Main Report 2019 Damak Sewerage Project Final 2020 Feb 09

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A Project Description
Damak Sewerage and Wastewater
Project Name : : Management Project, Damak
Province : 1
Zone : Mechhi
Topography : Terai
Municipality : Damak
No of Ward : 10
Coverage Ward : 1,2,3,5,6,7 and 8 (partly or fully)
North – Chulachuli Gaunpalika of Illam
Attached Municipality :
: South-Gaurdaha Municipality
West- MadhumallaGaunpalika&Urlabari
Muniipality of Moranga District
East- Chulachuli Gaupalika and Kamal
Longitude and Latitude : 26°40' N, 87°42' E
Ratuwa ,Dipini, Betani, Dhukure, Bhalu
Natural Water Courses :
and KharkhareKhola
Min 10OC and Max 42OC / Average 26 to
Temperature :
28 OC
Average Elevation : 100m msl
Total Annual Rainfall/Maximum Rainfall
: 2886.10/174.5mm
B Demographic and Design Consideration
Total Population, 2011 : 74,802
Total Area (ha) : 7086
Population Density/ha : 10.63
Growth Rate : 2.80%
Base Year/Design Year : 3 yr /15 yr for 2037 AD
Population in 2011 census : 34,360.00 (population of Coverage Area)
Population/Rental in Survey Year, 2019 : 42,859.00 / 6429.00
Population in Base Year, 2022 : 46,564.00 / 6985.00
Population in Base Year, 2037 : 70,465.00 / 10,570.00
Catchment Area : 1215 Ha
Population Density/ha Adopted : 70
Water Consumption : 100 LPCD
Return Factor : 80%
Infiltration Rate : 0.1 lps/ ha
Peak Factor : 2.50
Average/Peak Discharge : 123.12/ 304.002 lps
Combined Discharge (Sewage + Strom Water) : (304.002 +1871.246 )=2175.248 lps
Capacity Average Flow : 10.70 MLD
Inflow BOD : 300 mg/l

Air Temperature : 16.70 oC
System : Separate
Consider 5% of Total Storm water
Storm water Drainage Discharge :
C Component Detail
Part I : Sewerage Network
Sewer Alignment Length : 40 Km
RCC Hume Pipe/ NP-3 (From 750mm dia
to 1500mm dia)
Pipe Material/Class :
DWC HDPE Pipe (From 200mm dia to
600mm dia)
200mm Dia. / 13.84 km (use for House
Design Pipe Diameter and Length :
Connection Chamber to Manhole)
300mm Dia. / 15.776 km/DWC HDPE
400mm Dia. / 4.293 km/ DWC HDPE
500 mm Dia. /3.653 km/ DWC HDPE
600 mm Dia./ 0.60 km/ DWC HDPE
750 mm Dia. /4.415 km/RCC HUME
900mm Dia. /3.389 km/RCC HUME
1000mm Dia/ 1.130 /RCC HUME
1200mm Dia/ 2.574 /RCC HUME
1500mm Dia/ 3.906 /RCC HUME
No. of Brick Manhole : 604. nos.
No. of RCC Manhole : 799. nos.
No. of Level Crossing : 12 nos. of span from 2.5 to 10m
Nos of Leaping Weir/Over Flow Structure : 10 nos.
No. of BM House Connection Chamber : 2,768 nos.
Retaining Wall and Gabion Apron : 100m
Part II Waste Water Treatment Plant
Type of Wastewater Treatment Plant : Waste Stabilization Pond
Inlet Chamber : 1 nos. (2.60m x 1.20m x x1.50m)
Screening Chamber : 2 nos. (2.70m x 0.80m x 1.50m)
4 nos.(10.00m x 1.00m x 1.50m)- One
Grit Chamber :
 Nos: 3
 Area: Top: 5976.00Sqm and Bottom:
2379.00Sqm )
Anaerobic Pond :
 Dimension : Top : 83.00m x 48m and
Bottom : 61.00m x 26.00m
 Depth : 4.00m +0.5 FB
 Nos: 3
 Area: Top: 34,056.00Sqm and Bottom:
Facultative Pond :
 Dimension: Top : 258.00m x 132.00m
and Bottom: 252.00m 123.00m
 Depth : 2.00m +0.5 FB
Maturation Pond :  1st Pond

 Nos: 1
 Area : Top : 56,108.00Sqm and
 Dimension: Top: 332.00m x
169.00m and Bottom: 319.50m x
 Depth: 2.00m +0.5 FB
 2nd Pond (Area: 23,430.00Sqm) (2nos
of Pond)
 Nos: 2
 Area : Top : 38,986.50Sqm and
Bottom: 34,185.00Sqm
 Dimension : Top :276.50m x
141.00m and Bottom 265.00m

Inlet, Outlet Chamber and interconnection

: 18 nos. 1.50m x1.50x x1.50m
chamber for Pond
Distribution Chamber : 6 nos. (4.10 x 2.80m x 1.5m)
Sludge Storage Tank : 1 nos. (3.00 x 3.00m x 1.5m)
Sludge Drying Bed : 14 nos. (22.00 x 6.00m x 1.10m)
River Training Works : 2 km
Office Building : 1 nos.
Guard Quarter : 1 nos.
Changing Room : 1 nos.
Effluent Outfall : 2 nos.
Total Land Required for WWTP : 30.00 Ha
D Project Cost (NRs.)
Cost Part I : Sewerage Network : 927,205,117.60
Cost Part II : Wastewater Treatment Plant : 484,751,278.98
General Items : 29,546,054.33
Total Cost (Part I + Part II+ General Item) : 1,441,502,450.90
Cost 4% Contingencies : 57,660,098.04
13% VAT of Total Cost(Part I + II) and 4%
: 194,891,131.36
Cost 20% Contingencies (Physical + Price 288,300,490.18
Grand Total (NRs.) including VAT and 1,982,354,170.48
In Words: One Arab Ninety Eight Crore Twenty three Lakh Fifty Four Thousand One Hundred
Seventy and Forty Eight

1 PROJECT BACKGROUND .................................................................................... 7
2 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF THIS REPORT .................................................... 9
3 PROJECT SITE PROFILE..................................................................................... 11
3.1 LOCATION, AREA AND POPULATION...................................................... 11
4 DESIGN CRITERIA.............................................................................................. 15
4.1 HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES ......................................................................... 15
4.2 ESTIMATION OF DESIGN FLOODS ............................................................ 15
4.3 ECONOMIC SELECTION OF DESIGN FLOOD ........................................... 17
4.4 HYDRAULIC DESIGN .................................................................................. 17
4.5 CONCEPTUAL PLAN.................................................................................... 18
5 SEWERAGE SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 20
5.1 CONCEPT OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM........................................................... 20
5.1.1 Types of Sewerage System..................................................................................... 21
5.1.2 Quantity of Wastewater .......................................................................................... 21
5.1.3 Domestic wastewater ............................................................................................. 21
5.1.4 Peak Factor ............................................................................................................ 22
5.1.5 Groundwater Infiltration ........................................................................................ 22
5.1.6 Velocity of Flow .................................................................................................... 22
5.1.7 Design Formula ..................................................................................................... 23
5.1.8 Sewer Size ............................................................................................................. 24
5.1.9 Ruling Gradient ..................................................................................................... 24
5.1.10 Pipe Materials and Joints.......................................................................... 24
5.1.11 Manholes ................................................................................................. 24
5.1.12 Trench ..................................................................................................... 26
5.1.13 Description of Proposed Sewer Line ........................................................ 29
5.1.14 Proposed Component in Sewerage Network ............................................. 35
6 WASTEWATER TREATMENT ........................................................................... 37
6.1 WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................... 37
SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 38
6.2.1. Sump Well ............................................................................................................. 39
6.2.2. Bar Screen ............................................................................................................. 39
6.2.3. Grit Chamber ......................................................................................................... 39
6.2.4. Anaerobic Pond...................................................................................................... 40
6.2.5. Facultative Pond .................................................................................................... 41
6.2.6. Maturation Pond .................................................................................................... 41
6.2.7. Distribution Chamber, Inlet and Outlet Structure of Pond ....................................... 43
6.2.8. Sludge Drying Bed ................................................................................................. 43
6.3 DESIGN OF WASTE STABILIZATION POND ............................................ 44
7 CAPITAL COST OF PROJECT ............................................................................ 51
7.1 UNIT RATE ANALYSIS ................................................................................ 51
7.2 BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) ...................................................................... 51
7.3 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE .............................................................................. 52
8 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................. 54
8.1 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF WASTE WATER .............................. 54
8.1.1 Operation & Maintenance Needs ............................................................................ 54
8.2 SEWER CLEANING EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURE .............................. 55
8.2.1 Cause and Types of Blockages ............................................................................... 55

8.2.2 Maintenance Methods ............................................................................................ 55
8.2.3 Staff Requirement .................................................................................................. 56
8.2.4 Operational Control................................................................................................ 56
8.2.5 Control of Insects ................................................................................................... 57
8.2.6 Embankment Maintenance ..................................................................................... 57
8.2.7 Maintenance Method.............................................................................................. 57
8.2.8 Control of Odour .................................................................................................... 58
8.2.9 Recognition of Characteristics Colours .................................................................. 58
8.2.10 Control of Tree ........................................................................................ 58
8.2.11 Safety Equipment’s : ................................................................................ 59
9 INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION STUDY .................................... 60
10 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................... 62

List of Figure
Figure 1 Admin Boundary Map of Damak Municipality ........................................................................................11
Figure 2 Location map of Project Area .................................................................................................................12
Figure 3 New Ward Merge Area and Population of Damak Municipality ..............................................................13
Figure 4 Intensity Duration Curve ........................................................................................................................15
Figure 5 Catchment Area Covered for Project ......................................................................................................19
Figure 6 Project Area Delineation Map ................................................................................................................20
Figure 7 Trench Detail of DWC HDPE Pipe .........................................................................................................26
Figure 8 Layout of Pipe along road .....................................................................................................................28
Figure 9 Typical Cross Section .............................................................................................................................28
Figure 10 Schematic Line Diagram of WWTP .......................................................................................................44
Figure 11 Location of WWTP Land.......................................................................................................................44
Figure 12 Layout Plan of WWTP ..........................................................................................................................45
List of Table
Table 1 Population Forecast of Damak Municipality.............................................................................................13
Table 2 Population Forecast of Project Coverage Area.........................................................................................13
Table 3 Population Density in the Project Area.....................................................................................................14
Table 4 Recommended and Adopted Value of “C” ................................................................................................16
Table 5 Manhole Type ..........................................................................................................................................25
Table 6 RCC Hume Pipe NP3 Trench parameters ................................................................................................27
Table 7 DWC HDPE Pipe Trench Dimensions ......................................................................................................27
Table 8 Trench Type Parameter............................................................................................................................28
Table 9 Summary of Proposed Sewer Line ............................................................................................................29
Table 10 Summary of Trunk Main Sewer Line .......................................................................................................32
Table 11 Summary of Primary Main Sewer Line ...................................................................................................33
Table 12 Summary of Secondary Main Sewer Line ................................................................................................33
Table 13 Summary fo Tertiary Main Sewer Line....................................................................................................33
Table 14 Summary of Components ........................................................................................................................35
Table 15Composition of untreated domestic wastewater........................................................................................37
Table 16 Design of Components for 2037 Design Year ..........................................................................................48
Table 17Components for 2032 Design Year ..........................................................................................................49
Table 18 Summary of Cost ...................................................................................................................................52


For sustainable sanitation and wastewater management in fast growing small town like Damak,
sewerage system network should be properly and timely developed considering rapid population
growth, unplanned urbanization, industrialization and growing socio-economic activities.

Since last two decades, pollution load (pollutants) from different sources of pollution has been
increasing due to rapid population growth, migration, unplanned urbanization and
industrialization, mismanagement, haphazard disposal of solid and liquid wastes, wastewater
without treatment to the land and nearby water sources (rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, wetlands
etc). Direct disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater, surface run-off water from town areas
and agro-land with chemical fertilizer, insecticides, pesticides etc. creates serious health hazard,
water and environment related issues of high concern, which destroys the environment, ecosystem,
aquatic life, food chain, self-purification processes of small lakes, streams, passing through the
small town areas like Damak.

For addressing the above mentioned critical environmental issues in fast growing small towns like
Damak, a wastewater management project has been launched in Damak, Jhapa. Integrated Water
Resources Management (IWRM), Integrated Water Quality Management (IWQM), Wastewater
Management (WWM), Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and Land Use and
Management (LUM) /Planning are interrelated or interconnected issues and are equally important
for pollution control or environment protection, sustainable development and poverty reduction
by improving quality of life of the people and overall environmental quality in the country.

So, the wastewater generated from the settlements has to be collected, conveyed and treated for
safe disposal to the important sources of water to avoid negative environmental impact on nature
as a whole. Care should be taken for minimizing the sources of pollution, pollutants volume at
source at local level, using decentralized approach if possible, treat it and reduce, reuse, recycle,
recover, regenerate as far as it is possible.

Domestic sewage generated from the houses located at either sides of the road network of core
market area and the neighbouring area of Damak Municipality has been directly disposing to the
stream specially Dipeni Khola and few households have their toilets with septic tanks. Few of

them are not in well operating condition and leachate is disposing to the open drains. There is no
sewerage system but in few segments storm water road side drains have been observed along the
road. The water quality of the stream and even ground water is worsening day by day which shows
the growing demand of sewerage system and WWTP for wastewater collection, conveyance and
safe disposal after necessary treatment.
It is crucial to timely develop land use map/ master plan, urban infrastructures such as road
networks, underground other networks, manage solid and liquid wastes, surface run off storm
water, generated from the fast growing town to improve the surrounding environmental quality
and quality of life of the people.

The wastewater treatment is the combination of physical, chemical and micro-biological processes
that can reduce the objectionable properties of wastewater and convert it to the inert to human
being, living beings, aquatic life, land, water objects etc. The wastewater, especially the domestic
wastewater and industrial effluent should be treated before disposal to the water or land in order
to eliminate infectious water-borne diseases and to protect surface and ground water from
pollution which can be used for different purposes and reduce the volume of wastes for further


The major project objective is to manage wastewater in a sustainable manner for the improvement
of overall health, sanitation and environmental condition of Damak bazaar area by considering
socio-economic, technical, technological, environmental, judicial, political and other aspects using
an integrated or holistic or comprehensive approach.

Detailed Study of sewerage system in the project area on Wastewater Management especially,
sewerage network development for wastewater collection, conveyance to the proposed wastewater
treatment plant (WWTP) for safe disposal.

Moreover, the objectives of the proposed consulting services are to carry out detailed field survey,
feasibility study (an appropriate trunk sewer line alignments, WWTP site selection with various
options etc.), detailed engineering design of sewerage system, wastewater treatment plant and
preparation of detailed drawings, cost estimate and other necessary documents depending upon
the nature of the project.

The purpose of this project is to develop sewerage system and wastewater treatment facilities
within the Damak Municipal area. Specific project objectives are as following:
• To manage domestic wastewater produced from Damak core market area by developing
sewerage system network and necessary treatment facilities.
• To protect river water as well as ground water from pollution.
• To make sound surrounding environment so that health and hygiene of the people could
be improved.

The scope of work for this project is to conduct Detailed Study for successful implementation of
the project. The scope of consulting services for Detailed Engineering Design of Sewerage System
and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) shall include but not necessarily limited to the

a) Feasibility Study/ Desk Study/ Project Orientation Phase
• Review and analyze all existing secondary data, information, documents, maps, policies,
plans and records of past projects pertaining to health, sanitation including sewerage system and
treatment facilities if any.
• Arrange presentation/ discussions/ meetings at Municipality Authorities, Damak as and
when required with the community people, collect relevant feedbacks, comments, suggestions
from the participants/ stakeholders/ experts;
• Analyze in detail the existing scenario of sanitation condition including sewerage system,
identify deficiencies, and prioritize critical and important sub-projects. More emphasis should be
given to rehabilitation, up-grading and improvements of existing systems if any to reduce material,
quantity, services, and costs to enhance efficiencies.
• Study existing and alternative sanitation, sewer line, WWTP options, decentralized or
centralized, technologies selection,
b) Planning Phase
• Prepare Simple Sewerage System Network/ Master Plan (MP) with WWTP
c) Detailed Engineering Design Phase
• Detailed Study and identify the existing sanitation condition, sewerage system and
wastewater treatment plant and determine the availability of land, required for those components
along with possible land acquisition, if any.
• For possible technical alternatives, determine the technical feasibility, detailed design of
sewerage system and WWTP using approved design criteria, calculate cost estimates, prepare
drawings and outline preliminary implementation schedule for various alternatives.
d) Project Team Composition
The project team comprises of core multi-disciplinary technical experts/ specialists and supporting
staffs to carry out the assignments, scope of works as per ToR.

Damak is a Municipality in Jhapa District of Kosi zone of south eastern Nepal formed by merging
existing Village Development Committees Damak Jante, Nepal Warrangi and Bhogateni. It has
gentle slope in North-South direction and elevation ranges from approximately 279.12m to
240.83m. It is situated at the bank of ChisangRiver. It is located 46 km north east of Biratnagar
and 394 km east of Kathmandu, at the northern edge of the Terai plain below the hills.
Core market area of Damak Municipality is known as project coverage area.

Figure 1 Admin Boundary Map of Damak Municipality

Figure 2 Location map of Project Area
Political Division and Boundaries
North – ChulachuliGaunpalika of Illam District South-Gaurdaha Municipality, West-
MadhumallaGaunpalika&UrlabariMuniipality of Moranga District, East- ChulachuliGaupalik
and Kamal GaunpalikaAccording to the latest Nepal Central Business Statistics census, the
population of Damak Municipality in 2011 was 74802 with annual growth rate of 2.80 %.
Itahari sub-metropolitan city has a total area of 7086 ha, divided into 10 wards with their areas in
a range from the smallest ward of 62 ha (Ward No.6) to 2061 ha (Ward No. 3). Ward locations are
shown in Figure 1. The east west highway divided the wards into two part in which ward no.
1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 in upstream part and 4, 8,9 and 10 at downstream part.

Population and Population Growth

The population growth rate of the Damak Municipality is 2.80% which is adopted for forecast of
design year population.

Ward No. Household Total Population Total Male Total Female
1.00 1,777.00 7,095.00 3,399.00 3,696.00
2.00 1,371.00 5,920.00 2,799.00 3,121.00
3.00 1,964.00 8,662.00 4,001.00 4,661.00
4.00 1,732.00 7,383.00 3,485.00 3,898.00
5.00 2,661.00 10,040.00 4,733.00 5,307.00
6.00 1,343.00 5,781.00 2,814.00 2,967.00
7.00 1,531.00 6,825.00 3,258.00 3,567.00
8.00 2,293.00 8,986.00 4,265.00 4,721.00
9.00 2,318.00 9,532.00 4,462.00 5,070.00
10.00 1,114.00 4,878.00 2,222.00 2,656.00
Total 18,104.00 75,102.00 35,438.00 39,664.00
Figure 3 New Ward Merge Area and Population of Damak Municipality
Population Forecast
Table 1 Population Forecast of Damak Municipality
Population Survey Year Base Year Design Year
Ward No. Area (ha) Rate
2011 % 2019 2022 2037
1.00 368.00 7,095.00 2.80 8,850.00 9,615.00 14,550.00
2.00 1,109.00 5,920.00 2.80 7,384.00 8,022.00 12,139.00
3.00 2,061.00 8,662.00 2.80 10,804.00 11,738.00 17,762.00
4.00 954.00 7,383.00 2.80 9,209.00 10,005.00 15,140.00
5.00 205.00 10,040.00 2.80 12,523.00 13,605.00 20,588.00
6.00 62.00 5,781.00 2.80 7,211.00 7,834.00 11,855.00
7.00 123.00 6,825.00 2.80 8,513.00 9,249.00 13,996.00
8.00 172.00 8,686.00 2.80 10,834.00 11,770.00 17,811.00
9.00 970.00 9,532.00 2.80 11,889.00 12,916.00 19,545.00
10.00 1,062.00 4,878.00 2.80 6,084.00 6,610.00 10,003.00
7,086.00 74,802.00 93,301.00 101,364.00 153,389.00
Table 2 Population Forecast of Project Coverage Area
Growth Survey Base Design
Ward No. Area (ha) Rate Year Year Year
2011 % 2019 2022 2037
1.00 292.47 2.80 7,033.00 7,641.00 11,563.00
2.00 352.26 1,880.00 2.80 2,346.00 2,549.00 3,858.00
4.00 9.42 73.00 2.80 91.00 99.00 150.00
5.00 203.94 9,988.00 2.80 12,458.00 13,535.00 20,482.00
6.00 61.51 5,735.00 2.80 7,154.00 7,772.00 11,761.00
7.00 77.11 4,278.00 2.80 5,337.00 5,798.00 8,774.00
8.00 113.71 5,742.00 2.80 7,162.00 7,781.00 11,775.00
9.00 104.21 1,024.00 2.80 1,278.00 1,389.00 2,102.00
1,214.63 34,360.00 42,859.00 46,564.00 70,465.00
Rental +
Institutional 6,429.00 10,570.00

A sewerage system needs to serve the ultimate population of the project area. The phasing of the
works, like water supply, is difficult to implement for a sewerage project. The ultimate population

density depends on many factors that include the proposed land-use and the extent of the
development driven by the factors like opportunity for commercialization, access, land prices etc.
Table 3 Population Density in the Project Area
S.N Description of Items Value
1 Area 1215 Ha
2 Population 2019
Residential 42,859.00
Resident Renters including Institutional/Commercial 6429.00
3 No. of House 7145
4 Future Population & Density
Present Resident Population 70,465.00
Total Forecasted 10,570.00
Population Density (pop/ha) 67
Adopted Population Density (pop/ha) 70

a. Design Rainfall
The first consideration in design of drainage system is the estimation of design flood. As adequate
records of the previous historic floods are not available, the estimates are done using other rational
methods as mentioned in the approach and methodology. However, all these rational methods rely
on obtaining the design rainfall intensities therefore, the rainfall intensity – duration curves need
to be developed for the particular area under design. Numerous photograph records are available
in Nepal for several urban areas but these records are rather short and are available for only a
limited number of rainfall gauging stations. Similarly, such record keeping systems are yet to be
initiated for town like Itahari since flooding and inundation were major problem of the town.
b. Intensity Duration Curve:

Figure 4 Intensity Duration Curve


Though there are several models available that can be used for estimation of discharge, the rational
method is proposed because of its simplicity and ease in use. Other modes require more in-depth
hydrological data, which are not readily available in Nepal. Also, the Rational Method holds true
for smaller catchment areas. This method assumes that the maximum runoff for a particular
catchment will occur when runoff from all of the catchment is contributing. Constant rainfall
intensity is adopted. The time at which all of the catchment contributes i.e. from beginning of

rainfall to time of full contribution is termed the time of concentration. We therefore estimate
rainfall intensity for the duration corresponding to the time of concentration. This represents the
maximum runoff for that rainfall intensity and duration. The equation is:
Q =360

Q is discharge in cu.m per second
c is coefficient of runoff
i is rainfall intensity in mm per hour
A is catchment area in hectares
One of the major factors in the use of the Rational Method is judicious use of coefficient of runoff
“C”. Larger area of Ithari, at present is predominantly rural in character; hence the runoff
coefficient will be low. But, considering the potential growth of the area within the town, the
runoff coefficient will definitely increase in the future. Therefore, a lot of engineering judgment
is involved in determine “C”. The “C” values used for Itahari ranged from 0.3 to 0.7, depending
upon the ground cover and soil characteristics of the sub-basins. The values for “C” have been
adopted as follows, which have been recommended by the ASCE Hydraulic Manual:
Table 4 Recommended and Adopted Value of “C”
Type of Drain Area Recommended Adopted Value of
Value of “ C” “C”

Unimproved area with large open spaces for 0.10-0.30 0.30

Unimproved area with potential for growth 0.20-0.40 0.40
Residential area (Single family housing) 0.30-0.50 0.50
Residential area ( multi- unit detached) 0.40-0.60 0.55
Residential area( multi – unit attached) 0.50-0.65 0.60

Single lane market area 0.55-0.70 0.65

Dense Bazaar area 0.60-0.75 0.70

For the various catchment areas, the resulting flood values were also verified by using regionalized
discharge equations like the Modified Dicken’s Formula .The results of these equations were in
conformity with the discharge obtained with the rational method for each of the major sub-
catchment divisions of the total watershed.

Similarly, the time of concentration is calculated as the time for the design runoff to reach the
drain inlet from the furthest point of the catchment. In order to derive the rainfall intensity from
the I-D curve corresponding to the time of concentration, the following simplified formula was
Tc =V×3600+tce

Tc is the total time of concentration (hr.)
L is the maximum length of travel for the runoff (m)
V is assumed velocity of overland flow (m/sec)
Tce is assumed extra time of concentration
Although graphical solutions are available to determine the overland flow velocity “v”, it is
recommended in relevant literature that a value between 0.55 to 1.5 m/s can be used. Considering
the flat topography of the Sub-Metropolitan City area, a value 0.40 m/s as overland flow velocity
was adopted. Similarly, “tce “is usually assumed at 0.24 hrs(15 min) as per convention.


The optimum design flood for urban drainage system is chosen in most instances on economic
considerations. The choice is made on the basis of providing a cost efficient system, which will
discharge the storm and flood water adequately for most rain storm situations.
Quite often it is impractical to alleviate all flood conditions since the large capital investment
required and to alleviate extremely large floods may not be economically justified. It is often the
practice therefore to try to provide complete relief from smaller floods and at the same time have
partial protection from the large flooding situations.
The following return periods were used to ascertain the design rainfall for the design of system
Once in two year- for street drain design
Once in five year – for culvert and other structure design
Once the design flood has been established, the next step is to determine the size and type of the
various component of m the drainage system and to determine their hydraulic capacity. Drainage
system is designed for non- pressure flow whether underground (pipe) or surface (open channel)
conveyance system is adopted. This involves finding a solution to Manning’s equation. The design
size has been established according to the least cost and velocity criteria using Manning’s formula.

V=n×R2/3×s1/2 Where,

V is the velocity (m/sec)

n is Manning’s Coefficient
R is Hydraulic radius (m)
S is longitudinal slope
The main parameter to be evaluated for the solution of Manning’s equation is rugosity coefficient.
The estimation of Manning’s “n” involves substantial engineering judgment and experience. The
value of “n” depends on various factor like channel material. Vegetation, channel shape and
alignment, obstruction in flow and discharge. A list of values for “n” is given below based on
previous experience and available literature, suitable values of “n” were chosen for the design of
channels and pipes drainage system of the Sub-Metropolitan City area.
Pre-cast concrete pipe n= 0.012 to 0.013
Brick or stone masonry cement render= 0.014 to 0.016
Brick pitching / stone pitching=0.02 to 0.04
After establishing the ground situation, physical features of the area, recurrent problem and the
design parameters, a conceptual master plan for surface drainage runoff of storm water and
sewerage system for Damak Municipality was developed. This initial plan of project is to develop
the sewerage management system which focus the sewage management from the residential and
commercial building. In the system, the sewerage alignment include sewer pipe, manholes and
house connection chamber are installed along the road and wastewater treatment plant for the
sewage treatment. The solid and liquid particle generate after treatment will use for suitable
proposed and effluent divert to nearby water course.
The Conceptual Plan has been prepared based on the existing land use Pattern and necessities in
the area and herein the outlets has been finalized. Based on those criteria, catchments and clusters
has been divided covering all the areas of the city and finally drain lines has been proposed. These
drain lines are expected to cater out all the storm water from the city into the respective outlets
with the view of preventing the city from flooding problems in the future.
In design of sewerage network 1% of the total storm water drainage is considered.

Figure 5 Catchment Area Covered for Project

The population of the Damak Municipality city is increasing at a rapid pace. With the increase in
population in unplanned city numerous problems of sewerage arises resulting in improper
deposition of waste at open spaces, disposal of sewerage in existing drain lines and fields and
ultimately makes the city filthy. So in order to maintain the beauty of the city master plan of
sewerage system is an important asset.
After the detailed study of topography of Damak, population growth rate and considering the land
use pattern, conceptual master plan of Sewerage system is prepared.
During the preparation of planning of Sewerage System, special attention has been given on the
generation of the sewer waste from different localities of the city considering present situation and
future prediction. Based on this, centralized system treatment plant has been proposed considering
the availability of the land and its necessity. Furthermore, Dipini WWTP has been designed to full
extent and the sewer lines has been managed respectively so that the designed sewer line could
incorporate all the waste generated from the core areas.

Figure 6 Project Area Delineation Map

The project delineation area included the ward no 1, 2, 5,6,7,8 and 10 which are fully or partially
coverage. The wastewater treatment plant is located in ward no 10 and bank of Ratuwa River.
5.1.1 Types of Sewerage System
The entire system of conduits and appurtenances for collecting sewage and delivering it to
adisposal point is called Sewerage System. Sewerage systems are of three types:
Separate System
In this system two separate sets of sewers are installed, one for carrying sanitary sewerage and
other for storm water. Open drain can also be used instead of sewer to carry storm water.
Combined System
In this system both sanitary sewerage and storm water are carried in a single sewer.
Partially Separate System
In partially separate system, in addition to sanitary sewage, a portion of storm water is allowed to
enter in the sewers carrying sanitary sewage. The remaining portion of storm water is diverted into
separate set of sewers or open drains.
Present-day construction of sewers is largely confined to the separate system except in those cities
where combined system were constructed many years ago. In newly developing urban areas the
first need is for collection of sanitary sewage, and, since sanitary sewers are relatively small and
expensive, they can usually be constructed without long delay. The sewerage system shall be of
separate type where sanitary sewage and storm water carried separately.
Before developing a conceptual master plan, which is mandatory to avoid under/over sizing of
individual sewer lines, the catchment area of the existing settlements including areas of potential
urban expansion is thoroughly assessed and analysed.
5.1.2 Quantity of Wastewater
The total quantity of wastewater generated in a town is the sum of the domestic wastewater,
nondomestic waste water and groundwater infiltration.
5.1.3 Domestic wastewater
In estimating current and future domestic wastewater generation rates and volumes, the two key
data sources are i. population estimates and ii. The per capita wastewater generation. The latter is
a function of assumptions made regarding the rate of return from water consumption.
The wastewater return factor is in range of 0.7 and 0.8 (“Manualon Sewerage and Sewage
Treatment”, Ministry of Urban Development, November 2013). It is expected that water
distribution will improve to cater to a larger percentage of the population. In parallel with the
improvement in water supply, sewerage coverage will be able to use flush toilets. Therefore, the
return factor shall be taken as 0.8, to reflect higher discharge of wastewater from improved

sanitation facilities and water supply conditions. Considering the return factor of 80%, the quantity
of sewage will be 80% of the water consumed in the town.
5.1.4 Peak Factor
For the purpose of hydraulic design of sewer stretch, the estimated peak flow is to be adopted. The
peak factor or the ratio of maximum to average flows depends upon contributory population and
is then applied to the average daily flow. The sewerage flow in sewer varies considerably from
hour to hour and also seasonally. Dry weather flow varies during the day with a major peak
typically occurring in the early morning.
This peak is independent upon the number of inhabitants as well as on the size of the catchment
area. As the catchment areas expands, the peak value decreases due to the superposition of
different dry weather flow hydrographs and flow attenuation in the network. The methodology
followed by the Harman Formula takes this into account. The peak factor to be adopted for various
contributory population in a sewer stretch is shown in table below.
Table 10Peak Factor for Sewerage System
Table : Peak Factors for Sewer Design
S.No. Contributory Population of Sewer Stretch Peak Factor
1 Up to 20,000 3
2 20,000 - 50,000 2.5
3 50,000 - 750,000 2.25
4 More than 750,000 2

5.1.5 Groundwater Infiltration

It is appropriate and conventional to allow for a certain amount of ground water infiltration into
the sewerage system which must be reflected in the hydraulic design. The quantity will depend
upon workmanship in laying the sewers, level of ground water table, material of the sewer, soil
type, condition and nature of sewer joints, etc. The Manual on sewerage and sewerage Treatment,
Ministry of Urban Development, India (2013) has stated that the design infiltration value shall be
limited to a maximum of 10% of the design value of the sewage flow.
With improved standards of workmanship, quality and availability of various construction aids
the infiltration should tend to the minimum rather than the minimum. The use of HDPE pipe with
less jointing of better quality than RCC pipes could further the infiltration factor. Based on prudent
engineering practice, 2 to 5% of dry weather flow shall be considered as for infiltration into the
sewer network. 0.10 lps/ha is adopted for design.

5.1.6 Velocity of Flow

Sewage contains large amount of organic and inorganic solid matters, which remain floating or
suspended due to the flow of sewage in the sewer. If the velocity of flow is low, the floating and

suspended solids will get deposited on the bottom of the sewer and will go on accumulating, which
may reduce the pipe sectional area and will cause obstruction in the flow of sewage. Therefore,
while designing the sewer the velocity should be kept such that no solid gets deposited in the
sewer. Higher velocity also may scour the pipe surface and decrease the durability.
Minimum velocity of flow in sewer shall be a self-cleansing velocity, which shall be achieved at
least once in a day during peak flow at ultimate peak flows. The maximum velocity is restricted
to just below the scouring velocity which is 3m/sec as recommended.
Minimum velocity: 0.5 m/sec at peak flow
Maximum velocity: 3.0 m/sec
In the initial stretches of sewer network, it may happen that the velocity be less than self-cleansing
velocity due to flat gradient and also less flow. In order to get self-cleansing velocity in the starting
stretches of the sewers, the design requires sewers to be laid at greater depth, which is
uneconomical. Therefore self-cleansing velocity may not be always achieved at initial stretches
and flushing may be required more frequently at this part of the scheme.
From consideration of ventilation in waste water pipes, sewers shall not be designed to run full.
The maximum permitted depth adopted in sewers is 0.8% of the pipe high peak flow. Due to the
minimum size of pipe is designed for low discharge by which velocity is less than the minimum
5.1.7 Design Formula
Design practice is to use Manning’s Formula for open channel flow and the Hazen Williams and
Darcy-Weisbach formulae for closed conduit or pressure flow (Source: Manual on Sewerage and
Sewerage treatment (Third Edition), Ministry of Urban Development, November 2013)
The sewers are not designed as pressure flow pipes except in the inverted siphon. The sewers does
not run full even at the peak flow. The Manning’s formula is widely used in the design of sewers.
The Manning/s formula is given by the following equation:
1 2/3 1/2
V= R S

1 2/3 1/2
Q = discharge (m3/s)
S = slope of hydraulic gradient
R = hydraulic radius (m)
A = cross-sectional area of flow (m2)
V = Velocity (m/s)

n = Manning’s coefficient of roughness
The value of n shall be adopted as 0.013 for RCC pipe and 0.009 for HDPE pipe
Sewers will be designed in such a way that the depth of flow in the sewer at peak flow is not more
than 0.8 times the diameter of the sewer i.e. d/D <= 0.8.It is possible, in most of cases, at head of
sewer network to achieve the required depth due to nominal inflow of sewage.
5.1.8 Sewer Size
The minimum pipe diameter of sewer is ND 200mm and ND 100 mm for house connection. For
commercial connections such as Hotel the pipe diameter for the connection is ND 150mm. The
connection from the service pit to the sewer manhole is ND 150mm. The maximum pipe diameter
of sewer shall be ND 1600mm.
5.1.9 Ruling Gradient
A minimum sewer gradient shall be 1 in 200. Since in most of the starting reaches sewage quantity
is very less and adequate velocity is not developed, sewers shall be laid at a minimum slope of
ruling gradient. Ruling gradient refers to the slope at which the sewage with design would develop
self-cleansing velocity.
5.1.10 Pipe Materials and Joints
In principle all pipes to be used in the main sewer network are proposed to be reinforced concrete
cement RCC piped with spigot and socket ends, jointed through rubber gaskets. RCC pipes shall
be manufactured as per NS80/2042 and IS 458:2003 medium duty, non-pressure pipes. The
cement to be used for RCC pipes shall be ordinary Portland cement as per standard. The joining
shall be Rubber Ring Joint (RRJ) type and the rubber gasket to be provided shall be as per NS,
NP3 or exceptionally NP3 RCC (Hume) pipes for sewer lines as applicable.
RCC Hume Pipe is used for pipe diameter above 600mm dia and Double Wall Corrugated (DWC)
High Density Poly-ethylene (HDPE) pipe also used for design diameter less than 750mm
simplified field fabrication. Minimum diameter 300mm is use for sewerage alignment and 200mm
dia pipe is use for connecting between manhole and household connection chamber. Jointing shall
be made by butt welding employing fusion.
5.1.11 Manholes
A manholes is an opening constructed on the alignment of a sewer at frequent intervals to provide
access for maintenance purposes like inspection, testing, cleaning and removal of obstructions
from the sewer line etc. Manholes are located at each sewer junction or change of sewer direction,
diameter or gradient. No connection pipe should enter the manhole at an angle greater than 90 0 to
the direction of the flow.

Manholes are generally constructed in circular shape. The manholes are in brick masonry walls
with plastered inside, RC concrete bottom and top slab with cover and finished with a benching.
Alternatively small size masonry manholes can be rectangular for easy construction.
Where the water table is high and pipe sewer is laid in open field or along the side of the drain,
the RCC rectangular manholes would be constructed to avoid any leakage into or out the manholes.
Drop manhole is also designed along the sewer alignment to maintain the flow. The minimum and
maximum depth of the drop is 0.10m to 1.00m.
The final level of manholes would be depending on site condition and therefore the final levels
will be finalized during the execution time. However, generally the following values may be
 Paved areas cover level = final paved level
 Landscaped areas cover level = final ground level + 0.1
 Open, unpaved areas cover level = final ground level + 0.25m or as instructed by the Engineer
during construction
 Manhole covers with frame with a minimum clear opening of 600mm
Cast Iron manhole cover and frame should be used for covering manhole, heavy or medium duty
CI covers shall be used in relation to the location of the manhole (road or sidewalk)
It has been proposed to provide the manhole at every junction, change of alignment/grade or 30
m whichever is less in order to construct the house connections. In large street larger than 4 meter
lateral sewerage pipes lines may be laid and the sewerage collection made from service pits, in
this case the distance with manhole may be increase from 30m to 60m case by case.
There are category of the manhole for brick masonry and RCC which are as follow:
Table 5 Manhole Type
Manhole Type Inner Dimension Pipe
A. Brick Masonry
(Circular) 900mm dia Dia up to 500mm dia
Type A 1000mm dia From 600 dia to 700mm dia
Type B 1200mm dia From 750mm dia to 800mm dia
Type C 1500mm dia From 900mm dia to 1200mm dia
Type D 2000mm dia From 1400mm dia to 1600 mmdia
Type E
B. RCC (Rectangular)
Type A 900mm x 900mm Dia up to 500mm dia

Type B 1000mm x 1000mm From 600 dia to 700mm dia
Type C 1200mm x 1200mm From 750mm dia to 800mm dia
Type D 1500mm x 1500mm From 900mm dia to 1200mm dia
Type E 2000mm x2000mm From 1400mm dia to 1600 mmdia

5.1.12 Trench
The width of trench at and below the top of sewer should be the minimum necessary its proper
installation with the due consideration to its bedding, the width of a sewer trench depends on the
type of shoring (single stage or two stage), working space required in the lower part of the trench
and the type of ground below the surface. The width of the trench at different levels from the top
of the sewer to the ground surface is primarily related to its effect upon the adjoining services and
nearby structures. In undeveloped areas or open country, excavation with side slope shall be
permissible from the top of the sewer to the ground surface instead of vertical excavation with
proper shoring, in developed areas, however, it is essential to restrict the trench width so as to
protect the existing facilities and properties and to reduce the cost of restoring the surface. Increase
in width over the minimum required would unduly increase the load on the pipe.

Figure 11 Typical Section of Trench for RCC Hume Pipe

Figure 7 Trench Detail of DWC HDPE Pipe

Table 6 RCC Hume Pipe NP3 Trench parameters
Diameter CODE Thickness Trench
(mm) (mm) A(mm)
200 200NP-3 75 240
250 250NP-3 75 250
300 300NP-3 75 265
350 350NP-3 75 275
400 400NP-3 75 290
450 450NP-3 75 300
700 700NP-3 80 340
750 750NP-3 85 360
800 800NP-3 90 395
900 900NP-3 100 425

Table 7 DWC HDPE Pipe Trench Dimensions

Diameter Trench Width
(mm) B(mm)
200 600
300 800
400 900
500 1000
600 1200

The trench width of the DWC HDPE Pipe is less and economic than the RCC Hume Pipe. The
pressure resist by the RCC Hume pipe is equal the DWC HDPE Pipe. The sand bedding is not
required during laying and transport and handling of the DWC HDPE pipe is more easy than RCC
Hume Pipe.

There are four type of trench which are categorized as follow:
Table 8 Trench Type Parameter
Trench Type Value
Type I Upto 1.50m depth
Type II From 1.50 to 2.50m
Type III From 2.50 to 3.50m
Type IV Above 3.50m
HHC Chamber


Sewer Pipe


Figure 8 Layout of Pipe along road


Road and Footpath

House Connection Chamber


Figure 9 Typical Cross Section

5.1.13 Description of Proposed Sewer Line
The proposed sewer lines are catagoried into four catacory which are done on the basis of network
flow. The detail information of the sewer line or network are as follow:

Table 9 Summary of Proposed Sewer Line

Pipe Length Pipe Material Manhole Manhole
Row Labels manh
Dia(mm) (m) Type Nos. Material Type
TM_SL#01 6,986.00 223.00 10
900 210.00 RCC HUME 7.00 RCC MH
1000 1,185.00 RCC HUME 39.00 RCC MH
1200 1,436.00 RCC HUME 46.00 RCC MH
1500 4,155.00 RCC HUME 131.00 RCC MH
PM_SL#01 1,575.88 51.00 3
500 360.00 DWC HDPE 12.00 RCC MH
750 877.00 RCC HUME 28.00 RCC MH
900 338.88 RCC HUME 11.00 RCC MH
PM_SL#02 90.32 4.00
300 90.32 DWC HDPE 4.00 BM MH
PM_SL#03 85.00 3.00
300 85.00 DWC HDPE 3.00 BM MH
PM_SL#04 140.00 5.00 2
300 140.00 DWC HDPE 5.00 BM MH
PM_SL#05 1,827.86 62.00 2
300 360.00 DWC HDPE 12.00 BM MH
400 210.00 DWC HDPE 7.00 RCC MH
750 886.00 RCC HUME 31.00 RCC MH
900 371.86 RCC HUME 12.00 RCC MH
PM_SL#06 120.00 4.00
300 120.00 DWC HDPE 4.00 BM MH
PM_SL#07 1,177.48 39.00 2
300 430.00 DWC HDPE 14.00 BM MH
400 747.48 DWC HDPE 25.00 RCC MH
PM_SL#08 3,798.24 126.00 7
600 310.00 DWC HDPE 10.00 RCC MH
750 1,165.00 RCC HUME 39.00 RCC MH
900 1,025.00 RCC HUME 34.00 RCC MH
1200 1,298.24 RCC HUME 43.00 RCC MH
PM_SL#09 2,750.60 91.00 4
400 540.00 DWC HDPE 18.00 RCC MH
500 1,905.00 DWC HDPE 63.00 RCC MH
750 305.60 RCC HUME 10.00 RCC MH
PM_SL#10 1,405.00 47.00 3
300 1,405.00 DWC HDPE 47.00 BM MH
SM_SL#01 265.96 10.00 1
300 265.96 DWC HDPE 10.00 BM MH
SM_SL#02 2,520.49 85.00 2

300 540.00 DWC HDPE 19.00 BM MH
500 626.18 DWC HDPE 20.00 RCC MH
750 1,163.00 RCC HUME 39.00 RCC MH
900 191.31 RCC HUME 7.00 RCC MH
SM_SL#03 190.00 7.00
300 190.00 DWC HDPE 7.00 BM MH
SM_SL#04 446.78 16.00
300 446.78 DWC HDPE 16.00 BM MH
SM_SL#05 600.43 22.00
300 600.43 DWC HDPE 22.00 BM MH
SM_SL#06 729.19 25.00
300 729.19 DWC HDPE 25.00 BM MH
SM_SL#07 736.82 26.00 1
300 736.82 DWC HDPE 26.00 BM MH
SM_SL#08 1,335.30 45.00
300 270.00 DWC HDPE 10.00 BM MH
400 1,065.30 DWC HDPE 35.00 RCC MH
SM_SL#09 1,170.31 40.00
300 615.00 DWC HDPE 22.00 BM MH
400 555.31 DWC HDPE 18.00 RCC MH
SM_SL#10 787.41 28.00
300 787.41 DWC HDPE 28.00 BM MH
SM_SL#11 318.34 12.00
300 318.34 DWC HDPE 12.00 BM MH
SM_SL#12 226.65 9.00
300 226.65 DWC HDPE 9.00 BM MH
SM_SL#13 90.00 4.00
300 90.00 DWC HDPE 4.00 BM MH
SM_SL#14 1,082.00 37.00
300 300.00 DWC HDPE 11.00 BM MH
500 480.00 DWC HDPE 16.00 RCC MH
600 302.00 DWC HDPE 10.00 RCC MH
SM_SL#15 898.93 31.00
300 540.00 DWC HDPE 19.00 BM MH
400 358.93 DWC HDPE 12.00 RCC MH
SM_SL#16 762.38 26.00
300 762.38 DWC HDPE 26.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#01 643.71 22.00
300 353.00 DWC HDPE 12.00 BM MH
400 290.71 DWC HDPE 10.00 RCC MH
TaM_SL#02 310.00 11.00
300 310.00 DWC HDPE 11.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#03 502.60 19.00
300 502.60 DWC HDPE 19.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#04 570.00 21.00
300 228.00 DWC HDPE 9.00 BM MH
400 342.00 DWC HDPE 12.00 RCC MH
TaM_SL#05 457.14 17.00 1

300 360.00 DWC HDPE 13.00 BM MH
400 97.14 DWC HDPE 4.00 RCC MH
TaM_SL#06 388.44 15.00
300 388.44 DWC HDPE 15.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#07 60.21 4.00
300 60.21 DWC HDPE 4.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#08 302.52 11.00
300 302.52 DWC HDPE 11.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#09 369.00 14.00
300 369.00 DWC HDPE 14.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#10 140.54 6.00
300 140.54 DWC HDPE 6.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#11 65.55 3.00
300 65.55 DWC HDPE 3.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#12 69.96 4.00
300 69.96 DWC HDPE 4.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#13 100.87 5.00
300 100.87 DWC HDPE 5.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#14 123.83 6.00 1
300 123.83 DWC HDPE 6.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#15 315.12 11.00
300 315.12 DWC HDPE 11.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#16 318.99 11.00
300 318.99 DWC HDPE 11.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#17 150.00 6.00
300 150.00 DWC HDPE 6.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#18 65.61 4.00
300 65.61 DWC HDPE 4.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#19 195.55 8.00
300 195.55 DWC HDPE 8.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#20 47.70 3.00
300 47.70 DWC HDPE 3.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#21 110.00 5.00
300 110.00 DWC HDPE 5.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#22 425.00 16.00
300 425.00 DWC HDPE 16.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#23 682.97 24.00 1
500 390.33 DWC HDPE 14.00 RCC MH
750 292.64 RCC HUME 10.00 RCC MH
TaM_SL#24 55.00 3.00
300 55.00 DWC HDPE 3.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#25 380.00 14.00
300 380.00 DWC HDPE 14.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#26 420.00 22.00 1
300 200.00 DWC HDPE 11.00 BM MH
400 220.00 DWC HDPE 11.00 RCC MH
TaM_SL#27 140.00 8.00
300 140.00 DWC HDPE 8.00 BM MH

Tam_SL#28 140.00 8.00
300 140.00 DWC HDPE 8.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#29 140.00 8.00
300 140.00 DWC HDPE 8.00 BM MH
TaM_SL#30 100.00 6.00
300 100.00 DWC HDPE 6.00 BM MH
Grand Total 39,907.68 1,393.00

The sewer line catatory are as follow:

a. Trunk Main Sewer Line (TM_SL)
b. Primary Main Sewer Line (PM_SL)
c. Secondary Main Sewer Line (SM_SL)
d. Tertiary Main Sewer Line (TaM_SL)

a. Trunk Main Sewer Line (TM_SL)

The Trunk Main line is the major line which carry all the sewage of the project area, It convey the
seweage discharge of 563.162 (combine of Sewerage discharge and 5 % of storm water) into
WWTP. The alignment of trunk main line is hown in figure below. The detail information of trunk
main is shown in table

Table 10 Summary of Trunk Main Sewer Line

Items Value
Length of Alignment 6,986.00 m
No. of Alignments 1 nos.
Length of Sewer Pipe/ Size of Pipe
RCC Hume Pipe NP3 1550.20 /900mm dia
1130.15 /1000mm dia
1348.60 /1200mm dia
3906.10 /1500mm dia
Nos . of Brick Masonry Manhole/RCC 0 / 223 nos.
Leaping Weir and Overflow Strcutre 4 nos
No. of House Connection Chamber 448 nos.

b. Primary Main Sewer Line (PM_SL)
The Primary Main Sewer Line carry all discharge of the secondary and tertiary sewer line and
convety to trunk main line. The detail information of primary main is shown in table

Table 11 Summary of Primary Main Sewer Line

Items Value
Length of Alignment 13,090.38 m
No. of Alignments 10 nos.
Length of Sewer Pipe/ Size of Pipe
RCC Hume Pipe NP3 3072.50/750mm dia
1657.50 /900mm dia
1225.00 /1000mm dia
DWC HDPE Pipe 2560.00 /300mm dia
1452.50 /400mm dia
2197.50 /500mm dia
302.50 /600mm dia
Nos . of Brick Masonry /RCC Manhole 93 / 348 nos.
Nos. of House Connection Chamber 882 nos

c. Secondary Main Sewer Line (SM_SL)

The Secondary main sewer line carry all discharge of tertiary main sewer line nad convey to
primary main sewer line. The detail information of secondary main is shown in table

Table 12 Summary of Secondary Main Sewer Line

Items Value
Length of Alignment 12,160.99 m
No. of Alignments 16 nos.
Length of Sewer Pipe/ Size of Pipe
RCC Hume Pipe NP3 1090.55/750mm dia
181.51 /900mm dia
DWC HDPE Pipe 7220.00 /300mm dia
1922.50 /400mm dia
1075.00 /500mm dia
295.00 /600mm dia
Nos . of Brick Masonry /RCC Manhole 162/59 nos.
No. of House Connection Chamber 846.nos

d. Tertiary Main Sewer Line (TaM_SL)

The tertiary Main Sewer Line carry discharge along the alignment which is conveyed to secondary
main sewer line. The detail information of the tertiary main is shown in table.

Table 13 Summary fo Tertiary Main Sewer Line

Items Value
Length of Alignment 7,682.31. m
No. of Alignments 30 nos.
Length of Sewer Pipe/ Size of Pipe
RCC Hume Pipe NP3 251.64/750mm dia
DWC HDPE Pipe 5977.50/300mm dia
917.50 /400mm dia
380.00 /500mm dia
Nos . of Brick Masonry /RCC Manhole 250/66 nos.
No. of House Connecion Chamber 632 nos

Figure 12 Proposed Sewer Line

The main concept of design to collect the sewage or wastewater from the residential or commercial
or institution building, sewer pipe is proposed to convey the wastewater upto waste water
treatment plant. After the treatment, the effluent is discharged into nearby river and irrigation
purpose. Sewer Alignment is proposed and designed to collect and convey the sewage for
proposed treatment plant. The manhole distance are proposed not less than 30m, it will vary as per
site condition. The minimum diameter of pipe is 300mm dia for the sewerage network and 200mm
dia. is proposed to connection house and manhole. House connection Chamber is proposed which
collected the sewage or wastewater from building and 200mm dia. pipe is used to connection
house connection chamber and manhole along sewer line. There is no provision of direct connect
to manhole along the sewer alignment. The proposed sewer line are along the road center, most of
the road are blacktop road. By survey there is some crossing required along the road. There is
crossing component proposed to cross the sewer pipe across the natural course. Retaining wall
along the sewer line is proposed as per site condition. Leaping Weir and Over flow Chamber is
proposed along the higher diameter of pipe which divert the overflow water to river during rainy
season or heavy rainfall. There is provision of road reinstatement after dismantle of road for
construction of sewerage components as per road type.

5.1.14 Proposed Component in Sewerage Network

There are different civil components designed in system which are as follows:
1. Brick Masonry Manhole of different dia (0.90, 1.00, 1.20 and 1.5 m)
2. RCC Manhole of different size ( 0.90 , 1.00 , 1.2. and 1.5)
3. RCC Hume Pipe (NP3 Series of 750mm to 1500 mm dia)
4. DWC HUME PIPE (300mm to 600mm dia)
5. Brick Masonry House Connection Chamber
6. Level Crossing of Sewer
7. Leaping Weir or Over Flow Chamber.
8. Retaining Wall and Gabion Apron
9. Road Re-Instatement Works
The summary of the components are shown in table

Table 14 Summary of Components

200mm Dia. / 13.84 km (use for
Design Pipe Diameter and Length : House Connection Chamber to
300mm Dia. / 15.776 km/DWC

400mm Dia. / 4.293 km/ DWC
500 mm Dia. /3.653 km/ DWC
600 mm Dia./ 0.60 km/ DWC
750 mm Dia. /4.415 km/RCC HUME
900mm Dia. /3.389 km/RCC HUME
1000mm Dia/ 1.130 /RCC HUME
1200mm Dia/ 2.574 /RCC HUME
1500mm Dia/ 3.906 /RCC HUME
No. of Brick Manhole : 604. nos.
No. of RCC Manhole : 799. nos.
No. of Level Crossing : 12 nos. of span from 2.5 to 10m
Nos of Leaping Weir/Over Flow Structure : 10 nos.
No. of BM House Connection Chamber : 2,768 nos.
Retaining Wall and Gabion Apron : 100m

The detail drawing and estimate of the component are attached in drawing volume.

The wastewater must be treated to reduce the impurities so that it can be safely disposed
into land or water bodies without causing its pollution and hence thereby reducing adverse
impacts on health. The degree to which a wastewater is treated depends on the water quality
of the receiving body of water into which the effluent is discharged. The required effluent
quality can be achieved by combining a variety of different treatment processes. No single
process will suit all circumstances and the engineer must select the combination of systems
which will provide the desired treatment at minimum cost and maximum reliability.
Therefore, an appropriate waste water treatment plant shall be worked out to control some
essential wastewater parameters line BOD and SS. For treatment of wastes using natural
biological methods like stabilizing ponds or oxidation ponds or reed bed (constructed
wetlands) techniques can be explored.


The untreated domestic wastewater consists of a number of physical impurities such as
suspended and dissolved solids, chemical impurities such as nitrogen, carbon, phosphorous
etc and organic impurities such as BOD and COD. The pH for all these wastes will be in
the range of 6.5 to 8.5 with majority being slightly on the alkaline side of 7.0. Three typical
composition of untreated domestic wastewater are summarized in Table below.

Table 15Composition of untreated domestic wastewater

Table : Composition of Untreated Domestic Wastewater
Weak Medium Strong
(all in mg/lexcept settleable solids)
Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 50 100 200
BOD (as O2) 100 200 300
Chloride 30 50 100
COD (as O2) 250 500 1000
Suspended solids (SS) 100 200 350
Settleable solids, mL/L 5 10 20
Total dissolved solids (TDS) 200 500 1000
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (as N) 20 40 80
Total organic carbon (TOC) (as C) 75 150 300
Total phosphorous (as P) 5 10 20

The disposal of untreated domestic wastewater into surface water will pollute the water
bodies. The proposed sewage treatment plants should produce effluent as per the generic
standards, tolerances limits for waste water discharged into inland surface water from
wastewater treatment plant set by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

Waste stabilization ponds, also known as Oxidation Ponds, are the simplest biological
systems available for the treatment of wastewater, more practically when a large area of land
is available for such treatment. They are employed for the treatment of both domestic
wastewaters and industrial wastewaters, which are liable to biological treatment. The ponds
are generally constructed in earthwork with relatively very small depths as compared to their
large surface areas and bunds (embankments) are built all around to some height to exclude
the entry of rainwater into the ponds. Normally wastewater to be treated is applied directly
to the ponds(s) after removing floating materials through bar racks without any primary
treatment. The oxygen required for aerobic decomposition of organic solids is mostly
supplied by the algae present in the system through the symbiotic actions of algae and
bacteria. The removal of grit is recommended by grit chamber to sludge removal period from
the pond. The system has low construction and negligible operating cost as it requires
minimum operation skills, and does not use any mechanical equipment to supply oxygen by
aeration. Ponds may be multi-celled and can be provided in series or parallel. Accumulation
of sludge at the bottom of pond is negligible, only few centimetres, in a year and therefore,
requires its removal once in 4-5 years.
When raw wastewater is fed to the basin after screening, the suspended solids settle to the
pond bottom by gravity due to long retention time. The soluble organic matter in upper top
and intermediate layers are decomposed (oxidized) under aerobic and facultative conditions
to carbon dioxides (CO2), nitrates, orthophosphate and water by the microorganisms
(predominately bacteria) present in the waste. The required oxygen is supplied by the
photosynthetic metabolism of algae present and synthesized in the pond. The solids settled
at the bottom of ponds are decomposed to stable end products by anaerobic bacteria.
Ammonia from the bottom zone is oxidised to nitrate, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen
sulphide gas if Nitrobactre, Nitrosobacteria and Thiobacillus microorganisms are present in
the system.
The waste stabilization ponds consist of anaerobic ponds and facultative ponds connected in
series. Administrative cum laboratory building, watchman/workers building and parking
areas have been provided within the premises of the wastewater treatment site. The various
components of waste stabilization pond treatment system are expected to be sump well, bar

screen, grit chamber, anaerobic ponds, facultative ponds and sludge drying beds. The design
criteria of each of these components are given below:

6.2.1. Sump Well

The Sump well is designed to collect sewage from sewers before treatment plants. The
Sewage will be pumped to the screening chamber and other treatment processes after
temporarily stored in sump well. The pumping of sewage should be controlled between
maximum and minimum level by level sensors automatically shutting the pump when the
sewage reaches its minimum level. Similarly pumping should start automatically when it
reaches the maximum level.
Detention time : <=20 min
Number of Units : >=2
Velocity of flow in the rising main: 0.6-1.0 m/s
Velocity of flow in suction pipe: 1.0-1.5 m/s

6.2.2. Bar Screen

These are the parallel bars in certain inclination with clear openings of uniform size to
remove floating and large sized solids from sewage. Bar screens are generally placed in
approach channel of rectangular size. The screens will be frequently cleaned, because the
retained solids will increase the head loss and obstruct the frequent flow of sewage
Minimum size of particles to be removed: 25mm
Inclination of bars with horizontal: 30-700
Quantity of screenings production: 0.0015–0.015m3/ML of sewage
Approach velocity of flow : >= 0.3m/s at average flow
Number of Units : >=2
Size of bars: 10mm x 50mm
Clear spacing between bars: 25-50 mm
Maximum head loss through screen: 30cm

6.2.3. Grit Chamber

Hydraulically a grit chamber is designed to remove or settling discrete particles with
diameter 0.2 mm 2.65. In channel type horizontal flow grit chambers, it is important
to maintain the horizontal velocity at approximately 0.3 m/sec. A 25 percent increase in
velocity may result in washout of grit, while a 25 percent reduction may result in retention
of non-target organics. Since a wide variation in flow rates may be encountered, therefore
horizontal flow velocity must be controlled artificially making provision of flow control
Detention time: 30-90 sec
Number of Units : >= 2
Velocity of flow: 0.15 – 0.4m/s
Size of smallest particle to be removed: 0.2mm
Specific gravity of particle: 2.65
Design temperature: 200C
Liquid depth: 1-2m
Length: 3-25 m
Freeboard: 0.3-0.5 m
Quantity of grits: 0.02-0.1 m3/1000 m3 of flow

6.2.4. Anaerobic Pond

This pond is used for the pre-clarification and is the first clarification stage of this pond
system. The solid substances build sediment at the base of the pond. There they are
biologically decomposed. This pond is generally 2.5-5.0 m deep in which anaerobic
conditions prevail throughout the pond depth except for a surface zone of few centimetres.
Usually these types of ponds are installed with facultative ponds in series. Stabilization of
organic solids involves precipitation and decomposition of organic matter and removal of
soluble BODs is generally upto 85%.
Depth: 2.4-5.0 m
Detention time: 5-50 day
Organic loading: 400-4000 kg/ha/day
BOD5 removal efficiency; 50-80%
L/B ratio: 2-3
Embankment slope: 1(V): 2(H) – 1(V): 3(H)
Free board: 0.5- 1.0 m

6.2.5. Facultative Pond
This pond is generally 1.0-2.5m deep and three zones exist throughout the pond depth, viz.
aerobic zone at the surface, anaerobic zone at the bottom and facultative zone at the mid
depth of the pond. Stabilization of organic solids is achieved by aerobic bacteria in the
aerobic zone, by anaerobic bacteria at the bottom of the pond and by facultative bacteria
in the middle zone. During the retention period of the waste water, the solid substances
form sediment on the bottom. The pond is to be placed in an area where sufficient wind is
available. Furthermore a long contact area between the wastewater and wind is necessary.
Although some of the oxygen required to keep the upper layers aerobic comes from re-
aeration through the surface, most of it is supplied by the photosynthetic activity of the
algae which grow naturally in the pond where considerable quantities of both nutrients and
incident light energy are available. Indeed, so profuse is the growth of algae that the pond
contents are bright green in colour. The pond bacteria utilize this ‘algal’ oxygen to oxidise
the organic waste matter. One of the major end- products of bacterial metabolism is carbon
dioxide which is readily oxidised by the algae during photosynthesis since their demand
for it exceeds its supply from the atmosphere. Thus there is an association of mutual benefit
(‘symbioses) between the algae and bacteria in the pond.
Depth: 1.0-3.0 m
Detention time: 5-30 day
Organic Loading: 40-400 kg/ha/day
BOD5 removal efficiency: 70-95 %
L/B ratio: 2-3
Embankment slope: 1(V):2(H) – 1(V):3(H)
Freeboard: 0.5 – 1.0 m
6.2.6. Maturation Pond
Maturation ponds (low-cost polishing ponds), which generally follow either the primary
or secondary facultative pond, are primarily designed for tertiary treatment, i.e., the
removal of pathogens, nutrients and possibly algae. They are very shallow (usually 0.9 – 1
m depth), to allow light penetration to the bottom and aerobic conditions throughout the
whole depth. The loading on the maturation pond is calculated on the assumption that 80%
of the BOD has been removed in the preceding treatment. Maturation pond is the third
pond in the multi- cell series of WOE system and is designed for faecal coliform removal.
Maturation ponds (1-1.5m deep) receive the effluent from a facultative pond, and the size
and number of maturation ponds is governed mainly by the required bacteriological quality

of the final effluent. Maturation ponds usually show less vertical biological and
physicochemical stratification and are well oxygenated throughout the day. Their algal
population is thus much more diverse than that of facultative ponds. The primary function
of maturation ponds is the removal of excreted pathogens, and this is extremely efficient
in a properly designed series of ponds. Maturation ponds achieve only a small removal of
BOD, but their contribution to nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) removal can be

6.2.7. Distribution Chamber, Inlet and Outlet Structure of Pond
Distribution chamber are proposed for the divide flow to components. There is parallel
system which required the distribution chamber and valve are installed to control the
flow.The inlet to anaerobic and primary facultative ponds should discharge well below the
liquid level so as to minimize short-circuiting (especially in deep anaerobic ponds) and
thus reduce the quantity of scum (which is important in facultative ponds). Inlets to
secondary facultative and maturation ponds should also discharge below the liquid level,
preferably at mid-depth in order to reduce the possibility of short-circuiting.

The outlet of all ponds should be protected against the discharge of scum by the provision
of a scum guard. The take-off level for the effluent, which is controlled by the scum guard
depth, is important as it has a significant influence on effluent quality. In facultative ponds,
the scum guard should extend just below the maximum depth of the algal band when the
pond is stratified so as to minimize the daily quantity of algae, and hence BOD, leaving
the pond. In anaerobic and maturation ponds, where algal banding is irrelevant, the take-
off should be nearer the surface: in anaerobic ponds it should be well above the maximum
depth of sludge but below any surface crust, and in maturation ponds it should be at the
level that gives the best possible microbiological quality. The following effluent take-off
levels are recommended: Anaerobic ponds: 300 mm Facultative ponds: 600 mm
Maturation ponds: 50 mm

6.2.8. Sludge Drying Bed

Depth of sludge application: 0.2 – 0.5m
Sludge accumulation rate: 0.04 – 0.07 m3/ capita/year
Sludge drying time including cleaning: 15-30 days
Rainy period in a year: 5 months
No. of cycles/ year: 7
Maximum size of one bed: 30m x 8m (240 m2)
Bed area: 0.25 – 1.0 m2/ capita

Waste stabilization pond system are selected for the project. The system is selected as per the site
condition. Sewage from the settlements are conveyed through the sewer pipe line are design to
meet the treatment system. The average capacity flow for the design adopted is 10.70 MLD and
at coolest temperature 16.25 o C. The design are carried out for base year 3 year and design period
15 years. The different design criteria is adopted in design to meet the project target.
The major components of the waste stabilization ponds are bar screen and grit chamber, anaerobic,
facultative and maturation pond and sludge drying bed with sludge storage tank. The effluent after
treatment from facultative will diverted to natural water course and maturation pond are designed
to use the water for the agriculture purposed. Sludge from the pond are stored in the tank and will
used as compost. The schematic line diagram of the system are shown below.

Figure 10 Schematic Line Diagram of WWTP

The proposed WWTP is located at bank of Ratuwa and Dipeni River and located in ward no. 10
of Damak municipality.

Figure 11 Location of WWTP Land

Figure 12 Layout Plan of WWTP

The land which is shown during the survey is not sufficient as per design of waste stabilization.
The more land is required for the treatment, in coordination with the stakeholders of the
municipality, there will be available for land as required. There will not problem of the land for

The design parameter for the waste stabilization pond are as follow:

Capacity Average Flow: 10.70 MLD

Inflow BOD : 300 mg/l
Average Coolest Temp: 16.70oC
Depth of Outlet manhole: 2.00 m
Peak Flow : 26.75 MLD
Minimum Flow : 5.35 MLD
Waste Stabilization Pond design for the project area is consist of following components:
1. Inlet Chamber
Average Flow : 10.70 MLD
Detention Time : 5 Sec
Volume Required : 1.55 Cum
Length : 2.60m
Width : 1.20m
Depth : 1.50m

2. Bar Screen Chamber

Nos of Chamber : 2 nos.
Length : 2.70m
Width : 0.80m
Depth : 1.50m
No. of Opening and bar : 19 and 18
Angle of inclination : 45o
Free Board : 1.00 m
Section of Bar : 10mm x 75mm

3. Grit Removal Chamber

Nos of Chamber : 4 mos (1 standby)
Length : 10.00 m
Width : 1.00 m
Depth : 1.50m
Freeboard : 1.00m
Hydraulic Retention Time: 45.00 s (in each chamber)

4. Anaerobic Pond
No of Pond : 3nos
Average Flow in each Tank : 1188.89 m3/day
Detention Time : 2 days
Liquid Depth : 4.00 m
Free Board : 0.50 m
Top Surface Area / Dimension : 5976.00Sqm / 83.00m x 48m
Bottom Surface Area : 2379.00 Sqm / 61.00m x 26.00m)
Efficiency of Anaerobic Pond : 53.40%
5. Facultative Pond
No. of Pond : 3nos
Average Flow in each Tank: 3,566.67 m3/day
Detention Time : 13.50 days
Top Surface Area : 34,056.00 2Sqm / 258.00m x 132.00m
Bottom Surface Area : 30,996.00 Sqm/252.00m x 123.00m
Depth of Pond : 2.00m
Freeboard : 0.50m
Efficiency of Pond : 90.00%
6. Maturation Pond :
No. of Pond : 3nosof different size
Average Flow : 10700 m3/day
First Pond
Nos : 1 nos
Top Surface Area : 56,108.00Sqm / 332.00m x 169.00m
Bottom Surface Area : 50,001.75Sqm / 319.50m x 156.50m
Depth of Pond : 2.00m
Freeboard : 0.50m
Detention Time : 7.40 days
Second Pond
Nos : 2nos
Top Surface Area : 38,986.50 Sqm / 276.50.00m x 141.00m
Bottom Surface Area : 35,666.67 Sqm / 265.00m x 129.00m
Depth of Pond : 2.00m
Freeboard : 0.50m

Detention Time : 5.00 days
7. Sludge Drying Bed
No. of Bed : 14
Length : 22.00m
Width : 6.00m
Depth : 1.10m
Drying Period : 30 days
Area of each Bed : 131.46 Sqm
8. Sludge Storage Tank
Nos of Tank : 1 nos
Size : 3.00m x 3.00m x 1.50m

Hence, the total required land for waste stabilization pond is 300,531.28Sqm which is equal
to approx. 30.00Ha of Land. It is also conclude that facultative pond covered largest area.
Total detention time of anaerobic pond and facultative pons is 15.51 days. After the treatment
of influent is result in effluent which is discharged into the river. Sludge from drying bed is
used as compost fertilizer.
The WSP should be protected by construction of Compound wall with entrance gates for both
pedestrian and vehicle. Proposed WSP is located at bank of river thus, river training works is
necessary. There should be walkway or pathway of 2.50 m wide gravel road including storm
water drainage along bank of ponds.
For the operation and maintenance, there should be institutional framework or organization
to operate and maintain the system which consist of some manpower. Thus, office building
of one story, changing and store room and guard house and environmental mitigation with
bioengineering activities are proposed at WWTP Site.
The Summary of the size of the components or structure are as shown below in table.

Table 16 Design of Components for 2037 Design Year

Inner Outer
No of
Si Siz
Components U
S.N. ze e Area
Lists ni
ts L, m B, m L, m B, m
1 Inlet Chamber 1.00 2.58 1.20 1.50 3.18 1.80 5.72

2 Bar Screen 2.00 2.70 0.77 1.50 3.30 1.37 9.06
3 Grit Chamber 4.00 10.00 1.00 1.49 10.00 1.60 64.00
5 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.50 1.80 2.10 3.78
6 Anaerobic Pond 3.00 83.00 48.00 4.50 83.00 48.00 11,952.00
Bottom 3.00 61.00 26.00 4,758.00
7 Facultative Pond 3.00 258.00 132.00 2.50 258.00 132.00
Bottom 3.00 252.00 123.00 252.00 123.00 92,988.00
Sludge Drying
8 14.00 22.00 6.00 1.10 22.60 6.60 2,088.24
9 Maturation pond
1.00 332.00 169.00 2.50 332.00 169.00 56,108.00
2.00 276.50 141.00 2.50 276.50 141.00 77,973.00
10. Sludge Storage 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.60 3.60 12.96
11. Road Area 20% 50,076.95
Office building
Storage 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
Office 1.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 50.00
Total Area in Sqm
Total Area in HA 30.05

Table 17Components for 2032 Design Year

S.N No of Inner Size Outer Size

Structure List Area
. Units L, m B, m H, m L, m B, m
1 Inlet Chamber 1.00 2.40 1.20 1.50 3.00 1.80 5.40
2 Coarse Screen 1.00 2.70 0.72 1.50 2.70 1.32 3.57
3 Grit Chamber 4.00 10.00 1.00 1.49 10.00 1.60 64.00
4 Fine Screen 1.00 2.41 1.25 1.49 2.41 1.85 4.47
5 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.50 1.80 2.10 3.78
6 Anaerobic Pond 2.00 83.00 48.00 4.50 83.00 48.00 7,968.00
Bottom 2.00 61.00 26.00
258.0 132.0 258.0 132.0
7 Facultative Pond 2.00 2.50 68,112.00
0 0 0 0
245.0 120.0
Bottom 2.00
0 0
Sludge Drying
8 9.00 22.00 6.00 1.10 22.60 6.60 1,342.44
9 Maturation pond

332.0 169.0 332.0 169.0
1.00 2.50 56,108.00
0 0 0 0
276.5 141.0 276.5 141.0
1.00 2.50 38,986.50
0 0 0 0
276.5 141.0 276.5 141.0
1.00 2.50 38,986.50
0 0 0 0
10 Sludge Storage 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 3.60 3.60 12.96
11 Road Area 20% 42,319.52
Office building
Storage 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
Office 1.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 50.00
Total Area in Sqm 253,992.14
Total Area in Ha 25.40

Unit rate analysis is carried out for each item of works identified for construction of sewer,
storm water drainage, river training, and road works. Rate analysis of unit price of work
item is done by considering the following:
 Norms for Rate Analysis
 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Works. Ministry of Physical Planning and
Works/Department of Roads. 2065 BS.
 Norms for Rate Analysis of Construction Works. Ministry of Works and Transport. 2050
BS (with amendment).
 Rate Analysis Norms. Department of Irrigation. 2002 AD.
 Rate Analysis Norms. Department of Water Supply and Sewerage. 2042 BS.
 District approved rates of labour and materials for Project road area and approved rate of
 Unit prices of material collected from manufacturers.
 Market prices of construction materials at local markets as per District rate 2075/76FY
 The norms of some items, which are not mentioned in above mentioned Norms have been
adjusted considering norms of similar works and they are interpolated. Similarly, the rate
of some materials, which was not included in Approved District Rate, has been adopted
considering prevailing market rate and interpolation of similar items. The rate for
earthwork has been calculated assuming that 90% work will be done by using
construction equipment’s like Excavator and 10% by manually.


Production of comprehensive and accurate BoQs is a major task as design reaches its final
stages. Substantial increases in certain items can give rise to Contractor claim. To ensure
this accurate survey and investigations, and the use of appropriate software is used to
minimize such likelihood. The method adopted and equipment used during survey as well as
the method of calculating area, length, breadth and height are the factors influencing the
accuracy of the quantities. The quantity estimate is prepared to a reasonable accuracy (within
 10%). The extracted bill of quantities is referring to as bill items that conform to the

measurement clauses of the Specification. Summaries are provided for each section, and
combined into one Summary of BoQ.
The standard engineering practices were adopted during the entire process of survey, design and
calculation, which resulted in the estimation of quantities. Engineer's estimate combines the unit
prices of work item produced and BoQ prepared. The quantities are multiplied by respective unit
prices/rates to prepare the cost estimates. The total cost estimates is derived by adding suitable
percentages of physical as well as financial contingencies to the base cost estimate, as appropriate.
Cost estimate figures are also shown with and without Value Added Tax (VAT).
Detailed cost estimates including all components are prepared and included in Cost Estimates. The
summary of project cost estimate is presented below:

Table 18 Summary of Cost

S.No. Description of Items Amount (NRs.)

Part I Sewerage Network

Work No. 1 : Sewer Pipe Works 378,616,343.32
Work No. 2 : Brick Masonry Manhole 34,090,931.64
Work No. 3 : RCC Manhole 196,627,480.82
Work No. 4 : Brick Masonry House Connection Chamber 89,737,986.64
Work No. 5 : Level Crossing 14,641,744.15
Work No. 6 : Road Reinstatement Works 198,327,920.10
Work No. 7 : Leaping Weir 6,382,285.92
Work No. 8 : Retaining Wall and Gabion Apron 8,780,425.01
Total Part I 927,205,117.60
Part II Waste Water Treatment Plant
Work No. 1 : Inlet Chamber +Bar Screen Chamber 984,294.56
Work No. 2 : Grit Chamber 2,108,696.46
Work No. 3 : Anaerobic Pond 16,411,665.03
Work No. 4 : Facultative Pond 73,436,752.74
Work No. 5 : Maturation Pond 68,484,977.49
Work No. 6 : Sludge Storage Tank 319,374.90
Work No. 7 : Sludge Drying Bed 11,101,024.48
Work No. 8 : Distribution Chamber 4,179,910.05
Work No. 9 : Outfall Structure 622,135.68
Work No. 10 : River Training Works at WSP Site 179,754,535.91
Work No. 11 : Rain Inlet Works 2,456,861.72
Work No. 12 : Boundary wall with Entrance Gate 47,989,762.90
Work No. 13 : Guard House with Toilet 1,373,658.16

Work No. 14 : Changing Room with Store Building 1,103,676.16
Work No. 15 : Office Building 2,661,574.09
Work No. 16 : Road and Drain Works 47,029,196.79
Work No. 17 : Pipe Fittings Works 23,233,181.86
Work No. 18 : Bio-engineering and Landscaping Works 1,500,000.00
Total Part II 484,751,278.98
General Items 29,546,054.33
Total Part I +Part II+ General Item 1,441,502,450.90
General Contingencies 4% 57,660,098.04
13% VAT of Total Cost(Part I + II) and 4% Contingencies 194,891,131.36
Physical Contingencies 10% 144,150,245.09
Price Escalation Contingencies 10% 144,150,245.09
Grand Total (NRs.) including VAT and Contingencies 1,982,354,170.48

Operation and maintenance aspect of a Wastewater/Sewage Treatment Plant decides the
functional efficiency of the plant to a great extent.
The waste stabilization process of treatment involves minimum operational and maintenance
functions, as no mechanical components are installed
Pond system is to be commissioned preferably in start of summer season for quick
Stabilization process. Pond pH shall be always maintained above 7 (applying lime or soda
ash)to develop methanogenic bacteria. The routine maintenance tasks are:
a. Removal of screenings and grit from the inlet works
b. Use of slow growing grass and cutting grass regular interval
c. Removal of Floating scum and floating microphysics
d. Spraying the scum on anaerobic pond
e. Removal of accumulated solids in inlet and outlets
f. Repair of damage to the embankment
g. Repair of damage to external fences and gates
h. A pond maintenance record sheet (enclosed) to be filled at weekly interval
i. Staffing level shall be adequate to operate the system smoothly.
j. Desludging is required annually by using a raft mounted sludge pump and disposal is to be
made in landfill site or agricultural land but as Client insisted for Sludge Drying Bed (SDB),
sludge will be dried at SDB and disposal will be made accordingly.

8.1.1 Operation & Maintenance Needs

In this plant, no significant operational activities are required. Maintenance functions involve
a member of activities both preventive as well as corrective. Preventive maintenance activities
are as follows:
 Cleaning of inlet at an interval of once a year
 Skimming of floating matters from the facultative pond on a continuous basis
 Sludge / Silt removal from anaerobic (Primary pond i.e. Anaerobic Pond) once in one year
but recommended for six months interval.
Other preventive maintenance requirements are watering and upkeep of horticulture
components, annual repair and maintenance of buildings, fittings and fixture, exposed pipes
and fittings etc.

Corrective maintenance is required to cater for occasional damages like embankment failure,
structural failure, and electrical problems etc. which need to be repaired as and when required.
Some amount of spares and materials should be kept stored along with working equipment’s.
A year-round sewer maintenance program is required which emphasizes on preventive
maintenance. Under the program, sewers, including maintenance holes, pumping plants, and
special structures, are regularly inspected. Known trouble locations are checked at more
frequent intervals. Pipeline maintenance crews, operating City-wide, clean and maintain large
sewer lines, chemically treat sewers for root control, and perform insect and rodent abatement
work. It is essential that the Municipality own a jetting machine and also mobilize the tractors
for transporting the debris. Apart from that, minor tools are needed an e.g. tool for opening
manhole covers, lights, flow measurement devices, stop clocks, buckets etc. ,
8.2.1 Cause and Types of Blockages
The most frequently received complaints about sewers are blockages. A blockage is confined
principally to small diameter sewers not accessible for a maintenance worker to enter.
Blockages or obstructions can be caused by sand and gravel deposits, garbage from garbage
grinders, disposable diapers, personal hygiene products, grease build-up, heavy settled debris,
debris held by a line break, a slipped joint, illegal taps that protrude into the sewer pipe, or any
other condition that reduces or restricts the flow. The recommended methods for cleaning
blockages or obstructions depend on the nature and causes of the problems.

8.2.2 Maintenance Methods

Pipeline cleaning and maintenance methods depend on the wastewater characteristics,
fluctuations in flows, sewer alignment and grade, pipe material, condition of the sewer, the
type of area being served, and most importantly, past history of sanitary sewer performance.
An effective preventive maintenance program can only be achieved with a complete set of
records. The records should indicate the causes of all blockages, size of the sewer, history of
past blockages and corresponding preventive maintenance, including the type of maintenance
equipment used to perform the maintenance work. Blockages can be cleared or prevented and
sewers cleaned by either hydraulic or mechanical methods. Hydraulic methods consist of
cleaning sewers with water under pressure that produces high water velocities. These velocities
are usually high enough to break up the blockage and flush most grit, grease, and debris.
Mechanical methods consist of using equipment that scrapes, cuts, pulls or pushes the material
out of the pipeline. In the present case the Flushing and Jetting method is adequate as the sewer

sizes are limited up to 700mm diameter and manholes depths do not exceed 5m. FLUSHING:
This is an inefficient hydraulic method that can be used at the upstream location of a collection
system where low or sluggish flow results in deposition of solids. It is now rarely used since
the introduction of the high-pressure water jet cleaners. A fire hydrant is normally used for this
procedure. However, if a fire hydrant is not accessible, the equipment may consist of a water
tanker with hose. The method is effective in removing floatable and some sand and grit. It is
useful in combination with mechanical operations such as rodding or bucket machine cleaning.
The method is not very effective in removing heavy debris and grit. JETTING: This is a
hydraulic method of cleaning sewers which directs high velocity streams of water against the
pipe walls at various angles. The equipment consists of a truck-mounted high velocity water
machine, maintenance hole hose guide, debris traps, and a dump pick up or debris trailer. The
method is very effective in cleaning flat, slow flowing sewers. It is very efficient in removing
grease, sand, gravel, and debris deposits in small sewers. It is also effective in breaking up
solids in maintenance holes, and in washing structures. The effectiveness in removing debris,
however, decreases as the size of the pipe increases.
8.2.3 Staff Requirement
Following Staffs are required for proper operation and maintenance of Wastewater/Sewage
Pumping Station (SPS) and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)
Table 15 : Staff for Operation and Maintenance
S.N. Category of Staff Total
1 Supervisor 1
2 System Operator 1
3 Laboratory Assitant 1
4 Watchmen 2
5 Sweeper 1
6 Gardneer 1
7 Driver 1
8 Helper 2

8.2.4 Operational Control

Routine Flow Measurement along with the characterization and performance of the ponds to
be monitored and recorded. Periodic measurements indicating the influent and effluent of
sewage parameters like BOD, COD, TSS, Coliform organism etc. to be regularly monitored.
Fiber Glass boat shall be provided for carrying 500kg load for maintenance of ponds.
Arrangement is made for cleaning and jetting of ponds and watering arrangements for
landscaping by treated effluent from sewage.

8.2.5 Control of Insects
The degree of mosquito inflation in ponds is in direct proportion to the extent of emergent
vegetation. Filling of ponds up to operational levels, cutting of undesirable vegetation in pond
or on embankment and using of suitable herbicide, using larvicides, breeding certain fishes are
some of the measures that can be used to control mosquitoes. Fly control will be achieved by
breaking the scum floating on the pond surfaces. Midges are to be controlled by increased the
organic load on the pond.

8.2.6 Embankment Maintenance

Embankments need to be inspected regularly for erosion due to wind, wave action, surface
runoff or burrowing animals. Repaired should be carried out immediately as the damage
occurs. The embankment should be seeded with grass, fertilized and mown. Long rooted plants
impair the water retaining capacity of the embankment and hence should not be used.
8.2.7 Maintenance Method
Pipeline cleaning and maintenance methods depend on the wastewater characteristics,
fluctuations in flows, sewer alignment and grade, pipe material, condition of the sewer, the
type of area being served, and most importantly, past history of sanitary sewer performance.
An effective preventive maintenance program can only be achieved with a complete set of
records. The records should indicate the causes of all blockages, size of the sewer, history of
past blockages and corresponding preventive maintenance, including the type of maintenance
equipment used to perform the maintenance work. Blockages can be cleared or prevented and
sewers cleaned by either hydraulic or mechanical methods. Hydraulic methods consist of
cleaning sewers with water under pressure that produces high water velocities. These velocities
are usually high enough to break up the blockage and flush most grit, grease, and debris.
Mechanical methods consist of using equipment that scrapes, cuts, pulls or pushes the material
out of the pipeline. In the present case the Flushing and Jetting method is adequate as the sewer
sizes are limited up to 700mm diameter and manholes depths do not exceed 5m. FLUSHING:
This is an inefficient hydraulic method that can be used at the upstream location of a collection
system where low or sluggish flow results in deposition of solids. It is now rarely used since
the introduction of the high-pressure water jet cleaners. A fire hydrant is normally used for
this procedure. However, if a fire hydrant is not accessible, the equipment may consist of a
water tanker with hose. The method is effective in removing floatable and some sand and grit.
It is useful in combination with mechanical operations such as rodding or bucket machine

cleaning. The method is not very effective in removing heavy debris and grit. JETTING: This
is a hydraulic method of cleaning sewers which directs high velocity streams of water against
the pipe walls at various angles. The equipment consists of a truck-mounted high velocity
water machine, maintenance hole hose guide, debris traps, and a dump pick up or debris trailer.
The method is very effective in cleaning flat, slow flowing sewers. It is very efficient in
removing grease, sand, gravel, and debris deposits in small sewers. It is also effective in
breaking up solids in maintenance holes, and in washing structures. The effectiveness in
removing debris, however, decreases as the size of the pipe increases.

8.2.8 Control of Odour

Frequently odor is caused by the delay of mats of algae that have been blown to a bank or
the corner. During the periods of high water temperature in shallow ponds, sludge mats
rise from the bottom and accumulate in the corners. The entire mass gets covered with blue
green algae and this gives rise to over pondering odors. The mat is to be dispersed by
agitating or by the jetting of water.
8.2.9 Recognition of Characteristics Colours
An Anaerobic Pond looks greyish black and the facultative pond most frequently appears
green or brownish green. A change in color is a warning of the major change in the
performances of the Pond system. Changes in the volume, organic load, temperature, light,
turbidity etc may cause changes in the algal pattern and hence change in color.
If the sulphide and sulphate concentration in wastewater is high, coloured micro-organism
develops particularly in Facultative Pond during summer and ponds develop a pinkcolor.
A colour change from green to black accompanied by floating mat of material from bottom
of pond usually indicates rapid fermentation of bottom sediments. Presence of coloured
micro-organisms seems to indicate some prior overloading, stratification or operational
deficiency. Sulphides in the pond can be oxidized by coloured photosynthetic bacteria
which are found in stabilization pond in large numbers and impart to the pond a
characteristics brown or red colour.
8.2.10 Control of Tree
Large trees impede the natural wind and may reduce the light intensity at the surface of the
pond. And thus interfere with the performance of the ponds. Leaves falling into pond will
interfere with photosynthetic process and add to the box load, and possibly create insect
control problems. Hence systematic tree control at WSP site is mandatory.

1. How much loading can be safely increased on the system to serve the expanding
2. Whether further ponds (parallel or Series) are required
3. How design of future pond installation in the region might be improved to take account
of local conditions

8.2.11 Safety Equipment’s :

The following safety facilities are required for the team personnel for smooth running of
pond operation:
1. First Aid Kit
2. Protective Clothes
3. Grass Cutter
4. Scum Removal Equipment
5. Life Jacket
6. Life-Buoys
7. Fibre Glass Boat for sampling and Maintenance of Ponds

Need of IEE/ EIA
As per the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1997 Environmental Impact Study is required to
implement the Project Works. In Asian Development Bank and World Bank Funding Projects IEE
or EIA study is mandatory.
Impact assessment is needed for collecting and analyzing the information related to the impact of
the project to be implemented. Moreover it is necessary for potential environmental impacts
assessment identification, significance of environmental implication examination, negative impact
mitigation assessment, preventive measures recommendation, environmental implication
information to decision makers and sustainable urban infrastructure development.

IEE/ EIA Study

After consultation with the owner by the consultant, it was decided to conduct the IEE/ EIA Study
separately and submit the required documents, reports etc. before the constructional works of
sewerage system and wastewater treatment plant for Damak bazar.

Master Planning for Waste Water Management/ Surface Drainage System

For sustainable infrastructure development especially the waste water management of fast growing
small town like Damak of Jhapa a comprehensive conceptual planning or master planning is
crucial. Immediate, short term, medium term and long term program, plans, policies, strategy have
to be timely formulated and enforced to implement them in a priority basis, considering socio-
economic, political, judicial, technical, technological, environmental and managerial aspects.

Rapid population grow, migration, increasing trend of floating population, business activities in
search of better opportunity, unplanned urbanization, developments of settlements, dense
populated areas, unplanned industrialization have been given huge stress on health and hygiene of
the people, especially on the environment. Water, air and noise pollution and presence of different
types of diseases, such as flue are the few examples. Surface and ground water sources have been
polluted due to direct discharge or disposal of untreated raw domestic partly industrial sewage,
solid wastes of different nature, chemical fertilizers including insecticides, pesticides and

Considering the above mentioned facts a comprehensive sewerage system master planning is
crucial and prerequisite for environment protection.

As the Damak is being a fast growing business center, waste water management sub-project
activities have to put in priority activities. In Damak core market area the settlements are scattered,
so sewerage system development i.e. laying of trunk and secondary sewers will be in a priority
basis, phase wise considering the socio-economic activities, settlements/ clusters development,
financial constraints and other factors. But the waste water has to be collected from whole project
covered area or catchment, conveyed to the WWTP for safe disposal to the nearest river.

Separate sewerage system has been considered so domestic sewer flow through one set of sewer
and surface run-off storm water should be drained through side drains along both sides of road/
highway in 1st phase of the sub-project.


Findings of this Project Study are given below:

• Detailed Design of Sewerage System and Wastewater Treatment Plant are the first study
report and Feasibility Study of Sewerage System and Wastewater Treatment Plant has not been
carried out before.
• During the field visit it has been observed that there is no existing Sewerage System and
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
• It has been observed after the detailed study that Land Use Map, Master Plan, Proper Road
Net Work Development, Surface Drainage, underground electricity, Solid Waste Management and
other urban infrastructure have to be timely planned, designed and implemented in a priority basis
making coordination, cooperation in between the concerned organization and stakeholders.

After critical review and analysis of previous available different relevant technical literature,
manuals, guidelines, acts, norms, rules, master plans, maps, district profile and field observation
following conclusion could be drawn from this project study:
 Urban infrastructures should be timely designed and constructed as per Master Plan in fast
growing small towns like Damak considering socio-economic, geographic, environmental,
climatic conditions and other aspects in the context of federalism.
 Due to the smooth or gentle slope from north to south-east direction minimum self-
cleaning velocity has been considered i.e. 0.6 m/sec. for sewerage system design.
 Sewer Line and Manhole as per design will installed along road or footpath.
 Household Connection Chamber is proposed where every house will connected their sewer
line to it.
 O and M cost are include in the general items for 2 years.
 Land available for wastewater treatment plant is government land. The required land for
treatment plant is 30 Ha.
 The River Training work are proposed or estimated to protect the treatment plant from
 Three no of anaerobic ponds, three no. of facultative ponds and 3 no. of maturation pond
are designed for design year 2037. During the construction only 2 nos of maturation are
proposed for first phase, after test of effluent one maturation will be constructed.

 Outfall Structure are proposed to convey the effluent from treatment plant.

For the improvement of overall environmental quality of the Damak core area, quality of life of
the people, health, hygiene and sanitation condition following recommendations are introduced:
• Polluters should pay for the pollution.
• In fast growing small town like Damak developmental works should be carried out
according to the Master Plan (Long term, Medium term, short term and immediate) in a priority
basis, land use map (residential, industrial, institutional, garden, sports, complex, open spaces,
agriculture land etc.) and other urban infrastructures after the deep research works and
• Necessary water pollution control policies, rules and regulation, acts, norms, standards,
guidelines have to be developed and formulated by the team of experts/ specialists and enforce
them to implement for environmental improvement in context of rapid population growth,
urbanization, industrialization, global warming and climate change.
• Different Housing and Civil Codes should be enforced to implement by the concern
authorities for better urban planning considering various shocks including seismic.
• Public awareness raising programs related to the pollution control health and sanitation,
environment protection should be conducted through all types of media and material should be
included in the text books.
• Solid and waste water produce from the different industries in the near future should be
strictly managed and pre-treated before disposal to the sewerage system.
• Additional sewerage system developmental works and WWTP constructional works have
to be carried out in phase wise basis.
• Cost-effective, low O & M cost highly efficient environment friendly, durable,
sustainable, compacted, compatible, simple, proven, suitable for Nepalese context and climatic
condition, local materials to be used such technique, technology and equipment, devices have to
be promoted, design and implemented.
• Regular monitoring and evaluation (M & E) of water objects, water quality, land etc.,
proper operation and maintenance (O & M) of WWTP have to be done by the team of experts.
• Simple to complex, small to large centralized to decentralized etc. technology, selection
approach have to be promoted.
• Priority should be given small, medium, large WWTP where applicable and separate
sewerage system then combined one.


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