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Sage is one of the popular plants in phytotherapy, its medicinal

properties have been known for a long time. In addition to
inhalations and mouthwashes, it is actively used in various areas of
medicine, including - as part of medicinal collections. But it is
important to know the characteristics of this plant
Sage is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial
properties, helps with wet coughs, improves renal circulation.
Photo: Globallookpress
Sage has been used for centuries to treat inflammatory diseases,
both skin and internal organs. This plant contains a lot of useful
components and biologically active compounds that allow it to be
used in the complex treatment of male and female problems.

Sage: what is unique plant

In the composition of this small plant, a lot of useful substances are
determined. This is not only vitamins and minerals, but also a
number of biologically active compounds. These are gum and resins,
camphor, fruit acids, tannins, alkaloids, salven, flavonoids and
phytoncides. Due to this composition, the plant has a number of
therapeutic and prophylactic effects.

This is a perennial herb that grows on the territory of Europe, our

country and neighboring countries. It is grown as a cultivated plant
in the fields, used as a phyto raw material or a component of
cosmetics. On the basis of sage are prepared preparations against
psoriasis, they treat patients with tuberculosis, relieve headaches
and rheumatism, kidney problems and anemia. In addition, sage as a
spice is added to some dishes in cooking, it is also considered a
melliferous plant.

Therapeutic properties of sage

Sage in the form of various forms of preparations is used as an
external and local remedy. In addition, infusions, decoctions or
tinctures can be used internally. The therapeutic effect of the plant
is achieved through a combination of vitamin and mineral
components and biologically active substances. Sage is used in the
treatment and prevention of:

inflammation, infections of the skin and mucous membranes;

in gynecology;
lesions of the upper respiratory tract, infectious-inflammatory
processes in the bronchi;
diseases of the genitourinary system;
digestive disorders;
disorders of the central nervous system and its autonomic
In addition, sage is used to normalize hormonal metabolism and
metabolism against the background of weight loss. For each disease
there are different forms of phytotherapy, it is prescribed as part of
a complex therapy strictly on the advice of a doctor.

Contraindications of sage
Although the drug is relatively safe and effective, treatment with it
is allowed only after all possible contraindications to its reception
are excluded. In some cases, it can negatively affect the condition,
which should be taken into account in advance when drawing up a
treatment plan. Among the key contraindications stand out:

Allergy or individual intolerance to the components of phyto raw

all trimesters of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
presence of any form of epilepsy;
development of endometriosis;
age under 2 years;
hypotonic disease;
period of exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the urinary system;
increased concentration of estrogens in the blood;
any types of tumors;
lesions of the thyroid gland;
presence of bronchial asthma.
In these cases, the drug, including as part of collections, should be
Application of sage
In women
In the treatment of female diseases, sage is used quite often. It
helps to improve the course of the menopausal period, reducing the
severity of hot flashes, sweating at night, nervousness and mood
swings, memory problems. This is achieved by affecting the level of
estrogen. Infusions and decoctions are used in the complex therapy
of infertility, to regulate estrogen levels. It is useful to use infusions
immediately after menstruation and before the period of ovulation.
This increases the chances of pregnancy.

Sage helps to stimulate female libido, fights cell damage, is used to

prevent cancer of the cervix and uterus, breast, skin and intestines.
It is used in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory
processes of the small pelvis, local application of decoctions helps
in the fight against thrush, suppressing irritation and itching. Sage
helps in the treatment of chronic cystitis, it is used in the form of
sitting baths and decoctions inside.

To establish sexual relations, sage will come in handy. Photo:

In pregnancy, only local use of sage decoction is allowed for rinsing
the mouth and throat for infectious diseases. When taken internally,
it can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke bleeding,
miscarriage or premature labor.

In lactation, sage reduces milk production and its only use is to end
the lactation period. Taking sage can smoothly reduce the amount
of milk to zero in a couple of weeks.

In men
This drug helps to increase the production of testosterone,
normalizes blood circulation and metabolism, eliminates blood stasis
from the genital area, stimulates the formation of seminal fluid.
Helps sage in the adjustment of the prostate, increasing male
strength and sex drive, used in the complex treatment of infections
of the genitourinary tract. Useful will be this drug in preparation for

Useful to know
What do you need to know about medicinal plants to make them
In children
Sage is used for colds and sore throats, nervous disorders. From 2
years of age, it is used topically and externally, after 5 years -

When using sage in the treatment of any pathology types of drugs

(infusions, decoctions or infusions, lotions, etc.) are determined
only by a doctor. He also determines the exact dosage and duration
of therapy, the combination of sage with certain drugs.

Types of therapeutic compositions with sage

Infusions of sage can be used both internally and locally (in the form
of inhalations, gargles) and externally (for lotions, skin treatments,
baths). Internally, sage infusions are used to stimulate bile flow to
eliminate flatulence, normalize the digestive system, fight

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