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)) n 4 » 10) mn) * Beis kind and.. gsi & ‘ MODEL SETS-1. He won't tell anybody,... would he? . wouldn't he? othesis means: Guess b) Postulates weare living in the world of... allusions) delusions which is correct?. each girl & boy went thei a) a7 b) ‘won't he? d) will he? c), Theory .. ..,.d) Facts c) ‘etisions. 4) illusio ir home... b) each girl & boy went their homes c) each girl & boy, went his home d) each girl and boy went her home [have a distaste. a). at a) I c) alsolam Michael is addicted t0-..---- a) drink b) drinks The passive of ‘fisten to me?’ j a) {should listened to c) Jam listened to She is taller than...---~; a) me I The negative of a) Man is nor mortal c) Nomanis immortal The lion came..---;: th a) on ) : "Man is mortal". c) -about 4) for : b) Tam also : d) none d) drunk c) drinking iS.eeneseeee b) I should be listened to od) None of these c) mine «, 9) her b) Man isn't mortal d) Man is immortal A ony onto 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 2A) 25) The passive voice of ‘speak the truth’ ig, a) you are requested to speak the truth b) let the truth be spoken c) truth should be spoken d) all of the above We couldn't bear........his violent temper, a) up b) by ©) off ate Obama will back me........the election. ) with a) upto b) on c) at dy Idon't kndw.... a a) how much did it cost b) how much it cost * ¢) how much does it cost d) “how much it costed The building was set........ fire. a) off _ b) to c) on 4) with Everything not gold. a) isshining b) shine c) shines 4) shining Dog = Kennel. a) worker = spade b) children = toy ¢) woman = kitchen d) pig=sty The meeting was.......for the next day. a) putover b) putoff c) puton d) put by Shree Krishna came........a car. a) on b) by c) in d) from Ruled by one's wife......... a a) cock-pecked b) pig-pecked c) hen-pecked d) wifious She is one of the best women who.......ever lived. a) have b) has c) was d) had She is the woman.........1 her sixties. a) of b) in c) at d) over Nobody told the truth,. 2 a) did they? b) didn't they? * ©) didn't he? d) did he? Custom of having many wives: ; a) matrimony b) bigamy ©) monogamy d) polygamy After SEE Bridge Course f Light travels faster in which of the following? 9) piamond b) Water Glass 7 es Air any electrons will be there in 1.6c charge? ra Bon yee b) 10" c) 10” D 1 ny electrons per second pass thro: i q 38) ee a yerying 2.0A current? . hrough a given point 1.2510" b) 13x10 ¢) 1.4010". d) 2x10% » A charge of 2C moves between two plates, maintained at a pd. of 1V. What is the energy acquired by the charge? a) WJ b) 23 » e) J d) 4J go A current of 0.75. a IS drawn by.a filament of an electric pulb for 5 minutes. Calculate the electric charge that flows through the circuit. a) 230C b) 240C c) 225C d) 280C 31) How much work is done in moving a charge of 5C across two points having a p.d. of 20V? a) 1003 b) 1503 c) 2003 d) 250J 32) Tomake a body charge negatively, we must........ a) Add some atoms b) Remove some atoms c) Add some electrons d) Remove some electrons 33) Electron was discovered by a) Dalton b) E. Goldstein c) J.J.Thomson d) James Chadwick 34) Smoke is......--+ a) Compound b) Homogeneous mixture c) Heterogenous mixture d) an element 35) Molecular formula of dry ice is a) HO - b) COr c) NHy d) No 36) Which of ‘the following is not the property of ionic compound ? a) high melting point or boiling point b) normally exist in crystalline solid ¢) soluble in non-polar solvents a 4) conduct electricity Organic compounds generally have a) low melting and low boiling point b) low melting but high boiling point After SEE Bridge Course, c) high melt g, but low. point 38) 39) 40) 41) ra), Mendeleev 5) Mos 42) 43) « 44) 45) 46) 47). 48) 49) >! d) high melting and high boiling point The types of bonds present in SO; molecule ; are a) Jonic,and covalent... ., b) Coyalent and Coordinate c) Jonicand coordinate ,, d) only covalent bonds Which is an organic compound in following examples? a) CO, b) C82 sis @):NHbe oy...) HO Hydrogen.was discovered by kid "gts a)... Joseph Priestley .,.. b) Michael Faraday... c) Henry Cavendish... d), Dalton § ; The actual credit for the discovery of the periodic. table 200s to. CR 3g ¢),Dalton susie @): “Bohr, The longest complete period in the modern; periodic table is ahs? b) 226 fy e) Sx d)4 Generally organic,compoundiare =). 3) sc) dosia a) electrovalent in nature Roe b) ‘covalent in nature: 5 c) co-ordinate:covalent in nature 337121) d) Alkof above ; The force.applied:perpendicularly on:a unit area isi called’. a) Gravity” b) Power — ¢)' Pressure»):: :« d):Motion The source of’ cenergy: ‘hich is reusable and.:free from pollution is; ;::) ich GoamoaT LL a) Fossil fuel . Bio-fuel — | c) Nuclear fuel: .9.::° d) Hydro-power:::::0: One Calorie is equivalent to 13079 a) 3.2 Joules b):-4.2-Joules’ :5:« c) 5.2Joules us ), Pakistan - °), India d) England

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