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Les rubies, les Émeraudes, le phare de la jungle et les alliés forment une ligne

La mort et ses serpents demeurent sous terre; ensemble, ils détruiraient le monde.
Celui entre la peau et l'écaille, le Barae Ras Nsi mène la charge.

Je me souviens de Ras Nsi. Pour les attrocités qu'il a commis, il doit mourir.
Qui est d'accord?

pour le protecteur, Charm of the Comet

As an action, you can force a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to focus
on you. For 1 minute, creatures other than you and the target are invisible to the
target. The effect ends if any creature other than you damages the target or forces
the target to make a saving throw. Once used three times, the charm vanishes from

Pour celui à la vie ruinée, Charm of Ruin

As an action, you can touch a nonmagical object, or a section of a larger
nonmagical object, that fits in a 5-foot cube. The target is reduced to dust. Once
used three times, the charm vanishes from you.

Pour celui à qui la noirceur aide autant qu'elle nuit, Charm of Midnight
You gain darkvision with a range of 60 ft. If you already had darkvision, it is
extended by 30 ft instead. The charm vanishes from you when you die.

Pour celle qui répare le corps des autres, Charm of Restoration

This charm has 6 charges. You can use an action to expend some of its charges to
cast one of the following spells: greater restoration (4 charges) or lesser
restoration (2 charges). Once all its charges have been expended, the charm
vanishes from you.

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