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Ayesha Saeed
BS Economics
2ND Semester
Civcs and Community engagement
Presentation on: 21-may-2024
 Community & Community
 Types of community
“A community is the set of people living together with
common interest.”
We all live in a community. There are different things that
behind us together. Let us try to identify them:
 Occupation
 Language
 Religion
 Culture
Community participation:
Social and community participation refers to the active
involvement of individuals within their communities and
broader society. It encompasses various forms of
engagement, such as volunteering, attending community
events, joining clubs or organisations, and interacting with
neighbors and fellow citizens.
Importance of community participation:
When people actively participate in their communites, they
not only contribute in batterment of society but also benefit
personally thurough increased social support, improve
mental well-being and a deeper understanding of the
challenges and oppertunities within their community.
Main types of communities:
Three main types of communities are:
1. Rular
2. Sururban
3. Urban
Rular community:
A rural area is an open swath of land that has few homes or
other buildings, and not very many people. A rural areas
population density is very low. Many people live in a city, or
urban area. Their homes and businesses are located very
close to one another.
In general, a rural area or a countryside is a geographic area
that is located outside towns and cities. Typical rural areas
have a low population density and small settlements.
Agricultural areas and areas with forestry are typically
described as rural, as well as other areas lacking substantial

Sururban community:
Suburban areas are lower density areas that separate
residential and commercial areas from one another. They are
either part of a city or urban area, or exist as a separate
residential community within commuting distance of a city.
As cars became the dominant way for people to get to work,
suburbs grew.

Urban community:
An urban community is an area that is highly and densely
populated and has an availability of basic amenities, lots of
resources, and high employment opportunities. These areas
are primarily associated with cities and towns where the two
main conditions that characterize the area are the physical
and social conditions.

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