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ບ ົດໂຄງການຈ ົບຊນັ້

ັ້ ງ, ສາຂາ ພາສາອງກິດເພື່ ອການສື່ ສານ

Final Project of Higher Diploma
Majoring in English for Communication

ຜົນກະທົບຂອງອັດຕາເງິນເຟີຕກ ໍ່ ັບສຸຂະພາບຈິດຂອງ
ນັກສຶກສາຊັັ້ນສູງປີ1 - ປີ3 ພາກຄໍ່າພາກວິຊາ ພາສາອັງກິດ
The Effect of inflation on the Mental Health on
Diploma Students year1-year3 in Evening Class of
English for Communication Department, in Logos
Institute of Foreign Language

Ms. Sirikhoun SOUNSAVATH



Logos Institute of Foreign Language

Academic year: 2023-2024

Background and Problem Statement

Mental health is an important problem and has a lot of impact on Lao society and
world society because mental health is the mental state of an individual. Normally, the
mental state changes according to the environment around us, and now society is changing
rapidly in terms of economy, society, science, and technology, which are constantly
developing. People's mental health needs to be adjusted according to the situations that
may cause stress, depression, and suicidal behavior. From the above, these are mental
health problems that are important to the development of potential individuals of all
genders and ages. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, there are
about 322 million people suffering from mental illness worldwide, or 4.4 percent of the
world's population (World Health Organization, 2017). Nowaday, high inflation will affect
numerous nations during 2023-2024, including Laos. Low wage growth will accompany
high inflation. It leads to increases in the cost of living, and inflation can have an impact
on various aspects health and living in social.
The inflation rate in the country remained high in 2023, averaging 31.2%, according
to the Lao Statistics Bureau. The weak kip is seen as one of the main factors driving
inflation, while low domestic production capacity and high import values have increased
pressure on the exchange rate, According to the report, the sectors witnessing the largest
price increase in December were hotels and restaurants, up to 35.9% year-on-year. They
were followed by the clothing and footwear industry (up 33.4%), health care and medicine
(up 29.5%), household appliances (25.9%), alcohol and tobacco (25.1%), and food and
non-alcoholic drinks (24%).
The State Bank of Laos said that although export and tourism sectors have shown an
upward trend, the country continues to face challenges due to its large import values and
foreign debt, and it will be vulnerable to external influences, including conflicts in the
Middle East and other parts of the world.
The long-term impacts of inflation Most household incomes are failing to keep pace
with inflation in the Lao PDR, causing families to cut spending on food, health, and
education. During this period, the youth attended university. The students are considered
to be adjusting to various changes, such as increased expenses and societal norms, as well
as the demands of university life. Students must take responsibility for their studies and
activities, and they may face competition in the job market in the future. You must adapt
to the changing environment, causing stress and other mental problems like the students in
Logos Institute, especially the Diploma students in years 1–3. Evening class at the Logos
Institute of Foreign Languages. There are a total of 400 students at the Logos Institute of
Foreign Languages, most of whom study in two different schools, while others study and
work together. This means that they face significant pressure to improve their mental
health, which can have a significant impact on their lives. So we would like to study factors
related to mental health with the students in Logos Institute, especially the Diploma
students in years 1–3. Evening class at the Logos Institute of Foreign Languages to general
information to follow the students who fall in a mental health to deal with the initial
symptoms,plans to take care of themselves, efficient study.

Research Questions
1. What level is the effect of inflation on mental health of first-year, second-year,
and third-year students diplomas?
2. How is the effect of inflation on mental health of first-year, second-year, and
third-year students diplomas different?

Research Objectives
- To determine the level of the effect of inflation on mental health of Diploma
students in years 1–3 in the Evening Class of English for Communication
Department, in the Logos Institute of Foreign Language
- To compare the level of importance of the effect of inflation on mental health for
diploma students in years 1–3 in the evening class of English for the
Communication Department at the Logos Institute of Foreign Languages

Expected Outcomes
- To know the the effect of inflation on mental health level of diploma students
- To receive the information to respond to related sectors
- To serve as a lesson for those who are interested in using it for further study and

2.1 Related Theories

2.1.1 The Meaning of Inflation

Inflation refers to the general increase in the prices of goods and services in an
economy over a period of time. It results in the in the purchasing power a country's
currency, as people need more money to buy the same amount of and services. Inflation is
typically measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Producer Price Index (PPI),
and it can be caused by factors such as increased consumer demand, rising production
costs, and changes in government policies. High levels of inflation can have negative
impacts on an economy, including reduced consumer spending, decreased investment, and
erosion of savings. Central banks often aim to control inflation through monetary policy
In recent years, many central banks have placed increased emphasis on price
stability. Monetary policy—whether expressed in terms of interest rates or growth of
monetary aggregates—has been increasingly geared toward the achieve- ment of low and
stable inflation. Central bankers and most other observers view price stability as a worthy
objective because they think that inflation is costly. Some of these costs involve the average
rate of inflation, and others relate to the variability and uncertainty of inflation. But the
general idea is that businesses and households are thought to perform poorly when inflation
is high and unpredictable.

2.1.2 The Effect of Inflation

The inflation of educational credentials that drove university expansion throughout

the 20th century shaped the internal structure of universities as well, and thus the conditions
of academic work. We will need this broader viewpoint in order to capture the main
dynamics that have driven the proliferation of academic disciplines, as well as their internal
differentiation into specialties and their compulsion for continuous research. If the
fundamental versus applied character of the disciplines are at issue in today’s university,
as well as the growing distance between a highly paid elite of noted researchers and a
professorial underclass of temporary lecturers, the causes are in the economic strains of a
system whose mass production of educational credentials for employment has become
extremely expensive. Educational Credential Inflation and the Expansion of the University
System. The changing value of educational degrees on the job market has been the main
driver of higher education expansion. As the number of people with academic degrees has
gone up, the occupational level for which they have provided qualifications has declined.
2.1.3 The Meaning of Mental Health

The meaning of “Mental Health," it means the ability of a person to adjust to be

happy with society and the environment, to have a good relationship with other people,
and to live with a happy balance, including their needs in a changing world, without
conflict within the mind. "Mental health “does not mean only freedom from the
symptoms of nervousness and entail illness.
Ms. Fon SANGSYKEO (2521:57), a professor of Thailand's mental health
community, mental health means a happy life, control of the mood, adaptability to
society, the ability to work, and living with others with satisfaction. So, Mr. Luangvisian
PHUTTHAYAKHOM (2537:16) : According to Mr. Luangvisian
PHUTTHAYAKHOM, “Mental Health” is the ability to maintain the standard of the
mind along with strengthening the mind to be more happy and prosperous.
Mr.Soujalid Visanacip (2535: 2) told me that "mental health" does not mean
happiness but refers to the strength of the mind, which is like immunity from suffering
and the ability to live to find happiness. So, Department of Mental Health, Ministry of
Health told: “Mental Health." It’s a good condition that a person is aware of their ability
to handle various pressures in life, is happy to work, and is successful, including being
able to benefit the residential community.
Ms. Sophia SAPYLAMUN (2542: 46) talks about “Good Mental Health," which
means that a person can adapt to or solve the impact that arises logically and adapt
themselves to their family, classmate, and co-worker. Can face the complex difficulties
of daily life without changing society or causing damage to themselves or others. When
there is a crisis in life, they can face it without losing their mental balance.
Mr. Susan CHUNTHAM (2536: 141) said that people with good mental health are
people who can adapt to others and the environment, have the ability to be creative, and
know how to use their abilities to benefit society. Having a good attitude and living in
a lively society are also related to the meaning of Hilgard (1962: 549), who said that
those who have good mental health are those who can adapt to themselves and the
environment effectively.
So, mental health refers to the perfect emotional and mental health of a person who
can adapt and live happily with other people, including the social environment.

2.1.4 The Importance of Mental Health

Important of mental health Ms.Kunya Souvanaeng (2538:204) said about the

importance of mental health: its effect on humans' lives in many ways, including:
Education: Those who have good mental health can be successful in education.
occupation, work, and have encouragement to fight obstacles and not be discouraged.
Life of Family: When people in a family have good mental health, the family will
have peace.
Co-workers who have good mental health and are loved by everyone can adapt to
Health: good mental health, fresh health, smiling face It is comforting for those who
see it and want to associate with
The mental health is important for human life, so in the National Economic and
Social Development Plan (2540-2544) on public health, the mental health plan has focused
on promoting and protecting so that people can participate in taking care of themselves,
their families,family and the community to reduce the service conditions of government
and private agencies (Susanun Hunkouson 2544:20, according to
Department of Mental Health 2539:15), so a person needs to receive information
about knowledge of mental health to help themselves, their family, and the community
solve and protect the mental health that will happen.
So, mental health is really important for all parties that need attention. Spread
knowledge about mental health to protect against the problems that will impact someone.

2.1.5 The Elements of Mental Health

Here are 5 elements of mental health:

1. Intellectual well-being
Exercising your intellect and committing to ongoing learning are also important aspects
of your mental health. Intellectual health, like all other areas of health, necessitates balance;
developing new skills and gaining new knowledge can open up doors of opportunity that
will considerably improve your life.

2. Environmental health
Our environment has a big impact on our mental health; those who are exposed to daily
stressors and live in less-than-ideal settings can have a detrimental impact on their
environmental health and lead to mental disease. Doing everything you can to eliminate
the stressors in your life will assist to lessen the stress.

3. Boundaries
It’s tough to juggle all of life’s responsibilities while still taking care of oneself. Setting
limits and learning to say no to things that aren’t necessary can allow you to set out space
for mental health protection. If you haven’t said no to friends and family before, you may
feel terrible at first, but the more you stand up for yourself and take back your time, the
simpler it will be to adopt the everyday practices that promote mental health.

4. Self-care
As we sit in our houses, people are learning the great art of self-care, since we have no
choice but to go inward to see what we really need. Not only will doing things that nourish
your body, soul, and spirit improve your life, but it will also enrich the lives of people
around you. Returning to simpler things like surrounding yourself with people and taking
care of yourself in ways that promote continuous health and healing are key to good mental
health. Yoga, meditation, writing, and deep breathing are all good ways to bring yourself
back to the present moment while learning to appreciate the little things in life.

5. Community
Your social circle, the people with whom you engage and form ties, all have an impact
on your mental health. Building a strong community of support, love, and friendships
around you will be critical to your overall wellness. Surround yourself with people who
share your values.

2.1.6 The Peculiarities of Mental Health

Mr.Mathulod SAVARNGBOUN (2542: 400) said: The peculiarities of mental

health: Specific features can be distinguished as follows:
1. Not constant and changing all the time
2. Each person has different mental health; some have good mental health, but some
have bad mental health.
3. The state of mental health is good or bad with the environment in that group.
4. Can improve and promote better
5. There is a need to cherish, protect, treat, and maintain physical health.

Also, Thavit Thalaphochan and Saran Delisuk (2540: 157) distinguish the
characteristics of mental health according to the following symptoms:
1. Normal mental health or good Mental health is when a person is faced with a
problem and feels uneasy sometimes. If the mind can solve the problem by adjusting the
mind or releasing the discomfort, they have the courage to face the facts, accept the
mistakes, and be considered to have the characteristics of a person with good mental
health or normal mental health.
2. Normal mental health has the same emotional expression as people with good
mental health, but the emotional will lose more easily due to less mental strength and
problem-solving ability. Often, people didn’t face anger or accept anger to reduce mental
stress, which is called the use of mental mechanisms that are done unconsciously.
3. Poor mental health occurs when a person is faced with some problems and has to
adjust their mind to endure the situation for a long time. Feeling anxious, having poor
concentration, being easily shocked, restless, bored, and unable to sleep
4. The initial information recorded in some episodes is still unknown, and this
information also states that the data of the analysis will change without knowing the
reason, understanding of headache, guarantee, record, trust, or record of understanding of
the matter of data collection. The knowledge of the head of the world that is pressed on
the map is determined: the world, the world, the world of science, the world, and the world
of sickness.
5. Personality disorder is a disorder that can be observed in the habits and behaviour
of a person who is different from a normal person because the mind is pressured and
pushed to make abnormal adjustments from a young age that are absorbed until the adult
stage and are difficult to solve. Such behaviour will take many forms, such as being a
person who likes to brag, is jealous, does not trust anyone easily, has mood swings, likes
to be isolated, tearful, easy to worship, lacks enthusiasm, and is irresponsible. Others
are always there
6. Sexual dysfunction is a disorder manifested by sexual desire or abnormal sexual
behavior that is not accepted by society and does not provide the natural desire of humans,
such as homosexuality.
7.Addiction to alcohol and drugs is a similar condition that the user has an inescapable
need to use drugs as a result of regularly using drugs by starting to become addicted
mentally first to stimulate the senses or to get drunk, to forget the problem and then the
body becomes addicted. If they stop, they will cause physical discomfort, so they
are necessary to continue to use it to stop the disorder of the body.
8. Neuralgia is a serious mental disorder with anxiety as the main symptom, along with
other mental symptoms that occur for a period of time longer than a month and will disturb
the patient to the point of not being able to carry out normal work but still in a state of self-
awareness that there is a disorder. The patient will encounter symptoms of anxiety,
convulsions, regret beyond reason, be weak and without physical and mental strength, and
be confused about his health and illness.
9. Psychosis is a condition in which a person has lost the ability to function mentally to
the point of not being able to recognize himself. There is an abnormality. and lose the
ability to help yourself in life.
The mind escapes from the world, does not recognize and understand the time, place,
the person tends to show signs of being tense, talking without knowing things, fuming, not
being able to stay, wandering, talking alone, isolated, etc.
From the aforementioned, it can be said that the nature of mental health is the nature of
various symptoms that indicate the level of mental health of a person, reflecting on the
expression of behavior and affecting the body, causing physical illness, which is caused by
the mind, and also depends on the environment in that group.

2.1.7 The Impact of Mental Health

Chakra Meesap (2540:179) Research the cause of mental health. There are external
causes such as stressors and internal causes, including abnormalities of the body such as
the brain, genetic reproduction, psychological discomfort, anxieties, and others.
Social and cultural causes (culture) sum up three important issues as follows: as a whole,
problems, attitudes, and activities arise from three main causes.
1. Biological causes are deterioration or physical changes. Biology can make mental
health happen. Emphasis is placed on mental illness resulting from brain disorders such
as senior psychosis and psychosis resulting from brain infections such as syphilis, alcohol,
and others.
2. Psychological cause emphasis focuses on the main problems of learning
development. and adaptive, developmental, and learning disorders who have a problem
with mental health
and some cases of psychosis, especially functional psychosis, to continue developing.
Deficiency causes an inability to adapt to a changing environment and to create a
relationship with anyone as it should be.
3. Social and cultural causes (culture) sum up three important issues, such as:
3.1. The impact of economics on others related to mental health problems: both
general direct and indirect situations of lack of money inevitably cause a force. Because
they have many debts, hard work, and lack of rest. This leads to adjustment problems,
crime, drug addiction, etc.
3.2. Culture: adapting the mind to a new culture, such as adapting ourselves to
Western culture. Society customers, Comparison of life, divorce, nuclear family, and
sexual problems
3.3. Social promotion: competition for social status, etc.
There are three main causes: biological, psychological, and social. Culture is related to
mental health. both mental health problems at the level of stress (stress or emotional
stress) and at the level of illness (disease) such as cancer or nervousness.

2.1.8 Factors that cause mental health problems

The Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health (1992: 38) has
mentioned the factors that cause mental health problems as follows:
1. Desires and needs Both physical aspects, such as things related to eating, sleeping,
excretion, safety, etc., and mental aspects, such as ownership, Having honor, power, etc.,
when you don't have it or when you want to have it but can't avoid it, there will be
2. Family problems Conflict within family members Responsibilities, various
problems that must be solved, or struggles for survival for oneself and one's family
3. Economic problems Making a living In order to obtain the factors of survival,
struggle, operational errors, damages, and unexpected obstacles,
4. Social problems: humans living together, having contact, having rules, and relying
on each other. It's a human society with rules

Charuayphon Kanchanachot (1993: 20) mentioned that the causes of people's mental
health deterioration depended on two factors:
1. Factors from within the body It is something that is inherited genetically that
determines the shape, appearance, emotions, intelligence, and certain diseases of humans,
2. Environmental factors arising from economic, social, cultural, and other
conditions that affects the mind
It can be said that various problem factors Whether it is a social problem, an
economy, or a factor that occurs from within the body, it all affects a person's mental

2.2 Related Studies

Prof. Souphaphuk JITTABOUPHA & Research team, (2021) Staff’s and fourth year
students’ mental health during Covid-19 Pandemic at the Faculty of Education National
University of Laos. This study is to explore staff's and fourth-year students' mental health
during Coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) at the Faculty of Education National
University of Laos. The researchers chose 124 participants as a sample group 20 of whom
were staff and 104 were students. Research tool used for data collection was the
questionnaire with a series of questions on staff's and fourth-year students' mental health
during COVID-1 9 with the heavy focus on the 5 aspects: 1) COVID-19 anxiety 2)
emotional tolerance 3) will power 4) coping skill and 5) stress management. Statistical
analysis was used for calculating frequency percentage mean and standard deviation.
Results of staff's and fourth-year students' mental health during COVID-1 9 when
considering 5 aspects showed as follows: With reference to staff participants; in general
was at a moderate level (x̄ =2.83; S.D=0.05) when considering in each aspect results
showed that COVID-19 anxiety was the highest aspect with a Mean average of moderate
level (x̄ =3.32; S.D=0.24) followed by emotional stability aspect (x̄ =3.26; S.D=0.13) and
stress management aspect revealed at a low level (x̄ =1.78; S.D=0.13). In terms of student
participants; in general was at a moderate level (x̄ =3.00; S.D=0.06) when considering in
each aspect results showed that COVID-19 anxiety was the highest aspect with a Mean
average of more level (x̄ =3.66 S.D=0.26) followed by emotional stability aspect with a
moderate level (x̄ =3.40; S.D=0.13) and stress management aspect revealed at a low level
(x̄ =2.34; S.D=0.07).

Tumusiime Ronald, (2022) This study investigated the effect of inflation on the students’
standards of living in Makerere University. A case study of School of Statistics and
Planning was used. The major aim of this study was to examine the effect of inflation on
the students’ standards of living in Makerere University. Another objective of this study
was to assess the effect of increasing food and rental prices on the students’ standards of
living as well as to find out the relationship between the main sources that cause the
increasing and uncontrollable inflation and the students’ standards of living. A sample of
210 participants were included in this study. A questionnaire which was designed using
Google forms was used to collected data from different participants who offered different
courses at School of Statistics and Planning. The data collected was analyzed using
STATA vision 15.0 software where univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyses were
carried out. In the univariate analysis, the findings indicated that majority of the
respondents (51.9%) were females with (48.1%) being males. The study also reveals that
majority of the respondents (41.4%) were offering B.QE followed by (22.4%) that offered
B.STA. Where (51.0%) of the respondents were non-university residents and (49.1%) were
university residents. The study therefore recommended that more effort should be made to
ensure that inflation levels are kept low; not only to maintain a decent standard of living
but also to avoid a huge negative impact on standard of living since sensitivity of standard
of living to inflation increases as inflation gets higher. Also, the study recommends the
government to adopt a blend of fiscal and monetary policies to curb the high inflation and
elevate the standard of living of people in Uganda. The reason for this is based on the fact
that the inflation challenge faced by Ugandans cannot be combatted by strictly adopting
fiscal policies or otherwise. The study also recommends that further studies on inflation
should be conducted so as to determine whether the impact of inflation on living standards
of Ugandans is exactly as established, or the difference if any. Finally, it is recommended
that attention should be paid to other economic indicators that could also be an indication
of the standard of living in the economy such as unemployment and poverty. Policy makers
tend to make a big deal of inflation as compared to these other indicators. However, it is
clear that inflation accounts for only some of the changes in standard of living. These other
indicators, which have the tendency to impact or reflect standard of living, should thus
receive public attention also.

Musa Abdulkarim Adebisi, (2023) Influence of Inflation on Business Education

Undergraduate Students’ Ability to Incur Indirect Costs of Studying in Tertiary Institutions
in Rivers State. This study investigated influence of inflation on Business education
undergraduate students’ ability to incur indirect costs of studying in tertiary institutions in
Rivers State. Three specific purposes posed based on the proxies of inflation related to the
indirect costs of studying which are transportation, feeding and accommodation guided the
study. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. Population was made up of
1065 Business Education undergraduate students from year 1 through to year 4 in the four
tertiary institutions in Rivers State offering the programme during the 2022/2023 academic
session. Sample size consists of 50% of the entire population which was 534. Proportional
stratified random sampling technique was used to select the sample size. Primary data was
collected using structured questionnaire and secondary data was obtained from the
published National Bureau of Statistics monthly CPI transportation, housing utility and
food for Rivers State. The instrument was validated by two experts, one expert of
Educational Measurement and Evaluation, and the other of Business Education all from
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE). Test retest method was used to determine
reliability of the instrument and Pearson Product Moment Correlation was calculated to
obtain r value of 0.86. Data collected were analysed using Simple Linear Regression Model
(SLRM) to answer both the research questions and test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of
significance. The findings revealed that inflation proxies such as CPI transportation and
CPI housing utilities positively influenced Business Education undergraduate’s ability to
incur indirect cost (transportation and accommodation costs) of studying in tertiary
institutions in Rivers State. The finding also revealed that CPI food has negative influence
on Business education students’ ability to incur indirect cost (feeding cost) of studying in
tertiary institutions in Rivers State. The findings also revealed that none of the influences
were significant. Based on the findings, it was recommended amongst others that Business
education students’ association in tertiary institutions in Rivers State should collaborate
with their respective Students’ Union Government to request the three tiers of governments
to provide respective students with not less than N6,000 lunch allowance as part of their
palliatives for subsidy removal till the inflation abate.

Rachella Ryandra, (2019) Mental Health Literacy of Yogyakarta State University

students. This study is to observe: (1) Gender difference in mental health literacy of
Yogyakarta State University students and (2) Differences in mental health literacy of
Yogyakarta State University students based on vignette character’s gender. The type of
this study was factorial survey. In this study, respondents were presented with short
descriptions called vignette that were constructed and contained elements that had been
manipulated by the researcher to control certain variables, namely gender and mental
disorders that the characters had. Then, subjects were asked to answer closed questions
(Mental Health Literacy Test) based on the vignettes. The subjects in this study were 377
undergraduate students from Yogyakarta State University. The sampling techniques used
in this study were cluster random sampling and incidental sampling. Chi-Square was
performed to analyze the data. The results of this study indicated that: (1) There were
gender differences in mental health literacy aspect positive attitudes toward professional
help where more male respondents did not recommend seeking professional help for
depression (2) There were differences in mental health literacy aspects knowledge about
the causes of mental disorders and positive attitudes towards professional help based on
gender vignette characters for depression.

Chatchadaporn Pissamorn, (2019) The Factors Associated with the Mental Health of
Undergraduate Students in A Private University in Bangkok. This study is aimed at the
factors associated with the mental health of undergraduate students in a private university
in Bangkok. The Analytical research was performed with a sample group of the year1 of
undergraduate students in the Faculty of Public health in a private university in Bangkok
in the academic year of 2562.One hundred students were recruited in the study.The data
was collected using the demographic data questionnaire and Thai Mental Health Indicator
(TMHI-66) questionnaire. Descriptive statistics included the frequency, percentage and
standard deviation, whereas the inferential statistics included the chi-square test and Binary
logistic regression with a significance level of 0.05. The students explained that the
students of year 1 of undergraduate had a mental health ofa level which was of a general
population of 67 % was compared to the mental health in the level of more than the general
population of33 % and the factors associated with mental health of students in the living
conditions, the average family income, relationship between the members of a family,
relationship with friends, relationship with their seniors and juniors, their contentment of
satisfaction atfaculty, their contentment of the teaching schedule at their faculty and the
activities carried in the faculty/university. The factors as mentioned above about mental
health has been at a significance level of 0.05.
2.3 Conceptual Framework

Inflation affecting mental health of college students

Independent Dependent
-Which specific areas of your life have
1. Gender been most affected by inflation?
2. Age - Have you experienced increased stress
3. Year of study or anxiety related to financial pressure
4. Occupation caused by inflation?
5. Religion
- What coping mechanisms or strategies
6. Academic redults
do you use to manage the mental health
7. Expenses
impact of inflation?
8. Income
- Do you feel any pressure to take on
additional study,work or jobs to cope
with the financial challenges arising
from inflation?
- Have you noticed changes in your
sleep patterns due to the mental strain
caused by inflation?
- Which academic or career plans have
been affected by the financial
challenges you face due to inflation?
- Have you sought financial assistance
or support (scholarships, grants, loans,
etc.) to manage the effects of inflation
on your college expenses?
- How has inflation affected your social
life or relationships?
2.4 Word Definitions
1. Mental Health is the capacity of every individual to feel, think , and act in ways
that enhance their ability to enjoy life and deal with challenges.
2. Inflation is a continuing rise in prices caused by an increase in the money
supply and demand for goods.
3. Pressure is difficult situations that make you feel worried or unhappy.
4. Financial is relating to money or the way money is managed.
5. Budgeting is the process of calculating how much money you
must earn or save during a particular period of time, and of planning how
you will spend it
6. Motivation is enthusiasm for doing something.
7. Social is related to activities in which you meet and spend time with other people
and that happen during the time when you are not working.
8. Income is money earned from doing work or received from investments.
9. Expense is something that makes you spend money.
10. Religion is the belief and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief
and worship.

3.1 Research Methods

This research is quantitative research to achieved objectives that mentioned
above. To answer the objective, we use questionnaire paper to collect data for
observe the effect of inflation on mental health.

The process of research:

▪ Study theories, related articles to be a reference resource in research
▪ Make questionnaires that consistent with research Objectives, conceptual
framework and Word Definitions
▪ Take the questionnaire to the advisor to check the content and structure
▪ Take the completed questionnaire to collect data from respondents

3.2 Population and Sampling

➢ Population:
In this research, the target population size is the students who study in Higher
Diploma of English particularly from first year, second year and third year levels;
there are about 400 People in evening class.
The formula to determine the sample size in case the population is known
(Taro Yamane,1973)

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2
▪ Sample size n
▪ Total population N= 400
▪ Confidence interval = 95%
▪ Tolerances that are allowed to occur 5% / e = 0.05

𝑛= = 384.61 = 385
1 + 400(0.05)2

The sample size from the population in 400 respondents were chosen to analyses in
order to get data and use the results to know the effect of inflation on mental health of our
target. The respondents that have been chosen from the total were the completed and
efficient answers which will be the advantage to the institute, student and teacher.
3.3 Research Instruments and Design
3.3.1 Research instruments

The research instruments used for data collection by given questionnaires to

the sample respondents. Researcher used the both close-ended and open-ended
The questionnaire is divided into 03 parts which consist of:

Part1: General information is collecting the gender, age, year of

study,occupation,religion,academic results,expenses,income.
Part2: Mental Health Sector
Part3: Recommendation

We use 05 points of the Effect of inflation on Mental Health Sector be the

concept of making questionnaires. It would help researchers to aware their mental
health . The questions were designed to be simple and easy to understand. It was ask
about Anxiety of study, Emotional endurance, Motivation, Solving problems, Stress
of examination.

❖ Rating scale

The research used Likert scale with potential choices (Strongly Agree, Agree,
Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree).

• Likert scales

Agreement Level Score

Strongly Agree 5
Agree 4
Neutral 3
Disagree 2
Strongly Disagree 1

3.3.2 Research Design

In order to harmonize to our research, we have designed instrument to compile

the data which we begin by understanding and studying the idea and other related
theories then making questionnaire according to our objectives and consult with
advisor about the questionnaire and ask for a review then adjust by advisor's advice.

3.4 Data Collection and Data Analysis

3.4.1 Data Collection

Data collection is an important aspect of any types of research study.

Inaccurate data collection can impact the result of the study and ultimately lead
to invalid results. In compiling the information, we will get it from using our
questionnaire in gathering correct data and the steps of processing followed by:
- After we got the approval, we designed the questionnaire and sent to
advisor for checking.
- The questionnaire will be delivered to 385 respondents in department of
English for Communication in Logos Institute of Foreign Language.
- Finally, the data will be collected and analyzes.
3.4.2 Data Analysis

The data will be collected from questionnaire that given to 385 respondents in
department of English for Communication in Logos Institute of Foreign
Language. At first, we planned to code and analyze by using SPSS which
follows by:

- Checking the accurate questionnaires that we collected.

- Use the data from questionnaire to coding sheet.
- Record down the data on computer.
- Analyze by using SPSS statistics program.
- The data will be analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency
estimation, percentages estimation.

3.5 Statistic
For analysis, the researchers supposedly converted the responses into
mathematical figure.

• Frequency: The frequency of particular data value is the number of times data
value occurs by arranging from minimum to maximum to show the overview
of research result.

• Percentage: The percentage is to describe the nature of the data from

questionnaire, such as gender, age and class.
The percentage formula: P = 𝑛 x 100%
f= Number of frequency value
n= Number of all samples

➢ The average

Research use the average of a sample of data organized in a frequency

distribution is computer. Data analysis will be done by using descriptive
technique. It describes in the table percentage and the formula as follow:

𝑥1 +𝑥2 +...+𝑥𝑛 ∑𝑥
𝑥= = = The average of the total samples.

∑ 𝑥 = Sum of data value.

N= Total number of the sample

Represented as:
𝑥= = 0.8
Mean score= 0.8

Interpretation of their opinions was considered from mean by using

criterion of Best (1981, p.82) with description as follow:

4.51-5.00 Meaning the good or bad mental health is on the highest level
3.51- 4.50 Meaning the good or bad mental health is on the high level
2.51-3.00 Meaning the good or bad mental health is on the middle level
1.05-2.50 Meaning the good or bad mental health is on the small level
1.00-1.50 Meaning the good or bad mental health is on the smallest level

➢ Standard Deviation

Standard Deviation is to describe the nature of the data about the satisfaction
from questionnaire.

𝑁 ∑ 𝑥 2 −(∑ 𝑥)2
S.D = √ 𝑁(𝑁−1)

SD = Standard Deviation

(∑ 𝑥)2 = The sum of score by squared

∑ 𝑥 2 = The number of each score by squared

N = Number of populations

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