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Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

; Copyright 2006 Tangent Games, All Rights Reserved.

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'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used
according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be
found at Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition
Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from
the v.3.5 revision. Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission.

Author’s Note: This entire product is Open Game Content (OGC) and is governed by the Open
Gaming License (OGL) version 1.0.

Die Göttliche Komoedie, by Dante Alighieri is from a public domain source and can be read at
Authorama Public Domain Books (

Check out the other titles in the Campaign Detailer Series:

TG-0002: Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Tired of arming yourself with plain old acid? Looking for new
weapons to use against Black Dragons, Digester's and other
acid immune creatures? Looking for new ideas to create
different creatures and traps? Better Damage through
Alchemistry is a short book for use with the Dungeons &
Dragons, 3.5 Edition rules. Within you will find new ways to
liven up your game and breathe new life into the Craft
(Alchemy) skill. The article contains descriptions and rules for
creating and using three types of acids, three types of bases,
and ten natural elements and other alchemical items that are
very dangerous in the right (or wrong) hands. Price: $2.50

TG-0003: Mineral Alchemy

Looking to spice up your treasure? Do you want to add a kick to
the game without having to provide your players with tons of
magic items (although that's not a bad thing)? Mineral Alchemy
is a short book for use with the Dungeons & Dragons, 3.5
Edition rules. Within you will find 22 new alchemical items that
can be made from 15 commonly found gems and minerals. The
article contains descriptions of all 22 new items along with the
necessary rules for creating and selling them to your players.
Also included are 2 new skills that will allow the players to
craft their own items. Price: $2.50

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Introduction ............................................................................3 Power Word Deafen ........................................................ 21
Optional Speak Language Rules .............................................4 Power Word Heal ............................................................ 22
A New Twist on an Old Skill ............................................4 Power Word Shatter ........................................................ 22
Language Skill Changes ....................................................4 Power Word Wither ........................................................ 23
Skills and Feats.......................................................................6 Tantrum........................................................................... 23
New Skills ..............................................................................6 Magic Items.......................................................................... 24
Profession (Cryptographer) ...............................................6 Potions............................................................................. 24
Profession (Translator) ......................................................7 Wands ............................................................................. 24
Read/Write Language ........................................................7 Wondrous Items .............................................................. 24
Speak Language ................................................................8 Babel Fish .................................................................. 24
Use Signal Device .............................................................9 Barker’s Cane............................................................. 24
New Feats ...............................................................................9 Enigma Engine........................................................... 24
Arcane Linguist .................................................................9 Enigma Lantern.......................................................... 25
Babble .............................................................................11 Parrot Choker............................................................. 25
Baleful Voice...................................................................11 Prism of Translation................................................... 25
Bilingual ..........................................................................11 Propaganda Poster...................................................... 25
Charming Voice ..............................................................11 Communication .................................................................... 26
Cryptanalyst ....................................................................12 Verbal Communication......................................................... 26
Distracting Voice.............................................................12 Dialects............................................................................ 26
Divine Linguist................................................................12 Slang ............................................................................... 27
Faux Linguist...................................................................12 Accent ............................................................................. 27
Get the Gist......................................................................12 Pidgin .............................................................................. 28
Gift of Gab ......................................................................12 Creole .............................................................................. 29
Great Communicator .......................................................13 Nonstandard Language.................................................... 30
Natural Linguist...............................................................13 Nonverbal Communication................................................... 30
Penetrating Voice ............................................................13 Writing ............................................................................ 31
Read Body Language ......................................................13 Body Language ............................................................... 32
Righteous Voice ..............................................................13 Gestures........................................................................... 33
Sergeant’s Voice..............................................................13 Sign Language................................................................. 33
Sonorous Voice ...............................................................14 Codes............................................................................... 34
Soothing Voice ................................................................14 Signals............................................................................. 35
New Equipment ....................................................................14 Pheromones ..................................................................... 35
Spells ....................................................................................16 Dead Languages ................................................................... 36
Updates to Existing Spells ....................................................16 Prestige Classes .................................................................... 37
New Spells............................................................................17 Linguist ........................................................................... 37
Analyze Speech ...............................................................18 Rune Master .................................................................... 42
Babel ...............................................................................18 Updated Potion Table ........................................................... 49
Decipher ..........................................................................19 Updated Wand Table ............................................................ 51
Diatribe............................................................................19 Updated Minor Wondrous Item Table.................................. 53
Encipher ..........................................................................19 Updated Medium Wondrous Item Table .............................. 54
Glossolalia.......................................................................20 Updated Major Wondrous Item Table .................................. 55
Indoctrinate......................................................................20 Updated Mundane Treasure Table........................................ 56
Mute ................................................................................21 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a ................................ 57
Parrot Tongue ..................................................................21

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee


Auf halbem Weg des Menschenlebens fand ich mich in einen finstern Wald verschlagen,
Weil ich vom rechten Weg mich abgewandt. Wie schwer ist’s doch, von diesem Wald zu
sagen,Wie wild, rauh, dicht er war, voll Angst und Not; Schon der Gedank’ erneuert noch
mein Zagen. Nur wenig bitterer ist selbst der Tod; Doch um vom Heil, das ich drin fand,
zu künden,Sag’ ich, was sonst sich dort den Blicken bot. Nicht weiß ich, wie ich mich
hineingewunden,So ganz war ich von tiefem Schlaf berückt,Zur Zeit, da mir der wahre
Weg verschwunden. Doch bis zum Fuß des Hügels vorgerückt,Der an dem Ende lag von
jenem Tale,Das mir mit schwerer Furcht das Herz gedrückt,Schaut’ ich empor und sah,
den Rücken maleIhm der Planet, der uns auf jeder Bahn Gerad zum Ziele führt mit
feinem Strahle.

How many people can read the above paragraph? This is the opening to Die Göttliche
Komoedie (The Divine Comedy) by Dante Alighieri, and for those who don’t recognize it,
the language is German. If you’ve had some schooling in German, maybe a couple of
years in high school, or spent some time in Germany, you might be able to read the
paragraph, or at least some of it. If you’ve picked up German from watching old war
movies, you might be able to pick out a few words. Even if you speak no German, you
should be able to pick out the German words that are closely related to their English
counterparts, such as Angst (Anger).

Unless you are fluent in German (either from being born and raised in Germany or from
many years spent studying the language) chances are you may not be able to determine
what all the words mean. You might be able to get the gist of what is being said from
what words you do know, but if you were asked to translate the paragraphs into English,
could you do it?

Language is probably one of the greatest of Human inventions and probably one of the
oldest. There are over 7,000 distinct languages spoken on Earth, and over 39,000
alternate language names and dialects (not counting Klingon, Tolkien’s Elvish, and other
science fiction and fantasy languages). Language allows Humans to effectively
communicate with one another (when two people speak the same language) or can lead to
embarrassing or even dangerous situations (when two people don’t speak the same
language). We use it to order pizza, write love letters, make laws, or seal international
treaties. Language has also caused wars and allowed people to be exploited and
manipulated because they did not know the local language or dialect. Language both
divides people and brings people together.

In the fantasy world, as in real life, the ability to communicate effectively with those
around you is an important part of a PCs daily life. Through language, a PC can barter for
magic items, negotiate terms for their next mission, or plead with a dragon to not become
its next meal. However, the current rules for the Speak Language skill in the PHB do not
allow for the reality of language. A single skill point represents the ability to fluently
speak, read, and write any given language. While this allows for speedy game play, the
intricacy (and reality) that different languages or dialects offer is lost with the current

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

system. A 1st-level non-Human PC with an 18 Intelligence score has the ability to be

fluent in both reading and speaking six languages! This is great for the PC, but it can be a
pain for the GM who now has to assume that the party can understand everything the
antagonists he throws at the party are saying. (And with 6 languages known by one PC,
they already know nearly a third of the languages listed in the PHB! With a decent racial
mix in a party of four PCs it’s possible that the PCs can speak, read, and write fluently in
half of the languages in the PHB!)

This book sets out to adjust the rules on language. We offer an optional rule for the Speak
Language skill that adds some realism to the skill, and still allows for ease of game play.
We include skill descriptions and three new feats for languages. We also provide some
alternate ways to liven up the Speak Language skill, even if you choose to not use the
optional rules we present. In addition, we have included two prestige classes that are
designed to be used specifically with our optional Speak Language rules.

Optional Speak Language Rules

Language, and the learning of language, often requires years of study. Some people are
gifted linguists, while others struggle to speak their native language so that others can
understand them. In D&D this reality doesn’t exist. You either speak a language
(fluently) or you don’t. Except for barbarians and a few races, everybody is literate (that
would be a wonderful state of affairs – even in the 21st Century, more than 30 million
people in the United States are functionally illiterate1). With minimal effort on a PCs part,
gaining a level and expending one skill point, they can quickly become bilingual,
trilingual, or even hexalingual. This ability to be fluent in so many languages removes an
entire aspect of play from the game. There is no confusion when asking the locals for
directions to the haunted cemetery, no misinterpretation from overhearing a group of
Gnolls plotting to ambush your party. These suggested rules not only make the game
more realistic, they open up the possibilities for new adventures and characters.

A New Twist on an Old Skill

The first step to fixing the language dilemma is to separate the existing Speak Language
skill into two separate skills: Speak Language and Read/Write Language. The second
step is to create a new stat for each character called Native Language. The final step is to
have characters purchase ranks in each of the new skills for each language to show their
degree of knowledge in that language.

Language Skill Changes

1. Two skills are needed to accommodate the use of language as a skill: Speak
Language and Read/Write Language. The number of ranks a character has in each
skill represents that characters’ ability to fluently speak or read and write the
chosen language. Characters with 20 or more ranks in any one language are
considered fluent in that language. Fluency in a language provides benefits other
than just speaking, reading, or writing the language. A PC who is fluent gains a
+2 skill bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information,

National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) website –

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks when dealing with creatures whose
Native Language the PC is fluent in.
2. The key ability for both skills is Intelligence and both skills are trained only. See
the Speak Language and Read/Write Language skill descriptions below.
3. Characters do not automatically know Common.
4. At character creation, a player determines what the character’s Native Language
is. The Native Language is determined by the race of the character. For example,
if Jill creates an Elven character, then the Native Language for that character is
Elven. If a character is of mixed heritage (Half-Elf, Half-Orc), the player selects
one language (either by choosing randomly, or based on character background) to
be the Native Language. If Dan creates a Half-Elf character, he would have to
choose between Common and Elven for his characters Native Language; he
couldn’t use both as his Native Language.
5. Each character purchases ranks in Speak Language and Read/Write Language to
represent the fluency of the character in that language.
a. For the Native Language, the character will automatically receive a
number of ranks equal to the characters’ Intelligence attribute score in
both Speak Language and Read/Write Language. In the case of illiterate
characters, such as barbarians, the character will only receive ranks in
Speak Language.
b. The character may learn a number of additional languages equal to his/her
Intelligence Modifier.
c. The character receives a number of skill points to spend on the additional
languages equal to his/her Intelligence attribute score. These points may
only be spent on languages, and can be spent to improve the characters’
Native Language skills as well.
6. Spells that affect a characters ability to speak or read another language, such as
comprehend languages or tongues are altered to read that the targeted creature
becomes fluent (has 20 ranks) in the language of the creature touched. This
fluency conveys the same skill synergy as being non-magically fluent.

Example: John is creating Gharn Deepvein, a 1st level Dwarven fighter. Gharn has an
Intelligence of 14, giving him an Intelligence modifier of +2. Since Gharn is a Dwarf, his
Native Language is Dwarven, so John places 14 ranks in Speak Language: Dwarven and
14 ranks in Read/Write Language: Dwarven. Gharn’s total skill in Dwarven is 16 (14
ranks +2 for his Intelligence modifier). Gharn has an Intelligence modifier of +2, so he
can learn 2 additional languages. Gharn gets a number of points equal to his Intelligence
attribute score (14) to spend on these additional languages. John knows Gharn will spend
a lot of time with Humans, so he decides to spend 5 points on Speak Language: Common
and 5 points on Read/Write Language: Common. With his remaining 4 points, John
decides to go for something unusual, and spends all 4 points on Read/Write Language:
Abyssal. If he chooses to, John may also spend any of his other skill points during
character creation on increasing Gharn’s existing language skills, but he cannot add any
other languages unless his Intelligence modifier increases.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Option: Depending on Gharn’s background, the GM can decide how many of the 14
points can be applied to the Native Language skills. If Gharn was raised in a town and
had access to education, then all 14 ranks could be applied to both Speak and Read/Write
skills; if Gharn was raised in a hard working village with no access to education, then the
GM could decide that Gharn only has 5 ranks in Read/Write Language: Dwarven.

Skills and Feats

New Skills
Skill Bbn Brd Clr Drd Ftr Mnk Pal Rgr Rog Sor Wiz Untrained Ability
Cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc C cc C No Wis
Cc C cc cc cc cc cc cc C cc C No Wis
Cc C C C C C C C C C C No Int
Speak Language C C C C C C C C C C C No Int
Use Signal Device Cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc C cc cc No Int

Profession (Cryptographer) (Wis, Trained Only)

You are trained to encode messages and send them using a signal device or other
encryption method. Cryptographers are trained in a variety of signal devices, and this
versatility means that they are not as proficient as someone who has trained on a single
device. They are also trained at enciphering and deciphering different types of codes.
Check: As a cryptographer, you can use your skill in a variety of ways. You can sell your
services to those who might want to send or receive coded messages (military units,
merchants, rogue’s guilds, etc.). In this way, you can practice your trade and make a
decent living, earning about half your Profession check result in gold pieces per week of
dedicated work.

You can also use your skill in more limited ways to send messages by signal device,
encipher or decipher a single message, or other activities. The following table shows
sample DCs for a cryptographer’s basic skills:

DC Examples
10 Encipher a short (less than 50 words) message in simple code.
12 Send a short (less than 50 words) message by signal device.
Encipher a medium length (50 to 100 words) message in simple code or short
message using a complex code.
16 Send a medium length (50 to 100 words) message by signal device.
Send a long (over 100 words) message by signal device, encipher a long simple
code, or encipher a medium length complex code.
25 Encipher a long (over 100 words) complex code.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

To decipher a coded message the check is made as an opposed check versus the opposing
cryptographer’s encipher check.
Action: A single check generally represents a week of work. Sending a message using a
signal device or enciphering or deciphering a message can take one round for a short
message or several minutes for very long messages. For most signal devices or
encryptions/ decryptions you can send 10 words per round with the device.
Try Again: Varies. An attempt to use a Profession skill to earn an income cannot be
retried. You are stuck with whatever weekly wage your check result brought you.
Another check may be made after a week to determine a new income for the next period
of time. An attempt to accomplish some specific task can usually be retried. For using
signal devices or enciphering messages, if you know that you have made a mistake, you
can resend the message. Usually, some signal is sent to tell the receiver of the message
that a mistake was made and the message will be sent again. For deciphering messages,
you cannot make a second attempt. If you make an error you are not aware of it and you
will decode the message incorrectly, possibly getting erroneous information.
Restriction: A character must have at least one skill point in Speak Language (Codes) to
be able to take ranks in this skill. If you are using the optional language rules, the one
skill point must be in Read/Write Languages (Codes).
Synergy: A PC with at least 5 ranks in the Decipher Script skill receives a +2 synergy
bonus to any Profession (cryptographer) checks.

Profession (Translator) (Wis)

You are able to use your knowledge of language to be an interpreter or translator.
Check: As a translator, you can use your skill in a variety of ways. You can serve as an
interpreter to diplomats, merchants, or other people who need to communicate verbally
with people who do not share a common language. You can also work translating written
documents so that people can read them. In this way, you can practice your trade and
make a decent living, earning about half your Profession check result in gold pieces per
week of dedicated work.
Action: A single check generally represents a week of work.
Try Again: No. An attempt to use a Profession skill to earn an income cannot be retried.
You are stuck with whatever weekly wage your check result brought you. Another check
may be made after a week to determine a new income for the next period of time.
Restriction: A character must speak a minimum of two languages to be a translator. (If
using the optional rules on languages, a character must have a minimum of 10 ranks in
Speak Language for two languages to be a verbal translator, or 10 ranks in Read/Write
Language for two languages to be a translator of written documents.)

Read/Write Language (Int, Trained Only)

You are literate, able to read and write in your Native Language or other learned
Check: A successful check allows you to read a shop owner’s sign, an ancient diary, or
the curse over a tomb. Checks are typically only required for reading a language different
from your Native Language unless the document or writing is of a technical or complex
nature. Typical tasks and their associated DCs are:

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

DC Examples
5 Read/Write simple phrases: “See Spot run.”
10 Read/Write intermediate phrases: Notes and letters, diaries.
15 Read/Write complex phrases: Literature, poetry.
Read/Write technical works: Steps for making a potion. Reading a
magical scroll in a language different from your Native Language.
Decipher ancient writings: Reading the runes over a tomb or reading a
‘dead’ language.

The GM typically makes the skill check so you cannot tell whether you are reading or
writing the document correctly.
Try Again: Yes, but you must be aware of an error to make another attempt.
Synergy: A PC with at least 5 ranks in the Decipher Script skill receives a +2 synergy
bonus to any attempts to read or write a language.

Speak Language (Int, Trained Only)

You are able to communicate with others by speaking in your Native Language or other
learned languages.
Check: A successful check allows you to understand a conversation between Gnolls in
the next room, ask for directions from a local farmer, or speak to a wise man in a ‘dead’
language. Checks are typically only required for speaking a language different from your
Native Language unless the discussion is of a highly technical nature. Typical tasks and
their associated DCs are:

DC Examples
5 Understand simple phrases: “¿Dónde está el cuarto de baño?”
Understand conversations: Asking for directions or talking about the
15 Understand slang. “They were hanging around.” Speaking a dialect.
Understand the nuances of language. Knowing differences between to,
two, too and so, sew, sow. “The boar was quite a bore.”
Understanding technical terms. Describing a potion to an alchemist. Using
military terminology. Speaking a ‘dead’ language.

The GM typically makes the skill check so you cannot tell whether you are speaking
Try Again: Yes, but you must be aware of an error to make another attempt.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Use Signal Device (Int, Trained only)

You are trained to use a specific type of signal device to send and receive messages.
Below is a list of signal devices you can be trained to use. Each time you want to learn a
new signal device you have to take ranks in the skill for that device.
Signal Devices:
Aldis Lamp – shutter lamp used to send signals.
Beacons –fires lit to attract attention.
Branch Semaphore – uses tree branches instead of flags.
Naval Semaphore – uses hand-held flags or paddles to form signals.
Smoke Signals – signals given off by smoke.
Semaphore – uses black, movable wooden arms to indicate letters.
Check: Sending a signal with your device has a DC of 10 for short (less than 50 words),
simple messages, 15 for longer (50 to 100 words) or more complex messages, and 20 to
30 for really long (over 100 words) or very complex messages.
Action: Sending a message using a signal device can take one round for a short message
or several minutes for very long messages. For most signal devices you can send 10
words per round with the device.
Try Again: Yes. If you know you have made a mistake you can resend the message.
Usually, some signal is sent to tell the receiver of the message that a mistake was made
and the message will be sent again.
Synergy: If you have at least 5 ranks in Profession (Cryptographer) you receive a +2
synergy bonus when using a signal device.

New Feats
Arcane Linguist (Metamagic)(Optional)
Your studies of ancient languages allow you to enhance spells with verbal components.
Prerequisites: Int 15, any metamagic feat
Benefit: You may make a Speak Language check as a free action when casting a spell
that has a verbal component. On a successful check, you may apply the effects of a
metamagic feat that you possess to the spell being cast, with no adjustment to the spell’s
level or casting time, as per the table below:

Spell Level Adjustment DC

One level higher 25
Two levels higher 30
Three levels higher 35
Four levels higher 40

Example: Narien Goldswallow has the Maximize Spell feat. He wants to use his Arcane
Linguist ability when casting a fireball spell to try to maximize the effects of his fireball
without making the spell a 6th-level spell. He casts fireball as a 3rd-level spell and makes
a Speak Language check with a DC of 25, since the Maximize Spell feat uses up a spell
slot three levels higher than the spell being cast. If the check is successful, the fireball is
maximized as though it were affected by the Maximize Spell feat, with no adjustment to
the spell’s level or casting time. If the check fails, the spell fails.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

You must decide prior to making the check which metamagic feat you are attempting to
apply to the spell. Only one metamagic feat may be attempted on each spell cast, and
you must already possess the metamagic feat that you are attempting to apply.

Feat Prerequisites Benefit

Babble Int 13, Gift of Gab Cause spellcasters to be distracted.
Make Speak Language check to
Wis 15, Ability to Rebuke
Baleful Voice command undead instead of
Undead, Improved Turning
1 additional native language at
Bilingual None
character creation.
Make Speak Language check to
Charming Voice Cha 15, Gift of Gab
charm person.
+2 to Use Signal Device and
Cryptanalyst Int 15
Profession (Cryptographer) skills.
Distracting Make Speak Language check to
Cha 15
Voice distract opponents.
Use Bluff skill instead of Speak
Faux Linguist Persuasive
+2 on skill checks for any language
Get the Gist Int 13
you do not know.
+2 on checks made to influence NPC
Gift of Gab Int 13
Great Bonus to Speak Language,
Cha 13
Communicator Diplomacy and Perform skill checks.
+2 on skill check for any language
Natural Linguist None
you have a skill rank for.
Penetrating Cha 15, Spell Penetration, Make a Speak Language check to
Voice Greater Spell Penetration reduce an opponent’s SR.
Read Body +3 to Sense Motive skill checks.
Wis 13
Wis 15, Ability to Turn Make Speak Language check to
Righteous Voice
Undead, Improved Turning destroy undead instead of turning.
Sergeant’s Voice Cha 13 +3 to Intimidate skill checks.
Sonorous Voice Cha 13 +3 to Perform skill checks.
Soothing Voice Int 13, Animal Affinity +3 to Handle Animal skill checks.
Make Speak Language check to
Arcane Linguist Int 15, Any metamagic feat
apply a metamagic feat to a spell.
Wis 15, Ability to cast divine Make Speak Language check to
Divine Linguist
spells improve cure spells.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Babble (General)(Optional)
You have a unique talent for being able to continuously talk about nothing.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Gift of Gab
Benefit: You never seem to stop talking. As a result, you are distracting to those around
you, especially spellcasters. At any time, if you are within 30 feet of a spellcaster that is
attempting to cast a spell, you may make a Speak Language skill check as a free action
and consult the table below:

Speak Language result Concentration check DC

< 25 No check
25 12
30 15
35 20
40 or higher 25

On a result of 25 or higher, your constant chatter forces the spellcaster to make the a
Concentration skill check at the listed DC or lose the spell. On a result of less than 25,
you were not distracting enough to warrant a Concentration skill check by the spellcaster.
Special: You receive a –3 circumstance penalty to Move Silently skill checks. On a
successful Will save (DC 15), you can stop talking and negate this penalty for one round.
You must make a Will save each round you wish to remain quiet, but the DC of the
attempt is increased by 1 for each successive round.

Baleful Voice (General)(Optional)

Your words are imbued with divine power.
Prerequisites: Wis 15, Ability to Rebuke Undead, Improved Turning
Benefit: You may make a DC 30 Speak Language check as a free action in conjunction
with an attempt to rebuke undead. On a successful check, any undead creatures that
would have normally been rebuked by the attempt are commanded instead, regardless of
the cleric’s level in relation to the undead creatures’ Hit Dice.

Bilingual (General)(Optional)
You grew up around family and friends who spoke a different Native Language than your
Benefit: Choose one (1) additional native language. You receive a number of ranks equal
to your Intelligence attribute score in both Read/Write Language and Speak Language for
this language.
Special: This feat can only be taken at character creation and may only be taken once.

Charming Voice (General)(Optional)

You are adept at befriending others.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, Gift of Gab
Benefit: You may make a Speak Language check (as a standard action that does not
provoke attacks of opportunity) to attempt to befriend an opponent. The target of this
ability makes an opposed Sense Motive check against the result of your Speak Language
check. If the target is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, it

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

receives a +5 bonus on its Sense Motive check. If the target’s check fails, the target’s
attitude becomes friendly (as per the charm person spell). If the target’s check is
successful, the attempt fails.

Cryptanalyst (General)
You have a very analytical mind that can quickly sort out codes.
Prerequisite: Int 15
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus to the Use Signal Device and Profession
(Cryptographer) skills. If using the optional rules on languages you also receive a +2
bonus to Read/Write (Codes).

Distracting Voice (General)(Optional)

You can call attention to yourself and distract opponents.
Prerequisite: Cha 15
Benefit: You can make a Speak Language check (as a standard action that does not
provoke attacks of opportunity) to attempt to distract your opponents in combat. Any
intelligent opponent that hears your voice must make a Concentration check against the
result of the Speak Language check or be denied their dexterity bonus to AC (if any) for
the next melee attack made against it on or before your next turn.

Divine Linguist (Metamagic)(Optional)

Your studies of ancient languages allow you to enhance cure spells.
Prerequisites: Wis 15, Ability to cast divine spells
Benefit: You may make a DC 35 Speak Language check as a free action when casting a
cure spell. On a successful check, the spell cast is affected as though the Maximize Spell
feat had been applied to it, with no adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.

Faux Linguist (General)(Optional)

You can make others believe that you can speak a language you do not know.
Prerequisite: Persuasive
Benefit: You can use your Bluff skill instead of your Speak Language skill when making
Speak Language skill checks. You can only use this ability when making a check for a
language you do not know. On a successful check, the listener believes that you said
what they wanted to hear.

Get the Gist (General)(Optional)

You have a good grasp of languages and are able to interpret languages you do not know.
Prerequisite: Int 13
Benefit: You receive a +2 linguistic bonus on skill checks to understand any language
that you do not have any ranks in. This bonus applies to both Speak Language and
Read/Write Language skill checks.

Gift of Gab (General)

You have an excellent rapport with strangers.
Prerequisite: Int 13

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Benefit: You receive a +3 linguistic bonus on checks made to influence the attitude of an

Great Communicator (General)(Optional)

You are naturally talented at speaking languages and communicating with others.
Prerequisite: Cha 13
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Speak Language skill checks, even if you do not
have a Speak Language rank in that language. You also receive a +2 bonus to Diplomacy
and Perform skill checks.

Natural Linguist (General)(Optional)

You are particularly talented at speaking a language, picking up nuances, dialects, and
accents easily.
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Speak Language skill checks for every language
that you have at least 1 Speak Language rank in.

Penetrating Voice (General)(Optional)

Your words are imbued with arcane power.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration
Benefit: You may make a Speak Language check as a free action in conjunction with the
casting of a spell. On a successful check, the target of the spell has its SR reduced. The
amount of this reduction is based on the result of the check, as per the table below:

Speak Language result SR Reduction

25 2
30 3
35 4
40 or higher 5

Read Body Language (General)

You are adept at discerning non-verbal cues.
Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: You receive a +3 linguistic bonus on Sense Motive skill checks.

Righteous Voice (General)(Optional)

Your words are imbued with divine power.
Prerequisites: Wis 15, Ability to Turn Undead, Improved Turning
Benefit: You may make a DC 30 Speak Language check as a free action in conjunction
with an attempt to turn undead. On a successful check, any undead creatures that would
have normally been turned by the attempt are destroyed instead, regardless of the cleric’s
level in relation to the undead creatures’ Hit Dice.

Sergeant’s Voice (General)

You have a commanding voice.
Prerequisites: Cha 13

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Benefit: You receive a +3 linguistic bonus on Intimidate skill checks.

Sonorous Voice (General)

Your voice has a unique tonal quality that is pleasing to others.
Prerequisites: Cha 13
Benefit: You receive a +3 linguistic bonus on Perform skill checks.

Soothing Voice (General)

You have an excellent rapport with animals.
Prerequisites: Int 13, Animal Affinity
Benefit: You receive a +3 linguistic bonus on Handle Animal skill checks.

New Equipment

Item Cost Weight

Aldis Lamp 20 gp 4 lb
Bilingual Dictionary 5 gp 1 lb
Cipher Box 250 gp 25 lb
Cipher Pad 100 gp 0.5 lb
Dictionary 5 gp 1 lb
Multilingual Dictionary 10 gp 2 lb
Phrase Book 5 gp 1 lb
Semaphore Flags 10 gp 5 lb
Thesaurus 5 gp 1 lb

Aldis Lamp: This is a simple lantern, onto which a shutter has been affixed. When the
shutter is opened and closed the light flashes on and off in a coded pattern. Usually an
aldis lamp is used to send a simple substitution code, though more complex codes can
also be sent. An aldis lamp can only be read by a person standing in the line of sight of
the device and objects (walls, trees, etc.), fog, or bad weather (rain or snow) can limit or
block visibility of the lamp. Under optimal conditions, an aldis lamp can be easily seen at
a distance of one mile. A skilled aldis lamp operator can send a coded message at the rate
of one character per second. If the shutters are locked open, an aldis lamp functions as a
normal bullseye lantern. Cost: 20 gp. Weight: 4 lb.

Bilingual Dictionary: This dictionary contains the words of one language with a brief
definition and gives the corresponding word in another language along with the phonetic
pronunciation. For example, bilingual dictionaries might include Common to Elven,
Gnome to Gnoll, or Dwarven to Undercommon. Possessing a bilingual dictionary gives a
+2 equipment bonus when making skill checks for the second language. (The bonus from
the use of a bilingual dictionary stacks with that of a phrase book and vice versa.) A
person does not need to have any skill points in the second language to benefit from the
dictionary. It takes a full round action to look up one entry in a bilingual dictionary, so it
is best used in non-combat situations. Cost: 5 gp. Weight: 1 lb

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Cipher Box: It is thought that Gnomes produced the first cipher box with their talent for
mechanical objects and practical jokes. They saw it as a way of fooling people into
thinking they were typing gibberish. A cipher box is a fairly large object, about three feet
square and one foot in height, that translates plain text into code. A person operates a
cipher box by typing a plain text message on keys set in the box. A series of mechanical
gears then pick seemingly random letters that are determined by a ‘key gear’ to produce
the coded message. Conversely, when the appropriate ‘key gear’ is placed in the cipher
box and a coded message is typed into it, the plain text message is printed out. The
message is typed onto a piece of parchment or other paper using small printer’s blocks.
Cipher boxes have been manufactured in every known alphabet and most operate on the
same principle. Enciphering a message on a cipher box takes 1 minute for a medium (50
character) sentence. A message coded on a cipher box has a DC 30 to be broken. If a
person has a similar cipher box and possesses the correct ‘key gear’ then the translation
automatically succeeds. Craft (Metalworking) DC 15 and Use Signal Devices DC 25 to
make. Cost: 250 gp. Weight: 25 lb.

Cipher Pad: A cipher pad is a booklet of pre-written codes that is usually made in pairs.
On each page, a random character is substituted for a character in the alphabet. A person
coding a message locates the plain text character and substitutes the coded character in
the message. This is a slow process and usually, each page in the pad is used only once.
This makes the cipher pad nearly impossible to break. Cipher pads are usually printed on
special paper that can quickly burn, be destroyed by water, or be eaten so that the codes
can be easily destroyed. Encoding a message on a cipher pad takes 1 minute for a short
(20 character) sentence. A message coded on a cipher pad cannot be broken unless the
person possesses the identical cipher pad to the one used to create the code. A person
using an identical cipher pad can decode a message in the same time it took to code it.
Cost: 100 gp for each pad created. Weight: 0.5 lb.

Dictionary: A dictionary is a listing of words commonly used in a language and includes

their pronunciation, grammar, etymology, and definitions. Dictionaries exist for every
language and there are specific dictionaries that define words and terminology in narrow
subject fields, such as alchemy. Possessing a dictionary gives a +1 equipment bonus to
skill checks that involve the language of the dictionary. (For example, an Elven
dictionary gives a +1 bonus to Knowledge checks about Elves or Elven lore, while an
alchemical dictionary gives a +1 bonus to Craft (Alchemy) skill checks. The bonus from
the use of a dictionary stacks with that of a thesaurus and vice versa.) A person does not
need to have any skill points in the language to benefit from the dictionary. It takes a full
round action to look up one entry in a dictionary, so it is best used in non-combat
situations. Cost: 5 gp. Weight: 1 lb

Multilingual Dictionary: This dictionary contains the words of one language with a
brief definition and gives the corresponding word in all the languages that share a
common alphabet, along with the phonetic pronunciation. A multilingual dictionary
might include Common to Aquan, Elven, Sylvan, and Undercommon. Possessing a
multilingual dictionary gives a +2 equipment bonus when making skill checks for the
second language. (The bonus from the use of a multilingual dictionary stacks with that of

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

a phrase book and vice versa.) A person does not need to have any skill points in the
unspoken languages to benefit from the dictionary. It takes a full round action to look up
one entry in a multilingual dictionary, so it is best used in non-combat situations. Cost: 10
gp. Weight: 2 lb

Phrase Book: This book contains a listing of simple, commonly used phrases in the
specified language, along with phonetic pronunciation, and a translation of the phrase
into the known language. Phrase books have been written for every language. A phrase
book typically only contains the parent language (the language of the reader) and the
target language (the language that is trying to be translated). Possessing a phrase book
gives a +2 equipment bonus to skill checks to use the targeted language. (The bonus from
the use of a phrase book stacks with that of a bilingual dictionary and vice versa.) A
person does not need to have any skill points in the second language to benefit from the
phrase book. It takes a full round action to look up one entry in a phrase book, so it is best
used in non-combat situations. Cost: 5 gp. Weight: 1 lb

Semaphore Flags: This is a pair of simple flags, either 2, 4, or 6 feet square, and colored
either red with a white square center or white with a red square center. The flags are used
by holding them in one of three positions to indicate letters of the alphabet. A skilled
operator can send a signal using the flags at the rate of three characters per round. A
person reading the flags must be in line of sight of the flags. Obstacles, poor visibility due
to weather, and darkness can interfere with reading semaphore flags. Under optimal
conditions, a person can read semaphore flags at a distance of 1,000 feet. Cost: 10 gp.
Weight: 5 lb.

Thesaurus: This book contains a list of words and gives words with similar, related, or
opposite meanings. Thesauruses exist for every language. Possessing a thesaurus gives a
+1 equipment bonus to skill checks that involve the language of the thesaurus. (The
bonus from the use of a thesaurus stacks with that of a dictionary and vice versa.) A
person does not need to have any skill points in the language to benefit from the
thesaurus. It takes a full round action to look up one entry in a thesaurus, so it is best used
in non-combat situations. Cost: 5 gp. Weight: 1 lb


Updates to Existing Spells

The following spells have been updated for use with the optional rules on language. If
you choose to use the Speak Language and Read/Write Language skills then use the
version of these existing spells presented here. For spells with long descriptions only the
section(s) relevant to the language changes are listed. The part of the description that has
been altered is italicized.

Alter Self: … If the new form is capable of speech, you can communicate normally,
however, you do not gain any native languages the new form may normally possess. Your
Speak Language and Read/Write Language skills remain unchanged. You retain any
spellcasting ability you had in your original form, but the new form must be able to speak

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

intelligibly (that is, speak a language) to use verbal components and must have limbs
capable of fine manipulation to use somatic or material components…

Charm Person: … You must speak the person’s native language (at least 1 rank) to
communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.

Command: You give the subject a single command, which it obeys to the best of its
ability at its earliest opportunity. You must speak the subject’s native language.

Comprehend Languages: You receive a +20 competency bonus to understand the

spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. In either
case, you must touch the creature or the writing…

Enthrall: … To cast the spell, you must speak in the audience’s native language or sing
without interruption for 1 full round. Thereafter, those affected give you their undivided
attention, ignoring their surroundings. …

Magic Mouth: …The message, which must be twenty-five or fewer words long, can be
in any language known by you and can be delivered over a period of 10 minutes. You
must make a Speak Language skill check for any language in which you are not fluent or
which is not your native language. The mouth cannot utter verbal components, use
command words, or activate magical effects…

Suggestion: You influence the actions of the target creature by suggesting a course of
activity (limited to a sentence or two). You must be able to speak the target creature’s
native language, or a language the target creature has at least 1 rank in, for the spell to
work. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound

Tongues: This spell grants the creature touched fluency (20 ranks) in the native language
of any intelligent creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect. The subject
can speak only one language at a time, although it may be able to understand several

Ventriloquism: …You can speak in any language you know. The spell does not impart
any additional competency in the language(s) you speak. With respect to such voices and
sounds, anyone who hears the sound and rolls a successful save recognizes it as illusory
(but still hears it).

New Spells
These spells are built upon the complexity that language offers us. Many organizations,
from rogue’s guilds to governments and military organizations, often employ spellcasters
who specialize in many of these spells to help secure their communications or to sow
confusion among their enemies.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Analyze Speech
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One object or creature per caster level
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You discern knowledge about a person by analyzing their speech. Each round, you may
examine a single creature that is speaking and is within line of sight as a free action. You
can determine where a person is from, geographically, and can determine if a person is
attempting to mask their nationality by using an accent or dialect. While the spell is in
effect you receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Sense Motive skill checks when dealing
with the targeted person.
Arcane Focus: A tuning fork.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 3, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 2 creatures/caster level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 min./level
Save: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Your spell creates a confusion of language among the targets. Each targeted creature
must make a Will saving throw or lose the ability to speak or understand their native
language and any other languages they may know. Their language(s) is replaced by one
randomly determined language from the table below and each creature affected by the
spell knows a different language, making communication among the affected creatures
nearly impossible. (If a roll comes up twice for different targets, roll again.) This may not
keep the targets from continuing their previous course of action, but in large melees it
means that orders, commands, and other verbal instructions cannot be made between the

Additionally, affected targets cannot cast spells with verbal components or activate magic
items with command words unless the spell or command word happens to be in the
randomly assigned language the creature is given. (A spellcaster is assumed to cast spells
using their native language unless another specific magical language is used in your
game.) Telepathic and non-verbal (such as sign language) communication is not affected
by this spell.
Arcane Focus: a multilingual dictionary.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

D% Roll Language D% Roll Language

01-10 Abyssal 56-60 Goblin
11-15 Aquan 61-65 Gnoll
16-20 Auran 66-70 Halfling
21-30 Celestial 71-75 Ignan
31-35 Draconic 76-80 Infernal
36-40 Dwarven 81-85 Orc
41-45 Elven 86-90 Sylvan
46-50 Giant 91-95 Terran
51-55 Gnome 96-100 Undercommon

Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One coded message 250 words or less in length
Duration: Instantaneous
A messaged that is coded reveals its true meaning to you when touched. When the spell is
completed a single message of 250 words or less (1 page) will transform from
indecipherable code to clear text. The clear text appears in the native language the code
was originally written in, so a message coded with an Elven code will be transformed into
plain Elven. This spell does not grant you the ability to read languages that you do not
Arcane Material Component: a piece of graphite and a small piece of rubber.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language Dependent, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You unleash a verbal barrage of abuse, criticism, and violent speech at the target. On a
failed save the target is shaken for the duration of the spell. You must be able to speak the
target’s native language.

Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One message 250 words or less in length
Duration: Instantaneous
A message written in plain text is encoded with a complex substitution code. When the
spell is completed a single message of 250 words or less (1 page) will transform from
plain text to a complex substitution code. A person attempting to decipher the coded
message must make a Profession (cryptographer) skill check versus a DC of (10 + caster
level + your ranks in Profession (cryptographer)). The encoded message is still in the
same language as the original plain text, so a message written in Dwarven is transformed
into a Dwarven code.
Arcane Material Component: a piece of graphite and a small piece of rubber.

Level: Brd 2, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
The targeted creature speaks ‘in tongues’, using semantically meaningless syllables to
communicate. The target creature is unaware that it is speaking in tongues, and all
creatures that hear the targeted creature can understand the creature if they have an
Intelligence score of at least 3 no matter what language they speak. (Effectively, each
creature hears the target as if he were speaking in that creature’s native language.) The
spell does not give the target creature the ability to understand any language that he does
not already know.
Arcane Material Component: a parrot’s tongue

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language Dependent, Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd 5, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, F/DF
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This enchantment makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally
(treat the target’s attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or
attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

The spell allows you to give the indoctrinated creature simple commands as though it
were under the effects of a suggestion. It will even follow commands that might cause
harm to the creature, though obviously suicidal commands allow the creature another
save to break the spell with a +5 bonus. Any act by you or your apparent allies that
threatens the indoctrinated person allows that person another save to break the spell with
a +5 bonus. You must speak the person’s native language to communicate your

Enchantment (Compulsion)
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: One creature/ 2 levels (max 5)
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The targeted creature is struck dumb, unable to speak or utter any sound. A successful
Will saving throw negates the effect. A creature affected by the spell cannot speak or
make any verbal noise. Verbal communication by the targeted creature is impossible, and
the creature cannot cast spells with verbal components or activate magic items with
verbal commands.

Parrot Tongue
Level: Brd2, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: 10 min/level
You are able to mimic another person’s voice. You must have previously heard the voice
at least once to be able to mimic it. While the spell is in effect you sound like the person
you are mimicking. When cast in conjunction with a disguise you receive a +10 bonus to
your Disguise skill check. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses you might receive;
such as from the spell alter self.
Arcane Material Component: Parrot feather.

Power Word Deafen

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7, War 7
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature with 200 hp or less
Duration: See text

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes
You utter a single word of power that causes one creature of your choice to become
deafened, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell
depends on the target’s current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 201 or more
hit points is unaffected by power word deafen.

Hit Points Duration

50 or less Permanent
51–100 1d4+1 minutes
101–200 1d4+1 rounds

Power Word Heal

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7, War 7
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature with 200 hp or less
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You utter a single word of power that causes one creature of your choice to be healed of
injuries and afflictions. It immediately ends any and all of the following adverse
conditions affecting the target: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled,
deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, sickened,
stunned, and poisoned. It also cures 10 hit points of damage per level of the caster, to a
maximum of 150 points at 15th level. Power word heal does not remove negative levels,
restore permanently drained levels, or restore permanently drained ability score points.
The spell has no effect on undead.

Power Word Shatter

Evocation [Sonic]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area or Target: 60-ft.-radius spread; or one solid object or one crystalline creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (object); Will negates (object) or Fortitude half; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
You utter a single word of power that breaks brittle, nonmagical objects; sunders a single
solid, nonmagical object; or damages a crystalline creature.
Used as an area attack, power word shatter destroys nonmagical objects of crystal, glass,
ceramic, or porcelain. All such objects within a 60-foot radius of the point of origin are

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

smashed into dozens of pieces by the spell. Objects weighing more than 2 pounds per
your level are not affected, but all other objects of the appropriate composition are
shattered. Alternatively, you can target power word shatter against a single solid object,
regardless of composition, weighing up to 20 pounds per caster level. Targeted against a
crystalline creature (of any weight), power word shatter deals 2d8 points of sonic damage
per caster level, with a Fortitude save for half damage.

Power Word Wither

Level: Drd 8, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area or Target: 50-ft.-radius spread or one plant creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You utter a single word of power that withers plants of any size. All plants that are not
creatures and that are within the area immediately wither and die. A targeted plant
creature takes 2d8 points of damage per level and may attempt a Fortitude saving throw
for half damage.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Brd2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
With this spell you cause the target creature to enter an irrational fit of crying, screaming,
defiance, and a resistance to every attempt at pacification in which even physical control
is lost. The tantrum will manifest itself in one of the following ways. Roll on the table to
randomly determine the type of tantrum:

Roll (d4) Action

The target begins to scream and yell, verbally abusing those nearby who are
1 keeping the target from getting what it wants. The affected creature is so intent on
their tantrum that they lose their Dexterity bonus (if any) to AC.
2 The target becomes angry and lashes out, attacking the nearest creature.
The target begins to cry uncontrollably. The affected creature becomes flat-footed
and shaken.
The target falls to the ground and begins to scream and kick. The affected creature
is prone and cannot take any actions other than to kick and cry.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

A character in a tantrum that can’t carry out the indicated action does nothing but cry
uncontrollably. Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking a character in a
tantrum unless otherwise indicated. Any character in a tantrum that is attacked
automatically attacks its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still in a tantrum when
its turn comes. Note that a character in a tantrum will not make attacks of opportunity
against any creature that it is not already devoted to attacking.

Magic Items
Updated magic item tables are at the end of the book.

Potion Glossolalia Price: 375 gp.
Potion Mute Price: 75 gp.
Potion Parrot Tongue Price: 375 gp.

Wand of Mute Price: 750 gp.
Wand of Tantrum Price: 4,500 gp.

Wondrous Items
Babel Fish: This is a fish carved from abalone, about two inches in length with an open,
sucker-shaped mouth. When the babel fish is placed against a person’s ear it attaches
itself to the ear. This does not hurt the person, and does not interfere with normal hearing.
The babel fish translates all spoken language into the person’s native language, including
dialects, accents, and non-standard languages. The babel fish can even translate archaic
or dead languages when they are spoken. A person can attach or remove the babel fish as
a move-equivalent action, which does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, tongues; Price: 30,000 gp.

Barker’s Cane: This is a simple wooden cane; about three feet long and curved back on
itself at one end. It is typically painted a bright color, and can be adorned with precious
gems or metals. Three times per day a person can activate the cane’s magic by saying
“Step right up!” The speaker must make a DC 20 Speak Language check in the
audience’s native language. If the check fails, the audience cannot be affected by the
speaker for 24 hours. On a successful check the speaker can then proceed to enthrall the
crowd as the spell, speaking for up to an hour. A creature can make a Will save, DC 16,
to negate the effect of the spell. At the end of the duration, or the end of the speech if it
lasts for less than an hour, the speaker can make a suggestion to the crowd. A successful
Will save, DC 16 negates the suggestion, but a person that failed the enthrall save
receives a –2 penalty to the suggestion save.
Faint Enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, enthrall, suggestion; Price: 21,557 gp.

Enigma Engine: This is a wooden box about one foot square and six inches tall. The box
has two slots, one on the left side and one on the right. Magical runes and other symbols
are carved into the box. When a piece of paper with plain text is placed in the slot on the
left hand side of the box, it comes out on the right side having been converted to a

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

complex substitution code in the same native language as the original message. A person
can attempt to decode a message created by the enigma engine with a Profession
(cryptographer) DC 25 skill check. When a piece of paper with coded text is placed in the
slot on the right hand side of the box, it comes out on the left side having been decoded.
The decoded message is in the same native language as the coded message, so a person
may still be unable to read the message if they do not speak the language.
Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, decipher, encipher; Price: 20,000 gp.

Enigma Lantern: This is a simple aldis lamp that has been magically enhanced to send
coded messages. A person holding the lantern merely has to think of a message they want
to send and the enigma lantern automatically encodes the message in a moderate code
and sends it by moving its shutters. A person can attempt to decode a message sent by an
enigma lantern with a Profession (cryptographer) DC 20 skill check. A person holding an
enigma lantern and that sees a coded message (whether it was sent by an enigma lantern,
a normal aldis lamp, or other signal device) automatically has the message decoded and
communicated to them telepathically.
Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, decipher, encipher; Price: 12,000 gp.

Parrot Choker: This fine necklace fits snugly about the neck and is made from parrot
feathers and set with an opal. When worn, the parrot choker can alter the wearer’s voice
to mimic any other person’s voice they have heard at least once. When used in
conjunction with a disguise, the choker provides a +10 circumstance bonus to the
Disguise skill check.
Faint Transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, parrot tongue; Price 10,000 gp.

Prism of Translation: This is a simple piece of rock crystal quartz that has been cut into
a prism. When the prism is placed upon a page and the command word is spoken it will
translate the words on the page into a different language. The user must specify the
language to be translated to when speaking the command word. This allows multiple
people who read different languages to benefit from the prism.
Faint Divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, comprehend languages; Price: 5,400 gp.

Propaganda Poster: This is a large poster about 2 ft. by 3 ft. in size. The poster
generally has a specific image and a suggestive text in the native language of the intended
audience. Anybody who reads the poster must make a DC 14 Will save or be subject to
the spell suggestion. The message written on the poster conveys the suggestion in the
spell. A person who succeeds on their save cannot be affected by the poster again for 24
hours. A person who fails the save will react to the suggestion, but will be unaffected by
subsequent readings of the poster for 48 hours. Religious organizations and governments
have used such posters to sway the population toward a desired attitude. Wealthy
merchants have found the posters to be useful to get customers to buy their specific goods
or products. A propaganda poster can suggest anything, as long as the suggestion is not
obviously harmful to the reader.
Faint Enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, suggestion; Price: 15,000 gp.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Communication can take many forms. The two most common forms utilized in D&D are
speaking and reading/writing. Both forms are cornerstones for communicating with
others and are critical for a PCs survival. But in a world where even commoners can
speak several languages with the application of a few skill points, keeping your
communications a secret can be difficult, if not outright impossible.

This section offers enhancements to the normal Speak Language skill as defined in the
PHB. These enhancements can also be applied to the optional rules we presented earlier
in this book on the Speak Language skill.

The two forms of communication mentioned above, speaking and reading/writing, can
more easily be classified as verbal and non-verbal communication. We will look at each
of these classifications and present new ‘languages’ for your character to learn.

Verbal Communication
Long before the first alphabets and written communication, Humans had created many
complex and dynamic languages. The spoken word still plays an important part in our
lives, but over time, languages change. English, for example, has been changed and
mutated through time and distance. George Bernard Shaw said, “England and America
are two countries separated by the same language.” Even in the land that is the birthplace
of the English language, it is rare to hear the Queen’s English spoken. Within the United
States, there are distinct and noticeable differences in how English is spoken. We may
still understand each other now, but given time, new languages will be created here.

Here are some ways to expand the speak language skill. These can be used as ‘new’
spoken languages a character may learn. Or, they can be used to distinguish one form of a
single language from a different form of the same language.

Dialects are a variety of a language used by people from a geographic area. They have
their own vocabulary and grammar. A language can be a dialect solely because it is not
recognized as a literary language. Or, speakers of the language may not have a formally
recognized geopolitical boundary of their own or because the language lacks prestige.

In your world, you might create different dialects of languages. Wood Elves might speak
one dialect of Elvish, while Gray Elves speak another. A Human living along the coast
may speak a different dialect of Common than a Human living in the mountains.
Characters who speak a dialect of a language may understand some of another dialect,
but not everything.

Game Rules: Treat dialects as separate languages that share a common alphabet. A
dialect of Elven is different from normal Elven. The dialect should be represented by
placing the dialect name in parentheses after the native language, such as Elven (Wood
Elf) to represent a Wood Elf dialect of the Elvish language. A character who speaks a

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

dialect can understand a conversation spoken in a different dialect of the native language
by making a successful Intelligence check of DC 12.

Optional: Treat a dialect as a separate language with its own skill points. A character who
speaks a dialect has a - 2 adjustment to their Speak Language skill check to understand a
conversation spoken in a different dialect of the native language. Conversely, a person
speaking a dialect is harder to understand, so the DC to determine what they are saying
increases by 2.

Sample Dialects: Elven (Gray Elf), Elven (Wood Elf), Dwarven (Duergar), Dwarven
(Deep Dwarf), Halfling (Tallfellow), Gnome (Svirfneblin), Common (Coastal), Common
(Mountain), Common (Forest).

Slang is the non-standard use of common words or the creation of new words. The use of
slang is aimed at excluding certain people from conversations. Slang can be fairly simple
or complex. Cockney Rhyming Slang is an example of a very complex form of slang.

In your world, different groups may create slang to use in place of their standard
language. A rogue’s guild might create a slang language to keep the authorities unaware
of their illegal activities. A band of pirates might have a special slang language to keep
the location of their island base and treasure a secret. It might be possible that a small
region might evolve a form of slang as their normal speech pattern.

Game Rules: Slang is an offshoot of the native language it was built upon. Slang in the
Common tongue is different from Elven and Dwarven slang. A character who speaks
slang is usually more difficult to understand unless the listener also speaks the same
slang. Denote slang by giving the slang name in brackets after the native language, such
as Dwarven [mine slang] for a slang language used by Dwarven miners. A person
speaking slang can be understood by making a successful Intelligence check of DC 12.

Optional: Treat slang as variation from the native language. A character speaking in slang
increases the DC to be understood by 2.

Sample Slang: Dwarven [mine slang], Common [rogue slang], Elven [forest slang],
Gnome [alchemy slang], Common [fighter slang], Common [merchant rhyming slang].

Accents mark a speaker as a member of a group by the pronunciation of a standard
language. Having an accent can mark a person as being from a particular region or social
class and can have a social stigma. A person who speaks with a Southern Drawl or a
Prairie Twang is identified as being from a particular region and is usually (though
erroneously) assigned a particular stereotype based on the way they speak. Accents can
also identify a person whose native language is not the one they are speaking, such as a
person from France speaking English with a French accent.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Accents can be used to distinguish characters in your game from different geographic
regions. Dwarves from the high mountains might have a different accent than Dwarves
living in the Iron Hills. Some accents may be so thick (image a thick Scottish or Irish
accent) that other speakers of the same native language might have difficulty
understanding the speaker. Accents may also be used when characters try to speak a
language different from their native language. An Elf might speak Common with an
Elvish accent, while an Orc might have an Orcish accent when speaking Dwarven.

Game Rules: Accents can be a variation of the native language. In this way they are
usually regional in scope. Other speakers of the same native language usually understand
a character with an accent unless that person’s accent is really thick. Denote an accent by
labeling ‘accent’ in braces after the native language, such as Halfling {accent} or Gnome
{strong accent}. People who speak the native language can understand a character
speaking with an accent without difficulty. A character must make an Intelligence check
of DC 12 to understand a person speaking in a strong accent.

Accents may have other game effects such as marking a character as being from a
particular area. This might be useful for a spy to learn if they are trying to fit into a
region, or may lead to stereotyping of the speaker. A person speaking in a language that
is not their native language is probably speaking with an accent of their native language.
In these situations, a person listening in can usually detect the accent (Intelligence check
DC 10). This knowledge may have no other effect than identifying the speaker as an
outsider, but may have other game effects if the GM decides that this knowledge is

Optional: Treat accents as a variation of the native language. Other speakers of the
language can understand a character speaking in an accent. A character speaking in a
strong accent increases the DC to be understood by 2. Unless a person speaks a non-
native language fluently (20 ranks) then they speak with an accent of their native

Sample Accents: Common {Southern accent}, Dwarven {Mountain accent}, Dwarven

{Hill accent}, Draconic {Chromatic accent}, Draconic {Metallic accent}, Ignan {Basalt

Pidgin languages are known as contact languages. They are any language created, usually
spontaneously, out of a mixture of other languages. This is often done as a means of
communications between speakers of different languages. Pidgin languages are always
improvised with rudimentary grammar and a restricted vocabulary.

In your world, a group of merchants or sailors might create a pidgin language to allow
them to speak with other races when the two groups do not share a common language.
A pidgin language may also be created between two races where they live close together,
such as a community of Humans living on the fringes of a region controlled by Gnolls.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Game Rules: A pidgin language is a separate language from other languages, and it
shares vocabulary from two different languages. A person who speaks one of the
languages used to create the pidgin language can usually understand most of the pidgin
language and is mostly understood by a speaker of the pidgin language. A person who
speaks only the pidgin language can be partially understood by speakers of the two parent
languages and can partially understand those speakers in return.

To denote a pidgin language you can either combine the names of the two parent
languages to create a new name (for example, Gnocom for a pidgin of Gnoll and
Common) or you can label the language as pidgin with the parent languages in brackets,
such as Pidgin [Gnoll/Common]. A speaker of the pidgin language can understand
speakers of the parent language on an Intelligence check of DC 10. A speaker of one of
the parent languages can understand a speaker of the pidgin language on an Intelligence
check of DC 15. If a character speaks both of the parent languages they can understand a
speaker of the pidgin language on an Intelligence check of DC 5.

Optional: Treat a pidgin language as a separate language with its own skill points. A
speaker of the pidgin language receives a +2 bonus to understanding a speaker of either
one of the parent languages. A person speaking one of the parent languages receives a +2
bonus to understanding the pidgin language.

Sample Pidgin Languages: Gnocom (Gnoll and Common), Comlin (Common and
Goblin), Orcmon (Orc and Common), Dracven (Draconic and Elven), Dwaorc (Dwarven
and Orc), Goboll (Goblin and Gnoll).

When a pidgin language is spoken by a group of people long enough to become a native
language it is called a creole language. The creole language is a fully developed language
with a proper grammar and vocabulary structure. Often, the language has evolved enough
from the parent languages that a speaker of one or both of the parent languages may not
be able to understand a speaker of the creole language.

In your campaign setting, a community of people from two races living next to each other
for many years, such as a group of Human farmers and a band of Hobgoblins, might
create a creole language between Common and Goblin. A creole language may also
develop as a type of trade language that combines many different languages together and
has been around long enough to become the native language for many people.

Game Rules: A creole language is a separate native language that is formed from two or
more parent languages. The creole language has evolved enough that the speakers of the
parent languages may not understand the creole language. A creole language is usually
given its own name, sometimes as a mix of the name of the parent languages. The
language can be denoted as a creole language by putting creole in braces after the
language name along with the names of the parent languages. A person speaking a creole
language is speaking a different language. A person speaking one of the parent languages
can understand a person speaking the creole language only on an Intelligence check of

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

DC 20. A person speaking all of the parent languages can understand a person speaking
the creole language only on an Intelligence check of DC 15.

Optional: Treat the creole language as a separate language with its own skill points. A
person speaking one of the parent languages receives a +2 bonus to understand the creole
language. A person speaking all of the parent languages receives a +4 bonus to
understand the creole language. A person with creole as their native language receives a
+2 bonus to understanding the parent languages.

Sample Creole Languages: Oblicom {creole, Goblin/Common}, Dwelf {creole,

Dwarven/Elven}, Northern Trade Speak {creole, Common/Dwarven/Gnoll}, Mages
Tongue {creole, Common/Elven/Draconic}.

Nonstandard Language
A nonstandard language is a language that is so different from what is considered normal
for grammar that it is difficult for non-native speakers to understand and speak. The
speaker may think in a different manner than other people, or may possess different body
parts that are used to make sounds that most humanoids cannot repeat. These languages
usually develop among races that are very different from standard humanoids or by
highly isolated cultures.

In your campaign, a race that uses a nonstandard language may speak in metaphor; using
metaphorical phrases to represent concepts, actions, and other grammatical constructs.
This race might say, “as the reed blows in the wind” to mean “dodge”. Other races may
speak only in the third person, or only in the present tense.

Game Rules: A nonstandard language is a unique native language that is different from
any other language. It may have its own alphabet and certainly has its own rules of
grammar. It is usually so different that a person speaking in a nonstandard language is
usually thought to be babbling and incoherent by ‘normal’ people. A person speaking a
nonstandard language can only be understood by making an Intelligence check of DC 30.
Conversely, a speaker of a nonstandard language can only understand a ‘normal’
language on an Intelligence check of DC 30.

Optional: Treat the nonstandard language as a separate language with its own skill points.
A person who speaks a nonstandard language as their native language receives a –5
penalty on any language skill checks to communicate with a speaker of a standard
language. A speaker of a standard language receives a –5 penalty on any language skill
checks to communicate with a speaker of a nonstandard language.

Nonverbal Communication
The best known form of nonverbal communication is the form you are reading right now,
the written word. The earliest form of written language is the cuneiform writing from the
Middle East nearly 7000 years ago, but the earliest forms of nonverbal communication
probably extend back to the earliest days of the Human species. There are many different
forms of nonverbal communication that can convey vital information, including body

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

language, codes, and gestures. One of the most used forms of nonverbal communication
in the 19th and 20th Centuries was Morse Code. Developed by Samuel Morse and Alfred
Vail in 1835, Morse Code sends an electrical signal coded with a series of dits and dahs
(dots and dashes). The first message sent by Morse Code was between Baltimore and
Washington DC and said, “What hath God wrought!”

Nonverbal communication can be as important as, or even more important than, verbal
communication. Conveying information rapidly, and in silence, can often be the
difference between life and death. The following are different examples of nonverbal
communication that can be used in conjunction with the Speak Language skill to enhance
your game.

Writing goes back at least 5,000 years to Egyptian hieroglyphs dated to around 3,200
BCE. Writing is the inscribing of characters with the intention of forming words and
other constructs that represent language or record information. Most writing can fall into
one of four broad categories: logographic, syllabic, alphabetic, and featural. Logographic
writing uses a character to represent a word, such as in the Chinese language. Syllabic
writing uses a set of symbols to represent syllables. This is common in Japanese and
Cherokee writing. An alphabet uses a small set of symbols to represent a phoneme (a unit
of sound) in a language. An alphabet may only include the consonants and represent
vowels with optional diacritics. In others, the vowels are indicated by modifying the
shape of the consonants. The Latin alphabet you are reading here is one example. A
featural script indicates the building blocks for phonemes that make up the language. All
the similar sounding phonemes may share a common element. The Korean Hangul script
is an example of a featural script.

Writing can be performed in a left to right or right to left fashion, or can be written
vertically. Some languages, Egyptian hieroglyphs for example, can be written and read in
all these fashions.

In your world, writing will play a prominent role in the everyday lives of characters.
Even characters who are illiterate must deal with writing systems even if they can’t read
them. The Speak Language skill lists the alphabets used for each of the core languages.
You may decide that certain languages might use a different type of writing. High Elves,
for example, might use an alphabet that is written left to right, while Wood Elves might
use a similar alphabet written right to left. You may decide to alter the alphabets so that
Gnolls, for example, use a logographic form of writing, using a single character to
represent a word. Deciding some basic questions about a races style of writing will add
depth to your campaign, and can affect how your players react to new languages or being
placed in foreign lands.

Game Rules: If you decide to incoprorate the different writing categories into your game
you should notate the type of category in a short description of the language. An Elven
language that uses a syllabic form of writing would be described with the language and
the descriptor in brackets after the name. For example, Elven [syllabic]. For no reason

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

other than an alphabet-centric view point, the use of an alphabet is considered the normal
form of writing a language. If a language uses one of the other categories for their writing
they are considered to be harder for a person who is not a native speaker to read. Use the
following table to determine the DC increase for attempts to read or write the language,
such as for a Decipher Script skill check:

Writing Style
Characters Being Read.
Native Language
Writing Style Alphabetic Syllabic Featural Logographic
Alphabetic 0 +2 +2 +4
Syllabic +2 0 0 +2
Featural +2 0 0 +2
Logographic +4 +2 +2 0

Optional: When recording the language for the Read/Write Language skill record the
writing style in brackets after the language. Use the following table to determine the DC
increase for a character using the Read/Write Language skill:

Writing Style
Characters Being Read.
Native Language
Writing Style Alphabetic Syllabic Featural Logographic
Alphabetic 0 +2 +2 +4
Syllabic +2 0 0 +2
Featural +2 0 0 +2
Logographic +4 +2 +2 0

Body Language
Body language is a form of communication using body movement instead of, or as a
complement to, sounds, verbal communication, or other communication. A shrug, nod of
the head, flinch of the eye, or waving of the hands are all forms of body language. We
use body language everyday to subconsciously ‘read’ others and this influences our
attitude toward people. Some people might argue that body language is so important to
communication that we couldn’t communicate without it.

In your world, body language may be a normal part of everyday communication of which
most people are unaware. Some races or groups may rely on body language more than
others and may have developed a unique language of body movements to supplement or
supercede their verbal communication.

Game Rules: A character that is skilled in reading body language can handle situations
where communication is critical. A PC with body language as one of their languages
receives a +2 language bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and
Sense Motive skill checks. Different races, species, and creatures have different body
forms. The bonus provided by being skilled in reading body language is negated when

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

dealing with creatures of a type different than yours. So a Human with body language as
one of their languages can receive the bonus when dealing with other humanoids, but not
when dealing with dragons, outsiders, or other creature types. The language can be
denoted as a body language by putting the creature type in braces after the language

Optional: Treat body language as a separate language. A character with at least 5 ranks in
body language receives a +2 synergy bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information,
Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks. A character that is fluent (20 ranks) in a body
language skill receives a +5 synergy bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information,
Intimidate, and Sense Motive skill checks. The same restrictions on creature types apply
to this synergy bonus.

Sample Body Languages: Body Language {Humanoid}, Body Language {Dragon}.

A type of body language, a gesture is a form of nonverbal communication made with part
of the body and used instead of verbal communication. Gestures can convey simple or
complex meanings by forming the hands, feet, face, or other body parts into a specific
shape or movement. Less complex than true sign language, gestures are often used to
emphasize a point or express a strong feeling or thought. A single gesture can often
convey in one movement what would take an entire paragraph to say. Making the Sign of
the Cross, rolling ones eyes, drawing a finger across your throat, or holding up two
fingers with your palm facing away from you (the ‘V’ sign) are all examples of gestures.

In your world, gestures might have a social context. Some could be taboo, or insulting. A
race or a region might have particular gestures to insult others, or to intimidate people. A
gesture in one region might mean ‘hello’ while the same gesture in another region could
mean ‘your mother is an Orc’ (or something even more insulting).

Game Rules: Gestures are not a true language, but supplement the normal
communication for a race or people. A character with knowledge for a race or region
might know which gestures are offensive and which are not. A successful Knowledge
(local) or Knowledge (geography) skill check (DC 15) can give a character a +1 bonus to
Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate skill checks when using gestures in that area.

Sign Language
Sign language uses manual communication instead of sound to convey meaning. Sign
language differs from gestures in its complexity. It is as rich and complex as any spoken
language. Sign languages vary from region to region and are usually not based on the
local spoken language.

Sign language in your world may develop for use by deaf individuals where magic cannot
cure their ailment. Sign language may also develop among elite military organizations or
among secret societies for communication. Other individuals, especially rogues, may
learn sign language as a means for silent communication.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Game Rules: Sign language can be as varied as spoken language. Treat each form of
sign language as a separate language. A character that has a form of sign language as a
known language is able to communicate to others that know the same form of sign
language without using sound. Sign language is unable to be used to communicate in
total darkness (unless both speakers have darkvision). It cannot be used to communicate
in magical darkness.

Optional: Treat each form of sign language as a separate language with its own skill
points. A person who knows one form of sign language receives a +2 skill bonus to being
able to speak other forms of sign language.

Sample Sign Languages: Common Standard Sign Language (CSSL, or “Cissel”),

Dwarven Miners Sign Language (DMSL, or “Dimsil”); Elven Rangers Military Sign
Language (ERMSL, or “Ermsil”), Rogue Sign (RS, or “Ars”).

Codes are rules for converting a piece of information into another form or representation.
Codes can be simple substitutions of characters or complex mathematical algorithms.
Morse Code is probably the most well known code, with its dits and dahs being used to
make simple substitutions for the English alphabet. Military and Intelligence
organizations have long used codes to be able to transmit vital information without an
enemy being able to learn what is being said. Using scientific notation, shorthand, or
other characters to represent words and phrases is another form of code.

Characters in your world might create codes to be able to send messages so that others
cannot read them. Alternatively, they could create codes that can be used to transmit
information over long distances, such as Morse Code. Dwarven miners might create a tap
code for communicating within mines, while Elves might use a similar code that sounds
like woodpeckers tapping on trees to send vital information across a forest.

Game Rules: Codes are a variation on a written language. Codes are usually built using
the written language as a base and creating a substitution for characters in the alphabet.
Treat codes as a separate written language based on a native language. Knowing the
native language does not mean a person knows the code. A communiqué written in code
can only be read by a person who knows the code, or who has the key to the code. Even
then, if a code is deciphered, it may be in a native language that the reader cannot read.
Denote these codes as the code name with the native language in brackets. A code can be
totally separate from a native language. These are often sound codes used to
communicate in secret or pass on vital information only to those who know the code.
Denote these types of code languages with the code name and include code in the name,
or in brackets after the name.

Optional: Treat codes as a separate Read/Write language. Knowing one type of code does
not give you insight to other codes. Knowing the native language upon which a code is
built also does not give any insight into the code.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Sample Code Languages: Dash Code [Common] (uses dots and dashes as character
substitution), Sylvan Shorthand [Sylvan], Mine Code [tap/bell code], Woodpecker Code
[tap code], Alchemist Notation [Gnome substitution code], Drum Code [musical beat
code], Goblin Cipher [Goblin substitution code].

Signals are devices used to transmit nonverbal messages. Signals can be used to send
coded or uncoded messages. Some types of signaling devices include:
• Semaphore – Uses black, movable wooden arms to indicate letters. Often set up
on towers to transmit messages over long distances.
• Naval Semaphore – Uses hand-held flags or paddles to communicate between
ships at sea and between ships and shore.
• Smoke Signals – Created by covering a fire with a blanket and generating a puff
of smoke. Smoke signals create a non-standardized code not easily translated.
• Beacons – One of the simplest signaling devices, beacons are fires lit to attract
attention. They are often associated with a pre-arranged meaning.
• Aldis Lamp – A lamp with shutters that are opened and closed to create a code.
Aldis lamps are fairly secure and can be used to communicate silently over long

Game Rules: Since signals are devices for transmitting messages, they are not a
language, but are used for communication. To use a signal device correctly, a person
must be trained in using the correct device and know a language that can be transmitted
by the device. To use a device a character must make either a Use Signal Device or
Profession (cryptographer) skill check (see new skills above). A successful check means
that the message was sent without error. Anyone aware of the signal must make an
opposed Use Signal Device or Profession (cryptographer) check to read the signal.

In your world, you may have types of signals other than the ones listed above. In a world
of magic it might be possible to use spells and towers to repeat messages. Elves may
create signal devices to resemble tree branches that would seem to be just swaying in the
breeze, but are really sending a coded message. Drow might use a shuttered lamp that
does not emit visible light but can be used to send signals to other Drow.

Pheromones are chemicals produced by a creature that transmit a message to other
members of the same species. Such messages might include signals of alarm, food, sex,
and others. Bees are some of the best known creatures that use pheromones to
communicate the location of food to other members of the hive. The ant is another
creature that uses pheromones to communicate. Many animals use scent to indicate
receptiveness for mating or to determine the health of other members of the group.

In your campaign, creatures with the scent ability might use pheromones to be able to
communicate with other members of their race. This would allow members of the race to
securely communicate with each other.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Game Rules: Characters with the scent ability receive an automatic language of
pheromone. This language can be used to communicate with other members of the same
race. A creature with the scent ability that is of a different race may be able to detect the
pheromones given off by a creature, but will not be able to understand what is being said.
Characters without the scent ability can never learn a pheromone language. A character
with the scent ability that spends a lot of time training their nose may be able to get the
gist of a pheromone conversation, but will never be able to understand the entire story. A
character with the scent ability can make an Intelligence check (DC 20) to be able to get
the basics of a pheromone conversation. If the pheromones contain strong language, like
fear, anger, etc. the DC drops to 15.

Optional: Treat pheromones as an automatic native language for races with the scent
ability. Like the spoken native language, the pheromone language receives a number of
ranks equal to the character’s Intelligence score. There is no Read/Write skill associated
with a pheromone language. The character cannot learn a second pheromone language,
and characters without the scent ability can never learn a pheromone language. A creature
with a pheromone language receives a +2 bonus to be able to understand another
pheromone language. This bonus increases to +5 for strong messages like fear and anger.

Dead Languages
Language is not restricted to the here and now. There are many languages that have been
spoken in the past and are no longer used. Some of these language deaths can come from
the death of the people who spoke the language. Many Native American languages were
on their way to death before the resurgence in learning these languages. Other languages,
like Latin, are all but dead, used only in very limited circumstances. Until the French
uncovered the Rosetta Stone in Egypt, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics were considered a
dead language. Mayan hieroglyphs were similarly dead until recent discoveries allowed
archeologists and linguists to be able to translate them. Other languages mutate over time,
so that pronunciations, spelling, grammar, and meanings can change through the years.
Most modern speakers of English would have a hard time reading and understanding Old

In a fantasy world, there are opportunities for hundreds of dead languages. Maybe the
Elves spoke a more archaic form of Elven several thousand years ago and today most
Elves wouldn’t recognize the language of their ancestors if they heard it. Ancient
Dwarves may have used hieroglyphs or runes very different from what they use today.
Peoples whose civilizations died out long ago probably had very different languages from
what your characters speak.

These dead languages can crop up everywhere in your campaign. From the curse or
warning over the door to the ancient tomb written in an archaic rune, to the papyrus scroll
written in the dead language of a long forgotten people, these dead languages can add
realism to your campaign. You might also replace some of the languages with a dead
language. Druidic may be an ancient form of Elven that nobody remembers today except
for the druids. Magical writing may take the form of a dead language, and you might

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

require all wizards to have as one of their languages this dead language otherwise they
cannot cast spells.

Game Rules: Dead languages are given their own language and alphabet, which a
character must spend skill points to learn. If your world has a dozen dead languages, a
character can spend a skill point to learn any one language, but must spend points to learn
each of the dead languages separately. A character who speaks a dead language receives
a +2 synergy bonus to Gather Information or Knowledge checks when dealing with that

Optional: Treat a dead language as a separate language in which a character can add
ranks for Speak Language and/or Read/Write Language. A character attempting to speak,
read, or write in the dead language can make a skill check to succeed at the attempt. A
successful check grants the character a +2 synergy bonus to Gather Information or
Knowledge checks when dealing with that language.

Sample Dead Languages: Archaic Elven, Old Common, Gnura (an ancient Gnoll
language), Drach (the ancestral form of Draconic), Kodin (also called the First Language,
the language of magic and required learning for all wizards).

Prestige Classes
An expert in verbal communication, the linguist is fluent in several languages and many
times studies ancient or dead languages for the pleasure of learning a new language. They
are experts at the spoken word, and know that the spoken word can have almost magical
qualities when harnessed properly. They use their mastery of language to command
others, speak with the dead, and even cause death. A linguist spends her time learning
new languages and studying the deeper meanings and nuances of already known

Bards, clerics and rogues benefit the most from becoming linguists. Sorcerers and
wizards can also benefit, but their focus on the written word usually leads them to
become rune masters. Other classes can become linguists, but generally do not benefit as
much from doing so. Clerics benefit by being able to spread the word of their deity to a
wider audience. Bards usually become linguists to learn new songs, poems, or stories or
to be able to sing or perform in different languages. Rogues that are linguists will
generally become spies, selling the information they learn to the highest bidder.

Linguists are always studying new languages and often work as interpreters. Linguists
like to travel as this exposes them to new languages. Many take to adventuring to
discover ancient or unknown languages that they can add to their repertoire.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Linguist (Lin) Hit Die: d4

Class Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Speak with Animals/Plants
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Speak with Dead
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Fluent
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Command, Suggestion
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Fluent
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Power Word Stun
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Fluent, Greater Command
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Power Word Blind
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Fluent, Mass Suggestion
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Power Word Kill
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script,
Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Perform,
Profession, Read/Write Language, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spot.

Speak Languages: Minimum of 10 ranks in four languages.
Skill Focus: Any one Speak Language skill.
Feats: Must have either the Negotiator or Persuasive feats.

Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: Linguists are proficient with all simple weapons. They
are not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Speak with Animals/Plants (Ex): At 1st level, the linguist gains the ability to speak with
animals and plants. This ability is as the spells speak with animals and speak with plants.
The linguist can use each of these abilities 3x/day.

Speak with Dead (Ex): At 2nd level, the linguist can communicate with the dead once
per day as per the spell speak with dead.

Fluent (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level and every two levels thereafter (5th, 7th, 9th, etc.) the
linguist is able to fluently speak in 1 language already known to the linguist. The linguist
need only have 1 rank in the Speak Language skill for that language. The linguist
automatically rises to 20 ranks in the Speak Language skill for the chosen language. The
linguist is also able to learn languages beyond the limit for known languages based on the
characters Intelligence modifier. A linguist can learn a number of languages equal to
twice their Intelligence modifier.

Command/Greater Command (Ex): At 4th level, the linguist can use her mastery of
language to command others to do her bidding. This ability can be used 3x/day and is
similar to the command spell. The subject of the command obeys a reasonable command
to the best of its ability. The subject gets a Will saving throw to negate the command with
a DC equal to 10 + level of the linguist + linguist’s Int bonus.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

At 7th level, the linguist can use her oratory skill to command multiple creatures to do her
bidding similar to the greater command spell. The linguist can affect 3 creatures per level
of the linguist, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart.

Suggestion/ Mass Suggestion (Ex): At 4th level, the linguist can use her command of
language to influence the actions of other creatures. This ability can be used 3x/day and is
similar to the suggestion spell. The subject of the suggestion obeys a reasonable course of
action to the best of its ability. The subject gets a Will saving throw to negate the
command with a DC equal to 10 + level of the linguist + linguist’s Int bonus.

At 9th level, the linguist can use her superior oration skills to influence the actions of
multiple creatures similar to the mass suggestion spell. The linguist can affect up to 5
creatures per level of the linguist, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart.

Power Word Stun (Sp): At 6th level, a linguist can use her knowledge of languages
3x/day to stun an opponent with a single word. This spell-like ability is similar to the
spell power word stun but can only be used if the linguist speaks the Native Language of
the target. A linguist fluent in the Native Language of the target automatically succeeds
in her attack, and the target does not get a saving throw. If the linguist is not fluent in the
Native Language of the target, the target makes a Will saving throw with a DC of the
result of a Speak Language skill check made by the linguist. On a successful save, the
effect is negated.

Power Word Blind (Sp): At 8th level, a linguist can use her knowledge of languages
3x/day to blind an opponent with a single word. This spell-like ability is similar to the
spell power word blind but can only be used if the linguist speaks the Native Language of
the target. A linguist fluent in the Native Language of the target automatically succeeds
in her attack, and the target does not get a saving throw. If the linguist is not fluent in the
Native Language of the target, the target makes a Will saving throw with a DC of the
result of a Speak Language skill check made by the linguist. On a successful save, the
effect is negated.

Power Word Kill (Sp): At 10th level, a linguist can use her knowledge of languages
1x/day to slay an opponent with a single word. This spell-like ability is similar to the
spell power word kill but can only be used if the linguist speaks the Native Language of
the target. A linguist fluent in the Native Language of the target automatically succeeds
in her attack, and the target does not get a saving throw. If the linguist is not fluent in the
Native Language of the target, the target makes a Will saving throw with a DC of the
result of a Speak Language skill check made by the linguist. On a successful save, the
effect is negated.

Optional Rules: Linguist

We understand that some players and GMs may not want to add in the optional rules for
language presented earlier. The linguist can still be incorporated into your campaign by
using these changes.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Speak Languages: Must be able to speak 4 languages other than Common and the
characters racial language.
Feats: Must have either the Negotiator or Persuasive feats.

Class Skills: These remain the same, but remove Read/Write Language as a class skill.
Speak Language remains a class skill for the linguist.

Fluent: Because the current rules in the PHB on the Speak Language skill imply fluency
(and was the reason for the creation of the optional rules on language), this special class
ability of the Linguist should change to the following: Beginning at 3rd level, and every
two levels thereafter (5th, 7th, 9th, etc.) the linguist automatically gains one new language
of her choice. The linguist is able to learn languages beyond the limit for known
languages based on the characters Intelligence modifier. The linguist can learn a number
of additional languages equal to twice his Intelligence modifier. The linguist need not
spend any skill points to learn this language.

Command and Suggestion: These abilities remain the same.

Power Word Abilities: These special abilities remain unchanged. The linguist must still
be able to speak the target creatures racial language (the creatures Native Language in the
optional rules) to be able to use the ability without the target receiving a saving throw. If
the linguist does not speak the racial language of the target, the target gets to make a
saving throw as normal.

Sample Encounter: An encounter with a linguist will highlight the linguist’s unique skill
with language. The linguist may be searching out people to learn languages from, and
most encounters will not be violent. It is possible that the party has need of an interpreter
for an adventure, and so the linguist can be introduced as a NPC to assist the party on
their quest.

EL 10: Yan Silvertongue is an Elven bard of modest talent. Spending his time wandering
the land from village to village, Yan enjoys singing Elven ballads, Dwarven drinking
songs, and Human love songs. He also has a passionate hatred of Drow, and uses his
cover as a minstrel to learn about Drow activities. Yan might encounter the party during
their journeys, as a performer at a tavern or inn the party is staying at or traveling
between villages. If the party has a Drow among them, Yan will spy upon the party to see
if they are up to no good. Alternatively, the party or Yan might have information the
other is in need of to complete an adventure.

Yan Silvertongue CR 10
Male Elf Bard 6/Linguist 4
CN Medium humanoid
Init +3 Senses Low-light Vision, Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Archaic Elven +3, Auran +6, Common +13, Draconic +13, Dwarven +9,
Elven +19, Gnoll +2, Goblin +2, Sylvan +13, Undercommon +26 F

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

F = Fluent
Read/Write Languages Common
+7, Elven +19, Draconic +8,
Undercommon +6

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3

Dex, +4 armor)
hp 34 (10 HD)
Immune sleep
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +9

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)

Melee +1 keen rapier +9/+4
(1d6+3/17-20) or
Ranged +1 compound longbow (+1
Str) +10/+5 (1d8+1/x3)
Base Atk +6/+1 Grp +8
Combat Gear potion cure light
wounds, potion barkskin (+2)
Bard Spells Known (CL 4th)
2nd (1/day) – silence (DC
15), summon monster II
1st (3/day) – hypnotism (DC
14), identify, magic aura
0th (3/day) – dancing lights,
daze (DC 13), detect magic,
know direction, mending, Yan Silvertongue is a flamboyant linguist.
read magic

Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 16
SQ Speak with Animals (3/day), Speak with Plants (3/day), Speak with Dead (1/day),
Command (3/day) (DC 17), Suggestion (3/day) (DC 17)
Feats Alertness, Brew Potion, Negotiator, Skill Focus (Speak Language (Undercommon)
Skills Bluff +7, Craft (sculpting) +7, Diplomacy +9, Gather Information +7, Hide +3,
Knowledge (arcana) +9, Listen +4, Move Silently +3, Perform (act) +13, Perform
(oratory) +13, Perform (sing) +13, Search +5, Sleight of Hand +10, Sense Motive +2,
Spot +4
Possessions +1 studded leather armor, +1 keen rapier, +1 compound longbow (+1 Str),
wool cloak, brown cotton shirt, red leggings, brown low cut boots, leather bound travel
journal, ink, quill, 5 days rations, silver ring (35 gp), gold necklace (75 gp), potion cure
light wounds, potion barkskin (+2).
Description Yan has long, silvery-gold hair braided down his back. His face is thin and
angular with deep green eyes and noble features and is accented by a short gold necklace
that peeks out from the collar of his shirt. His clothing is dusty and comfortable, but well

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Rune Master
An expert in non-verbal communication, the rune master is fluent in reading and writing
several languages and studies ancient or dead languages to gather long forgotten
information. They are experts of the written word, and use their mastery of language to
create runic charms for protection, to bring luck, or make curses.

A rune master spends his time learning new languages and studying the deeper meanings
and nuances of already known languages. Sorcerers and wizards benefit the most from
becoming rune masters, although bards and rogues will occasionally become rune
masters when it suits their purpose. Most other classes do not benefit from becoming rune
masters. A sorcerer or wizard will become a rune master to further their knowledge of the
arcane arts, learn new spells, or create complex and powerful glyphs and runes. Bards
will sometimes become rune masters to learn long forgotten songs, epics, or stories and
create charms to heighten their performances. Rogues usually choose to become rune
masters to learn how to break the charms and wards put on tombs by other rune masters
or to become a spy.

Rune Masters are usually happiest pouring over a dusty tome or ancient scroll, working
to translate the languages they find. Many find the challenge of exploring the world for
new languages to be more rewarding and become adventurers.

Read/Write Skill: Minimum of 10 ranks in four languages.
Skill Focus: Read/Write Language skill.
Feats: Investigator, Scribe Scroll, and Craft Wondrous Item
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st level arcane spells.

Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: Linguists are proficient with all simple weapons. They
are not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Rune Master (RuM) Hit Die: d4

Class Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Detect Marks & Runes
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Create Fortune
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Fluent
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Runic Mark
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Fluent
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Master’s Mark
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Fluent
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Mark of Protection
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Fluent
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Mark of Life
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Appraise, Concentration, Craft, Decipher
Script, Forgery, Gather Information, Knowledge (any), Profession, Read/Write
Language, Speak Language, Spellcraft

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Detect Marks & Runes (Ex): At 1st level, the rune master gains the extraordinary ability
to detect, at will, any type of rune, mark, glyph, or symbol that is created by a spellcaster
or rune master. Depending on the length of time spent concentrating on the mark, the
rune master can learn the following:
1st round: Presence of mark within 60 feet of the rune master.
2nd round: Direction and distance to mark.
3rd round: Type of mark (i.e., a glyph or rune or symbol).
4th round: How the mark is triggered.
If the rune master is disturbed in any manner during the detection, he must make a
Concentration skill check (DC 10+distracting damage dealt or spell level) to maintain the
detection. If the detection is broken, the rune master may not attempt to detect the same
mark for 5 minutes.

Create Fortune (Sp): At 2nd level, the rune master is able to create fortunes. Fortunes are
simple phrases or sentences, no longer than 10 words, and bestow a blessing or a curse on
the bearer. Fortunes are similar in some respects to scrolls; they allow the casting of
spells from a written source. However, they are quite different in that any character can
use a fortune and the magical power released by a fortune is much less than that of a

Fortunes have the following characteristics:

¾ They last for only 1 round, no matter the duration of the spell they were
created from.
¾ If the spell normally deals damage, heals hit points, improves AC, provides an
attack bonus, or any other numerical bonus or penalty, the fortune will only
allow 1 point of that effect to be used. For example, a magic missile written as
a fortune would only deal 1 point of damage, and a mage armor spell would
only increase the AC by +1 for 1 round.
¾ The benefits of fortunes are that anybody can use them. For example: Ghellor,
a 2nd level rune master, creates a fortune that reads, “The reed bends with the
wind” created from the mage armor spell and allows the reader to receive a
+1 to AC for 1 round. Ghellor can give this fortune to Jared, a fighter, who
can read the fortune and benefit from it.
¾ It takes 3 hours and costs 4 x spell level x caster level in gp to create a fortune.
¾ Reading a fortune is a free action.

The creator of the fortune needs a supply of writing materials, must have prepared the
spell (if applicable), and must provide any needed material components the spell requires.
Even though the fortune does not provide the full benefits from the spell, the writing of
the fortune triggers the prepared spell, making it unavailable for casting until the
character has rested and regained spells.

Fluent (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level and every two levels thereafter (5th, 7th, 9th, etc.) the
rune master is able to fluently read and write in 1 language already known to the rune
master. The rune master need only have 1 rank in the Read/Write Language skill for that
language. The rune master automatically rises to 20 ranks in the Read/Write Language

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

skill for the chosen language. The rune master is able to learn languages beyond the limit
for known languages based on the characters Intelligence modifier. A rune master can
learn a number of languages equal to twice his Intelligence modifier.

Runic Mark (Ex): At 4th level, a rune master can create small marks that are imbued
with the rune master’s knowledge into specific areas gained from their mastery of
language. A runic mark is a small totem, carving, fetish, or tattoo that is carved with a
word or symbol researched by the rune master and which allows the bearer to receive a
+1 bonus (or penalty) depending on the type of runic mark created. Runic marks are not
magical, even though they provide spell-like abilities. They are the manifestation of the
intense study and mastery of language that rune masters have acquired.

When creating a runic mark, the rune master imbues each with part of his essence,
passing on his knowledge (in the form of the mark) to another. Runic marks are
permanent and will work until destroyed. A runic mark that is not permanently affixed to
the body (like a tattoo) can be passed from one person to another; doing so passes the
granted ability (or penalty) to the new bearer. Spells like detect magic or similar spells
cannot detect a runic mark created by a rune master, and they are not affected by the spell
antimagic field or similar antimagic effects.

There are several types of runic marks that can be created; some examples include: war
(+1 to attack), health (+1 Constitution), knowledge (+1 Intelligence), swiftness (+1
Dexterity), and fear (-1 on Will checks). Many other types of runic marks exist. The
bearer of the runic mark receives the bonus (or penalty) for as long as the runic mark is
held or worn on their person. Only three runic marks can be used at any one time. If a
fourth runic mark is acquired, the bearer is not affected by any of the runic marks. As
soon as the number of runic marks drops to three or less, the bearer again receives the
appropriate bonuses (or penalties). No person may have more than one mark of any
specific type (i.e., bonuses to attack, constitution, etc). The number of runic marks does
not count against the penalty for carrying master’s marks, marks of protection, and vice

Runic marks are made from a source of at least 250 gp in value, generally from gems,
precious metals, ivory, or tattoos made with gold or silver ink. A rune master must spend
1 day and 500 XP to create a runic mark.

Master’s Mark: At 6th level, the rune master is able to create improved marks that are
imbued with the rune master’s knowledge into specific areas gained from their mastery of
language. These marks are similar is all respects to runic marks, however they provide a
+2 bonus (or penalty). Only three master’s marks can be used at any one time. If a fourth
master’s mark is acquired, the bearer is not affected by any of the master’s marks. As
soon as the number of master’s marks drops to three or less, the bearer again receives the
appropriate bonuses (or penalties). No person may have more than one mark of any
specific type (i.e., bonuses to attack, constitution, etc). The number of master’s marks
does not count against the penalty for carrying runic marks, marks of protection, and vice

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

A master’s mark is made from material with a value of at least 500 gp. A rune master
must spend 2 days in study and 1000 XP to create a master’s mark. This study is
equivalent to working 8 hours a day on the master’s mark. He must rest after working on
the master’s mark and can perform light activities such as eating, sleeping, or talking. If
the creator of the master’s mark misses a day of study, the process fails and the master’s
mark must be started again. Money spent is lost, but spent XP are not, and the master’s
mark being crafted can still be used.

Mark of Protection: At 8th level, the rune master can create a mark that allows the
bearer to be protected from general and specific dangers. These marks work in the same
manner as other marks, granting their abilities for as long as the mark of protection is
held or worn. Only two marks of protection can be held at any one time. If a third mark
of protection is acquired, the bearer is not affected by any of the marks of protection. As
soon as the number of marks of protection drops to two or less, the bearer again receives
the appropriate bonuses (or penalties). No person may have more than one mark of
protection of any specific type (i.e., protection from elves or dragon breath). The number
of marks of protection does not count against the penalty for carrying runic or master’s
marks and vice versa.

The mark of protection is identical in all respects to the appropriate spell, such as
protection from evil or protection from arrows. Up to two protections can be applied to a
single mark, though contradictory protections such as protection from good and
protection from evil cannot be applied to the same mark. (This doubling does not count
against the limit of marks of protection that can be carried.) A rune master can also create
specific marks of protection that are not listed as spells. Examples of such marks might
include protection from incorporeal entities, protection from invisible creatures,
protection from gnolls, or protection from breath weapons. These specific marks allow
the bearer to receive a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves
versus the specified source. (Note: it is impossible to create a mark that provides
protection from death, as death can occur in a multitude of forms, and it is not possible to
account for them all. It is possible to create a mark of protection from death effects,

A rune master must spend a week of intense study, purchase supplies and tools equal to
1000 gp times the bonuses granted and spend 2000 XP to create a mark of protection.
This study is equivalent to working 8 hours a day for 6 days on the mark. He must rest
after working on the mark and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or
talking. If the creator of the mark misses a day of the study, the process fails and the mark
must be started again. Money spent is lost, but spent XP are not, and the mark being
crafted can still be used.

Mark of Life: At 10th level, the rune master can create a mark that allows the bearer to
benefit from the rune master’s knowledge into life and death gained from years of study.
The mark of life works in the same manner as other marks, granting its abilities for as
long as the mark is held or worn. Only one mark of life can be worn or carried at any one

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

time. Carrying a second mark of life negates the effects of both marks until the number is
again reduced to one.

The mark of life grants the bearer fast healing 1. The mark also provides the bearer with a
+4 bonus to Fortitude saving throws and grants a 2-point increase in Constitution. The
bearer of the mark of life is also not fully affected by death spells and spell-like abilities
such as power word, kill, or supernatural abilities like the monk’s quivering palm attack.
Instead, the bearer becomes unconscious. A PC in this state must make a Fortitude saving
throw, DC equal to his/her Constitution ability score, to regain consciousness and suffers
the same penalties as if raise dead had just been successfully cast upon them. This ability
cannot be used if the bearer was turned into an undead or who died of old age.

A rune master must spend 2 weeks of intense study and purchase supplies and tools
equivalent to 5000 gp plus the fresh blood of a troll and spend 4000XP to create a mark
of life. (Fresh troll blood is considered blood taken from a troll in the past 48 hours.) This
study is equivalent to working 8 hours a day for 12 days on the mark. He must rest after
working on the mark and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or
talking. If the creator of the mark of life misses a day of the study, the process fails and
the mark must be started again. Money spent is lost, but spent XP are not, and the mark
of life being crafted can still be used, but fresh troll blood must again be acquired.

Optional Rules: Rune Master

We understand that some players and GMs may not want to add in the optional rules on
language presented earlier. The rune master can still be incorporated into your campaign
by using these optional changes.

Speak Languages: Must be able to speak 4 languages other than Common and the
characters racial language.
Feats: Investigator, Scribe Scroll and Craft Wondrous Item
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st level arcane spells.

Fluent: Because the current rules in the PHB on the Speak Language skill imply fluency
(and was the reason for the creation of our house rules on language), this special class
ability of the Rune Master should change to the following. Beginning at 3rd level, and
every two levels thereafter (5th, 7th, 9th, etc.) the rune master automatically gains one new
language of his choice. The rune master is able to learn languages beyond the limit for
known languages based on the characters Intelligence modifier. The rune master can
learn a number of additional languages equal to double his Intelligence modifier. The
rune master need not spend any skill points to learn this language.

Sample Encounter: An encounter with a rune master will display the rune master’s
repertoire of non-magical runes and abilities. Nearly all rune masters make liberal use of
their own marks, and an encounter with an experienced rune master who is set to oppose
the party may prove difficult to overcome until his secrets are learned.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

EL 11: Karrol Jura is an elderly Half- Karrol Jura is a

Elf who has spent his years skilled Rune Master.
researching the subtle nuances of the
written word. More pre-occupied with
studying books on languages, he has
been known to travel with groups to
learn about ancient or forgotten
languages. If the party is in possession
of a tome or scroll written in or about
an ancient language, Karrol will make
it his business to acquire the item for
his own research. Most encounters
with Karrol are positive, with Karrol
offering to assist the party in exchange
for any knowledge they may have or
acquire on languages unknown to him.
Should a party feel reluctant to hand
over or trade an item, Karrol may
confront the party if he feels he can
overcome them.

Karrol Jura CR 11
Male Half-Elf Wizard 6/Rune Master 5
NG Medium humanoid
Init +0 Senses Low-light Vision,
Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Spoken Common +23, Elven +23, Dwarven +11
Read/Write Language Abyssal +25F, Celestial +8, Common +25 F, Elven +25 F,
Dwarven +19, Draconic +19, Gnome +9, Goblin +13, Infernal +25 F, Undercommon +18
F = fluent

AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 bracers)

hp 46 (11 HD)
Immune sleep
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +10 (+12 vs. Enchantments)

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)

Melee +1 quarterstaff +7 (1d6+2) or
Melee +1 silvered dagger +7 (1d4+2) or
Ranged +1 silvered dagger +7 (1d4+2) or
Ranged MW dagger +7 (1d4+1)
Base Atk +5 Grp +6
Combat Gear potion cure moderate wounds, scroll invisibility
Spells Prepared (CL 6th)
3rd – explosive runes (DC 18), illusory script (DC 18), secret page
2nd – arcane lock, detect thoughts (DC 17), locate object, levitate

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

1st – alarm, comprehend languages, identify, erase

0th – mage hand, arcane mark, detect magic, mending

Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 20, Wis, 12, Cha 10
SQ Detect Marks & Runes, Create Fortune, Runic Mark
Feats Bi-Lingual, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, Get the Gist, Skill Focus
(Read/Write Language)
Skills Craft (alchemy) +13, Craft (carving) +13, Decipher Script +10, Diplomacy +2,
Gather Information +2, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (lore) +13, Listen +2,
Profession (translator) +10, Search +6, Spellcraft +13, Spot +2
Spellbook spells prepared plus 0 – all, 1st – detect secret doors, protection from evil,
unseen servant; 2nd – fox’s cunning, protection from arrows, resist energy, see invisible;
3rd – arcane sight, protection from energy, tongues
Possessions Bracers of armor +4, +1 quarterstaff, +1 silvered dagger, 3 MW daggers,
black leather boots with mark of quickness inscribed in gold on the sole (+10 ft. to base
movement), tattoo of crosshairs and the Elven words for ‘dead eye’ on right wrist (+1
mark to hit with ranged weapons), silver necklace with a turtle pendant inscribed with the
Elven word for ‘health’ (+1 to Con), green wool cloak, violet shirt with lace front, black
pantaloons, potion cure moderate wounds, scroll invisibility.
Description Karrol’s thin face ends in a sharply pointed chin and is framed by chocolate
brown hair cut shoulder length in front and very short in the back. His blue eyes are
almond-shaped and sit behind a pair of square-framed spectacles. His clothing is well
kept, though not expensive, and a silver necklace hangs down the front of his violet-
colored shirt. He is short, only an inch over five feet, and his waist is starting to show.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Updated Potion Table

Minor Medium Major Potion or Oil Market Price
01–10 — — Cure light wounds (potion) 50 gp
11–13 — — Endure elements (potion) 50 gp
14–15 — — Hide from animals (potion) 50 gp
16–17 — — Hide from undead (potion) 50 gp
18–19 — — Jump (potion) 50 gp
20–22 — — Mage armor (potion) 50 gp
23–25 — — Magic fang (potion) 50 gp
26 — — Magic stone (oil) 50 gp
27–29 — — Magic weapon (oil) 50 gp
30 — — Pass without trace (potion) 50 gp
31–32 — — Protection from (alignment) (potion) 50 gp
33–34 — — Remove fear (potion) 50 gp
35 — — Sanctuary (potion) 50 gp
36–38 — — Shield of faith +2 (potion) 50 gp
39 — — Shillelagh (oil) 50 gp
40-41 — — Mute 75 gp
41-43 01–02 — Bless weapon (oil) 100 gp
44 03–04 — Enlarge person (potion) 250 gp
45 5 — Reduce person (potion) 250 gp
46–47 6 — Aid (potion) 300 gp
48–50 7 — Barkskin +2 (potion) 300 gp
51–53 08–10 — Bear’s endurance (potion) 300 gp
54–56 11–13 01–02 Blur (potion) 300 gp
57–59 14–16 — Bull’s strength (potion) 300 gp
60–62 17–19 — Cat’s grace (potion) 300 gp
63–67 20–27 03–07 Cure moderate wounds (potion) 300 gp
68 28 — Darkness (oil) 300 gp
69–71 29–30 08–09 Darkvision (potion) 300 gp
72–74 31 — Delay poison (potion) 300 gp
75–76 32–33 — Eagle’s splendor (potion) 300 gp
77–78 34–35 — Fox’s cunning (potion) 300 gp
79–81 36–37 10–11 Invisibility (potion or oil) 300 gp
82–84 38 12 Lesser restoration (potion) 300 gp
85–86 39 — Levitate (potion or oil) 300 gp
87 40 — Misdirection (potion) 300 gp
88–89 41–42 — Owl’s wisdom (potion) 300 gp
90–91 43 — Protection from arrows 10/magic (potion) 300 gp
92–93 44 13 Remove paralysis (potion) 300 gp
94–96 45–46 — Resist energy (type) 10 (potion) 300 gp
97 47–48 14 Shield of faith +3 (potion) 300 gp
98–99 49 — Spider climb (potion) 300 gp
100 50 15 Undetectable alignment (potion) 300 gp
— 51 16 Glossolalia 375 gp
— 52 17 Parrot Tongue 375 gp
— 53 18 Barkskin +3 (potion) 600 gp
— 54 19 Shield of faith +4 (potion) 600 gp
— 55 20 Resist energy (type) 20 (potion) 700 gp
— 56–60 21–28 Cure serious wounds (potion) 750 gp
— 61 29 Daylight (oil) 750 gp
— 62–64 30–32 Displacement (potion) 750 gp
— 65 33 Flame arrow (oil) 750 gp

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

— 66–68 34–38 Fly (potion) 750 gp

— 69 39 Gaseous form (potion) 750 gp
— 70–71 — Greater magic fang +1 (potion) 750 gp
— 72–73 — Greater magic weapon +1 (oil) 750 gp
— 74–75 40–41 Haste (potion) 750 gp
— 76–78 42–44 Heroism (potion) 750 gp
— 79–80 45–46 Keen edge (oil) 750 gp
— 81 47 Magic circle against (alignment) (potion) 750 gp
— 82–83 — Magic vestment +1 (oil) 750 gp
— 84–86 48–50 Neutralize poison (potion) 750 gp
— 87–88 51–52 Nondetection (potion) 750 gp
— 89–91 53–54 Protection from energy (type) (potion) 750 gp
— 92–93 55 Rage (potion) 750 gp
— 94 56 Remove blindness/deafness (potion) 750 gp
— 95 57 Remove curse (potion) 750 gp
— 96 58 Remove disease (potion) 750 gp
— 97 59 Tongues (potion) 750 gp
— 98–99 60 Water breathing (potion) 750 gp
— 100 61 Water walk (potion) 750 gp
— — 62–63 Barkskin +4 (potion) 900 gp
— — 64 Shield of faith +5 (potion) 900 gp
— — 65 Good hope (potion) 1,050 gp
— — 66–68 Resist energy (type) 30 (potion) 1,100 gp
— — 69 Barkskin +5 (potion) 1,200 gp
— — 70–73 Greater magic fang +2 (potion) 1,200 gp
— — 74–77 Greater magic weapon +2 (oil) 1,200 gp
— — 78–81 Magic vestment +2 (oil) 1,200 gp
— — 82 Protection from arrows 15/magic (potion) 1,500 gp
— — 83–85 Greater magic fang +3 (potion) 1,800 gp
— — 86–88 Greater magic weapon +3 (oil) 1,800 gp
— — 89–91 Magic vestment +3 (oil) 1,800 gp
— — 92–93 Greater magic fang +4 (potion) 2,400 gp
— — 94–95 Greater magic weapon +4 (oil) 2,400 gp
— — 96–97 Magic vestment +4 (oil) 2,400 gp
— — 98 Greater magic fang +5 (potion) 3,000 gp
— — 99 Greater magic weapon +5 (oil) 3,000 gp
— — 100 Magic vestment +5 (oil) 3,000 gp

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Updated Wand Table

Minor Medium Major Wand Market Price

01–02 — — Detect magic 375 gp
03–04 — — Light 375 gp
05–07 — — Burning hands 750 gp
08–10 — — Charm animal 750 gp
11–13 — — Charm person 750 gp
14–16 — — Color spray 750 gp
17–19 — — Cure light wounds 750 gp
20-22 — — Detect secret doors 750 gp
23–25 — — Enlarge person 750 gp
26-27 — — Magic missile (1st) 750 gp
28-29 — — Mute 750 gp
30-31 — — Shocking grasp 750 gp
32–34 — — Summon monster I 750 gp
35–36 — — Magic missile (3rd) 2,250 gp
37 01–03 — Magic missile (5th) 3,750 gp
38–40 04–07 — Bear’s endurance 4,500 gp
41–43 08–11 — Bull’s strength 4,500 gp
44–46 12–15 — Cat’s grace 4,500 gp
47–49 16–20 — Cure moderate wounds 4,500 gp
50–51 21–22 — Darkness 4,500 gp
52–54 23–24 — Daylight 4,500 gp
55–57 25–27 — Delay poison 4,500 gp
58–60 28–31 — Eagle’s splendor 4,500 gp
61–63 32–33 — False life 4,500 gp
64–66 34–37 — Fox’s cunning 4,500 gp
67–68 38 — Ghoul touch 4,500 gp
69–71 39 — Hold person 4,500 gp
72–74 40–42 — Invisibility 4,500 gp
75–77 43–44 — Knock 4,500 gp
78–80 45 — Levitate 4,500 gp
81–83 46–47 — Acid arrow 4,500 gp
84–86 48–49 — Mirror image 4,500 gp
87–89 50–53 — Owl’s wisdom 4,500 gp
90–91 54 — Shatter 4,500 gp
92–94 55–56 — Silence 4,500 gp
95-96 57 — Summon monster II 4,500 gp
97-98 58 — Tantrum 4,500 gp
99-100 59 — Web 4,500 gp
— 60–62 01–02 Magic missile (7th) 5,250 gp
— 63–64 03–05 Magic missile (9th) 6,750 gp
— 65–67 06–07 Call lightning (5th) 11,250 gp
— 68 8 Charm person, heightened (3rd-level spell) 11,250 gp
— 69–70 09–10 Contagion 11,250 gp
— 71–74 11–13 Cure serious wounds 11,250 gp
— 75–77 14–15 Dispel magic 11,250 gp

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

— 78–81 16–17 Fireball (5th) 11,250 gp

— 82–83 18–19 Keen edge 11,250 gp
— 84–87 20–21 Lightning bolt (5th) 11,250 gp
— 88–89 22–23 Major image 11,250 gp
— 90–91 24–25 Slow 11,250 gp
— 92–94 26–27 Suggestion 11,250 gp
— 95–97 28–29 Summon monster III 11,250 gp
— 98 30–31 Fireball (6th) 13,500 gp
— 99 32–33 Lightning bolt (6th) 13,500 gp
— 100 34–35 Searing light (6th) 13,500 gp
— — 36–37 Call lightning (8th) 18,000 gp
— — 38–39 Fireball (8th) 18,000 gp
— — 40–41 Lightning bolt (8th) 18,000 gp
— — 42–45 Charm monster 21,000 gp
— — 46–50 Cure critical wounds 21,000 gp
— — 51–52 Dimensional anchor 21,000 gp
— — 53–55 Fear 21,000 gp
— — 56–59 Greater invisibility 21,000 gp
— — 60 Hold person, heightened (4th level) 21,000 gp
— — 61–65 Ice storm 21,000 gp
— — 66–68 Inflict critical wounds 21,000 gp
— — 69–72 Neutralize poison 21,000 gp
— — 73–74 Poison 21,000 gp
— — 75–77 Polymorph 21,000 gp
— — 78 Ray of enfeeblement, heightened (4th level) 21,000 gp
— — 79 Suggestion, heightened (4th level) 21,000 gp
— — 80–82 Summon monster IV 21,000 gp
— — 83–86 Wall of fire 21,000 gp
— — 87–90 Wall of ice 21,000 gp
— — 91 Dispel magic (10th) 22,500 gp
— — 92 Fireball (10th) 22,500 gp
— — 93 Lightning bolt (10th) 22,500 gp
— — 94 Chaos hammer (8th) 24,000 gp
— — 95 Holy smite (8th) 24,000 gp
— — 96 Order’s wrath (8th) 24,000 gp
— — 97 Unholy blight (8th) 24,000 gp
— — 98–99 Restoration1 26,000 gp
— — 100 Stoneskin2 33,500 gp
1 The cost to create a wand of restoration is 10,500 gp, 840 XP, plus 5,000 gp for the material components.
2 The cost to create a wand of stoneskin is 10,500 gp, 840 XP, plus 12,500 gp for the material components.

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Updated Minor Wondrous Item Table

d% + d% +
1d4 Item Market Price 1d4 Item Market Price
2-3 Feather token, anchor 50 gp 55 Chime of opening 3,000 gp
4-5 Universal solvent 50 gp 56 Horseshoes of speed 3,000 gp
6 Elixir of love 150 gp 57 Rope of climbing 3,000 gp
7 Unguent of timelessness 150 gp 58 Dust of disappearance 3,500 gp
8 Feather token, fan 200 gp 59 Lens of detection 3,500 gp
9 Dust of tracelessness 250 gp 60 Vestment, druid’s 3,750 gp
10 Elixir of hiding 250 gp 61 Figurine of wondrous power, silver raven 3,800 gp
11 Elixir of sneaking 250 gp 62 Amulet of health +2 4,000 gp
12 Elixir of swimming 250 gp 63 Bracers of armor +2 4,000 gp
13 Elixir of vision 250 gp 64 Cloak of Charisma +2 4,000 gp
14 Silversheen 250 gp 65 Cloak of resistance +2 4,000 gp
15 Feather token, bird 300 gp 66 Gauntlets of ogre power 4,000 gp
16 Feather token, tree 400 gp 67 Gloves of arrow snaring 4,000 gp
17 Feather token, swan boat 450 gp 68 Gloves of Dexterity +2 4,000 gp
18 Elixir of truth 500 gp 69 Headband of intellect +2 4,000 gp
19 Feather token, whip 500 gp 70 Ioun stone, clear spindle 4,000 gp
20 Dust of dryness 850 gp 71 Restorative ointment 4,000 gp
21 Bag of tricks, gray 900 gp 72 Marvelous pigments 4,000 gp
22 Hand of the mage 900 gp 73 Pearl of power, 2nd-level spell 4,000 gp
23 Bracers of armor +1 1,000 gp 74 Periapt of Wisdom +2 4,000 gp
24 Cloak of resistance +1 1,000 gp 75 Stone salve 4,000 gp
25 Pearl of power, 1st-level spell 1,000 gp 76 Necklace of fireballs type III 4,350 gp
26 Phylactery of faithfulness 1,000 gp 77 Circlet of persuasion 4,500 gp
27 Salve of slipperiness 1,000 gp 78 Slippers of spider climbing 4,800 gp
28 Elixir of fire breath 1,100 gp 79 Incense of meditation 4,900 gp
29 Pipes of the sewers 1,150 gp 80 Bag of holding type II 5,000 gp
30 Dust of illusion 1,200 gp 81 Bracers of archery, lesser 5,000 gp
31 Goggles of minute seeing 1,250 gp 82 Ioun stone, dusty rose prism 5,000 gp
32 Brooch of shielding 1,500 gp 83 Helm of comprehend languages and read magic 5,200 gp
33 Necklace of fireballs type I 1,650 gp 84 Vest of escape 5,200 gp
34 Dust of appearance 1,800 gp 85 Eversmoking bottle 5,400 gp
35 Hat of disguise 1,800 gp 86 Sustaining spoon 5,400 gp
36 Pipes of sounding 1,800 gp 87 Necklace of fireballs type IV 5,400 gp
37 Efficient quiver 1,800 gp 88 Prism of Translation 5,400 gp
38 Amulet of natural armor +1 2,000 gp 89 Boots of striding and springing 5,500 gp
39 Handy haversack 2,000 gp 90 Wind fan 5,500 gp
40 Horn of fog 2,000 gp 91 Amulet of mighty fists +1 6,000 gp
41 Elemental gem 2,250 gp 92 Horseshoes of a zephyr 6,000 gp
42 Robe of bones 2,400 gp 93 Pipes of haunting 6,000 gp
43 Sovereign glue 2,400 gp 94 Necklace of fireballs type V 6,150 gp
44 Bag of holding type I 2,500 gp 95 Gloves of swimming and climbing 6,250 gp
45 Boots of elvenkind 2,500 gp 96 Bag of tricks, tan 6,300 gp
46 Boots of the winterlands 2,500 gp 97 Circlet of blasting, minor 6,480 gp
47 Candle of truth 2,500 gp 98 Horn of goodness/evil 6,500 gp
48 Cloak of elvenkind 2,500 gp 99 Robe of useful items 7,000 gp
49 Eyes of the eagle 2,500 gp 100 Boat, folding 7,200 gp
50 Scarab, golembane 2,500 gp 101 Cloak of the manta ray 7,200 gp
51 Necklace of fireballs type II 2,700 gp 102 Bottle of air 7,250 gp
52 Stone of alarm 2,700 gp 103 Bag of holding type III 7,400 gp
53 Bag of tricks, rust 3,000 gp 104 Periapt of health 7,400 gp
54 Bead of force 3,000 gp

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Updated Medium Wondrous Item Table

d% + d% +
1d8 Item Market Price 1d8 Item Market Price
2-3 Boots of levitation 7,500 gp 57 Boots, winged 16,000 gp
4-5 Harp of charming 7,500 gp 58 Bracers of armor +4 16,000 gp
6 Amulet of natural armor +2 8,000 gp 59 Cloak of Charisma +4 16,000 gp
7 Golem manual, flesh 8,000 gp 60 Cloak of resistance +4 16,000 gp
8 Hand of glory 8,000 gp 61 Gloves of Dexterity +4 16,000 gp
9 Ioun stone, deep red sphere 8,000 gp 62 Headband of intellect +4 16,000 gp
10 Ioun stone, incandescent blue sphere 8,000 gp 63 Pearl of power, 4th-level spell 16,000 gp
11 Ioun stone, pale blue rhomboid 8,000 gp 64 Periapt of Wisdom +4 16,000 gp
12 Ioun stone, pink and green sphere 8,000 gp 65 Scabbard of keen edges 16,000 gp
13 Ioun stone, pink rhomboid 8,000 gp 66 Figurine of wondrous power, golden lions 16,500 gp
14 Ioun stone, scarlet and blue sphere 8,000 gp 67 Chime of interruption 16,800 gp
15 Deck of illusions 8,100 gp 68 Broom of flying 17,000 gp
16 Necklace of fireballs type VI 8,100 gp 69 Figurine of wondrous power, marble elephant 17,000 gp
17 Candle of invocation 8,400 gp 70 Amulet of natural armor +3 18,000 gp
18 Bracers of armor +3 9,000 gp 71 Ioun stone, iridescent spindle 18,000 gp
19 Cloak of resistance +3 9,000 gp 72 Bracelet of friends 19,000 gp
20 Decanter of endless water 9,000 gp 73 Carpet of flying, 5 ft. by 5 ft. 20,000 gp
21 Necklace of adaptation 9,000 gp 74 Enigma Engine 20,000 gp
22 Pearl of power, 3rd-level spell 9,000 gp 75 Horn of blasting 20,000 gp
23 Talisman of the sphere 9,000 gp 76 Ioun stone, pale lavender ellipsoid 20,000 gp
24 Figurine of wondrous power, serpentine owl 9,100 gp 77 Ioun stone, pearly white spindle 20,000 gp
25 Necklace of fireballs type VII 9,150 gp 78 Portable hole 20,000 gp
26 Strand of prayer beads, lesser 9,600 gp 79 Stone of good luck (luckstone) 20,000 gp
27 Bag of holding type IV 10,000 gp 80 Figurine of wondrous power, ivory goats 21,000 gp
28 Figurine of wondrous power, bronze griffon 10,000 gp 81 Rope of entanglement 21,000 gp
29 Figurine of wondrous power, ebony fly 10,000 gp 82 Barker's Cane 21,557 gp
30 Glove of storing 10,000 gp 83 Golem manual, stone 22,000 gp
31 Ioun stone, dark blue rhomboid 10,000 gp 84 Mask of the skull 22,000 gp
32 Parrot Choker 10,000 gp 85 Mattock of the titans 23,348 gp
33 Stone horse, courser 10,000 gp 86 Circlet of blasting, major 23,760 gp
34 Cape of the mountebank 10,080 gp 87 Amulet of mighty fists +2 24,000 gp
35 Phylactery of undead turning 11,000 gp 88 Cloak of displacement, minor 24,000 gp
36 Gauntlet of rust 11,500 gp 89 Helm of underwater action 24,000 gp
37 Boots of speed 12,000 gp 90 Bracers of archery, greater 25,000 gp
38 Enigma Lantern 12,000 gp 91 Bracers of armor +5 25,000 gp
39 Goggles of night 12,000 gp 92 Cloak of resistance +5 25,000 gp
40 Golem manual, clay 12,000 gp 93 Eyes of doom 25,000 gp
41 Medallion of thoughts 12,000 gp 94 Pearl of power, 5th-level spell 25,000 gp
42 Pipes of pain 12,000 gp 95 Maul of the titans 25,305 gp
43 Blessed book 12,500 gp 96 Strand of prayer beads 25,800 gp
44 Belt, monk’s 13,000 gp 97 Cloak of the bat 26,000 gp
45 Gem of brightness 13,000 gp 98 Iron bands of binding 26,000 gp
46 Lyre of building 13,000 gp 99 Cube of frost resistance 27,000 gp
47 Cloak of arachnida 14,000 gp 100 Helm of telepathy 27,000 gp
48 Stone horse, destrier 14,800 gp 101 Periapt of proof against poison 27,000 gp
49 Belt of dwarvenkind 14,900 gp 102 Robe of scintillating colors 27,000 gp
50 Periapt of wound closure 15,000 gp 103 Manual of bodily health +1 27,500 gp
51 Propoganda Poster 15,000 gp 104 Manual of gainful exercise +1 27,500 gp
52 Horn of the tritons 15,100 gp 105 Manual of quickness in action +1 27,500 gp
53 Pearl of the sirines 15,300 gp 106 Tome of clear thought +1 27,500 gp
54 Figurine of wondrous power, onyx dog 15,500 gp 107 Tome of leadership and influence +1 27,500 gp
55 Amulet of health +4 16,000 gp 108 Tome of understanding +1 27,500 gp
56 Belt of giant Strength +4 16,000 gp

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Updated Major Wondrous Item Table

d% + d% +
1d4 Item Market Price 1d4 Item Market Price
2-3 Dimensional shackles 28,000 gp 55 Bracers of armor +8 64,000 gp
4-5 Figurine of wondrous power, obsidian steed 28,500 gp 56 Pearl of power, 8th-level spell 64,000 gp
6 Babel Fish 30,000 gp 57 Crystal ball with telepathy 70,000 gp
7 Drums of panic 30,000 gp 58 Horn of blasting, greater 70,000 gp
8 Ioun stone, orange 30,000 gp 59 Pearl of power, two spells 70,000 gp
9 Ioun stone, pale green prism 30,000 gp 60 Helm of teleportation 73,500 gp
10 Lantern of revealing 30,000 gp 61 Gem of seeing 75,000 gp
11 Robe of blending 30,000 gp 62 Robe of the archmagi 75,000 gp
12 Amulet of natural armor +4 32,000 gp 63 Mantle of faith 76,000 gp
13 Amulet of proof against detection and location 35,000 gp 64 Crystal ball with true seeing 80,000 gp
14 Carpet of flying, 5 ft. by 10 ft. 35,000 gp 65 Pearl of power, 9th-level spell 81,000 gp
15 Golem manual, iron 35,000 gp 66 Well of many worlds 82,000 gp
16 Amulet of health +6 36,000 gp 67 Manual of bodily health +3 82,500 gp
17 Belt of giant Strength +6 36,000 gp 68 Manual of gainful exercise +3 82,500 gp
18 Bracers of armor +6 36,000 gp 69 Manual of quickness in action +3 82,500 gp
19 Cloak of Charisma +6 36,000 gp 70 Tome of clear thought +3 82,500 gp
20 Gloves of Dexterity +6 36,000 gp 71 Tome of leadership and influence +3 82,500 gp
21 Headband of intellect +6 36,000 gp 72 Tome of understanding +3 82,500 gp
22 Ioun stone, vibrant purple prism 36,000 gp 73 Apparatus of the crab 90,000 gp
23 Pearl of power, 6th-level spell 36,000 gp 74 Mantle of spell resistance 90,000 gp
24 Periapt of Wisdom +6 36,000 gp 75 Mirror of opposition 92,000 gp
25 Scarab of protection 38,000 gp 76 Strand of prayer beads, greater 95,800 gp
26 Ioun stone, lavender and green ellipsoid 40,000 gp 77 Amulet of mighty fists +4 96,000 gp
27 Ring gates 40,000 gp 78 Eyes of petrification 98,000 gp
28 Crystal ball 42,000 gp 79 Bowl of commanding water elementals 100,000 gp
29 Golem manual, greater stone 44,000 gp 80 Brazier of commanding fire elementals 100,000 gp
30 Orb of storms 48,000 gp 81 Censer of controlling air elementals 100,000 gp
31 Boots of teleportation 49,000 gp 82 Stone of controlling earth elementals 100,000 gp
32 Bracers of armor +7 49,000 gp 83 Manual of bodily health +4 110,000 gp
33 Pearl of power, 7th-level spell 49,000 gp 84 Manual of gainful exercise +4 110,000 gp
34 Amulet of natural armor +5 50,000 gp 85 Manual of quickness in action +4 110,000 gp
35 Cloak of displacement, major 50,000 gp 86 Tome of clear thought +4 110,000 gp
36 Crystal ball with see invisibility 50,000 gp 87 Tome of leadership and influence +4 110,000 gp
37 Horn of Valhalla 50,000 gp 88 Tome of understanding +4 110,000 gp
38 Crystal ball with detect thoughts 51,000 gp 89 Amulet of the planes 120,000 gp
39 Carpet of flying, 6 ft. by 9 ft. 53,000 gp 90 Robe of eyes 120,000 gp
40 Amulet of mighty fists +3 54,000 gp 91 Helm of brilliance 125,000 gp
41 Wings of flying 54,000 gp 92 Manual of bodily health +5 137,500 gp
42 Cloak of etherealness 55,000 gp 93 Manual of gainful exercise +5 137,500 gp
43 Instant fortress 55,000 gp 94 Manual of quickness in action +5 137,500 gp
44 Manual of bodily health +2 55,000 gp 95 Tome of clear thought +5 137,500 gp
45 Manual of gainful exercise +2 55,000 gp 96 Tome of leadership and influence +5 137,500 gp
46 Manual of quickness in action +2 55,000 gp 97 Tome of understanding +5 137,500 gp
47 Tome of clear thought +2 55,000 gp 98 Efreeti bottle 145,000 gp
48 Tome of leadership and influence +2 55,000 gp 99 Amulet of mighty fists +5 150,000 gp
49 Tome of understanding +2 55,000 gp 100 Chaos diamond 160,000 gp
50 Eyes of charming 56,000 gp 101 Cubic gate 164,000 gp
51 Robe of stars 58,000 gp 102 Iron flask 170,000 gp
52 Carpet of flying, 10 ft. by 10 ft. 60,000 gp 103 Mirror of mental prowess 175,000 gp
53 Darkskull 60,000 gp 104 Mirror of life trapping 200,000 gp
54 Cube of force 62,000 gp

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee

Updated Mundane Treasure Table

d% Mundane Item d% Mundane Item

01–17 Alchemical item 84–100 Tools and gear
01–12 Alchemist’s fire (1d4 flasks, 20 gp each) 01-03 Aldis Lamp (20 gp)
13–24 Acid (2d4 flasks, 10 gp each) 01–04 Backpack, empty (2 gp)
25–36 Smokesticks (1d4 sticks, 20 gp each) 05-08 Bilingual Dictionary (5 gp)
37–48 Holy water (1d4 flasks, 25 gp each) 09-12 Cipher Box (250 gp)
49–62 Antitoxin (1d4 doses, 50 gp each) 13-16 Cipher Pad (100 gp)
63–74 Everburning torch 17-20 Crowbar (2 gp)
75–88 Tanglefoot bags (1d4 bags, 50 gp each) 21-24 Dictionary (5 gp)
89–100 Thunderstones (1d4 stones, 30 gp each) 25-28 Lantern, bullseye (12 gp)
18–50 Armor (roll d%: 01–10 = Small, 29-32 Lock, simple (20 gp)
11–100 = Medium)
01–12 Chain shirt (100 gp) 33-36 Lock, average (40 gp)
13–18 Masterwork studded leather (175 gp) 37-40 Lock, good (80 gp)
19–26 Breastplate (200 gp) 41-44 Lock, superior (150 gp)
27–34 Banded mail (250 gp) 45-48 Manacles, masterwork (50 gp)
35–54 Half-plate (600 gp) 49-52 Mirror, small steel (10 gp)
55–80 Full plate (1,500 gp) 53-56 Multilingual Dictionary (10 gp)
81–90 Darkwood 57-60 Phrase Book (5 gp)
01–50 Buckler (205 gp) 61-64 Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp)
51–100 Shield (257 gp) 65-67 Semaphore Flags (10 gp)
91–100 Masterwork shield 68-70 Spyglass (1,000 gp)
01–17 Buckler (165 gp) 71-73 Thesaurus (5 gp)
18–40 Light wooden shield (153 gp) 74-76 Artisan’s tools, masterwork (55 gp)
41–60 Light steel shield (159 gp) 77-79 Climber’s kit (80 gp)
61–83 Heavy wooden shield (157 gp) 80-82 Disguise kit (50 gp)
84–100 Heavy steel shield (170 gp) 83-85 Healer’s kit (50 gp)
51–83 Weapons 86-88 Holy symbol, silver (25 gp)
01–50 Masterwork common melee weapon 89-91 Hourglass (25 gp)
51–70 Masterwork uncommon weapon 92-94 Magnifying glass (100 gp)
71–100 Masterwork common ranged weapon 95-97 Musical instrument, masterwork (100 gp)
98-100 Thieves’ tools, masterwork (50 gp)

Ars Lingua Habiger/Kissee


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copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of
this agreement.

2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under
and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.

3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-
exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright
holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in
another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with
any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a
challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest
in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
permission from the Contributor to do so.

12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it

Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas
Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Ados: Land of Strife, Copyright 2003, Tangent Games, All Rights Reserved.

Ars Lingua, Copyright 2006, Tangent Games, Geoff Habiger and Coy Kissee, All Rights Reserved.


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