Exocad StandardImplantPositionDefinition

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Standard Implant Position Definition

exocad GmbH
D-64295 Darmstadt


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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition


1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Motivation................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 What we define........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 What we do not define .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Defining the axis...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 The work plane ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Interpretation .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Defining the position ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Definition the rotation around central axis (orientation) ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Defining the connection keyword ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Defining the implant keyword ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.7 Defining the implant rotation marker direction ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.8 Defining display information and folder names ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

3 Appendix: Figures .............................................................................................................................................7

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation
In order to allow smooth process integration of implant related work flows in digital dentistry, a standard for
defining implant positions and connection types is required. This simplifies integration between implant
planning software, scanning software, CAD and CAM software.

1.2 What we define

We define the position of the implant connection geometry, using a point (Position) and two vectors (Axis and
Orientation). We also define the type of implant connection geometry and type of implant. Finally, we define
a rotation marker. All this is done using configuration files in XML notation.

1.3 What we do not define

We do not define the world coordinate system, it can be arbitrary. The axes “X” “Y” and “Z” have no meaning.
That is, libraries themselves can be aligned to any axis. This way, easy adaptation of this standard to existing
libraries is possible.
The type of implant connection we define is not designed to discern between different implants having the
same connection. For identifying specific implants we define the implant keyword instead. See section 2.5 and
2.6 for details.

2 Definitions

2.1 Defining the axis

The axis defines the occlusal direction of the implant (that is, the negative of the direction in which the implant
is screwed into the bone). The figures below show the correct definition within implant libraries as an example.
In there, the axis is shown as the blue line.

2.2 The work plane

In order to facilitate the following definition of the position, we introduce the ‘work plane’:
The work plane is perpendicular to the axis. It’s height is defined by the platform level of the implant.


For all implant systems that have a flat platform, the platform defines the work plane.
For all implant systems that do not have a flat platform, the work plane is typically defined by the highest point
of the implant. Note that the work plane definition for geometries with external hex follows the rule of “flat
platform” and ignores the external hex geometry.
In the figures below, the work plane is perpendicular to the blue line, the red line lies on the work plane.
Note for people familiar with CAD: The ‘work plane’ is what you’d most likely chose as your first work plane, if
you were to design the implant connection geometry in your favorite CAD software.

2.3 Defining the position

The point that specifies the position is defined as the intersection between the implant axis and the work plane.
In the figures below, the position point is shown as the intersection between blue and red line.

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

2.4 Definition the rotation around central axis (orientation)

The orientation of the anti-rotation lock is defined by an axis which is
perpendicular to the implant’s rotation axis ( see 2.1 Defining the axis )
In the pictures to the right, the anti-rotation lock axis is marked as a red line.

Category 1: For all implant systems where the anti-rotation lock is provided by a
shape that is a regular polygon (or part thereof), the direction vector should
intersect one of the polygon’s vertices. This defines the orientation of the
vector for implants with hexagonal (e.g. Branemark™), octagonal (e.g. SynOcta®),
or square (e.g. Prowital™) anti-rotation lock.

Category 2: For implant systems where the anti-rotation lock is provided by a

shape that is not a regular polygon, the shape is approximated by a polygon (red shape), and then treated as in
category 1. This defines the orientation of the vector for implant systems such as Replace Select® (lobe lock, see
example on the right) or CAMLOG® (cam lock).

2.5 Defining the connection keyword

We define keywords for common types of implant connections. Different implants which share the same
connection and are considered “compatible” use the same keyword. The keyword consists of three parts,
separated by underscore:

*manufacturercode*_*connection keyword typecode*_P*platform-size*

We use abbreviations for manufacturers and implant systems, to avoid trademark infringements.
Please note that the connection keyword typecode used in the connection keyword only contains the implant
connection typecode. Do not mix up the connection keyword typecode with the implant keyword typecode
described in section 2.6.

Excerpt from our full “suggestion for connection type abbreviations” list – available upon request
Manufacturer Manufacturer Connection Type Connection
code keyword typecode

Nobel Biocare NB Replace Select® RP

Active™ AC

Branemark™ BM

3i 3i Certain™ CE

Osseotite® OSS

Straumann STR CrossFit™ CF

SynOcta® SYN

Zimmer ZI Screw-Vent® SV

Dentsply DS Xive® XI

Ankylos® ANK

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

The “platform-size” should be a two-digit number, giving the size of the implant in tenths of a millimeter (e.g.
3.5 mm: “35”). Use numbers only, not abbreviations (e.g., use “41” for 4.1 mm, not “RP” for Regular Platform”).
You have to add the Prefix P in front of the platform-size to indicate that it is a platform-size parameter and
not an implant body diameter. Do only use underscores to separate the keywords.
The platform-size could contain additional platform type information. Use a hyphen to separate this
information from the platform width number.
Only the following character are allowed in the connection keyword: 0-9, A-Z, _+-
Avoid using lower case letters.

Connection Keyword example: STR_SYN_P48-RN

refers to
Manufacturer: Straumann
Connection Type code (System): Synocta® System
Platform-Diameter (two-digit): 4,8 mm
Additional Platform Information: RN type (all Synocta RN connections have 4,8mm diameter)

Please ask for our fully featured official list of abbreviations before you start defining your keywords.

2.6 Defining the implant keyword

We define keywords for common implant systems. In contrast to the connection keywords, the implant
keywords are used to identify a specific implant instead of a group of implants sharing the same connection.
The keyword consists of four parts, separated by underscore:

*manufacturercode*_*implant keyword typecode*_*body diameter* _P*platform-size*_*implant length*

We use abbreviations for manufacturers and implant systems to avoid trademark infringements.

The implant keyword typecode could contain additional type information such as implant material or surface
treatment codes. Use a hyphen to separate this information from the platform width number.
The platform-size could contain additional platform type information. Use a hyphen to separate this
information from the platform width number. Make sure the platform-size information is the same tag used in
the corresponding Connection Keyword.
Only the following character are allowed in the connection keyword: 0-9, A-Z, _+-
Avoid using lower case letters.

Implant keyword example: STR_S-TI-SLA_41_P48-RN_120

refers to
Manufacturer: Straumann®
Implant Type code (System): Standard Titanium SLA® implant (Material: Titanium, Surface: SLA®)

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

Body-Diameter (two-digit): 4,1 mm

Platform-Diameter (two-digit): 4,8 mm
Additional Platform Information: RN type (all Synocta® RN connections have 4,8mm diameter)
Length (three-digit): 12,0 mm

The length should be a three-digit number, giving the length of the implant in tenths of a millimeter (e.g.
12mm: "120" or 3,4mm: “034”). Use numbers only, no abbreviations.

Please ask for our fully featured official list of abbreviations before you start defining your keywords. If
you are not sure what implant keyword typecode to use, please contact our support staff.

2.7 Defining the implant rotation marker direction

For implants which feature a dedicated marking for rotation alignment,
we define a rotation marker direction as a directional vector
perpendicular to the implant axis (see section 2.1 Defining the axis)
which points to the center of the marking.
In the picture to the right, the rotation marker direction vector is
marked as an orange line.

2.8 Defining display information and folder names

For libraries that contain display information, we define a hierarchic structure to define library identifier,
library type and library subtype. This is done using configuration files in XML notation.

The library identifier should contain the manufacturer and the implant system. Use a hyphen to separate
manufacturer from implant system.
Example: “Straumann® - Standard Titanium SLA®”

The library type should contain the body-diameter (implant body diameter) as well as additional platform
information if defined via the implant connection keyword. Use Ø to indicate the body-diameter and “Space”
to separate each word.
Example: “Ø 3.3 mm RN”

The library subtype should only contain the length of the implant. Use a number and a unit separated by
Example: “12 mm”

Please note that all display information should be presented in a comfortably human readable text
formatting. Avoid “_” and all-capital-letter-words.

The folder name should contain manufacturer and implant system name. Do not use any fill words (e.g.

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

“System”, “Type”, “Body”). The name should also not contain any “Spaces”. Use an underline “_” instead. Do not
add any body- or platform-diameter information to the folder name.
Example: Straumann_Standard_Titanium_SLA

3 Appendix: Figures

Red: <Orientation> vector, Blue: <Axis> vector, Intersection red/blue: <Position> point

Fig. 1: Sample for the “anti-rotation lock is provided by a shape that is a regular polygon” category. Notice that the work
plane definition is NOT the highest point of the implant for geometries with external hex connection.

Red: <Orientation> vector, Blue: <Axis> vector, Intersection red/blue: <Position> point

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

Fig. 2: Sample for the “anti-rotation lock is provided by a shape that is a regular polygon” category

Red: <Orientation> vector, Blue: <Axis> vector, Intersection red/blue: <Position> point

Fig. 3: Another sample for the “the “anti-rotation lock is provided by a shape that is a regular polygon” category

Red: <Orientation> vector, Blue: <Axis> vector, Intersection red/blue: <Position> point

Fig. 4: Another sample for the “the “anti-rotation lock is provided by a shape that is a regular polygon” category

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

Red: <Orientation> vector, Blue: <Axis> vector, Intersection red/blue: <Position> point

Fig. 5: Sample for the “anti-rotation lock is provided by other shape” (e.g. lobe, cam) category

Red: <Orientation> vector, Blue: <Axis> vector, Intersection red/blue: <Position> point

Fig. 6: Sample for the “anti-rotation lock is provided by other shape” (e.g. lobe, cam) category

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exocad Standard Implant Position Definition

Red: <Orientation> vector, Blue: <Axis> vector, Intersection red/blue: <Position> point

Fig. 7: “SynOcta®” – Note the position/work plane definition following the “highest point” rule.

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