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The Water of Life

Version 2:
~ Shooting Script ~

Scene 1
Location: Palace Gardens

Characters: 3 Brothers, Old Man.

Long before you and I were born, there reigned,
in a faraway country, a king who had three sons.
Now this king once fell very ill, so ill that nobody
thought he would live. His sons were very much
grieved at their father’s illness <Enter the 3
Brothers> and as they were walking mournfully
through the palace gardens one day <Enter the
Little Old Man> a little old man met them and
asked what was matter with them. At once, they
told him of their father’s sickness and that were
afraid that nothing could save him.

Little old Man:

I know what would: it is the Water of Life. A he
could get a cup of it all would be well again… But
it is not easy to get.

Eldest Son:
I will find this water and save my father’s life!

<We see the Eldest Son striding through the

palace gardens up into the palace>
Scene 2

Location: King’s bedchamber

Characters: Eldest Son, King, (Background

characters? Guards?)

Eldest Son:
Father, o Father - I beg you - let me go away to
find this Water of Life, for it is the only thing
that can save your life!

My son, I’d rather die than place you at such
danger as you will surely encounter on your
journey. I cannot allow it.

Eldest Son:
Oh, but Father, you have to let me go! Your life is
in such grave danger, Father! Let me prove
myself and you will see! Go on, let me!
<aside> If I find this Water and bring it to my
Father, I will surely be made sole heir to his

Very well, my son. You, my eldest child, shall
journey out into the world. Far thee well!
Scene 3
Location: Mountain Pass

Characters: Eldest Son, Dwarf

Where are you off to so fast, Prince?
You’re a bit keen aren’t you?

Eldest Son:
I beg your pardon?

I said, where are you off to, young prince?

Eldest Son:
What business is that of yours, midget?

So that’s how it is, is it!

<the dwarf rubs his hands together, eyes closed,

murmuring mysteriously as the prince trots past>

And as the prince rode on, the path became
narrower more difficult, so he made to turn

<A strange laughter fills the prince’s ears as he

tries to turn, the gravel sound of a large stones
being moved into place, the prince in vain tries to
stir his horse to action - camera shots?>

The prince got off his horse and stepped a little

way up the path until it was clear he had
nowhere left to go, and again the loud laughter
rang about him until he could not move an inch
in any direction, stuck as he was between two
Scene 4

Location: King’s Bedchamber

Characters: Second son, King, (Guards?

background characters?)

Back in the palace, the King laid in his bed
anxiously awaiting news of his eldest son’s
return, until at last, the second prince came to
his father’s chamber…

Second son:
Father, I will go in search of the Water of Life.

My son, the way is perilous and hard, I would
die myself than lose another son… I cannot let
you go!

Second son:
But Father, my brother has been gone for a long
time, I will go and find where he is and we shall
bring back the Water together – two heads are
better than one after all!
<aside> My brother has clearly lost his way,
now the kingdom will be mine if I get hold of
that Water…

Oh, my son. I see I cannot change your mind. Go
on, then, my second born son, out into the world
with you! Fair thee well…
Scene 5

Location: Mountain Pass

Characters: Second Son, Dwarf

Where are you hurrying off to, young prince?

Second Son:
Are you speaking to me, dwarf?

Why, yes, prince.

Second Son:
Well that does not concern you, titch!

So that’s how it is, so it is!

<the dwarf begins murmuring strange words and

moving his hands in a peculiar manner>

And so the second prince rode on past the dwarf
and, as with his brother before him, the way
grew narrow and difficult until a strange
laughter rang through the prince’s ears. And as
with his older brother, the prince tried to turn
his horse back, but found he could not, and he
too was forced to remain stuck in the heart of
the mountains.
Scene 6

Location: Palace/Mountain Pass

Character: Youngest son, Dwarf

And when the King’s second son had been gone
a long time, the third went to his poor father
and gained permission to go in search of the
Water of Life, and came to the same mountain
pass as his brothers before him…

Young Prince, where are you off to?

Youngest Son:
I am going to find the Water of Life because my
father is on his deathbed, and the Water is the
only thing that can save him. Can you help me? I
do not know the way.

Do you know where the Water is found?

Youngest Son:
No, I don’t know. Please, if you know something,
can you help me?

<smiling> Well, then. As you have spoken to me
kindly, and are wise enough to seek advice, I will
tell you how and where to go… the Water you
seek springs from a well in an enchanted castle;
so you will be able to reach it in safety, I will
give you an iron wand and two little loaves of
bread; strike the iron door of the castle three
times with the wand, and it will open: two
hungry lions will be lying down inside in wait of
their prey, but if you throw them the bread they
will let you pass; then hurry on to the well , and
take some of the Water of Life before the clock
strikes twelve, for if you dither about the door
will shut upon you for ever.
Youngest Son:
Thanks, little fellow. Fair thee well!

Scene 7

Location: Moving scenes/progression –


Characters: Young Prince, 3 Lions, Knights,


<the scene moves through different lands –

deserts, seas, etc. – until a castle is seen in the
distance, which the camera zooms in on until
focused on a formidable-looking iron door>

The Young Prince followed the dwarf’s
instructions and travelled over land and sea, till
he came to the enchanted castle.

<the prince fumbles for his iron rod>

The door of the castle flew open at the third

stroke of the wand, and when the lions were
calmed he walked on through the castle until he
came to a beautiful hall. Around the hall he saw
a number of knights sitting still, locked in a
trance; then he went and pulled off each of their
rings and put them on his own fingers.
He came to another room and saw on a table a
sword and a loaf of bread, which he also took.

Further inside the castle he came to a room with

a couch inside upon which sat a beautiful young

O, Prince, I’m so happy you found me!

Young Prince:
My Lady, why do you sit here like this in such a
strange place?

I have been waiting in this castle for you for a
long time, spellbound. If you find out how to
break the spell and set me free you are sure to
be richly rewarded. If you come to find me a
year from today, the kingdom will be yours.

Young Prince:
I will surely come, my Lady, but first I must go to
find the Water of Life…

The well that holds the Water is in the palace
gardens, but do hurry! Take what you want, but
leave before the clock strikes twelve!

The prince walks on into the beautiful palace
gardens, until he came to a delightful shady spot
<the prince sees the couch in the centre>

Young Prince:
<to himself> O, I’ve come so far and seen many
strange and wonderful things, but none as
lovely as these gardens – I’m so tired, perhaps I
could rest just for a little while…
<so the prince laid himself down upon the couch
with a yawn>

<Suddenly, the clock strikes a quarter to twelve:


Young Prince:
<cries out!> O no! The Water!
<the prince jumps up from the couch and dashes
for the well>

The prince comes upon the well and fills the
nearest cup to him with water, and runs to the
palace as fast as he can go. The iron door slams
behind him so quickly and forcefully that a piece
of his heel is taken off by it.

<All is silent for a moment>

Scene 8

Location: The Mountain Pass

Characters: Young Prince, Dwarf

When the young prince found himself safely
outside the castle, he was full of joy to think he
had got hold of the Water of Life, and as he
made his way homewards, he came again to the
mountain pass where he first met the little

Oh-ho! Look here - you have yourself a noble
prize indeed: that sword, with a single swing,
can cut down whole armies. And that little loaf
will never fail you.

Young Prince:
Thank you, kind dwarf. But now I must journey
on back home to my father’s palace. I journeyed
to find this Water to make him well again, and
with him his kingdom.

<the young prince looks pleased with himself,

until suddenly a strong feeling takes hold of him –
rep. by camera/music/posture - as though he’s
forgotten something>

Young Prince:
<thoughts - aside/to camera> I have forgotten
My brothers! I cannot return home to my father
without my brothers!

<to dwarf> My dear friend, my brothers are lost

- they came here before me, in search of the
Water of Life. Do you know where they are?

Ah young prince, they found themselves lost
when they chose not to ask for help! Their
proud ways led them to be shut up between the
mountains, by my charm.

Young Prince:
Kind dwarf, I cannot return to my father without
my brothers, for he will blame himself for losing
them. Please, free them from your charm!

Hmm. They made their own beds!

Young Prince:
O my friend! They are not perfect, you are right.
But I know as soon as father sees them again all
will be well again. I beg you dwarf, reverse your

Prince, you ask much of me, but I will do it for
you – though beware of these brothers of yours,
for their hearts are bad…
Scene 9

Location: Mountain Pass/Faraway

Kingdoms/Sea - Ship

Characters: Young prince, Second Son, Eldest Son.

<opening on two groggy brothers>

Eldest Brother:
What a terrible dream!

Second Brother:
Brother, brother! How terrible it is to see…
sleep… to have been asleep all this time!

Youngest Brother:
Not to worry, my brothers, for I have wonderful

And the Youngest prince proceeded to tell his
brothers what had happened to him on his
adventures; how he had found the Water of Life
and taken a cupful of it; how he had set a
beautiful princess free from a spell and was
engaged to wait a whole year for him, after
which time they would be married and she
would give him the kingdom. By the end, the
young prince was breathless with excitement,
telling his brothers how he had gotten the dwarf
to release his brothers from the dwarf’s spell…

Eldest Brother:
Good brother, your story fills me with joy! You
have found the Water we both were unable to
find which means our father’s life is saved.

Second Brother:
That you returned to save your two brothers,
too, means we are forever indebted to you.

Youngest Brother:
And I know you would have done the same for
me, dear brothers. Come now, the way home is
long and our father awaits us…
<the brothers ride on into the distance, on into a
strange country in a state of war, famine, general
decline - can these places be represented by

On their way home, the brothers came to a
country ravaged by war and famine where the
people were suffering untold hardships. The
prince gave the King of the land his bread, and
the kingdom ate of it, and then lent the king his
sword, with which the king slew his enemies,
and kingdom thrived once again in peace and
plenty. The youngest prince befriended two
other countries in this way...

<drama experiment with shadow puppets here to

convey the movement of armies, the shift from
war to peace, from famine to plenty, the use of the
bread and the sword, etc.>

The brothers came soon to the sea, and boarded

a ship bound for their home.

Eldest Brother:
Our brother found the Water of Life that we
could not find!

Second Brother:
Our father will certainly forsake us when he
finds out!

Eldest brother:
Our brother will be given the kingdom, which is
ours by right.

Second Brother:
He sleeps now.

Eldest Brother:
We must act now!

<the brothers are seen creeping about their

sleeping brother, the eldest is seen pouring out
the Water of Life and the second son is seen
replacing it with seawater – too long to
dramatize? A sinister musical accompaniment?>
So the two brothers were filled with envy, and
agreed with them selves to ruin their young

Scene 10

Location: King’s Bedchamber

Characters: King, three brothers.

The day came when the brothers returned
home, and the youngest brother hurried to his
father’s side…

Youngest Brother:
Dear Father, it is I, your youngest son. I have
found the Water of Life that will make you well

<presses the cup to his father’s lips… the King

splutters and chokes and splutters out the bitter
sea water>

Second Brother:
Brother, what have you done to our father? You
are making him worse!

Eldest Brother:
Father, dear father, I feared we were too late!
We tried to stop him poisoning you, father, but
he wanted your kingdom for himself.

Second Brother:
It was we, father, who found the Water of Life –
drink now, and be well!
<The second brother pushes the cup to his
father’s lips>

And no sooner had the water touched the lips of
the poor King than the brothers saw their
father’s sickness disappear before their eyes.
And when the King became strong and vigorous
as in his younger days, the brothers met
together again…

Second Brother:
Well, dear brother, we must thank you finding
the Water of Life for us! You have taken the
trouble but we shall have the reward.

Eldest Brother:
Tell me young one: how, with all your
cleverness, did you not manage to keep your
eyes open? <laughs>

Second Brother:
And next year, if you are not careful, one of will
take away your beautiful princess!

Eldest Brother:
You had better not breath a word of this to our

Second Brother:
He does not believe a word you say, anyhow!

Eldest Brother:
And if you do tell tales, you will pay with your

Second Brother:
Breathe not a word and we’ll let you alone.

Scene 11
Location: The Royal Court (We don’t need to
make a separate set for this, only to dress the
King’s bedchamber with 2D diplomats, guards,
etc.)/ the King’s Wood

Characters: King, Court, Huntsman (huntsmen?),

Youngest Prince

<King enters the Royal Court to the sound of

bugles and cheers; he appears pained>

Now, the King called together his court in order
to decide what should be done with his
youngest son, whom he thought greedy and
deceitful believing as he did his older two sons.

<sound of ‘aye’s from the court, a bugle trill, an


The court agreed, and it was decided the

youngest son should be put to death.

<sounds of galloping horses, cut to the King’s

Wood, on a hunt, the Chief Huntsman rides with
the Youngest Brother to a small clearing>

Youngest Brother:
My friend, whatever’s the matter with you?

I daren’t say it, my prince. I just can’t!

Youngest Brother:
My friend, tell me what troubles you. I shan’t be
angry. I will forgive you anything.

Very well, my prince! The King himself has
ordered me to shoot you dead.

<at this, the prince starts backwards>

Youngest Brother:
Huntsman, listen to me carefully: let me live; I
will change dresses with you; you shall take my
royal coat to my father to show him; you will
give me your shabby one.

With all my heart, I shall do as you say. Indeed I
should glad to save you, for I could not have
shot you.

<they exchange coats, and the young prince

disappears with his horse into the woods>

Scene 12

Location: The Royal Court

Characters: 3 Grand Embassies, King, Huntsman.

<strange regal figures enter into the King’s

palace to the sound of bugles, cut to the Royal

<bugle parp>
1st Grand Embassy:
Your Majesty, I have come to pay tribute to your
youngest prince, for he helped us to defeat our
country’s enemies with his sword.

<the 1st embassy presents the king with a chest

filled with gold>

<bugle parp>
2nd Grand Embassy:
Your Highness, I come from a distant land to pay
tribute to your youngest son, for he gave us
bread to feed our people when we were hungry.
<the 2nd embassy presents the king with a bag of
precious stones>

<bugle parp>
3rd Grand Embassy:
Your Royal Highness, I come on behalf of my
King and his people to pay tribute to the young
prince, for he brought prosperity to our lands.

<the 3rd embassy presents the king with several

bags of fine foods/wines>

<the embassies file out of the palace?/stay to

feast with the king? – the king looking forlorn
upon his throne>

What does this mean? My heart: it weeps – for
what have I done? O how I wish my son was still
alive! How it grieves me that I had him killed
<weeps, wails>

<the sudden sound of footsteps and one standing

to attention before the King – it is the Huntsman>

Your majesty…

<the King’s loud weeping drowns the

Huntsman’s murmuring>

Your… Your majesty!

<the King stops suddenly and looks to the


Your… Your son is still alive, my King. And I am
glad I had pity on him and let him go in peace. I
brought his royal coat home as false proof of his

OH! Splendid, splendid! Oh, happy me!
<laughter and glad tears> Send word
throughout my kingdom that my son is alive and
that if he should return to me, I will forgive him!
How could I have suspected him of such evil?
Oh, to have my darling son back - what joy!

<bugle joy sounds through the palace>

Scene 13

Location: The Princess’ Castle, the Golden Road.

Characters: Princess, Eldest Brother, Second

Brother, Royal Guards.

<the princess addresses her royal guards looking

down on the golden road from behind a parapet>

Guards, the prince who is to be my husband is to
come to me this very day and you must let him
in when he comes. You will know him because
he will ride straight up to the gate on his horse.

<Guards bow to signal they understand>

Yet there will be others who come… Whoever
rides to the left or right of the road you must be
sure is not my true love. These imposters you
must send away at once.

<Guards bow to signal understanding and move

away into position either side of the castle gate>

And soon enough, the sound of galloping could
be heard…
<the Eldest Brother stops his horse at the foot of
the golden road and gazes on in awe>

Eldest Brother:
Just look at it! Such a road as this can only lead
to one thing.

<he readies his horse to follow the road, but

quickly stops himself>

But now I look at it: it is such a pity to ride upon

this beautiful road.
After all, all this will be mine when I marry the
princess – I must take care not to dirty it.

<and the Eldest Brother’s horse stepped over to

the right of the golden road, all the while dazzled
by the shining golden glow, and rides on until he
reaches the castle gate, where the guards step
forward and cross their spears>


And the guards send the Eldest Brother away to
go about his business elsewhere… But wait, do
you hear that?

<the sound of a horse galloping and neighing in

the distance, then up close as the second Son
draws up at the foot of the golden road>

Second Brother:
My, oh my! Such beauty, and that is only the
road to the princess! I truly will be a rich man
indeed. What a pity that anyone should tread
upon it!

<he steers his horse over to the left side of the

golden road and rides on down up to the castle

It is time to take my beautiful princess!

<as the Second Son reaches the castle gate, the

guards again cross their spears>


The Second Brother was seen for a false prince,
and he, too, was sent away to go about his

Scene 14

Location: Royal Wood/The Princess’ Castle

Characters: Youngest Brother, Princess

<movement of seasons turning around in the

Wood – the trees lose and gain leaves, the young
prince is seen struggling to stay hidden between
and beneath the trees, until…>

Now, when the full year had come around, the
youngest son of the King left the forest where he
had hidden himself in fear of his father’s anger.
He remembered his promise to the princess: to
go to her when a year was up.

<prince seen preparing for his journey, emerging

onto the golden road>

He rode on, at top speed, thinking of her all the

way, so swiftly that he did not even see what the
road was made of.

<the guards, sensing immediately that this is the

princess’ true love, part as the gate flies open>

My true love – my husband - you came!
<they passionately embrace>

My love, news has spread around the kingdom
that your father has forgiven you… he wants you
to go home again!

<he hugs her again for her news, and

immediately we’re off to the King’s Castle>

Now, the prince was filled with relief at what the
princess said, and before their wedding their
royal wedding, the prince took his princess with
him to see his father, the King.

<the youngest prince and the princess and the

prince embrace the old King; the old king and the
young prince walked together alone in the palace
gardens, past a little old man whom the young
prince remembers somehow – camera

And while he was there, the prince told his

brothers everything: how his brothers cheated
and robbed him, and how he had kept all of
these things to himself for the love of his father.
Now the old king became very angry, for he saw
his sons were wicked and wanted to punish
them, but they had already escaped. Nobody
knew where the brothers had escaped to, and
nobody gave themselves to wondering what
became of them.

Scene 15

Location: The Royal Court/The Palace Gardens

Character: The King, The Youngest Brother, The
Princess, The Dwarf (among the noble crowds?)

<the court, adorned with bunting and banners,

is called to order by a bugle call as the king
prepares to make a public speech>

The King:
Hear me, my court! Today, I do announce that
my only son is to be married! It is a day of
celebration: I invite all the peoples of my
kingdom to come to celebrate the joyful union of
my son and his beautiful bride!

<After loud cheers and whoops, the noblemen and

diplomats flood the palace gardens at the same
time as the simple-folk as music begins to play;
the dwarf is spied atop a stone gargoyle in the
middle of the celebrations apparently unnoticed
by all other frolickers>


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