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You need the energy from the food and strength from adequate
rest. You also need to know all the exam requirements well. Consult
Gabriel S Konayuma
your teacher. Know how long each paper is and what the examiner
wants in your answers. Be encouraged that others that have gone
through exams were people like you. They went through the exams and
came out well. It can also be true of you. Those who have prepared well
never fear. They trust the Lord to remind them about what they have Introduction
read. How should Christian students use their minds in their studies? Why
should Christian students spend at least sixteen years of their lives going
(v) Lack of success in studies to school doing subjects which seem not to have much to do with
Sometimes you work hard, but your results have nothing to show for all Christianity? Why should a Christian student be subjected to
the long hours you put in studying your books. On the other hand others examinations? How does a Christian student deal with the fear of
do not study as much as you do yet they do much better than you. examinations? In order to shed more light on the subject of the Christian
Non-Christians do better than you. You wonder why this should be the student and examinations, this article will look at the following areas:
case. To make matters worse some teach that a Christian’s testimony  Definition of a Christian Student
counts if they get good results. Your poor marks could be because of
choosing subjects you don’t like. You just obeyed parents, guardians or
 The Goal or end of Christian Studies
friends to do the subject. Seek advice and pray for direction. In addition  Problems a Christian Student Faces
use the right methods in your studies. It is not the quantity of studies
that matters but the quality that matters. Do you have good up-to date 1. Definition of a Christian Student
notes? Do you make notes of your notes? Do you have group study Before defining who a Christian student is, it is necessary to define who a
discussions? There is strength in unity. Discussions help you to Christian is. A Christian is a man or woman, boy or girl who has come
supplement each others weaknesses. face to face with his or her sin and turned in true repentance to God and
Realise that non-Christians may and will do better than you. God grants faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. A Christian seeks to live a holy life which is
His gifts such as knowledge to all without discrimination. As a Christian pleasing to God. A Christian seeks to live to the glory of God.
do your best entrust God with the results. Just because you are not so
good in academic work does not mean you are failure in all aspects of A Christian student is a Christian who is engaged in studies of any kind,
life. be they academic, vocational, theological etc. A Christian student seeks to
know what God’s mind and will is about their calling in life. This article is
Conclusion meant for students that are in secondary school. However students at other
Be a Christian student. Not a student who happens to be a Christian. levels may find the lessons here useful for them. How should a Christian
May all who watch your life see that you are different. Do not use sinful view their studies? What should be the goal of a Christian as they pursue
means such as “exam leakages” to pass exams. Passing exams is not a their studies?
matter of life and death. Glorifying God is! Seek the glory of God in
your studies. Study diligently. Use the gifts that God has given you to 2. The Goal of Studies for a Christian
glorify Him. May your days as a Christian student be days of service In Mark 12:30 the Lord Jesus Christ gives a very important command in
where you will discover your calling. Amen! answer to one of the teacher’s of the law. In answering the question: “of
all the commandments, which is the most important, Christ
responds “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and with all your
Gabriel S Konayuma soul and with all your mind”. What does this mean? It means we are to
E-mail: love the Lord with the highest love, warm emotion, and activity. We are to
cling to the Lord and delight in Him as our chief good. We are to use
everything we have in obedience to God out of love for him. God has
given us minds so that we can glorify Him. In all we do as Christians our

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© 2006 by Gabriel S Konayuma © 2006 by Gabriel S Konayuma

goal should be to glorify God. Paul says: “whether you eat or drink or Thirdly, be a hard worker and glorify the Lord. Participate in class, do class
whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31). exercises and hand in your homework on time. Studies are a training of your
Your studies should be used to glorify God, not to satisfy your own mind. They help you to develop thinking skills and planning. Use your study
desires, to please your parents or to get a well paying job. In Colossians time in a way that pleases the Lord.
3:17 Paul says that “Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through (ii) A Failure to appreciate the usefulness of Studies
him (Col. 3:17). This makes a very big distinction between a Christian Sometimes a Christian student whether it is worth going to school studying
who knows God and seeks to live for Him and the non-Christian who unnecessary subjects instead of serving the Lord in full-time Christian minis-
lives only for herself or himself and seeks to use their education for their try. What does the Bible say on this issue? Nowhere, in any part of the Bible
own selfish ends. The first question in the Shorter Catechism of the are Christians urged to consider leaving their everyday tasks for “full-time”
Westminster Assembly states that the chief end of man is to glorify God work. You are not to seek the ‘most spiritual’ jobs seek after the best gifts.
and to enjoy Him forever. Is this your aim in your studies? Is this what The best preparation for God’s service is to serve Him in what you have to do
you seek after? In your actions do you seek to glorify God’s name? Dear right now. Studies are useful as they train your mind to be orderly, to use your
friend God has given you a body and a mind. May you use them for His memory well and to collect and analyse information. Studies also help you
glory alone! appreciate how God is the source of all knowledge.

3. Problems a Christian Student Faces (iii) Time Management

As you seek to glorify God in your studies, what are some of the Some students find managing time a problem. How do you allocate adequate
problems that you may face? Christian students face the problem of time to studies with other demands such as work at home, Church meetings,
tiredness and laziness, failure to appreciate the usefulness of our studies, extra-curricular school activities and so on? How do you manage your time?
time management, fear of exams, lack of success in studies and lack of Do you plan how you spend your time? You need to do so. Don’t you
reward from your studies. Let’s look at each of these in more detail. sometimes waste time in meaningless conversations, long TV or DVD
watching, or sitting through long committee meetings poorly chaired? John
(i) Tiredness and Laziness White says “when held hypnotically by TV, deliberately break your trance,
Someone may say “I just don’t seem to be able to work, but when wash your face in cold water and get back to your books”. Excellent advice!
exams come I panic. This is a real problem. Sometimes Christians don’t You need to be hardworking and use time in a wise manner. Studies are
hand in their homework in time or don’t hand in at all. Some feel bored important. So are church meetings, extra-curricular activities etc. So plan how
when it comes to studying certain subjects. Some Christian students find you use each day. Know yourself. How well do you remember things you
some of their teachers boring. study? Through self-study? Group discussions? Taking notes? Once you
know your study style then use it to your best advantage. You don’t need to
How should you conduct yourself when found in such situations? study the whole day just because your friend does so. People differ. Besides
occasional breaks from study are useful to give you time to refresh and re-
Firstly, seek the advice of an older and experienced Christian. They flect.
have been where you are. They can offer valuable help.
(iv) Fear of Exams
Secondly, talk to your teacher or careers master. Be honest with them. Fear of exams is natural. You ought to have a positive attitude to exams.
Tell him or her the difficulties you face. Tell them in a humble and wise Exams are meant to test your ability in a certain subject and what work you
way that you find the subject they teach challenging, but think it is are best suited for. Work steadily from the time you are in grade eight or
important. Ask them for help so that you can develop interest in the grade ten till the day of the exams. Steady, thorough work and revision will
subject and perform better. Pray for your teacher. repay your efforts in the end. To reduce or eliminate your fear of exams, plan
your studies. If you are well prepared you’ll have little to fear. You also need
to eat well and rest enough. Don’t go on unplanned fasts and highly reduced

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© 2006 by Gabriel S Konayuma © 2006 by Gabriel S Konayuma

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