Solidworks Weldments 07

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sounwouKs Lessan 3

Conflglmng and Detailing wmmems

11p Ifadding Model Items for only seleeted weld bead

features, use the cursor feedback and tool tips to
seleet edges with associated w eld paths.


15 Results.
A nnolzlions are added In the selected views.
O ptional: U nnecessary weld sym bols can be deleted or hidden.

0 O

W eld Tables Wcld Tables display infom lation about w elds in a model. The
properties associated with Weld Bead features are imported imo the
table. ()thcr wcld sym hols can also be added in the table.
Weld mbles can be m odified in the sam e w ays as C ut L ist tables by
using the shortcut menu. See Modifying Me Cut List Table on page 116
for m are infonnailnn.

W here to Find It - C om m andM anager: Annotations > Tables > W eld T able E1
I Menu: Insert, T ables, W eld Table

Configunng and Delamng wemmenls

16 W eld (able.
C lick W eld T able fi-
Select a View oflhc w eldm cm . C lick 0K 4 .

C lick in the upper righx Corner of m e draw ing m place the labia.
()nly W eld B ead features are included in Xhe xablc by default.

17 A dd draw ing annotations to table.

C lick the upper lefi com er ofthe mble E 3 to access the W eld T able
PropcnyM nnagcr.
C lick Include draw ing annotations.
C ells of the table can be m odified to adjust values in the lable if

"NET M im e sV/wwl Minimal wmwml M

l B
l; 54,3 arms: a

2 3 l; we m am m al 4

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5 a l; l

18 Save H and close all files.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 8
DelaIIPlcmr Table

Exercise . Create a dciail draw ing of the Picnic Table as shown.

Detail Plcnic

This lab reinforces the follow ing skills:

- Salad D raw ing View Bodies on page 108

I U sing R elative View on page 113
I C ut List Tab/m on page 151

- Modifying (he Cu! List Table on page 116

Units: feel & inches
Proced ure
O pen an existing part.
Use the m odel eom pleied in E xclaim 6: leie
Table on page 94 or
open the pan provided in me Lesson05\Eer’clses folder,
Picnic TableiD etalil.
2 Verify m odel is prepared for dela ng.
R eview ihe C ut L isl a folder and C ut List Properties dialog. Verify
that all bodies arc pen ofa cut lisi item and have appropriam propenies.
creale draw ing from part.
C lick M ake D raw ing from ParIIA ssem hly E on the Sizndard
toolbar. Us: the CisizeiANsliIDch mmplam.

Down meme Table

4 create a draw ing view s.

C reate front, right, and isomctri view s as shown.
C hange the draw ing view piepem 'es for the isom etric view to be
Shaded w ith Edges
5 O ptional: A dd dimensions.
Add reference dim ensions as show n.

6 create a view w ith selected bodies.

Create a T op view.
Use the D raw ing View PropertyM anngcr to Select B odies.
Select the cham fcrcd bcnch piccc.

fip To prevent dm w ing view s from aligning, hold the cm key dow n w hen
placing the view on the sheet.
7 Projected View.
Create :1 Projected View Q to the right.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 8
Detail Picnic Table

8 O ptional: A dd dimensions.
Add reference dim ensions and a cham fer dim ension as shown.


fip T he Chamler D im ension “f tool is available in the

Smart Dimensions flyuut menu. It requires 2 selections, the cham fer
edge and the edge the angle should be m easured from.
9 create a R elative View.
To detail the angled brace, a view of the individual body w ill be
created. Since none of the default View orientations of the m odel w ould
align the body properly, use a R elative View.
Rightvelick an existing draw ing view. Sclect D raw ing mews,
R elative View -.
For Scope, click Selected Bodies and select the angled brace as
show n.

10 Oriental nt
M ake sure First orientation is sctto
Front and select the front face of the
angled brace.
Set Second orientation to B ottom .
Select the face shown.
C lick OK v .

11 Place view.
C lick on the draw ing sheet to position
the View.
12 Projected View.
C reate 2 Projected View a to the right.

Dean Pm ": Table

13 O ptional: A dd dimensions.
Add reference dim ensions as show n.

14 A dd another R elative View. From

Add a R elative View using the body

and faces as show n. You

15 Projected View.
C reate a Projected View 3 to the right.

16 O ptional: A dd dimensions.
Add reference dim ensions as show n.

17 A dd a C ut L ist T able.
Add a W eldm ent C ut L ist 5i to the upper lefi ofthe draw ing sheet.
18 Modify table.
Use the shoneut m enu to insert 2 new colum ns to the right as shown.
U se the Anglel and Anglez cut list imm properties.
O ptional: Form at the table as desired.
um No my nsscmwon LENGIH ANGtEl w ere
i A 2 XE Lumbev 25.92? 22 22
2 2 2 x a Lumber 52mm 0
a 2 2 x4 Lumber H im a
4 2 2x4 Lumbev Ham 4:. 45
5 7 2 xé mm, sent-0‘ u o
2. 2 2 x6 Lumber [stunt-[r o a

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 8
Detail Picnic Table

19 A dd balloons.
U sc B alloon E or A uto B alloon 9 on the A nnotations toolbar to
create balloon annotations and position as desired.
U se the follow ing settings m cream the balloons as shown.
B alloon Settings: C lrcular Split L ine, 2 characters
B alloon Text: Item N um ber
L ow er Text: Q uantity


2n Save E and close all files.

Exemise 9 soLIDwoRKs
Repmselmng Welds

Exercise 9: U se different techniques to represent w elds for the

Representing Evaporator Support and create a detail draw ing
W elds

This lab reinforces the follow ing skills:

mum Scope on page we

U sing D isplay States on page 1 10
Isolate on page I l0
Fillet B ead: on page 123
Weld B ead Fealm on page IZG
Weld Thbles on page 135

Prnced ure
O pen an existing part.
Use the mede1 eompIered in
Exercixe 4: Evaporalrpr Supparl
on page 55 or open the pan
provided in me Lesson05\
Exercises folder,

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 9
Representing Wells

2 B olt holes.
Some of the connections in the frame w ill be bolted.

Use the H ole W izard u) m add elcarance holes for 6m m belts as

shown in the illustration below. Use the end condition Through Alli

Tip Hole W ixard features only go in one direction, so be sure to sketch en

the outerm ost face available or ercatc a plane in the appropriate
Use the A uto select Option in Feature Scope to ensure the holes
affect all visible bodies in the modcle This is thc default sctting.
In production, these holes w ill be added prior to w elding, so there is no
need to configure thc feature.

35 Skelch Plane

3 Mirror the bolt holesr

M irror Ila the bolt hole feature with respect to thc Right Plane.

Exemise 9 soLIDwoRKs
Repmselmng Welds

create a D isplay State.

Use C lrl to select faces from each of the bodies
shuwn and elick Isolate.
T hese pieees require w elding.
C lick Save as D isplay Slate E from the
IsoL ate dialog. N am e the display state
Welded End.
Welds w ill be added to this area of the m odel
and then detailed in a draw ing.
F illel B ead.
Add a Fillet B ead Q feature to represent the
w eld at one ofthe base plates. Use the follow ing settings:
I B ead type , Full length
I Fillet size , 8m m
I Tangent propagation: seleeted
Select faces.
For Face Set1 seleet the top Fm 59“
face or the base plate.
For Face Set2 a m inim um of3
faces w ill need tu be selected
from the angle to allow the
fillet weld to be all around.

C lear the epxion to A dd w eld sym bol.

T he proper sym bol will be added
m anually in the drawing.
C lick OK v. “#4
T he results are shown at the right.

Reorder and Mirror.

R eorder [he Fillet Beadl feature so it precedes the Mir’PDI’l feature in
the tree.
Edit M inerl to inelude the fillet bead solid body.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 9
Representing Wells

W eld B ead.
C lick W eld B ead
For W eld Paml use the follow ing settings:
W eld Seleclion: Weld G eom elry
W eld From : Face of tap beam
W eld To: Face of leg
B ead Size: 8m m
9 New W eld Palh.
C lick New W eld Path.
Add the same w eld bcad lo thc olhcr sidc.
1|] New W eld Palh.
C lick New W eld Path.
C reate additional 8m m w cld bcads bctw ccn lcgs
and m p beam as shown.

11 W eld palhs for cross braces.

Add new w cld paths for each end ofthc cross
brace bodies using the follow ing settings:
W eld Seleclion: Weld G eom elry
W eld From : Face of leg
W eld To: 3 faces of cross brace
B ead Size: 6m m
C lick OK ‘1 .

Exercise 9 soLIDwoRKs
Repmselmng Welds

12 W eld Paths for reinforcing plates.

C lick W eld B ead Q.
Add a wold to both sides ofthc reinforcing
plate by using the follow ing settings:
W eld Selection: Weld G eom etry
W eld From : Face of leg
W eld To: Face of reinforcing plate
B ead Size: 6m m
B oth Sides
Cream 3 new w cld path oflhc same type for the uihcr reinforcing plate.
C lick OK « .

11p T he autom atic wcld sym bols w ork bum ifdiffcrcnt typos ol'w clds arr:
added as separate features rather than new w cld paths:
13 Results.
T he result is shown at the right:
To see both the w eld sym bols
and the w eld beads, the View
options m ust be m m cd on for
All Annotations ‘5; and
W eld Beads Q.
14 Exit Isolate.
C lick E xit Isolate.
Save E the pan.

soLIDwoRKs Exercise 9
new sm an; Welds

15 creale a drawing
C reate a new dmw ng using the CJizeiANSLNEM tcm plalc from the
Training Templates.
C reate 3 Front view. Use m e Default<As Machined> configuration
and the Welded End display slate.
C reate Projected V iew s 3 to the right and lefl. Reposition the view s
as desired.

16 W eld Sym bol.

To add the w eld sym bols
for the fillet bead features,
click W eld Sym bol M .

In the w eld dialog, click
W eld Sym bol and select

the F illel. 1w. l

"M "
// Vl/ H1,,

Type 8m m for the size and m ull!

cheek A ron nde “M; y a, .

1m: v, u... .

5' Mi is-l
Unwmmm 1mm ”M am .

Exercise 9 soLIDwoRKs
Represennng Welds

17 Place w eld sym bol.

C lick an edge oftlie Fluet Bead feature to plaee the arrow lread. Click
again on the sheet to place the symbol. Add a second instance ofthis
weld sym bol to the other fillet bend.

i76\ PW
11p C lick m ultiple loeatiens in the drawing, w hile the dialog is open to
create m ultiple instnnees ofa weld symbol.

C lick OK to close the dialog.

18 Model Item s.
To add the annotations assoelated with the
weld bead features, model items will be added.
E“ LI“
V x

C lick Model Item s 9‘. New

“W W
For Source, choose Selected feature and

Im port into all view s. mime— v

Seleeiing features allows for greater control ”W W“"“"’ ‘"‘“

over w here the weld sym bol annotations will

be added. , Ml s


For Dimensions, clear all options.



No dim ensions are needed for this weld detail ammm A

draw ing.
For Annotations, seleet W eld Symbols m,
Caterpillars i», E nd Treatments Q.
Mam: mm A

Rep/156mm; Welds

19 Select features.
Use tool tips and eursnr feedback m assist in
selecting weld head annotations.
Select the 4 weld head features in the lefi V|CW to
generate the annotations as shown.
Reposition sym bols as desired.



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