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Internal Assessment 5

Grade IX
Subject Mathematics
Subtopics Area of Triangles: Heron formula, Formula Derivation
Pyramids: Surface areas of Pyramids, Volume of Pyramids
Unit/ Unit 5: Mensuration
Unit Title
Type of task Project work
Objective Students are able to:
of the task 1. Organize and represent information through mathematical representation using a
logical structure
2. Understanding the simplification of patterns may help to understand the natural world
and its laws.
Task Outline of Unit End Assessment task(s) including assessment criteria:
description Project work (Group Work):
● Collect various pyramid shaped tetra packs or containers. Prepare a project explaining
concepts of surface area and volumes in a variety of contexts.
● The infrastructure of any monument or building can be exemplified in terms of
modelling in space using mensuration laws.
1. This is a group project work
Instructions Submit the project report along with 5-7 minutes presentation (Pen-Paper or PPT)
for students
2. This is a group project work
Instructions 3-4 days’ time to complete the task is suggested
for teachers Project report need to be submitted by each student
3. Resources By students:
required • digital /print media, paper pen or /PowerPoint presentation
By Teachers:
• Chalk board to give instruction / e-information platform (WhatsApp group or any
other), classroom for presentation
• Chalkboard, K-Yan to assess the presentations
4. Criterion A: Knowledge and understanding (i), (ii), (iii)
Assessment Criterion D: Applying mathematics in real-life context (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
Task assessment criteria (RUBRIC)
The task will be assessed on the below listed criteria
Unit End Assessment Rubric

Criterion A: Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4

Knowing and Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8
(i) select select appropriate select appropriate select appropriate select appropriate
appropriate shape and way of shape and way of shape and way of shape and way of
mathematics finding surface finding surface finding surface finding surface
when solving area and volume of area and volume of area and volume of area and volume of
problems in both pyramid when pyramid when pyramid when pyramid when
familiar and solving simple solving more solving solving
unfamiliar problems in complex problems challenging challenging
situations familiar situations in familiar problems in problems in
situations familiar situations both familiar and
(ii) apply the apply the concept apply the concept apply the concept apply the concept
selected of surface area and of surface area and of surface area and of surface area and
mathematics volume of the volume of the volume of the volume of the
successfully when particular shape particular shape particular shape particular shape
solving problems successfully when successfully when successfully when successfully when
solving problems solving problems solving problems solving problems

(iii) solve generally solve the generally solve the generally solve the generally solve the
problems problem of surface problem of surface problem of surface problem of surface
correctly in a area and volume area and volume area and volume area and volume
variety of for specific shape for specific shape for specific shape for specific shape
contexts. correctly in a correctly in a correctly in a correctly in a
variety of contexts variety of contexts variety of contexts variety of contexts
Criterion D: Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4
Applying Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8
mathematics in
real-life contexts
(i) identify identify some of identify the identify the identify the
relevant elements the elements of relevant elements relevant elements relevant elements
of authentic real- surface area and of surface area and of surface area and of surface area and
life situations volume of different volume of different volume of different volume of different
shapes around shapes around shapes around shapes around
them in the them in the them in the them in the
authentic real-life authentic real-life authentic real-life authentic real-life
situation situation situation situation

(ii) select apply mathematical select, with some select adequate select appropriate
appropriate strategies to find a success, adequate mathematical mathematical
mathematical solution to the mathematical strategies to model strategies to model
strategies when authentic real-life strategies to model the authentic real- the authentic real-
solving authentic situation, with the authentic real- life situation life situation
real-life situations limited success life situation
(iii) apply the unable to apply the apply the concept apply the selected apply the selected
selected concept of surface of surface area and the concept of the concept of
mathematical area and volume to volume to reach a surface area and surface area and
strategies reach a solution to solution to the volume to reach a volume to reach a
successfully to the authentic real- authentic real-life valid solution to correct solution to
reach a solution life situation situation the the authentic real-
authentic real-life life situation
(iv) justify the unable to explain unable to explain explain the degree justify the degree
degree of or justify the or justify the of accuracy of the of accuracy of the
accuracy of a degree of accuracy degree of accuracy solution solution
solution of the solution of the solution
(v) justify unable to justify discuss whether the explain whether justify whether the
whether a whether a solution solution makes the solution makes solution makes
solution makes makes sense in the sense in the sense in the sense in the
sense in the context of the context of the context of the context of the
context of the authentic real-life authentic authentic authentic
authentic real-life situation real-life situation real-life situation real-life situation

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