Exercise 2.1

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Exercise 2.1

Education will always remain necessary and beneficial to every person; it gives everyone
the information that they deserve and applies the lesson that the people need to imply to their
lives. It does not only serve to be a path for a person to achieve their goals but to allow themselves
to practice what they have learned and understood throughout their journey while studying.
Education gives the person its ability to translate the knowledge they acquired into something
that will be needed for their success.

The knowledge acquired by the person can be converted to have awareness for the
surroundings and the society where they grew up on. The nationalism of a person starts within
their awareness on what they learned and on what they experienced in life. The nationalism
within the person is inspired from Rizal’s dedication for studies as he continued to introduce the
people on its value for the country and how it inspired the people for its benefits in continuing
studies. He continued to pursue studying and his knowledge was able to inspire others to know
more on being aware of the society they lived in. His perseverance served to be a way for the
betterment of the country and his education made him understand the society and how it works
that inspired him to know more and to be aware on what will be necessary for everyone’s

In the modern world, Rizal’s saying “Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan” serves as an
encouragement for the youth. With the impact of it to the youth, it empowers the society to
explore more of what surrounds them. For it says that the youth gives the chance of having a
better society to be possible and to acquire such is to continue their journey. Education serves to
leave a person with enough information to continue oneself on achieving their goals in life and
for the betterment for the society. Learning gives the values of appreciating of what is important
to their lives and to others. The knowledge acquired by a person serves as the guide for their

Studying in the modern world often pertains to focus on one specific program to learn,
and to continue happens to be a choice for a person. Learning must always aim to have a
continuous path to explore after the other. Education is simply a journey to continue, to go for
miles means to pursue on learning on what is something that is unknown. Knowing more on the
journey means to learn more from the experiences the person partook and to carry all those
learnings means to create a bridge for the path to remain continuous and easy.

Education is something that the society needs. It gives enough learnings for a person and
that it opens the eye for the people to know on what should not be done, to know one’s morality,
and to develop a better society to live in where every person will claim their rights lawfully.

Word Count: 500 words

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