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Engineering 14 (2011)
Engineering 29 14–22
(2012) 3217 – 3221

2012 International Workshop on Information and Electronics Engineering (IWIEE)

Joint XPI and ISI Cancellation for Dually-Polarized Radio

Systems over Earth-Space Links
Junyi Yanga*, Jinshu Chen a,Wanyu Wangb, Lu Xu a
Department of Electronic Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing,100084,China
Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100084,China


Using dually-polarized technology to double the spectral efficiency is very attractive in satellite communication
systems. However, the cross polarization interference (XPI) which is inevitable will degrade the performance of the
system. In order to eliminate it, a cross polarization interference cancellation (XPIC) is necessary, at least under
unfavourable propagation conditions. This paper mainly studies the issue of cross polarization interference
cancellation for dually-polarized radio systems over earth-space links. A joint XPIC and DEAF is presented, and
compared with conventional XPIC, DEAF and other equalizer structures. The study shows that even under the
circumstances with XPI only, the combination of XPIC and DEAF are necessary, for the XPI in the signal will cause
ISI during the signal processing which can not be eliminated by the XPIC. And the simulation results also show that
the joint XPIC and DEAF have the best performance among them.

© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Harbin University
of Science and Technology Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.


1. Introduction

Due to the development of the space technology for earth observation, the resolution (including time
resolution, spatial resolution, radiometric resolution and spectral resolution, etc) of the remote sensing
satellite improves continuously. Therefore, a mass of earth observation information produced by the

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 15210896906; fax: 62770317.

E-mail address: junyi_yang@126.com.

1877-7058 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
23218 JunyiYang/
Junyi Yang et al. / Procedia
Procedia Engineering
Engineering 29 (2012)
14 (2011) 14–22 3217 – 3221

satellite is to be transmitted. Then how to increase the information transmission capacity is an important
Multi level modulation techniques such as 16QAM are basic means to increase spectral efficiency.
However, they need more power per bit and are very sensitive to the nonlinearity of the power amplifier.
The polarization multiplexing is another very attractive mean for increasing spectral efficiency where two
independent channels are transmitted at the same frequency on the horizontal and vertical polarization of
the antenna simultaneously. The channel capacity is doubled without occupying any other spectral
resources. However, the main drawback of the dually-polarized system is the cross coupling of the two
orthogonal polarizations due to various factors, such as rainfall, multi-path propagation, equipment
imperfections and so on. It will degrade the cross-polarization isolation of the system. Therefore,
additional means for enhancing the cross-polarization isolation of the overall system are necessary. The
adaptive XPIC technology is a useful mean to cope with the cross-polarization isolation degradation.
There are already some works have been presented in the literature. The XPIC can mainly work at IF [1]
or baseband [2,3]. Different structures of cross polarization interference cancellers [4,5,6] and the
performance evaluation of the system are proposed.
This paper proposes a joint equalizer that can not only cancel the XPI, but also can cope with ISI in the
system caused by various reasons. A comparison of the BER performance is made among the
conventional DEAF, XPIC and the combination of them.
The paper is organized as follows. First, we give a simplified channel model in section 2, and later on,
the principle of joint XPIC and DEAF is given in section 3. Finally, some simulation results are presented
in section 4.

2. Channel Model

Since an earth-space path is usually free of multi-path fading, microwave depolarization will be
contributed essentially by rain and ice particles [7]. Therefore, the multi-path propagation is not
considered in this paper. Figure.1 (a) shows a basic dually-polarized system.
N 1 (t )
H channel
H H′
MOD C HH ( w ) DEMOD H (n)
− j ( wD H + ϕ HV )
C HV ( w )

CVH ( w )

V channel
MOD CVV ( w) DEMOD V (n)
+ ϕVH )
N 2 (t )
V γ V e − j ( wDV

Figure.1 (a) Block diagram of a dually-polarized system; (b) A simplified channel model for cross polarization interference

In the figure, CHH ( w) and CVV ( w) indicate the co-polarization transfer function, CHV ( w) and CVH ( w)
indicate the cross-polarization transfer function. Taking into account the symmetry of the signal
transmission, the co-polarization transfer function can be normalized as: CHH ( w) = CVV ( w) =1. Not consider
of multi-path propagation, the cross-polarization transfer function can be simplified as:
CHV ( w) = γ H e − j ( wD +ϕ )
CVH ( w) = γ V e− j ( wDV +ϕVH ) (2)
Yang Yang/
et al. /Procedia
Engineering 14
29 (2011)
3217 – 3221 3219

In the equation above, γ H and γ V denote the degree of cross polarization discrimination (XPD).
Actually, the XPD is defined as:
XPD = −20logγ (3)
DH and DV represent the group delay of the interference path relative to the main path.
ϕ HVand ϕVH are the phase shift of the interference path relative to the main path.
All the parameters above are slow time-varying, so we can assume them as constants in the simulation.
Figure.1 (b) shows a simplified channel model for cross polarization interference [8].

3. Joint XPIC and DEAF

3.1. The basic principle of XPIC

As shown in figure.2 (a), the XPIC can be considered as a special equalizer operated on the orthogonal
polarization signal. The orthogonal polarization signal passes through the transversal filter, and then
subtracted from the co-polar signal to cancel the XPI.
The figure only depicts the cross-polarization interference cancellation of the vertical channel. The
operation of the horizontal channel is the same.
The cost function of the vertical channel to be minimized is the mean square error:
JV (n) = E ⎡⎣ε V2 ( n) ⎤⎦ (4)
The error function is
(n) Vo (n) − Vˆo (n)
ε V=
Vˆo (n) = sign(Vo (n)) (6)
V (n) and H (n) are the complex baseband signals of the vertical and horizontal channel.
The optimal coefficient can be obtained by:
∂JV (n)
=0 (7)
If equation (4) is substituted into (7), then we can have the following equation:
⎡ ∂ε (n) ⎤
E ⎢ 2εV (n) V ⎥=0 (8)
⎣ ∂C XPIC ⎦
The coefficient updating criterion is: + 1) C XPIC (n) + μ H (n)eV* (n)
C XPIC (n= (9)
V (n) + − Vo ( n) V (n) + − Vo ( n)
DEAF Delay Delay DEAF

Vo (n) I

V (n)(complex baseband signal ) + Vˆo (n) H ( n)

H ( n)

− + −

V ( n) + − Vo ( n)
ε V ( n)

H ( n)

H (n)

Figure.2 (a) Simplified block diagram of XPIC; (b) Three structures of combined XPIC and DEAF
43220 Junyi Yang/
Junyi Yang et al. / Procedia
Procedia Engineering
Engineering 29 (2012)
14 (2011) 14–22 3217 – 3221

3.2. Combination of XPIC and DEAF

As is shown in figure.2 (b), there are mainly three structures that can be considered [5]. The first
structure is shown in figure (1), first DEAF and then XPIC (abbr. “DEAF-XPIC”). Similarly, the second
structure is shown in figure (2), first XPIC, and then DEAF (abbr. “XPIC-DEAF”). Finally, the third
structure is that the XPIC and DEAF process simultaneously, as shown in figure (3) (joint XPIC and
DEAF, abbr. “XPIC&DEAF”). The XPIC and DEAF use the same error signal to update coefficients. The
performance comparison of the three structures above will be given in section 4.
Figure.3 (a) shows the details of the XPIC&DEAF. From the figure, we can see that the coefficients of
the XPIC and DEAF are controlled by the same error signal.
V (n) Vo ( n) IV
+ V
Vˆo ( n)

+ −

ε V (n)
H o ( n)
Hˆ o ( n) H IFH
H ( n) − QH
+ − QH
ε H ( n) nH

Figure.3 (a) Block diagram of XPIC&DEAF; (b) Block diagram of dually-polarized QPSK system

4. Simulation Results

In this section, the performance of different structures mentioned in section 3 will be evaluated and
compared with each other.
Figure.3 (b) is the block diagram of the simulation. A pair of 240Mbps QPSK signal is used. Relative to
the co-polar signal, a const attenuation and group delay are introduced in the cross-polar signal. The XPD
of the system is 8dB and the group delay equals 5Ts (Ts: sampling period). The XPIC and DEAF both
have seven taps.
without equalizer without equalizer

Eb/No (dB)



4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Eb/No (dB) XPD (dB)

Figure.4 (a) BER versus Eb/No with different structures; (b) Simulation results of Eb/No versus XPD at BER 1e-3
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et al. /Procedia
3217 – 3221 3221

Figure.4 (a) shows the BER curves of different structures in the presence of cross-polar interference.
From the figure, we can draw the following conclusions:
• The conventional DEAF can not cope with XPI.
• The conventional XPIC can bring some improvement to the system performance. However, we can
also see that the BER performance is better after add in DEAF. This indicates that the XPI will cause
ISI during the signal processing.
• The XPIC&DEAF has the best performance. The BER curve is almost close to the theory curve. This
indicates that the XPIC&DEAF almost cancel all the XPI and ISI in the system.
Figure.4 (b) is the simulation results of Eb/No versus XPD at BER 1e-3. The parameters of the system
are set the same as the last simulation. From figure.4 (b), we can draw the following conclusions:
• As the XPD increases, the required Eb/No that to keep the BER at 1e-3 decreases for both curves. This
indicates that the XPI degrades the signal quality.
• At the same XPD, the system with XPIC&DEAF requires lower Eb/No than that without equalizer.
However, the gap between the two decreases as the XPD increases.
• The cross point of the two curves is called input XPD observation capability. The input XPD
observation capability of the XPIC&DEAF is about 22dB for QPSK.
• At the same Eb/No, the gap between the two curves represent the XPD improvement after add in

5. Conclusions

The paper proposes an equalizer of joint XPIC and DEAF used in dually-polarized systems. A
performance comparison is made between DEAF, XPIC, XPIC-DEAF, DEAF-XPIC and XPIC&DEAF.
The simulation results show that the XPIC&DEAF has the best performance, and its BER curve is very
close to the theoretical value. From the results, we can also find that the XPI will cause ISI during the
signal processing. Therefore, a joint XPIC&DEAF is necessary in the dually-polarized systems.
As we know, the LMS algorithm may cause false lock phenomenon. Therefore, a further work can be
focused on how to eliminate the false lock problem. Fractional interval equalizer using CMA algorithm is
a good suggestion to solve it.


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