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Configuring em Detailing Weldmenli

C ut L ist T able T he initial settings ofa cut list table can be controlled in 2 places:
I Drawrng D ocum ent Properties
I CutListTahletemplatc
InOptions > D ocum ent Properties > T ables, the setting U se
template settings controls w liethcrthc form atting for the table Will be
controlled by the docum ent properties or the table template.
I [hemmed the table Will be form atted from the table tem plate.
I lfclmred the table tem plate will only control the colum ns and
form atting will use the draw ing docum ent propenics.
Ciit list specific doeiim ent properties are found in the T ables >
General category.
M odifying the C ut list tables can be m odified in the same w ay as Bill of Material and
C ut L ist T able other tables.
I Drag the headers ofthe table to reorder colum n and rows.
I Drag the colum n and row borders to rcslzc.
I Rightrclick in the table to access m odification Comlnllnds in the
shortcut menu. T he com m ands are:

I Insert I Select
C olum n R ight T able
C olum n L eft C olum n
R ow A bove R ow
R ow B elow
I D elete I Form atting
T able C olum n W idth
L ock C olum n W idth
R ow H eight
L ock R ow H eight
E ntire T able
I Sort I Split
Ascending H orizontal A uto Split
Descending H orizontally A bove
H orizontally B elow
V ertically L eft
V ertically R ight
I M erge Save as T em plate

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Configuring and Detailing wuamems

29 A dd a column to the table.

Righx7click in the colum n labeled D E SC R IPT IO N and select Insert,
C olum n R ight.
In the Pm penyM anager, eliek C ut list item property and select
MATERIAL from the list.

C lick OK v .

30 A dd a second colum n to the table.

R ightrelick in the colum n labeled DESCREFTION and select Insert,
C olum n Left.
In the FropertyM anagcr, select C ut lis Item nam e.
In the Title ficld edit the text ifdesircd and click OK v .

31 R esize columns and row s as desired.


l 2 SlDEYuBES mxmxea PlalnCavbonSleel 750
2 2 FRONT‘REAR megs so mom a Plum Cuvbon Sleel 740
a 4 us: EOXBOXSE PlalnCavbonSleel 400
4 A ANGLED BRACES so xsoxe a Flam cm .»Sleel 306 274
5 4 EASE
szs ng, ZOXVZOX no Plum chum Sleel
e A sussns Pm. l0xl25x :25 Flam Cavbcn Slael
7 4 END CAPS HATE, 5x73 7m 7 Plum chum Sleel
a 2 RAlLS 75x7“ NS :04 em)

Tip Multiple eelum ns or rows can he selected using the cm key and
seleeung the table headers. To change the form atting of all colum n or
rows at once, right-click and select Form atting, E ntire T able.
T he table shown above is formatmd as follow. .

C olum n Width MA, I: and F 7 20m m

C olum n Width of o, c, and E 7 50m m
Row Height for E m irc Table 7 7.5m m

Configuring and uotamng Weldmenls

32 A dd balloons.
U sc B alloon i9 or A uto B alloon [3 on the A nnotations toolbar to
create halloon annotations and position as desired.
U se the follow ing settings m create the balloons as shown.
B alloon Settings: C ircular Split L ine, 2 characters
B alloon Text: Item N um ber
Low er Text: Q uantity

33 R enam e draw ing sheet.

Ronamc Sheetl to C ut List.
34 A dd Sheets.
Add 2 now sheets E to the drawing.
R enam e Shasta to W eld D etail.
R enam e Shasta to Machining.

Configuring and oeiarimg w um enl:

35 A dd draw ing view.

()n llie Machining sheet, add 21 Front draw ing view. Use
D efaults/A 5 Machined> as 111C Referenced Configuration.
Inscn the m odel iiem dim ension from CutrExtrudel or add it using
the dim ension com m and.
Add a Surface Finish sym bol to the bottom face to indicate it will be
m achined.


as Save E the draw ing.

Representing SO LID W O R K S provides several ehoiees for representing welds:

W elds I W eld symbols
A nnom iions [hm can be added to draw ing views, pans, or
assem blies.
I Fillet Bead features (page 123)
Solid body features added re a m ultlbody part.

I W eld B ead features (page 126)

(lraphieal features added to a pan or assembly.
T hese techniques ean be com bined or used individually.
W eld Sym bols Commonly, w elds are represented using only weld enlloui annotations.
T hese annoiaiions can be added directly to a draw ing view, or added to
the 3D m odel and ininorred using the Model Items eommand.
SO LID W O R K S provides an exlensive dialog for defining weld
sym bols.

W here to Find It I C om m andM anager: Annotations > Weld Sym bol M

I Mcnu: insert, Annotations, Weld Sym bol

Configuring and Deming Weldmenls

1 creale Standard 3 V iew s.

A ctivate the W eld Detail Shcctd
Select the View L ayout tab in the C om m andM anagcr.
C lick Standard 3 View Er.
T he Reference Configuration will be Default<As W elded> .

N ote T he sheet propcnics ufthis lem plate

use T hird A ngle Projection.

A dd W eld Sym bol.

C lick W eld Sym bol 1".

N ote W hen w orking in lhe Weld Sym bol dialog, m ove xhc eursor omo rhe
sheet to 500 a preview othe symbol. Z oom and Pan can be used on the
sheel w hile the dialog is open end the dialog can be moved to assist in
placing lhe symbol. The dialog can be lefi open to add m ulliple
sym bols.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Cnnfigurmg and Delalllny wuamems

Fillel w eld, both sides.

C lick the W eld symbol bunon and select F illel fur both sides.
Inthe dialug, type s size on in the field to m e lcfi ofthc W eld Sym bol
buttun for both sides.
Add a TYP note in the symbol.

ml we w e
ems ml.
Rm: apemnv
. gm.


5 WI snmemme Man:

M (nnlwl Nun: .
3m m
: mmmu

a M JL. ‘ Hmu (Ami:

mm m m w e,
ms we mam» w.
m l. m


EUltmulmmludu mlnmdzlfilawbnllnmldllblc

Place w eld symbol.

Place the symbol as show n in the
Front view.
C lick OK to close the dialog. 8
/ 8

Configunng and barium weldmenls

5 Flare B evel w ith Fillet w eld sym bol.

C lick W eld Sym bol m to add a new w eld symbol.
C lick W eld sym bol, and select the Flare-B evel.
C heek the 2nd fillet option. Use the field la the lefi of the checkbox to
add the size for thc fillel as 8m m .
Add the sam e callom m the other side ofthe w eld symbol.
Add a TYP note m the symbol.

memswm L

. 3W...


r Flam/Site


We. “menus,“ m:

«we .]

6 Place w eld symbol.

Add the sym bol «0 the Front View as

C lick OK to close the w eld symbol TYP
dialog. 8
7 Save E the draw ing. V


Conflgimng and Detailing wudments

O ther W eld Besides w eld sym bols, draw ing

A nnotations docum ents include additional
annotations that can be used [(1
represent welds. U nder Insert.
Annotations, add C aterpillar D»
or E nd Treatments Q to edges
in a draw m g view to visually
display a weld bead.

Fillet Beads T he Fillet B ead

to represent w
feature ereates solid bodies
on a model. As a solid
t‘eature, fillet beads ean he m anipulated in the
same w as as other solid geom etry: they ean be
patterned and cut, they are included in mass
ealeulations, and they are fully represented in
draw ing views. However, as a solid feature,
m any tillet heads may atreet the perform anee of
a model. Also, only met w eld types are
available and they eau only be applied to
w eldm ent pan models.
Fillet Beads are typically llsed w hen required
for interference deteetion and analysis operations.
Fillet B eads are ereated by selecting faces from 2 separate bodies.
T here can be a gap betw een selected faces or bodies as long as the gap
is sm aller than the specified weld head size.

O ptions exist for a full length or interm ittent weld bead, one side or
both sides. It is possible to com bine full length and interm ittent w eld
beads on opposite sideswneu ereating interm ittent beads on both
sides, they can be staggered If desired.
lfweld sym bols are created with the Fillet Bead feature, they can be
imported into draw ing view s using the M odel Item s com m and.

Lesson 3 soLIowoRKs
Configuring and Detailing Weldmenli

Some exam ples of fillet weld beads are shown in the fallow ing table.
N ote that thc venical plate has been m ade transparent for illustration

A rrow Side: Full L ength

other Side: N one

A rrow Side: Full L ength

O ther Sid . tntermittent

A rrow Side: intermittent

O ther Side: intermittent

A rrow Side: Staggered

Other Side: Staggered

All weld features eun be suppressed in the part by righleclieking the

Weldment feature and seleetlng Suppress W eld B eads.
W here to Find It I Mcnu: insert, W eldm ents, Fillet B ead

11p T he Weldmcms tab ofthe C m nm andM anagcr can he eustom ized to add
Fillet B ead C ifused frequently.

8 O pen the C onveyor Frame part.

A ctivate the Conveyor Fram e pan docum cm w indow or open it from
or draw ing view.

9 A ctivate the Detault<A s Machinetb configuration.

Working in the top level eeufigurm ien will ensure the weld features
will exist in both configurations.

Configlmng and Detailing wmments

10 Add a Fillet B ead.

C liek Fillet B ead @ -
U nder A rrow Side, select the following:
I B ead type F Full length
I Fillet size F 8m m
I Tangent propagation: seleeted
11 Select faces.
For Face Set1 select the front, flat face F309 5211

of the leg. For Face Set2 select the upper

face of (hr: Platet Faoe Setz

C lick OK v t

T he results are shown at the right.

T he w eld symbol will only be visible iftlle All
Annotations choice turned on in the View lnenu.

12 R eorder.
Drag the Fillet Beedl feature so it is before the Mirmrl feature in
the FeatureM anager design tree.
13 Edit the Mirror features.
Edit the definition nfbmh M irror features and include the fillet weld
bend in the Bodies to Mirror list.
14 Results. . 1mm
Evaluate the C ut L ist
a {olden ' Ummxzwl

aU new “mum
Bodies associated with the Fillet B ead Q are not ' w ill
. . ' umlinwisfl)
grouped into cut list items and w ill not appear in a D W mm
. , .

eut list table. >

B aum ”
D ENnmstA)
3mm .
in new
a) Milena.
a) ermvlull
a) Mmmi

15 Modify D isplay State.

A ctivate the Base Plate Detail display stale.
Hide V these new hodics in this display state.
A ctivate < D efau1t>7D isplay Statel,
16 Save E the part.

Lesson 3 soLIDwoRKs
Configuring and Detailing Weldmenli

17 D raw ing view annotations.

A ctivate the draw ing docum ent é

C lick Model Item s 9‘.

Source: Selected feature
Annotations: W eld Symbols M
In the R ight View, select the Fillet
8 4x
\\ t
B ead.
C lick OK v .

18 Modify w eld symbol.

Existing weld sym bols ean be m odified by doublcrelicking.
Edit the fillet weld sym bol to add a TYP note.

W eld Bead Feature W eld Beads Q are graphical features added

to a 3D model to represent welds. Weld Beads
do not create any solid geom etry, so therefore
are very lightw eight and do not liavc miicll
affect m odel perform ance.

When detailing, Model items can be used to

add w eld beads as C aterpillar 9» or
End Treatment Q annotations or display
assoeiated weld sym bol in draw ing VICWS.

Weld Beads autom atically illclude property inform ation such as

length, and can evaluate values sueh as cost (see Weld B ead Properties
on page 133). This property inform ation ean then be displayed in Weld
T ables. Weld Beads are most useful for capturing this type ofproperty
inform ation as w ell as for cosm etically displaying w elds on a model.
W eld Beads features are not limited to use in w eldm ent models; they
can also be used in assem blies and standard pans.
Key features of w eld beads:
I C om patibility with all types of geom etry and weld types.
- Inclusion ofweld bead propenies for use in dmwlllgs using w eld
I A utom atically ereated weld symbols.
A ssociation ofwcld sym bols w ith the weld beads.
A W eld Folder contains all the w eld beads in the
FeaturcM anager tree.

soLIDwoRKs Lesson 3
Configlmng and Detailing wudmems

All weld features in [llc pan can be suppressed by rightrclieking the

Weldment feature and selecting Suppress W eld B eads.
W here to Find It - C nlnm andM anager: Weldments > W eld B ead g
I Menu: insert, W eldm ents, W eld B ead

O pen the C onveyor Frame part.

A ctivate the Conveyor Fram e pan docum ent w indow or open it from
a draw ing View.
A ctivate the Delanlt<A s Manhinetb configuration.
Working in the top level configuration will ensure the weld features
will exist in hoth configurations.
W eld bead. and“... on
C lick W eld B ead @. v 1:

T he firs! W eld Path will be W eld Path 1. man A

W eld B ead Options Multiple W eld Paths can be created w ithin the
same W eld B ead PropertyM anager. A weld
path is defined by either the Virtual intersection
of selected faces using the W eld G eom etry
option, or by selecting edges or sketches if
using the W eld Path option.
W hen seleeting Weld G eom etry, the Smart A


W eld Selection Tool can be used to m we Gromtw

quickly seleet faces. w ith the Smart

Selection tool active, drag the cursor over E I'"‘"
faces to m ake selections.

T he options in Settings apply per w eld path. g I‘quz)
O nce the settings have been defined for the K
current w eld path, click New Weld Path to 1mm nnmdnn
define the next weld bead. E xisting paths can 9 men"
be selected in the W eld Path group box to n m. :ldel
m odify settings at any tim e.
'l from/fr: te-wmh v
1 meed V

Configuring and Dehflmg Weldmenls

Tip T he shortcut m enu provides the option for New W eld Path w hen
creating W eld Beads features.
Settings for each w eld bead path m ay Vary based on selections. The
settings and options that can be found are as follows:
I W eld selection » Lists the faces, edges, or sketches w here the weld
bead is applied.
l B ead size 7 Sets the bead thickness.
I Tangent propagation , A pplies the w eld
head to all edges that are tangent to the
selected face Dr edge.

With T angent propagation cleared, optiuns exist for;


All around

D efine W eld Sym bol 7 launches dialog for custom izing the weld
sym bol associated with the weld bead. T he default sym bol is a fillet


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