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No Muscle Is an Island: Integrative

Perspectives on Muscle Fatigue
Department of Kinesiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA; 2Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics,
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, DENMARK; 3Department of Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Östersund,
SWEDEN; 4Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, CA; and 5Department of Kinesiology, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS

KENT, J. A., N. KRTENBLAD, M. C. HOGAN, D. C. POOLE, and T. I. MUSCH. No Muscle Is an Island: Integrative Perspectives on
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Muscle Fatigue. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 2281–2293, 2016. Muscle fatigue has been studied with a variety
approaches, tools and technologies. The foci of these studies have ranged tremendously, from molecules to the entire organism. Single
cell and animal models have been used to gain mechanistic insight into the fatigue process. The theme of this review is the concept that
the mechanisms of muscle fatigue do not occur in isolation in vivo: muscular work is supported by many complex physiological systems,
any of which could fail during exercise and thus contribute to fatigue. To advance our overall understanding of fatigue, a combination of
models and approaches is necessary. In this review, we examine the roles that neuromuscular properties, intracellular glycogen, oxygen
metabolism, and blood flow play in the fatigue process during exercise and pathological conditions. Key Words: BIOENERGETICS,

uscle fatigue, defined as the fall in maximal force Bigland-Ritchie and colleagues in the 1970s and 1980s
or power production in response to contractile (10,11,91), in vivo studies of skeletal muscle fatigue in
activity, by definition arises at least in part from humans benefit from an integrated approach that captures
failure of cross-bridge cycling within the muscle cells. information about the neural and contractile properties of
However, this contractile machinery relies on multiple sys- muscle during a variety of contraction protocols. For ex-
tems to support its work, including the nervous, vascular, ample, using both voluntary and electrically stimulated
and energy systems. Thus, as illustrated in Figure 1, failure contractions in a given fatigue protocol allows comparison
at any of the sites upstream from the cross-bridges can and of the entire pathway of force production with those events
does contribute to the development of fatigue (54). As such, occurring distal to the point of stimulation (see Neural ac-
no muscle operates in isolation in vivo. It is well understood tivation, below); methods such as transcranial magnetic
at this time that fatigue is complex and task-specific, making stimulation and EMG have been essential to advancing our
the use of both human studies and animal models important. The understanding of these neural processes that contribute to
focus of this review is to provide examples of how integrating a muscle fatigue (54). This approach was expanded in the late
variety of approaches and techniques can provide a more com- 1980s and 1990s by the addition of measures of intracellular
plete understanding of muscle fatigue. Although sometimes re- energy metabolism using in vivo magnetic resonance spec-
sults appear contradictory or inconsistent, the wide array of troscopy (MRS) (4,55,67). With addition of this technique,
conditions, protocols, and models used to study fatigue con- the role of energy production and the inhibition of force
tributes to the advancement of this exciting field of inquiry. production by its by-products (Fig. 1, Bioenergetics) became
possible in vivo. Because studies of human muscle fatigue
Using Fatigue to Probe the Integration of generally involve noninvasive measures, an approach that
Physiological Systems In Vivo tackles the question of fatigue from many different directions
Integrative approaches to studying muscle can be used to infer much about the causes of contraction-
fatigue. As so well by implemented by the work of Brenda induced loss of maximal muscle force or power.
Neural activation. Neural activation of the muscle in-
volves transmission of the signal to contract from the brain
Address for correspondence: Jane A. Kent, Ph.D., Department of Kine-
to the muscle_s transverse tubules and sarcoplasmic reticu-
siology, Totman 160A, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA 01003;
E-mail: lum (SR), with subsequent release of calcium into the cy-
Submitted for publication January 2016. tosol by the SR and initiation of cross-bridge cycling. A
Accepted for publication May 2016. combination of voluntary and stimulated muscle contrac-
0195-9131/16/4811-2281/0 tions can be used to evaluate changes in ‘‘central’’ and
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ ‘‘peripheral’’ activation of muscle, with those distinctions
Copyright Ó 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine largely established by the location of the stimulation elec-
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001052 trodes. For example, a greater decrease in maximal voluntary


Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

FIGURE 1—Pathway of force production. A simplified, conceptual schematic illustrating some of the sites that may contribute to fatigue during
muscular work in vivo. The signal to contract arises from the central nervous system (Central Activation) and involves the recruitment and rate coding
of motor units to modulate force production. The next step, peripheral activation, involves the transmission of AP across the NMJ and along the muscle
membrane, where the signal then enters the transverse tubules and initiates contraction in the process of ECC. Bioenergetic processes provide the
energy to support contractile function, and accumulation of by-products from these processes can inhibit force production. Delivery of oxygen and
removal of by-products can support bioenergetics and delay fatigue. Adapted from Kent-Braun (53).

force compared with the force produced by a separate (ATP)ases functioning at the sarcolemma, SR and cross-
supramaximal stimulation during a fatiguing contraction pro- bridges. The increased energy demand of contraction will re-
tocol provides evidence of ‘‘central’’ fatigue, or fatigue arising sult in the accumulation of metabolites known to induce
from sources proximal to the point of stimulation (10,11,52). contractile failure, including inorganic phosphate (Pi) and
An increase in force in response to superimposition of a hydrogen ion (H+; (54). Phosphorus MRS can be used to
stimulated contraction during a maximal voluntary contrac- quantify noninvasively and continuously (with ~2–10 s tem-
tion can be used to detect incomplete voluntary activation of poral resolution) the changes in these and other energy me-
the muscle (52). Sophisticated techniques including trans- tabolites in the cytosol of working muscle (4,52,55,62).
cranial magnetic stimulation of the brain and spinal cord and Various protocols have been used to probe the associations
complex EMG electrode arrays have also been developed to between fatigue and metabolic inhibition of contraction, and
parse out more specifically the sites of failure in the brain and the results are consistent with those observed at the cellular
spinal cord that may contribute to fatigue (54). (32) and molecular (24) levels. More recently, use of proton
Peripheral activation can be evaluated by changes in the MRS has shown that intracellular PO2 is maintained well above
m-wave or compound muscle action potential (AP), which is critical PO2 during single muscle group contractions (63), and
recorded by surface EMG electrodes placed over the muscle. thus oxygen availability does not appear to be a factor per se
The m-wave is the electrical response to a single, supramax- in fatigue under conditions of unrestricted blood flow (BF).
imal stimulation applied to the motor nerve just proximal to Contractile properties. The same stimulated contrac-
its innervation point at the muscle. During fatigue, changes in tions that are used to quantify changes in peripheral activa-
the amplitude of the compound muscle AP reflect an im- tion of the muscle can be used to indirectly evaluate events
pairment of propagation at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) such as excitation–contraction coupling (ECC) and calcium
or muscle membrane. Typically, failure at this site is un- kinetics within the muscle during fatigue. Decreases in force
common during voluntary contractions except during very in response to supramaximal stimulation of the motor nerve
high-intensity, prolonged contraction protocols (52), although following a contraction protocol indicate the magnitude of
high-frequency stimulation protocols can induce this type of peripheral fatigue, or that arising from changes at the NMJ,
peripheral ‘‘electrical’’ fatigue (37). In summary, much at- muscle membrane or within the myocytes themselves (67).
tention remains focused on clarifying the complex contribu- Further, a decrease in stimulated twitch or tetanic force in the
tions of neural activation to muscle fatigue in vivo. absence of a decrease in the amplitude of the m-wave sug-
Muscle bioenergetics. Muscular work must be sup- gests that the failure of force production is occurring distal to
ported by the ready supply of energy for adenosine triphosphate the sarcolemma (52). Changes during stimulated contractions

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in the rates of force development and, more commonly, re- specific variables representing explicit physiological func-

laxation also support the interpretation of contraction-induced tions to determine their independent effects on fatigue; once
changes in calcium kinetics or cross-bridge cycling (11). developed, the model was applied to the question of age-
In the next three sections, we describe three studies that related fatigue resistance.
applied different combinations of the measures described The approach involved development of distinct modules
above to address distinct scientific questions. In the first case, reflecting relevant physiological processes including motor
muscle fatigue was used to perturb homeostasis in individuals unit behavior, bioenergetics, contractile properties, calcium
with multiple sclerosis (MS), to evaluate the cardiovascular and force-generation kinetics, and biomechanical properties
response to contractions in this population (70). In another (Fig. 2) (16,17). The modules were populated with data from
example of the utility of an integrative approach to evaluating the literature, and once the forward dynamics simulations
fatigue mechanisms, an in silico study of fatigue that built were initiated, no further input was given to the model. The
upon studies in vivo by manipulating known factors in fatigue output from the model agreed well with reports from in vivo
is described (16). Finally, our third example illustrates how studies (62), both in young muscle and when adjusted to
understanding the bioenergetic contributions to fatigue can reflect age-related changes in neuromuscular properties (16).
explain the fatigue resistance of older muscle under isometric Changes in phosphocreatine and pH reflected changes in
conditions in vivo, and reveal new information about age- experimental data, including age-related differences. Fatigue
related changes in muscle metabolism. was well correlated with the concentration of diprotonated
Fatigue as a means of understanding multiple Pi, in both age groups. Analysis of the model output in re-
physiological systems: MS. Fatigue protocols can also sponse to various manipulations of the modules indicated
be used to stress the intact organism to evaluate the inte- that the predominant effect of age was that of a decreased
gration of various physiological systems in pathological reliance on glycolytic ATP production in the older muscle; a
conditions. For example, in response to a report that per- result that agrees well with available in vivo data (62). Thus,
sons with MS had an inadequate blood pressure response a modular, computational approach to the study of fatigue is
to isometric forearm contractions (76), a fatigue study was feasible and allows independent manipulation of various
conducted during which simultaneous measures of isometric mechanisms of fatigue. Future applications in aging and
force, beat-by-beat heart rate and blood pressure, intracellular pathological conditions should prove useful in augmenting
energy metabolites and pH, neural activation and ratings of in vivo studies and our overall understanding of the mecha-
perceived exertion were obtained (70). The hypothesis tested nisms of fatigue.
was that the blunted pressor response in MS observed by Age-related differences in acidosis during mus-
Pepin et al. (76) was in fact appropriate to a blunted metabolic cle contractions. On balance, the literature is clear in
response to the contraction protocol, as had been observed showing that older muscle fatigues less than young during
previously in this population (57). Although endurance time, and isometric contraction protocols (19). Under these conditions,
changes in heart rate, perceived exertion and neural activa- the primary source of this difference in fatigue appears to be
tion were similar in MS and controls during the sustained the fact that older muscle develops markedly less intra-
submaximal isometric contraction, the pressor response and cellular acidosis than young muscle during a variety of
changes in [Pi] and pH were blunted in MS compared with contraction protocols (20,56,62). Concomitantly, muscle in
controls. Further, the changes in mean arterial pressure were healthy older adults relies more on oxidative metabolism to
associated with the changes in both [Pi] and pH. Notably, the meet the ATP needs of the cell during contraction (20,62).
MS group had a normal response to the cold pressor test and To determine whether this difference in energetic response
Valsalva maneuver, both nonexercise tests of autonomic was related to an inability of older muscle to increase gly-
function. Thus, this integrative fatigue paradigm revealed that colytic flux to the same extent as young muscle, acidosis and
the blunted pressor response in MS was appropriate to the ATP production from the creatine kinase reaction, glycolysis
smaller metabolic perturbation during fatigue, and not a result and oxidative phosphorylation were determined in young
of cardiovascular dysautonomia in this cohort. and older adults during contraction protocols in which BF to
Integrative, in silico study of fatigue. Due to the com- the lower leg was left intact or occluded (62). The results of
plexity and interrelationships between systems that support this study showed that, although older muscle relied relatively
muscle force production, the study of fatigue in vivo is some- less on glycolytic ATP production during free-flow condi-
what limited to indirect measures. Recently, a computational tions compared with young, this difference was abolished
model was developed to address this limitation (16,17). In- during ischemia, indicating no impairment on the part of
formation in the literature from in vivo studies of neural ac- the older muscle to produce energy from glycolysis when
tivation, contractile characteristics, and energy metabolism necessary. Notably, the age-related difference in fatigue ob-
were combined with de novo experimental observations to served during free-flow conditions were also found during
develop the model. This relatively comprehensive model used ischemic contractions; thus differences in fatigue were not
an integrated approach, including some preexisting compo- attributable to differences in oxygen availability. In a follow-
nents (33), to evaluate the sites of failure during fatigue of up study, the availability of glycogen and intracellular oxygen
human skeletal muscle. This approach allows manipulation of as substrates for energy metabolism was examined using

INTEGRATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON FATIGUE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2283

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FIGURE 2—Computational model of fatigue. Illustration of the modules in a computational model of fatigue that correspond to physiological events in
the neuromuscular system. Simulations can be a useful approach to understanding the interrelationships between different processes involved in
repeated muscle contractions. Adapted from Callahan et al. (16,17).

carbon-13 and proton spectroscopy, respectively (Tonson et al, Compartmentalized energy utilization and pro-
personal communication). Once again, age-related differences duction in the muscle cell. Skeletal muscle is faced with
in acidosis and fatigue during intermittent maximal contrac- challenging problems related to metabolic regulation during
tions were observed, despite similar [glycogen] at baseline and exercise, where energy turnover nearly instantly can increase
rapid equilibration of cytosolic PO2 well above critical PO2 several hundred-fold during high intensity exercise and more
(63) in both age groups during the contraction protocol. Thus, than 20-fold during more prolonged aerobic exercise (85).
by combining approaches, it was demonstrated that age- This is achieved without substantial and potentially deleteri-
related differences in intracellular acidosis were not a result ous decreases in global myocellular ATP concentration,
of differences in substrate availability, at least in the form of demonstrating a remarkable precision of adjusting the rate of
glycogen and oxygen. ATP generating processes to the energy requirements (44).
However, the muscle cell forms many microenvironments
with restricted diffusional access of metabolites and high
Role of Glycogen in Skeletal Muscle ECC
ATPase activity during muscle contraction, which may result
and Function
in some locations within the cell where the metabolic envi-
As noted in section 2, mechanistic studies of contraction- ronment differs from the measured global energy status.
induced loss of maximal muscle force or power in skeletal The sequence of events leading to muscle contraction is
muscle have benefited from a whole-body, integrative ap- known as ECC (Fig. 3) and a number of the complex steps in
proach. However, this approach does not tackle the question ECC and relaxation are either directly or indirectly depen-
of fatigue at the isolated whole muscle or cellular levels, which dent on the energy level of the muscle fiber. Both the ion
can help explain processes observed in vivo. Indeed, single pumping at the transverse tubular (t)-system and sarcolemma
fiber studies have provided invaluable knowledge about fa- (Na+/K+-ATPase) as well as the myosin ATPases at the
tigue mechanisms in the complex systems that support mus- contractile apparatus and the SR Ca2+-ATPase are directly
cle force, for example, myosin–actin interactions, regulation dependent on ATP (Fig. 3, steps 1, 5, and 6) and are affected
of cytosolic Ca2+ by the SR, the force–Ca2+ relationship and by either low (ATP) or high by-products of metabolism
the role of cellular metabolism (1,72,89). In the following (e.g., ADP, Pi). Further, some of the ion channels involved
sections, we discuss how one of these important systems, in muscle activation and relaxation are indirectly regulated
cellular glycogen metabolism, affects muscle fatigue. by the energy status of the cell, including the SR Ca2+

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FIGURE 3—Skeletal muscle ECC. The sequence of complex events leading to the muscle contraction, known as ECC, starts with AP depolarizing the
sarcolemma and the t-tubule membrane (i.e., excitation), which induces conformational changes of the voltage sensors in the triad junction (steps 1–2).
The activation of the voltage sensors mediates an opening of the Ca2+ release channels (RyR1) in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and a subsequent 10-
fold to 20-fold increase in the cytosolic [Ca2+], which in turn initiates the cross-bridge cycle and force generation in the muscle fiber (steps 3–5). The
ensuing buffering and pumping or Ca2+ back to the luminal side of the SR, leads to muscle relaxation (step 6). Low muscle glycogen impair the SR
Ca2+ release, which in turn decreases the AP-activated increase in cytosolic [Ca2+] and hence the contractile activation. Further, low glycogen affects
the SR Ca2+ uptake and Na+/K+-pump activity.

release channel (25). The highly organized muscle cell forms are connected with proteins involved in glycogen metabolism
many compartments and thereby may have microenviron- and form a dynamic carbohydrate–protein complex compris-
ments with high ATPase activity and restricted diffusional ing a subcellular compartment that has the ability to respond to
access of metabolites. Thus, skeletal muscle cells represent the metabolic requirements of the cell (29,88). Moreover, it
an example of spatial organization where energy production has been demonstrated that these glycogen particles can be
from energy stores and energy-dependent steps in ECC are associated physically with the SR (29,88).
not located in close proximity. Still, within this organization, Glycogen and muscle function. In line with the
glycogen particles are distributed in local depositions and glycogen particle distribution, studies from the single fiber
thereby serve as an efficient energy store for the different to the whole body level collectively indicate that steps in
steps in ECC. muscle ECC and relaxation are affected by glycogen levels,
Muscle glycogen. Glycogen is the carbohydrate energy which may link low glycogen levels with a decreased mus-
store for ATP production and located primarily within muscle cle function (18,73,75). Thus, there is now compelling evi-
and liver cells. Glycogen can be observed by electron mi- dence that low muscle glycogen and/or glycolytic-derived
croscopy as spherical particles, widely distributed within the energy are associated with SR Ca2+ release and reuptake,
cell in close proximity to the sites of energy consumption, and Na+/K+-pump function (Fig. 3, steps 1, 3, 4 and 6; for
creating optimal conditions for efficient regulation (72,75). review see (72,75). This may also explain the importance of
Conventionally, three distinct subcellular localizations of glycogen as a fuel during exercise, which is a fundamental
glycogen have been defined: i) intermyofibrillar glycogen, concept in exercise physiology. Some of the first studies
which is located between the myofibrils in close proximity to using the needle biopsy technique, in the late 1960s, dem-
SR and mitochondria; ii) intramyofibrillar glycogen, which is onstrated that there is a strong correlation between muscle
located within the myofibrils interspersed among the con- glycogen content and endurance capacity during prolonged
tractile filaments most often in the I-band of the sarcomere; cycling exercise (9), and an inability to continue exercise
and iii) subsarcolemmal glycogen, which is clustered just when glycogen stores are limited (42). These observations
beneath the sarcolemma primarily next to mitochondria, have subsequently been confirmed numerous times and it is
lipids, and nuclei (72). In relative terms, intermyofibrillar now well established that glycogen oxidation is of major
glycogen is the major site of glycogen deposition, constitut- importance for ATP regeneration during both prolonged
ing approximately 75% of the cell_s total store of glycogen, exercise (91 h), and also during high-intensity intermittent
whereas intramyofibrillar and subsarcolemmal glycogen each exercise (39). In this context, it is noteworthy that endurance
account for 5%–15% of total glycogen. The glycogen particles and high-intensity exercise training not only improve

INTEGRATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON FATIGUE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2285

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performance, but also increase muscle glycogen content 3) the redox state, and 4) the cellular energy status (for review,

(39). However, the link between glycogen depletion and the see Dhar-Chowdhury et al. (25).
development of fatigue, as well as the precise mechanism(s) With respect to the role of glycogen affecting the SR Ca2+
whereby muscle glycogen affects the series of events that release, low glycogen may lead to local changes in meta-
ultimately result in fatigue, are not fully understood. bolic status of the compartmentalized cell, especially in the
Muscle glycogen can delay fatigue by maintaining energy triad region with RyR localization. This may lead to in-
transduction during aerobic exercise, as the maximum rate creased free [Mg2+] and decreased free [ATP], which within
of ATP production is much higher for muscle glycogen than the physiological range of changes in these metabolites, are
for blood glucose or fat oxidation (85). Further, glycogen strong regulators of the RyR1 (13). Further, clear evidence
may be important by producing tricarboxylic acid cycle in- has accumulated demonstrating that glycolysis preferentially
termediates permitting the maintenance of oxidative me- regulates membrane ion transport mechanisms. In line with
tabolism (85). Low glycogen per se may limit glycogen this concept, physiological data directly support the concept
phosphorylase activity and hence the overall glycolytic rate. of a regulatory role of glycolysis on SR membrane proteins,
Although the in vitro Km values of phosphorylase for gly- as glycolytic enzymes are associated with these membranes
cogen are G3 mM glucosyl units and the cellular concen- (38). Indeed, it was found that especially the glycolytic in-
tration is usually 9100 mM glucosyl units, the Km of termediate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, increased the opening
phosphorylase for glycogen is substantially higher in vivo probability of RyR channels (38). However, low glycogen
than in vitro (51). Interestingly, depletion of glycogen par- has also been demonstrated to modulate the Ca2+ release rate
ticles may be localization-dependent, with a higher relative in isolated vesicles without restricted metabolic space and
utilization of intramyofibrillar glycogen content (75). during resting metabolic conditions. This result may indicate
The important role of muscle glycogen is also apparent a crucial role of the metabolic machinery associated with the
when studying its effect on the steps of ECC, which is con- SR in maintaining endogenous metabolism. In line with this,
sistent with the understanding of muscle glycogen as having analysis of the RyR protein sequence reveals that it contains
rapid mobilization, being the precursor of glycolytic derived many phosphorylation sites. The capacity of protein kinase
ATP, having a high ATP production rate and that glycogen A (PKA) and Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII,
and the glycolytic enzymes are widely distributed within the fast twitch fibers) to activate the RyR1 channel has been
cell in close proximity to the energy consumption locations. reported (31), although studies in skinned and intact skeletal
Muscle glycogen and SR function. Studies from the muscle fibers have not supported this idea (12). However,
levels of SR vesicles, mechanically skinned and intact ro- the impact of phosphorylation and/or dephosphorylation on
dent single fibers, and human studies have pointed to a single RyR channel behavior and the role of glycogen and
modulating role of glycogen availability on SR Ca2+ han- energy status is at present not fully unraveled.
dling (18,26,73,74). A reduction in [glycogen] within the
myofibrils is correlated with impaired SR Ca2+ release both
Oxygen and Muscle Fatigue
in human muscle after prolonged exercise and in skinned rat
muscle fibers after repeated tetanic stimulation (73,74). The previous two sections have described how an inte-
Furthermore, it was recently shown that intact single mouse grative approach can elucidate the sources of fatigue in vivo,
muscle fibers undergoing repeated tetanic stimulations ex- and how muscle glycogen metabolism is essential to sup-
hibit a steep decrease in tetanic cytosolic [Ca2+] when porting contractile function at the cellular level. In this sec-
intramyofibrillar glycogen within the myofibrils reaches low tion, we turn to the role of oxygen in the development of
levels (71). Thus, the results of several recent studies support fatigue. Although numerous factors play into the fatigue
a link between glycogen depletion within myofibrils and process that occurs in skeletal muscle during exercise (highly
decreased SR Ca2+ release. At present, little is known about dependent on the type of exercise), one of the more studied
the precise mechanism(s) that link low glycogen levels in factors has been that of oxygen availability to the working
the muscle with an impaired SR Ca2+ release rate. muscle. It has been well appreciated that reduced oxygen
Possible effects of glycogen on the ryanodine availability to exercising muscle has profound consequences
receptor. In skeletal muscle, Ca2+ is released from the SR on muscle fatigue. However, it remains uncertain as to the
Ca2+ stores via specific Ca2+ channels (RyR1 isoform in skel- precise mechanisms by which O2 availability may affect the
etal muscle, Fig. 3, step 3). The RyR1 channels are located at fatigue process. Certainly, when the exercise is of a very high
the junctional SR of the SR-t tubule triad, which ensures effi- intensity, the oxygen availability to the respiring mitochon-
cient Ca2+ release to the contractile proteins. The RyR channels dria may be insufficient for the demand for ATP, resulting in
are modulated by numerous factors and in intact muscle, RyR1 an instability of the cellular metabolic homeostasis and lead-
interacts with multiple molecules and metabolites and is regu- ing to changes that induce fatigue. However, at submaximal
lated by various cellular processes (e.g., phosphorylation and exercise intensities, the role of O2 availability in the fatigue
oxidation). During exercise and with glycogen depletion, the process becomes a bit more curious. Increases in oxygen
main physiological modulators of RyR are conceivably: 1) uptake and ATP utilization rise in unison until V̇O2max is
Ca2+ (both cytosolic and SR luminal), 2) protein phosphorylation, reached, and at that point the demand for more ATP cannot

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be met by increases in mitochondrial respiration or oxygen thought to regulate tissue respiration and metabolism during

delivery. This tight coupling of ATP demand by the working work (ADP, Pi, phosphocreatine, etc.) may be modulated by
muscle to the ATP supply from the mitochondria only be- an interaction with tissue oxygenation levels. It was shown
comes uncoupled at the highest exercise intensities (see re- that, depending on the degree of tissue oxygenation, quite
view by Sahlin, (84). The manner in which O2 availability different amounts of these proposed regulators were required
may affect the fatigue process at less than the highest work to attain similar levels of V̇O2, suggesting that the mito-
intensities remains puzzling, and may have important conse- chondrial sensitivity to these proposed regulators of respira-
quences for human health, for example as in the hypoxia that tion and metabolism could be altered by tissue oxygenation
develops with living at altitude, in some lung and heart dis- levels. Additionally, Hogan and Welch (47) demonstrated
eases, and during the process of human aging. that at similar V̇O2 during low arterial PO2 versus normal
Since the early work of Krogh (61), researchers have arterial PO2 conditions, there is a greater intracellular muscle
attempted to measure and model the diffusion of oxygen to [lactate] and muscle lactate efflux in the hypoxemic condi-
the interior of cells. Although the importance of O2 for tion. It has been postulated that this is a result of an increase
maintaining energy balance within cells became appreciated in the rate of glycolysis brought on in part by the changes
with the delineation of oxidative phosphorylation, it has (due to PO2) in the concentration of some of those substrates
been postulated that the metabolism and function of many listed above (ADP, Pi, Ca2+) that regulate glycolysis, and that
cell types can be affected by intracellular O2 tensions at these changes can alter the development of fatigue. This
levels well above those considered rate limiting for mito- would occur independent of any O2 limiting situation.
chondrial function (83). This field of research has been dif- As with the factors that regulate muscle metabolism, the
ficult to reconcile due to the problems involved in the factors that cause reduced tension development and muscle
precise measurement of intracellular PO2. Whereas some of fatigue interact in a complex fashion (2,89). It is likely that
the methods for studying intracellular oxygenation and its various changes in the intracellular milieu can directly affect
effects on cell function have had methodological constraints, cross-bridge function or inhibit SR Ca2+ kinetics, both of
appropriate models to study these questions have also been a which will reduce tension production. Accumulation of H+
difficulty. There are limited data in skeletal muscle attempting and Pi has both been implicated in these processes, although
to measure intracellular PO2 values. For example, it is ex- the role of changes in pH remains controversial. Increases in
ceedingly difficult to remove the variability and heterogeneity [Pi] have been linked to decreased contractility in isolated
of the microcirculation and fiber population from estimates or muscle fibers (15) and decreases in SR Ca2+ release (6).
measurements of intracellular PO2. Whole muscle measure- Figure 4 (from Hogan et al. (46); using 31P-MRS) shows the
ments of myoglobin saturation, using MRS technology (79)
are able to at least measure the mean PO2 from a large
number of cells. The consensus from this work suggests that
while intracellular PO2 drops to very low levels during
moderate- to high-intensity exercise, the PO2 remains above
that which limits mitochondrial respiration. And although
knowing the PO2 within a working muscle fiber is important
for understanding mitochondrial function, it has become just
recently appreciated that the mitochondria can form a retic-
ulum throughout the myofiber and the utilization of O2 in
one area of the myofiber may transfer the energy charge to
another area of the fiber closer to the ATP demand (35).
Rumsey and colleagues (83) suggested that there is not
simply a minimal ‘‘critical’’ value for [O2] within the cell
below which oxidative phosphorylation becomes compro-
mised, but rather a range of O2 values that influence both
the metabolic and respiratory state of the cell. The regulation
of tissue respiration and metabolism has generally been
considered to be controlled by the levels of the substrates
needed to rephosphorylate ADP through oxidative phos-
phorylation, principally [ADP], [Pi], the [ATP]/[ADP][Pi]
ratio, and the redox ratio of NADH/NAD (see review by (5).
FIGURE 4—Influence of inspired oxygen on muscle work and inor-
It has been demonstrated (45) that the levels of some of these ganic phosphate. Relationship of muscle Pi concentration (means T SE;
proposed regulators may be influenced by the amount of O2 relative to resting values) and work rate for each of three different FIO2
available for tissue respiration, even when the O2 available conditions. Last open symbol for each FIO2 condition was when num-
ber of subjects was 4, whereas solid symbols represent mean exhaustion
is above that considered ‘‘critical’’ for tissue respiration. It time point for all six subjects. *Significantly different from other FiO2
was demonstrated (40,46), using 31P-MRS, that the factors conditions at this work rate, P G 0.05. Adapted from Hogan et al. (46).

INTEGRATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON FATIGUE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2287

Copyright © 2016 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
effect of different PO2 on one of these critical modulators of contributed to our understanding of fatigue over the years.

cellular function (including fatigue)—intracellular Pi. It can Almost without exception, experimental evidence gathered
be seen that at the same submaximal work intensity (rates of in animal species proves valuable to furthering our knowl-
ATP utilization and mitochondrial respiration will be the edge of human physiology and the basis for relieving the
same for any of the varied PO2), the intracellular Pi is in- burden of human disease. Comparative sequence analysis
creased with decreasing PO2, and this may have influenced has revealed genetic homologies across phenotypically di-
the earlier onset of fatigue in the low PO2 conditions. In verse species and, as the genes and diseases are the same, so
addition, recent evidence has pointed to the role of intra- is the therapeutic treatment. Insertion of a human disease
cellular [Ca2+] as a significant factor in the fatigue process, gene into the mouse genome causes that disease in the
and there is good evidence that release of Ca2+ from the SR mouse which then becomes indispensable as a model for
complex may be inhibited by changes in the other intracel- helping to understand and treat the disease in humans. It
lular constituents mentioned previously (including Mg2+) as should be noted that engineered animal models of disease
the ATP requirements become excessive (1). that produce a phenotype similar to that found in humans
Finally, numerous investigations have also implicated may not faithfully reproduce the mechanistic bases for that
oxygen radical formation during intense muscle contractions disease. As a result, therapeutic interventions developed
as a causative agent in the fatigue process (86). However, from such animal models often fail in human trials because
there remains a paucity of information related to the manner the models are too narrowly focused on a single pathological
in which intracellular oxygen tension affects reactive oxygen pathway. This overengineered approach, combined with a
species (ROS) production during contractile activities. It has lack of diversity of animal models (i.e., reliance on mice
been known from the early 1980s that ROS are generated by versus larger animals), has slowed drug discovery.
working skeletal muscle (23). ROS are generated in low Given the above, it is difficult to understand a defensible
amounts within resting skeletal muscle, and it is generally scientific approach to solving any physiological or medical
agreed that ROS production increases with contractile ac- problem that does not garner relevant evidence from both
tivity. Since ROS generation is dependent on the metabo- humans and animal species. This section highlights the se-
lism of O2, processes related to intracellular oxygenation are quence of discovery across species for several major scien-
of critical importance to this field of research. However, the tific advances as they relate directly to our present knowledge
oxygen dependence of ROS generation is poorly understood of muscle fatigue and especially the role of O2 delivery and
(21), and it has only recently become evident (22) that metabolism in those processes.
hypoxia can paradoxically induce ROS generation—thereby The alleviation of fatigue and exercise intolerance in
potentially affecting the process of fatigue. Ferreira and Reid health and particularly in endemic chronic diseases such as
(30) have postulated that muscle force production is sensi- heart failure and diabetes remains a cornerstone principle
tive to the muscle redox status, with inhibition of force at of modern medicine and National Institutes of Health fund-
either a very reduced or a very oxidized muscle redox state. ing strategies. For rhythmic contractions, muscle perfor-
At this time, after years of investigation, we still know mance is inextricably connected to the sustained and adequate
very little about intracellular O2 levels in muscle at rest or supply of oxygen. Consequently, any discussion of fatigue
during the conditions of increased mitochondrial respiration and fatigue mechanisms is not complete without consider-
caused by contractile activity and how this modulates ROS ation of muscle BF and O2 supply and their potential to im-
formation and the other factors that can induce fatigue. In pact contractile performance.
terms of contractile function, it should be clear that the In 1987, the ACSM Annual Meeting provided a forum (87)
changes in the intracellular metabolic state induced by al- for luminaries in the field to pose sentinel questions regarding
tered oxygenation states can have a profound impact on what was then known regarding skeletal muscle(s) BF during
cellular function. Increases in Pi, ADP, H+, ROS and other exercise. One impetus for this symposium was the, then re-
metabolites that occur with altered oxygenation state, inde- cent, article by Andersen and Saltin (3), documenting BF
pendent of respiratory rate, can seriously impair the activity in the human quadriceps approximately 2.5 LIminj1Ikgj1.
of the contractile and ion pump processes. In this way, cell This value was far greater than found previously by indi-
function can be compromised by the altered metabolic state cator washout/dilution, venous occlusion plethysmography,
of the cell that results from altered O2 availability, even or bolus infusion of cold saline in humans (3,49,58) and
when there is enough O2 available for the required respira- raised major concerns regarding control of the exercise hy-
tory rate. peremia and muscle metabolism itself. Cross-species com-
parisons featured in that symposium included the rat and dog
as well as human studies and highlighted the primary role
Is There a Disconnect between Human and Animal
played by research on animal muscle(s) in past and future
Fatigue Models?
scientific discovery.
In this final section of our review, we focus on the role of What are the upper limits to skeletal BF during
BF in muscle fatigue, to provide some historical perspective exercise? As demonstrated for the heart (left ventricle,
on how studies of both humans and animal models have 96 LIminj1Ikgj1) (65) and skin (2–3 LIminj1Ikgj1) (81), it

2288 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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was appreciated that organ BF could reach extraordinarily a distinct heterogeneity of BF among the thigh extensors

high levels. However, despite the existence of similar values in during submaximal exercise. Specifically, BF increased from
individual rodent muscles, skepticism regarding the radioac- the vastus lateralis and RF (most superficial) toward the
tive microsphere technique precluded mainstream acceptance deeper vastus medialis and vastus intermedius (~2-fold that of
of these values. Specifically, in rats running at 75 mIminj1, the VL). This is the precise pattern expected based upon
several muscles including the red gastrocnemius and vastus Laughlin and Armstrong_s (64) data obtained in rats almost
intermedius reached BF in excess of 3 LIminj1Ikgj1 (64). two decades earlier!
Furthermore, Musch and colleagues (69) recorded similarly Rat muscles composed of type I fibers sustain a higher O2
BF in the locomotor muscles of exercise trained foxhounds delivery/O2 utilization ratio during contractions compared
running maximally on the treadmill. In 1993, Richardson and with type IIs, such that their microvascular PO2 (which
colleagues (80) considered that the prolonged duration of the constitutes the O2 pressure driving blood–myocyte O2 flux)
Andersen and Saltin (3) knee extension protocol may have is greater and falls more slowly after the onset of contrac-
constrained both work rate at fatigue and maximal BF. Using tions (8,66). Based on these data and that of Kalliokoski
the same techniques as Andersen and Saltin during a more et al. (50), Koga and colleagues (59) hypothesized that
rapidly work rate-incremented knee extensor exercise test in the deeper thigh muscles should deoxygenate more slowly
trained cyclists, Richardson et al. (80) found that BF in- after exercise onset. Using high-power Time Resolved
creased to approximately 4 LIminj1Ikgj1, the highest mea- Spectroscopy–near-infrared spectroscopy the mean response
sured to date in human muscle(s). These values in humans led time for the deeper RF deoxygenation was indeed substan-
to widespread acceptance of the very high animal BF gathered tially slower than its superficial region (i.e., superficial RF,
using microspheres. Today, the microsphere technique has 37 s versus deep RF, 65 s, P G 0.05). This finding calls into
measured some of the greatest BF in skeletal muscle (rats question the interpretation of more superficial NIRS mea-
running at 96 mIminj1, vastus intermedius, 6.8 LIminj1Ikgj1) surements as representative of the muscle as a whole.
and also the diaphragm (costal diaphragm, 5.5 LIminj1Ikgj1) What is the role of nitric oxide in the exercise
(78). As well as establishing the extraordinary vascular ca- hyperemia? Early human studies investigating the role of
pacity of skeletal muscle(s), Barclay and Stainsby_s (7) ex- nitric oxide (NO) in regulating the skeletal muscle BF re-
periments using their classic canine gastrocnemius-plantaris sponse to exercise produced conflicting results (49). Whereas
model made it evident that, during maximal contractions, some investigators (27,34) found a significant role for NO in
skeletal muscle oxidative capacity was limited by O2 delivery the hyperemic response through NO synthase (NOS) block-
and not mitochondrial metabolism as was subsequently proven ade, others (28,90) did not. The reasons for these conflicting
for human muscle by Richardson et al. (79). results remain unclear, but they may have been associated with
How heterogeneous is BF among/within muscles differences in experimental design and methodologies used to
during exercise? As discussed in Poole et al. (77), animal measure BF (i.e., venous occlusion plethysmography, Doppler
muscle may be more highly stratified with respect to fiber ultrasound, constant-infusion thermodilution technique) along
type(s) than their human counterparts. This property means with varied exercise paradigms (i.e., arm versus leg exercise;
that animals may be ideal models for investigating skeletal exercising at different work intensities) used in these in-
muscle functional vascular and metabolic control during vestigations. In addition, unlike research using animals it is
exercise as related to distinct fiber types and their recruit- challenging to achieve full NOS blockade in humans.
ment during different exercise intensities and durations. Boushel et al. (14) have demonstrated that the hyperemic
Thus, Laughlin and Armstrong (64) determined that, in the responses to incremental knee extension exercise in both
resting rat, the soleus muscle supported a BF some sixfold that the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis are reduced in in-
of the white vastus lateralis and 2.5-fold that of the red gas- dividuals subjected to both NOS and cyclooxygenase
trocnemius. However, during high speed running at 75 mIminj1 blockade. Similarly, Heinonen et al. (41) using PET scan-
the red gastrocnemius BF increased to 1.4- and 7.5-fold that of ning showed that BF was reduced in the working quadriceps
the soleus and white vastus lateralis, respectively. Although femoris muscle by 13% during NOS and cyclooxygenase
many of the highly oxidative muscles were recruited at rela- blockade and if one examines closely the representative
tively slow running speeds their low oxidative counterparts cross-sectional PET BF images produced in that study it is
(such as the white gastrocnemius) required far greater speeds. evident that the reductions in BF occurred in the muscles
These investigations also dispelled the notion that muscles that were located very close to the femur (the more highly
comprised of slow oxidative (type I) fibers sustained higher oxidative muscles). These studies provided compelling evi-
peak BF (and metabolic rates) than fast twitch oxidative dence that NO bioavailability plays a significant role in the
(type IIa) muscles. Human muscles may possess very dif- hyperemic response to leg exercise in humans. They also
ferent fiber types both across muscles (e.g., %type I; soleus suggest that NO production and bioavailability make a
88%, rectus femoris [RF], 36%) and also, to a lesser extent, greater contribution to the hyperemic response of the deep
with respect to depth from the skin (deeper muscle has more (and more oxidative) muscles found in the human thigh.
type I fibers; (48). In 2000, Kalliokoski and colleagues (50) Interestingly, the results of Heinonen et al. (41) are very
using H2O15 positron emission tomography (PET) identified similar to those produced by Hirai et al. (43) nearly 2 decades

INTEGRATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON FATIGUE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 2289

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ago. Specifically, Hirai et al. measured BF with the radioactive However, as found in rats, BF to both the vastus intermedius

microsphere technique in individual muscles or muscle parts of and vastus medialis were significantly higher in the old men
the hindlimb during moderate treadmill exercise both before (82). In addition, in the old subjects, there was a markedly
and after NOS and cyclooxygenase blockade. Results demon- greater heterogeneity of intramuscular flow found within
strated that BF was reduced in 16 of the 28 muscles examined each of the muscles. These findings, initially in rats and
and that the reductions in BF were highly correlated with the subsequently in humans, reveal a complex effect of aging on
oxidative capacity of the individual muscles. In agreement with skeletal muscle vascular control and provide irrevocable
Heinonen et al. (41), the muscles demonstrating the largest evidence that animal studies are indispensable to unravelling
NOS-blockade-induced reductions in BF in the thigh region the impact of aging on muscle vascular control and hence
of the rat were those located deep and close to the femur. age-related exercise intolerance.
Can animal studies help unravel the complexities Conclusions. Perusal of the Nobel prize-winning sci-
of vascular control in age muscle? Understanding ence over more than a century reveals an effective symbiosis
how aging affects vascular control and the exercise hyper- between animal and human research leading to major ad-
emia in skeletal muscle is central to maintaining health, vances in physiology and medicine (Fig. 5). This is nowhere
exercise tolerance and quality of life. However, without more true than for progress in understanding the funda-
defining the healthy aging response the interactions between mental mechanisms of fatigue and the role of muscle(s) BF
aging and age-related diseases (i.e., chronic heart failure, and O2 delivery in facilitating or limiting exercise tolerance.
diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) cannot be Animal experimentation has yielded basic scientific infor-
defined and the most effective countermeasures to exercise mation, unraveled vasomotor control pathways and framed
intolerance undertaken. key questions that can then be addressed ethically in
Animals studies have consistently demonstrated that work- humans. As dealt with above, this symbiosis has been es-
ing muscle BF is not different (either at submaximal or pecially effective for discovering: 1) The upper limits of
maximal treadmill running speeds) in young (2–3 yr) versus muscle perfusion. 2) The extraordinary degree of BF hetero-
old (10–14 yr) beagles (36) or young adult (12 months) and geneity among and within muscles that permits exquisite
senescent (24 months) rats (60). In addition, Musch et al. matching of O2 delivery to V̇O2 during exercise. 3) The es-
(68) found that although total hindlimb muscle BF might be sential role of NO in vasomotor control. 4) How aging impacts
unaffected by age per se during submaximal treadmill ex- the exercise hyperemia. These provide just a few of a multitude
ercise in mature (6–8 months) and senescent (27–29 months) of examples where investigative science (and knowledge of
rats, there was a profound redistribution within and among fatigue mechanisms) has advanced through judicious use of
the 28 different muscles or muscle parts examined. Specifi- both animal and human models.
cally, in the old rats BF was increased in eight highly gly-
colytic muscles but reduced in six highly oxidative muscles.
Moving ahead 10 yr, PET scanning measurements of
exercising knee extensor BF revealed no difference in total Integrative approaches to the study of fatigue can provide
muscle flow in young (26 T 6 yr) and old (77 T 6 yr) men. unique information about the interaction of physiological

FIGURE 5—Summary of human and animal model studies of fatigue. Mechanisms of fatigue are not complete without considerations of muscle O2
supply (BF) and its impact on contractile performance. Accordingly, exercise hyperemia has been examined using a variety exercise paradigms and
different methodologies in attempting to discern whether there is a significant disconnect between animal and humans studies. As discussed in the text,
there appears to be no significant disconnect between animal (rat; treadmill exercise) and human (knee extensor exercise) investigations; however,
discoveries made in the rat precede, and, in some cases, may have inspired those found in humans. Overall, both animal and human models contribute
significantly to our scientific understanding of both physiology/pathophysiology, and both models should be considered to optimize scientific discovery.

2290 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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systems during stresses such as fatigue. Information about a variety of applications to understanding fatigue in aging.

multiple systems informs the overall interpretation of fa- Future work that expands upon the approaches described
tigue data, and provides the opportunity to develop novel here and other approaches in use today will continue to
hypotheses about how systems function under a variety of illuminate from the molecular scale to whole-body func-
conditions. Solving the complex mystery of fatigue re- tion the complex factors involved in the development of
quires both a combination of approaches within a given muscle fatigue.
study, as well the use of varied models across studies; a full
understanding of fatigue will best be served by commu-
nication among researchers working at all levels. In this
The authors report no conflicts of interest. There are no funding
review, we have provided examples of successful ap- sources to acknowledge for this review. The results of the present
proaches to the study of skeletal muscle fatigue, including study do not constitute endorsement by ACSM.

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