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Here’s the updated self-improvement contract incorporating the items from your

## Self-Improvement Contract

### Habits to Quit

1. **Dwelling on the past** (bad things).
2. **Being lazy.**
3. **Sleeping excessively.**
4. **Wasting money.**
5. **Spending too much time on the phone.**
6. **Procrastinating.**
7. **Staying confined.**
8. **Having junk food.**

### Habits to Develop

1. **Waking up and sleeping early** (12:00 AM – 6:00 AM).
2. **Reading 5 hours daily.**
3. **Reading the Bible daily.**
4. **Reading the newspaper out loud** (30-45 minutes).
5. **Exercising daily** (30-50 minutes).
6. **Being open** (spending time with others).
7. **Thinking about the future and working on it** (15 minutes).
8. **Checking progress.**
9. **Learning new things.**

### Communication
1. **Read newspapers in the morning** from 6:30 to 7:30.
2. **Read in the afternoon after lunch** from 1:15 to 1:30.
3. **Join and actively participate in Toastmasters.**
4. **Attend Sunday church service** regularly.

### Interactions
1. **Participate in Saturday evening prayers.**
2. **Attend Sunday prayers at the local church.**
3. **Visit the English church regularly.**
4. **Engage in conversations with everyone at college.**

### Activeness
1. **Wash my clothes daily.**
2. **Organize my bed and clothes daily.**
3. **Sing and learn a new song every week.**

### Perseverance
1. **Adhere to a consistent schedule.**
2. **Follow a regular routine.**
3. **Stick to the system and focus on my goals.**
4. **Reconnect with God whenever feeling demotivated.**
5. **Avoid overthinking unnecessary matters.**
6. **Focus on improving every single second.**

### House and Family

1. **Prioritize family always** (God is above all).
2. **Interact with family** and think more about how to develop the current family situation.
3. **Learn more about my family.**
4. **Interact with relatives and avoid holding grudges.**

### Stand with God

1. **Never ignore God.**
2. **Avoid dwelling in the world and ignoring God.**
3. **Remember God, love, and always be thankful.**
4. **Ask God for everything.**

### Be Focused
1. **Fix my mind on certain things and avoid getting distracted.**
2. **Do not think about relationships or worldly things that divert focus.**
3. **Trust in God for guidance.**

### Procrastination
1. **Never postpone due tasks.**

### Injuries
1. **Never avoid challenges or run from them.**
2. **Believe in Philippians 4:13**: “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.”

I, [Your Name], commit to following the above self-improvement guidelines to enhance my

communication, interactions, activeness, perseverance, family relationships, and spiritual life. I
understand that this commitment requires dedication and continuous effort.

**Signature:** ______________________
**Date:** ______________________

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