (10
June 2024) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
The Hindu Editorial: Recalcitrant jumbo (11 June 2024)..................................................................................... 17
The Economic Times Editorial: High-rise skyline of the property market (12 June 2024).................... 19
The Economic Times Editorial: Deposits in the time of MFs, real estate (13 June 2024) ....................... 21
The Hindu Editorial: Right turn: On the European Parliament elections (14 June 2024) ...................... 23
The Indian Express Editorial: US Fed decision (15 June 2024) ......................................................................... 25
Part - C
The Economic times Editorial: Crossing the ocean of life (10 June 2024) .................................................... 28
The Hindu Editorial: NEET mess (11 June 2024) .................................................................................................... 29
The Hindu Editorial: Master of three (12 June 2024) ............................................................................................ 31
(The Hindu Editorial: Facts in fiction (13 June 2024) ............................................................................................ 33
The Pioneer Editorial: Music has a role to play (14 June 2024) ........................................................................ 36
The Pioneer Editorial: It’s my digital life (15 June 2024) ..................................................................................... 37

English Madhyam 2

English Madhyam 3

The Hindu Editorial: Change and continuity (10 June 2024)

1. Mandate (noun) – Authority, commission, 16. Secure (verb) – Obtain, acquire, gain,
directive, order, command जनादे श achieve, ensure सुरवित करना

2. Crack down on (phrasal verb) – Enforce 17. Push (verb) – Drive, propel, promote,
strict measures against, clamp down on, advance, encourage प्रेररत करना
suppress, curb, tackle सख्ती से रोकना
18. Long-standing (adjective) – Long-term,
3. Leftist (adjective) – Progressive, liberal, enduring, persistent, lasting, established
socialist, radical, left-wing वामपंथी दीघथकावलक

4. Nationalist (noun) – Patriot, loyalist, 19. Campaign (verb) – Advocate, promote,

supporter of national interests, run, canvass, lobby प्रचार करना
countryman राष्ट्रवादी
20. Wealth distribution (noun) – Allocation of
5. Critics (noun) – Detractors, commentators, wealth, redistribution of income, economic
reviewers, analysts, evaluators आलोचक equality धन ववतरण

6. Populism (noun) – Political approach 21. Stay true to (phrase) – Remain faithful to,
aiming to appeal to ordinary people, mass be loyal to, uphold, maintain वफादार रहना
appeal politics, demagoguery जनवादी
22. Legacy (noun) – Heritage, inheritance,
7. Fiscal (adjective) – Financial, economic, tradition, endowment, bequest ववरासत
monetary, budgetary ववत्तीय
23. Mark (verb) – Indicate, signify, denote,
8. Polity (noun) – Government, political symbolize, highlight इं वगत करना
system, administration, regime राजनीवतक
व्यवस्था 24. A paradigm shift (noun) – Fundamental
change, transformation, major change,
9. Dominate (verb) – Control, govern, lead, overhaul, revolution मू लभूत पररवतथन
influence, rule हावी होना
25. Widespread (adjective) – Extensive,
10. Pro- (prefix) – Supporting, in favor of, prevalent, common, pervasive, far-
advocating, promoting समथथ क reaching व्यापक

11. Decade (noun) – Period of ten years दशक 26. Massive (adjective) – Huge, enormous,
gigantic, immense, substantial ववशाल
12. Surge (noun) – Increase, rise, growth,
escalation, upsurge उछाल 27. Unlike (preposition) – Different from,
dissimilar to, contrasting with, in contrast
13. Endorse (verb) – Support, approve, back, to इसके ववपरीत
advocate, sanction समथथ न करना
28. Populist (noun) – Leader appealing to the
14. Former (adjective) – Previous, earlier, masses, demagogue, popular leader
prior, preceding, ex पूवथ जनवादी ने ता

15. Rival (noun) – Competitor, opponent, 29. Pragmatic (adjective) – Practical, realistic,
challenger, adversary प्रवतद्वं द्वी sensible, down-to-earth, rational

English Madhyam 4

30. Seek (verb) – Pursue, aim for, strive for, 45. Predecessor (noun) – Former occupant,
endeavor to, search for प्रयास करना antecedent, forerunner, precursor पूवथवती

31. Gradual (adjective) – Slow, progressive, 46. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause, bring
step-by-step, incremental, steady क्रवमक about, contribute to, produce कारण बनना

32. Roll out (phrasal verb) – Implement, 47. Amendment (noun) – Change,
launch, introduce, initiate, put into modification, alteration, revision,
operation शु रू करना correction संशोधन

33. Handout (noun) – Financial aid, subsidy, 48. Do away with (phrase) – Abolish,
support, donation, assistance आवथथ क eliminate, remove, get rid of, terminate
सहायता समाप्त करना

34. Reforestation (noun) – Replanting of 49. Checks and balances (noun) – Under this
forests, afforestation, forest regeneration system, no one branch of government can
वनीकरण make laws without the guidance and
approval of the other
35. Grant (noun) – Subsidy, allowance, aid,
financial support अनु दान 50. Executive power (noun) – Authority of the
government, administrative power,
36. Jeopardise (verb) – Endanger, threaten, governing authority, official power
risk, put in danger, imperil खतरे में डालना कायथकारी शस्थि

37. Stability (noun) – Steadiness, security, 51. Bring something under check (phrase) –
firmness, balance, constancy स्थस्थरता Control, regulate, keep in check, manage,
restrain वनयंत्रण में रखना
38. Peso (noun) – The currency of Mexico पेसो
(मे स्थिको की मु द्रा) 52. Fiscal deficit (noun) – The difference
between the government's total
39. Flow in (phrasal verb) – Come in, arrive, expenditure and its total revenue.
pour in, move in, enter आना राजकोषीय घाटा

40. Expansion (noun) – Growth, increase, 53. Balloon (verb) – Expand rapidly, swell,
enlargement, extension, development increase dramatically, rise quickly, grow
ववस्तार quickly तेजी से बढ़ना

41. Intolerance (noun) – Unwillingness to 54. Social security (noun) – Welfare programs,
accept, lack of tolerance, prejudice, bigotry public assistance, social insurance, support
असवहष्णु ता system सामावजक सुरिा

42. Dissent (noun) – Disagreement, 55. Trafficking (noun) – Illegal trade,

opposition, protest, discord, conflict ववरोध smuggling, illicit trading, black market
activity तस्करी
43. (be) mindful of (phrase) – Be aware of, be
conscious of, take into account, consider, 56. Welfarism (noun) – Policy of welfare,
heed ध्यान रखना social welfare approach, public welfare,
state support जनकल्याण
44. Criticism (noun) – Disapproval, censure,
condemnation, critique, reproach आलोचना

English Madhyam 5

The Times of India Editorial: Servant leadership (11 June 2024)

1. Embody (verb) – Represent, exemplify, 12. Endeavour (verb) – Try, strive, attempt,
manifest, personify, symbolize समाए होना aim प्रयास करना

2. Look for (phrasal verb) – Seek, search for, 13. Result in (phrasal verb) – Lead to, cause,
try to find, pursue तलाश करना bring about, produce पररणामस्वरूप होना

3. Thread (noun) – Theme, element, strand, 14. Humanity (noun) – Mankind, humankind,
idea धागा people, society मानवता

4. Run through (phrasal verb) – Pervade, 15. Merely (adverb) – Only, just, simply, solely
permeate, spread through, extend केवल
through समावहत होना
16. Facilitate (verb) – Assist, help, aid, make
5. Virtuous (adjective) – Ethical, moral, easy सुगम बनाना
righteous, noble, good सदाचारी/ गुणवान
17. Encourage (verb) – Inspire, motivate,
6. Essential (adjective) – Necessary, vital, stimulate, support प्रोत्सावहत करना
crucial, indispensable आवश्यक
18. Drive (verb) – Propel, motivate, push, urge
7. Trait (noun) – Quality, characteristic, प्रेररत करना
attribute, feature गुण
19. Be it (phrase) – Whether it is, even if it is
8. Characteristic (noun) – Feature, trait, चाहे वह हो
quality, attribute ववशे षता
20. Impeccable (adjective) – Flawless, perfect,
9. On the contrary (phrase) – Conversely, in faultless, unblemished पररपूणथ/ त्रु वटरवहत
contrast, oppositely इसके ववपरीत
21. Deed (noun) – Action, act, performance,
10. Humanity (noun) – Mankind, humankind, behavior काम
people, society मानवता
22. Torchbearer (noun) – Leader, pioneer,
11. Empathy (noun) – Compassion, trailblazer, guide पथप्रदशथ क
understanding, sympathy, insight
सहानु भूवत 23. Noble (adjective) – Honorable, virtuous,
righteous, good महान

English Madhyam 6

The Indian Express Editorial: Drying up (12 June 2024)

1. Dry up (phrasal verb) – Become 16. Directive (noun) – Instruction, order,
completely dry. सूख जाना command, mandate, decree वनदे श

2. Water table (noun) – The level below 17. Contend (verb) – Assert, argue, claim,
which the ground is saturated with water. maintain, insist दावा करना
जल स्तर
18. Evaporated (adjective) – Turned into
3. Harsh (adjective) – Severe, stern, strict, vapor. वाष्पीकृत
rough, rigorous कठोर
19. In transit (phrase) – While being
4. Drought (noun) – A prolonged period of transported. रास्ते में
abnormally low rainfall. सूखा
20. Obviate (verb) – Prevent, eliminate,
5. Aggravate (verb) – Worsen, exacerbate, remove, preclude, avoid छु टकारा पाना,
intensify, heighten, inflame बढ़ाना टालना

6. Scorching (adjective) – Extremely hot. बहुत 21. Accord (verb) – Grant, bestow, give,
गमथ award, provide दे ना

7. Lead (to) (verb) – Cause, result in, bring 22. Aquifer (noun) – A body of permeable
about, give rise to, generate वजह बनना rock that can contain or transmit
groundwater. जलभृ त
8. Reignite (verb) – Rekindle, revive, reignite,
resuscitate, reawaken पुनजीववत करना 23. Neglect (verb) – Disregard, ignore,
overlook, forget, abandon उपेिा करना
9. Allocation (noun) – Distribution,
assignment, allotment, apportionment, 24. Address (verb) – Deal with, tackle, attend
dispensation आवंटन to, confront, handle वनपटना

10. Seek (verb) – Try to obtain, search for, 25. Deficit (noun) – Shortfall, deficiency, lack,
pursue, strive for, look for मां गना shortage, insufficiency कमी

11. Cusecs (noun) – Cubic feet per second (a 26. Parameter (noun) – Limit, boundary,
measure of water flow). क्यूसेक guideline, criterion, specification मापदं ड

12. Direct (verb) – Command, instruct, order, 27. In line with (phrase) – In accordance with,
mandate, guide वनदे श दे ना consistent with, in agreement with, in
conformity with के अनु सार
13. Facilitate (verb) – Aid, assist, enable, ease,
expedite सुगम बनाना 28. Inventory (noun) – A complete list of
items. सूची
14. Neighbouring (adjective) – Adjacent,
nearby, bordering, surrounding, adjoining 29. Encroachment (noun) – Intrusion,
पडोसी invasion, trespass, infringement,
appropriation अवतक्रमण
15. Comply with (phrasal verb) – Follow, obey,
adhere to, conform to, observe पालन

English Madhyam 7

30. Long-standing (adjective) – Prolonged, 42. Irrigation (noun) – The supply of water to
enduring, chronic, long-term, lasting लं बे land or crops. वसंचाई
समय का
43. Essential (adjective) – Necessary, vital,
31. Coordination (noun) – Cooperation, crucial, indispensable, fundamental
collaboration, teamwork, synchronization, आवश्यक
integration समन्रय
44. Per capita (adjective) – For each person.
32. Deal with (phrasal verb) – Handle, प्रवत व्यस्थि
manage, cope with, address, tackle से
45. Sketchy (adjective) – Incomplete, vague,
वनपटना, सुलझाना
rough, inadequate, imprecise अधूरा
33. Irrigation (noun) – The supply of water to
46. Precipitate (verb) – Cause, trigger, bring
land or crops. वसंचाई
about, provoke, hasten उत्पन्न करना
34. Arrangement (noun) – Plan, agreement,
47. Knee-jerk response (noun) – Immediate
setup, system, organization व्यवस्था
and automatic reaction. तात्कावलक
35. Riverine (adjective) – Relating to or प्रवतवक्रया
situated on a river. नदी संबंधी
48. Impose (verb) – Enforce, levy, inflict,
36. Come apart (phrasal verb) – Disintegrate, establish, dictate थोपना
fall apart, break down, separate, collapse
टू ट जाना 49. Incentivise (verb) – Motivate, encourage,
stimulate, promote, spur प्रोत्सावहत करना
37. Harvest (verb) – collect or obtain (a
resource) for future use. इकट्ठा करना 50. Vagaries (noun) – Unpredictability,
fluctuations, capriciousness, variations,
38. Dry spell (noun) – A period of dry weather. changes अवनवितता
सूखे की अववध
51. Imperil (verb) – Endanger, jeopardize, risk,
39. Alternate (verb) – Switch, rotate, change, threaten, expose खतरे में डालना
interchange, vary बारी-बारी होना
52. Already-stressed (adjective) – Already
40. Efficient (adjective) – Effective, under pressure. पहले से तनावग्रस्त
productive, proficient, competent,
economical कुशल 53. Hit the ground running (phrase) – Start
work immediately and effectively. तुरंत
41. Optimal (adjective) – Best, most favorable, और प्रभावी ढं ग से काम शु रू करना
ideal, optimum, perfect सवोत्तम

English Madhyam 8

The Indian Express Editorial: Tourists are the new pests of summer (13
June 2024)
1. Pest (noun) – nuisance, annoyance, irritant, 15. Cleft stick (phrase) – difficult situation,
plague, troublemaker कष्ट्दायक dilemma, predicament, quandary, tight
spot कवठन पररस्थस्थवत
2. Fed up with (phrase) – tired of, weary of,
disillusioned with, annoyed by, sick of थक 16. Horde (noun) – crowd, multitude, swarm,
जाना throng, mass भीड

3. Sunbathing (adjective) – basking, tanning, 17. Disrupt (verb) – disturb, interrupt, interfere
lying in the sun, sunning, sunbaked धूप with, unsettle, upset बावधत करना
18. Dilemma (noun) – predicament, quandary,
4. Crowd someone off (phrasal verb) – push conundrum, problem, impasse दु ववधा
out, displace, shove aside, squeeze out,
19. Sharpen (verb) – intensify, heighten,
elbow out हटाना
exacerbate, amplify, increase तेज करना
5. Shore (noun) – coast, beach, coastline,
20. Devastation (noun) – destruction, ruin,
seashore, waterfront तट
havoc, desolation, wreckage ववनाश
6. Stage (verb) – organize, arrange, perform,
21. Sheer (adjective) – absolute, complete,
present, execute आयोवजत करना
utter, total, pure पूणथ
7. Demonstration (noun) – protest, rally,
22. Preserve (verb) – protect, maintain,
march, display, presentation प्रदशथ न
conserve, safeguard, uphold संरवित करना
8. Mull (verb) – consider, contemplate,
23. Privileged (adjective) – advantaged,
ponder, deliberate, reflect ववचार करना
entitled, favored, elite, special ववशे षावधकार
9. In order to do something (phrase) – to प्राप्त
achieve, for the purpose of, so as to, with
the aim of, with the intention of तावक 24. Democratise (verb) – liberalize, equalize,
make accessible, universalize, open up
10. Curb (verb) – restrain, limit, control, लोकतां वत्रक बनाना
restrict, check रोकना
25. Far-flung (adjective) – remote, distant,
11. Globe (noun) – world, planet, earth, faraway, outlying, secluded दू रस्थ
sphere, terrestrial globe पृथ्वी
26. Pursue (verb) – follow, chase, seek, strive
12. List (verb) – enumerate, catalog, record, for, endeavor पीछा करना
register, detail सूची बनाना
27. Pleasure (noun) – enjoyment, delight,
13. Compliance (noun) – adherence, happiness, gratification, satisfaction आनं द
conformity, obedience, observance,
acquiescence अनु पालन 28. Impose (verb) – enforce, implement, levy,
mandate, dictate थोपना
14. Economies (noun) – Countries in terms of
GDP अथथ व्यवस्थाएँ

English Madhyam 9

29. Heritage (noun) – legacy, tradition, 30. Humanity (noun) – mankind, humankind,
inheritance, patrimony, cultural wealth people, human race, society मानवता

English Madhyam 10

The Indian Express Editorial: What’s in a name: Elephants are people too
(14 June 2024)
1. Psychologist (noun) – someone who 14. Complexity (noun) – Intricacy,
studies the human mind and human complication, sophistication,
emotions and behaviour, and how elaborateness, entanglement जवटलता
different situations have an effect on
people मनोववज्ञानी 15. Malleable (adjective) – easily influenced,
trained, or controlled
2. Sociologist (noun) – an expert in or
student of the development, structure, 16. Notion (noun) – Idea, concept, belief,
and functioning of human society. perception, thought धारणा
17. Consciousness (noun) – Awareness,
3. Philosopher (noun) – a person engaged or perception, cognizance, mindfulness,
learned in philosophy, especially as an sentience चेतना
academic discipline. ववचारक
18. Intrinsically (adverb) – Essentially,
4. Attest (verb) – Confirm, verify, certify, inherently, fundamentally, innately,
authenticate, corroborate पुवष्ट् करना naturally मौवलक रूप से

5. Address (verb) – Speak to, direct to, refer 19. Conclude (verb) – Decide, determine,
to, focus on, talk to संबोवधत करना infer, deduce, resolve वनष्कषथ वनकालना

6. Call out (phrasal verb) – Shout out, 20. Mimic (adjective) – Imitative, copying,
summon, beckon, hail, cry out पुकारना echoing, emulative, resembling अनु करण
7. Appellation (noun) – Name, title,
designation, moniker, epithet नाम 21. So-called (adjective) – Supposed, alleged,
purported, presumed, ostensible
8. Often (adverb) – Frequently, regularly, तथाकवथत
commonly, repeatedly, habitually अिर
22. Alien (adjective) – Foreign,
9. Enduring (adjective) – Lasting, permanent, extraterrestrial, unfamiliar, strange, non-
persistent, perpetual, abiding स्थायी native ववदे शी

10. Barely (adverb) – Hardly, scarcely, just, 23. Mounting (adjective) – Increasing,
only, narrowly मु स्थिल से growing, escalating, accumulating, rising
बढ़ता हुआ
11. Certainly (adverb) – Definitely, surely,
undoubtedly, unquestionably, assuredly 24. Heaven (noun) – Paradise, afterlife,
वनवित रूप से utopia, celestial realm, Eden स्वगथ

12. Vastly (adverb) – Greatly, immensely, 25. Empathy (noun) – Understanding,

enormously, significantly, extensively compassion, sympathy, sensitivity, fellow
अत्यवधक feeling सहानु भूवत

13. Corpse (noun) – Dead body, cadaver, 26. In addition to (phrase) – Besides, along
remains, carcass, deceased मृ त शरीर with, as well as, plus, furthermore के

English Madhyam 11

27. Trait (noun) – Characteristic, feature, 29. Ties (noun) – Connections, bonds,
attribute, quality, aspect ववशे षता relationships, links, associations संबंध

28. Grief (noun) – Sorrow, sadness, anguish, 30. Perhaps (adverb) – Maybe, possibly,
heartbreak, mourning दु ुः ख probably, conceivably, perchance शायद

English Madhyam 12

The Tribune Editorial: Gender gap (15 June 2024)

1. Spur (verb) – Stimulate, encourage, 15. Reboot (verb) – Restart, refresh, renew,
motivate, incite, prompt प्रोत्सावहत करना overhaul, reinitiate पुनुः आरं भ करना

2. Relook (noun) – Review, reassessment, 16. Skew (verb) – Distort, misrepresent, bias,
reconsideration, reevaluation, twist, warp ववकृत करना
reexamination पुनववथचार
17. Economic parity (noun) – Economic
3. Reflect (verb) – Indicate, show, reveal, equality, financial balance, income equality,
demonstrate, mirror दशाथ ना financial parity, economic equivalence
आवथथ क समानता
4. Stark (adjective) – Complete, utter, total,
absolute, sheer, पूणथ 18. Notable (adjective) – Remarkable,
significant, noteworthy, outstanding,
5. In contrast to (phrase) – Opposed to, in prominent उल्ले खनीय
opposition to, contrary to, differing from,
unlike इसके ववपरीत 19. Gender parity (noun) – Gender equality,
gender balance, sex equality, gender
6. Methodology (noun) – System of methods, equivalence, gender fairness लैं वगक समानता
approach, technique, procedure, process
पद्धवत 20. Enrolment (noun) – Registration, admission,
enlistment, sign-up, matriculation नामां कन
7. Conclusion (noun) – End, result, outcome,
determination, resolution वनष्कषथ 21. Parameter (noun) – Criterion, standard,
measure, guideline, factor मानदं ड
8. Debate (noun) – Discussion, argument,
discourse, dialogue, contention बहस 22. Empowerment (noun) – Authorization,
enablement, emancipation, liberation,
9. Prudent (adjective) – Wise, sensible, granting of power सशस्थिकरण
judicious, cautious, careful वववेकपूणथ
23. Legislation (noun) – Lawmaking, regulation,
10. Heed (verb) – Pay attention to, listen to, statute, enactment, act कानू न
take note of, consider, follow ध्यान दे ना
24. Transformative (adjective) – Revolutionary,
11. Distress (noun) – Suffering, agony, pain, groundbreaking, life-changing, radical,
trouble, hardship कष्ट् reformative पररवतथनकारी
12. Governance (noun) – Administration, 25. Accord (verb) – Grant, give, bestow, confer,
management, rule, control, regulation agree दे ना
26. Equivalent (to) (adjective) – Equal,
13. Comprehensive (adjective) – Thorough, comparable, analogous, tantamount, similar
complete, exhaustive, extensive, all- समान
encompassing व्यापक
27. Remind (verb) – Prompt, jog memory,
14. Evaluation (noun) – Assessment, appraisal, recall, bring to mind, cue याद वदलाना
analysis, judgment, examination मू ल्यां कन
28. Suffice (verb) – Be enough, be adequate,
meet the needs, satisfy, fulfill पयाथ प्त होना

English Madhyam 13

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