Bnshbrloryonh Sih" Ilorock: Ninub

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I hourand 16 ninub
6ber ba. Fsajrof17.l8c6,

(c) SilL

It is a Dodih.alion of Dlain weare :

(A) Bnshbrloryonh (B) sih"
(c) Ilorock (D) sarin
3. 10 A€r ya.n i! apprexibrtely €quinleni to thc Count it English svsied ol nunb.ring

(B) lss
(c) 69r (D) 696

l. It i. an @npl€ of Egsreated Eb.r :

(A) rIlslayo!

,. gydtoson peoxido bl..clirg or@tton..n b. 6l:

dote with atr optimun dndiiion
(A) pll ?, hoil (B) ps 7, ND t.mpdltuE
(c) PtI10, boil (D) pE 5,
6, Ii is d auili&y nottoD 6und in pd€r loom. :
(A) ld* Ed @iid
(C) ?rlE l T.r.'up Dotio!
7. Ldd hoN u.uUy uldu€ :
(A) BottoE clo.ed lhed
(C) Seni open shed (D) ceniE cl$od lh€d

8. Weft My p.ttm e! tB pNdued in fahnc bY :

(A) Dobty.h.dding (B) Muldpls box 6of6!
(c) w.ftbir @600 (D) TapDctsh.diling

L Iftle {oisbr of a 1e6 of 6tt nyar!i32s!am3,itsEnslbhcdunlis:
@) ea'
(c) l23s @) sz"
10. slort 6be! remdal i. th€ hain oljeci of I

11. Tedion ryD. d:

i*iri tsbr is workiDg
(A) T*ist@d.rcriorpnffiple (B) Straightened6berprinciple
(C) rrntwist m€*od (D) Twici to break nethod

1r. 2.5 X .ps length ir obtsin.d frob :

(A) B.qsid (B) Uster *aprins app,6tu
(C) Drpt€l FiblosEpt
18. S€pdiion of @tto! ffbs! Aob eeil vittout injurr ro both is achiereil by :

(A) Giminspt@s
(C) BlorlepEs.

(A) Ultinc pl.D

(O fterdirgDhn
15. M.enhy Cin i3 suitabL 6! puesilg :

(A) Mediun stapled cotton (B) hns ltspled cotion

(C) Short stlDlsd 6tt D

1e. t.o fabric @e€ u&r I

(A) Tapp€t 6!eddi!s

(C) Dobby slGddins

lt. w.r! cut pile 6bric! rF h.M s :

(D) Satin
cEpe fabd6 dn b€ pedued !Y :

(A) H@i€rYY!.ng (B)

(C) Bala.€d tNtt Yarn (D)

19, Pressurg harne.s b uded in:

(A) Plsin Tappet sheditins (B) ftrll iappel sbeddins

(O J&quad sn€ddins

20. Ac4lic 6b.r it m qtnple of:

(D) FuIy synth€tic 6j.!

2I. Fc"d corrroltrrFnsdmenL €Dploved Btlc blctl€'

(A) S{i.c door nechanisn
(O Piano f@d resulalhe Dotiotr

It is . db€r etbmid le4th 6on i line

(A) Efi€ciis lengtb

23. Lak.hni Raitar nschile Moder RSB 35r it r I

(A FIY Aah€

24. gening bone fabic .tructue B . :

(A) W.lp faced ttill

(C) Wen f,ed tsilr (D) BmLer ard d.@ twill

26. Dour Ileald! @ .nplor€d ir tbe nsuflctuE of :

{A) S€e!.uket a!!n. G) Gs@ rablic

(c) Pique fdbic (D) c*P€ falric

26, Direci colou dye'l fabdcs cd 66 topped to inprc@ tbe bdchtness bv

(A) Ba6icdYe. (D rfiil dY€3

(C) R€a.tiE dves (D) sulphw ilYd

! 0t1/20t6
27. lt i. e eeopb of Dtualflabstri fiber :

24. Exhauting rg€nt m6d for diet dy€iry is I

(lD Sod,lo hydrcnd€ (B) Sodiu btcarboEt!

(C) Sodiuo clbnd€
29. An rqbdltic looE with 3m lpD peduilg 150 cD rnb labdc wiib 30 picL!'/@ v@li.g
ritl 90 ,as6ci.lcy. Tb3 &rual pidlcrid of tL. l@m 0.. hru i. .
(A) 6.4 neieB
(c) e.0 m.i€ft
30, Tbe tlubpot u4d i. @rding is uFd to nrt€ :

("{) Flat wadt€

(C) R.U€! wstB (D) slirer
Sr. Airjci hdo. clinin.tes th. e of

(C) Sluttlo (I,) s€'rd!

s2. Drtn .uir.bL br r w€aft rnich i. .trd.tdrl rbour iLe edrer i! :

a& ailt 6b6 .yt{.tion i6 iomeil $ :

(O Tiau culte
(A) CoDirel tle iidth ottle frhli. (B) IEDM iho .tt6stb ofth. i.bti.
(O Coltrel th€ lersrh ofl'be fitdc (D) l6pft the oi tib. hDri.
36. si.(Lrl Fsah of 8020 Polyest6r @tto! bl€trd ir .
(A) 8.48% (B) 2.92%
(c) r.9r* (D) 10.,1%

36. Anii shrin! fnish c@ be spttietl on fabnc bv :

3t. The t€rn Te.acity id !6od to derribe the

(A) Maiwity
(c) Finele$

33. Alt ration of setting botw@n llat $d cvtinde!

(A) Ba.! con6ntic benil6 (B) Fbnt conccltlic bendg
(C) Fbnbb b.tds
39. Thi. i. a Dodfidrion oft*ill veve :

(A) Brichton hon.Y.obb (B)

(c) Bedford cDd (D)

,r0- Apbn domns id a rEd€n dd€lopnent rt :

(A) El@ mm G) rrt fttm6

(C) Ciditg (D) Crdi!8

4r. Th. p!@ss €1v€r to a @tton fabic to i6pl@ stEnath .nd lu.ter :
(A) Textuizatio! (B) Mar.lirstiot
(O Bl€achnlg (D) IGer boiling

4r. S€licin is ouet dwith:

(A) Si* 6bre (B)

(O Li!€n libBr (D)

!(|. ADDuiDate 6pind€ .p.ed adopted in a

(A) 22000 lPo G)
(O 60om ryD (D)

14, It i. not atr awiua4' noiioo of s loon :

(A) Fast 4.d hoiion (B) ? wlt*I t!k.-tp moiion

(C) Centrc w€fl lorl notior (D) Dotion
45. The prdca. eiven to neut.aliz th6 sub6tiai€ afte. 3h,li.e trcatm€nt ts tened ,s :

46. Card sliver @Eisb of Eorc luber df :

(4) straielt 6be. (B)

. (C) Tn insnel.d 6bE. (D)

,t?. the uin object of Draw frah€ pr@es ir

(A) Opening and cledning (B) Thi..i!gd.wn oitle nat al
(C) shaishtenins of lhs 6br€s (D) Individuetizaiior of tlE 6bro6

t3. BDnd€ 6bp stEncth q! be Ee.Md by :

(A) D.!pe Detlt
(c) Monom€t r
Tni. pess L gtEn ro @$.n to Fnwe nanral @lorira natt3! :

(O A.s.r€Eted 6bre (D)

51. Fst 610!€ M he plodueil or 6tton 6rdc hy

(A) R.activ€ dJla (B)
(c) vat dr€g (D)

6l Cqnuroy tdnc E r:
(A) S!ti! flbnc
(C) W,ip pn€ Lbdc

69. TMv6t6r i! uetl id thi. .pinning prmos

(A) Ritrg spinnin, (B) op6tr.!d.piEiDE
(c) An jci .piding
(c) wcft ree

66- Eeart ol teating is :

56. Oriler olSiand'd r.cain ofcoiion' w@r and $ilt is:

(it collon>Silk>W@l G) WooL>Si&>C'tt'n
(C) Cotton > W@l> SitI (D) W@l>Cottor>Sik

5?, R€sultant count ol a eiion plted varn conpo€d of 40s and 60! is :
(A) loos (B) 203

(a zn. (D) 50"

68. Ptuductiot of a singlc d€1ivery Draw frane with 5Oo MIM deli*nns 'l gt'ln€t'r sliver i3 :

A) mlklsour G) 12lk4lotr'
(C) 120 Kg/I]o!. (D) m0 l{dEour

6t. Rubling away ot thc @npoDeni f,brcs snd v'ru of the labric tu termed a3 :

(A) Cresirg (D Abrsion

@) Pilling

60. Tsilf dultiplie. fo. a hosierv vdtr snitrbl€ for iMerwelr

(B) 1
(D) 6

61. FLr 6bE onbint :

(A) K€.atin

62. lJrshe.t ploduct'on rsb dn be rchiewd bv:

63, If th€ *€isht of r 1(a of yam E 20 kilonetersi

A4id dyc. hsve diar, .Snity t4tr.b :


(q rrcl€b 6brc6 (D)

56, R!@nEcnd a s table d'€ ft'r potr€sler tutli€:

(A) Sulphur dyss

63. ?enddun lsver pdncipl€ vitn CRT pnncipt is adopted itr :

(A) sielonet€! (B) B!!i6tic sttryrh Teet6r

(c) PEsley T€.t€r (D) La strength T6te!

67. Duilg Daruity t!.i ol5m coiion 6b8., 300 found to be a.tqe ed 50 i. ibn a-
n*uiry c6.iert j. :
(B) 0.80
(c) 0,73 (D) 0.75

63. In dupLx pintils, dodsls are podud on :

(A) Boitor 6id. ofih€ fabdc (B) Top .irl6 ol ihe tabric
(C) ne@ o& oftle hbric (D) Botb .ide. of tL fd.ic
60. tt i! th€ edrliest azoic dye plodr@d by ouplins diaati*d pqreitFEnibile *ith

(A) T!*eynad
(c) Pala R€d

?0. wudi'| .nd bindins oili m lomed b Riry fr.Ee ds to &r EmEetrr of
(B) Iungnil

02ut0l6 10
?1, In Us@r$ re.@., Y.a fauli of leDsth 1 nm and crcs slion 2m% ts t.:

(D) Objechonable fault

?2, Tne sirencth ol a fabic agsinsr a EU)ti iti|eliolll flN ot pre*uro i3 terucd ad :
(A) strdngth
Bur6linc G) fdnsile ttrength
(C) T€arins sbnglrr (D) Brealinsst€4th

?3, P.do66 given to a yar! ro Pmove prci.uding

71, Indigoid aat dyes oDt€rn :

(A) Althraqlilotr€ (B) Aninoanih.lquinone

?6. A.turl dan in card it th€ ntio btwetr :

(A) Surfae 3pe€d ol Delivolv tuller to feeil reU€'

(B) E. derilored b rl,nl 6d
() Surl@ 6p€6d of feed roler io Ds]iart mler
(D) Hsnk redt Hs.l< d€liveFd

?6. Ritrg iatu top a@ rclle. DesuE c.n t Deasftd bv:

(A) Shirley Predsure gaac. (B) ATIBA Nlln net€r
(C) ATIMAAnP ellge (D) Drar€ De!€'

77- to dissolve 6ulphlr {ves :

sodlM cl ond€ and Sodiun sulphid€
(B) Sodiu ..rboDat€ td SodiuD Cblo.ide
(c) Soda ash and Sodrus aulphide
(D) S.dird Lydtuii.Ie od Sodim c.rhomt€

?8. It i6 lot e neasure of€! ;

(C) Me.n d€ei!&tn

u o2tnot6
?9. Consid€r ihe followins cleDent€ in GIop I rnd Grcup ll and ch@ rh€ @rE{ alt'Eltive
&om aDong.t A, B, C and D :
orcup I GrcuP Il
1 SIo$ sp€e4 action
2. Sloweglsp€ed,nepr.moval
3. Highest r"E, @ar* 'E3
S. Flat .1. Slow*t speed, atripping aciion
5. llisL6l sud@ 6ped, 6ne tirc.
(A) P-5, Q-3,R l. S..r (B) P-3, Q-5, R-r, S.4

(c) P.3,Q-5, R.1, S.2 (D) P,5, Q 3, R.r, S-2

80. Duins nfilnty cating ol 6tton by cswlic eda s*€Uins Eetho4 natwd 6beE can b€

(A) Rod liLe appea@e (B) cu:led appe'fu

(C) lviet€d aprrearance (D) Colvolutld aDp€d$@

81. The Ndjond f@d Se.uiw Ac! wa. pced bv th€ Pdli@ent in :

(A) 2012 G) 2or3

(c) 20r,r (D) zorr

8!. AaihEalodlallioru AdiuLM ia ihe autobiosraphv of I

(A) susrth*ufti (B) IalitnMbit. antbtrj.tu

(C) L,ela O) M Iar,tathy
88, l1re Filst PEsident ol I' l(3la S.hitvr sansu :

(A) vyloppilisreei0tdaM€ror (B) M K s"nu

(C) U-4. Khadei (D) M N- vijryd

64. Wluch B the 29r Iniliatr Siate?

{B) C@

ozlno'6 ll
86. The 6poris person who got the Bhdat Rstd6 in 2014 I

(A) Tendutkar
Sd.hin (B) SaniaMirza
(C) I?dd.rPas (l)) viEt Kohri

86. Who founiled (enla l(lra Mtndal.n?

(A) I<unsmAsaD O) UI6r S Parcme*a'a Iver
{c) Kunclan Nlnbid O) vaUathol Nevam Menon
8?. 1{lo was the Clainan ol th€ Union PoNd. Committ€€" ol tlt lnilian Cin6tituoni

(A) N€Iru
Jawdlarl,l (D Ir'jendra Pmsrd
(c) K.M Munsli (D) Pattadbi sitdabalTe

88. IID El€crio. comnission id il! siatutorv bodv st up unde. &tide

Cotutiiutton of India-
(A) Anicle 324
(c) Anicb rzc

89. Chltilnbi StaDilot sas hom :

(A) P,nnana (I{oudn) (B) I(ollu (Tdnnit'un)

(c) Aluva (Emskuran)

90, The Ouruwyu SaiyaCrah took Place m :

(B) 1933-34

(c) 1923.29 (D) 1931.32

91, lvho {mi€ the b6! 'Braltnamda S*6ni Sivt}tgi'?

(A) Ndr
A.K O) Pv Copalaln8lmn
(O Pcqtndrhlai O) Pav@M
9!, Who ir lnNn .s tbe Fathe. ol Libffv MoEeDr in IG{h?
(A) PulhuvrvilNmyam Panic]er (B) M N- vti'vd
(O Thnunal@r&,auralar.d (D) UMillislll]0plthu

1S 021/2016
03. vala SeDuddya Plri3nlarari Sabha wa. oryanised under rhe t*de.ship of I

(A) &6avar
C. (B) None ofrh€&
(C) Dr Palpu (D) Paid Kp. Ku.urpan
9'L Who tudt pFpacar.d tle glogln "Iniha Ul.tarhil€ orce oru jarLy ihaq otu oru Mdur
thrn, ore oru lada$n fiu?
( ) Tlul( Pe MurlaDrsd (B) Ayyhtali
(q Throuil Alya Swuitd (D) SwalaD platea yogi,i

96. Dr. Cu €ri plblidEd hb M.l.y.lan - E st.h Nigh.ldu (c!nil€.! Dicrion.ty) id :

(A) 1800 (B) t112
(c) 1360 (D) 13?2

90. The founding editor of lhe jousl Viv.kodayaE :

(A) E.V. I<rishna p ai (B) U.ri l{ujilue

(c) c.v. see R.Dan (D) Kmdsn A..!
0?. Erac!e.te.. of- bld mt rhe bEou Vailah TeDple.
(A) PuMda I4r. (B) Ashtamudi ble
(6) Vmbamd Lle C,) Attldu r,&
98. lyho th€ b@! "Nrd!. PEDrn"?
(A) A AryalDan (B) Kovild
G) NNraLld (D) pottalkari
90, nD Joumrusr who wbre uliler rlE pod nan6 il.ram :
(a) AbuAbEhro (a) N. pEbha vdna
(C) V. K Meillavontrutty (D) Ssadcebhinoi R.D&i!bu piU.i
llxl. I...ddtdb n ldbd n! f,Lid dilrlid ot Tluil N.du?
(A) M.dui (B) x.rd.@ad
(c) Thiudrli @) s.rao

0gr./2010 t4

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