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Day 1 – 2nd Activity

1. Logical view

Using Cisco Packet Tracer, create the following net:

2. Devices configuration:

Configure the devices according to the table:

Device Interface IP address Subnet mask Default Gateway

PC Ethernet0 DHCP
Wireless Router LAN
Internet DHCP Server Ethernet0
Laptop Wireless0 DHCP

Configure the Wireless Router from the GUI:

Into the Wireless Section change the 2.4 GHz name to HomeNetwork, make sure it is enabled and click on Save
Into the Setup Section in the DHCP Server settings verify that the Enabled button is selected and configure the static
IP address of the DNS server as
Connect the Laptop to the Wifi:
First, in the physical view turn off the PC, remove the Ethernet module and insert the Wireless module, then turn it
back on.

Wireless Module
(drag it were the
ethernet module
used to be)

Ethernet module (drag it

to the modules’ list)


In the Desktop tab, click on PC Wireless, then on Connect and on Refresh. You will get a list of available wireless
connection. Click on the HomeNetwork and connect to it.
Configure the PC: In the Desktop tab, click on IP configuration and select DHCP.
Configure the Internet cloud:
Go to the configuration tab, then click on FastEthernet and select Cable. Click on Cable from the Connections Menu
and select Coaxial and FastEthernet, then click on Add.

Configure the Server:

a. Select the Services tab, select DHCP from the SERVICES list in the left pane.
In the DHCP configuration window, configure a DHCP as shown in the figure with the following settings:

• Click On to turn the DHCP service on

• Pool name: DHCPpool
• Default Gateway:
• DNS Server:
• Starting IP Address:
• Subnet Mask
• Maximum number of Users: 50
Click Add to add the pool
b. Configure the server as a DNS server to provide domain name to IPv4 address resolution.
Still in the Services tab, select DNS from the SERVICES listed in the left pane.
Configure the DNS service using the following settings as shown in the figure.

• Click On to turn the DNS service on

• Name:
• Type: A Record
• Address:
Click Add to add the DNS service settings

c. Configure the server Global settings.

Select the Config tab, click on Settings in left pane.
Configure the Global settings of the server as follows:

• Select Static
• Gateway:
• DNS Server:

d. Configure the server FastEthernet0 Interface settings.

Click on FastEthernet in left pane of the Config tab
Configure the FastEthernet Interface settings of the server as follows:

• Select Static under IP Configuration

• IP Address:
• Subnet Mask:

Check the connection between devices using the ping command from the command prompt.

3. Physical view

Place the Router and the modem into the wiring closet of the corporate office. Create a single office in the corporate
office and place the PC and the laptop there.
Place the server in north America and the cloud in the intercity.

You can use this image as the background for the intercity:

You can use this image as the background of the office: To make it the
correct dimension, type ‘1000’ into the Custom Width box.
4. Realtime and Simulation mode

Go back to the logical view and send a simple PDU from the PC or the Laptop to with the mode set to

Now switch to simulation mode and do the same thing.

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