Ethics 10, Resoure Pack

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Class 10
St. Mary’s Academy
Lalazar, Rawalpindi.


Fill in the blanks.
1- Gautama Buddha was born in …………………….B.C at ……………………………………

2- A lot of rich people take sleeping ……………………………….. when going to bed.

3- Prayers are a great ………………………………………………….. support.

1- Gautama Buddha was born in 568 B.C at Kapal Vastu.

2- A lot of rich people take sleeping pills when going to bed.

3- Prayers are a great psychological support.

Answer the following questions.

Q1-What was the ideology of Gautma Buddha about this world?

“The world is the home of miseries”

Q2-What do some wealthy people use to help them to sleep?

A lot of rich people take sleeping pills when going to bed.

Q3-Which virtue of Arab Bedouins brought them out of crisis?

Only due to their determination, faith, strong belief and upbringing, they stood firm in the storm and faced it and no
one became hopeless.

Q4-What kind of crisis come in personal life? Mention names only.

Death of an only child, handicap of a child, insanity in a family member and many disasters like these make an
individual’s life miserable.

Q5-Write names of a few national crisis

Tsunami cause disaster in various parts of the world .Earthquakes cause massive destruction. Nations get into war
and the lives of many are lost .Many of them become disabled and millions of them lose their shelter.


Fill in the blanks.

1- Sin and ………………………………………… has been attached to man right from the beginning.

2- Many countries pass their legislative law according to the …………………………………………… directions.

3- Religion allow certain things and impose………………………………………………………..on others.

4- For social protection man makes ……………………………………………...

5- The opposition to laws in a country is punished according to the ………………………………………….of the country.

6- The roots of sins and crime reach the depth of human ………………………………………..

7- The fear of …………………………………………… stops man from doing bad acts.

8- According to the ……………………………………………….religions one is to accept the law of the superior being.

9- …………………………………….. play a central role in stopping sins and crimes.

10- A ………………………………….. criminal breaks laws and is not caught.

1- Sin and crime has been attached to man right from the beginning.

2- Many countries pass their legislative law according to the religious directions.

3- Religion allow certain things and impose restrictions on others.

4- For social protection man makes laws.

5- The opposition to laws in a country is punished by the laws of the country.

6- The roots of sins and crime reach the depth of human nature.

7- The fear of God stops man from doing bad acts.

8- According to the intuitive religions one is to accept the law of the superior being.

9- Religions play a central role in stopping sins and crimes.

10- A cunning criminal breaks laws and is not caught.

Answer the following questions.

Q1-What is the result of imbalance between rights and duties?

When the rights are not performed properly, the duties are neglected and the rights are usurped, then sin and
crime take birth.

Q2-What is the difference between sin and crime?

Disobeying God's command is a sin and God punishes for it ,breaking the law of country is called crime and state
punishes for it.

Q3-Write the names of three big crimes that are also sins.

Murders, robberies and kidnapping.

Q4- Write the names of three laws that are there for the prevention of crimes

Religious laws

National laws

International laws

Q5- Write the names of the important revealed religions.

Islam ,Christianity and Judaism.


Fill in the blanks.

1- No age of history has been without ………………………………..

2- ……………………………….. the founder of Confucianism was born in ………………………………...

3- Zoroastra was born in ………………….

4- ……………………………. was the reformer of Jainism.

5- Mahavira was born in ……………………… B.C.

6- Mahavira’s real name was ……………………………...

7- ……………………………. was father and ………………………….. was mother of Mahavira.

8- Mahavira was married in a ………………………….. family.

9- ………………………………. was wife of Mahavira.

10- A hermit is a ………………………… man.

11. Mahavira means a …………………………………and Jain means a……………………………..

12- Mahavira died at the age of ……………at Patna near…………………………i in 527 BC.

13- …………………………………. was the 23rdtirthankaras of Jainism.

14- ………………………………….. is recognized a 24th and last Tirthankara.

15. In Jainism there are…………………………………….types of mortifications or self control.

16- The faith of Jainism is to prepare their bodies to subjugate …………………………...

17- In Jainism ………………………… eating is consider a great sin.

18- Jains do not eat after …………………………………...

19- In Jainism the aim of moral education is ……………………………………….

20- In Jainism they are to refrain from three kinds of ……………………. and eight ………………………………..

21- There are …………………………. laws of ethics in Jainism.

22- According to …………………………………………… every kind of violence is forbidden.

23- For hermits there is kept a tough ………………………… standard.

24- ………………………………. cannot save any thing for the future.

25- Hermits are forbidden to walk or eat at ……………………………

1- No age of history has been without religion.
2- Confucius the founder of Confucianism was born in China.

3- Zoroastra was born in Iraq.

4- Mahavira was the reformer of Jainism.

5- Mahavira was born in 599 B.C.

6- Mahavira’s real name was Wardhmar.

7- Sidharath was father and Tershala was mother of Mahavira.

8- Mahavira was married in a Kushtrya family.

9- Yushadha was wife of Mahavira.

10- A hermit is a pious man.

11. Mahavira means a great hero and Jain means a conqueror.

12- Mahavira died at the age of 72 at Patna nearPawapuri in 527 BC.

13- Parsanath was the 23rdtirthankaras of Jainism.

14- Mahavira is recognized a 24th and last Tirthankara.

15. In Jainism there are three types of mortifications or self -control.

16- The faith of Jainism is to prepare their bodies to subjugate nature.

17- In Jainism flesh eating is consider a great sin.

18- Jains do not eat after sunset.

19- In Jainism the aim of moral education is salvation.

20- In Jainism they are to refrain from three kinds of suspicion and eight prides.

21- There are five laws of ethics in Jainism.

22- According to Ahensa every kind of violence is forbidden.

23- For hermits there is kept a tough ethical standard.

24- Hermits cannot save any thing for the future.

25- Hermits are forbidden to walk or eat at night.

Answer the following questions.

Q1-Write the names of the famous personalities of Jainism.

Mahavira, Shabha and Parshwanth.

Q2-What was the real name of Mahavira?

The real name of Mahavira was Wardhmar.

Q3-What is meant by Mahavira?

He was called Mahavira (great hero) and Jain (conqueror).

Q4-Where did mahavira die?

In 527 BC mahavira passed away at Patna near pawapuri at that time he was 72 years old.


Fill in the blanks.

1- The source of the divine religions is…………………………………..

2- Man started the journey of life in the light of the …………………………….. instruction.

3- The foundation of any worship system is ……………………………..

4- Worship is of ……………………………types.

5- The important social aspect of worship is …………………………………..

6. Worship builds and trains the ……………………………....

7- ………………………………………….considers cleanliness as half of faith.

1- The source of the divine religions is God.

2- Man started the journey of life in the light of the divine instruction.

3- The foundation of any worship system is beliefs.

4- Worship is of many types.

5- The important social aspect of worship is community service.

6. Worship builds and trains the moral character.

7- Islam considers cleanliness as half of faith.

Answer the following questions.

Q1-What change does religion bring by the system of worship?

Studying the history of regions, we will get to know that every religion wants to change humans internally through
it's system of worship.

Q2-What happens when a human seeks forgiveness from God's for sins?

When a human who feels guilty and Indulges in hopelessness, accepts his sins seeks forgiveness from God his
prayers are answered.
Q3-What was the foundation/base of the system of worship?

The foundation of any worship system is beliefs and these have a deep relationship with the human psyche. Just as
melancholy, anger, fear and joy deeply effect human life likewise faith and beliefs also change a human being’s

Q4-What is important social aspect of worship?

The important social aspect of worship is community service. In all religions helping and serving others is not only
considered as praying but every religion obliges its members to do so

Q5-What are the psychological effects of worship?

Worship builds nature and trains the moral character. Religious people mostly adopt humility and modesty.They
avoid pride, haughtiness, superiority complex ,malice ,jelousy and hatred. That's why they remain free from
psychological and physical diseases.


Fill in the blanks.

1- All religions are based on …………………………………………..

2- In ………………………………. and Jainism there is no concept of judgment in life after death.

3- ………………………………….said that if a single man is in pain my happiness is incomplete.

4- The Ganga Ram hospital of………………………………… was made by a Hindu.

5- The conquest of………………………………….. is a great example of forgiveness.

1- All religions are based on ethics.

2- In Buddhism and Jainism there is no concept of judgment in life after death.

3- Buddha said that if a single man is in pain my happiness is incomplete.

4- The Ganga Ram hospital of Lahore was made by a Hindu.

5- The conquest of Mecca is a great example of forgiveness. thical Values in World Religions

Answer the following questions.

Q1-On what are all religions based?

All religions are based on Ethics .All prophets and messengers stressed the rights of others, avoidance of sins,
holiness,piety, kindness, sympathy ,justice helping others and service to humanity.

Q2-How can the ethical merits be created?

There are two ways to spread goodness and eradicate evil. One is a law and other is morality. Evil can be eliminated
by the fear of the law, but moral stress and society is more effective.
Q3-When someone sees others in pain, he gets ready to help them. What type of ethical value is this?

This is the feeling of kindness which comes to men's heart.

Q4-Which ethical merits are in abundance in women?

Females have the feelings of kindness and sympathy. A woman fighting with another woman. When she sees the
baby off the woman she is fighting with crying picks up the baby and starts kissing it

Q5-Write some verses about mercy.

“The one who does not have mercy on others will not receive mercy himself”.

Q6-Where do we find practical examples of ethical merits?

During natural disasters religious organizations and non-government organizations(NGOs) and to use are always in
the forefront. This is the fruit of religious education and training.


Fill in the blanks.

1- New …………………………………… grow and old ones are destroyed in human and other living bodies.

2- The …………………………………………..system of religions stress doing good and forbid evil.

3- …………………………………………. and impeachment check the evil ways of humans maintain law and justice.

4- A major portion of laws for accountability is provided by ………………………………………

5- The standards of reward and punishment are made to develop ………………………………….

6- The …………………………………….. day is the finest form of accountability.

7- Accountability of government is the responsibility of ………………………………………

8- When the accused is proved guilty he is given the verdict of ……………………………………….

9- Training of man begins from the lap of the ……………………………….Ethical Values in World Religions

1- New cells grow and old ones are destroyed in human and other living bodies.

2- The ethical system of religions stress doing good and forbid evil.

3- Accountability and impeachment check the evil ways of humans maintain law and justice.

4- A major portion of laws for accountability is provided by religion.

5- The standards of reward and punishment are made to develop right living.

6- The judgment day is the finest form of accountability.

7- Accountability of government is the responsibility of parliament.

8- When the accused is proved guilty he is given the verdict of punishment.

9- Training of man begins from the lap of the mother. he effects of accountability on human character building

Answer the following questions.

Q1-Define accountability.

Accountability and impeachment check evil ways of humans and maintain law and Justice

Q2-What is meant by human conscience or inner self inner self of humans?

Man himself has an inner conscious when you do something wrong, exceed our rights or deprive others of their
rights then conscious condems them.

Q3-How does religion pave the path for accountability?

If you review the different laws of the world you will see that a major portion of laws for accountability is provided
by religion.

Q4-What is the relationship between constructive and destructive factors?

New cells grow and old ones are destroyed in human and other living bodies. Constructive and destructive
processes occur simultaneously.

Q5-What is the effect of society's ethical power?

Society's pressure of ethical power also serves accountability. Many wrongdoings are not committed due to high
societal pressure. Some people's ethical standards are so high that they bear all sorts of difficulties but refrain from


Fill in the blanks.

1- Time is the most precious ------------.

2- Jainism has given the status of eternal reality to ----------------.

3- Jews worship on ---------------.

4- The timings of worship are fixed in all the worship places of ------------.

5- If we do not keep to our timings the world will ---------------in a second.

6- Religion teaches us to be close to -----------------.

1- Time is the most precious wealth.

2- Jainism has given the status of eternal reality to time.

3- Jews worship on Saturday.

4- The timings of worship are fixed in all the worship places of Muslims.

5- If we do not keep to our timings the world will collapse in a second.

6- Religion teaches us to be close to nature.

Answer the following questions.

Q1-What type of wealth is time?

Time is the most precious wealth. Man has the right either to benefit from it or to waste. Time cannot be stored
neither can it be used beforehand.

Q2-Which wealth is given equally to all human beings?

Time is a wealth which given equally to all human beings.

Q3-What is the relationship between worship and time?

In all the religions there is a system of worship and specific time is given to follow the rites of prayer.

Q4-What does nature teach us regarding time?

The sun rises on time , the revolution of moon and the stars, change of weather and every atom of the universe is
founded by time. Nature is telling man that if we do not keep our timings the world will collapse in a second.

Q5-What will be the most important question on the day of judgment?

The greatest question to be asked of man on the day of judgment will be, how did you spend your life (time)?


Answer the following questions.

Q1-What do manners give to an individual?

Manners make an individual more responsible and because of the manners the individual gets more respect.

Q2-Why are manners necessary for society?

Manners enhance over all production of society that uplifts standard of living people. Social problems are also
solved easily.

Q3-What must be considered while handing over luggage to a porter?

If a porter carries your luggage follow him and do not force him to speed up.

Q4- What should be our behavior be like if a flight is delayed due to fog or bad weather?

Sometimes due to fog or unfavorable weather conditions, the flight gets delayed or cancelled .But be patient with
the airport staff as they are not responsible for this. Every problem has a legal solution, apply the legal way.

Q5-What are the manners for use of mobile phones?

Do not make excessive use of mobile phone.

Try to keep your tone low while discussing official and important matters.

Do not use mobile phone in the bank.


Fill in the blanks.

1- The -------------------philosophers and thinkers built beacon houses of knowledge.

2- Aristotle was born 384 BC in --------------------.

3- Father of Aristotle was royal physician of the state of------------------.

4- Aristotle was naturally attracted to ----------------------.

5- At the age of 18 Aristotle became the disciple of --------------------.

6- Aristotle got education from Plato for -------------------years.

7- In 343 Aristotle was appointed the teacher of -------------------who was 13 years old.

8- -------------------was the school established by Aristotle in Athens.

9- According to Aristotle ----------------- life is the best form of life.

10- The real subject of ethics is ----------------.

11- Aristotle believes in ----------------- and in morality and he gives importance to wisdom in morality.

12- According to ------------- ethics and politics are twins.

1- The Greek philosophers and thinkers built beacon houses of knowledge.

2- Aristotle was born 384 BC in Stagira.

3- Father of Aristotle was royal physician of the state of Macodonia.

4- Aristotle was naturally attracted to physics.

5- At the age of 18 Aristotle became the disciple of Plato.

6- Aristotle got education from Plato for 20 years.

7- In 343 Aristotle was appointed the teacher of Alexander who was 13 years old.

8- Lyceum was the school established by Aristotle in Athens.

9- According to Aristotle social life is the best form of life.

10- The real subject of ethics is society.

11- Aristotle believes in moderation and in morality and he gives importance to wisdom in morality.

12- According to plato ethics and politics are twins.

Answer the following questions.
Q1-What is the importance of Greece in different fields of knowledge?

When knowledge and wisdom are being discussed, then one looks at the philosophers and thinkers of Greece. No
one is a match for their knowledge and wisdom

Q2-Who was Aristotle's teacher?

Plato was Aristotle's teacher.

Q3-When did Aristotle die?

Aristotle died in 322 BC.

Q4-What is most important in Aristotle's ethical system?

In Aristotle’s view of morality, society has great importance. because if individual is not benefiting the society then
it is useless.


Fill in the blanks.

1- Kant was a ------------------------ of 18th century.

2- Kant was a teacher of math and -------------------------

3- Kant was fond of------------------------.

4- Bertrand Russell was ------------------- of 20th century.

5- Kant was a great supporter of philosophy ----------------.

6- Kant was born in 1724 in East -----------------.

7- Kant received his early education at -----------------------.

8- Kant died in ------------------------.

9- Kant was professor of logic and--------------------.

10- Kant experienced seven revolutions in --------------------during his life time.

11- Kant used to go for walk ---------------------.

12- Kant was very interested in reading travelers’ ----------------.

13- Kant predicted the presence of a new planet, ---------------------

14- Kant wrote many books on the philosophy of ------------------------.

15- “Critique of pure reason” was written by ----------------------.

16- “Critique of pure reason” was published in -----------, “Critique of practical Reason” was published in --------
and the “Metaphysics of Morals” was published in -------------.

17- According to Kant morality is dependent on the good will of a person’s -----------------

18- ------------------ is an important subject of philosophy and moral obligations.

19- According to Kant the system ethics depends on ------------------.

20- According to Kant virtue is a -------------------truth.

1- Kant was a philosopher of 18th century.

2- Kant was a teacher of math and physics.

3- Kant was fond of philosophy.

4- Bertrand Russell was philosopher of 20th century.

5- Kant was a great supporter of philosophy of ethics.

6- Kant was born in 1724 in East Germany.

7- Kant received his early education at Kongsberg.

8- Kant died in 1804.

9- Kant was professor of logic and philosophy.

10- Kant experienced seven revolutions in Germany during his life time.

11- Kant used to go for walk regularly.

12- Kant was very interested in reading travelers’ tales.

13- Kant predicted the presence of a new planet, Uranus.

14- Kant wrote many books on the philosophy of morals.

15- “Critique of pure reason” was written by Kant.

16- “Critique of pure reason” was published in 1781, “Critique of practical Reason” was published in 1788 and
the “Metaphysics of Morals” was published in 1797.

17- According to Kant morality is dependent on the good will of a person is intentions.

18- Character is an important subject of philosophy and moral obligations.

19- According to Kant the system ethics depends on intention.

20- According to Kant virtue is a universal truth.

Answer the following questions.

Q1-Which are interesting aspects of Kant's life?
Throughout his life Kant avoided on any journey outside his province.

Kant got many opportunities to get married but he prefferd his intellectual activities over his personal life.

No matter what weather conditions, rain or storm he kept to his routine of going for a walk .

Q2-In which subject other than philosophy did Kant take interest?

Other than philosophy Kant was also interested in Geography.


Fill in the blanks.

1- Aurobindus Gosh was born in -------------.

2- At the age of 7 Aurobindu Gosh went to --------------------.

3- Aurobindu learned Latin from Fr. ---------------.

4- Aurobindus become well-versed in Greek in -----------------.

5- In 1893 Auronbindu joined Barooda College as a ------------------.

6- Aurobindu was one of the pioneers of -------------- party.

7- Aurobindu was editor of a national newspaper -----------------------.

8- Aurobindu played important role in the partition of ----------------.

9- Aurobidu got a chance to study ----------------during his stay in jail.

10- Aurobindu diverted from politics to -----------------.

11- After leaving Calcutta Aurbindu settled in -------------------.

12- Aurobindus brought the concept of ------------------------.

13- Auronbundu mostly wrote in the --------------- language.

14- One spiritual poem of Auronbundu consists of ------------------ verses.

15- Sri Aurobindu died in ---------------------.

16- Aurobndu was one of the most competent leaders of ----------------.

1- Aurobindus Gosh was born in 1872.

2- At the age of 7 Aurobindu Gosh went to Manchester.

3- Aurobindu learned Latin from Fr. Dareot.

4- Aurobindus become well-versed in Greek in St. Paul’s School.

5- In 1893 Auronbindu joined Barooda College as a teacher.

6- Aurobindu was one of the pioneers of Janatnagar party.

7- Aurobindu was editor of a national newspaper “BandeMatram”.

8- Aurobindu played important role in the partition of Bangal.

9- Aurobidu got a chance to study Geeta during his stay in jail.

10- Aurobindu diverted from politics to spiritualism.

11- After leaving Calcutta Aurbindu settled in Pondi-cherry.

12- Aurobindus brought the concept of spititual wisdom.

13- Auronbundu mostly wrote in the English language.

14- One spiritual poem of Auronbundu consists of 24000 verses.

15- Sri Aurobindu died in 1950.

16- Aurobndu was one of the most competent leaders of Bengal.

Answer the following questions

Q1-What were the qualities possessed by Sri Aurobindu Gosh?

He was an active political leader, Sufi, philosopher, Yogi and very spiritual. Very few people possessed so many

qualities. He is author of many books.

Q2-From where did he get his early education?

He received his early education from the Convent School at Darjeeling.

Q3-Where did Sri Aurobindu Gosh study Geeta?

He got a chance to study Geeta during his stay in jail.

Q4-How long was Sri Aurobindu's magazine being published?

In 1914 he published a magazine constituting of 64 pages.The magazine portrayed his thoughts for more than

6 year.

Q5-What was the great power according to Sri Aurobindu?

In 1928 he brought forward the concept of ‘Malkuti Maa’Mother. This was the concept of a spiritual heavenly being,

which was the center of wisdom and strength.

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