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Exercise 9 soLIDwoRKs

Repmselmng Welds

12 W eld Paths for reinforcing plates.

C lick W eld B ead Q.
Add a wold to both sides ofthc reinforcing
plate by using the follow ing settings:
W eld Selection: Weld G eom etry
W eld From : Face of leg
W eld To: Face of reinforcing plate
B ead Size: 6m m
B oth Sides
Cream 3 new w cld path oflhc same type for the uihcr reinforcing plate.
C lick OK « .

11p T he autom atic wcld sym bols w ork bum ifdiffcrcnt typos ol'w clds arr:
added as separate features rather than new w cld paths:
13 Results.
T he result is shown at the right:
To see both the w eld sym bols
and the w eld beads, the View
options m ust be m m cd on for
All Annotations ‘5; and
W eld Beads Q.
14 Exit Isolate.
C lick E xit Isolate.
Save E the pan.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 9
new sm an; Welds

15 creale a drawing
C reate a new dmw ng using the CJizeiANSLNEM tcm plalc from the
Training Templates.
C reate 3 Front view. Use m e Default<As Machined> configuration
and the Welded End display slate.
C reate Projected V iew s 3 to the right and lefl. Reposition the view s
as desired.

16 W eld Sym bol.

To add the w eld sym bols
for the fillet bead features,
click W eld Sym bol M .

In the w eld dialog, click
W eld Sym bol and select

the F illel. 1w. l

"M "
// Vl/ H1,,

Type 8m m for the size and m ull!

cheek A ron nde “M; y a, .

1m: v, u... .

5' Mi is-l
Unwmmm 1mm ”M am .

Exercise 9 soLIDwoRKs
Represennng Welds

17 Place w eld sym bol.

C lick an edge oftlie Fluet Bead feature to plaee the arrow lread. Click
again on the sheet to place the symbol. Add a second instance ofthis
weld sym bol to the other fillet bend.

i76\ PW
11p C lick m ultiple loeatiens in the drawing, w hile the dialog is open to
create m ultiple instnnees ofa weld symbol.

C lick OK to close the dialog.

18 Model Item s.
To add the annotations assoelated with the
weld bead features, model items will be added.
E“ LI“
V x

C lick Model Item s 9‘. New

“W W
For Source, choose Selected feature and

Im port into all view s. mime— v

Seleeiing features allows for greater control ”W W“"“"’ ‘"‘“

over w here the weld sym bol annotations will

be added. , Ml s


For Dimensions, clear all options.



No dim ensions are needed for this weld detail ammm A

draw ing.
For Annotations, seleet W eld Symbols m,
Caterpillars i», E nd Treatments Q.
Mam: mm A

Rep/156mm; Welds

19 Select features.
Use tool tips and eursnr feedback m assist in
selecting weld head annotations.
Select the 4 weld head features in the lefi V|CW to
generate the annotations as shown.
Reposition sym bols as desired.


Exemise a soLIDwoRKs
Repmselmng Welds

20 A dd w eld table.
C lick W eld T able a.
Select a View of lhc w cldm cm .
To include xhc sym bols m anually added to xhc draw ing, seleel
Include draw ing annotations under O ptions.
C lick OK J .

C lick in the upper right corner of the draw ing to plnee the table.


l 3 A l2o 2

2 s A 80 2

3 4s
A lea ols 2

A d A HEM 2

5 d 5 Mn 4

s a A 2

21 Results.

sl/‘\ /\ /

22 Save E and close all files.

Lesson 4
Working with Bent Structural

Upon successful complcliml ohm s lcssmL you will be able to:

- Creme 3D skmcllcs.

- Creme 3D Skcmll planes.

I Creme hem structural members.

Lesson 4 soLIDwoRKs
Working with Bentsmmtural Members

Working with W hen w orking with w eldm ents. options exist

Bent Structural to merge skcteh segm ents together to
M embers represent bent members. O ften pieces are
bent in lnore the 2 directions, so 3D sketching,
is a com m on requirem ent.

In the fram e ofthe Hand Truck pictured, the

perim eter w ill be produced as a single bem
tube. To accom plish this, the layout for this
m em ber w ill ereated in a 3D Skcteh.

3D Sketching As the nam e implies, the entities in a 3D sketch are not constrained to a
single plane as they are in a traditional 2D sketch. This m akes 39
skctches vcry useful for applieations sueh as sw ecping, lohing, and
producing bcnt structural members. However, freehand 30 sketching
can som etim es be a bit ofa challenge. To bc successful, understanding
the onscreen feedback and relations in the 3D sketehing environm ent
is kcy.

W here to Find It - C om m andM anager: Weldmems > an Sketch [?_n‘

- C om m andM anager: Sketch > Sketch Flyout E > so Sketch @

I Menu: insert, 3D Sketch E
Using R eference 3D sketching with standard reference planes allows sketeh entities to
Planes be created in 3D by sw itching betw een planes that exist in the model.
To sw itch betw een the default planes ofthe m odel, press T ab w hile the
sketch tool is active.
Feedback from the cursor will indieatc w hieh standard piane .1.
you are sketching on by displaying: xv a
- XY r Front Plane
- YZ : Right Plane
- xz : T op Plane
lftherc are existing feces or planes m odel, they ean be
in the
chosen as sketching surfaces w ithin the mskcteh by using fly
the cm key w hile elicking the face/plane. A Face/Plane ieon
will then appear next to the cursor.
Planes can also be created within the 3D sketch to provide a planar
surface to orient entities. 3D Sketch Planes are sketch entities and are
available on the Sketch toolbar. See (Small/lg u 30 Sketch Plane on
page 154 for more information.

Working with Hem Structural Members

Space Handle Besides the cursor feedback, SO LID W O R K S

provides another on sereen tool to assist in ft,XVems

keeping track ofyour orlenmtinll w ithin the
3D sketeh environment: the Space H andle.
T he Space H andle show s in red and its axes
indicate the direetions ot‘the currently
selected raee or plane. T he space handle
follow s the points that are plaeed w ithin the
3D sketeh to help you identify your
orientation. Inference lines from the space handle show w here
autom atic relations can he captured.
Subset of Sketch T here are few er entities and sketch relations available in 3D sketches
Entities and com pared to 2D sketches. When w orking in a m sketeh, Vertical and
Relations H orizontal relations are replaced with the relations A long x, A long Y,
and A long 2. Since there are more than just 2 dim ensions available in
the 3D skereh environm ent, these relations allow entities orientations to
be fully defined by aligning them with the axes ofthe coordinate
system of the model.

New part.
C reate a new part usitlg the Patent tem plate. Name the part, Frame.
O pen a new 3D sketch.
C lick an Sketch Ed.
Sketch rectangle.
Using the default alignm ent to the Front Plane
(xY ), sketch a rectangle off the origin as shown.

C lick the lefi side vertical line to view the
autom atic sketeh relations.
Add an A long Y 3". relation to the lefi side
vertical line and alt A long X X3. relation to
Along y
the low er horizontal line.

Along x

Working mm Bent sm m um Members


(.hange the horizontal lines to be For
Construction Izé.
Add a M idpoint
\ relation betw een the
low er horizontal line and the origin.
42 000
Add the dim ensions shown.

DR\4 25.000

Creating a 3D T he 3D Sketch Plane is a 2D plane positioned in a 3D Sketch. W'hcn

Sketch Plane active, sketch geom etry conform s to the x and Y directions 0mm
plane. The plane is defined using First, Second, and optionally T hird
References to geometry.
W here to Find It - Commansznager: Sketch > Plane {:2}

I Menu: T ools, Sketch E ntities, Plane

First reference.
C lick 3D Sketch
515mm“ e
v x ..

‘\ m
Plane t.
Select the Front Plane as
the First Reference.
m l m m ".
C lick Coincident A as IOan
the type. 42000
El may-mum
W W, 3

W mm.”
a; 1

\figg,m 5000

Working mm am swam : Members
7 Second reference. “mm:
Sclcm the upper
canstm ction line as the
Second Reference ‘é‘mw
J_ pummw
C lick the A ngle li type
i\\ mm
and set the value to 55“. WW ;
C heck Reverse
42.000 :5 i
. .
If necessary. .

C lick OK v/ .

8 A ctive plane.
T he plane shuw s a grid to indicate i

Lessnn 4 soLIDwoRKs
Working with Ben:Smmlunl Membets

Active Planes A ctive planes in a 3D Sketch appear with a grid aeross the plane
preview. W hen a plane is aetive, entities added to the sketch w ill
autom atically be created with an O n Plane 6 relation.
W hen sketching an an active plane, only 2[) Sketch relations will be
30 Sketch Plancs will autom atically becom e aetivc aflcr creation.
D efault reference planes and plane features can also be made aetive in a
30 Sketch. Plancs arc aetivated by doubleeclieking the plane preview.
Planes are deaetivated by doubleeclicking off ofthe plane preview.

Sketch another rectangle above the
existing geometry.
T he 3D Sketch Plane will
autom atically resize tu surround the
1|] D eactivate plane.
D oublercliek otfthc plane to
deaetivatc it. T he plane appears light
gray with dashed edges.

Visibility controls T he 30 Sketch PropcnyM anager is available Q E ‘

w hen nothing is selcctcd in the sketch. Click
the PropertyManager tab to access it. The
top portion ineludes a list of an Sketch
Planes that have been created in the sketch. Wm
R ightelieking on the name allew s you to “m "‘

D elete, D elete all, or Rename planes.
T he V isibility controls below enable you to
show er hide Planes, Dimensions, or
Relations in the sketch.
mummy a
n; Flanu
n upraiinni
L runuw

Working mm am Structural Members

11 Relations.
D elete the low er line ofthe rcctanglct
Use M erge v relations to tie the
endpoints to the existing, geomerry.
Add an A long X X}. relation as

12 D im ension to plane.
Create a dim ension betw een the
T op Plane and the upper line.
Set the value to 51.5" to fully define
the sketeh.

Lesson 4 soLIDWORKs
Walking mm Bentstructural Membem

13 A dd fillets.
Add four sketeh tillets of R4". T hey are
autom atically set equal if ereated with
the same eommand.
A dding these fillets w ould not be
possible ifthese were 2 separate 2D

14 Exit the sketch.

15 lnsert the structural m em ber.

C lick Structural M em ber @.
Standard: A N SI Inehj‘rajning
Type: A1 Round Tubing
Size: 0.75 OD x 0.033 W all
From the flyout FeatureM anager, select SDSketehl
to pick all entities of the sketch for the group.

Merge Are when the path eensists ofa series oflines and ares, the option M erge
Segm ent Bodies an: segment bodies appears in [he PropertyM anager, W hether or not
this option should be ehecked depends on how the w eldm em will be
Ifthe w eldlnent is fabricated using bent tubing, the option should be
ellecked. This will result in a m odel w here lines and tangent ares are
m erged into a single solid body.
Iftllc w eldlnent is fabricated using elbow s and straight tubes, the
optiull should be cleared. This w ill result in a model w here eaeh
straight segm ent is a separate body and each are segm ent (elbow ) is a
separate body.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
Working mm Hen! Structural Manners

16 M erge arc segment bodies. kill-9S A

Sclccl the M erge arc segment bodies "WWW"
checkbox. AmezBlDSvuml
C lick OK v to ereate the structural member. 3:523:33;
17 Resulls. inaosudlan
T he structural m em ber is represented as a single
solid body.
a Male are nun-mt budlu I
T here should only be I solid budy appearing in
the C ut List.
properties inelude a lcngtla property that reflects the
Tlae eut list item
ccm erline length of the bent tube.
18 Modify appearance.
Use the Task Pane to apply Painted appearance of candy apple red
to the Frame.

Ddaunflvpuunu all,


winking mm sent Smmni Munhets

N ext Step T he rem aining sketeh layouts can be created as 2D

Sketches, but planes w ill need to be created to
properly locate them.
Since the additional m em bers of the fram e share the
seine profi le, they ean be ereated as new groups
w ithin the same su'ueturul m em ber feature To
aeeornplish this, rellhaek the FeaturcM znager design
tree to add the layout sketches before the feature.

19 R allback-
Position the rollback bar before the structural ' Imwy
m em ber feature in the FeatureM znager design , $133“
tree. 1 lem
a; wrap am «has
i! ’manI-n:
aN Human:
L. on,"
a mum
E 3m m
ii mtmldt
aat Minimum
, n “runner MA) “in .-

20 Reference planesi
C reate three reference planes as shown in
the illustration at the right. Notice the use of
a global variable in link offsetileft and
11.) Press etrl w hile dragging a plane preview
as a shortcut for creating an offset plane.
21 2D sketch.
Select orrseuert and open a Sketch C.
C hange to the R ight 5 view.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
Working witn Hen! Structural Members

22 Set up for clearance.

Sketch a 0.150" diam eter circle and position it
as shown. The center ofthc circle is ‘

Coincident A with the vertical line in the 3D

W hy? T he hand truek has a m ovable platform (the @150
told nose extension) that folds up as show n I
below. The eirele w ill be usecl to determ ine the
angle of the structural m em ber so it is bent beck new
far enough to provide clearance w hen the
platform is in the up position.

Extenslon in down pasfllcn Extension in up posmon

23 Continue sketching.
Starting at the sketch origin, sketeh a
vertical line approxim ately 5" iong.
Then sketch the rem aining lines and
«Angela: are as show n.

® 0730

Walking with Bentsmuflural Members

24 A dd relations. ,
Add a C oradial O relation betw een the
tangent are and the 4" fillet in the 3D sketeh.
Add a Pierce {5 relation betw een the end of
the angled line and the horizontal line in the
3D sketch.

25 Fully define the sketch.

Add a Coincident A relation
betw een the upperm ost sharp com et
and ottsetfip.
Add dim ensions and fillets as show n.

26 Exit the sketch. ‘2‘ o 750


27 D erived sketch.
Select the 2D sketch and uffsebil'ight.
C lick Insert, D erived sketch.
2!! Fully define the sketch.
Add a Coincident A relation betw een the
low erm ost end ofthc vertical line and the origin.
Add a C ollinear ,<’ relation betw een rhe vertical
lines in the sketches.
29 Exit the sketch.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
Working with Hen! Structural Members

30 New 2D sketch.
Select the plane etrseegp and open a 2D
Sketch three lines as shown. T he ends ofthe
lines are constrained in the 3D sketch and the
arm in the two 2D sketches using Pierce
relations. (
fip Pay attention to the cursor feedback to
identify w hen an are is being selected.

31 Exit the sketch.

32 O ptional: Hide the planes.

Visibility of planes can be eentm lled individually by selecting them
and elicking Hide ‘1‘ or Show (9.

Alremately, use the Hidelsnow Item s 0

m enu to control the visibility
of planes, regardless em ien H ide/Show state.

fibdl’i‘h K

We. rlzmt
:m inm innm

33 Edit feature fi.
M ove the rollback bar to position it afier the structural m em ber feature.
Edit the structural m em ber feature.
34 New G roup.
C lick New G roup.
Select Sketena from the flyout FeatureM anager.
M ake sure M erge arc segment bodies is selected. All other default
settings are eorrcet.
35 New G roup.
Repeat step 34 to ereate a new group for the derived sketch.

Working with Bentsmuflural Manners

36 New G roup.
T he final group w ill be separate pieces oftubing.

A pply a corner treatm ent ofEnd Miter fit betw een the members.
T here is a very slight rwerten w here these
m em bers mcet. U sing thc corner treatm ent w ill
ensure they are properly trim m ed.
C lick OK v/ .

Tip Im age Q uality sem ngs m ay need to be adjusted to better view the
results of the autom atic trim m ing in the part. T hese settings are found
in Options Co}, Document Properties, Im age Q uality.
37 New 2D sketch.
Select the Right Plane and create the
sketch show n in the illustration at the right.
Exit the sketch.
3!! R eorder.
Te use this sketch as a new group in the
existing structural m em ber feature. reorder
it so it precedes the feature in the tree.

39 Edit feature C.
Edit the structural m em ber feature.
Add a New G roup. Select the sketch from the flyout Feam reM artager
or individually select the sketch segments.
M erge are segment bodies.
C lick OK « .

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 4
Working mm Hem swam : Members

Opiional: C om plm c die nam e by adding the finishing dcmils in the rem aining
Finishing D efiails smps.
4o Pivol holed <D 257
Cream 3 Sketch on the Right Plans as
shnw n. E xtm dc .1 Through All cm in both
directions 7

a) .257
7 5525

41 chamfer.
CrCatC a SkCXCh on (he Right Plane as
shown E xtm dc 3 Through All cut in
both dircciions. 7- ‘1

Usc Fli side to cut ifncccssary. T ——l 2: J68

N ola T he solid bodies w ere made tm nspam nt for illustration purposes.

Working with Ben: sm m um Membets

42 H ole for retaining pin.

Create a skcmh on the R ighc Plans as V
Extm dc a cut Through All in D irection 1.
Use Feature Scope to only affect the ‘

perim eter body.

43 Save E the part. ‘

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 10
Chat! Frame

Exercise 10: Create a chair fram e produced from pieces

Chair Frame of bcnt tubing.
This lab reinforces the follow ing skills:

I 30 Slamming on page 152

- C reating a 30 Sketch Plane on
page 154
- Mnrge Arc Segment Em m y on
page 15);
- Trim/Extend ()plinm‘ on page 26
U nis: m m

Proced u re
New part.
C reate a new part with the ParLMM tem plate.
O pen a new 3D sketch.
C lick an Sketch EH.
Sketch rectangle.
C lick Center Rectangle E.
Press T ab until orientated to the
T ap Plane (x2).
C reate the rectangle centered on the
O rigin. C hange the back line segm ent to be
Construction G eom etry I25.
A dd relations and
Add A long X 1'. and
A long Z X). relations.
Dimension the rectangle
to be 400m m by 500m m .

Exercise 10 soLIDWORKs
am " m ee

3D Sketch Plane.
Create a 30 Sketch
follow ing references:
Firsl R eference: Front
Second R eference:
Construction Line
A ngle: 15.00 deg, Reverse direction
C lick OK V .

Sketch Corner Rectangle.

Create 3 Corner Rectangle D
on the active plane.
Detete the low er lm e segm ent or
the rectangle.

Drag the endpoints to M erge

with endpoints in the first
Doubleeeliek outside nfthe
plane preview to deactivate the

N ote In therem ainder ofthe lesson illustrations, the 3D Sketch Plane has
been hidden. To control the visibility of3D Sketch Planes, see Visibility
L'tmlm/S on page [56.

SOLIDWORKS Exercise 10
Chat! Frame

7 D im ension to T op
Add a D im ension (‘
bcrw ccn the upper line
and xhc T op Plane,
600m m .

8 A dd fillels.
Add 15m m fillets to (hr:
sharp com crs ofthc skctch.
N ote A dding (has: fillets in
m uhiplc dim ctions w ould
not be possible with 2D

9 A dd a line.
Sketch an additional line betw een the arc
endpoints as shown.
10 Exit the sketch.

Exercise 10 SOLIDWDRKS

11 create structural membersl

C lick Structural M em ber 6.
Use Lhc fullow ing settings to Create the
bent piece for the frame.
Standard: 18011531ng
T ype: T ube (square)
Size: 50 x 80 X 2.6
Select the skctch segm ents shown as
Group 1 .

Select M erge arc segment bodies.

12 New G roup.
C lick New G roup.
Pick the rem aining sketch scgm cm ns
C lick Locate Profile. C lick the poim
as shown.
C lick OK v .

13 Sketch L eg L ayout.
Sun a sketch on the me highlighted at
the right.
C roat: lines and tangent arcs in layout
the legs as shown.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 1!)
Chair Frame

14 E xlt the sketch

Exit the sketch and name it L eg Layout.
15 create structural members.
C lick Structural M em ber ©.
Use the follow ing settings to cream the bent
piece for the rmme.
Shndard: IsoiTrajning
1ype: T uba (square)
Size: 50 x {50 X 2.6
Select the sketch segm ents shown as Group 1.
Select M erge arc segment bodies.
C lick Locate Profile. C lick the point as

N ate Prefilc position will vary based on how the sketch cnt es are created
and w hich segm ent is choscn first.
16 New G roup
C lick New G roup.
Select the rem aining sketch segm ent as
C lick Locate Profile. C lick the point as

C lick OK 4 .

17 create a plane for trim m ing.

T he bottom of the legs w ill need
to bc trim m ed to bc flush with the

Createa Plane
Parallel \\
. that is
to the Top Plane
and C oin dent A with a point
in the L eg Layout sketch.

R enam e the plane Bottom of

L egs.

Exercise 10 soLIDwoRKs
cm " Frame

18 T rim IE xlend.
Hide V the sketches.

C lick T rim /E xtend Q.

Select the bent leg body as the Bodies to be Trim m ed.
Select the Bottum 01‘ L egs plane as the T rim m ing B oundary.
C lick the flags in the graphics area to toggle the areas to K eep and to
D iscard as appm prizte.

19 Mirror bodies.
Mirror hid the leg bodies across the Right
2|] O ptional: R eview the C ut L ist.
Use the C ut List Properties dialog, to
review the cut list items and properties.
21 Save E and close all files.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 11
Rent Tubing, Sneetfletal, andAsseleies

Exercise 11: Create this set of m ovable w arehouse stops by follow ing ihc procedure
Bent Tubing, given.
Sheet Metal,
and Assemblies

This lab reinforces the follow ing skills:

I Working wiih Bent Structural Members on page 152

Unis: Inches


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