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[120 RULES oF GRAMM | ULE - 4| Each - Pronoun adj, used bor 2,24, Abstract noun(x) Evony- adj. used boy 9+, Abstract noun(v) f§- Each Student & very talented. (adi) Everty Grudent § vey talented. (adi) Eacho} my Students tS Very talented. ( Pronous) T hove a monken in each hand. fence wi q ) Abstract noun denotes the Abiings thal you Can't experience with eve. Senses . f9- Loughton hove, Povorty, reason. % 1 hove evoriy iteason t0 be happy. Y Each] tveny] cithey [neither 4 Singulon Verb , + Singular acljeckive Each Student & preponing bes his exam. Lach of the Students é Preporing box hes competition 4 Eangh Sie Plujat Each Student Sigua, Each of the Students ol : 9 “Both’ g'not’ Cannot be usec togadhere » S-Bath Ram F shyom aice Hot goeng bo temple. CX) NetThey Rom neg shyame gping 10 temple. (verb ace aM si- sham Sogutan Y Both + os wet as cany he ued logothere penis) €J- Both Rom 0 wel os shuarn . x) Both Ram ‘and Shyam - (v) °F Possescive adj. Comey abter Both. £J- Both my Students CY) -- My both Studenis Cx) Beth + hate] hen is ou oy it “| es . : on who. Human, dometic animal Subyecteve pronoun- Who wed pa whith... Animal, non living things objeckve pronoun. whom used = ) Thoa-—- ay Chien hun i, , 40uy me, Us) ¢ f3- She saw here, who ¢ think is a meKstan. | They met them who Ahoy Say worcs Very hand . She met him who i tkin. w Shak met lim. whom =~ oT 1 she bomb uhith Kaled 5 PEEPIE WIM wemWs! 4 a Sores of terenerce Ousreages + a a *T T ss Os Arrested Yestend ay , the police arrested, the only, the Same, Fone, much, no, the Letle, he Feud Somaheng Anything» Nothing. x Superlative Alegicees ane all hollowed hy ‘That ony. They Can't be bellowed by ihe os * hich? es © this ts the Same man, thot met me uestende . Tis is the mos i ee myornant queston thot every one shoud. und « He Spent up the iste amourd that he haq This 1s the best thal i can do bor you. oe “ J Tb thee no noun Foncun bebare who /shem — whoever) iwhamov is p mT W520 noAntece dent S & She Sau whooven t¢ & FeCKStay, a Please invite, whorreven you cheoge.. uhomeven- ebjers ne Whomevere, Ramya marries iS none Ot busin ory ] OAL Choose tueen hing a ed Cond. not possible to tuutil Gov tate) QT) 44 Semple Prevend/ vty sles, isjanjane ts wall fyb. ,chall modal | wet iMkinitive) Can] may Imus + Vi &y- 4 Study, Twit pass the exam, i m) TV 4 Simple Pak—y> would £V, av coud) might | shoud + Vs » *9- Th & studied, & woutd pax the exam. > Th C wore You, T woutd Plant Some frees anound she house . o® 4 port portece —3 woutds have +Vs D -%q_ TEE hog Sudied, T would hore Posed the exam , Wertoth condivon— universal wth, both ib x main ore m Sample Proent . &}- Th you hect water, i buns M40 vapowy . One of the # oMly one Of the (Retateve Pronoun) One ofthe tural ved wed. DF botownd by Whoeoluch| thas nlyonesh e~Sengulon veh usecl 7 ‘ ing, Very hand. &q- te fone oh the mothers, who ane really coos ng Very g- She & b re Planal This is only one 4 the novels which fs entenesting . Senguian x one 4 the 4 plunat noun 4 Smq.(verh) wens oh the 4 Plunal nouns who/ whith/thes + Plural vous) fj one of there dasires ts 4o become a douor , (Ree) Unit Concept aoe } plumber + unit¢ Nounfadect ve — vnit aways Sangutan &y~ Ton ond Snaxe five 4a md ey Te only Number 4 unre P| Sanu = rluna Dosusbicrens - Svgulor VSVoesvyvsusvvsvvsovcecre ‘ ‘ g Qq- “I> Ae had Kive, dozen. WStngulan ne ‘T have Live rupees. Phiyal } Units curexangee| wn avcenelang onda, units abs, Plural °E Connect f : T wy ob. 3 Thowsancs | Louhso Studinls loom the kext . e Random units Handful 2 Handbaby bisthat Py fistbab %y- Five hanctbul Sugare, wore reoguk pegges ys PD PMDA| LL sud Jo MOK Hea’, Kenit He gave me two Ave hundoed mupee ores - , Aveba Cee 800H Weight 7h considured, Hei as Single. Smgulon « imine | unit VOant be Ong Distance &4- 10 miles needs tobe covered on bot. 5K meupees fe hfs “Satay . % Tb thew units are not Considud one oy division ocwy , then plural’ yer wd, Rp ppp @&- Ten miles need to be covencol portly he cay anc rest on bapr- T (onpace | Sod 1 more precious than au metals C xy “rT a “Gord 1 move precious than ouljany ofhen'metals.(r”) (4S one wneng because goid i Seb & @ mek yu eat gonyane gaat with gtd) © A * = Somond ig move precious than au metals. CY a Diamond & non-metal : 4 4B oom Compared, then A shouldnot be a pant 4 8. e » fale 1s she most Precious o all metal .(W) Here ho Componicion és one’, Se & " & . Since, fox v Point of Donation, nae 3} Period | kme Poured dense oy Penbeck Conk ’nuos Henge sy wher Since) tor Mea tence should be ca _ Simple_past- €- 7 have been teaching, Sence t gol massied . [ROLE =10] (awgo Actions occun in fost ’ > ) , ; The elien ao — past pervect —y Haat : The Lakoy action — Semple past Vafolid Vy , , , , ’ , ’ ’ + FY Bobere Since/boe she Sentence Should be én — , , Gg~ the had lebt bebove the meached to the weailoay Staton , © had toughe with her bebore we hect a brews up , eats the patient had died bebore his tamily asvanged o9 Cylincly, [possessive Adjective Poserive adjective &s wed bebove Goreuund .Cvsting). Heyer have hee ee et Thee goes alt oun money « Ronely, aid i go there. Tava cub Serdar have 7 Seen Such a beaubi ful I hy oe View. No Sooner than Monat - then Combinodion, Reanty — shun Seancely —when Barely — when €$ No Soonen did’ 2 entered she clos, than began 40 rain, adv hw Tab Wordly had F enierod he cles, when i began 10 vain, Adv" a Sab WNT) is Compulsory to we inversion fh Sentence Steots wih Adverk. we TE advenb & tollowed by a y then this Tule of Enversion & not applicabl RULE) fhrescle tHe\ : i rt %- Wis home ts Just beside the te children Je4o School Cveryel He goes to temy) (ROE) No Sconey - than + Honey _ ih Sconcely - whee a % Mosdly hed bequa te speax when | was ‘Plernupted Seawncely Nad we steered own, meat rh a the phone ang . lresterive pronoun) T~ yor, ~ * Enjoy avail, dlocent , pride .adjust, reconcile, You - (Jourselp Resh Acquit sAmusA, Ierign, avange, COLE, apply Ve - Ourcelrey Prom? adap. these wove lu botowed hy hash Te ". “obyely Si nok reblonive Pronouns wre, Ny ~ Sed] ‘ Thay < themselves Used ay object , 3. ET ON PPMP OE 2: "MY Purpose . fos Primary purpose the isn'4 mle. (secondaay Punyose) a e. CPaimay) J (Primary Purpose), PPPPOPEIEEEDD p tale ZT availed, nh Selb fp the Manity. zp t availed the Gponuntty , Prfohtional Phrase Rowe=i fhe genet) : Keep, Stop, tesnn vial i aT fa reeblenive none > baths, move, REIL had s e 4 fa_ He hid hunvealb om the troum . (x) i J He hid 7 dha oom, PrP PP DRO DOD RULETTE) [vecls depend on Conjuae) As wall 03 7) Togalhgt with | TE 480 Senkences, ° Ane Connected tunlixe hoy these Conjuchions, on addikon to ©} ~ Ton 04 ccoth ay Mary, Wants 1odeop 088886 EY« [omeghones) Advice — Noun— practice (19 get) JAvise- venb — Pract se Ue do) Believe— verb - (do what 2) Bekieh — Noun (answers wha! 2) f- @ advise you 40 pracke & lot Me gave me a piece o ddvece .”” ~~ vvvvuvweuvs T believe my seaclears . Rvre-19) [Relakve pronoun] ovennad hy accompa aod hy “pesides : leq by Nong'oith Vorb =) veundaggt Sub L Run by Ahe (OWS The club members along wrth his owner, wou aresied , He, and not his treends, is bound guilty. Smee Practice Makes 4 man Perteet. AQ is my belieh that he is not the Killen. Subjeaive wil always be compared with Subjective olyecve Case Wall always be Compared wih objective . %}- Lam ay tay ay he .Lv) Sub sab My parents Love me move than Sab obj he/ him (v) Sub — obf > Here both he/ han correct duc to fresence of booth obj £ Sub cose. Z admire Ram more than hel ham Cv) Sub obj “Sab Mb She & tatle than T. Sub Sub He is Os dau ay 7. Sub Sub states move than he. ( Men we Can't Comparu chocolate with pewon) . | | QOLEAI] [fomeive ayeave Grcapnanl , Seganation Siotes Don't Foxe %9- Your Sepanodion Pains me alot. (x) YOUN Powemive Sepanation broom yous airy mt alot. () Pandon. eo T wank your bavoun. Cxx) Some ay aule-5, who = wud ay gubjectwe Pronoun yohom - objective Pronoun . @- Tyoti ts the get who got he Job .( the got Ihe Job) carne Sab ?P “aren Conaullede Dr, sham he met in Delhi (tte met hon) 0-P ght "ksh, oun, ) At Mis mensight the robbery tied. (x) WS, Shai eh Ae hg Sighs of him ,the wobbou Rana pay] 2 Each othen —y @ People S One another + A) eeorle g- Ay C8kEzeNg should Love each offwr. Cx) a Gdizeng chowld Love ane @nothercv) . > othwuy- ghd of two Hers, iy Can be pronoun. 0 st0b0 1p thngs Peaple. another JAdlditional cy one more . Can be unc bebore a plural noun , £3- “Have you gor any othe, questions 2 The caxe 6 delicious, Could @ have anothey Lice please ? Re 23) PAIR worps | Seldom. of Noven ein Leidom og over he Comes home. Cx) OMAR HAHRNOPMPK ENTS ec eoannenne... 9 e\ \ Seldom it evore | PM Gnvenyjon bait followed Se wratry) Lette os nollu Setclom ov nevon kee doos Come home 6 Lite it ony thang AF can ding bate or Nothag on his lable WY) can ind Wailea anything on this table. ao ® We} very when used with Superlative cepuree she is useel ~ oo4 MEE IS EOOEGOOGOCCGSHE4%S bebore Vou, *3~ He is Hie very best siudent of my chow , (4 mons really) Nels much the bes Student of fry chars Condoubtedly) % Muay can be used with Comparative digree we S- We ts much Smalter, ~ : Much és used with a Companative gran & Past Participle ; %- fle IS muck mtousted | avenb vdjective ‘ough Comes Otc Nou ebore, I hajective ? Mean Fy - You anen'y big enough bor basketball » (used as ach at a (wie as) his indicates that T+ develops enough power ves the, fob. adj Toon, ( ts adj) Can be Wed a4 adverb voit. Vera ele Ragan Aug PE VAS cay Regedbe] adv Considen\he wed tc rence | oy? vies eae Know ta oo % &. Biology is dohineol 05, Science 24 dang beige a) : She Is elected 9%. the Pausident - (x) Phe is aecked the president. Cv) He thinks hen a boot. Lv) The teachon called ham Stupid Cv) Rvve-a3] Yaa though] Vie omet ater OE dithowh 4 but OX) ) yg hough +» WS Connector. Although + yee Cv) &~ Ahough he is mart, he pails eveyone - a) AWhough he 8 Fmant yd he dail evoryyme Cw) Avthough she % aith but she ths twice bebore spenelng CX) QED) Verb with No 2n9 bors (prusent] pase continues) own &y- . Beimy [80 5. Wp T am tomng 4. (4) Z tore HOD ong See \pour th thee Verb Sma} Vane ured as » Ve is voy long eum. O) Toste | adjective the . Love 4 ay adf Know we can aad mg. than. Have, —— Hoawmg (1 eloesn!t mean ownershi-f), 8%. FT am howmg cnn. Having Said that, T went £0 Rovm, Fossett J pexceg Hon Peclinge own, \ See love th a, | eo US Phy, Have | Toate Wh ; Maude | HE | ne | EOE PoE) Acton Went | ey the owe | bean Neee} ang : Contam Device | (Preuent past Continues) Compaomix, | Reserble Wish Om. Congas NoHCe Like (Rote = aq] [words cyays “aed m Poe nse Th worm m Uiterent wits - Plural verb — &- “he osimy fs atéchagy owands the Hamalogas, the cua hos toxen she dec tron, The army one Shoulmg diitheurd Slogans . the Jw cre clivicled in then opinion + the audiance are taxmng hein Seat , * + 1a . : Sam Plural eg Whe police are chasing the thies. Cattle | Nouns Colle ane grazemg . fee unl Peoples people belonging 40 clibbounl Counhres, Cavett . Snhanhy ] asc} followed Y only To Enno hy 70" Deceber Exdouor 1 way, to Tywuoly, Senior es used with Addice — Inboviow ‘Jeexe Wordly . Sapouos — Marie~ sony paiva voice safowe Merit lay ene &¥_ Mechol 8 injwuiow to health. J prwdey fea to Cofte.Cv) Siig 8 mowed 10 KEM. 1 payne FT am Known to him, Voice. OLE- Bea a \— Crvef-ve Sentence ) ES) Ec ounnn © Ram ts ay good ay Sita, () Ram B not 08 good oy Shyam cy) Rita So Gad ay Rema. (x) Rita BS nor 60 geucl a gama.) Dam not So deyanak as 40 agree fo that Cv) (Veenes}-isint Vatiousel fry Compancaive dagcee only ave digee wed. \ ) Neel 24. this book 15 shite Nimes lig thay thal book «Ci hows compar on, “Tnis ben is Ahvree times lange (han thet eo 4 Anis. book is 3s as Jarrge af thal bax .(~) x DAS Awice coosilien than that. ( ~) Hore no use of ms, §0 is Come) (ET wih Senes ea) 5} Tndiver speech > Statement (ubt hv) Netgmg verb4 sub — CuesHion. (hus Sub) 5 He cumec| me what Woy my name .Cx) He asmed me what My Name Woy , He aimed me when t wos gong Cv) [ROlE=3¢ Sab hs " ae OF | verb Ace nearerd Subjer: lotthwr -- nov Wot mly...but alio J gg Either the bears o the leony hes escaped , Not only the Prinupal, hut also the feacherg ane happy, Plunat e[Rove-36] vohin we compare 2 qualities 4 Single ‘hing, We walk Mong Pave degree Sg - Ram s taller than emaser- ( x) Ram is moe tall than tort (vy) an x heavier than Langer. (x) SS mare heavy than Large (1) «(RinE3] " 8 feted ny Simputor noun 4 Srgulen verb {ACs @. Moe than ome Student is absent toada Many a Student is absent todayy. (Sen. verb) Mony Studints ont abtert Loday . Cpiunal ve) A giceak men Stuclerts ore absent koday. (flural veh) 0 rk bj 4 Csmgut oy vor) sa ARHHHP o*n PPD P a PsP MN NM T_T _P_T _P_ I F424 24944? —— CS [ROLE=3B] Doubs} Connectow F-7 have no doubt ib 11 will Tain Cx) D3 ; + Doubt—41t Jiohuthir ms? F have no douby thal i} will rain. v7) 7S gro doubt —y hat a 7 » » a > 2s ° » > > > =] 3 , > ’ ) ) Connecter) how {5 a doub! that he goes Ahure or n9t-Cx) Gonneuer) thane 1s. a doubt Phftchatlan he, goes thre oon ov not- LY, (WEF) Begun Ff Aeney 9 Th Mam Claws Past, Cubsvolmat clause ¢houwld abo he mM fae: ) Not applicable to Universal dth. €g- The teackun Said that water boils at lode . (A) @ gaid that thad dome 4 -(L) tle told me that honey fs tweet Cv) He told me that, the/that honey 4 sweet (x) He told ow that, ft honuy) wos Great.) [RULE-40 A Little - Some, but not much Cave) “| Used with Letle- Handly any (- v8) not a all Unvount able the Lite — dy that s available (neural) J ONS - GG way Hreed, thank God “hou way Lite water m my botle. Dons expect ka, there % Little mila available , The Lille mk that was available ,F prepared, tea. A Lie knowledge §% clengunecus. RULE- 4] g Aver preposition always ose objeutve noun, * ey Buk => Confuction z porepovition (ere!) €3- The agened 10 Let vs rent free U4) Ler him do thar wor, (4) Nlone but him 's gomg to bu party, (Ww) Pexpositim, RULE- 4 Pr 8 [Seg uence | Pronoun) [Sesuene 4 pouon , Crve Sentenge) on Tanda, 1 ee ees St Peron. C-ve Sentence) %- You, he 2 tare gomg do the party. Cave) The teachor Ponishee| me # Jou C-ve) [Syatiaeus] Previous ve cobd — Record Rough estmate ~ eurmade Poor history - history Dreysng fense- Drew serve Conong uw ~ fuse Retwin baex - Rewin Relea sound, S% > Avostoghy g yoy whe. with aan- Living dhmgs «Te wed ed, fy- Manas’ s = manas’ 49 alge’ CV) Studeul'S = Cruces? () G abies leg (x), Leg 4 the table tenes eC, cop % ue bone .(~) | He CEE Time navenly body one mene’ S Vaca ° ee ot aaa bicati Can Uke. & “cays date foe onde Digance |S) Malaysia s Yond rooadher, _ Naktwu'S call Teliom aE Ty Por Point | teme, we ose Comple part . 0 ek fy- f have gonet Jeter clay 40 buy tomatoes. C*) ee FMA AO the manner ypracay + buy tamalos (7) RULE-46] [Hos wyed wih mas] Pound, Uni . . otal Petes Nor &- He's completely Perbect-Cx) Right deat sed He is perbect. CL) eoyly Exceneng | A” Tdedt Enuirce | "8 domcl Copptede RETA] guric p Al) > Doelt come togeun Gq- He has done quite all the woo. (x) He has dene al the wok.(~) He & Suite well (-) got e-as] Ago, Before Sepia, . past PeTbeck » Ly) c fy & ghact oy a (elation bebeve f Hunad 24. aq mek er 5 pro ago. [RULE=Ag) US in poRerian| Common, power om - 86 at the end ,€- Rain f Sita’ s cas. Spley posseriom- 5 ~ plunak. end o maiidual - VJ-~ Rawn's # SitoS cans are. berg docoroted + [aa] : TsS- Dis TAS POMUMM, owneship &}_ 9y’3 cabal a mesale + hid is Comymg Ts vos A number of + Plural she number of # Plunal noun + &- A number of GHUGUES Oe reeadng : Pp e Students tS tity The number “fy 7 is ity (unos Squid) oun ¢ Plural verb Strgulon yo. RULE- 52 Gy fs Adme } Sub+ V ay ts high tee Ties q anu botoued hry Subject hen Vas baal, Ge mot Sub, than acc to HSE Gq- Ga ts teme/hagh ime he worred howd . Tub , no, Sub aber hugh me ly fuera 40 Study hand .(* eae sae >) a t& hg Angray Jannoy” a at C ha wi Lomell Chang svang) mg) GT am angiey at bus behaviour .Gomuthag) ave FT am angry with her. Cling) Know - always bollowed hy rolaki ve Pronoun, retative adverh, & * €j-% Know how + qwim. tv) 2 know +0 Swim. (x) © dani Know What al the buy fs about - Do you Know cohene the post office fs ? why ane Used bre} KNOW + ewd@de 0 FFE LL NA SNA MMMM VU SVWoevvw Cer ae 9 who, How, when, ate QULE-55 Flee. but Ves &s nolhomelse but Stugtclity , then /rethinthon] “He mek no Sthin prion then Ram, 4 woth Stroy cl home shan go out - 4 QUE-56 t ‘we Senqutoy ves Kend. f5- this Kind 4 Products ane availabte athts shop .Cx) oo This Kind 4 forduers % avatlae at his shop. (v) tee Sub Sv QULE-5¥) yin- ain Vu aca, TnGide ~ OF—-0 [leming loom outside) Into — 1 O20 (eemng from oubyele) 0 Change ef tow /State 9. fam im the daw, Come enside] into the Chay, Water turns into ee . F Enters wo Coegosition . %J~ the entercel m the Hotere Cx) He enteud the howe. (4) PEmrered mvo ~ phyresa verb = to ign. tT a > Tnside out —MReverse, #) complete. A) She wore she Uist mside out + YF know you mule out. \Ruve-s8 | Gyn) By~ Living things With = vied with nom-wing thing €g- 9 write with Pen, This painkng was done hy me. &xceton wal we Wye fay, fy- She wal Come baw hy 5 0 dotk . Rue 4\ Stont Comme + On, oot. brom) Begen ~The exams Start biom monday.Cx) the erams Start om manday ,(%) ) wer wed stop[M am) YY Acc uss o ; peer &- F lox tenoancl 40 making You Com, > witha view 0 she was given to Stayong m bed Hi lunchtime . ) Look, borwasyl to * aven to Prone to + Revoted 40 *} Bn activin 10 5 > Medicated to AEC] CRfawd ¥ we always Loox al the Sound a unico an umbrella g Eunopean univertity, @ utentl on o.Tech & University / ® words with 4% Leer Y/1 - only a 4s red. B yearn Avte-cal fre} —the 1 - Doron, Rivers, ea,0tean Ue ; dunique thongs Mecagapeny, clases, Sypoutalive ne - (beat, easiest) aa Counhies (abbreviated berm) .€5% The USAUK, Nehlands, maldeves, % Companative clagree— (a) one Poucn # compan with 9 poua €g— He is beten of “Ihe wo. (6) To 48 thang hegpony, aM one fhoypery auslomalically @- the hugh, you ga, the Cooler it gus. IM range he Ww The besten you walk, the Seoren you seach , ML Peak —The( x), Cy- the me. Evereet (x) ML. Everest ( 1) ag. che $S the best Student. Ccupouatve) oy Mokaphore- The che & the moth Teresa 4 cun day . Che & MK ef CU Clan. Kashmis & theswetzerland o Indig . For & Phrase , Gombinadion Pryor noun ff carmen NOUN « S§- the Riven prele, The Mustion league pauy the ewan, Gy, d (eleskal body —the ~ 4. the man Gov Oregqanyizetin~ The sun The Juciciary RULE-63 eel Howoen we con uge there Nome ef County words to perticwlar 2 Nome o4 Contenients The Gi) the to, we we aba Sheets adel ; ; Smmquieo, taxes €-the brenda hak { ha is mesteng washaay, ME Pecks, Srgle island the counby Language = 4 1 1 rcekers to the peatle ee set ee tke Bagh ag sreararg Fete) God, Like Monay AuE-cq] (The + adj | Community , The Ports poor people fy_The honest ane. respected» the brave > Boave PEPE “ane poor ore not cishonest » “the sich > Rich pecple ROLE=5) same noun conned by Posesition.~ lana ane Smgaton} ql rt dlssrryed , Gy Vileges afte Vellages Lx) Here ita abt Village (veo daxtoayert - Smrqulon Noun Plural nouns Son -in stew Song- law Posen hey Pasgers-by Datum Data, Doremowk Dosmice Hoose Man te Man Sewvant men Sovendy ‘ ROLEeal, Man Tas about Mola “| tales about wWomon Probession Female) te, atcossories EG Woman Doctax (doe is wornan) female Doctor (Doc #5 bes woman) Gemole watch (paid bes women) johen thure & no antecedent (no pour) Pronouss) we Geld EY? - &}—~ Ram met whoever thy have holed us € J- He has worced. hand bes this parject. har he 20x) Hela, worked hand bos this prwject hay n't he? Cv) eceeee ve a ue a SJB aluwcuy apporite of Statement. RULE: FO . Amat ? CX) Rae cy FT am worxing hand con's P20) Seldom Seancel 4 . Booty ¢ wet que tag wil he ive - manely &q —-NeSeidom coms lo ™Y house, 423, he () ey have barely enough 16 pay the vend, have they 2C)- - aS ver Ive & L seldom drive my can mo dty do T 104 4 QusKon tag J Statement both tH Some Here: 4“ ¢ am doing the won idhich you gave ma. don't 5 1(x) FT am dog the wor, which You gave me. anan't 7.Cv) fama ROE 33] : 1 ay 3 I Eat Every uation tag — Plunal on J . ea = Stingutor , &g- Evesuy Student # talented. aren't shay Cv) Each onehas to wor hand, Haven't thy? wv) bane JT) aunron tag each} every au convicluesl Plunal Xo haven't Panen't ou ured , ore Collecaang noun — tr - onellang -Smgulan chiltount - plural. eC : eg - The omy, tg mors dang towands the Himalayas. its the cuclience tong the Gas , diclal thay LY RULE= FS ‘Tn empanadive Sentences, han we Lalk about Prposals x ofherws, We alway, wre shall we? m quatag , Es Lek uy Qo boy a walk, cha we ? Cv) ; CH UE gout 46 dinner, don! wet), chal) we ? (4) 3 RULE46| Nfontar) T— © - Arealvolumelmede Dayj- On, on monetay.on 16 "904 Rug, | on- © — sumibace “fime- at, at 70 don, i AL- «6 - Point Nonth — in, in Jan ,in 9023 &- fT Live ot Rojajer nagar én Bengalunu- ® owrday,Aomowow, last briday ete. No Pouposition » a oe Both... anf (v~) Poth agua 03x) ford alway bollowed hy ag. Both ¢ not CX) Both t CX) €)- Roth MEA women ane onvited © belt both hoppy x cack of jhe * 1 the Same TOM Qord ak wiotogy.. = She Good at heane , ROLE- Fa offs Me Shoukl ~ N0 Modal verb ©3— wor hand Lesh you bail (Vv) wo% hord lost you shoud Aci (v) (one, ones Untdl/ tl Time oriented Unters > Acton oriented. adicate’) i ©4- Watt bos me unk momang. (Kme Ww) You wit! not move bom hire unless you give ham the Keys. (v) cre (inclicates achion) (QIAN — fatower paralleliem , Same pond 4 tpeech bellows. -T Like Smgng, danang £ 40 walk (x) T tke Sangang, dancing fF woluamg-() Row noun noun 4 noun My dad never Judge meby my words % what idid.(x) z + ny acHong.(v) Line 40 reead books over waiding m ovis. CX) P Lake ruading, bors oven wns movies () £ would vasho, oy ber Ty education Than recieve dinanctal aid" i use o Propen psupositon word Buber — tox lo Should bedded - Qy- He is Superior to an over than ant. ( He iS Senigs tof and oldsn than me.) This book 2s dittoand om % hore than thal hoax. Cv) REE penetra) Tow much - Gadj)- tells out NOUN + tmuth doo= Cady) ~ #1 about dj. ch Sugar in clu ta. f3- she ortduel scutmuch “tT He & much too Song - adv aay Veh noun vee Balorgy — Beongongs Gg — Hig ecarnings caren Sulticient Ww Wh ~ Tour Bacamg — Eammgs ‘.: ) lis betomgangs were Lost. Surrounding Sumpundings “tH ea Posusve word 4olfowed hy noun alway ROE Politics —y Fieid, Subject - Sengutan. » Political views - plunal %- polities is a dey game. ( Cmgules) (etd) His polies ane didbourd hom me ..( views Plunal) - Mathemadics ] Statistics } field, tub + Smgute Mathemeki cs colwakion —s Plunay SHH SHS Data > plunat . &y - Nethematics|sratisticc a he aqperesting Subject: ° Moadhomatics gow tellng that he had made a Lor 4 mony Stas cau ws that W will rcain today, “Plural. 4 Data -Plunal, Datum Singular . Y Summony — Smquton - Summonaes — Plunat- }— Two Summanses woe PULL Lv) RULE - 86 R A ene many - alunys porsunive Pranaun (rine ours, Yours, tht ish) The~ only ne- objective Prmnoun (Imes them hen, yp) Cy~ fr byeothun of mine ty g Singer . The bitothere of me &s a Singer . A dsiven of shot Lives a Delle. Thedrriver ef them Lives om Dolly, “Lan ove Ao appentein cont ae RULE - 8+ ee, ' Yivo, ay well, io] aio cay be wed at Lost % Senieme, &- T have also brought & box.(v) T hove lorought @ bea, a5 wat ) ' ny T hove Irughu a book alo: (x) ' ) GE : We don's wit Ses, only Vy wed . 1% May Gog bier you» ) Lomg Live the king - ' ' Aes 0 Cu i thw 5 0 Subjece Nihee- A. 01 & xainmg, ; eSub 1 being vacant,he entoud it. () >, Sub: Fe eing Sant fe ans she question (v4) Sub ee (RULE-40) [7t Noung 404 V4 Need 40.0d4-Psapourion » &- Uneed a 40 write with. e wW von He reequirees a bed 10 Hey M- Tan | Va. tty Hem thild wanted a toy 40 play with . mou. MI ooRaT Ewe dithownt verbs cow wd, we always pla them reedhoy than, omit tt. Gq T have Neven and will neven watch this movie, Cx) ml have Never, Loakched # will Neve wodch this movie. (v) RULE -92 Shoes Socks] Scandals] huely} Sneaners) > H 5 Bevida- preagoviion (oa Ane de) > 5 s 9 Besides ~ Conyuaton (in addition to) fy- kavya ts Sittmg boride mohan. Bevidey bemg a docs, she abo an anos, RULE =103 * wel 4 ; ‘ Neasrt _ He behaves cowan y «Cb ty month Adyeuives ka He behaves a 4 couscnily manne (v) 4 Le wehaved frendlyLx) y meant He bel y ty Caandly lo behaved M1 friendly manfw) Ww) ty trenaly ROETTOR pon of dlelverh - ) Stank WN) HV adlverh 4 main veqb a) End ) Not Wuse abtor main verb. &J- Ne comes oben to my house (x) me chien Comes Yo my house Ce) Suddenly the. phone + ang v) He olurauy jelly the -hudh Cv) mY » TWO, OVEN, Only —cun be Wied anywho . adverbs Advenb ™M - Mannen - How Dredlur P- PIACe - whore T= tome - when, &- ¢ waded Slowly yesterday , a - P f have 40 mun SUICKIY clown the Greee each monang alien lunch. i e F om with YS Noy — ave degree , Powrent posuticiple (viting) } MUch— Conpenratve degree ( pase Poouiciple(V3: ) ag. TH is Very intoreating . He is much besten Now (comparative) He ts much Entrwted a the pwjece V3 : Pas ot 2 os tn foc, rd ON be Ovailable brom 4am to Glam , RULE - log Certain apun ib we add Jes, yt Changes the smearing . 23 Advicess antomakon Army - we ALES — Parc weapons Wakery- Wateibodies ROLE VOM) So yic ereiterns hen is you birthday’ clate 2.x) She & Maths teachan 0) Shu t6 @ deachen of maths v) @ Mer my COMMA SiH Aoday (x) Tmet my Courin Aoday, (>) Rahul & a cheat{) Gour) daw Creator x). RULE - 10 4) Each, every... onets (x) ¢y_ Everyone, should do one’s duly (x) o ¢ Everyone should do hts SF Te Subs One) then one ts ured. “ One should co hes duty.(x) one's CL) woe Less- wWefwith uncountable oun. @\antity) Fewey- with Countable noun &J- hone & no tors than 5 Litres of weken.( 4) No dewey than Qo students Complated the WOKL) « Eldet— family | feteont hy olden - outside family} than. €y- A friend of mine, try company $ olden than me. My husband & oldin than me. (ews nee relate ) Ne his the elder Son of Khusi. 8) Later — Abie Sometime . Neoresl —URT Lasen- and one Nee ~ sinter %) Fouthey - Distance Fwullun- Teme, RULE=W The mangoes oh Oelhi are Sweeter than Ganglore-L9) The mangoes ob Delh? are sweeter than those 4 Banglore (~) The weather of Mumba? % bay bette than that of Delhi: (v) Que =y one of the ) Nowy Sach of the | “always Rveryone of thy) Pla %}_ one of te Suuderas Each of the children Cvenyone of Ihe Stuclends Te i io Excegy | scoke of —) Pronoun will be Beywea Pstegosiion . objeuive case. Bub \2 Play the n) Cy~ Thene & a Vight between you £ him. AMY bud Winn ave going 40 the party, RULE-N6 Tr Ws — Iollowed hy Subjective _ (}welgo hl ha) Case Pronoun. €j~ a &% T who have dene 11. Ts is we who went tho. Te he who Came om Kime. ROLE} i Sach. as Se shat } pass Gg- He W Such a poucn ay You mentioned, () ele but . . otha than They om nothing else but 10 have theire honor f rathon than, ignity 40D to RULE -18 when Hessang Sound coma while wing |! s) then mamove last Sp Placet?) - Manas’ can Panos car 4) Somebody eles's (L-) Graig? School - Apostieophels) fs only wed with [Roun fone) €4~ Youu, briendly Cv) a The ving t¢ hes, Yours biendly(x) the be &% Theives, Able sunt Abnaid Aline Never botlowed Asleep dua by Ready : oe We went unable to Contac (-) on fF am glad 40 Know the PArCEL omived {W) rey a Sabeby. wosh Alone =

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