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OptaSense OS5.11 Manual – Module 8

Incorporating Ancillary Equipment and Interfaces
Valid for OS5 versions 5.11 until superseded

Date: February 2021

Issue: Issue 6

OptaSense Ref: OptaSense/ISM/971

© OptaSense Ltd 2021 OptaSense OS5.11 Manual - Module 8
Proprietary OptaSense/ISM/971 – Issue 6

Amendment Record
Issue Change Reason for Change Date
1 N/A First Release January 2020
2 N/A Updated SMS and Teltonika config sections. April 2020
3 N/A Updated NTP / SMS settings. October 2020
4 N/A Addition of HTTPS interface October 2020
5 N/A Logo Update February 2021
6 N/A Update regarding DHCP for Teltonika Unit February 2021


The document contains information proprietary to OptaSense and whose unauthorised disclosure would cause damage
to the interests of OptaSense . Requests for permission for wider use or dissemination should be made to your
OptaSense account manager.
Specification is liable to change without warning – please contact OptaSense for latest version.

Reference: OptaSense/ISM/971
Copyright © OptaSense Ltd 2021, Cody Technology Park, Ively Road, Farnborough GU14 0LX

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Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4
2 Installing External Comms and Other Processes ................................................................... 5
3 GPS Modem - Forwarding Messages via SMS ....................................................................... 8
3.1 Hardware Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Software Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 Config Import and Export .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Firmware Import ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Syncing CU / System to Modems NTP ....................................................................................................... 17
3.2.4 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3 Setting up SMS in the Software ................................................................................................................. 18
4 Email Interface ................................................................................................................. 21
4.1 Software Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Configuring the Interface .......................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Adding Admin Credentials to Apache James Server .................................................................................. 24
4.4 Adding Exception through Firewall ........................................................................................................... 25
4.5 Configuring Email Address Book ............................................................................................................... 25
4.6 Setting Alert Types .................................................................................................................................... 26
4.7 Email Address Consideration ..................................................................................................................... 27
5 System Health Diagnostics Reporting ................................................................................ 28
5.1 Forwarding Diagnostics Reports ................................................................................................................ 29
6 Camera Interface .............................................................................................................. 31
6.1 Calibration ................................................................................................................................................. 34
6.2 Setting Calibration Via LAT / LONG Coordinates ....................................................................................... 35
6.3 Setting Calibration Via Drawing on Map ................................................................................................... 37
6.4 Creating Camera Areas .............................................................................................................................. 38
6.5 VMS ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.6 VMS Setup 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 43
6.7 VMS Setup 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 47
6.8 Threat Rules............................................................................................................................................... 49
7 Moxa Dry Contact............................................................................................................. 50
7.1 Safety ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
7.3 Equipment ................................................................................................................................................. 51
7.4 Hardware Assembly................................................................................................................................... 51
7.5 Configuring Dry Contact Switch ................................................................................................................. 52
7.6 Configuring IP Addresses ........................................................................................................................... 53
7.7 Configure to Safe Mode on Loss of Eth Connection .................................................................................. 53
7.8 Configure Dry Contact Switch to use NTP Server ...................................................................................... 54
7.9 Configure the Output Relay Switches to be Defaulted Off........................................................................ 55
7.10 Export / Import System Config .................................................................................................................. 57

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7.11 Adding Dry Contact Process into the System ............................................................................................ 58

7.12 Dry Contact Wizard ................................................................................................................................... 58
7.13 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 59
8 OPC-UA Setup .................................................................................................................. 60
9 HTTP(S) Interface.............................................................................................................. 64
9.1 Running the Alert Injector ......................................................................................................................... 64
9.2 Running the Alert Injector ......................................................................................................................... 64
9.3 Confirming Alerts created in OptaSense ................................................................................................... 65
9.4 Confirm SDK server / Poster settings are setup correctly. ........................................................................ 66
9.5 Test Tool .................................................................................................................................................... 68
9.6 HTTPS Interface - Setup ............................................................................................................................. 69
10 Modbus Alert Reporting Interface ..................................................................................... 74
10.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 74
10.2 Adding the Interface .................................................................................................................................. 74
10.3 Configuring Modbus .................................................................................................................................. 74
10.3.1 Modbus Summary Reporting – General Modbus ...................................................................................... 75
10.3.2 Testing Modbus Summary Reporting ........................................................................................................ 76
10.3.3 Modbus Alert Reporting – Client Specific.................................................................................................. 78
10.3.4 Testing Modbus Alert Reporting ............................................................................................................... 79

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1 Introduction
This manual provides instructions for the installation and integration of ancillary components and
platforms onto an OptaSense system. The following ancillaries are detailed within this document:
 GPS Modem (SMS)
 Email Interface
 Camera Interface
 Moxa Dry Contact
 OPC-UA Interface
 HTTP(S) Interface
 Modbus

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2 Installing External Comms and Other Processes

The Email Interface within the OptaSense software is not installed by default.
To install the Email interface in the OptaSense software it is required to edit the System Descriptor
and to add the External Comms. To do this it, the following steps should be followed:
1. Stop all instances of OS5 running on system CU’s
2. Launch the OptaSense System Descriptor Editor
3. Login as OptaAdmin
4. Select a node
5. Select the ‘Configure Optional Processes’ button, as illustrated in Figure

Figure 1: System Description Editor

6. The user can then select which additional processes should be added to the node, as
illustrated in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Modify Optional Processes Window

7. Select ‘External Communications Controller’, and then click ‘OK’.

8. The process will then be added to the node

Figure 3: External Communications Controller Process

9. Then select ‘Finish’. The descriptor will then be saved and updated to the system.
10. Restart instances of OS5

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3 GPS Modem - Forwarding Messages via SMS

3.1 Hardware Setup
The OptaSense System uses a Teletonika RUT955 modem to provide SMS, Wi-Fi and NTP capabilities.
This Section will deal with setting up the hardware for SMS functionality.
The following schematic shows an overview of the modem’s connectivity. For details regarding the
modem’s specification, mounting and power requirements please refer to the manufacturer’s User
Manual. Note: The Modem is supplied with a 9V DC 2 pin adapter. The unit may be mounted via a
DIN rail kit.

Figure 4: Modem Schematic

The modem unit needs to have a working sim card inserted, only a standard SIM card will fit the
modem. If there is uncertainty over what a standard SIM is, It’s the biggest and oldest type of card
available. There is also an additional SIM slot, this can be used to provide dual redundancy. Slot 1 is
the primary slot. A handy reset tool (Highlighted in red - Figure 5 below) is in a recess near the units
reset switch, this can also be used to release the sim card holder mechanism(s).

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It is important to check that the Antenna for the primary SMS is connected to the connector on the
left-hand side of the unit (looking at the unit as shown below) which is labelled Main Antenna on the
unit’s front panel as highlighted inside the yellow ring.
Note: the silver Sim insertion tool as shown by the green arrow:

Figure 5: Main Antenna Label on Front Panel

Figure 6: Top Connections

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Figure 7: Bottom Connections

The RUT955 (NTP unit) can now be plugged into the systems Gigabit Ethernet Switch (GES) from the
port labelled LAN1 on the NTP (RUT955) unit.

Figure 8 - NTP Network Connections

Note: In most setups the system components will be connected through a gigabit switch we do not
recommend using the NTP unit as a network switch as the RUT955 is limited to 100 Base T, thus it
should not be used in place of a Gigabit switch.

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The modem should be installed into the equipment rack using the DIN rail kit which screws onto the
rear of the unit in two positions.

Figure 9: DIN Rail Kit

The DIN Rail Kit clips onto the DIN Rail Rack Installation Kit:

Figure 10: DIN Rail Rack Fixing Kit

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3.2 Software Setup

To get a connection from CU to the modem, both need to be on the same network. On the CU, right
click on the network icon in the bottom right hand corner of Windows home screen. Select Open
Network Internet settings.

Figure 11: Network Internet Settings

Right click on Ethernet and select properties.

Figure 12: Ethernet Properties

Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4) and then select Properties.

Figure 13: Internet Protocol IPv4 Properties

Change the IP address to be on the same network as the modem. The default IP address for the
modem is “”.

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This means the CU’s IP address can be “” for example. The Subnet mask can be left as
default. Select OK to commit the changes.

Figure 14: Changing IP Address

The modems interface should now be accessible. To access it, type in an internet browser and press enter. Internet explorer works well . The default login details are:
Username: admin & Password: admin01

Figure 15: Modem Login

When prompted to change the password, change it to OptaAdmin01

Now you are ready to open the Setup Wizard, this is found under the System drop-down menu.
Step 1: The Time Zone section can be left as default - Click Next

Figure 16: Step 1

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Step 2: In the mobile configuration section the APN details should automatically populate. If they
don’t but the details are known they can be manually entered by unchecking Auto.
Next, check the Show mobile info at login page check box.

Figure 17: Step 2

Step 3: Enable DHCP needs to be unchecked. This is very important as if this in enabled it will enable
this unit to work as a DHCP server which may cause ip conflicts and other issues to the connected
network. All other settings can be left as default and click Next.

Figure 18: Step 3

Step 4: Make sure Enable Wireless is unchecked, all other settings can be left as default and click

Figure 19: Step 4

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Step 5: Make sure RMS Settings: connection type is set to disabled from the drop-down box. Select
Finish to complete the setup wizard.

Figure 20: Step 5

Some operators block SIM cards after a period of inactivity. The SIM idle protection enables the unit
to periodically switch between SIM cards if a secondary is present, thus keeping both cards active.
Click on the Network tab, from the drop-down box select Mobile.

Figure 21: Selecting Mobile Tab

Select the SIM Idle Protection tab and ensure Enable has been checked. Choose a suitable time to
run the service, for example weekly, monthly. Choose a suitable host for the unit to ping ( is
good - Google). Select Save.

Figure 22: SIM Idle Protection

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From the System tab select Administration from the drop-down menu.
Go to Access Control and then Safety. Uncheck Enable from the SSH Access Secure section. Select

Figure 23: Disabling Secure SHH

Select WAN from the Network tab. The icon of a mobile antenna needs to be checked. Uncheck any
other checked boxes. Select Save.

Figure 24: WAN Status GUI

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The IP address of the modem now needs be changed to be on the same network as the PU.
Select LAN from the Network tab.
In the IP address field type the required IP address.
DHCP must be set to Disabled from the drop-down menu. This is very important as if this in enabled
it will enable this unit to work as a DHCP server which may cause ip conflicts and other issues to the
connected network.
Select Save.

Figure 25: Changing Modem IP Address

The interface will then become unusable, the CU’s IP address will now need to be reset to what it
was originally.

3.2.1 Config Import and Export

A preconfigured config can be imported into the unit. It’s important the config is compatible with the
unit’s model number and firmware version. Notice in the example file name bellow; Green: Model
No - Blue: Firmware Version - Red: Date Created.
Example: V03020-RUT9XX_R_00.06.00.3_2019_03_27.tar.gz.
From the System tab go to Administration and Select Backup. From here simply choose between
restore or download config. Note: When downloading a config, please follow the naming convention
as shown in the example above.

3.2.2 Firmware Import

From the System tab go to Firmware. Select Upgrade from file from the drop-down box, then
Choose file. Choose the required firmware file, example (RUT9XX_R_00.06.02.2_WEBUI.bin) and
click Update. The Modem will reboot for about 30 seconds. It will then be usable with its new
firmware. Firmware can be found here:

3.2.3 Syncing CU / System to Modems NTP

To configure a CU to use the modem as an NTP time source, do the following. In Windows search
type “date & time”, then press enter. Select “Additional date, time & reginal settings”, then “Date
and Time”. Select “Internet time”, then “Change setting”. Type the modems IP address in the server
box and select “update now”. The CU’s time zone can be set to the region it’s in.

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3.2.4 Troubleshooting
The modem has capacity for two SIM cards. This is to provide redundancy if one of the cards were to
fail. Note: If another card were to be added the unit would need a reboot.

3.3 Setting up SMS in the Software

Note: The External Comms process will need to be loaded into the system. For information on how
to add a process into the software, see section 2.
From the software tool bar, select the Engineering tab, then External Comms Setup. If the External
Comms Icon isn’t available, please refer to Module 6 Section 2 - you will need an administrator
account to make this change.

Figure 26: External Comms Button

In the interface box select add, then select GSMModem.

Figure 27: Adding Modem to System

Configure the modem by selecting “Configure”. Modem IP: is the address of the modem. Modem
Username needs to be set to “root”. Modem password is the password of the modem.

Figure 28: Configure to System

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After a short delay the red dot in the Connection Status box should change to green signal bars. This
indicates that the system is connected to the modem. If this doesn’t happen, please add an
exception to Windows Firewall. You can get information on how to do this in section 4.2 The port
number to allow is port 25.
To add a mobile number to the address book, right click in an empty space within the address book
area and select Add Entry.

Figure 29: Adding Address Book Entry

In the Add Entry box, enter a name in the name field, followed by the mobile number that the
notifications will get sent to. Make sure the Enabled checkbox is checked. Press ‘OK’.

Figure 30: Adding name & mobile number to address book

Phone Numbers should be added in in their local number format, unless they are sending

Figure 31: Phone Number (Correct Input)

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Figure 32: Phone Number (Incorrect Input)

Mobile Number Compatibility

 As you will note the phone number has been added with a prefix +44 as shown in the figure
above. If you send a real system alert (generated from OS5) to a phone number with the
prefix +44 (for example) the message will not send and will crash the modem. A power cycle
of the SMS unit is required to reset this issue after the prefix +44 (for example) is removed
from the External Comms Address Book.
 If you send a test text message from the External Comms Address Book, to a phone number
with the prefix +44 for example the message will be sent from the SMS unit.
 If you need to add an international phone number, you can add this by adding the number in
this format: 00447825000000
 The underlined numbers denote the Countries Code (44 Being the UK). A comprehensive list
of Area codes can be found here:

In the Alert type box select add. Then select what type of alerts and its severity should be forwarded
to address book entries. Note: multiple entries can be added.

Figure 33: Adding type of Alert to SMS

To refine information contained in the notification SMS, Select Show Wildcard. This will provide a
list of cards that can be added to the system. For example; using the card would provide a map link
in any sent SMS’s. If the recipient was to click on the link, they would be shown a point on a map of
where the alert was generated. To add a wildcard, simple copy and paste it from the Wildcards box
into the Alert Message Text box. Alternatively, it can be typed. To apply all the setting in this section,
make sure Apply All is selected.

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4 Email Interface
The External Communications Controller will need to be installed via the System Description Editor.
For information on how to install this, refer to Section 2

4.1 Software Setup

The email interface has been designed to communicate with external systems and users via email.
The interface can be configured to store as set of users and then assign specific actions to each user.
For example – users can be set up to receive different levels of alerts and system errors. Email
interface runs directly on the node which means that there is a requirement for the node to be
connected to some form of internet to allow emails to be sent.

4.2 Configuring the Interface

The following instructions are for configuring the Direct Email Interface:
1. Load the OptaSense Software
2. Run the External Comms GUI by clicking the satellite icon on the toolbar.
3. If the External Comms Icon isn’t available, please refer to Module 6 Section 2.
4. Click on the ‘Add’ button and select EmailInterface. Once the EmailInterface appears in
the “Interface” window it needs to be selected and then select “Configure”.

Figure 34: External Comms Configuration Dialog

5. Once the “Configure” button has been selected a pop-up window will appear. There are
three operating modes to choose from. They include,

 PU Via Third Party Mail Server: The PU has direct access to the internet, therefore
configure the service to talk directly to an external third-party SMTP server.
o SMTP Host Name: Host address of SMTP server.
o SMTP Port: Port number used by SMTP server to receive email.
o User Name: Host username.
o Password: Host password.
o From Address: Senders email address.
o SRATTLS Encryption Enabled: Offers upgraded encryption of mail if SMTP
server supports it.

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Figure 35: PU Via Third Party Mail Server Mode

 CU Direct to Destination: Apache James SMTP server will be configured to run on a

CU and will attempt to send emails direct.
o From Address: Senders email address.
o Admin Account User Name: The CU’s “Admin” username.
o Admin Account Password: The CU’s “Admin” password.

Figure 36: CU Direct to Destination Mode

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 CU Via Third Party Mail Server: Apache James SMTP server will be configured to run
on a CU and will use the provided information to login to another email server to
send the message. Note that sending messages via a third party mail server is less
likely to fall foul to spam rules.
o SMTP Host Name: Host address of SMTP server.
o SMTP Port: Port number used by SMTP server to receive email.
o User Name: Host username.
o Password: Host password.
o From Address: Senders email address.
o Admin Account User Name: The CU’s “Admin” username.
o Admin Account Password: The CU’s “Admin” password.
o SRATTLS Encryption Enabled: Offers upgraded encryption of mail if SMTP
server supports it.

Figure 37: CU Via Third Party Mail Server Mode

6. Once the details have been filled out for the required mode, select OK in the bottom right
of the window (Figure 37) Then select “there are unsaved changes” from the External
Comms Dialog window (Figure 34). Several prompts will appear, select yes to them all to
finish the installation.

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Figure 38: Installation Prompt

4.3 Adding Admin Credentials to Apache James Server

There are two operating modes that require admin credentials to be entered in the Apache James
Service running on the CU. They include,
1. CU Direct to Destination
2. CU Via Third Party Mail Server
Go to Windows Services and Right click on AJS and select properties. Select Logon and then This
Account. Select Browse.

Figure 39: Windows Services & AJS Properties

The Select User will appear, click in box “Enter the object name to select (examples):” and type
admin, then select Check Names. Select OK. Now in fields Password / Confirm password fill out with
the CU’s admin password. Select Apply to finish this part. In the Interface box, the Connection Status
icon should now be green. If it isn’t, carry out task in the next section 4.4.

Figure 40: Interface Box

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4.4 Adding Exception through Firewall

If a red icon appears it may be that Windows firewall is blocking the connection. To resolve this, go
to Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security and select Inbound Rules. From box Actions,
select New Rule. The New Inbound Rule Wizard will appear. Select Port and then Next. In box
“Specific local ports” type 25 and select Next. Then select Next and Next again as these window
options should be left as default. Finally Name the rule something appropriate. Select Finish to finish
this part.

Figure 41: Window Defender Firewall

4.5 Configuring Email Address Book

Contacts can be created in the address book using email addresses. Currently a separate contact
needs to be created for one person’s email address and mobile phone number if both the SMS
feature and Email Interface are being used. The following steps need to be followed to configure
email addresses:
1. Within the Address Book Entries section; right click and select “Add Entry” from the External
Communications Dialog.

Figure 42: Address Book Entries Window

2. This will open the “Add Entry” window (See Figure 43) within this window all information
needs to be added for the contact. Figure 43 below details an example configuration for an
email address.

Figure 43: Add Address Book Entry

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3. Ensure the “Enabled” check box is checked if the email address is to be used, once changes
have been applied by clicking the “Apply All” button the active entries Name should appear in
the Active Entries Pane.

Figure 44: Active Entries Pane

4.6 Setting Alert Types

The final step is to configure which alert types are to be reported via email these options will be
limited to the activity types specified in the current software build. The following steps need to be
1. View the current alert types in the “Alert Type” pane in the “External Communications

Figure 45: Alert Type Pane

2. The “Alert Types” can be deleted by left clicking on the “Alert Type” followed by left clicking
on the “Delete” icon.
3. The “Alert Types” can be added by left clicking on the “Alert Type” this will bring up the alert
selection window. Within this window the activity type can be selected via the first drop-
down box and the alert type (low, medium or high) via the second drop down box.
NOTE: Only one type of alert can be selected at a time, e.g. only one instance of the Activity
Detector can be present not a High Activity Detector and a Medium Activity Detector.

Figure 46: Alert selection window

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4. The final option in the “External Communications Dialog” is the “Alert Message Text” this
should remain as the defaults for the FAT but can be configured before SAT to meet any
requirements for the client. By selecting the Show Wildcards additional items can be included
in the message text such as a Google Maps link to the location and also the client specific KP
using the syntax shown.
The text in the Alert Message is free text and can be modified as required for the client, the
wildcards can be copied from the Wildcards window and pasted into the Alert Message or
can be typed using the syntax %Wildcard%, ie %AlertType%.

Figure 47: Selecting History Window

4.7 Email Address Consideration

There needs to be consideration over what email addresses can be used in conjunction with the
system. Using a non-business type address can cause issues in the sense that an external SMTP
server can see the mail as spam and reject it. It is therefore advised that a manged email service or
internal SMTP server is used to allow the email to reach its destination.

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5 System Health Diagnostics Reporting

A diagnostic report can be run to provide an overview of the systems health. There are a few things
that need to be setup for this to happen.
Note: In order to use Diagnostics Reporting, it needs to be licenced.
To run a report or check when the next auto report is due, go to Reporting from the toolbar and
select “History Window”

Figure 48: Selecting History Window

From the History Window check the radio button “Health diagnostics”. To run a report, select the
required date and click “Make Report Now”.

Figure 49: Compiling Report

Select the required location of where the file will be stored. Click save to compile the report.

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Figure 50: Saving Diagnostics Report to a Location

The report will automatically open in the CU’s internet browser. If it doesn’t, navigate to where the
report is stored and open the file “Health Report”.

Figure 51: Opening Diagnostics Report

5.1 Forwarding Diagnostics Reports

Reports can be forwarded to email recipients. The recipient will need to be on the email contact list.
For information on how to add a contact, refer to section 4.5. The type of email account also needs
to be considered. For information regarding appropriate email addresses, please refer to section 4.7.
Also note, in order to use Diagnostics Reporting, it needs to be licenced.
From the tool bar, go to Setup Wizard Window and select Diagnostics Reporting. There are two
options that need to set. “Schedule to generate automated diagnostics report” means how often the
system will generate and store reports in its database. “Saved reports will be deleted within the
database after” means the limit of time the system will keep reports before deleting them. Selecting
finish will commit any changes.

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Figure 52: Diagnostics Reporting Window

From the tool bar select “External Comms” . Now right click on the email address that is to
receive diagnostic reports. Select Edit Entry.Check the radio button Diagnostics Reports. Make sure
enabled is checked. Select OK to close the box and then Apply All to finish.

Figure 53: Selecting Diagnostic Report Mode

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6 Camera Interface
 The camera interface first needs to be installed via the System Description Editor.
 For the interface to work with a camera, the camera needs to be on the same network as
the PU.

Launch the software. From the Engineering tab select Setup Wizard Window.

Figure 54: Setup Wizard Window

From the Interfaces section, select Camera Interface. Select Add New Camera.

Figure 55: Adding a New Camera

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The next box requires details about the camera being added.
 Camera Name: Can be any name, however the name given will be reflected in the system.
 Camera API: There are two API’s available (PELCO & ONVIF).
 Camera IP Address: IP Address of the Camera.
 Username / Password Fields: Username / Password required to login to the camera’s web
 Latitude / Longitude: Is the physical location of the camera geographically and will be the
position it gets placed on the system map.
 Cameras Aspect Ratio: can be left as default.
 Deinterlace: Can be checked and may clean up the visual quality in the received camera

Figure 56: Camera Setup Details

Once the cameras added, go ahead and test it. Select Test.

Figure 57: Camera Test

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If successful, the following box will be shown.

Figure 58: Camera Test Results

To finish the install, select Finish.

Figure 59: Finishing Camera Interface Install

It has been noticed that for FLIR cameras do not accept HTTP Basic Authentication. This will need to
be turned off from the camera’s web interface before adding them to the OptaSense software.

To turn off HTTP Authentication log in as Admin and browse to Maintenance  Sensor  VMS
Remote  Authentication select the drop-down menu and choose Disabled.

Figure 60 Disabling Authentication on FLIR cameras

For the change to take effect, the camera needs to be restarted by going to Maintenance  Server
 Server Status  Reboot

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6.1 Calibration
From the Operations tab on the toolbar, select the Map Window.

Figure 61: Map Window

Notice on the Map, there’s a camera icon with a box around it. This means the camera needs
calibrating. Right click on it and select Calibrate “Camera Name”.

Figure 62: Calibrating Camera

There are two ways to set the calibration position. The first is to set it by entering LAT / LONG
coordinates. The second is to manually draw it on the map.

Figure 63: Calibration Options

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6.2 Setting Calibration Via LAT / LONG Coordinates

Every time the Cameras Calibration window is opened, the integrated camera will set itself to its
home position. To see this and to get a live feed, from the Operations tab on the toolbar select the
Camera Window.

Figure 64: Selecting Live Camera Feed from Toolbar

Selecting the Manual radio button will provide a live feed to the camera. If you have added more
than one camera, these can be selected from the dropdown box.

Figure 65: Live Camera Feed Window

With the camera in its home position, visually pick a spot in the middle of the image at least 50
meters away. As per red circle in the figure above. Now physically go to that location and take the
LAT / LONG coordinates. Those coordinates need to be inputted into “Target LAT/LONG at Zero
Bearing” fields.

Figure 66: Calibration Options

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Selecting OK will calibrate the camera but first it’s important to consider the following settings.
 Set by Bearing: Allows the cameras home position to be offset left or right. This is useful if
the cameras hardwired home position is inconveniently situated. Therefore, a more
convenient position can be set, which in turn enables a calibration point to be set relative to
the new home position.
 Calibrate Tilt: “Test Horizontal Tilt Limits” - This will force the camera to its full minus tilt
position. Notice on the live camera feed, the angle is displayed. This can help to determine
an appropriate value to input into the “Camera Reference Tilt Position” field. Setting a value
here will be the tilt position for a given area. (Areas are covered in section Creating Camera
Areas). “Reverse Tilt” - Changes the cameras tilt position to positive.
 Camera Height: This needs to be set to the physical height of the camera.

Figure 67: Camera Tilt Angle

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6.3 Setting Calibration Via Drawing on Map

Providing the map and fibre route have been geographically referenced, the calibration point can be
drawn on the map. From the map window right click on the Camera and select Calibrate “Camera

Figure 68: Selecting Calibration from Map Window

Select “Set from Map Window” and select OK

Figure 69: Calibration Options

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With the calibration window open, select on the map where you want the calibration point to be
positioned. Select OK to confirm the position.

Figure 70: Drawing Calibration Point

6.4 Creating Camera Areas

On the map window right click on the camera icon and select Add Area To “Camera Name”.

Figure 71: Adding Camera Area

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Now draw an area over the section of fibre you want the camera to cover.

Figure 72: Drawing Camera Area

The settings in the “Areas For Camera” window may need to be adjusted to suit the area being
 Area Channel Coverage (Highlighted in red): The zone coverage can be edited manually.
 Set Height: Allows a height to be set for an area. For example, if the camera is X above /
below sea level and the area is above / below the camera, obviously there is a difference in
height. If the difference is worked out, that amount can be entered.
 Set Zoom: Works like a snapshot. When selected, the cameras zoom will be used for the
entire area. To accurately get this to work, one should login to the camera’s web interface,
manually set the required zoom and then select “Set Zoom” on the Area for Camera

Figure 73: Camera Area Settings

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To edit the camera area, on the map right click on the camera and select “Edit Camera Area for

Figure 74: Edit Camera Area

The edit camera box will display all the areas setup for the camera. The numbers highlighted in red
represent distance in terms of channels, these can be edited. If “Overlap” is shown, this is because
an area overlaps another in terms of coverage. This isn’t necessarily a problem, just an indicator.

Figure 75: Camera Area Settings

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To get an overview of the camera, open the map window and click configure. Select the camera
interface from the drop down.

Figure 76: Camera Overview

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6.5 VMS
There are two ways in which VMS can be setup.

VMS Setup 1
The concept of setup 1 is that the VMS receives the commands, logs it and drives the camera / s.

Figure 77: VMS Setup 1

VMS Setup 2
The concept of setup 2 is that the OS drives the camera and VMS logs the commands.

Figure 78: VMS Setup 1

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6.6 VMS Setup 1

 The camera interface first needs to be installed via the System Description Editor.
 For the interface to work directly with VMS, the VMS needs to be on the same network as
the PU.

Launch the software. From the Engineering tab select Setup Wizard Window.

Figure 79: Setup Wizard Window

From the Interfaces section select Camera Interface. Select “Add New VMS”.

Figure 80: Adding VMS

The VMS configuration box will require details relevant to the VMS.
 VMS Name: Can be any name, however the name given will be reflected in the system.
 VMS: There are 2 VMS’s to choose from, Wavestore or Milestone.
 VMS IP address: IP Address of the VMS.
 VMS Port No: Port number of the VMS.
 Username / Password Fields: Username / Password required to login to the VMS.

Figure 81: VMS Details

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To finish the installation, select Finish.

Figure 82: Finishing VMS Installation

To get a live feed of the camera / s, from the Operations tab on the toolbar select the Camera

Figure 83: Live Camera Feed

Selecting the Manual radio button will provide a live feed. If you have added more than one camera,
these can be selected from the dropdown box.

Figure 84: Live Camera Feed Window

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To add a VMS area, on the map window right click and select Add VMS Area.

Figure 85: Adding VMS Area

Now draw a box around the required area.

Figure 86: Drawing VMS Area

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The settings in the “VMS Zone Configuration” window may need to be adjusted to suit the VMS zone
being setup.
 VMS: Select the drop-down arrow to select the desired camera.
 Select Overlaps: Can be used to select all overlapping area instances. An overlap is a zone
area that extends into another. It isn’t necessarily a problem, just an indicator.
 Zone Channel Coverage (Highlighted in red): The zone’s channel coverage can be edited

Figure 87: VMS Zone Settings

Select OK to finish the setup.

Note: Now that the OS has been setup to work with VMS / s, the OS VMS areas will need to be
mirrored in the VMS. This is not covered in this manual as we cannot predict the configuration of the
VMS / s.

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6.7 VMS Setup 2

Start from section 6 and work to the end of 6.4.
Having integrated the required camera / s, the VMS can now be bolted on as a logger.
From the Interfaces section select Camera Interface. Select “Add New VMS”.

Figure 88: Adding VMS

The VMS configuration box will require details relevant to the VMS.
 VMS Name: Can be any name, however the name given will be reflected in the system.
 VMS: There are 2 VMS’s to choose from, Wavestore or Milestone.
 VMS IP address: IP Address of the VMS.
 VMS Port No: Port number of the VMS.
 Username / Password Fields: Username / Password required to login to the VMS.

Figure 89: VMS Details

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To finish the installation, select Finish.

Figure 90: Finishing VMS Installation

Note: The setup of getting VMS to log commands is not covered in this manual. This is because we
cannot predict the configuration of the VMS / s.

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6.8 Threat Rules

From the Engineering tab on the toolbar, select Setup Wizard Window.

Figure 91: Setup Wizard Window

From the Interfaces section, select Camera Interface. Select Configure Camera Threat Rules.

Figure 92: Configuring Camera Threat Rules

Treat rules allow the user to prioritise where the camera will move first in the instance of multiple
alerts. Each alert type can be stacked accordingly by dragging and dropping them. The “Add Rule Set
to all OPS’s” will apply the threat priorities to all OPS’s. “Set Time To Track” is the time in seconds
that the system / camera will track an alert before moving on any other alert type.

Figure 93: Setting Threat Priority

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7 Moxa Dry Contact

There are several steps to configure a dry contact relay switch, these are:
1. Correct assembly of the dry contact relay switch.
2. Configuring the dry contact relay switch.
3. Configuring the OptaSense software.
Currently, the dry contact relay switch used is a MOXA ioLogik E2214 Active Ethernet I/O 6 Digital
Input, 6 Relay Output relay switch.

7.1 Safety
Ensure equipment is powered down and plug removed before connecting power MOXA ioLogik
E2214. Although low power (12-36VDC) possible fault situations could cause the power supply to
fail and provide a higher than normal voltage to the unit care should be taken when handling the
power supply for both units. Check the voltage supplied from the power supply with a multimeter (if
available); also ensure that the correct polarity for the power cable is connected. Positive is
normally denoted by a white line along the cable.

7.2 Function
The MOXA ioLogik E2214 is an RTU controller with 6 digital inputs and 6 relay outputs. Within the
OptaSense system the MOXA ioLogik E2214 controller provides 6 relay outputs which can be
configured by the user as required. A relay or dry contact refers to a secondary set of contacts
within a circuit which opens or closes controlling some other contacts or devices (siren, buzzer, lights
etc). These additional devices will be normally supplied by the client and an understanding of the
required alert and level are needed. Dry contacts are not designed to run additional devices directly
and normally provide zero voltage. Wet Contacts are normally limited to 30VDC max voltage across
the contacts.
The relay/dry contacts are typically in two states; Normally Open or Normally Closed. Normally
Open signifies that the circuit and relay is in an open state during normal operation. For example,
when running a siren which is only required to be powered at the instance of an alert or for certain
alert type.
In a Normally Closed situation the circuit would be completed at all times and be broken when the
relay is activated at the time of an alert. Multiple units can be linked together with each dry contact
triggering an alarm for a given “zone” of coverage. This can be done by location on a perimeter and
by KP / mile marker on a railway / pipeline, it should be noted that this reduces the resolution of the
On power up the default status of the dry contacts is off although this can be defined within the
ioLogik E2214 Controller configuration and changed to ON or PULSE, also it can be configured to an
interval which provides the ability to switch on the channel sequentially to avoid a sudden high
power burst.
On a power loss situation, the dry contacts open, if the system is designed to alert on an open
contact this would cause an alert to be transferred to the client system ensuring that the power lose
to the unit can be identified. Therefore, it is preferred that the default state of the dry contact set in
the proprietary software is OFF.

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Within the software the ioLogik device can provide three different output modes; HIGH, LOW and
PULSE. HIGH and LOW change the dry contact to ON (HIGH) and OFF (LOW) conditions. Whereas a
PULSE mode will change from a HIGH to LOW (or LOW to HIGH) for a user defined time interval.
If a dry contact is changed from one state to another, for example HIGH to LOW, when an alert is
raised this will stay in this condition until the alert is acknowledged by the user.
If the mode is set to PULSE the relay with change states for the specified time period and revert back
to its default state. Therefore, if no user interaction is required with the software then a PULSE
mode must be used. The OptaSense Map Display tote will display a maximum of 1000 alerts (most

7.3 Equipment
To enable the set up and configuration of the MOXA ioLogik E2214 the following is required –
 12-48VDC power supply
 Ethernet Cable
 Multimeter / Buzzer for testing
 Optasense Software

7.4 Hardware Assembly

The hardware assembly is illustrated in Figure 94. It should be noted that the dry contact can be
used for a wide range of applications in addition to a light or siren illustrated in the same Figure. It
can for example be used to interface to the SCADA system.

Figure 94: Dry Contact hardware assembly

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It is important to get the power leads correctly as shown in Figure 95. Once the 12 to 36 VDC power
line is connected to the ioLogik’s terminal block the power LED will glow a solid red (circled in green).
NOTE 0V needs to be connected to V- and if a rack ground is present and available this needs to be
connected to FG.

Figure 95: Dry Contact power leads

There are 6 relay switches (R0 – R5) (Figure 96) that can be connected to external devices each of
these relays have two output terminals that need to be connected to the external device how they
are connected will be dependent on the device being used. NOTE: For the FAT no external devices
are used, verification is achieved by the ON/OFF indicator changing due to alerts and errors.

Figure 96: Relay Outputs

7.5 Configuring Dry Contact Switch

There are a few steps that need to be completed to configure the dry contact switch. They are to
change the IP address to reflect the ND, configure the dry contact switch to alarm on loss of ethernet
connection, configure the switch to use the NTP server as a time server and to set the output relay
switches to be defaulted OFF (this needs to be coupled with the ioLogikConfig.txt file setup
discussed at the end of this Technical Advisory Note).

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7.6 Configuring IP Addresses

The first is to change the IP address the default IP address is The steps for changing
the IP address are as follows:
 Use a web browser to log on to the default IP address of
 Select the ‘Network Settings’ folder within the left-hand pane.
 Select the sub-directory ‘Ethernet Configurations’ which brings up Figure 97.
 Enter the required IP address, subnet mask etc to reflect the ND.
 Press ‘Submit’.
 The webpage will not be available now after the change. As a final
check, enter into a web browser the new IP address and check that it is set correctly.

Figure 97: Dry Contact Ethernet configurations

7.7 Configure to Safe Mode on Loss of Eth Connection

 Use a web browser to log on to the new IP address as per the ND
 Select the ‘Network Settings’ folder within the left-hand pane.
 Select the sub-directory ‘General Settings” which brings up Figure 98 below.
 The “Enable communication watchdog” box needs to be ticked and the time set to 10
seconds or user specific time period. NOTE: There is no requirement to change the other
settings (Server Name/Location or DNS Server)
 Finally click on “Submit” confirmation to save changes will appear select yes and the
changes will be saved.

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Figure 98: Dry Contact General Ethernet configurations

 On network outage this will put the dry contacts into the safe status mode as specified in
section 6.7. Once the unit has lost network connection and has entered safe status mode
it will continue in safe status mode until rebooted even with the network connection re-
established. Whilst in safe status mode if the network is lost again the unit will stay in its
current mode and not revert back to safe status.
 This safe mode on the dry contact ensure that they are reset to a “safe mode” ie off to
reset the alarm and to stop causing nuisance alarms. An alternative method to monitor
the communications with the ioLogik unit is to use the System Monitor and add the IP
address of the unit and use the OptaSense software to monitor the network

7.8 Configure Dry Contact Switch to use NTP Server

 Select the ‘Basic Settings’ folder within the left-hand pane.
 This will bring up the Basic Settings view (See Figure 99 below) Enter the IP address of the
NTP server into the “Time Server” field and ensure “Web console” is enabled. If the
customer is not using an NTP server, enter the IP address of the PU being used for system
 Click on “Submit” this will then ask to save changes select yes and the changes will be

Figure 99: Setting up dry contact relay switch timeserver

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7.9 Configure the Output Relay Switches to be Defaulted Off

 Select the ‘I/O Settings’ folder within the left-hand pane.
 Then select the sub-directory ‘DO Channels’ folder within the left-hand pane.
 Select each DO Channel in turn (DO-0 to DO-5) this will bring up the option window as
detailed in Figure 100 below and select the “Power On Setting” to OFF and “Safe Status
Setting” to OFF. This ensure that the software forces the dry contact to open and when
power is lost the contacts open. With a Safe Status of off this will raise an alert to the
user if network connection is lost.

Figure 100: Configure the output relay switches to be defaulted ON

 Depending on the user requirements it may be preferred to either set all relays to the
same safe status i.e. all off or opposite to the default or designate a signal dry contact to
indicate a network issue and all other dry contacts revert to the default position so that
spurious alarms are not raised.
 Once all outputs DO-0 to DO-5 have been set to on the dry contact relay switch
configuration needs to be saved and rebooted to do this the “Save/Restart” folder needs
to be selected this will bring up the Save/Restart window as detailed in Figure 101 below.
Within this window select “Submit”.

Figure 101: Save/Restart window

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 The dry contact relay switch will now restart, and all DO outputs will now be OFF. This
can be confirmed via the status lights as seen in Figure 102 below.

Figure 102: DO output status lights

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7.10 Export / Import System Config

It is possible to export the ioLogik System Configuration to save the existing configuration and also to
enable the configuration to be imported into a replacement or secondary unit if required.
 To Export the configuration file under the System Management menu in the left-hand
pane select Export System Config
 Click the hyperlink displayed to export the system configuration file and save to an
appropriate location
 Upload the exported System Configuration file to the Project Workspace on Huddle

Figure 103: Export System Configuration

 To Import the system Configuration, select Import System Config from the System
Management Menu
 Browse to the location of the ioLogik configuration file (i.e. “ik2214.txt”)
 Click Import to import the file to the unit (Note: The file import process may take around
10 seconds. Do not disconnect power or network cable unit the file import has been

Figure 104: Import System Configuration

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7.11 Adding Dry Contact Process into the System

Please refer to section 2 on how to install a process into the system via the system descriptor

7.12 Dry Contact Wizard

If the Dry Contact (or IOLogik) controller is required for the system and has been included in system
descriptor, the option to configure the Dry Contact via the OptaSense Configuration Wizard. Initially
the Dry Contact will not be configured for use; the user will need to create a set by selecting the
“Create Set” button (Figure 105).

Figure 105: Dry Contact Configuration

Once a set has been created user is able to add the Host IP address from the ND and the number of
IOLogik outputs (default 6), if additional Dry Contact (IOLogik) units are to be installed additional sets
can be created with the individual IP addresses for the units.

Figure 106: Dry Contact Set Creation

The user can then configure each individual Output on the Dry Contact unit. This includes the
default state, either high (closed) or low (open), and also to report a high (closed) or low (open) on
any system error or high alert (option changes depending on the default state). If report high/low
on any high alert is deselected and the “In-Zone Configuration” is required, an additional window
will open allowing the user to add the In Zone Configuration for the specific IOLogik Output (Figure).
To bring up this window, right click in the In-Zone Configuration window to add an In-Zone

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Figure 107: In Zone Configuration Window

The user is then able to enter the specific OPS number and also the Channel range for the output to
the identified with. This enables the dry contact output to be classified with a specific zone on a
specific OPS which allows additional user configuration on how the dry contact operates on the
system. Once the required OPS and channel range has been entered it is possible to enter how long
the output pulses (to Low) for in seconds and also which alert level (Low, Medium or High). It is then
possible to select the individual alert types for the dry contact to trigger; the unit can be configured
to trigger on multiple alert types or single alerts types.

Figure 108: Alert Type Details

7.13 Troubleshooting
If IOLogik is displayed as ‘Crashed’ in ‘System Health’ or doesn’t appear in the ‘System Health’ at all
after you have added it in the ‘System Description Editor’ please ensure you have fully closed the
OptaSense software and open it again. If IOLogik still isn’t working properly please remove it from
‘System Description Editor’ and add it again. For any other Dry Contact software issues please
investigate the IOLogik Logs. As MOXA is a 3rd party system for hardware issues please refer to the
MOXA external manual.

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8 OPC-UA Setup
To integrate OPC-UA into OS software, it will need to be installed via the System Descriptor. For
information on how to install a process, refer to section 2. Note: The older version of OPC-DA
(Matrikon explorer) still features in earlier OS versions, however it is now being phased out by this
interface and is NOT available to new clients. For information on how to install this older OPC
variant please consult an earlier release of the OS Installation Manuals.

The following schematic shows a basic arrangement of OPC-UA connectivity.

Processing Unit
Generating Alarms
in Distributed
OptaSense Database, with
Control Unit enabled OptaSense
OPC-UA Interface
TCP/IP Backbone Server process

Acoustic Data

Figure 109: Setup Wizard Button

Launch the OS software. From the Engineering tab select Setup Wizard Window. Then the Interfaces
section select OPC-UA 1.

Figure 110: Setup Wizard Button

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The OPC UA 1 section will require details relevant to the client (Client: Clients OPC-UA Software).

Connection Settings
 Port: Is the port number the server (PU) uses to pass /receive data. Typically, this can be
left as default unless required.
 Bind to all Network Interface address: Can be checked when there is a single client within
the network. Works like an auto client scan.
 Bind to specific Network Interface Address: Can be checked if the IP address of the client
is known.
Note: If there is to be multiple OPC-UA Interfaces in a system (For example OPC-UA 1 and OPC-UA
2), using the Bind to specific Network Interface Address ensures each OPC-UA Interface can be linked
to the correct client.
OPC-UA Configuration
 Username & Password: Is where a username / password can be specified and therefore
required by the client. Typically, this can be left as default (Anonymous) if security isn’t a
Alert Level Settings
 Send only High Alerts: Can be checked so that the system will only post high-level alerts.
 Send only New Alerts: Can be checked so that the system will only post new alerts and
not updates of existing alerts.
Log Message Settings
 Lowest Level of log message to send: Can be selected to refine what type of log messages
will be posted (Not alert).

Figure 111: OPC UA 1 Configuration Section

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The OPC UA 1 - OPS section can be used to specify which OPS / s will post data to the client.
Highlight which OPS’s are required and select the right arrow to move them across to the right box.

Figure 112: OPC UA 1 Configuration Section

The OPC UA 1 - Alerts section can be used to specify which Alerts will be posted to the client.
Highlight which type of alerts are required and select the right arrow to move them across to the
right box. Once all the required settings have been set, select Finish to save the changes.

Figure 113: OPC UA 1 Alerts Section

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Because there are various software’s that can operate as a client to the system, this guide will only
give a basic overview of what may be required for the system to pass data to the client. Below is the
typical connection settings for an OPC-UA client. The minimum information required should be,
 Server Information / Endpoint: is a connection string. The required string will be:
opc.tcp:// [SERVER_IP] : [PORT] /ola-opcua
 SERVER_IP is the IP Address of the PU.
 PORT: Is the port number the client uses to receive data. Typically, this can be left as
default (12686) unless required.
 An example of a full string is opc.tcp://
 Transfer Protocol: Should be set to opc.tcp

Figure 114: OPC-UA Client Connection Settings

Note: the CU, PU, IU and OPC-UA Client will typically need to be on the same network for everything
to communicate.

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9 HTTP(S) Interface
To integrate the HTTP(S) Interface into OS software, it will need to be available as a service via the
System Descriptor Editor. For information on how to install an additional process, refer to section 2.
This chapter first verifies that alerts are being received on the system (and on the desired test CU)
and then sets up the HTTP service to verify that alerts can also be received on that channel.

9.1 Running the Alert Injector

To allow Alerts to be created without an Interrogator Unit (Sensor), an Alert Injector has been
provided. This will create Alerts for testing purposes into the OptaSense System.
NOTE: Alert Injector should only be used for test purposes once set up this should be connected to an
IU and tested with real data/alerts.

9.2 Running the Alert Injector

 The Alert Injector can be accessed visa the Test Utilities tab of the OptaSense toolbar.
Please note, however, that this feature should be added to the OptaEngineer role during
the set-up wizard.

Figure 115: Alert Injector icon in the Test Utilities tab of the OptaSense toolbar

 The following screen should be displayed. This allows all fields of the alert to be entered so
that this can be generated and captured by the OptaSense software. The fields are as
o Number of OPS – describes the number of ‘sensors’ a particular System can have.
For Test purposes, normally this is set to 1.
o Alert Duration - This is the duration of the first alert, an alert always starts at
o e.g. The above setup would create 1 high level alert starting at 06/01/12 00:00:00
and ending at 06/01/12 00:00:10
o Updates – Each update is set by default to be 1 second apart
o Updates – With each update the track moves one channel until the end. If it gets
to the last channel of the fibre route it would stay at that channel for the rest of
the updates.
o The number of alerts per day area is used to define how many of each alert level is
 Please populate all fields to correct inject an alert.
 Finally, select the ‘Inject Alerts’ button.

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Figure 116: OptaSense Alert Injector

9.3 Confirming Alerts created in OptaSense

To view the Alert List, the Operation tab of the toolbar is selected, and the Alert List Window button
is pressed as shown.

Figure 117: OptaSense Toolbar, operation tab

The map can be selected also from the Operation tab of the toolbar as shown below:

Figure 118: OptaSense Toolbar, operation tab

As the unique alerts are inserted into the database they will appear on the alert status panel on the
right-hand side of the map window, as shown in the image below:
For updated alerts the end time will automatically update as they are generated.

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Figure 119: OptaSense Map Display

Please note that only ‘High’ level alerts will be displayed in the Alert List.
Low & Medium Alerts will be displayed on the Map display.

9.4 Confirm SDK server / Poster settings are setup correctly.

From the OptaSense toolbar select the engineering tab and open the wizard and select the OLA
Interfaces option. From there, select HTTP Interface 1.

Figure 120: HTTP Interface 1 Window

Depending on the set-up enable the receive and broadcast options to reveal the outgoing settings.
Set the clients server as the test tool IP address.

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Figure 121: HTTP Interface

The next section allows the configuration to output or block the alerts from any of the available

Figure 122: HTTP Interface OPS’s

The last section allows the configuration to output or block the individual alert types from being
posted via the HTTP tool.

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Figure 123: HTTP Interface Alerts

9.5 Test Tool

Once the OptaSense GUI has been restarted, you can check to see if the server is running by starting
the HTTP Interface Test Tool provided in the software.
The tool can be found in ‘Test Utilities’ and ‘HTTP Test.

Figure 124: Launching HTTP Test Tool

The HTTP Interface Test Tool window will then open, allowing the user to test that the HTTP
interface has been successfully configured.

Figure 125: HTTP Interface Test Tool

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9.6 HTTPS Interface - Setup

To integrate the HTTP(S) Interface into the OS software, it will need to be available as a service via
the System Descriptor Editor. For information on how to install an additional process, refer to
section 2.
In terms of functionality, HTTPS operationally performs in the same manner as HTTP, outlined
above, however with the additional benefit of sending secure messages encrypted using Transport
Layer Security.
To configure this additional functionality in the OS software, the following extra steps are required
to generate a self-signed certificate to upload to the PU to enable the HTTPS test interface:
 Within Windows ProgramFiles, navigate to \OptaSense5.11.x\bin\utilities and run the script

Figure 126: generateHTTPSInterfaceTestCert.bat

Complete required fields when directed:

1. The hostname of CU.
2. IP Address of CU.

A file is created in C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\httpsTest.keystore, it is recommended this

is copied to a safe location. This certificate will act as the self-signed certificate to load into the
HTTP(S) test tool on the GUI to authenticate the HTTPS test server.

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Open the HTTPS test tool, check use HTTPS and select the start HTTPS button, this will open up a
dialogue, select the keystore file, at this point the HTTPS interface is running but not paired to a

Figure 127 - HTTPS server activation

 It is now necessary to extract a pem certificate from the CU. This can be uploaded to the PU,
which will then create a private key so secure messages can then be generated and
published. Open the internet browser (Firefox) on the CU and navigate its own IP address
using the following format - https://192.168.x.x:8007/

Figure 128: Extract certificate

 Once connected, the webpage should show received ok. From here select the Firefox
security shield and navigate to Connection Not Secure Arrow > More Information > View

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Figure 129: Certificate Download

 Download the certificate and save in the same location as the keystore file. Run Windows
ProgramFiles \OptaSense5.11.x\bin\utilities\importCertToJavaKeystoreOnPU.bat. This batch
file is used to upload the generated pem file to the PU to complete authentication.

Figure 130: Upload pem to PU

 Complete the batch file by entering:

1. The full Windows path to the pem file.
2. IP Address of the PU
3. OptaAdmin password to authenticate upload credentials

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4. Type yes to confirm the upload (note this will not be visible)

On successful completion of this step, the HTTPS server tool can now be set up to provide
confirmation that messages are being sent via HTTPS. Open the HTTP Interface Test Tool and
navigate to the Receive from HTTP interface:

Figure 131: HTTP Interface Test Tool

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 Select Use HTTPS checkbox and point to the Keystore file saved previously. Given there are
no errors with the certificate file, you should be able to start the HTTP(S) server. Select start
HTTPS server button and test by sending zoned in alerts and verify the XML message data
output is displayed within.

Figure 132: Starting HTTP(S) Server

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10 Modbus Alert Reporting Interface

10.1 Introduction
The OptaSense Modbus interface is a 16-bit TCP/IP interface designed to allow the mapping of alerts
and errors to discrete Modbus channels. This therefore allows the presence of an alert on the
OptaSense system to be notified and can be further investigated and understood via the OptaSense
system interface.
To present this data via a Modbus interface, the OptaSense server will construct and hold an array of
registers, sufficient in quantity to maintain an Alarm register and an Acknowledgment register for
each channel. Depending on how many alert types are required, this can be a total of 2 registers per
channel (up to 16 alert types) or 4 registers per channel (up to 32 alert types). Configuring which of
these sizes is used is an adjustable setting within the OptaSense system.
There are two methods of interfacing with Modbus available in OS5. The first, which is applicable for
OS3.6 and above, utilises a summary method of publishing alarms. This method is the simplest of the
two methods, where alarm information will be published, but cannot receive any acknowledgement
information back from the Modbus system. Modbus Alert Reporting is an interface created
specifically for one of our customers and allows the user to receive Modbus information based on
channel numbers and alert types however, this would need to setup specifically for each new
customer request. Both interfaces can be run at once however it is essential that they are not run off
the same port or to the same source IP address. Please also consult the Modbus interface
specification for further information.

10.2 Adding the Interface

The Modbus interface is attached to the system as an external process on the System Descriptor.
For information on the manipulation of the Descriptor please consult OS5 Manual Module 4 and 13.

10.3 Configuring Modbus

In the setup wizard found in the OptaSense software, the following can be configured:
 Connection Settings:
o IP address of card connected to third party system
o Modbus Interface port
 Modbus Configuration Settings:
o Starting register value
o Number of registers per channel (2 for Summary Reporting or 2/4 for Alert
 Mapping of Alert types to Register flags
 Mapping of Devices
This section will describe the steps involved in configuring the above. For more information on the
config wizard please consult OS5 Manual Module 7.
To launch the setup wizard, click on the icon found in the ‘engineering’ tab in the OptaSense

Figure 133: Engineering Tab

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10.3.1 Modbus Summary Reporting – General Modbus

With the setup wizard launched, select the ‘interfaces’ tab from the menu found on the left-hand

Figure 134: OptaSense Setup Wizard

With the interfaces window open, scroll down to the ‘Modbus Details Interface’ option and select
this option.

In this window, the connection settings can be configured. The IP address will be predetermined
before installation but can also be found in the network diagram. As a default, the port will be the
IANA well-known port of 502. All device requests will be passed through this port to the ‘virtual’
devices. In this window, the user can see which numbers the Modbus alerts are mapped to. As the
System status uses the address 40001, the starting register address is typically 40002. The system
will either use registers per channel (up to 16 alert types).

Figure 135: Modbus Summary Reporting Interface

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10.3.2 Testing Modbus Summary Reporting

To test the MODBUS Summary interface, a polling device should be attached to the network that has
connectivity to the IP address specified above.
The remainder of this document contains reference to the use of the MODBUS Poll tool that is
available from MODBUS Tools. This tool simulates the continual polling of the MODBUS register
entries on the given port.
Open the Modbus poll tool and under the setup menu, select ‘Read/Write’ definitions.

Figure 136: Modbus Poll Utility –Setup Tab

1. Once opened, you should be displayed with the following window:

Figure 137: Modbus Poll Read/Write Definition

 The slave ID would be what is configured in the wizard Modbus section (by default this is 1 and
does not need to be changed unless changed in the wizard).
 The function should be chosen to be “03 Read Holding Registers”.
 The address should always start from 0.
 The quantity field is how many registers Modbus poll should read. This number is ‘(n * 4) + 4’
where ‘n’ is the number of detectors being used.
 In the rows panel, always select ‘Fit to Quantity’ and select Apply then OK.
 Open the ‘connection setup’ window. This is accessed through the connection menu.

Figure 138: Modbus Poll Utility – Connection Tab

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2. Once opened, you should be displayed with the following window:

Figure 139: Modbus Poll Utility – TCP/IP Setup

 The connection should be set to Modbus TCP/IP

 The mode should be set to ASCII
 In the ‘Remote Modbus Server’ panel section, the IP address should be set to that configured in
the wizard (the address of the node running the process)
 The port should be what is configured in the wizard, the default it is 502 and should not be
changed unless changed in the wizard
 Once all these parameters are set, you can press OK and data should be displayed in the
 To test, inject alerts into OLA and ensure the correct registries are changed.

The figure below shows how the mapped alerts from the OptaSense software appear in Modbus poll
software. The first register 0 is listed as -1, this denotes that the ‘System Health’ is in the red state, if
the system is in a green state this will be 1. Register 1 shows the total number of all unacknowledged
high alerts (10) in the system. 2 shows total medium alerts (5) and 3 shows low alerts (2). The next
register, 4, shows the map no 9 (Alert Type) which corresponds to vehicle. The next 3 registers are
the number of high, medium and low alerts. Register 8 is the map number to head the next 4
registers and so on and so on.

Figure 140: Modbus Registers

Note: Right Image above; The first 4 registers are always taken by: System Health. Total number of high system
alerts. Total number of medium system alerts. Total number of low system alerts. The mapped numbers that
follow will appear as per detectors order.

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10.3.3 Modbus Alert Reporting – Client Specific

With the setup wizard launched, select the ‘interfaces’ tab from the menu found on the left-hand
side, clicking ‘Modbus Alert Reporting - Alerts’ will bring up the Modbus Threat Mapping section.

This section allows the configuration to output or block the individual alert types from being posted
via the Modbus interface. To add a new alert, simply click ‘Add’ found at the bottom of this window.
Likewise, to remove an alert from being publish, click ‘Remove’.

Figure 141: Modbus Threat Mapping

Once the threat mapping is complete, click ‘Next Section’ to go to the ‘Modbus Device Configuration’

The Modbus interface utilises ‘devices’ as a method of mapping alerts. These devices will not exist as
separate electronic devices but are akin to predefined database ‘Views’ allowing the interface to
request a segment of the fibre data rather than having to interpret the full data set.
Each device can be set with a ‘Device ID’ which can be entered in this section. Also, this section
where the start and end channel for the channel range to be associated with this device can be
entered. Please note, the channel range cannot exceed 63 channels.
Error messages will be displayed if inappropriate integers are applied throughout the set-up process.

Figure 142: Modbus Device Configuration

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10.3.4 Testing Modbus Alert Reporting

Once the OptaSense GUI has been restarted, check to see if the Modbus interface is running by
starting the Modbus Test Tool included in the toolbar within the “Test” tab.

Figure 143: Modbus Test Tool Button

With the Modbus Test Tool launched, the launch window will open to the ‘Modbus Alerts’ tab,
Figure 144. This tab is where the Modbus Test Tool can be started, and once started, alerts can be
Prior to starting the tool, it is worthwhile reviewing the other tabs to ensure they are configured
correctly for the tool to work.

Figure 144: Modbus Alerts Tab

The Device Config tab (Figure 145) displays how the Modbus devices are configured. It is vital that
this window matches the settings set in the ‘Modbus Device Configuration’ window in the setup

Figure 145: Device Config Tab

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The Threat Config tab (Figure 146) displays which alert types are mapped in the Modbus register. No
settings need to be changed in this tab.

Figure 146: Threat Config Tab

The final tab in the Modbus Test Tool is the General Config tab (Figure 147). In this tab, the following
needs the entered:
 Port: 502 (default)
 Modbus IP Address: The IP address of the node running Modbus
 Modbus Poll Period (ms): 2000 (default)
 Starting register: Must match value entered in ‘Modbus Details Interface’ in setup wizard
 Registers per Channel: Must match value entered in ‘Modbus Details Interface’ in setup

Figure 147: General Config Tab

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With the Test Tool fully configured, by clicking ‘start’ in the Modbus Alert tab will launch the tool. If
successfully configured, OptaSense system alerts will now start to appear in the Modbus Alerts tote.
Verification of the test can be done by acknowledging an alert in the tool and comparing with the
OptaSense system that this alert has been acknowledged.

Figure 148: Modbus Alerts Tab (With Alerts)

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