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Name_____________________________________ Date___________________ Class_________ 7th

Grade Unit 1 Test “The Last Dog” Answer in complete sentences. Write NEATLY!

1.What is revealed in the exposition of the story “The Last Dog”?

Brock goes outside of the dome for a scientific reason. Then he wonders if the air and water
was poisonous still, but he didn't want to sacrifice his life. Also finds a mountain, then he
walks to it.

2. Explain what the scanner does in the story.

Brock uses the scanner to analyse things from the outside world. He also checks the scanner to
determine what sensations or emotions he is experiencing.

3. Explain one time where Flashback is used in the story.

When Brock thinks back to the clerk that gave him the equipment to go outside.

4. What is the climax of “The Last Dog”?

The climax of the story is when Brock bites Brogs tail and Brog bites him in the face. Brock fakes
having rabies so the people in the dome let him go so that he can live outside of the dome with the dog.

5. What is the resolution of the story?

The resolution in "The Last Dog" is when Brock leaves the dome with the dog, Brog, and decides to
venture off into the unknown world outside. This decision marks a turning point for Brock, as he
learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and sacrifice. By leaving the dome, Brock also shows
that he values his relationship with Brog more than the comfort and security of his life in the dome.

6. Give examples of Internal Conflicts from the story.

- Loyalty to the scientists who raised him vs. his own desires and needs.
- Conflicts between his duty to the dome and his desire for freedom and adventure.
- He knows that caring for a puppy is a lot of work, but he wants to adopt Brog.
- He knows that making friends is hard, but he wants his pod fellows to like him.
- He knows that drinking from the brook is risky, but he wants to taste the water.
- He knows that leaving the dome could be dangerous, but he wants to go outside.
- He knows that the ancient fictions are rather unpopular, but he wants to explore them.

7. Give an example of an External Conflict from the story.

An example of external conflict in "The Last Dog" is the conflict between Brock and the scientists who
raised him, particularly Dr. Simmons. They want to experiment on Brog, the dog Brock has grown
attached to, which leads to a confrontation between Brock and the scientists.

Some other examples of external conflicts in the story include:

- Brock's struggle to survive in the harsh outside world

- The danger posed by the toxic environment and radiation
- The conflict between Brock and the dome's authorities who want to capture him and Brog
- The challenges Brock faces in finding food, shelter, and safety outside the dome

External conflicts are conflicts that occur between the character and their environment, or between the
character and other characters, and are often driven by external factors such as setting, circumstances,
or other people's actions.

8. What are the “ancient fictions” that are mentioned in the story. What importance do they have to

In "The Last Dog", the ancient fictions are classic stories. They have the following importance for

- Hope and Optimism: These stories inspire Brock to hold onto hope and positivity, even in the
bleak post-apocalyptic world.
- Human Connection: They represent the importance of human relationships and emotions,
contrasting with the sterile, scientific environment of the dome.
- Escape and Comfort: The stories serve as a mental escape for Brock, providing comfort and
solace in difficult times.
- Perspective: They offer a different perspective on life, encouraging Brock to question his
circumstances and seek a more meaningful existence.

The ancient fictions play a significant role in shaping Brock's character, motivations, and ultimate
decisions in the story.

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