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Objectives :
By the end of the unit, you are expected to be able to:
1. paraphrase statements taken from a source

What is paraphrasing?
Paraphrasing is restating an idea using your own words to make it as simple and clear as possible.
When you are paraphrasing, you still have to cite the source. However, when the author uses
specialized or technical terminology, for which there is no adequate synonym, you can use his/her

When you are paraphrasing, it is important to keep the same meaning as the original and to include
only the author’s information. Thus, you must not change the meaning and add new information.

There are some techniques to paraphrase a statement:

1. Use synonyms
Examples: teacher = tutor
say = state
ask = inquire
important = essential

2. Use different structure

A. Change from active to passive sentences or vice versa
E.g. The book was written by H.G. Wells → H.G. Wells wrote the book.

B. Change from clauses to phrases or vice versa

E.g. He left the meeting because his wife called him. → he left the meeting because of his wife.

C. Change from direct into indirect speech

E.g. She said to John, “I will come if you invite me.” → She said she would come if John invited

D. Change the part of speech

E.g. This program was developed after she returned. → The development of the program took
place after she came back.

You can combine some techniques discussed above to reduce similarity as long as you keep the same
meaning. For example, besides changing the structure from active to passive, you can also use
synonymous words or phrases, or change the parts of speech.
Examples of paraphrasing:

1. Not until Edward Jenner developed the first anti smallpox serum in 1796 was there protection
against this terrible disease.
The paraphrase:
Defense against smallpox was achieved in the late eighteenth century with Edward Jenner’s
anti smallpox serum.

2. People who have made significant contributions to humanity are granted a financial award
from a legacy left by the Swedish scientist Alfred B. Nobel.
The paraphrase:
The Swedish scientist Alfred B. Nobel left money to be awarded to people who have done
something important to help mankind.

“genetic engineering on plants will produce ‘super crops’ by the year 2000, including square
tomatoes for easy packing and short corn stalks loaded with ears.”
Source: A study done by L. William Teweles & Co.
The paraphrase:
A study conducted by L. William Teweles & Co. predicts that genetic engineering will produce
superior food crops such as square tomatoes by the year 2000.

Note that some of the language from the original quotation was repeated (“genetic engineering” –
there is only one term for this – and “produce” – there is no adequate synonym for it in this context),
but the paraphrase is clearly not the words of the study by L. William Teweles and Co. Notice also
that the corn example was not included. In developing an idea, if you have a need for concrete
detail and your original source contains one, use it. If you want to save space or time by using a
paraphrase, you can do so by omitting some of the details the source may contain.

Exercise 1
Rewrite each of the sentences using the instructions or words given in brackets.
Example: The development of agriculture in this country started before the invention of tractors.
Agriculture in this country developed before tractors were invented.

1. These books can be categorized into three types. (category)

2. Jakarta has many tall buildings, and Surabaya has also many tall buildings. (both…and)
3. Although the local government did not approve their proposal for the program, they continued it
using some funds from a non-government organization. (in spite of)
4. The man who was supposed to inaugurate the use of the building could not come, so the committee
appointed Mr. Smith to replace him. (Start the sentence with “Mr. Smith ………”)
5. During the economic depression, some countries relied very much on assistance from the
International Monetary Fund or World Bank. (reliance)
6. His hard work has given him an opportunity to continue his study abroad. (due to)
7. After they took a break for a couple of hours, they continued their journey. (before)
8. The girls made a lot of effort to succeed in the competition, but they felt disappointed because they
couldn’t make it. (although)
9. Michael Dell’s way of tackling the problem of cost was to build the computers only when the orders
came in. (solve)
10. Many college and university students own cars because they study away from home. (Start the
sentence with “Studying away from home ……..”)

Exercise 2
Paraphrase the following statements.
Example: His ideas have raised a lot of controversies.
A lot of people are questioning about his ideas.

1. Yassine discovered that his grandfather was tortured and killed by French troops during Algeria’s
War of Independence.
2. The program helps the company identify skilled international workers.
3. With his influence, Henri Dunant persuaded the Swiss government to organize an international
meeting to discuss his proposals.
4. Censorship of textbooks and other books in school libraries appears to be increasing in all parts of
the country.
5. Our school district must focus on essential core content such as mathematics, not waste more
resources on less crucial subjects such as music.
6. Michael Dell was interested in business at an early age, launching his first business venture at the
age of twelve selling stamps to collectors.
7. DDT was used throughout 1940s and 1950s to clear regions of mosquitoes carrying malaria.
8. Eric Greenberg, director of management studies at the AMA, says employers have a legitimate
interest in a worker’s performance, so they have a right to review workplace activities.
9. It is impossible to handle the situation if the majority of people do not care about it.
10. Doing research in such a remote area requires a lot of energy, time, and funds.

Exercise 3
Paraphrase the following statements.

1. Mrs. Contrepois said, “I know nothing of the background of the young people of different races
whom I face every day. Clearly, some of their parents come to France simply to find work. Others come
to flee from wars and dictatorships.”

2. Rebecca Bramwell said, “It’s a real challenge making a decent living as a new artist…you have to
find a market for your work. Often you work freelance and need to take samples or portfolios of your
work from place to place….These experiences are common to a lot of professional people..”

3. Donald Mackie said, “A thousand years ago, a total eclipse of the sun was a terrifying religious
experience, but these days an eclipse is more likely to be viewed as a tourist attraction than as a scientific
or spiritual event. People will travel literally miles to be in the right place at the right time – to get the
best view of their eclipse.”

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