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Review of Thaumasite Sulfate Attack on

Cement Mortar and Concrete

Caijun Shi1; Dehui Wang2; and Ali Behnood3
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Abstract: Durability is one of the most important considerations regarding the design of new concrete structures in aggressive environments.
Thaumasite sulfate attack (TSA) is one durability consideration. This paper reviews the features of TSA, factors affecting TSA, thaumasite
formation mechanisms, and prevention measures. Finally, some needs for future studies are also suggested. TSA can completely destroy the
cementitious binding ability of concrete by transforming it into a mush. Many factors affect thaumasite formation and TSA. The four primary
factors affecting TSA on portland cement-based materials are low temperatures (below 15°C) and the presence of sulfates, carbonates, and
moisture. Apparently, the dissolution–precipitation mechanism can be used to explain most phenomena during TSA. A procedure for field
studies is also proposed. Both material compositions and surrounding environments should be considered for the prevention of TSA in
concrete structures. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000530. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Cement; Mortars; Concrete; Sulfates; Concrete structures.
Author keywords: Thaumasite; Attack; Mechanism; Prevention.

Introduction (Hu et al. 2006) and a tunnel in Bapanxia Dam in Lanzhou

(Ma et al. 2006a). Thus far, more than 80 field cases have been
In conventional sulfate attacks, incoming sulfate ions react identified all over the world (Crammond 2002). Some cases are
with calcium aluminate phases and calcium hydroxide in summarized in Table 1 (Loudon 2003; Sims and Huntley 2004;
hardened cement pastes to form either ettringite (3CaO · Al2 O3 · Suput et al. 2003; Freyburg and Berninger 2003; Thomas et al.
3CaSO4 · 31H2 O) or gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2 O). The consequences 2003; Romer 2003; Hagelia et al. 2003; Eriksen 2003; Hu
include expansion and spalling of the attacked concrete or mortar et al. 2004).
[American Concrete Institute (ACI) 2008]. The attack from mag- Thaumasite is a pulp with no bonding capability. Thaumasite
nesium sulfate usually causes the decomposition and decalcifica- formation (TF) is accompanied by a transformation of the cement
tion of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) (Skalny 2002; Metha paste into a mushy and incohesive mass with a distinctive white
and Monteiro 1993), which does not cause any expansion. Thau- coloration, which can easily be crumbled by hand; reduction in
masite has long been known as a naturally occurring mineral of the the binding ability of cement paste; and loss of strength of the
type CaSiO · CaSO4 · CaCO3 · 15H2 O, which has been found in hardened concrete. Thus, TSA can be much more severe than other
metamorphosed rocks that have undergone hydrothermal changes sulfate attacks. This paper reviews the features of TSA, factors af-
with time. It may be formed by the reaction of water with calcium fecting TSA, TSA mechanisms, and measures that can be used to
carbonate, calcium sulfate, and hydrated calcium silicates, which prevent TSA. Finally, some needs for future research are suggested.
are present in concretes and mortars. Thaumasite sulfate
attack (TSA) was first reported by Erlin and Stark (1966) in
1965. They observed the formation of thaumasite in some sewage Features of TSA
concrete pipes and road foundations. TSA again received consid-
erable attention in 1998, when it was observed in several motorway Thaumasite forms in the presence of abundant Ca2þ , CO2− 3 , silicate,
bridge foundations in the United Kingdom. Since then, many cases sulfates, and moisture, especially at low temperatures. The thauma-
have been reported throughout the world. Several TSA cases have site form of sulfate attack is different from the conventional form
also been identified in China, such as in Yongan Dam in Xinjiang because it is the C-S-H in the hardened portland cements that are
targeted for reaction and not the calcium aluminate hydrates. C-S-H
Professor, Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Energy Efficiency is the primary binding agent in most conventional cement mortars
(Ministry of Education), College of Civil Engineering, Hunan Univ., and concretes. During the course of TF, calcium aluminate hydrate
Changsha 410082, China (corresponding author). E-mail: cshi@hnu and ettringite also disappear (Ma et al. 2004). Although the forma- tion of ettringite during sulfate attacks can cause expansion and
Ph.D. student, Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Energy Effi- cracking, ettringite still possesses binding capacity. Whether TF
ciency (Ministry of Education), College of Civil Engineering, Hunan Univ., can cause expansion in concrete is still not clear. Blanco-Varela
Changsha 410082, China. and colleagues (2006) found that TF involved expansion, regard-
Research Associate, Division of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Dundee, less of other conditions. Some studies (Aguilera et al. 2003) con-
Dundee DD1 4HN, UK.
sidered thaumasite to be an expansive product. However, Mulenga
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 2, 2011; approved on
March 28, 2012; published online on November 15, 2012. Discussion per- et al. (2003) did not observe obvious expansion from concrete with
iod open until May 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted for TF. In fact, additional investigators (Macphee and Barnett 2004;
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil Justnes 2003) could not observe any direct relationship between
Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 12, December 1, 2012. © ASCE, ISSN 0899- TF and expansion. The possibility is that concrete expands due
1561/2012/12-1450-1460/$25.00. to the water absorption of formed thaumasite, not due to TF. Thus,


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

Table 1. Typical Examples of TF and TSA
time Locality Structure type Deterioration characteristics Possible influence factors
1984 Eastern Transvaal, Concrete brickwork Severe expansion and cracking, with Carbonaceous, sulfide-bearing
South Africa of several houses white, powdery deterioration products cummingtonite slate aggregates, no mobile
water, no direct source of carbonate,
ambient temperatures up 15°C
1987 Formazzo Valley, Tunnel lining The entire 300-mm thickness of the tunnel Sulfide-bearing and carbon-bearing
Italy lining became detached aggregates, no direct source of carbonate
1994 Arctic, Canada Structural concrete of Severe deterioration of the structural Carbonates dominated aggregate, sulfate
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columns and a slab concrete within two years of casting concentrations within the soil around the
columns were very high, ground is
permanently frozen beneath a shallow
depth (Sims and Huntley 2004)
1997 Copenhagen, Waterworks The surface material was soft and greasy, The temperature of the ground water is
Denmark whitish to brownish, and could easily be 5–8°C, air above the water contains
peeled off hydrogen sulfide (Eriksen 2003)
1997 Ontario, Canada Concrete pavement Concrete was characterized by a light- Crushed dolostone coarse aggregate of
colored mottled appearance, cracking being undergone a de-dolomitization
(Thomas et al. 2003) process, up to 15% sulfide-bearing shale
present in the fine aggregate
1998 Gloucestershire, M5 Buried columns and Concrete surface is a mushy consistency, Use of limestone aggregates, use of sulfate
motorway, UK foundations of warty appearance and expansions and sulfide bearing materials for
backfilling, groundwater movements,
leaking motorway drainage, relatively cold
conditions (Loudon 2003)
1998 Southern Slovenia Railway tunnels Mortar has swollen and flaked away from Limestone claddings, the water containing
(Semič, Peščenik) the surfaces of the stone and the mortar dissolved CO2 , Ca2þ and Mg2þ ions, the
joints, mortar has changed into a soft, tunnels are polluted by gypsum, the air
white mushy powder, there is greater temperatures are sometimes below 5°C
dampness, a light grey mud, often in (Suput et al. 2003)
kidney-shaped clumps
2000 Ekeberg, Oslo, Highway tunnel A quite friable, permeable and brittle Aggressive groundwater, alum shale
Norway concrete (Hagelia et al. 2003)
2001 Koblenz, Railway tunnels Larger pieces of shot-concrete could be Sulfur-bearing soot layer on the concrete
Switzerland detached from their support lining, leaking drainage (Romer 2003)
2002 Germany Concrete basin of a The concrete can be broken by hand Limestone aggregates, the concrete
saltwater swimming borders on gypsum, and contact with
bath sulfate-containing ground water, saltwater
containing sodium and magnesium sulfate
(Freyburg and Berninger 2003)
2004 Xinjiang, China Dam A pulpy and water-leakage concrete Frequent low temperature, sulfate bearing
ground water, carbon-bearing aggregate
(HU et al. 2004)

the expansion mechanism associated with TF requires further the strength loss after TSA to the original strength before TSA,
study. decreased by 24% for bars at corners and 10% for bars elsewhere.
TF and TSA may be two different concerns (Sims and Huntley Gao et al. (2005) studied the effects of TSA on flexural and com-
2004; Crammond 2003). TSA refers to cases in which there is sig- pressive strength coefficients of concrete, and found that severe
nificant damage to the matrix of a concrete or mortar as a conse- TSA can reduce the strength coefficients approximately about
quence of the replacement of cement hydrated by thaumasite. TF, 30%. Concrete subjected to TSA can have four obvious zones
on the other hand, refers to incidences in which thaumasite can be (Crammond 2002), as described in the following.
found in preexisting voids and cracks, without deterioration of the • Zone 1: No visual evidence of attack; occasional voids are lined
host concrete or mortar. TF may cause no disruption to the con- with either ettringite or thaumasite.
crete/mortar, whereas TSA often refers to significant damage to • Zone 2: Thin cracks lined with thaumasite appear running sub-
the concrete/mortar. TF is a precursor to TSA, thereby indicating parallel to the concrete surface. Little portlandite is observed in
a potential future problem. TSA causes the concrete to become in- the paste and calcium carbonate sometimes lines the cracks.
coherent and nonresistant, and is much more severe than any other • Zone 3: Sub-parallel, thaumasite-filled cracks become wider
form of sulfate attack such as ettringite or gypsum formation. and the amount of unattacked cement paste is greatly reduced.
The primary feature of TSA on concrete is rapid loss of its bind- Haloes of pure white thaumasite are observed around aggregate
ing ability and strength. A severe TSA converts hardened concrete pieces. Little portlandite is observed in the paste and calcium
from artificial rocks to artificial slurry. Gorst and Clark (2003) com- carbonate sometimes lines the cracks.
pared the bonding between reinforcement steel and concrete before • Zone 4: Transformation of cement paste to thaumasite is com-
and after TSA. They found that the bonding coefficient, the ratio of plete. All that remain are aggregate particles embedded in


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

extremely soft white mush. Localized anaerobic corrosion oc- • Presence of carbonate (including carbonate in concrete
curs in isolated chloride-rich areas, where the depth of attack aggregate);
penetrates through the concrete cover to the steel. • Presence of moisture; and
Thus, if TSA happens in a concrete or mortar, its cement • Low temperatures (below 15°C).
paste matrix should be transformed into a white mush composed The secondary factors include:
of thaumasite, which loosely holds the surrounding aggregate par- • Type and quantity of cement used in concrete;
ticles together. Other visual signs include sub-parallel cracks filled • Quality of the concrete;
with thaumasite and white haloes of thaumasite occurring around • Changes to ground chemistry and water regime resulting from
aggregate pieces. Concrete attacked by TSA can be crumbled with construction; and
a hammer, or even by hand in the foundations of some 30-year-old • Type, depth and geometry of buried concrete.
motorway bridges in Gloucestershire, as shown in Fig. 1(a) TSA involves many complicated physical and chemical proc-
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(Longworth 2003). Field cases showed that TSA on concrete esses and is affected by so many factors, so in some cases, it is
can cause the loss of strength, binding ability, and resistibility very difficult to say which is the most important. For instance, some
of penetration (Mario 1999; Deloye et al. 1988), and the failure authors (Blanco-Varela et al. 2006; Crammond 2003; Floyd 2003;
of all layers of rendering mortars (Corinaldesi et al. 2003). In Loudon 2003; Sims and Huntley 2004; Torres et al. 2006; Zhou
extreme cases, TSA converted the matrix into a fluid (Macphee et al. 2006) believe that the presence of mobile water is a necessary
and Barnett 2004). As shown in Fig. 1(b), the concrete of the factor, but others disagree (Sims and Huntley 2004). In fact, it is
Ferenc Puskaas stadium in Budapest suffered from severe TSA very important to consider all possible factors, and especially their
(Révay and Gável 2003), where Schmidt-hammer tests had been interactions, that can have greater effects on TSA than any single
routinely conducted since 1973, and the strength of the concrete factor. The following sections discuss these factors in detail.
decreased gradually with an ever-growing deviation. Significant
restoration works took place and various safety measures, such
as limiting the number of spectators and banning high-load beat Source of SO 2−
4 Ions
concerts, were simultaneously implemented in the 1990s. The Sulfate ions may originate from inside or outside of concrete. The
stadium had to be demolished in 2000. internal sources are primarily from cement and aggregate. Cement
clinker itself may contain sulfate components that come from raw
materials and fuel combustion products. Various forms of calcium
Factors Affecting TSA sulfate are added to cement during finish grinding to control the
setting characteristics of the cement. Some aggregates may contain
As stated previously, thaumasite can form in portland cement con- sulfates or sulfides. A typical example of sulfide in aggregate is iron
crete when certain requirements are met. The Thaumasite Expert sulfide (pyrite). In the presence of oxygen and moisture, pyrite can
Group (TEG) (Clark 1999) suggests that TSA is affected by four be oxidized to form a sulfate solution that may contribute to sulfate
primary and four secondary factors. The four primary factors for attack on concrete.
portland cement-based materials include: The primary sulfate sources for TSA on buried concrete were
• Presence of a sulfate, including sulfide that may decay to found to be calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium sulfates
sulfate; in soils or groundwater. Because of the complexity of TSA, the

Fig. 1. Pictures of deteriorated concrete caused by TSA: (a) a 29-year-old underground column of Tredington-Ashchurch bridge on the M5 motorway
in Gloucestershire, western England (Reprinted from Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 25, Issue 8. Longworth, T.I., Contribution of con-
struction activity to aggressive ground conditions causing the thaumasite form of sulfate attack to concrete in pyritic ground, 1005-1013, Copyright
2003, with permission from Elsevier); (b) Ferenc Puskaas Stadium in Budapest, Hungary (Reprinted from Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 25,
Issue 8. Révay, M., Gável, V. Thaumasite sulphate attack at the concrete structures of the Ferenc Puskás stadium in Budapest, 1151-1155, Copyright
2003, with permission from Elsevier)


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

classification of surrounding soils for TSA becomes difficult CO2−
3 in groundwater, surface water, seawater, or marine water
(Crammond and Nixon 1993). In 2001, BRE Special Digest 1 (Torres et al. 2006). Atmospheric carbon dioxide could provide
[Building Research Establishment (BRE) 2001] suggested a the required carbonate for TSA via the intermediate formation
classification of surrounding soils, which seems correct for most of bicarbonate ions, and therefore TSA could occur in systems
field cases. However, Floyd (2003) found that false results may without the addition of limestone filler or aggregate if exposed
be sometimes obtained according to the normal classification sys- to atmospheric carbon dioxide (Torres et al. 2006; Collett et al.
tem, because the potential sulfate classification is too conservative. 2004). Thus, many raw materials and processes could produce
The classification is also geologically confined to the formation of carbonate sources for TSA on concrete.
Lower Lias Clay and recent alluvium. Thus, the proposed classi-
fication system needs to be modified based on more field cases.
It is also very common for some external sulfates to go into Moisture
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tunnel concrete and sewage concrete pipes during their service. For thaumasite to form, all components (sulfate ions, carbonate
For example, the emissions from old steam and diesel locomotives ions, and calcium silicate or calcium silicate hydrate) must either
resulted in the formation of a layer of gypsum on the surface of the be available at the reaction site or transported to the reaction site
Koblenz railway tunnel in Switzerland after approximately 40 years by water. Thus, the presence of water can further increase ion
of service. migration and increase the probability of outer attack ions invading
Blanco and colleagues (2003) studied TF through the reactions into concrete (Crammond 2002). This is why, in the past, the pres-
between SO2 in the atmosphere and concrete. They found that a ence of water was regarded as a primary factor affecting TSA
certain concentration of SO2 in the atmosphere may also result (Crammond 2003). The force for water mobility is often a capillary
in the formation of sulfates for TSA. SO2 reacts with cement hy- rising force (Mario 1999), which sucks water from the environment
dration products to first form gypsum, and then gypsum reacts with into concrete.
calcium carbonate and C-S-H gel to form thaumasite. A minimum Although moisture is necessary and favorable to the occurrence
amount of sulfate is required for TF, which is associated with the of TSA in concrete, it is often neglected, because concrete contains
alumina content of the cement (Gaze 1997). Recent research moisture or because concrete is often used in a moist environment.
showed that thaumasite precipitated only in systems where the For example, water is added to concrete during the mixing course,
Al present has already been consumed to form ettringite and the and groundwater usually saturates concrete while the concrete is
molar SO3 =Al2 O3 ratio exceeded 3. Only ettringite formed for buried. Even when concrete is in a relatively dry environment, rain-
lower amounts of SO2 (Schmidt et al. 2008). water and moisture in the air can provide enough water for TSA
(Mario 1999). Water attracts less attention in laboratory studies,
because researchers usually conduct experiments in solutions in
Source of Carbonate which water is treated as a necessary condition instead of as a
Available carbonate is an essential requirement for TSA (Sims and study object.
Huntley 2004). According to most of those identified TSA cases,
carbonates come from cements, concrete admixtures, or aggregate.
Many cement standards in the world allow the use of limestone as a Temperature
blended ingredient in cement. For example, the new European It is generally agreed that low temperature is necessary for thauma-
cement standard allows the use of up to 35% limestone in site to be stable. Many researchers (Blanco-Varela et al. 2006;
CEM II/B-L, ASTM standard C150 (ASTM 2005) allows the Loudon 2003; Sims and Huntley 2004; Zhou et al. 2006) believe
use of up to 5% limestone in different types of portland cement, that the threshold temperature for stable thaumasite is 15°C or even
and Chinese standard GB175-2008 (General Administration of lower. Pipilikaki et al. (2008) reported 5°C as the temperature of
Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's thaumasite formation for the mortar specimens immersed in the
Republic of China 2008) allows the use of up to 5% in many types sodium sulfate solution. However, evidence has been found that
of cement. According to Justnes’s results (2003), a large amount of TF accompanied by a severe breakdown of mortar specimens
thaumasite was detected in mortars made with cement containing occurred in laboratory tests at temperatures as high as 23°C (Mario
20% limestone filler. The mortars were stored in a 5% sodium sul- 1999). On the other hand, Pauri and Collepardi (1989) found that
fate solution saturated with gypsum for 10 months at 5°C. However, thaumasite in a concrete sample (taken from an historic building
only ettringite was detected in the mortars made with cement where low temperatures prevailed at the site) was stable when
containing 20% quartz filler. The results indicated that limestone stored at 40°C, and thaumasite decomposed only at temperatures
within cement could be the source of carbonate for TSA. as high as 60°C, particularly at low relative humidity (∼35%).
TEG’s report suggested that aggregate was the dominating Recent laboratory studies (Blanco-Varela et al. 2006; Macphee
carbonate source for TSA on concrete (Crammond and Halliwel and Barnett 2004) also confirmed that thaumasite formed or TSA
1995). Crammond et al. (2003) designed some experiments to happened in prisms immersed in solutions with a high concentra-
study the effect of aggregate type on TF in concrete. In their experi- tion of sulfate ion at approximately 21°C. Thaumasite was also
ments, the concrete cubes made with siliceous aggregate performed identified in a field case in Orange County in southern California,
satisfactorily, whereas those made with carbonate aggregates where average temperature is approximately 20°C (Diamond
showed significant signs of TSA. Moreover, the de-dolomitization 2003). Similar findings have been reported in several other publi-
of dolomite aggregate may also supply carbonate for TF (Thomas cations (Lee et al. 2008; Irassar et al. 2005). Apparently, not only
et al. 2003); additionally, the oxidation of carbon in the form of temperature, but also some other factors, affect the stability of thau-
graphite sometimes present in aggregates and/or surrounding bed- masite (Gao and Ma 2006). It is certain that the low temperature
rock (Loudon 2003) could be the source of carbonate for TSA. favors TF and TSA, because (Hu et al. 2004):
Carbonate from concrete carbonation or an external source can • Thaumasite is much more insoluble;
also be the source for TSA (Crammond 2002; Suput et al. 2003; • Six coordinated SiðOHÞ6 groups are more stable;
Thomas et al. 2003; Macphee and Barnett 2004). The carbonation • Solubility of CO2 in water increases; and
can be attributable to the CO2 in the air (Sibbick et al. 2003a) or • Portlandite is more soluble.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

According to Knudsen (1990), the lack of formation of thauma- (Blanco-Varela et al. 2006; Brown et al. 2003; Wimpenny and
site at temperatures higher than room temperature is attributable Slater 2003). Köhler and colleagues (2006) studied the effects
to kinetic hindrance rather than a thermodynamic cause. Based of ettringite on TF. In their experiments, all suspensions were pre-
on the Kleber’s rule, low temperature contributes to higher degree pared with the stoichiometric composition of thaumasite, however,
of coordination so that it would further the expansion to octahedral in the absence of aluminate, no thaumasite formed even after one
coordination, while it can also enhance calcium solubility (Ramirez year. Irassar et al. (2005) immersed mortar specimens containing
et al. 2011; Bensted 1988). 20% limestone filler (without C3 A) in a N2 SO4 solution (5% w/w
or 0.352 M) with controlled pH value for two years at 20  2°C,
C 3 A Content in Cement and no thaumasite was detected in any specimens. In another study
(Blanco-Varela et al. 2006), it was found that thaumasite formed in
As stated previously, limestone, sulfate, and C3 A contents in mortars made with low C3 A content cement, whereas mixed crys-
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cement effect TF. C3 A controls the amount and rate of TF (Nobst tals or solid solutions of thaumasite and ettringite formed in mortars
and Stark 2003; Barnett et al. 2003), and possibly TSA. Thaumasite made with high C3 A content cements. Brown et al. (2004) observed
could not be observed in mortars made with cement without C3 A at similar phenomena. They even found that thaumasite and ettringite
20°C (Macphee and Barnett 2004). However, Aguilera et al. (2003) always coexisted in their experiments. The formation of exces-
detected thaumasite in mortars by using the same experimental sive ettringite might inhibit the amount of thaumasite formed
conditions at a lower temperature. This means that the effect of (Wimpenny and Slater 2003). Ettringite formation may lead to
C3 A content in cement on TF is dependent on temperature. Hagelia TF because cracking due to ettringite formation and expansion
et al. (2003) did not observe an obvious relationship between TF can provide a means for the ingress of carbon dioxide to support
and the C3 A content when the C3 A content varied between 1 and TF (Hartshorn et al. 1999). Apparently, the direct formation of
8%. From the preceding discussions, it seems that the presence of thaumasite from a solution is extremely slow or even unlikely.
C3 A is very important to TF. However, C3 A content has little effect The presence of ettringite is the requirement for TF. However,
on the amount of thaumasite formed. the optimum concentration of ettringite for TF is still not clear.
Thaumasite is a complicated sulfate-bearing mineral, which has
pH Value a structure similar to ettringite. For a long time, ettringite was
regarded as the principal mineral responsible for expansion and
Generally speaking, TSA occurs at pH above 10.5. According to
deterioration occurring in concretes and mortars suffering from
Zhou’s laboratory study (2006) regarding the role of pH in TSA,
sulfate attack. However, over the last 30 years, a third mineral,
the presence of acid does not promote TF. The higher the pH value
thaumasite, has been increasingly found in cement-based materials
of the system, the more the amount of thaumasite forms (Gaze and
that have been exposed to sulfates (Crammond 2002). Hu et al.
Crammond 2000). Decalcification of C-S-H gel during TSA tends
(2006) found a large amount of needle-like crystals by scanning
to reduce the pH from approximately 13 to neutral (Macphee and
electron microscopy (SEM) at Yongan Dam. According to the
Barnett 2004). RBE’s recent research (Sibbick and Crammond
traditional theory of sulfate attack in cementitious materials, the
2001) indicated that even with a pH less than 10.5, the deterioration
needle-like crystals should be ettringite. However, when energy-
of mortar can still happen. However, the reaction product is not
dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis was conducted, the crystal
thaumasite, but popcorn calcite, which was found by Iden and
included Ca, S and Si, but no Al, which should be contained in
Hagelia (2003) and Sibbick et al. (2003b). The popcorn calcite,
ettringite. The attacked concrete was then analyzed by XRD,
previously termed cornflake calcite, can be described as large
(up to 60 μm) tightly packed rosette-like clusters of calcite crystals and the results showed that the concrete did contain thaumasite,
surrounded by a calcium-depleted, highly porous and otherwise fri- but no ettringite.
able, cement paste matrix. Sulfate ions are simultaneously released Comparisons between thaumasite and ettringite are summarized
back into pore solutions in concrete, which results in new attacks in Table 2. Two possible mechanisms, as described later, have
on sound concrete if the pH of the concrete is still high. Thaumasite been proposed by Crammond (2003) based on its chemical com-
is very stable in highly basic conditions (pH ¼ 13.0) (Karim position: topochemical conversion from ettringite to thaumasite,
et al. 2003). and dissolution–precipitation process.

Calcium Hydroxide Thaumasite Formation Mechanisms

Hartshorn et al. (1999) found that calcium hydroxide was a reactant
rather than a reaction product during TSA. Bellmann and Stark Topochemical Conversion from Ettringite to
(2008) also investigated the role of calcium hydroxide during Thaumasite
TF by exposing mortar bars to moderate sulfate attack. Thaumasite
was identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis in samples con- The topochemical conversion mechanism from ettringite to
taining high contents of calcium hydroxide, whereas samples thaumasite is based on the similar structures between thaumasite
containing no or minor amounts of calcium hydroxide showed and ettringite, as summarized in Table 2. When Si and [2CO2− 3 þ
no sign of TSA after 18 months of curing under the same condi- 2SO2− 2−
4 ] replace Al and [3SO4 þ 2H2 O] in ettringite, ettringite is
tions. This is why mineral admixtures such as fly, slag, silica fume, converted into thaumasite. At the same time, some Al3þ ions are
and metakaolin can be used to prevent the formation of thaumasite, released into the solution, which results in the formation of more
as discussed later. ettringite. Thus, the process takes place in solid ettringite and is a
topochemical reaction process. However, Si and [2CO2− 3 þ 2SO4 ]

can only replace Al and [3SO2− 4 þ 2H 2 O] at the surface layer of

Role of Ettringite
ettringite structure. This theory cannot explain the rapid formation
Although TSA mechanisms are still not fully understood at of large amounts of thaumasite (Köhler et al. 2006).
the moment, it seems that thaumasite is closely associated with Thaumasite and ettringite are needle crystals and have very
ettringite. In many field cases, thaumasite and ettringite coexist similar appearances, as shown in Fig. 2. Researchers used a


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

Table 2. Comparisons between Thaumasite and Ettringite
Name Chemical formula/structural formula Characteristics Damage
Ettringite 3CaO · Al2 O3 · 3CaSO4 · 31H2 O Ca6 ½SiðOHÞ6 2 · Needle crystal, characteristic peaks of EDS Expansion, cracking,
24H2 O · ½ðSO4 Þ2 · ðCO3 Þ2  are Ca, S, Si corrosion
Thaumasite CaCO3 · CaSiO3 · CaSO4 · 15H2 O Ca6 ½AlðOHÞ6 2 · Needle hexahedron crystal with parallel orientation, A mushy
24H2 O · ½ðSO4 Þ3 · 2H2 O3  characteristic peaks of EDS are Ca, S, Al, non-binding
characteristic peak of Raman spectrum line is reaction product
658 cm−1 (Crammond and Nixon 1993)

combination of SEM observation, XRD, and EDX analyses to Dissolution–Precipitation Mechanism

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identify thaumasite in concrete (Hu et al. 2006; Freyburg and

This mechanism suggests the formation of thaumasite through
Berninger 2003). If thaumasite and ettringite concentrations are
reactions in solution as follows:
low, it is very difficult to distinguish them. Selective dissolution
with Na2 CO3 solution was recommended to dissolve ettringite 3Ca2þ þ SiO3− þ CO2− 2−
3 þ SO4
completely before XRD analyses (Mario 1999). Recent research
(Freyburg and Berninger 2003; Aguilera et al. 2003) indicated that þ 15H2 O → 3CaO · SiO2 · CO3 · SO3 · 15H2 O ðthaumasiteÞ
it is possible to conduct a quantitative determination of thaumasite
When there is sufficient amount of SO2− 4 in pore solution at the
and ettringite by the Rietveld method.
beginning of cement hydration, it will result in the formation of
ettringite. Once aluminate is used up, ettringite ceases to form.
Any further ingress of sulfate ions will react with portlandite
[CaðOHÞ2 ] to form gypsum, which causes the pH of the pore
solution to drop to 13 or lower. If carbonate or bicarbonate ions
are present, thaumasite forms. Thaumasite has very low solubility,
especially at low temperature. C-S-H is much more soluble than
thaumasite and will be dissolved into the solution to maintain equi-
librium (Crammond 2003). Therefore, once CO2− 3 and SO4 are

present in the system and the pH of the pore solution is above

10.5, thaumasite will form, as demonstrated in Fig. 3.
Some researchers detected a solid solution of thaumasite and
ettringite (Blanco-Varela et al. 2006; Aguilera et al. 2003; Torres
et al. 2004; Barnett et al. 2002) or a solid woodfordite (Ma et al.
2006a; Bensted 2003), whose composition lies between ettringite
and thaumasite. Köhler and colleagues (2006) studied whether the
solid woodfordite was a middle product during the transformation
from ettringite to thaumasite. They found that thaumasite
was clearly not formed via the woodfordite route, because no trans-
formation of ettringite into woodfordite or woodfordite into thau-
masite was observed in their experiments. Apparently, ettringite
formed first. Si and [2CO2− 2−
3 þ 2SO4 ] in the solution replaced
Al and [3SO2− 4 þ 2H 2 O] in ettringite, which results in the forma-
tion of thaumasite. Then, the thaumasite crystal grows once the
replacement is completed. Barnett and colleagues (2003) found
a gap in the unit cell dimensions between thaumasite and ettringite
in the solid solution. They believed that the gap corresponded to
a change in symmetry from the thaumasite to the ettringite.
Continued examination of specimens during the immersion of
specimens in sulfate solution in a laboratory indicated that ettringite
formed first, then gypsum appeared, and thaumasite formed last
(Gaze and Crammond 2000). Decalcification leads to the decom-
position of C-S-H. The preceding course is consistent with the
dissolution–precipitation mechanism. The course was also con-
firmed by Ma et al. (2006c), whose experiments revealed that ex-
cessive sulfate was required for TF. Due to limited studies and
limitations of the testing methods, the TF and TSA mechanisms
are still not well understood and require more research.
Fig. 2. Microstructural pictures of newly formed thaumasite: (a) Envir-
onmental Scanning Electron Microscopy image; (b) Reflection Elec-
tron Microscopy image (Reprinted from Cement and Concrete Prevention of TF and TSA
Composites, Vol. 25, Issue 8. Freyburg, E., Berninger, A.M. Field ex-
During the investigations into M5 highways in England, guide-
periences in concrete deterioration by thaumasite formation: Possibili-
lines for new construction and a strategy for existing structures
ties and problems in thaumasite analysis, 1105-1110, Copyright 2003,
were developed by Highways Agency based on the investi-
with permission from Elsevier)
gations on field cases and the Expert Group requirements


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

External SO42-
Rapid reaction of SO42- and aluminum component
and other ions Ettringite
C-S-H gel, invade
Compositions of
other alkali Reaction with portlandite
pore solutions Gypsum
Solid equilibrium
Presence of CO32- or carbonate
in pore solutions Thaumasite pH
breaks unchanged Reactions

pH 13 in
pore pH change pH drops to 10.5-13
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Fig. 3. Dissolution–precipitation formation of thaumasite

(Highways Agency 2001). Before that, recommendations were Use of Mineral Admixtures
suggested by department of the environment, transport and the re-
The use of mineral admixtures such as ground granulated blast
gions (DETR) Expert Group (1999). A new standard of concrete in
furnace slag (GGBS), fly ash, and silica fume has been proven
aggressive ground was advanced to manage the new construction
an effective measure for reducing or even inhibiting TSA in con-
buildings and minimize the potential TSA risk (BRE 2001). How-
crete (Glasser et al. 2008). According to Higgins and Crammond
ever, almost all guidelines were based on a relatively small number
(2003), concrete made with 70% GGBS and normal quality carbon-
of scientific investigations of structures in England. It is argued that
ate aggregates performed extremely well and showed no evidence
the screening program, on which the guidelines are based, is incom-
of TSA in any of the solutions, such as magnesium sulfate (1.8% as
plete or too limited in scope (Sims and Huntley 2004). More re-
SO4 ), magnesium sulfate (0.42% as SO4 ), magnesium sulfate
search and in-depth information are needed to establish more
(0.14% as SO4 ), and sodium sulfate (1.8% as SO4 ). However,
comprehensive guidelines to ensure minimal risks in TSA on con-
concrete made with inferior quality carbonate aggregates and
crete structures. Some measures, which can be used to prevent the
70% either normal or high-alumina GGBS did not perform well
occurrence of TSA, include (1) use of proper cement and aggregate,
at either 5 or 20°C. Concrete made with GGBS became more
(2) use of mineral admixtures, (3) improvement of impermeability
vulnerable to conventional sulfate attack.
of concrete, and (4) proper initial curing. The following section
Mulenga et al. (2003) investigated TF in concrete and mortars
discusses how these measures prevent or eliminate TF or TSA.
containing fly ash. The results indicated that TF could occur within
84 days of exposure to sulfate solutions. However, high volumes of
Cement and Aggregate fly ash limited TF. The mixtures of portland limestone cement with
40% fly ash exhibited very limited TF, whereas the mixtures with
Numerous research works (Aguilera et al. 2003; Zhou et al. 2006;
50% fly ash had no TF. Additionally, the effect of fly ash on TSA in
Collard-Jenkins et al. 2003) have indicated that even the reduction
concrete was dependent upon temperature and cement type. The
in the use of cement or aggregate containing limestone can lower
concrete with a high content of fly ash performed well at high
the possibilities of TSA. However, limestone is widely used to pro-
duce portland limestone cement. It is well known that the presence temperatures (20°C), but was more vulnerable to conventional
of a proper amount of limestone particles facilitate the grinding of sulfate attack at low temperatures (8°C). When sulfate-resistant
clinker, accelerates the early hydration and increase the early cement was used, the presence of 50% fly ash accelerated the
strength of cement. Of course, it also reduces the cost of cement. deterioration of concrete. According to Zhang and Zhang
Schmidt et al. (2009) reported that the addition of 5 wt.% limestone (2002), the reason why fly ash could restrain TF was that fly
in portland cement systems led to a decrease in sulfate uptake due ash consumed the calcium hydroxide in concrete, which is one
to its lower initial capillary porosity, so that the sulfate-induced of the necessary reactants for TF. However, it was also found that
deterioration was especially reduced at ambient temperatures. an excessive volume of fly ash in concrete was unfavorable for the
Because of these reasons, most countries allow the use of lime- prevention of TSA (Gao et al. 2007). Skaropulou et al. (2009)
stone in cement. Carbonate-based aggregates account for 70% of reported that the incorporation of metakaoline and GGBS sub-
all the aggregates used at present. In many cases, it is impossible to stantially improved the TSA resistance, whereas the use of fly
restrict the use of carbonate aggregates. Thus, it is very difficult to ash seemed to retard TSA and natural pozzolan was not very
control carbonate in cement and aggregate. effective against TSA.
The use of sulfate-resistant cement offers little help to resist Bellmann and Stark (2007) investigated the mechanism of min-
TSA or TF (Crammond and Nixon 1993; Sibbick and Crammond eral admixtures preventing the occurrence of TSA through thermo-
1999). Studies by Ma et al. (2006b) and Gao et al. (2007) revealed dynamic calculations. They studied the effect of the C=S ratio (the
that rapid hardening sulfoaluminate cement (SAC) or a mixture of mole ratio of CaO to SiO2 ) of C-S-H gel on TF and found that
SAC and ordinary portland cement exhibited satisfactory resistance C-S-H gel with a C=S ratio of approximately 1.1 resisted much
to TSA, whereas sulfate-resistant cement showed an opposite trend. higher sulfate concentrations without giving way to thaumasite,
The good resistance of SAC to TSA could be attributed to its low whereas C-S-H gel with a C/S ratio of approximately 1.7 trans-
CaðOHÞ2 content. Based on the relationship between the compo- formed into thaumasite at very low sulfate concentrations. Appa-
sition of cement and TSA in concrete, the new UK guideline on rently, the C/S ratio of C-S-H is a key factor for TF in concrete.
the use of concrete in aggressive environments offers an interface The addition of mineral admixtures is an effective way to lower
with emerging European standards for cement and concrete the C=S ratio of C-S-H. In relevant experiments, concrete made
(Nixon et al. 2003). with a sufficient amount of fly ash or GGBS, which completely


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

converted portlandite into additional C-S-H phases and reduced the Deterioration
C=S ratio of the C-S-H gel to 1.1, performed under excellent con- cases
ditions without any signs of deterioration within 4.5 years of ex-
posure to sulfate solutions. These results explained the principles of Field
admixtures preventing the occurrence of TSA in concrete, and also investigations
provided a new study direction for protecting concrete from attack Sampling
by TSA.
Experiments Characteristics

Improved Impermeability of Concrete Environmental

investigations Severity
Mechanism of
A less impermeable concrete matrix improves its durability and deterioration
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demonstrates better resistance to the penetration of aggressive

chemical species into hardened concrete (ACI 2008; Skalny
2002). The use of low water/cement ratios (w=cm) can Systemic
minimize the internal transport of ions like Ca2þ , CO2− 2−
3 , SO4 ,
and water as the carrier for aggressive chemical species (Bensted
1999). Moreover, mineral admixtures can also decrease the per-
Repair Lessons and
meability of concrete because of their pozzolanic and mini-
measures experience
aggregate effects. If the w=cm is decreased to a value of less than
0.45, the possibility of TSA occurrence is significantly reduced
(Deng et al. 2005). Some engineers tried to use an impermeable Guidelines
barrier to prevent concrete in contact with external sulfate solutions.
However, DePuy (1994) felt that impermeable barriers could Fig. 4. Suggested procedures for studying TSA
not be recommended as a long-term solution to an aggressive
sulfate solution because there is no guarantee that the barrier
would perform effectively over the required period. Second, these conductions and samples should be systematically
analyzed for the identification of the primary courses of deteriora-
Initial Curing tion. Third, repair is designed and conducted, and prevention
guidelines are developed.
Higgins and Crammond (2003) investigated how the initial curing
As mentioned previously, many factors can affect TF and TSA.
affected the susceptibility of concrete to TSA. Twenty-four hours
In many cases, it is very difficult to determine which is more or less
after casting, concrete cubes were cured for a further 27 days, either
in water or air at 65% relative humidity at 20°C. Following the important. Many controversial phenomena and conclusions have
curing, the cubes were immediately transferred to containers con- been obtained during laboratory and field studies. Many more
taining sulfate solutions at 5°C. The experimental results showed studies are needed to better understand TF and TSA mechanisms
that the cubes initially cured in air appeared to be relatively immune and kinetics to prevent the potential deterioration of concrete
to both the conventional and thaumasite forms of sulfate attack. At materials and structures. Some aspects related to TF and TSA need
the 4.5-year assessment, no significant thaumasite-related attack further investigations, including:
was observed on those cubes. Even after six years of immersion • Relative importance of potential source of carbonates for the
in sulfate solutions, these cubes were still in good condition, reaction;
whereas those initially cured in water showed a significant attack • Precise process by which cracking forms sub-parallel to the
by sulfate solutions. The authors believed that air-curing could surface;
prevent the occurrence of TSA because a carbonated layer on • Occurrence and relevance of different forms of thaumasite;
the surface contained less or zero calcium hydroxide. • Factors in the progress of the reaction, e.g., role of magnesium
Many measures can be used to reduce or eliminate the occur- and other ions;
rence of TF or TSA. An effective prevention strategy should be • Dual effect of sulfate and chloride ions and the combined thresh-
designed according to technical, environmental, and economical old for steel corrosion;
requirements. • Potential expansion of thaumasite itself;
• Model of the TSA phenomenon (Santhanam et al. 2001); and
• Relationship between TSA and popcorn calcite (Crammond
Future Needs 2003).
It is also important to consider interactions of TF or TSA with
During the past decade, many laboratory and field studies have other forms of attack on concrete. As mentioned previously, the use
been conducted to understand different aspects regarding TF and of sulfate-resistant cements may be effective to resist normal sulfate
TSA. However, there are still gaps between laboratory studies attack, but not the thaumasite form of sulfate attack. The use of slag
and field cases due to differences in raw materials and surrounding can inhibit the formation of thaumasite, but is favorable to other
environments. In laboratory studies, performance indexes such as forms of sulfate attack under conditions when the slag contains
strength and dimensional deformation are often measured in com- a certain amount of aluminum. In addition, the presence of Mg2þ
bination with micro-structural analyses (Yang and Buenfeld 2000). can hasten TF, while TF can also promote a magnesium sulfate
Field study is much more complicated than laboratory study. To attack (Ma et al. 2007). Carbonation may be helpful to prevent
produce enough information and to properly understand TF and TSA due to the formation of a less porous layer on the surface
TSA under field conditions, a procedure is suggested, as shown of concrete, but can be deleterious to the reinforced bars in the
in Fig. 4. First, field investigations should be conducted. The concrete (Osborne 1991). In addition, the carbonation of concrete
deterioration characteristics and environmental conditions are care- may provide a source of carbonate for TSA (Aguilera et al. 2003;
fully recorded and samples are taken for further laboratory studies. Tsivilis et al. 2007). For example, the simultaneous occurrence of


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2012, 24(12): 1450-1460

carbonation and TSA was found in the case of Baipanxia Dam in Barnett, S. J., Macphee, D. E., Lachowski, E. E., and Crammond, N. J.
western China (Ma et al. 2006a). Some researchers (Diamond (2002). “XRD, EDX and IR analysis of solid solutions bet-
2003) indicated that the two may be independent from each other, ween thaumasite and ettringite.” Cem. Concr. Res., 32(5), 719–730.
because it is difficult to distinguish which mechanism follows the Barnett, S. J., Macphee, D. E., and Crammond, N. J. (2003). “Extent
of immiscibility in the ettringite-thaumasite system.” Cem. Concr.
other. It is believed that the carbonation of concrete plays different
Compos., 25(8), 851–855.
roles under different conditions. Bellmann, F., and Stark, J. (2007). “Prevention of thaumasite formation
in concrete exposed to sulphate attack.” Cem. Concr. Res., 37(8),
Summary Bellmann, F., and Stark, J. (2008). “The role of calcium hydroxide in the
formation of thaumasite.” Cem. Concr. Res., 38(10), 1154–1161.
TF and TSA have been identified in many parts of the world. TSA Bensted, J. (1988). “Thaumasite, a deterioration product of hardened ce-
Downloaded from by National Institute Technology - Surathkal on 01/06/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

on mortars and concrete can be very destructive because it converts ment structures.” II Cem., 85(1), 3–10.
the primary binding components in concrete into thaumasite, which Bensted, J. (1999). “Thaumasite—Background and nature in deterioration
has no bonding capability and results in an incoherent and mushy of cements, mortars and concretes.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 21(2),
concrete. 117–121.
TF and TSA are very complicated processes that are affected by Bensted, J. (2003). “Thaumasite—direct, woodfordite and other possible
formation routes.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 25(8), 873–877.
many factors. It is often very difficult to state which factor is more
Blanco-Varela, M. T. (2003). “Thaumasite formation due to atmospheric
or less important. However, it is definite that sulfate, carbonate, and SO2 –hydraulic mortar interaction.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 25,
moisture are the controlling factors under any conditions. The pres- 983–990.
ence of ettringite, which can easily form in many cases, is very Blanco-Varela, M. T., Aguilera, J., and Martinez-Ramirez, S. (2006).
important for the formation of thaumasite, but excessive ettringite “Effect of cement C3 A content temperature and storage medium on
may inhibit the amount of thaumasite formed. C3 A content in thaumasite formation in carbonated mortars.” Cem. Concr. Res., 36(4),
cement, pH value of the system, and low temperature also have 707–715.
effects on TSA. A minimal pH value of 10.5 is required for Building Research Establishment (BRE). (2001). Special Digest 1:
Concrete in aggressive ground, BRE Bookshop, Watford, UK.
thaumasite to be stable. After the pH value is above the critical
Brown, P., Hooton, R. D., and Clark, B. (2004). “Microstructural changes
value, the higher the pH value of the system, the more the amount in concretes with sulfate exposure.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 26(8),
of thaumasite that forms. 993–999.
Among the two proposed mechanisms, the topochemical con- Brown, P. W., Hooton, R. D., and Clark, B. A. (2003). “The co-existence of
version mechanism from ettringite to thaumasite has many defects, thaumasite and ettringite in concrete exposed to magnesium sulfate at
whereas the dissolution-precipitation mechanism seems to be able room temperature and the influence of blast-furnace slag substitution on
to explain the most corresponding phenomena in most cases. sulfate resistance.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 25(8), 939–945.
Both materials and surrounding environments should be consi- Clark, L. A. (1999). “The thaumasite form of sulfate attack: Risks, diag-
dered to prevent concrete structures from TSA. For example, a re- nosis, remedial works and guidance on new construction.” Rep. of the
Thaumasite Expert Group, Dept. of the Environment, Transport and the
duction in the use of cement or aggregate containing limestone can
Regions, London.
obviously lower the possibilities of TSA. Proper use of mineral ad- Collard-Jenkins, S. J., Ilett, E., and Pearson-Kirk, D. (2003). “Thaumasite
mixtures, such as GGBS, fly ash, and silica fume is also an effective investigations to M4 overbridges.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 25(8),
measure for inhibiting TSA in concrete. In practical applications, a 1095–1103.
corresponding strategy should be developed by considering several Collett, G., Crammond, N. J., Swamy, R. N., and Sharp, J. H. (2004). “The
measures instead of a single one, according to available materials role of carbon dioxide in the formation of thaumasite.” Cem. Concr.
and the surrounding conditions to prevent the occurrence of TSA. Res., 34(9), 1599–1612.
Although many field and laboratory studies have been con- Corinaldesi, V., Moriconi, G., and Tittarelli, F. (2003). “Thaumasite:
ducted during the past decades, there are still many unsolved issues Evidence for incorrect intervention in masonry restoration.” Cem.
Concr. Compos., 25(8), 1157–1160.
related to TF and TSA, due to their complexity. It is also necessary
Crammond, N. J. (2002). “The occurrence of thaumasite in modern
to develop or improve systematic guidelines or specifications to construction—A review.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 24(3–4), 393–402.
identify and/or prevent the occurrence of TF and TSA in concrete. Crammond, N. J. (2003). “The thaumasite form of sulfate attack in the UK.”
Cem. Concr. Compos., 25(8), 809–818.
Crammond, N. J., Collett, G. W., and Longworth, T. I. (2003). “Thaumasite
Acknowledgments field trial at Shipston on Stour: Three-year preliminary assessment of
buried concrete.” Cem. Concr. Compos., 25(8), 1035–1043.
Financial supports from Chinese National 973 Program under con- Crammond, N. J., and Halliwel, M. A. (1995). “The thaumasite form of
tract No. 2009CB6231001, and National Natural Science Founda- sulfate attack in concrete containing a source of carbonate ions—
tion of China (under contract Nos.50978093 and 51072050) are Microstructural overview.” Proc., 2nd Symp. on Advances in Concrete
greatly appreciated. Technology, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 357–380.
Crammond, N. J., and Nixon, P. J. (1993). “Deterioration of concrete foun-
dation piles as a result of thaumasite formation.” Proc., 6th Int. Conf. on
Durability of Building Materials, E&FN Spon, London, UK, 295–305.
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