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IN THE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT PESHAWAR Inst # 22327 CC# 230769 Writ Petitions No. 2872 -P/2024 In Imran Khan adv. V /s Fed. of Pakistan etc. Presented by Barister Babar Shahzad Imran on behlaf of appellant/pet mer. Entered in the relevant register. Be laid before DB along with office objection no. o/6| 24 for orders on 11-06-2024 04 JUN 2024 oe 04 JUN 2024 Countersigned 04 JUN 2024 =f Z i 576724, 897 AM ntpevlneb P 1024 Imran Khan vs Federation of Pakistan etc i Resi, : The above tied Writ Petition was fled by learned counse or the petvoner stiin was retuned to him with office objection at No, 25 that case does rot reate ts | this Coun, He rele the case wit a note of request ; 2 The case was returned to the learned counsel by Hor‘ble Chief Justce wde o-der dated 08/05/2024, 3 Now the leemed counse! again re-fled the case with anoteof request 4. approved. we may return the petition to the counse or fx before the Her oe Court. Submitted for orders, please. € Reqistrar (nsttution). Add Registrar Jud 6. The TikTok application is run and controlled from foreign teeritory, which is beyond the jurisdiction ofthis Court Besides that suit is wo be fled at the pace ‘where the defendants resides, carries on business or works for gain 6” winery she cause of action wholly or partly arises 7. In the light of the above, this writ petition does not fall within the |. juisiction, Para4/N approved. Endorsement be made onthe wet petition . D.RINSTITUTION L_ hips:iweb whatsapp com ee eee tee terete wu Hebe Vera 4 be apperch he Bud veleee re trendy |Weolt Leal os Mcteu wt ; a. ggsitiy Vn oe pehtion \nowereh, PTA w whit Sawada Are Auwidhs?id) sjridiction wt ured: Awereh sas qs D0(4) (te, Raroway aby ask watelazd AL RAL \w Ydowtos « | Meno,” kv ence ‘ re AMot | Ma sebbion ae Len tole Coot Ree adibicbion - mpenied o\ s\ aol. hes, Be hte dog otto ae [eesto/ fro, WP No. [2024 Imran Khan vs Federation of Pakistan etc i Risin 1, The above titled WP has been filed by learned counsel for the petitioner which was returned to him with office objection at No. 25 that case does not relate to this Court He re-filed the case with a note of request. 2. ttapproved, a. The above mentioned case may be returned to the learned counsel. or Entertain the case at Principal Seat. 5. Submitted for orders, please. calstrar(instiutior Deg (strar (Institution). (1) The Pebnte belooging +t [ohasr Seeks Kons 7 alk Gnteats from TikTok cad fomand e han on Title ux Pallisfanr . ) Maino, alt the Aupadints beheg Trance. (Ofabenited Pr adud Mather fr: 4) Kinde tc Seren Hahn i HOA Me te pe OC) Rede thee ah The Princ bak serk pn hee “Tn yen CamScanner (04-0) ¢ DP Ufa bo (3) f dein \ - - : t CON, ‘: a Ore Mea Nyy aks toml 1 . = aoe se oS peril ee = if pafn0 (Oy a We Ww . . ere Nanas Shek eh | Cth heb ke sie pial parsist ao ‘ ora CamScannet IN THE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR. OBJECTION SLIP No: 18793 Imran Khan Gh VIS Fed. Ww ape ete. de, oa mC shireber coher She Ln! ere 7) on fi 10 Grounds / Copies of annexures / Ze copy are not one 25 Case does not relate to this Court. 62 Rescan the Petition after rémoving/ oa the me at fete. fh onyeXofe Inmerel fect Oe Returned with above mentioned objections for remoyal to be a re-submitted on or before fos 06 May 2024 eputy i Tpcharge Peshawar High Court, Peshawa an- glee nee) pod AR Negronol ake 2 Pp doula aro Vath, URGENT FORM IN THE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR. ‘Imran Khan Advocate 7 ‘Writ Petition No. 27 yf Versus Federation of Pakistan & Others Writ Petition under Article 199 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1, Will you kindly treat the accompanying Writ Petition as urgent and in accordance with the provision of Rule 9 Chapter 3-A, Rules and Orders of the High Court Peshawar Volume V 2. The Ground for urgency is: ‘That the matter is in respect of Public Interest Litigation, and for that purpose, itis required to be put on urgently. Dated /572024 ne = 4 YowisterBGbo” Barrister Babar Shahzad Imran Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan Through % note” Barrister Babar Chambers er 8006) chOTS Nasip Mansion, Railway Road, ar teat Meetots «wae Peshawar Pakistan ae Coa Cell: 03225132574 s® Nooo?" barristerbabarchambersi@gmail,com BEFORE THE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT, PESHAWAR. ~ neci ust «Jew [imran Mhghverse NOP. € hers Cea aay ad. Thea under wie Te cate profored has ben mood. A proved a covered Rik dy aed sd appended ase and artease se propty pened end rund axe 0 WK az|a\3\ a8) rrr Copies of annres ae lege and aleted. Wot, en taller copa diy aeIed have srnexed Ceri cols ol rela Caan ave been Ted. ‘| Cera epxtfing Wal io ease on Sar rounds was Cer eid bs eou Te. 10 | Coser wi ine, Halal ¢| "| The val forthe popes ocr To ad icin fas Deon malin reba cline, "TE Gaurt ent chap fsa papers aed. [For wilt Rs. 500, for other os required) TE [Poser otatoney sh proper Tom 7 | Mo of eisted to. iol dis enone he pain alalalal 7: | Ta regiteprber of spare capes lashed (WHE peton3, civil appeat (SB= 2) Clull REvisicn (SB-1, DB-2))_ TF, Cafe! Appespilion ais ied ana presembed tr. 48: | Por of aay ised by al atin rat esona ry). Na SHAg Sains] FILED pay, : | oO st ae i 06 MAY .u24 _ ) we ‘That the TikTok application launched by a Chinese compariy Byte Dance, a social media platform that allows users to create, share, and discover short-form videos. The platform burst onto the international stage in 2016. As per current statistics, there are almost 54.4 million Pakistan users on TikTok and Pakistan ranked 7 amongst the top users of this platform. Having said that, this platform has been used egregiously transgresses Islamic norms by disseminating anti-Islamic, anti-Prophet and his companions, vulgar, indecent, sectarian, and disrespectful content, thereby contravening the parameters delineated by the ition of Pakistan, Pakistan Penal Code, and the Removal and Blocking of Unlawful Contents Rules, 2021, Despite this substantial number, this platform has been suspended or its operations have been banned in Pakistan on numerous occasions, the detail is reproduced hereunder i, 09 October, 2020. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has issued instructions to. impose a ban on’TikTok after receiving a "number of complaints from different segments of the Society", the regulatory body said in a press statement on Friday. Wfarcif 11, 2021, Tiktok Banned by PTA on the order of Peshawar High Court In respectful compliance with the orders of the Peshawar High Court, the Pakistan * Telecom ‘Authority (PTA) has issued directions to the service providers to immediately block access to the TikTok App. During the hearing of a case today, the PHC has ordered the blocking of the App. iii, 28% June 2021 Tiktok Banned by PTA on the Order SHC ‘The Sindh High Court on Monday ordered the Pakistan Telecommunication ‘Authority (PTA) to suspend access to TikTok in the country until July 8. iv, 2st July 2021: Tiktok Banned by PTA In the light of relevant provisions of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016, PTAchas blocked access to the TikTok App and website inthe country. The action has been taken due to the continuous presence of inappropriate content on the platform and its failure to take such content down. It is further contended that the permissible content within TikTok includes egregious his companions. Following are some of the instances where the Tiktok platform has been used to-circulate the blasphemous contents, the list of such links of TikTok ‘content and pictorial evidences are attached as Annexure “A”. [ FILEDTQpAY! =" Deputy Le } | 06 MAY 2uie \ we 9, 10. u 12. That, the permissible content within tes vul te th indecent material, which not only entice the youth but also lead them astray from the righteous path, thereby squandering time, energy, and resources. List of links of such content on TikTok and the pictorial evidences are attached as Annexure “B”, ‘That TikTok, being a publicly accessible application, has failed to adequately optimize its system to proscribe such criminal, hateful, unethical, and vulgar content. Moreover, it has failed to enforce’ a complete ban on such content, thereby breaching its own content policy and’serving as a prominent platform for such objectionable entities ‘That TikTok, notwithstanding its stipulated age limit of 13 for usage, hosts gontent unsuitable for individuals under the age of 18. The application lacks the capability to authenticate the true identity of users, relying solely on user-provided data which can be falsified. Consequently, the application can be accessed by underage individuals, leading to adverse effects on their overall mental health and thought processes. ‘That in China, the same application known as Dowvin, presents a unique version of the . cai shildten, The company acknowledges the impact of technology on children’s development by offering a more educational and wholesome experience compared to its slobal counterpart. For users under 14 years old, TikTok provides content such as science experiments, museum exhibits, patriotism videos, and educational content. Additionally restrictions limit children in China to 40 minutes of usage per day on the app. In contrast, the global version is likened to “opium,"‘implying a more addictive or distracting nature ‘Where its global reputation is built on its engaging algorithm, which customizes content based or.ndiyidual interests, making it additive and breaching the fundamental rights of other countries and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The list of links of research articles done on this subject and pictorial references are attached as Annexure “C”. ae © 13. That the aforementioned application has been subject to bans in multiple countries, namely Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Nepal, India and Afghanistan for breaching cultural, and religious values and being prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of the states. In addition to causing disruptions in individuals’ lives and disseminating ateful content, allegations have been made regarding its use as a spying ‘ool. Countries and Institutions where its access has been banned on Staff devices include Norway. Belsjum, Canada and European Union institutions. Relevant documents are attached as Annexure “D”. ~ That the Petitioner for himself and for the interests of the Public at Large of the Islamic. Republic of Pakistan, thus being placed in a situation where his & others Pakistanis inalienable fundamental rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan are being violated at the hands of the Respondents, being left with no other remedy, hereby seeks indulgence of this Honorable Court in its writ jurisdiction for redressal of the Petitioner grievances on the following grounds, inter-alia”": GROUNDS a, The PTA Rules under Chapter I Section 3 do not provide any remedy for blocking or banning the platform but impress upon the restriction of the content which does not amount to, taking down the platform. As observe! in Asim Ullah vs Federation of, Pakistan Writ No.4004-P/2020, the petitioner had prayed to ban the application based on slare violations of the Constitution of Pakistan and other laws. However, the PTA took action under the law and stated that some accounts were removed, not amounting to complete removal, blocking or banning of the platform which continues to be,a safe ground™for all such violations. Whereas, the court directed them to devise:a proper solution to this problem. Copy of the petition and judgement is attached to this petition as, ‘Annexure “E” b. Article 2, 31 & 227 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 - TikTok violates the sanctity of Islam by disregarding the commandments of ALLAH, promoting social evils and creating concems of public order. The Application flagrantly violates the sanctity of Islam by disregarding the commandments of ALLAH, promoting social evils, disrupting public order, contravening the principles established by Islam and promoting overtly insulting content against Islam, as illustrated by Quranic verses. Quranic verses such as, "And surely, Messengers have been mocked at before thee; But I granted respite to those who disbelieved. Then I seized them and how [terrible] was [My] punishment!" (Surah al-Ra'd, Ch.13: V33), FILED TODAY, Deputy Kegistear! 06 MAY 2124 ae © "You should accept whatever the Messenger gives you and abandon whatever he tells you 10 abandon. Harve tagwa of Allah..." (Surat al-Hashr: 7), "Indeed, those who abuse Allah and His Messenger - Allah has cursed them in this woeld and the Hereafter and prepared for them a huoniliating punishment." (Sural-al Ahzab. Ch; 33: V:52). highlight the severe condemnation of those who mock Islam. ‘That the aforesaid content being shared and aliowed to be shared on TikTok constitutes an offense under Chapter-XV of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860, and is referred to be against the Glory of Islam. That Reference may also be made to Lugiman Habib versus the Federation of Pakistan & others (2021 LHC 2408). The selevant portion of paragraph 6 is reproduced below for ease of reference: & 6. [Lo] This Court cannot oversight that the legislator had laid down specific provisions. ie, Section 295-A, 295-B and 295-C PPC cater to similar situations where any person uses derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinwation, directly or indirectly, and.thus defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet, the name of any Wife (Ummiil Mumineen), or members of the family (Ahlebait) of the Holy Prophet, or any of the righteous Caliphs (Khulafae-Rashideen) or companions (Sahaaba) of the Holy Prophet. ‘That the content of above said broadcast is not oily against the glory of Islam but rather against the modesty of the wife of Hazrat Muhammad SAW ie., Hazrat Ayesha R.A. Hazrat Ayesha R.A is amongst the most sacred Sahabia and is regarded as an authority on various Ahadiths of Prophet Muhammad SAW. The users of TikTok publishing such ‘blasphemous content are not only responsible but the due role of TikTok can never be ruled out for not supplying an effective measure to control the publication of blaspherfiius Eontent. TikTok has miserably failed to launch effective community rules and for any stretch of the imagination, it has somehow provided, then botched to implement them on users. As stated hereinbefore, PTA and the Courts of Pakistan banned the operations of TikTok on numerous occasions but after promises and time being solutions, it overlooked the necessary measures to curb the actions that violate the laws of Pakistan, ‘That this is further supported by the judgment in Lugman Habib versus Federation of Pakistan & others (2021 LHC 2408), which underscores the revered status of the Prophet's Companions, as narrated by Hazrat Abdullah bin Mughal. TikTok’s allowance of such content thus violates the principles of Islam and the preamble, Articles 2, 31, and 227 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. particularly Article 31 empha the promotion of an Islamic way of life: Copy of the judgement is attached to this petition as ‘Annexure “F°. ‘That the Regulations proceeded under section 37. read with Section 51 of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016 which was enforced in 2021 through Removal & Blocking of Unlawful Online Content ( Procedure, Oversight & Safeguards) Rules 2021, ie has set a clear set of acts which are to be blocked. Needless to mention here all said acts are enumerated considering Article 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. The acts against the Glory of Islam (violation of chapter XV of Pakistan Penal Code), Security of Pakistan, Deceney and Morality (Section 292, 293, 294, 509 of Pakistan Penal Code) are subject to be blocked. In other words, Pakistan has set a public policy to be followed by all social media operating Companies. Notably, in case of TikTok, it is not matter of rather on all earlier attempts to halt the TikTok for violating the public policy of Pakistan, matter_was just not treated with fairness and users of TikTok in Pakistan and elsewhere ate persistently violating the various laws by publishing blasphemaus contents, Copies of the PTA rules 2021 are attached to this petition as Annexure “G”. From the bare perusal of sections 295-A, and 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code, these sections outline legal provisions aimed at protecting religious sentiments and the sanctity of religious figures in Pakistan. They prescribe harsh penalties for those who engage in deliberate acts intended to insult or defile religious beliefS or figures, reflecting the importance placed on religious sensitivity within the legal framework of Ps h. ‘That TikTok has become a leading actor in disregarding the community Guidelines as directed and regulated by Pakistan and this factor has been observed and held byP'TA and Courts of Pakistan. To ban TikTok is only a matter‘of restriction of services of a platform rather than a matter of the dignity of Pakistan, rule of law, and sovereignty of Pakistan. i, That the aforesaid referred data on one side reflects that some perpetrators are causing. harm to the glory of Islam which is generally allowed by TikTok but on the contrary, the youth of Pakistan are especially vulnerable targets of TikTok. In countries like Pakistan, j where a majority portion of the population is youth. If the rightful has not been done at this crucial stage, our youth are under direct attack of such blasphemous content. : j. That any other grounds not specifically raised here may graciously be allowed to be raised atthe time of the arguments with the permission of this Hon'ble Court. PRAYER, For the reasons above & in view of the grounds taken above, it is therefore, most humbly prayed that.-on acceptance of this Writ Petition, this Honorable Court may very graciously be pleased: 4. To direct the Respondents to permanently ban TikTok in Pakistan on the continued, recurring and consistent breach of Community Guidelines which violates the Constitution of Pakistan, provisions of uf? Prévention of Electronics Crimes Act, 2016, Chapter-XV of Pakistan Penal Code, 1860, and Rule 3 of Removal and Blocking of Unlawfidl Contents Rules, 2021. ne : if FILED post i . Deputy Registrar: OSNAY 2 ii, Direct the Respondents not to allow such applications in future which affect moral and ethical values of the Petitioner & all the Pakistani’ in general. fs iti, Any other remedy which is deemed fit by this Honorable Court in the circumstances may also ‘be granted in favour of Petitioner & the Pakistani’s in General. “ ‘of Interim Relief, the Respon. ir removi i Tk ‘ Tok as stated above till the time Tik Tok is permanently banned in Pakistan or till the time the instant Lis is decided’ “7 8 “ i a PETITIONER /IMRAN KffAN ADVOCATE ‘Through Barrister Babar Shahzad Imran Sypreme Court of Pakistan Advocate, High Courts Barrister Babar Chambers AS Nasir Mansion, Railway Road, Peshawar Pakistan Cell: 03225132574 am! CERTIFICATE: Certified as per information furnished by my client that no’ such like petition on subject matter notices has been earlier filed before this Hon’ble Court LIST OF BOOKS: 1. Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. 2. Case Laws and dicta'so laid down by the superior judiciary. 3. Any other law books and rules/regulations according to need. FILED THPAV i "Deputy Rarer . OB MAY «ult ® BEFORE THE HON’BLE PESHAWAR HIGH COURT. PESHAWAR Writ Petition No. Ls, 7 “Foor4 Imran Khan Advocate VERSUS Federation of Pakistan and others etitioner .. Respondents AFFIDAVIT I, Imran Khan Advocate S/o ; Rauf Khan R/o Old Jamrud Road, University Town, House No. 44-D, Peshawar, do hereby solemnly affirm on Oath that the contents of the Writ Petition are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing hgybeen concealed from this Hon’ble Court. a ponent CNIC: 17301-9934830-3 Cell: 0300-859955-2 Identified by: sou Bander Barat .Béelistef Babar Shehzad Imran Boy @yipreme Court of Pakistan. asi eae on ares tet j 7 | that the above was verified on s “air aifirmation before me in gegen this... hs Real 200%). d eM eles has | stofb. a who was doh Des Yo a Wao is personally knowm to nist Deputy 06 MAY 2024 ae Annexure “A” 1. hitpsi/wwwt rinoterapia6%/photo/7302396247686630688%is_from_weba ELésende dyrice=pe&webid=7360972622404077063 a r = 7 5. / huraaal3/live? r=1é&source=h$_méus_bim=)5836,b41 SOdsec user id=MS4wLiABAAAAPkayW50-https:/ huraraal3 ‘yW50-01 BV69LXe¥ UddedR JimCajY me8gMcAMLzm4UCIDISXKKXHumK uH6wFV 1 id=73080308501 O&enable checksum=]&sh are_link id=CO78C65B-SES2-449-B714-SF7138E6A62C&share app id=1233 6. ips:divsiktok com/ZSFK ghmxa/ - t ay : ! dei ove aire “ee 15190008 MOHAMMED AND AIGHA, THE pee Care Muhamedediwith urinoterapia69 PLE Raum accel 11:55@@98 P @ Wun acl a Creare R ary PSU ac NT eeu Rel esc e ee a c) RNS TOR @14.1Kk Ou) arcor oli} Cok thoes cas (EEC me ck: Pah TN ABUHUR.. DEW P19 You are getting banned viks7866 ae cm g PME trl’ LT ERC) © babu.$hah.iraq liked the LIVE Add comment a ae |) ert @ Cae Sul“ SOMOCOR @ 0 4350 — Jykal mes ES a a £2 @your_favourite_serb 453 6,755, 214.5K Following Followers Likes my second acc: @ ENykam ES v.2 131 v @ YouTube Te et ea Pomc) © It was narrated from ‘Aishah that the Messenger of Allah married her when she was. six years old, and consummated the marriage with her when she was nine. ce SEL Bile 55 Ee EY B51 Grade: Sahih (Darussalam) Photo BaD) ES CWE CIR eZ) #prophetmuhammad #... See more rae cus ®) Annexure "B” rae) @ Lahore eG ee Penne Sener Lease BS} : PNW id sel PSI lite ee ¢ ( ¢«) #foryou #naina #clouds #tre! BTM) yee a) PeshaWar Following For You Alice Van F Eon #Love #foryou #viral #Fitness... See more t c-urrcic) A ECE Add comment Dive Lisa SROs and lengthen the spine home.girlS#foryo #video #trending Nelo Merolu Tain am we Ane ure: "C* TikTok in China offers ac! . with educational videos and a time limit, that isn’t offered in the U.S. Published: July 14, 2023, 10:02 a.m. MDT eS VIEW COMMENTS a SHARE By Ashley Nash By Ashley Nash In an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes,” a tech expert Siated that the U.S. version of TikTok — a Chinese-owned social media platform — is different than the Chinese version of the app, comparing the two experiences to opium and spinach. TikTok in China Although they’re both owned by ByteDance, Douyin — China’s version of TikTok — offers a different version of the social media app that is unavailable to the rest of the world, especially for children. “It’s almost like they recognize that technology is influencing kids’ development, and they make their domestic version a spinach version of TikTok, while they ship the opium version to the rest of the world,” Tristan Harris, a former Google employee, and advocate for social media ethics, said of China’s approach to TikTok. “If you’re under 14 years old, they show you science experiments you can do at home, museum exhibits, patriotism videos and educational videos,” said Harris, according to “60 Minutes,” adding that children in China were limited to only 40 minutes a day on the app. “There’s a survey of pre-teens in the U.S. and China asking, ‘what is the most aspirational career that you want to have?’ and in the US., the No. 1 was a social media influencer, and in China, the No. 1 was astronaut,” Harris said. “You allow those two societies to play out for a few generations and I can tell you what your world is going to look like.” RELATED Investigation: Does TikTok have a bad effect on kids’ mental health? How do you know if you're addicted to TikTok? : Here are the signs FBI claims that TikTok poses national security concerns * How does the U.S. algorithm = compare? How does the U.S. algorit! compare? In the U.S., TikTok is known for its addicting, personalized and predictive algorithm, specifically tailored to the interests of whoever is scrolling, according to an investigation by The Wall Street Journal. TikTok doesn’t have a specific version made for children, and limits are completely \ voluntary and can be set up by parents if they wish to do so, according to “60 Minutes.” Dr. Nia Williams, a researcher at Bangor University who specializes in children’s mental | health, told BBC that TikTok’s “short and " sweet” video format is designed to give hits of dopamine with each video, keeping users addicted. “TikTok has videos you might find funny, and you want to see them because they make you feel good. That’s the main nucleus of all sorts of different addictions,” Williams said. “Whatever you search for ca TikTok, that algorithm will be kept. The more you search _ 6 for things that you like, they will be aware of what you like and that’s what you will be fed.” oye cinta) ic-teeigte=e MRL ae) ee TLRS de NEWSLETTER ; "a eemricrvarie + Subscribe What's The Difference? Content Differences in TikTok-China VS TikTok-India ‘ Dr. Hitesh Mohapatra Ss eee ere arin eee ear ae Sos eee) Girne Published on Nov 28, 2023 TikTok, a globally acclaimed short-form video eset service owned by the Chinese company #ByteDance, stands as one of the most widely used applications. Enabling Denier eRe acta Ce toate ET catapulted numerous content creators into the realm of 'social media stardom. Yet, amidst its popularity, there exists a shadowy. aspect of the app that often remains unexplored, despite its significance. Minton eee eA Lebo T NACL) cao clr i) (} ec eet Tula (a) < Content Differences in TikTok-Chin ae) &) NEWSLETTER > Bicamacr arial The content varies significantly on an extensive scale, presenting users with Vavaiel Wael bn lecture (ne ceemet sd eC-aTed ae el alg location. It's widely acknowledged that TikTok is renowned for featuring videos that often lack coherence or meaningful context. Furthermore, there is an abundance of content that endorses problematic behaviors, including twerking, pranks on parents, soft porn, nude dancing for increased views and likes, and the use of vulgar language to appear "cool." Remarkably, these videos are garnering Tl eeCoheo mt l0 os Gite SER ee ices In China, #TikTok operates under the name Douyin and is owned by the Chinese ao. . Fd Technology for All + Subscribe War ate EW ee Haesils In China, #TikTok operates under the name Douyin and is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. A stark contrast exists between the content promoted on #Douyin in China and what users in the "REST OF THE WORLD" encounter on TikTok. Notably, China has a policy in place wherein only government-regulated content can receive platform promotions, while any other content cannot be actively promoted. Br € Content Differences in TikTok-Ch aE a ats Technology for All Given this regulatory framework, Douyin Peet nie features content related to technology, architecture, music, and Celerra ni e-1ag-t3 MMT hen ceed ole rb Lae] skill development among its users. This stands in contrast to other countries where Bilal) aoleeliu la teygiardccmeelalclalm Tian e-1e potential to generate revenue for the company. Intriguingly, there are discussions on platforms like Reddit suggesting theories that China intentionally utilizes inappropriate content from the "REST OF THE WORLD" to potentially influence the younger generation's mindset. "China aims to prevent applications developed Ne elena cee Une md poy Jo) em OMe my deel eI Teta SOR) nares [3 9 Comment Come oul Li csicsinre NEWSLETTER : Bloat ely ace + Subscribe In China, the emphasis is on generating valuable content, such as that related to architecture, science, or mathematics. Conversely, in other countries, the focus tends to be on promoting content like stupid dances, efc. How TikTok works? TikTok's fundamental concept revolves around promoting content with the potential to quickly go viral, encouraging content creators to replicate successful ideas. Before TikTok's ban in India, it was commonplace for creators to emulate trending content if a particular video gained widespread popularity. Unlike other platforms, simply copying an idea typically does not guarantee virality. However, on (Sean) re [3] 9 fed € Content Differences in TikTok-China VS TIKT... jae ee i3 r F Meant Ca. UG + Subscribe TikTok, those who replicated ideas from viral videos often found their content reaching millions of users rapidly. As videos of this nature gained viral momentum, content creators perceived it as a convenient avenue to garner attention on the platform. As users began replicating similar content, TikTok strategically promoted themes that resonated in specific areas. For instance, if content depicting a husband-wife disagreement garnered increased views, TikTok would actively encourage content creators to produce more content aligned with those themes. The irony lies in world leaders too, such as prime ministers and presidents from various nations, extending invitations to such content creators to promote CRD AES orig 5 9 Ceti sg SRC ic ue caiMn ae Sew Sa) aaa ee NEWSLETTER 5 ti’ Beatle ace td + Subscribe creators to promote election-themed reels as a Tit Vaeey maa (uve Te Re) cl lexpress my sincere gratitude to the Government of India for the ban on these Chinese apps in our oT tNA References: a8 Ulee Sean RSH AE /article-10344445/Children-brainwashed -TikTok-videos-cool-trans-surgery.html . /gender/tiktok-enticing-kids-identify -transgender/ . /news/china-passes-sweeping -recommendation-algorithm-regulations -effect-march-1-2022/ 4, (SOR BB 9 é 9 bf pert aould O s | TikTok Accused of Serving Different 63) / Versions of App to China and Rest of the World: ‘Opium’ for the World and ‘Spinach’ for China TikTok Tevet bes fare ational, patriotism contents will be ge limit for children is 40 There is no such limit by default and , ». fas accent eye miemaal ela nts ge CR a king reported yet. seta ice eet ‘£: , Logins and whatever you! which is known as Douyin in and is owned by E @ different versions of its app, se r local and one for global B umers. However, it has been ret have dif principles, which raises co 5 alSO that these ver erent algorithm re dive into the topic let,t 1a recent survey resul ays top career =-teens in the U § United Kingdom are social media influencers, while in China the top career aspiration is to become ar astronaut. 3] a VY eisasummarized table of differences of these of TikTok based on the podcast by r Google design ethicist, two variants is a for Douyin TikTok Pruned algorithm which There is no such cience moderation; You'll see all those influencer and pointless dancing garba There is no such lim default and re launched an optior limit, but it is off by There is no such versions. will The in-app brows‘ track all your keystrokes (Passwords, Logins and whatever you type). | think we can clearly see a suspicious curve here id you remember that survey result you read at the top? It may sounds like a conspiracy ocial media platforms (Specially TikTok) with that. Apart from that based, k also collecting user data witho and now but, | think have a lot to proper consent as well n ne bye pO gears t ical enctantilt ink we can Clearly see a suspicious curve here id néw did you remember that survey result you read at It may sounds like a conspiracy jut, | think social media platforms (Specially TikTok) have a lot to do with that. Apart from that based on TikTok also collecting user data without er consent as well. THINGS TIK TOK COLLECTS OS @O remo |] Prove cats oe |] screenshots |@ cipdows © Fweivure @© Prsiaied spps Rooted/Jailbroken @) Nerwork information Status It's true even Google, and Facebook collects data but, not any other ‘pp collects this much information as Tik Tok and that's why it has been declared a security threat by the US. vio: rose. dev | Appdote.k ¥e6 ) 9, What do you think, it is still worth selling your we ashed and loosing your originality for privacy, brai a pinch of dopamine hit? | don't think so... a-Si) (Ree) = ¢M Q ll Home > Tech Which countries have banned TikTok? Agrowing list of nations and government bodies are taking action against the app. By Meera Naviakha on April 25, 2024 * X @ Credit: Rafael Henrique/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images TikTok is facing increasing limits and bans [> @) » ‘ere are the countries that have invoked partial or total bans on the app. SEEALSO: AU. cers debate ThTokbeh, ymca’ erdcrector lath over emerson oils anda Afghanistan The Taliban banned TikTok in Afghanistan in April 2022, saying thatthe : platforms content "was not consistent with Islamic laws", aecarding 19 Bloombers Australia {In Aprit 2023, Australia batned the app from all federal government-owned. Aevices, citing security concerns raised by the the Department of Home Affairs. Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the ban would be imposed “as soon as practicable”, Belgium Belgium banned TikTok from the work phones of government officials in March 2023, Prime Minister Alexander De Crao said in a statement 10 Politico, "We can't ‘be naive: TikTok is a Chinese company that currently is mandated to cooperate ‘with Chinese intelligence services." Canada Mirroring other counties, Canada banned TikTok from all government mobile devices in February 2023. Mona Fortier, President ofthe Treasury Board, sald \ the parti ban sete app presenting “an unecepable eve isk privacy and security" “The decision to remove and block TikTok from government mobile devices is being taken as a precaution, particularly given concerns about the legal regime ‘that governs the information collected from mobile devices, and is in line with the approdth of our international partners. she sald in a statement. ye Denmark Denmark's Defense Ministry banned employees from having THkTok downloaded on their work devices in March 2023. Again related to security, considerations asséssed by the country’s Center for Cyber Security, staffers were told to remove the app as soon as possible, India Inala made motes agains TikTok in 2020, implementing a naconwide ban on ‘TikkTok and 58 other Chinese apps, for engaging] in activities which is O prejudicial to svereignty and integriy of nda defence of Inia, security of “a state and publi order The government put the ban in place after a deadly Ke ¥ border clash between Indian and Chinese military forces. India is the largest country to place a blanket ban on the app. Featured Video For You “TikTok doctors debunk the moet viral COVID vaccine myths (25) CamScanner gz Nepal ke Pa In November 2023, Nepal banned TikTok for disrupting "social harmony". The BBC reported that the ban would come into effect immediately, according to Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma, who said that the app spread malicious content. TikTok is widely used in the country, especially by younger and female social media users. @ a The Netherlands gz XQ SS: ae While not an outright ban, Dutch officials have been told not to use TikTok since January 2023. The recommendation is in line with several other government service bodies, but is being less monitored in the Netherlands, a spokesperson for the general affairs ministry told Politico. New Zealand Gs) Following several European countries making similar decisions, New Zealand's announced a ban on TikTok on all staff devices in March 2023. "This decision has been made based on our own experts’ analysis and following discussion with our colleagues across government and internationally," read the \ government's statement made by parliamentary service chief executive . Rafael Gonzalez-Montero. "Based on this information the Service has determined that the risks are not acceptable in the current New Zealand Parliamentary environment." * > G vy Norway e The Norwegian Parliament banned TikTok on gavernmental devices in March 2023, allowing civil servants to use the ° m professional grounds on their [> Norway @ The Norwegian Parliament banned TikTok on governmental devices in March 2023, though allowing civil servants to use the app on professional grounds on their personal devices. The country's justice minister Emilie Enger Mehl said in a statement, "The Norwegian intelligence services single out Russia and China as the main risk factors for Norway's security interests." Mehl experienced her fair share of scrutiny over having TikTok on her work phone albeit before the ban. Somalia In August 2023, Somalia banned TikTok over concerns of terror-related content. The government said terrorist groups are using platforms like TikTok and Telegram to spread "horrific images and misinformatien LO to the public.” Taiwan (iu) Government devices in Taiwan were banned from using Chinese-made software, including TikTok, in December 2022. United Kingdom British government ministers were banned (rom using TikTok on work phones and i devices in March 2023, following reviews by the UK's National Cyber Security Centre. Cabinet office minister Oliver Dowden explainedinastatementthatthe - / xe ‘5 government's decision "is in line with” ' similar restrictions brought in by key international partners", citing the U.S. and Canadian governments and the European Commission. Writ Petition YEO te 3) . Avexure:” E . PESHAWAR -+-2020 Asim Ullah S/o Asmat Ullah, Asim Ullah TN Cosmetics Qissa Khwani, Peshawar R/o Qissa Khwani House No 2107, Mohallah Kocha Risaldar, Peshawar Majid Iqbal. S/o Muhammad Ibrahim R/o Sardar Khalid Khan Colony No 3, Dalazak Ahsarafia Colony, Peshawar. Muhammad Arif S/o Raza Ullah Zarshad Muhammad S/o Shamshad Muhammad Muhamamd Ilyas S/o Ahmad Shah Aizaz Shamshad S/o Shamshad Khan Ahmad Deed S/o Ameer Ahmad Deen Ashgar Ali S/o Ttbar Ali Muhammad Amjad S/o Malik Muhammad Zakir Aftidi S/o Niamat Ullah Javed Khan S/o Amir Rehman Noor $/o Gul Bad Khan Muhammiad Jawad Kham S/o Muhammad Zaman Khan Mir Baz Khan S/o Umar Khan Ibrahim Khalil S/o Ghulam Sarwar FILE2 TODAY orien 08 SEP 2000 20. 21 22. 23. 24, 25, 26. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35, ® Shaheen Khan S/o Raees Khan Lal Hussain S/o Ghulam Hussain Salman Saeed S/o Saeed Aftab Nazish Ali Awan S/o Ashfaq Ahmad Hajira Ali Khan Advocate D/o Parvez Ali Khan Rabia Muzaffar Advcoate D/o Muzaffar Haseeb Umar Advocate Nauman Advocate Sheryear Advocate Tauseef Advocate Kamran Ul Islam Advocate Wali Khan Advocate Shakeel Anjum S/o Iqbal Stephan Abdullah S/o Janvaiz Rehman Zeb S/o Balkheej Tayyab Umar Rafia S/o Muhammad Rafiq Hayat Ullah S/o Rehman Gul Ismail Shah Mohamand S/o Said Jan Dawood Khan S/o Rauf Khan Fi prom Usman Ahmad S/o Saba Gul Registrar 08 SEP 2020 ® 7 @ 36, Abdul Wahab S/o Muhammad Ali 37. Ali Haider S/o Haji Malang Jan 38. Zulfigar Ahmad S/o Umar Hayat 39. Muhammad Ramzan S/o Muhammad Hussain, 40. Shahzad Gul S/o Awal Gul 41, all resident of Tehsil & District Peshawar oo ..+++Petitioners VERSUS 1. Federation of Pakistan through Secretary Interior, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad. 2. Ministry of Law and Justice Cabinet Division Islamabad. 3. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Islamabad. 4. PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) through its Chairman, Sector F-5/1 Islamabad. 5. PEMRA( Pakistan Electronic Media Regulation Authority) through its Chairman Mauve Area G-8/I Islamabad 6. FIA Federal Investigation Agency) Cyber Crime = Respondents WRIT PETITION UNDER ARTICLE 199 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF ISLAMIC_REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN 1973 SEEKING DECLARATION TO “THE EFFECT THAT THE RESPONDENTS MAY PLEASE BE DIRECTED TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL, Moe Registrar 08 SEP 2020 @ RIGHTS ENSHRINED UNDER ARTICLES, 9, 19, 20 & ARTICLE 2,2 (A). 31. 37 & 38 OF THE CONSTITUTION OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN, 1973. Respectfully Sheweth:- ‘That the petitioners are all law-abiding Citizens of Pakistan and are’ working at ‘respectable positions/business in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. ‘That this petition is being filed pro-bono public (for public goods for the enforcement of fundamental rights of billions of Pakistani citizens it has been held in ( PLD 1988 SC 416). That the nature of proceeding in this petition is of inquisitorial rather than adversarial. ‘That byte dance a Chinese company lunched Douyin (Tik- Tok) in September, 2016 and subsequently it was introduced the world over as mobile application. That Tik-tok is a great mischief of modern times. It is destroying the youth. Tik-tok is forcing the youth to be selfish and to go to any lengths to get times. They are not only wasting their precious times with this non sense but are also crossing all limits of morality. People tiust have Phone. noticed that most of the’ girls dress up as boys ° while boys dress up like girls beside this Tik-tok is promoting same sex relationship guyism which is also strictly prohibited in Islam Girls dress up with minimal clothing and videos full of trash talk can be found commonly which is not allowed by our religion in any context neither any religion not any morality can support. Many families destroying their reputation due to this apps copy of Pics is attached as (Annexure -A) That this application is being entertainment having more negative impact also on the youths such as Sociological Impacts, Wastage Of: Time ,Energy, Money, Nudidity, Source Of Harassment, Source Of Blackmailing, Psychological Impacts, Narcissism, Self Inflicting Pain, Depression, And Attention Seeking. ‘That this-application is banned in Bangladesh and Malaysia for its pornography and inappropriate contents and its use for mocking peoples. As a Muslim Country this Mobile App if not banned completely, but partially banned to the extent of in appropriate contents. ‘That this application is containing degrading culture and encouraging pornography besides examining pedophiles and explicit disturbing content social stigma and medical health TODAY egistrar 8 SEP 20M issue. & @ That Pakistan is an Islamic state and Islam is the basic ideology of Pakistan and it is duty of the state to take step to enable the. Muslims of Pakistan, individually and collectively to order their lives in accordance with the fundamental principal and basic concept of Islam and to provide facility whereby they may be enabled to understand the meaning of life according to the holy Quran and Sunnah the provision of using Tik-tok is violative of constitutional provision (Articles 2,2-A,19,20,31,37,38 and teaching of Holy Quran and Sunnah hence it must be banned. That the use of Tik-tok is also against the. social'and moral well being of the’ citizen of Pakistani and constitution impose a heavy duty upon state to secure the well-being of people of Pakistan. That freedom of expression which is guaranteed under Article 19 of the constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan 1973 is not an absolute privilege it is subject to morality and decency and the restriction imposed by the constitution would not allow the use of such kind of ‘vulgar and inappropriate application hence the same is liable to be banned under strict restriction through censorship. FILO TODAY Liam 08 SEP 2020

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