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University of Kelaniya – Faculty of Social Sciences

Academic Year 2019/2020

Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree Second Year
Second Semester Examination, February – March 2022
International Studies

INTS 32454 : International Law

Answer four (04) questions including question No. 01.

No. of Questions: 07 Time: 03 hours
01. "International law regulates the relations among states." Assess this statement paying
attention to the importance and weaknesses of international law.
(Compulsory-10 Marks)

02. Either
"International treaties have to be applied to the domestic law for then to have force within
the domestic jurisdiction." Evaluate the methods of applying international law to
domestic law providing examples.


"Even though international law regulates the relations among states , states are not the
only subjects of international law." Do you agree with the above statement? Support
your answer with examples. (20 Marks)

02. Examine the importance of sources of international law for the evolution of international
law over the course of time. (20 Marks)

03. (i) Assess the importance of International Humanitarian Law in conducting and
regulating warfare. (10 Marks)

(ii) Compare and contrast the differences and similarities between International
Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. (10 Marks)

04. (i) Identify the rights and responsibilities of states in the different jurisdictional
zones of the sea according to the United Nations Convention on Law of the
Sea. (UNCLOS) (12 Marks)

(ii) "The landlocked states have the same rights as other states when enjoining
The resources of the sea." Support this statement by paying attention to the rights
of the landlocked states. (08 Marks)

05. (i) Assess the role of the International Court of justice (ICJ) and the International
Criminal Court (ICC) in upholding international law. (10 Marks)

(ii) Discuss on the measures taken by the United Nations to uphold international law.
(10 Mark)

06. Write notes on the following topics.

(i) State Recognition with examples.

(ii) Declarative and Constitutive Theories of Recognition
(iii) De Facto and De Jure Recognition
(iv) Recognition of Governments and Belligerents
(5x4 = 20 Marks)

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