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The Fisherman and His Wife

Part 1: Vocabulary
A. Match the Words with their Definitions
1. ___ Humble
2. ___ Enchanted
3. ___ Hesitant
4. ___ Grant
5. ___ Cottage
a. Reluctant or unsure.
b. Modest and not proud.
c. A small, simple house.
d. To give or allow something.
e. Having a magical quality.
B. Fill in the Blanks
Use the words from the list to complete the sentences: humble, enchanted,
hesitant, grant, cottage
1. The fisherman lived a __________ life in a small hut.
2. The fish was an __________ prince who could talk.
3. The fisherman was __________ to ask the fish for more wishes.
4. The fish agreed to __________ the fisherman’s wish for a palace.
5. The fisherman's wife wanted to move from the hut to a __________.
Part 2: Grammar
A. Correct the Sentences
There are mistakes in each sentence. Rewrite them correctly.
1. The fisherman loved his wife, but she never stop complaining.

Made by Aisha Kamran

2. "Get me out of the stinky hut," said the wife, "I will be happy then."

3. When the fisherman caught the fish, he didn't knows it was enchanted.

4. She wants to be the queen and live in a palace.

5. The fish granted him wishes, but his wife was never happy.

B. Complete the Sentences

Use the present tense to complete the sentences based on the story.

1. The fisherman __________ (live) on a cliff near the great sea.

2. Every day, he __________ (go) to the cliff to catch fish.
3. The fisherman __________ (be) happy with his humble life.
4. His wife __________ (complain) about their small hut.
5. One day, the fisherman __________ (catch) an enchanted fish.
6. The fish __________ (tell) the fisherman that it is an enchanted
7. The wife __________ (want) a cottage first, then a palace.
8. The fisherman __________ (ask) the fish for more and more
9. Eventually, the wife __________ (demand) to control the sun and
the moon.
10. In the end, the wife __________ (realize) that happiness
comes from simple things.

Made by Aisha Kamran

Part 3:
A. Write a New Ending
Imagine you are the author of "The Fisherman and His Wife." Write a new ending
for the story. Be creative and think about what could happen differently to the
characters. Write at least two paragraphs.

B. Describe Your Own Wish

If you found a magical fish that could grant you one wish, what would you wish
for and why? Write a paragraph explaining your wish and what you hope to
achieve with it.

Made by Aisha Kamran

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