REL225C W00 ReflectionAndSynthesis

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Reflection and Synthesis Report

Week #: 13

In the table provided below, you will complete your reflection and synthesis responses for this week. Be sure to
complete each Response section. When referencing scripture or other materials, only include a brief or abbreviated
summary along with the citation as these cannot be included in the required word count. When you have completed
the document, save it to your computer and follow the instructions in your course to submit the assignment to your

1. Did you complete all the assigned reading for the week? [Yes ⃝ or No ⃝] YES I DID

2. Article of Faith Please identify the Article of Faith studied this week

Response: "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men;
indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we
have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or
of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

3. Explanation of Demonstrate your comprehension of fundamental truths of the restored gospel of Jesus
Key Events and Christ, and your ability to use the scriptures to teach them. Be sure to include specific
Scriptures scripture references from the assigned readings

Scenario: Imagine you have been asked by a family member or friend to share what you
believe about the truths and events you studied this week. Share in your own words several
insights as though you are really trying to teach someone. Include at least three scripture
references to support the truths you teach (you may reference them, but there is no need
to quote them). Share your testimony as you would when teaching someone.

Your response will be evaluated by the following criteria:

1. 200–300 words in length (please include your word count at the bottom of the
2. Include at least 3 scripture references.

Response: This week we were able to gain a better understand. The idea of holiness is material. I adore this idea
because, as saints, it helps us to have a strong relationship with God while we faithfully and honestly serve Him. Alma
reportedly became enraged, but according to Mosiah 24:12, he maintained his composure. This may be quite
challenging, especially if you are blaming God. This text taught us to confess our sins to God rather than hold Him
accountable. We must keep in mind that we must repent for everything since it is mentioned in 3 Nephi 27:16. We
ought to practice it every day, not just when we find ourselves in serious danger. Strive to be diligent in seeking the
kingdom of heaven instead of worldly pursuits, as stated in D&C 68:31. The Lord expresses disappointment with the
idlers among the inhabitants of Zion, whose children are growing up in wickedness and who are not sincerely
pursuing eternal riches, but rather are consumed by greed. Through personal experience, I have come to realize that
submitting to the Lord's will has transformed me into a better person and it allows me to gain that and understand
what it means.

Word Count:200

4. Synthesis: There are many serious challenges people encounter on a daily basis that are consequences
Personal of living in a fallen world. The gospel truths taught in the Articles of Faith have tremendous
Relevance and power to help people find answers, rise above problems, or simply feel God's love and
Application to concern for them again.
the Real World

Each week you will choose an issue (below) and think deeply about how the truths in that
week’s Article of Faith can offer hope to those who are experiencing the problem. If you
have another issue that particularly interests you, then choose your own:






domestic violence

energy/environmental issues





international terrorism


natural disasters



racial strife/hatred

religious intolerance/persecution

threats to religious liberty

same-sex marriage


Scenario: Imagine you are speaking to someone who has experienced or has concerns about
the issue you have chosen. What would you share from the doctrine and fundamental
truths that you have studied this past week to help that person? Include why you think
these truths and doctrine are helpful and what they have meant to you. Be encouraging
with the truths you know.

Write a response in at least 300-450 words and list your word count at the end of your

5. The world problem/issue I chose this week is: Homosexuality

Response: This week, I've decided to delve into the topic of homosexuality because of its increasing relevance and
significance in today's world. Over the past decade, our society has undergone profound changes propelled by rapid
advancements in technology, science, and medicine. These changes have not only reshaped our daily lives but have
also influenced our perceptions and attitudes towards various social issues, including sexuality. Homosexuality,
though not a new phenomenon, has become more visible and accepted in many parts of the world. This growing
acceptance is reflected in the efforts of governments to recognize and protect the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. Laws
and policies aimed at promoting equality and non-discrimination have been enacted in numerous countries, marking
significant progress towards inclusivity and social justice. However, despite these advancements, there are still
pockets of resistance, often rooted in religious beliefs. For instance, some religious denominations, such as the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, maintain traditional views on marriage, emphasizing the sanctity of unions
between a man and a woman. While these beliefs are deeply held by some, it's essential to recognize that they may
not reflect the perspectives of all individuals or communities. Approaching discussions on homosexuality with
empathy and understanding is paramount. Each person's journey and experience are unique, shaped by a myriad of
factors, including culture, religion, and personal beliefs. It's crucial to foster open dialogue and respectful discourse
that honors the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation. As Mother Teresa
famously said, "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." This profound
statement reminds us of our interconnectedness as human beings and underscores the importance of compassion
and empathy in navigating complex social issues. In conclusion, homosexuality is a multifaceted topic that demands
thoughtful consideration and dialogue. As we continue to progress as a society, it's essential to uphold principles of
equality, dignity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation. By fostering understanding and
empathy, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate world for everyone.

Word Count:345

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