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Revision Form 4 Set 3


Sub Markah
Soalan Jawapan
Markah Penuh
1 (a) Pepejal yang terdiri daripada bahan bukan organik dan 1 1
bukan logam.
Solid that is consist of inorganic and non-metal materials.
(b) A: Seramik tradisional / Traditional ceramic 1
B: Seramik termaju / Advanced ceramic 1 2
(c) Rintangan haba yang tinggi // Rintangan lelasan yang tinggi 2 2
// Lengai secara kimia // Memiliki sifat superkonduktiviti
High resistance to heat // High resistance to abrasion //
Chemically inert // Have superconductivity properties
[Mana-mana 2/Any 2]
2 (a) (i) Sejenis ikatan kovalen yang mana pasangan elektron 1 1
yang dikongsi berasal daripada satu atom sahaja.
A type of covalent bond where the pair of electrons that is
shared comes from one atom only.
(ii) • Ion hidrogen tidak mempunyai sebarang elektron di 1
dalam petala.
Hydrogen ion does not have any electron in the shell.
• Atom nitrogen dalam ammonia mempunyai pasangan 1 2
elektron bebas yang boleh dikongsikan dengan ion
Nitrogen atom in ammonia has a lone pair of electrons that
can be shared with hydrogen ion.
(b) (i) Ikatan hidrogen 1 1
Hydrogen bond
(ii) • Atom oksigen dalam molekul air mempunyai 1
keelektronegatifan yang tinggi.
Oxygen atom in water molecule has high electronegativity.
• Daya tarikan terhasil antara atom hidrogen, H dalam 1 2
molekul air dengan atom oksigen, O dalam molekul air
yang lain.
Force of attraction formed between hydrogen atom, H in one
water molecule with oxygen atom, O in other water molecule.
(iii) Takat didih tinggi // Boleh berfungsi sebagai pelarut semesta 1 1
High boiling point // Can works as universal solvent
No Answer Marks
3 (a) (i) molecules 1
(ii) Covalent bond 1
(iii) 4 1
(b) Process where the particles move from higher concentration region to 1
lower concentration region
(b) (i) 80°C 1
(ii) To ensure a uniform heating // To ensure that the naphthalene is heated 1
evenly // Naphthalene is flammable and easily burned in direct flame //

To control the heating of naphthalene
(iii) The heat energy is absorbed by the molecules 1
is used to overcome the forces between molecules // 1
The heat absorbed during heating is same as heat used to weaken the
forces of attraction between molecules
(iv) 1

Oo Contains both solid and liquid.


No Mark scheme Sub Total

mark mark
4 a i A horizontal rows of element in the Periodic Table. 1 1
ii Atoms have three shells occupied with electrons. 1 1
iii 1. Number of proton increases / nuclei charge increase. 1
2. Atraction of electrona towards nucleus are stronger. 1 2

b Y // Fe 1 1
c i Element W is more reactive than element S // Element W
burns more brightly than element S. 1 1

ii 1. Atomic size of atom W is smaller than atom S. 1

2. The strength of the nucleus to attract one electron into
the outermost occupied shell becomes stronger. 1 2
d Atom V achieves a stable octet electron arrangement // 1
Atom V has 8 valence electron.

1 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
No Mark scheme Marks
5 (a) (i) Laboratory glassware // Cookware // automobile headlights 1
Peralatan kaca makmal // Alatan memasak // lampu hadapan
(ii) Tidak boleh retak 1
Mempunyai pekali perkembangan terma yang rendah
(iii) Similarity: Brittle // good heat insulator // good electrical insulator// 1
inert to chemicals // hard
Persamaan: Rapuh // penebat haba yang baik // penebat elektrik
yang baik // lengai kepada bahan kimia // keras
Different: Glass is transparent but ceramic is not // Glass can be 1
heated until molten repeatedly but not ceramic // Glass has lower
melting point than ceramic

Perbezaan: Kaca lutsinar tetapi seramik tidak // Kaca boleh
dipanaskan sehingga melebur berulang kali tetapi tidak seramik //
Kaca mempunyai takat lebur yang lebih rendah daripada seramik
(b) (i) Fibre glass 1
Gentian kaca
(ii) Light and strong 1

Ringan dan kuat
(i) Material P: Pure metal
Bahan P: Logam tulen
Material Q: Alloy
Bahan Q: Aloi
(ii) Atom X: Tin

Atom X: Stanum
(iii) Material Q is harder than material P. 1

Material P Material Q
Bahan P Bahan Q
Pure copper is made up of same Bronze is made up of different
type of atoms /copper atoms and types of atoms and are of
are of the same size. different size. 1+1
Kuprum tulen diperbuat daripada Gangsa diperbuat daripada

atom yang sama jenis dan sama atom-atom berbeza dan

saiz berlainan saiz.
Copper atoms are arranged in an Tin atoms of different size disrupt
orderly manner. the orderly arrangement of
Atom-atom kuprum disusun copper atoms.
padat dan teratur. 1+1

2 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
Question Answer Mark
6 (a) Chemical formula that gives the actual number of atoms of each element in [1]
a molecule.
Formula Kimia yang menunjukkan bilangan sebenar atom setiap elemen
dalam satu molekul.
(b) C9H8O4 [1]
(c) (i) Number of mole of ZnCO3
= (0.5) / [65 + 12 + (3 x 16)]
= 0.004 mol [1]
Bilangan mol ZnCO3
= (0.5) / [65 + 12 + (3 x 16)]
= 0.004 mol

(ii) Number of mole of ZnCl2

= (0.004) x [65 + 35.5(2)] [1]

= 0.544 g [1]
Bilangan mol ZnCl2
= (0.004) x [65 + 35.5(2)]

(d) (i)

= 0.544 g
Number of mole of Mg = (46.4 – 44.0) / 24 = 0.1 mol
Bilangan mol Mg = (46.4 – 44.0) / 24 = 0.1 mol

Number of mole of O = (48.0 – 46.4) / 16 = 0.1 mol

Bilangan mol O = (48.0 – 46.4) / 16 = 0.1 mol
Empirical formula: MgO
Formula empirical: MgO



(e) No [1]
Copper does not react easily / readily with oxygen // copper cannot bunt [1]
completely in air
Kuprum tidak mudah bertindak balas dengan oksigen // kuprum tidak
boleh terbakar dengan lengkap dalam udara

3 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
No Mark scheme Sub Total
mark mark
7 a i Methylbenzene // [any organic solvent] 1
ii Water 1 2
b There is no water present. Therefore, no hydrogen ions present / 1 1
hydrogen chloride remains as molecules
c i A substance that ionises in water to produce hydrogen ion. 1 1
ii A substance that ionises completely in water to produce high 1 1
concentration of hydrogen ion.
iii S. 1
It has a higher concentration of hidrogen ions. 1 2
d i 2KOH + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2H2O

Chemical formula 1
Balance 1 2
ii Number of moles of KOH = 0.1 x 25/1000 = 0.0025 mole 1

From equation
2 mole KOH : 1 mole H2SO4

Volume of H2SO4
= 0.00125
=0.0125 dm3
=12.5 cm3
0.0025 mole KOH : 0.00125 mole H2SO4

1 2


4 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
8 (a) Ionic compound produced when hydrogen ion from acid is replaced bay 1
metal ion or ammonium ion
(b) Mol Pb(NO3)2 1
= 0.0025 mol

(c)(i) 5 cm3 1
With correct unit
(c)(i) Mol KI 1
= 0.005 mol

Number of Mol Pb2+ : Number of mol I- 1
0.0025 mol : 0.005 mol
1mol : 2mol

So chemical formula is PbI2 1

(d) Add dilute sulphuric acid 1

Brown ring formed
Add iron(II) sulphate solution, slated test tube add concentrated sulphuric
slowly through the wall of test tube

Lead(II) Iodide and lead(II) chloride is insoluble salt

Colour of precipitate of lead(II) iodide is yellow, colur of precipitate lead(II)
chloride is white

Total 11

5 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
Question No Mark Scheme Mark
9 (a) (i) Increase of volume of hydrogen gas per unit time // decrease 1 1
of mass ofzinc per unit time
(b) (i) 1. draw the triangle 1
2. calculation

43.5-29 cm3 // 14.5 cm3 // 0.242 cm3 s-1 1 2

120-60 s 60 s
(ii) 41-26 cm3 s-1 // 15 cm3 s-1 // 0.25 cm3 s-1 1 1
120-60 60

(iii) Because the concentration of acid decrease with time 1 1
(c) (i) Volume of gas / cm3

Set II

Oo Set I

1. Smaller size of zinc increases the rate of reaction

Time / s

2. Remain the volume and concentration of hydrochloric acid



produce same volume of hydrogen gas.

(iii) Size 1 1

Total Marks 9

6 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
10 (a)(i) Lead ion, aluminium ion, zinc ion 3
a: formula of ion
(ii) Zinc Chloride, 1
ZnCl2 1
(b)(i) Double decomposition reaction 1

(c)(i) ZnCl2 + 2NaOH →Zn(OH)2 + 2NaCl 1

Correct chemical formulae of reactant and product and balanced
(ii) 1 mol ZnCl2 : 1 mol Zn(OH)2 1
0.001 mol ZnCl2 : 0.001 mol Zn(OH)2 1

Mass of Zn(OH)2 = 0.001 × 99
= 0.099 g // 0.01g
Correct answer with unit 1
chloride ion, Cl- sulphate ion, SO42-
• Measure and pour 1 cm3 of • Measure and pour 1 cm3 of 2

anion solution into test tube
Measure and add 1 cm3 of
silver nitrate solution into
test tube
Shake well
White precipitate
Ag+ + Cl- →AgCl
anion solution into test tube
• Measure and add 1 cm3 of
barium nitrate solution into
test tube
• Shake well
White precipitate
Ba2+ + SO42- →BaSO4


Total 20

7 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
Question Answer Mark
11 (a) (i) ▪ Y: (Name of any metal situated above Cu in the 1
electrochemical series)
▪ Z: (Name of any acid) 1

Sample answer:
Y: Magnesium // Zinc // Aluminium
[Reject: Sodium // Potassium]

Z: Hydrochloric acid // Sulphuric acid // Nitric acid

[Accept: weak acid]

▪ Chemical equation:
Correct formula of reactants and 1
products Balanced 1

Sample answer:
Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2

Experiment I
Average Rate of Reaction

Experiment II
= 30/10 = 3.0 cm3s-1 1


Average Rate of Reaction = 30/20 = 1.5 cm3s-1

[With correct unit] ...2

▪ Rate of reaction in Experiment I is higher than Experiment II 1
▪ The size of metal Y in Experiment I is smaller than

Experiment II // The total surface area of metal Y in

Experiment I larger than Experiment II 1
▪ Frequency of collision between hydrogen ions and atoms of
Y in Experiment I is higher than in Experiment II 1
▪ Frequency of effective collision (between the particles)
in Experiment I is higher than in Experiment II 1


8 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
(b) Temperature:

1. (20 – 100) cm3 of (0.1 – 1.0) mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate 1

solution is measured
2. Sodium thiopsulphate solution is then poured into a conical 1
3. The initial temperature of sodium thiosulphate is recorded 1
4. The conical flask is placed on the top of a piece of white paper 1
marked with “X”
5. 5.0 cm3 of (0.1 – 1.0) mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid is measured 1
6. The hydrochloric acid is poured quickly into the conical flask. 1
7. A stopwatch is started immediately 1

8. The conical flask is swirled throughout the experiment 1
9. The time taken for the mark “X” to disappear from sight is
recorded 1
10.The experiment is repeated using sodium thiosulphate solution
solution at 35°C, 40°C, 45°C and 50°C. 1

Presence of catalyst:

1. (25-50) cm3 of (0.1-1.0) mol dm-3 of hydrochloric acid is



measured and poured into a conical flask. 1

2 About 5.0 g of zinc granules is weigh.
3. A burette is filled with water and inverted into a basin 1
containing water 1
4 The water level in the burette is adjusted to 50 cm3 mark.
5. The granulated zinc is added into the conical flask. 1
6. Immediately the conical flask is closed and connect it using 1
delivery tube to the burette 1

7. The stopwatch is started.

8. The conical flask is shaken steadily. 1
9. Record volume of hydrogen gas every 30 seconds interval. 1
10.The experiment is repeated by adding 5 cm3 of copper(II) 1
sulphate solution into the reactants mixture.


Draw table, sketch graph and state conclusion

9 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
 Precipitation / double decomposition reaction 1

 Barium nitrate solution/barium chloride 1

solution [Any sulphate solution]
12(a) Example: sodium sulphate, potasium sulphate, sulphuric
acid 1
Reject : Lead(II) sulphate, calcium sulphate

 Ba2+ + SO42  BaSO4 4

 R is lead(II) oxide 1
12 (b)
 Gas A is carbon dioxide 1
 Gas B is nitrogen dioxide 1
 Gas C is oxygen 1

12 (c)

The chemical formulae for P is PbCO3
The chemical formulae for Q is Pb(NO3)2

Add zinc nitrate solution to sodium carbonate solution
in a beaker.


P2. Stir the mixture. 1

P3. Filter the white precipitate/solid zinc carbonate formed. 1
P4. Add zinc carbonate to sulphuric acid in a beaker until
some zinc carbonate solid no longer dissolve. 1
P5. Filter the mixture. 1
P6. Transfer the filtrate to a evaporating dish. 1
P7. Heat the filtrate(zinc sulphate solution) until saturated//
Heat the filtrate to about one-third (1/3) of its initial 1

volume 1
P8. Allow the saturated solution to cool at room temperature. 1
P9. Filter the crystals formed.
P10. Dry the crystals by pressing it between two sheets of
filter papers. 10

Total 20

10 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875

13 (a) (ii) Manufacture Name Specific properties

substances Name Sifat khusus
Bahan buatan
Resistant to high heat /
temperature// tahan
Borosilicate //
P suhu tinggi // chemical
inert // lengai secara

1+1 8
Does not corrode
easily// Tidak mudah
Q Bronze // Gangsa
berkarat // Shiny //

Superconductor //

Fibre glass //
Conduct electricity
without resistant at
lowest temperature //
Boleh mengkonduksi
elektrik tanpa
rintangan pada suhu
Light and strong //

S Kaca gentian
Ringan dan kuat


Total marks 8

11 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875
(b) (i) P=bronze OR P=brass 1
Q= brass Q=bronze 1

• [ Bronze / alloy P] // [ Brass / alloy Q /] is harder than it cooper / pure metal 1

• The presence of different sizes of stanum/zinc atoms disrupts the ordely
arrangement of atoms in cooper / pure metal 1
• These make the atomic layers of atoms in alloys is harder to slide over one
another 1
• The layer of atoms in copper/ pure metal easily slide one another because it
contain same size of atoms


1 kg weight
pemberat 1 kg

Oo steel ball
bebola keluli

copper block
blok kuprum

Functional diagram 1
labelled diagram 1
1. A steel ball is attached to the surface of the copper block using cellophane tape. 1
2. A weight with a mass of 1 kg is hung at a height of 50 cm above the steel ball. 1
3. The weight is then dropped on the steel ball. 1
4. The diameter of the dent on the surface of the copper block is measured and 1
recorded. 1
5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated for two times at different places on the copper block
6. The experiment is repeated by using a [bronze/brass/P/Q] block to replace the 1

copper block.

12 © Y.S.Ooi 0129060875

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