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Financial Support / Sponsor Letter

I, Askar Haider Zahid S/O Muhammad Ajmal Zahid holding CNIC No: 17301-1465566-9
resident of 106-B, Street 4, Gulbahar # 1, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan,
do hereby solemnly affirm & declare as under: -

1. That my real daughter Nastaran Haider, holder of Passport No: AE1860902 will
be travelling to China on Study Visa as she has been offered admission by North
China University of Science & Technology, China for Clinical Medicine program.
2. That I have sufficient funds available in my bank account provided by me for my
daughter, hence not only she shall be coping her study expenses from the funds
available in my personal bank account but I shall also be bearing boarding,
lodging & medical expenses.
3. That I have provided an amount of 5.0 Million for my daughter that is available in
my bank account.
4. That she will not be a burden over Chinese Government / Public Exchequer
during her stay in China.

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