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VL SMS Reporting Tool

User Guide

Prepared by

Innovations Team
VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

Versions History ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1. GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. System Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2. Organization of the Manual ................................................................................................................. 4
2. SYSTEM SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. System Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. User Access Levels ................................................................................................................................ 5
3. GETTING STARTED ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. Login Page ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2. Sending API Accounts ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.3. Receiving API Account .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.4. Live streaming .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5. Account details ................................................................................................................................... 12
3.6. History Log (History of Quota)............................................................................................................ 13
3.7. Delivery report status API (DLR) ......................................................................................................... 15
3.8. Delivery report status SMPP (DLR) ..................................................................................................... 18
3.9. Change password ............................................................................................................................... 20
4. Document Keywords reference.......................................................................................................... 21

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

Versions History
Date Description Author Comments
01/09/2022 V1.0 Omnia Ammar Initial version

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

General Information section explains in general terms the system and the purpose for which it is intended.

1.1. System Overview

Victory Link reporting tool is a system that helps clients to get reports about their SMSs.

1.2. Organization of the Manual

The user’s manual consists of four sections: General Information, System Summary, Getting Started, and
Document Keywords Reference.
 General Information section explains in general terms the system and the purpose for which it is
 System Summary section provides a general overview of the system. The summary outlines the uses
of the system’s hardware and software requirements, system’s configuration, and user access levels.
 Getting Started section explains how to access VL bulk web application. This section briefly presents
the system menu.
 Document Keywords Reference section explains the meaning of the document’s keywords.

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

System Summary section provides a general overview of the system. The summary outlines the uses of the
system’s hardware and software requirements, system’s configuration and user access levels.

2.1. System Configuration

Victory Link reporting Tool operates on any web browser such as Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
The application only requires connection to Internet in order to retrieve or save data to database.
After accessing any web browser, Victory Link reporting Tool can be used immediately without any

2.2. User Access Levels

Only registered users are able to access Reporting web Tool.

Getting Started section explains how to access Victory Link reporting tool. The section presents briefly the
application’s menu.

3.1. Login Page

The system shall display the following login page:
 The client can login to his account by entering his permissions (Username, and password)

"Login page"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.2. Sending API Accounts

This report is for give client all data about all messages that were sent from system to ANIs:
 To get results in this report the client should filter results by using one or more of the following filters:
o Date from/ to
 To get results for a specific date range.
o Account name
 To get results for a specific account from the available accounts.
o Report type
 To determine the displaying way of the report “Details”, or “Per Operator”
 Details: is to display all results.
 Per operator: is to display results grouped by each operator.
o The client can click on “Get report” button to view his search’s results
o The client can remove all filters by clicking “Clear” button.

 The results of this report will be shown as following:

o Date
 The date when the message/s were sent.
 This report is grouped by dates, so the client can click on “+” icon that is behind each
date to view all details of this day as following:
 Date/ time
o Date and time when this message was sent to the ANI.
o The mobile number that received the message.
 Message
o The text of SMS sent to ANI.
o Total row
 Includes total number of SMSs exist in the report’s results.

 The client can export the report results in “Pdf”, “Excel”, and “Word” files by clicking on “Print” icon
and select the required format to exportation.

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

"Sending API Accounts"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

"Sending API Accounts Date’s details"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.3. Receiving API Account

This report is for give client all data about all messages that were sent to the system from ANIs (Messages
that were initiated by the clients):
 To get results in this report the client should filter results by using one or more of the following filters:
o Date from/ to
 To get results for a specific date range.
o Account name
 To get results for a specific account from the available accounts.
o Short code
 To get results for a specific short code from the available short codes.
 This filter will be filled automatically after selecting a specific account.
o Report type
 To determine the displaying way of the report “Details”, or “Per Operator”
 Details: is to display all results.
 Per operator: is to display results grouped by each operator.
o The client can click on “Get report” button to view his search’s results
o The client can remove all filters by clicking “Clear” button.

 The results of this report will be shown as following:

o Date
 The date when the message/s were received.
 This report is grouped by dates, so the client can click on “+” icon that is behind each
date to view all details of this day as following:
 Date/ time
o Date and time when this message was sent to the system.
o The mobile number that sent the message.
 Message
o The text of SMS sent to system on its short code for a specific account.
o Total row
 Includes total number of SMSs exist in the report’s results.

 The client can export the report results in “Pdf”, “Excel”, and “Word” files by clicking on “Print” icon
and select the required format to exportation.

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

"Receiving API Account report"

"Receiving API Account details of a specific day report"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.4. Live streaming

This report is for give client live data about all messages that were sent to his short code/s:
 The client can control from which time and for which short codes the live will stream in this report
through the following filters:
o Short code
 To get live stream for a specific short code from the available short codes.
o Update every
 To determine the time when the streaming will be updated in seconds
 Default value is “10” seconds
o The client can click on “Stop timer” button to stop the streaming in this page
o The client can click on “Resume timer” button to resume the streaming in this page

 The results of this streaming will be shown as following:

o Message
 The body/ content of SMS that was send to a specific short code.
o Time of message
 The date/ time when the message/s were received.
o Phone number
 The mobile number that sent this message.
o Short code
 The short code that received the message.

"Live Streaming report"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.5. Account details

This report allows client to view the available quota for all accounts that are available for him:
 To get results in this report the client should filter results by the following:
o Account name
 To get results for a specific account from the available accounts.

 The results of this report will be shown as following:

o Account name
 The name of selected account in filtration.
o Available quota
 Number of current available quota for this account.

"Account details report"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.6. History Log (History of Quota)

This report allows client to view “Quota’s history log” for all accounts that are available for him:
 To get results in this report the client should filter results by the following:
o Account name
 To get results for a specific account from the available accounts.
o Date from/ to
 To get results in a specific date range.
o The client can click on “Search” button to view his search’s results
o The client can remove all filters by clicking “Clear” button.

 The results of this report will be shown as following:

o Account name
 The name of selected account in filtration.
o Active:
 Indicates whether this account is currently active and usable in the system or not.
o Date:
 The date/time when the transaction (Add quota – Remove quota) was made on the
o Original Quota:
 The original quota of the account before making the transaction.
o Added Quota:
 The added/remove quota upon the transaction.
 If the transaction is add quota, then the value of the field will be a positive value.
 If the transaction is remove quota, then the value of the field will be a negative value.
o New Quota:
 The final quota after adding/remove quota upon the transaction.
o Description:
 The description of the transaction which is automatically generated by the system.
 Samples of the description:
 Add 200 SMSs to quota
 Remove 100 SMSs from quota
 The client can export the report results in “Excel” by clicking on “Export” button.

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

"History Log report"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.7. Delivery report status API (DLR)

This report enables the user to view statistics about the SMS messages delivery status for all accounts that
available for him, and it is for SMSs that is sent through APIs only.

 The client can click on “2 Days later” tab to search and get results for only the last two days.
 The client can click on “History” tab to search and get results within any 30 days before last 2 days.

 To get results in this report the client should filter results by the following:
o Date from/ to
 To get results in a specific date range.
 This filter should not exceed 30 days. (That means the client should select date range
less than or equal 30 days not more)
 This filter will be only in “History” tab not for “Last 2 days” tab.
o Account name
 To get results for a specific account from the available accounts.
o Mobile number
 To get results for a specific mobile number.
o Operator
 To get results for a specific operator.
o DLR status
 To get results for a specific DLR status
 Delivered: The SMS has been delivered to the receiver successfully.
 Failed: Failed to send the SMS.
 NonDelivered: The SMS has been sent but not delivered yet.
 Queued: The SMS is queued and waiting to be sent.
 Without DLR: The SMS has been sent to the receiver but without receiving a DLR.
o Sender Name
 To search using the sender of the SMS message.

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

o The client can click on “Search” button to view his search’s results
o The client can remove all filters by clicking “Clear” button.

 The results of this report will be shown as following:

o #
 The order of row in table.
o User Name
 The username of the account that the SMS has been deliver from it.
o Sender
 The sender name that was used to send the SMS.
o Operator
 Name of operator that the message was sent through it.
o SMS Text
 The body of the sent message.
o SMS Count
 Number of SMS parts.
o Sending Date
 The date/ time when the message was sent to mobile number.
o SMS Receiver
 The mobile number that should receive this message.
o DLR Status
 Status of this message:
 Delivered: The SMS has been delivered to the receiver successfully.
 Failed: Failed to send the SMS.
 NonDelivered: The SMS has been sent but not delivered yet.
 Queued: The SMS is queued and waiting to be sent.
 Without DLR: The SMS has been sent to the receiver but without receiving a DLR.
 The client can export the report results in “Excel” by clicking on “Export” button.

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

"Delivery report status"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.8. Delivery report status SMPP (DLR)

This report enables the user to view statistics about the SMS messages delivery status for all accounts that
available for him, and it for SMSs that is sent through SMPP only not from APIs.
 The client can click on “2 Days later” tab to search and get results for only the last two days.
 The client can click on “History” tab to search and get results within any 30 days before last 2 days.

 To get results in this report the client should filter results by the following:
o Date from/ to
 To get results in a specific date range.
 This filter should not exceed 30 days. (That means the client should select date range
less than or equal 30 days not more)
 This filter will be only in “History” tab not for “Last 2 days” tab.
o Account name
 To get results for a specific account from the available accounts.
o Mobile number
 To get results for a specific mobile number.
o Operator
 To get results for a specific operator.
o DLR status
 To get results for a specific DLR status
 Delivered: The SMS has been delivered to the receiver successfully.
 Failed: Failed to send the SMS.
 NonDelivered: The SMS has been sent but not delivered yet.
 Queued: The SMS is queued and waiting to be sent.
 Without DLR: The SMS has been sent to the receiver but without receiving a DLR.
o Sender Name
 To search using the sender of the SMS message.
o The client can click on “Search” button to view his search’s results
o The client can remove all filters by clicking “Clear” button.
 The results of this report will be shown as following:
o #
 The order of row in table.
o User Name
 The username of the account that the SMS has been deliver from it.
o Sender
 The sender name that was used to send the SMS.
o Operator
 Name of operator that the message was sent through it.
o SMS Text
 The body of the sent message.
o SMS Count
 Number of SMS parts.
o Sending Date
 The date/ time when the message was sent to mobile number.
o SMS Receiver
 The mobile number that should receive this message.
o DLR Status
 Status of this message:
 Delivered: The SMS has been delivered to the receiver successfully.
VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

 Failed: Failed to send the SMS.

 NonDelivered: The SMS has been sent but not delivered yet.
 Queued: The SMS is queued and waiting to be sent.
 Without DLR: The SMS has been sent to the receiver but without receiving a DLR.
 The client can export the report results in “Excel” by clicking on “Export” button.

"Delivery report status SMPP"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

3.9. Change password

 The client can change his account’s password through the following:
o Old password
 To enter the current password of his account.
o New password
 To enter the password that he wants to set it as a new password to his account.
o Confirm new password
 To re-enter the new password.
 The client can click on “Reset password” button to save the new password.

"Change password page"

VL SMS Reporting tool - User Manual

4. Document Keywords reference

Key Word Description

ANI Automatic number identification (ANI) is a feature of a telecommunications network
for automatically determining the origination telephone number on toll calls for billing
MT It stands for “Mobile Terminated”: means sending SMSs had been initiated from the
client side and sent to the system through short code.
MO It stands for “Mobile Originated”: means sending SMSs had been initiated from the
system to ANIs (Mobiles devices)
DLR Delivery reporting is a feature of SMS that reports back if the SMS message has been
delivered, for every message sent. It is sourced directly from the handset
Message part Sometimes you need to send a message that’s too long to be sent in a single SMS, so
instead you can send a multipart message.
The message is deconstructed (by us) into separate SMS parts and then reconstructed
on the mobile phone so that the end user sees just the one long message.


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