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TECHNICAL TEST - Frontend Developer


Part I
Apply the following display design using the ReactJs Framework and ensure the application
display is mobile responsive.
The application display design includes features:
0.1 Login
- Users can login manually by entering their email and password. With email and
password validation as follows:
- Email is required
- Password minimum 8 characters
Then click login and redirect to the dashboard page

0.2 Manage User Permission

- Role as Admin (can access all feature)
- Role as Guest (only create ticket)
1.1 Overview
The overview page displays the following data by fetching data to the API at each of
the following points:
- Total Unresolved
- Total Overview
- Total Open
- Total On Hold
- Tickets graph in 1 year
- List Unresolved Tickets
- List Task Terbaru
- Search Box to search for Tasks
- The Notification Pane contains notification data from tickets that have been
- Profile Icon
2.1 Tickets
The Tickets page displays features with the following javascript functions:
- List Tickets
- Pagination, Filter dan Sort Tickets
- Detail Tickets with action Approve or Reject Tickets (additional page can be a
plus point
- Action Button Create Tickets and Form
- Action Button Approve Tickets or Reject Tickets
3.1 Language
Applications created using the i18next language library with default EN.
3.2 Theme
The application has a theme feature to set the application mode to Dark or Light.
Notes :

1. Upload your work on GitHub account

2. Create .README under Github repository containing information about React js version,
Node version, How to start project (using npm or yarn), and username and password
used for login.

Good Luck!

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